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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18330944 No.18330944 [Reply] [Original]


Suspected this for years. Factory produced food consoomers will deny these findings

>> No.18330955

Ass is a part of me

>> No.18330966

Is another one of those studies where they give mice the equivalent of a 100 diet cokes a day worth of sweetener and act like it was the chemical that killed them and not the malpractice?

>> No.18330974

>In the study, of 103,000 French adults, artificial sweeteners were associated with increased risk of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and coronary heart diseases.

>> No.18330976

Okay I read the article, didn't link the study and didn't even mention who was doing the study. Just anonymous "researchers" and "a large-scale prospective cohort" AKA BIG SUGAR. What slimy reporting. Disregard.

>> No.18330984


>> No.18330996

>The research, led by experts from the Sorbonne Paris Nord University

Why do you lie?

>> No.18331004

How about not drinking sweet shit of any kind? It's pretty obvious that stuff, whatever it may be sweetened with, is no bueno for your health?

>> No.18331006

Fat people eat more artificial sweeteners so yeah there’s going to be an association. This is a useless observational study that says nothing new.

>> No.18331012

People have eaten honey and maple syrup for a long time and it seems okay. Sugar itself might not entirely be the culprit, but the overall huge amount of highly processed food being consumed now and sugar just being part of that.

>> No.18331028
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LOL, bullshit motherfucker.

Why do people pretend like these artificial sweeteners aren't complete poison? We already know that even a small amount of sucralose, for instance completely lays waste to your gut microbiome. We also know that gut health and overall cardiovascular health are basically directly related.

None of this shit should come as a surprise.

>> No.18331033

>lays waste to your gut microbiome
this alone should've been a good enough reason to avoid this garbage years ago
Its much better for you psychologically to wean yourself off the sweetness addiction anyway

>> No.18331041

>have cake made with sucralose
>tastes fine
>soon after have a weird feeling fart
>brown stain in underwear
>look at package
>warns that you can get gas and diarrhea from it
It was weird, like it just added a brown mist to my fart for some reason. I guess if you're diabetic or can't control your sugar intake it's still a better alternative but I wouldn't touch artificial sweeteners after that. Can't be good for you.

>> No.18331070

New results from the same, famous, large scale study that already established artificial sweeteners cause cancer: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003950..

I'd say get rekt, but that'd be bad taste. Fuck it. Get rekt.

>> No.18331078

>The study was observational, so cannot establish cause, nor rule out the possibility that other unknown factors may have affected the results.
>Further studies were needed, they said.
A study without selection bias and lack of control would be good.

>> No.18331083

>1 study says this
>10 studies says this:

>> No.18331147

>coerce 70% of the world into getting the jab
>sudden endless flood of studies proving that [common ingredient] causes heart problems
It really makes you think.

>> No.18331152

Thanks for the link, this source stuff literally didn't show up for me when I read that article.

>> No.18331158

Wow they have flow charts, compelling stuff from Big Shug

>> No.18331473

Funny how literally everything causes heart attacks these days. Every day a new article comes out. Not sus at all...

>> No.18331476


>> No.18331477

You weren't supposed to point that out

>> No.18331481

So are they saying sugar is healthier and has a lower risk of heart disease than artificial sweetener?

>> No.18331485

They're saying they've come up with certain results based on their testing and more testing is required before a conclusion is to be drawn.

>> No.18331487

But that's not what the headline says

>> No.18331488

>the goyslop sweetener of choice kills you

insane coincidence

>> No.18331492

>Page not found
This, nutrition science is mostly a hack field. You can find hundreds of ""studies"" which claims to be THE truth while finding another hundreds of studies claiming the complete opposite. Also replication crisis in nutrition is far worse than any other field.

>> No.18331493

Is it so hard to believe that BOTH sugar AND chemical replacements for it are harmful?

>> No.18331494

>takes a single study as fact despite the researchers saying more studies needed
>disregards all the other studies that doesn't conform to his worldview
If I were this gullible and this paranoid at the same time i'd probably lose touch with reality too.

>> No.18331501

The only thing that this thread proves is that flu denier Facebook groups with a bunch of grandpas are still more scientifically literate than /ck/, amazing.

>> No.18331507

>lacking reading comprehention
Neck yourself retard.

>> No.18331512
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These "X will give you a heart attack" articles has been coming out every day for the past 2 years.

>> No.18331541

>These "X will give you a heart attack" articles has been coming out every day for the past 20 years.

>> No.18331589

>observational studies

What sort of people tend to prefer artificial sweeteners? Could it be, maybe, overweight and obese people who are prone to heart disease as a result of their weight?

>> No.18331624

I literally just bought a 1000 pack of Splenda, you’re telling me I should throw it away?

>> No.18331699

Add it to the fuckin list my nigga. Car exhaust, covid vaccines, charred food, white bread, corn syrup, pesticides, and cell tower radiation. It's all destroying your heart. Seems silly to eliminate one but not all.

>> No.18331700

I heard a lot of people are dying of heart issues recently, very concerning! I'm sure this is part of that issue!

>> No.18331722

thank fucking god, I will die in the embrace of diet pepsi like a real american

>> No.18331727
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oh no, anyways

>> No.18331866
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>experts find that eggs are very good for you!
>two years later, studies suggest maybe eggs are bad for you!
>two years later, new studies suggest eggs might actually be quite healthy!
>repeat literally forever

>> No.18331901

>sweetness addiction
Literally does not exist.

>> No.18332032

Stop spreading lies you complete piece of trash.

>> No.18332034

>Sugar is empty calories the average person consumes too much of
>Artificial sweeteners just fucking weird me out
Simple as.

>> No.18332039

NTA but you'd agree that sugar IS addictive, yes?

>> No.18332046

stopped reading here

>> No.18332189

Yeah, but there aren't corporate conspiracies behind substitute sweeteners.

>> No.18332199

>there aren't corporate conspiracies behind substitute sweeteners
Oh-hoho, you think that's so? Think again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8JqoCgSJmU

>> No.18333032

not an RCT so not meaningful given the weak level of assocation

>> No.18333039

>cause cancer:
what is actually says:
>associated with

>> No.18333058

Dietary research is fucking awful, there's no consensus on anything

>> No.18333060

artificial sweeteners taste like shit
I just drink water
simple as

>> No.18333121

even worse is that my studies show that it tastes like shit

>> No.18333261


>> No.18333355

>The study was observational, so cannot establish cause, nor rule out the possibility that other unknown factors may have affected the results. Nevertheless, the researchers said, it was a large study that assessed artificial sweetener intake using precise, high-quality dietary data, and the findings were in line with other studies linking artificial sweeteners with markers of poor health. Further studies were needed, they said.
Im assuming they were aware of this but i'd like to see the original study, unfortunately there's literally zero sources cited on that article

>> No.18333431
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The artificial sweeteners in question

>> No.18333535
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I'll be honest, I don't won't to live very long so I'll probably start drinking soda again since it will slowly kill me

>> No.18333561

You will spend the rest of life trying to justify every death as somehow vaccine related, just because you hate being wrong.

>> No.18333565

how about both

>> No.18333566

Dont care, never vaxxed, never got it, never getting it.

>> No.18333573

There weren't any deaths bud you've been in a coma for 3 years.

>> No.18333577

Cool. Nobody cares. Stop bringing it up. It has been 2 years. Move on.

>> No.18333578

It's already widely known that artificial sweeteners might not spike your blood sugar; they will heavily affect your insulin resistance.

>> No.18333579

Brought to you by Big Sugar®

>> No.18333607

NO CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. You can stop spreading misinfo now.

>> No.18333625

By artificial sweeteners do they just mean aspartame and not sugar alcohols?

>> No.18333632

the way I see it is that it's not good to always be craving sweet shit which zero cal sweeteners of whatever kind circumvent. Whether they spike your insulin or fuck your insulin resistance or gives you cancer is unimportant compared to them fucking up your relationship to food. That being said gylcine in the king of sweeteners and actually has health benefits and I don't get why it isn't shilled more.

>> No.18333634

>cohort study
wow guess i'm gonna go drink corn syrup instead!

>> No.18333694

Xylitol chads stay winning

>> No.18333706

I want every gullible pseudoscientific schizophrenic to have a heart attack and fucking die so fucking badly. Think of how much progress we could have made as a species if these literal retards weren't muddying the truth and hiding the facts.
I hope you get ass cancer OP.

>> No.18333724

>The study was observational, so cannot establish cause
Close thread

>> No.18333754

Sounds like somebody doesn't do his own youtube research. Typical sheep

>> No.18333761

Figures it was an observational study
>fat people more likely to drink diet coke
>fat people more likely to get diseases and heart attacks
same shit every time

>> No.18333768

Sugar will kill you. Fake sugar will kill you.
>just eat bugs!

>> No.18333797

Or you could eat anything else. I know that's hard for you to fathom.

>> No.18334147

Look up "confirmation bias" and "selection bias" and then never post again

>> No.18334150

Agreed. It's fucking frustrating that it takes 1 second to tell a lie, but 5 minutes to disprove a lie. I just want to beat the fuck out of liars instead.

>> No.18334193

Dubs and fpbp
Fuck you OP
Suck my ass per a time

>> No.18334334

Read Next: Covid Vaxine Linked to Covid

Guardian is such shit rag.

>> No.18334685

You know what increases risk of heart disease much more? Animal products. So shut the fuck up fatty. Eat your nuggies with coke zero and die.

>> No.18334782


>> No.18334788

>he thinks dietary cholesterol affects the body cholesterol
Literally debunked 90s "science" lmao

>> No.18334890
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>People who drink diet soda with their mcgoyslop have increased risk of heart disease!
>Oy Vey! It must be the diet soda and not the Goyslop!

>> No.18334892

>Always conveniently ignoring the fast food and sugar in everything that is causing the excess cholesterol
How are people so stupid as to not notice?

>> No.18334894

post study or shut the fuck up fatty

>> No.18334900

Diet soda is goyslop retard

>> No.18334905

>Caffine in a good tasting beverage is goyslop because.........
The real goyslop certified list is
>Fast food
>Sneed Oil
Almost all other food, when eaten in moderation, are fine for you.

>> No.18334975

>In the study, of 103,000 French adults, artificial sweeteners were associated with increased risk of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and coronary heart diseases. “The results suggest that artificial sweeteners might represent a modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease prevention,” they wrote.
>Participants had an average age of 42, and four in five were women. Sweetener intake was tracked using diet records.
>The participants noted everything they ate, including which brand, for 24 hours, with their diet diary repeated three times at six-month intervals – twice on weekdays and once on a weekend day. Some 37% of them consumed artificial sweeteners.
>During an average follow-up period of about a decade, 1,502 cardiovascular events were recorded, including heart attacks, stokes, mini strokes and angina.

>> No.18334986

Aspartame tastes like shit anyways. Muh 0 calories doesn't matter if you have disgusting aftertaste for multiple hours after that

>> No.18335063

I'm not clicking that nigga

>Artificial sweetener BAD actually, study says
Literally who cares? They taste like shit anyway, anyone who's willing to put up with that because they're so fucking addicted to sugar that they'd rather eat sweet tasting garbage than just reduce the amount of sweet things they consume overall is going to end up with diabetes and heart disease anyway so why does it matter?

>Fat retards die due to being fat and retarded

>> No.18335148

Can't be worse than sugar
by sugar it's guaranteed that your body will be fucked up

>> No.18335585

Refined sugar is probably just as bad as artificial sweeteners. Its all factory made poison.

If it's naturally occurring I wouldn't even think about it as long you aren't drinking honey

>> No.18335635

this is aspartame that you're never gonna ever take away from me~

>> No.18335754

Don't drink anything that isn't zero cal sorry rather have cancer than be fat

>> No.18335869

Tell that to the media, vaxxie

>> No.18336026

I'm not sure if you know this, but sugar is also liked to an increased risk of heart disease.

>> No.18336036

I don't watch the media, maybe you shouldn't either

>> No.18336192

What's the most cost effective water flavorer without artificial sweeteners to buy in bulk?

>> No.18336195
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No one is saying sweet stuff isn’t bad, but it should be taking in moderation. Unfortunately a lot of common beverages are filled with a shitload of sugar.

Imagine Coke being filled with honey or maple syrup the same amount of sugar it already has

>> No.18336197


>> No.18336199

>What is moderation

>> No.18336207

I can never understand people who need to add flavor to their water in order to drink it

That’s like needing to add flavor to air in order to breathe

>> No.18336209

>fat person drinks diet coke
>fat person gets heart attack
>must be diet coke!!
the article said it doesn't cause it. why is /ck/ ALWAYS wrong?

>> No.18336369

the average /ck/itizen has the nutritional education of a 10 year old, most of the dietary advice/information that gets posted here is utter nonsense

>> No.18336439

If this is the same big study that i read a few weeks ago they also found an increase of coronary heart diseases by people who consumed more sugar than recommended with no major difference to the sweetener group. Look it up in the conclusion.

>> No.18336548

>Studies confirm bugs only food to NOT increase heart problems

>> No.18336637

When you read "artificial sweeteners cause X", i.e. not looking at a specific chemical, you already know it's probably bullshit. Artificial sweeteners are a very large and heterogeneous class of substances. Some of them are proteins, some sugar alcohols, some fibers, some salts and some are more exotic chemicals. The only thing they have in common is that by an accident of nature, they all happen to trigger the same receptor on your tongue that's also triggered by sugar.

In other words it's a somewhat arbitrary grouping of substances only defined by this one property. If artificial sweeteners in general cause X, I would imagine it must be caused by the only thing they have in common which is the triggering of the sweetness receptor. But this is a property they, by very definition, share with sugar. So surely sugar also causes X due to it triggering that same receptor.

>> No.18336871


>> No.18336980

Many of the artificial sweeteners are also much sweeter so you can use much less. What is likely more harmful 150 pounds of sugar per year or 2 pounds of stevia? How I think about it anyway despite the fact I rarely ever use thethese sweeteners

>> No.18337409

>The study was observational, so cannot establish cause, nor rule out the possibility that other unknown factors may have affected the results
Kill all journalists.

>> No.18337414

>380 pound Sally McFatFuck breathes in and out, then proceeds to have a heart attack, breathing linked to heart attacks.

>> No.18337908

oxygen addict cope

>> No.18337914

The issue with soda is mostly the serving size I think. Originally it came in 6 oz containers, then it got bigger over time to the point where people think 20 oz bottles are single servings now.

>> No.18338295

I was already trying to avoid them as much as possible.
New study here:


>> No.18338319

>that Red Bull chemical effluent has less sugar than a can of Dole orange soda

>> No.18338407

There’s a difference between naturally occurring sugars, in that case fructose, and added sugar.

>> No.18338416

>Science is so corrupt, always falsifying data to fuck over the poor, poor industrial food complex

this is your brain on a neurotoxic chemical that also happens to be sweet tasting.

>> No.18339436

Is this true?
I've heard that aspartame was safe and effective.
Are the doctors lying to me about it?

>> No.18339465

not really, the only difference is the ratios of sucrose/fructose/glucose

>> No.18339476

The fact that I get a raging headache whenever I drink anything with aspartame is reason enough for me

>> No.18339481

This, just breathing is linked to cancer, diabetes and lead poisoning nowadays.

>> No.18339487

The average consumer of artificial sweeteners is a retard who thinks they can get away with eating a triple bacon cheeseburger as long as they get a diet coke instead of regular.

>> No.18339494

To be fair, if someone who reaches for a sweetened drink every time they get thirsty were to get a diet drink instead they would be cutting like 600 calories daily

>> No.18339511

>To be fair,
No. Just stop right there. Don't give niggercattle the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.18339544


>> No.18339655

>rumsfeld behind it all
can't say i'm surprised

>> No.18340345

We already knew this, but they want to rush up another study claiming something else causes heart attacks so they can muddy the waters on their mandated gene therapy.

>> No.18340419

whats wrong with you? either use white sugar or fuck off

>> No.18340426

It's been two more weeks for almost three years now. Why is the curve not flattened among vaccinated populations?

>> No.18340676

>Still blaming cholesterol for anything at all
Fucking retard, go google what a lipoprotein is, what it does, and what happens when processed food damages them. Blaming cholesterol for heart attacks is like blaming paramedics for car crashes. If paramedics don't cause car crashes, why are they always there? Same logic.

>> No.18341036

True. But that fructose in the Dole juice comes from fruit, it’s not added. That means the drink will contain other nutrients.

>> No.18341082
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>study finds

>> No.18342565

1) Lardasses want to lose weight with zero cal Softdrinks, still die, must be the sweeteners :)
2) There is NO WAY "artificial sweeteners" as a whole are to blame, as they are totally different compounds. Some are sugar alcohols, some are proteins, some are weird-ass chemicals like Aspartame.

>> No.18342682

What does it mean by linked?
Correlated? Caused by? Or both?
Did they include this variable?

>> No.18342704

You're a crazy person and your claims are made up. Don't worry because it takes one to know one.

>> No.18342869
File: 102 KB, 796x564, Screenshot from 2022-09-11 07-42-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been enjoying this orange crush drink mix lately, little 1/10th oz of drink mix you pour into water. I wonder if the flavorings in it are at all harmful

>> No.18342875

Why is this retard schizo/big sugar thread still up? I really fucking hate this board sometimes.

>> No.18342924

>Why is this thread still up?
He asked, bumping the thread.

>> No.18343059

I literally chew gum, all day long everyday, probably chew 1-2 packs a day
No study is going to stop me.

>> No.18343308

Moderation isn't good business though.

>> No.18343710
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The real secret is to just not consume any sweeteners at all aside from maybe a seasonal dessert 1-4x a month.

>> No.18343736
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Here's a solution: stop drinking sugar and corn syrup and pick up a glass of water, preferably one you filter yourself so you're not getting a heap of microplastics, courtesy of Nestle.

>> No.18343766
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Fuck guys, idk if I can give it up. It is so good fuck.

>> No.18343784
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For me it's picrel, I won't stop drinking it even if every doctor on earth said it'll kill me.

>> No.18343790

It goes in all fields newfag.

>> No.18343899

knoe whats better? normal dr pepper

>> No.18344086

I prefer the taste of Dr Pepper zero though.
>Rank: Zero, Normal, Diet.

>> No.18344123

Monk fruit and erythritol are probably the most health-conscious sweeteners.