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18326122 No.18326122 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make liver tolerable?

>> No.18326127

With onions

>> No.18326153

Well first you'll need to acquire a calf.

>> No.18326155
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That’s the stuff

>> No.18326162

Start having sex with women

>> No.18326166

Tell me first. What is making the liver intolerable to you?
For the flavor I can recommend you soak it in milk before hand, use heavy seasoning but if its texture then let it be known that
overcooking it can make it rubbery. I always like to cook my liver for 2-3 minutes on each side with medium-high heat in a pan. I find it to be very palatable.

>> No.18326169

Try to get calf liver if you can. Just follow any liver and onion recipe and don't overcook. I hate the way it smells when cooking but it tastes very good and more beefy than any steak.

>> No.18326173

Bake it into a delicious penis pot pie.

>> No.18326183

throw it in the trash and get something else.

>> No.18326282


>> No.18326297

make it into a broth

>> No.18326332

you can't
if you don't like the gamey stench and the metallic and bloody flavor of organ meats, there's nothing that will make these things palatable.

I diced it up and mixed it with hamburger and fried it in onions, and put it on a cracker with hot sauce.

still could barely force it down.

>> No.18326348

rinse the liver in hot tap water
flour it up with some salt and pepper
set it aside while you fry up some bacon
remove the bacon and crumble it up
cook the breaded liver in the bacon fat along with some onion slices
add the crumbled bacon back to mix
serve it all up with some mashed potatoes

>> No.18326365

I don't get liver at all. I realize plenty of people eat it because they genuinely like it and not just cuz it's cheap offal, but whenever liver is mentioned the conversation is always about how to make it taste less bad. Not something I look for in an ingredient. My only routine exposure to liver anything is smoked liver pate on banh mi.

>> No.18328291

grow up

>> No.18328347

Liver tastes great. Just pan fry it in a bit of butter like you would any other piece of meat. It tastes different from other cuts, sure, but it's delicious. I like it on a sandwich with garlic, dill, and mayonnaise, and I can't understand why so many people have an aversion to the stuff.

>> No.18328356

>How do I make liver tolerable?
you don't you either like it, or you are normal.

>> No.18328360

>why so many people have an aversion to the stuff.
because it taste absolutely vile, you must have covid, or no sense of smell.

tell me? in the spring do you smell the orange blossoms? no? tastelet.

>> No.18328361

buy pate instead
I hate pure liver but pate is delicious, it's also cheap

>> No.18328370

I'm a deenzfag and bought some canned Icelandic cod liver. It wasn't bad, but I had a hard time getting over it smelling like cat food. Cod liver is supposed to be milder tasting than beef liver, but the smell was still quite strong.

>> No.18328390

>tastlet calling others tastlet

Sweet child only faggots and man babies don’t like liver

If you can’t appreciate the metallic zing and thick texture you should really stick to tendies

Rest of the world appreciates liver

>> No.18328407

it must be a sad existence not having the ability to taste and smell. your house could be on fire but you'd never know since you can't smell.

you probably drink rotten milk since you have no way of knowing.

someone could serve you a cat turd and you'd be all like >that's really crunchy.

live is shit you just can't taste it.

>> No.18328428
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Turk here.

We are probably the #1 nation in terms of organ, (liver, heart, intestines) consumption. I myself eat lamb liver once a month at least. You need something called "piyaz", basically a spicy, oniony bean mix to eat livers like cookies. Do not go too much with the flavor of the beans though, otherwise you will make the liver worst.

>> No.18328532



>> No.18328545

Look for the one with the highest liver content. I spread it on rye crackers with slices of beetroot and cucumber.

Also you only need a small amount of liver 1-2 times week to reap the benefits. 50g thrown into a soup or mixed in with some mince will suffice.

>> No.18328548

>eat livers like cookies

>> No.18328562

Why would you want to eat the part that's supposed to catch all the bad stuff

>> No.18328575

Liver is best when its cooked while its still warm from the abimals body heat.
Those packaged ones are all shit, not much you can do but add enough spices to cover up the taste.

>> No.18328598
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When I was a kid I saw the liver and onions episode of Doug where he says it's the worst dish of all time then later I was at a restaurant and saw liver and onions on the menu. So I ordered it to see if he was full of shit and indeed he was, I decided he was a faggot and quit watching Doug. I still love liver and onions to this day too.

>> No.18328640

don't be a faggot and just eat it
if you really don't like ot, just eat something else

>> No.18328663

Try lamb liver instead

>> No.18328682

Liver is pretty easy to fuck up, especially if you cook it Jewish style. That's kind of why it has that pop culture reputation.

>> No.18328732

The Moroccans wrap a piece of sheep liver with a strip of caul fat, place it on a skewer, and grill it over coal embers.
Then they sprinkle salt and/or cumin on it, also paprika. It works really nicely. It's called b
If you can't handle the flavor of liver, I suggest try and grill it with other ingredients.


>> No.18328735

Slice thinly and stir fry with scallions, ginger, abalone sauce and black soy sauce
Serve with rice ofc

>> No.18328741

>its called b

>> No.18328779

that looks pretty good. would definitely try a bite. im not sure i like liver though, ive had pate on a banh mi and cackers so i wonder if i would like a big piece of liver like that

>> No.18328800

She made her pieces really big. When I used to eat it with my family, the pieces would be half that size. I think this particular person was being lazy in dicing the liver. You can just dice it smaller.
Wrapping it in caul fat gives it an amazing flavor and sort of removes the rubbery texture, the fat just wraps around it well. If that's what you don't like. But yeah, I suggest you try it. It's simple doesn't require much, just liver, fat, coal and spices. It's best burnt over coal or wood. The smokey flavor really takes it up a notch.
Just using an aluminum disposable deep dish, couple blocks of coal in the yard. Easy way to grill too if you don't want to commit to a whole barbecue.

>> No.18329220
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>> No.18329222

so you were born and old man.

>> No.18329254

Rinse it in a colander to strain off as much blood and liquid as you can, use a paper towel to pat off excess water, then soak the liver in milk for a few hours.

>> No.18329270


>> No.18329338

Firstly, soak it in something. Water will do, but a lot of people also recommend milk or vinegar mixed with either of those two.
Secondly, it’s easy to mask the flavor of it. Mixing it in with other meats of covering it in a sauce can make it undetectable.
Lastly, you can get other types of liver, or even other organ meats, and they will taste much milder. Cod liver (not oil actual liver) is very mild and a good way to get used to the taste, though it’s also expensive.

>> No.18330040

I buy a whole liver sometimes and cook the whole thing at once by pan frying each slice, which is my current cooking method, then freezing the slices with parchment paper separation. What is intolerable about this method is the mess and tedium of pan frying 50 slices of beef liver at one go. My next attempt will be boiling instead of pan frying, less splatter, burning, and time possibly. Dump all 50 slices into a stock pot. My only concern is the water leeching out the nutrients. Maybe I can save the water for broth (liver broth?). Boiled liver doesn't sound to appetizing. I imagine it would have the texture of rubber door mat. My idea, to bring it back on topic, is to mix the tough boiled liver into PAM corned beef (my favourite corned beef) to disguise it the same way you'd sneak beef liver into dishes. But again I may not do this if the boiling process leeches out significant amount of nutrients into the water.

>> No.18330078

>remove membranes, cut into slices
>rinse with water a few times
>cover with 5% brine (make sure it's very cold) and soak overnight
>rinse again, pat dry
>fry very briefly in butter, medium heat
>plate, sprinkle extra salt on the surface and cover with caramelized onions
wa la

>> No.18330501

This^ guy gets it. Rinse. Soak in milk for a 1/2 an hour to an hour. Rinse. Pat dry. Lightly flour. Fry with onions. Look on YouTube for people cooking it. You can make a gravy, too. Liver, onions, potatoes and gravy is good. I was a vegetarian for a couple decades and can easily eat this if prepared properly. You can do it, OP.

>> No.18330511
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>hot tap water
stopped reading there

>> No.18330531

Follow your gut. If liver is repulsive to you then maybe you're already maxed out on vitamin A.

>> No.18330540
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With onions

>> No.18330541

If you really can't stand liver maybe you can "hide" it by grinding it and mix with other ingredients.

Actually, some liver is a nice addition to bolognese sauce but I think it may be excellent if mixed with beef to make hamburgers or with various meats, bread and whatever you want to make meatballs.

>> No.18330544

Kek I didnt see it b4 posting

>> No.18330549
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>> No.18330560

You can't it's disgusting
That being said you can serve it with onions, and a generous side of home made Mac and cheese.
small bites of vulgar liver on the fork then stab as much onions as you can onto the remaining of the fork
quickly chew and swallow, follow up by a hearty fork full of Mac and cheese

>> No.18330574

liver is terrible. there's a reason why it's widely reviled as a meat source

>> No.18330582

>You can't it's disgusting
>you can serve it with onions, and a generous side of home made Mac and cheese
On a scale of 1 to Black, how much time have you spent in prison?

>> No.18330817

do I cook it with the milk or not?

>> No.18330913

Oy vey!

>> No.18330986

No discard it

>> No.18330998

the milk or the liver?

>> No.18331011


>> No.18331106

I watch Chef Wang a lot and he had an episode where he made pork liver
He said there's a piece you have to cut off to avoid the bile taste

>> No.18331236
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make some wurst and put it on rye bread

>> No.18331721

there are 2 types of people:
those that don't like liver.

>> No.18331724

>Mixing it in with other meats of covering it in a sauce can make it undetectable.
the only way I ever found to make the taste of liver "undetectable" in something is to never put it in.

>> No.18331725

I've done this, I got gross looking pink milk and nasty tasting liver.

>> No.18331735

You're not supposed to drink the milk after.

>> No.18331747

I just flour my liver and fry it in bacon fat with onions. Serve it with brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes and gravy you got a comfy Sunday dinner.

>> No.18331752

It's like calamary, the primary thing people focus on is how to make shitty meat palatable whatever it takes because well, what will you do, waste food, ignore meat just because it tastes terrible? There's no real reason to eat that kind of stuff nowadays when plain chicken and pork is in abundance but it's easy to see why people ate it despite the taste.

>> No.18331992

I knew some moron would say this. I didn't.

>> No.18332217

Calamari is actually good though

>> No.18332257

the tentacles and also if it has no fishy taste.

>> No.18332476
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>this nigga dont know Albert Fish

>> No.18333690

i soak it in cream for an hour, fry it and season/spice it up

>> No.18333716

A real jerk, surely.

>> No.18333922

Chef Wanged your mom last night

>> No.18333926

Yeah yeah, toss that beef liver in the trash where it belongs and get some chicken livers and hearts and grill them up.

>> No.18334037
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It's probably better to cycle through the livers every 3 weeks to a month

>> No.18334045

I could never knowingly eat a qt lambs liver

>> No.18334054

Agreed. I have no idea why mutton is so hard to find in my area and yet walmart carries lamb.

>> No.18334857

same dude, fuck doug

>> No.18334863


>> No.18335810

Just tried making beef liver and onions this morning. It didn’t turn out very good. The quality of the packaged liver seemed very poor compared to some of the cuts I saw in videos. Because of that, I soaked it in skim milk for 6 hours, thinking it would make up for the low quality, but I ended up with a poor tasting dish. I would try again by soaking in whole milk for 1 hour only with a higher quality product before giving up on offal.

>> No.18336063

get lamb liver instead. the taste is more subtle

>> No.18336954
File: 100 KB, 921x691, beef liver biltong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have a dehydrator you can make beef liver biltong aka south african beef jerky. Made a bunch, delicious, but then life got busy and haven't done a batch in a couple of years.

>> No.18336966

GTFO you savage

>> No.18336984

I have family from SA and that doesn't look like biltong

>> No.18337007

You forgot the limburger and red onion. You'll thank me later.

>> No.18337015

That reminded me of an "Our Gang" from way before I was born. I think they were trying to get out of classes by hiding limburger and red onions.

>> No.18337026

Doug was a bonafide faggot.

>> No.18337110

This old man is a representation of Albert Fish.

>> No.18337199

Just eat liverwurst instead

>> No.18337217

my take on the biltong process. using thinly sliced liver rather than muscle meat. thinner because that speeds up dehydration time significantly and also easier to chew. I prefer slathering on the coriander for texture and masking the liver flavour. btw never actually made proper steak biltong, just this liver biltong hack of mine. I went to a SA supermarket in my city looking for biltong mixes, and told the guy I was making it with liver. He did a double take, said that sounds nasty. Don't do it, liver is where all the toxins are stored, etc.

>> No.18337220

Liver is great, fried off with a little garlic, parsley & red wine vinegar with some creamy mash... Food of the gods.

>> No.18337231

Test beer

>> No.18337250

No wonder the South Africans are all freaked out.