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File: 287 KB, 1991x2644, Children's cereal without the fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18322631 No.18322631 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this shit I thought granola was supposed to be healthy.

>> No.18322649

>23% sugar by weight
>sneed oil

>> No.18322661

I make my own, and it's bit better.

>> No.18322730

Its healthy compared to sugary cereals.
And you can buy granola with less sugar, or plain granola and add toppings and sugar as you see fit.

>> No.18323474

once upon a time it was. but no one would eat it except tastelet health nut hippies. so they loaded it with sugar, salt, and whatever so people would actually eat it.

>> No.18323505

oats are healthy and a uprising source of protein... the rest of basically all granola, cereals stuff is ehhhhh

>> No.18323511

at least its whole ingredients not a bunch of chemical crap

>> No.18323692

Thanks dad

>> No.18323696

It's healthy for an active person who isn't trying to lose weight.

when the fuck did 'healthy' start meaning low calorie

>> No.18323705

if done by you with only natural ingredients and not adding oil,yes is healthy otherwise is not as healthy

>> No.18323896

Buddy we grew up in the age of the happy meal healthy just means anything that's not actively leading to an early grave

>> No.18323913
File: 984 KB, 1200x628, dragon-ball-super-manga-why-granolah-was-kept-alive-heeters-explained-spoilers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not so ba-
>per 100 grams

>> No.18323923
File: 1.63 MB, 4032x2268, 20220904_182315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything normies/boomers think is healthy almost certainly isn't because their understanding of human physiology is retarded
>vegetable oil
>zucchini bread
>oatmeal (instant, from packets)
>eggs from "vegetarian fed" hens
>"cholesterol free" versions of anything
>Low fat dairy
>diet sodas
I could go on but people are fucking morons about what they put in their bodies so don't listen to any conventional wisdom about this

>> No.18323995

Why would you give money for granola? Just mix honey with oil, mix with the oats and dried fruit and nuts, spread on a baking sheet, bake for 10-15 minute at 180c, let it cool totally and store in a glass jar

>> No.18324021

granola is calorie dense energy food for hikers and climbers.
people keep mistaking it for "healthy" because hippies eat it, but if you just chow down on it while sitting on your ass then you're going to get fat.

>> No.18324197

And let me guess? you're a fucking genius? lmao shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.18324215

Anon, anyone who uses vegetable oil instead of butter, lard, or even simply fucking peanut/grape seed oil, is a fucking retard.

What kind of absolute motherfucking inbred do you have to be to eat a by product?
Summarize for me in one sentence how you make vegetable oil.
Butter? Pound milk a whole lot.
Lard? Cook pork fat.
Peanut and grapeseed oil? Crush peanut/grapeseed oil a whole lot.

Once all traces of any solvents are removed, the oil is refined to remove natural colours, odours and bitterness. The oil is heated to 85ºC and combined with an alkaline substance in the first part of the refinement process.

Degumming then occurs, where the oil is treated with water or acid. Any gums in the oil will precipitate and any dregs can be removed with centrifugal treatment. Once degummed, the oil will be bleached through a system of filtration that can absorb pigmented material from the oil.

>> No.18324334
File: 1.13 MB, 3588x3596, 1662420707658276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao it's been known for a while now that having a jacked up omega3:6 ratio is inflammatory and increases the risk of all kinds of diseases but somehow none of this has ever filtered down into USDA recommendations. The average American is an androgynous fat fuck, an absolute metabolic and endocrine catastrophe. You should look at what normies think is normal food and do the polar opposite to be healthy lmao

>> No.18324964

i want to believe you, but I don't.. I know in my heart that's true, but I just can't.... *sniff* anon-kun..

>> No.18324969
File: 628 KB, 1240x1753, chemicals strawberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad news anon

>> No.18324978

To be fair we live in a world where commercials try to see who can lie the hardest without breaking any laws. You can't put all the blame on tired people being stupid.

>> No.18325018

what about olive oil?

>> No.18325024


>> No.18325032

I mean you can actually just make seed oil by squashing seeds the same way you make olive oil by squashing olives. The issue is that the companies that produce it want the highest yields possible, and THAT is why they ultra heat and chemically treat the seeds. Those high yields are what makes it so relatively cheap, but it comes at a cost.

>> No.18325034

Of course, the anti-vegans are in full force like usual.

>> No.18325039

"Healthy" in the minds of normies means they believe that if they keep eating it, they'll become thin. This is not a joke. Absolutely no form of evidence or suggestion will change this mindset. If they ate nothing but granola and became morbidly obese from it, they'd STILL consider it a "healthy" food and eat it.

>> No.18325081

>sugary cereal is healthy compared to sugary cereal

>> No.18325155

why not modify a seed that is much easier to press without the need for excess treatment and also produces more oil?

>> No.18325159

You're really dumb aren't you

>> No.18325165

Yeah, 100g of granola is an insanely huge amount. Who the fuck eats that much at once? 40-50g is a proper portion up to 70ish if you're very, very hungry.

I make my own granola just to have flavour combinations that aren't commonly commercially available like cherry,-hazelnut-and-coffee, cantaloupe-and-pumpkin-seed or mango, coconut (chunks, not fucking shreds) and chai spice but I use butter in mine rather than coconut oil not because of muh sneed oil but because butter's cheaper and tastes good.

>> No.18325175

Coconut oil - blitz coconut meat with water and strain for coconut milk.
Cold store coconut milk until the cream separates out and rises to the top.
Cook coconut cream until it splits then filter out the coconut solids from the oil.
Is this bad, too?

>> No.18325304

Alright but what's telling them otherwise? The box of popcorn said "healthwiseTM", the commercial told me the cereal was "part of a balanced breakfast". They're doing what they're told, this is the information that's available.

>> No.18325311

Whats wrong with honey?

>> No.18325482

the vegan anti honey thing makes no fucking sense. you have to buy the honey to fund the keepers to raise the bees to pollinate your fucking nuts.

>> No.18325500

>pottasium iron calcium
Who da fuck pay for the cheapest minerals on earth?

>> No.18325611
File: 667 KB, 2686x3787, 0ae8oo8j56m91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just don't understand why people are so unhealthy, what makes them think half the shit at the store is good for them?

>> No.18325613

sugar free granola is

>> No.18325690
File: 120 KB, 403x503, 18261102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the science, you anti-sugar dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creature. Now excuse me while I hit this asbestos filtered cig to calm me before my 6th science juice booster.

>> No.18325723

Well since I just worked 9 hours and still need to cook supper for my family I'm going to have to.

>> No.18325782

Whatcha cooking

>> No.18325804

Is it really?
Most sugary cereals seem to be around the 400 kcal/100g mark. Eating pure white sugar straight out of the bag is at the same 400 kcal/100g point as well.
None of those options seem in any way healthy to me.

>> No.18325843

Not to defend anything, but not every kcal is born equal.

>> No.18325854

All marketing. Full of sugar and pesticides.

>> No.18325928

The same thing I cook every day, potatoes with an indiscriminate amount of butter and milk, a frozen vegetable, and a nondescript salted meat like every household in the west. Then I'm going to sit on my couch for the next two or three hours until I have to go to bed.

>> No.18326925

Oh I posted that thinking 100g was not much
what's the issue then? a more reasonable portion of that seems fine for breakfast, just cut back on anything with too much saturated fat later

>> No.18327260

Reminder that the daily serving size for any cereal is 60 grams.

>> No.18327430

No because coconut oil is a saturated MCT and isn't prone to oxidation like linoleic acid is

>> No.18327437

Doesn't sound half-bad nutritionally desu

>> No.18327450

No you can't blame them personally but you can look at the absolutely horrendous state of the average normie and learn that eating an "average" diet is likely going to fucking wreck your body. It's not a judgement on them exactly but I do somewhat fault them for still believing in the experts when the average person looks like they do.

>> No.18327455

Yeah, when it's done at home. Store bought is not the same.

>> No.18327459

Really it's changing definitions of healthy
Granola was invented as a calorie dense storable food. It continues to be that, which is why hikers like it.

>> No.18327898

Sounds nice, anon.

>> No.18327908
File: 859 KB, 1298x1891, A8755B5D-555D-4492-8C70-A25371223ED5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes buy these two, look quite a bit better than OP’s…

>> No.18327936

Back then they could get away with this because almost no one was fat. They were basically selling the horoscope to women.

>> No.18328044


yea if you ask my grandma what healthy food is shes just say like ceral and cheese and beef cuz thats all she knows from growing up on a farm she has no idea you need to eat veggies and fruits. she must have the worst shits.

>> No.18328233

idk wtf mct is 2bh

>> No.18328272

jokes on you im breatharian

>> No.18328279

medium-chain triglyceride.

>> No.18328302

maximum-chad triglyceride

>> No.18328677

Yeah I wonder what made them fat
Of course personal responsibility will always be a factor in this but when it comes to pointing fingers I'm usually going to blame the people who's job is to see how much saw dust they can fit in a hamburger before people notice. People are tired, it's hard to blame them for taking the easy route when it's advertized to them on an hourly basis.