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18322515 No.18322515 [Reply] [Original]

Now what? Never had scallops.

>> No.18322520

Wet packed? You can expect lackluster shit, bro. Next time look for dry packed. You're gonna have some nasty white liquid leak out when you cook them. Some kinda of phosphate to make them heavier.

>> No.18322579

Thanks ill check next time. Supply chain fucked for ingredients. Im lucky to have gotten wild caught

Need to make best of this.

>> No.18322585
File: 141 KB, 1360x2040, scallops-pasta-white-wine-butter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe scallops and pasta?
>just spitballing here

>> No.18322686
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>> No.18322920

Fry in pan (hot) for a few minutes each side
be disappointed because the experience does not match the price tag

>> No.18323179

Its fine, just look up how marco pierrre white does it. Fry it on one side, add some salt and its done. He doesnt flip it.

>> No.18323196


>> No.18323304

>sea scallops
I didn't know there was a such a thing.
I've been eating only land scallops

>> No.18323452

They're grocery store frozen scallops. You're overthinking this shit. Most people don't know the difference between natural, dry pack and wet pack.


Thaw them out. Dry them off good with a paper towel. Salt and pepper. Get a pan nice and hot. A little oil and sear for a minute and flip. Another 30 seconds to a minute and enjoy. Throw a little butter in at the end. A little citrus won't hurt

>> No.18323546

I'm not overthinking a fucking thing. Wet packed is straight garbage.

>> No.18323555

You're an idiot.

>> No.18323563

Have a blast with your shitty scallops, fag. Anyone who uses wet packed is a fucking brainlet.

>> No.18323565

Shut up already. We get it. You don't know how to work with items when at all challenged.

>> No.18323574

And you've made it clear you will serve inferior crap.

Say, op, how'd your chemical riddled scallops turn out?

>> No.18323582

Also I'm sure you already know this because of course you do Mr wEtPaCk but even "dry pack" doesn't mean chemical free. Unless you have a NATURAL scallop, your scallops have been soaked up to a certain percent of weight even if they're labeled as dry pack.

>> No.18323586

He got it at the grocery store and is asking how to cook them for himself you fucking moron, not serve that 12oz bag to a full dining room. You're so stupid it is hilarious

>> No.18323594

Dry pack, is literally chemical free. Are you seriously this fucking dumb?

And I gave him advice as to not buy shit next time. I'm a monster.

>> No.18324638

>Dry pack, is literally chemical free.

No it's not idiot. Dry pack allows up to 15% solution. Look it up ya fucking line cook. You literally don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You heard the terms dry and wet pack and think you know something. Ask an actual chef or your seafood rep and they'll set your stupid ass straight. You don't know the difference

>> No.18324655

>"Dry" is the seafood industry term for natural scallops, which have not been treated with phosphates. Natural scallops have a slightly tan, or "vanilla"-color. Dry scallops are superior for the following reasons:

>> No.18324658

Don't give a fuck what one seafood seller says. Look at the actual industry. I'm right, you and your faggot article are both wrong. Idiots

>> No.18324666

get some butter, bouta stick
throw into pan
get butter simmering hot but not burnt
lay those little fuckers right on
wait til the sizzle sizzles down
keep an eye on one to judge when done (toasted brown)
pat dry em a smidge
then add the lemon

>> No.18324669

I did, the FDA says if it has phosphates it has to be labeled on the bag.
Now go away.

>> No.18324672

Google all you want stupid ass. There is a difference between marketing to get your stupid ass to buy something and reality.

>> No.18324675

It literally says on the bag "NO ARTIFICIAL PRESERVATIVES" you idiot.

>> No.18324680

So according to yourself and the bag, they are dry pack.

>> No.18324683

Show me proof, I've been on fda.gov for the last 10 minutes and found you were incorrect.

>> No.18324684

fda requires any solutions to be listed on the packaging

>> No.18324689

Not arguing that at all. Look at some dry pack scallops packaging. You will find some labelled as dry pack as actually soaked. They may not be as soaked as wet pack but they most definitely soak them. The seafood industry is corrupt as fuck. They can still label the shit dry pack and still list the added ingredients. True Natural dry pack scallops will not have any added ingredients.

>> No.18324691
File: 603 KB, 2048x1362, IMGP0772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sccallops are the best addition to a seaƒood chowder.
my favourite ratio for seafood components:
>2 parts scallops (thaw and dry that shit though)
>1 parts shrimp/prawns
>1 parts whitefish, nothing too delicate or it turns to pulp
>1 parts bivalve mollusks (mussels, oysters, or clambs)
>if you have the monies throw in some lobster tail chunks

>> No.18324696


>> No.18324699

OP, woke up to all this scallop seafood drama. Didnt make'em yet. I think ill just sear and call it a day. These things were a random buy and im trying to make best.

>> No.18324700

Heard you the first time. What's your point? You said they were wet pack. Now you're saying they're dry pack? Make up your mind.

>> No.18324701

>sticks his finger in the sauce
>audibly sucks the finger
>puts it in again a second time still wet with saliva

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18324728
File: 48 KB, 659x338, humm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't get it

>> No.18324797

Sea and bay

>> No.18324815

why was that other anon being so glib anyway? that was a glib anon.

>> No.18326227

yeah not unless it's fresh from your fish counter