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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18318769 No.18318769 [Reply] [Original]

I made a massive feast for an up coming dinner party I am throwing to celebrate my new job and all my friends cancelled last minute.
>Got promoted
>Moved to a house in town that was nice
>After getting moved in announce my dinner party
>Friends are well aware of my cooking skills but they have only seen a fraction of my power, just a nice prime rib/braised chicken here and there. Still enough to be requested to handle the main course at any friends bday/event.
>Spent all week preparing my 3 course meal
>Expensive as fuck
>Home made Duck rillettes with baguette crostinis, dijon mustard and cornichons.
>prime short rib bouef bourginon made with home made beef stock and demi glace.
>Mashed potatoes
>Chai spiced creme brulee.
>Every thing has been prepared except for the beef + potatoes which I was going to start today.
>Literally been cooking every night of this week to have every thing ready. I just put the brulees in the fridge to have ready for tomorrow.
>Everyone agreed to go to my house for the party 2.5 weeks ago. 8 People
>Today one person in the group chat said that theres a party at the local club for labor day and there is going to be a cookout and tons of girls.
>They all agree to go.
>Have easily spent $250+ on the ingredients for my meal, even went out and got extra plates + ramekins.
>Not to mention the 2 bottles of champagne I got for after the meal and two bottles of burgundy.

>> No.18318779

I'm sorry your friends cancelled anon. You seem like a good fren. I hope your frens realize they don't deserve someone like you. Please try to enjoy your food and do not let your friends dull your passion.

>> No.18318789

Did you send them the menu? Nobody is turning that down for bar food. Also
>tons of girls
what are your friends all like 22 still? Lol

>> No.18318793

It's because you're an insuffdrable tryhard that makes people cringe.

They would rather go fuck some nice 18yo pussy instead of washing you a whole night in compliments.

>"oh anon it tastes so good please tell us more about how you prepared this all week" - repeat every 5 minutes

Sry your friends busted your little dream faggot now kys

>> No.18318798


>> No.18318803

Cut ties. Bros before hoes.

>> No.18318807

Yes, we are 22-24.

Hold my nuts faggot. I have plenty of sex couldn’t care do it more. They said they were coming so that should be enough. They could have just fucking said “hmm not sure” instead of “Dude fuck yeah” like they all did.

>> No.18318812

Could be jealousy / feelings of inferiority at work on their part, some people become shitheads when someone else experiences notable success. Sucks but that food sounds tasty so hopefully it freezes well.

Congratulations on the promotion fren!

>> No.18318819

you are too complex compared to them, they know it. they feel inferior.

>> No.18318821

Based normalfag "friends" dabbing on failed normie.

>> No.18318825

My friends play boardgames after dinner and we talk about books philosophy wine and politics.

Your "friends" are idiots, fuck them and fuck you for calling these pieces of shit "friend" lmao

>> No.18318829

>Today one person in the group chat said that theres a party at the local club
Either you're an asshole, or they're an asshole.

>> No.18318844

I doubt it I think they literally just forgot since I sent the invitations 2.5 weeks ago.

I am not going to soyout and say oh wait my dinner party plz.

>> No.18318858
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>I am not going to soyout and say oh wait my dinner party plz.
Fucking retard go tell them now. Then go party after dinner.

>> No.18318860

>being friends with normies
I feel bad for you but you also deserve it for thinking those people are your friends

>> No.18318895

>I am not going to soyout and say oh wait my dinner party plz.
This level of pure autism is why your dinner party is ruined, not your friends forgetting about it you fucking sperg, Jesus fucking kek

>> No.18318908

Why didn’t you just respond in the group chat “hey assholes, you all said you were coming for dinner at my house, I’ve spent all week cooking and spent a bundle on ingredients, can’t you go to the party after?”
Are you that much of a beta with your own friends that you just let it go and seethe about it on 4chan?

>> No.18318909

This, all my friends are schizophrenic anti-social incels from /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.18318913
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>boardgames after dinner and we talk about books philosophy wine and politics.

>> No.18318926

You should have considered Labor Day desu

>> No.18318930
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Your friends are thirsty bitches OP, I hate to break it to you but it's your own fault for letting them do this to you. It's time to shake them off and move on, the real ones will come someday. Be patient.

>> No.18318964

Some anons are kind of sort of hitting this idea, but is it possible you’ve seriously moved past that friend group? I’m 30 and I don’t talk to a single person outside my family that I hung out with at 22 because we have nothing in common anymore. I mean it sucks but that shit happens, especially in your early 20s. Sorry you’re dealing with this shit.

>> No.18318990

>Kind of sort of
I literally hit that shit with a sledgehammer you baffoon

>> No.18319063
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>some anons
>took it personally
>calls others baffoons as a result
I think you’ve hit yourself in your confusion. A nap might help, you seem all tuckered out and cranky.

>> No.18319084

Nice. Hope they had a good time

>> No.18319109

Serves you right for holding a house warming on a day of nationally shared significance.

>> No.18319461

Shit sucks man. You can freeze the rilette, condiments will keep, portion the beef and freeze most of it, potatoes will keep, brulee is fucked, the crockery is an investment, booze'll keep.

>> No.18319472

>spent all week preparing
So you'd be serving week old food?

>> No.18319476

But yeah you should go no-contact with them over that, that's a shitty move, also this thread belongs on /adv/

>> No.18319501
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>not having drugs for dessert
No wonder OP. Food for thought, next time you invite friends over, have drugs.

>> No.18319513

>Yes, we are 22-24
>easily spent $250+ on the ingredients
you're an idiot

at 30 I wouldn't even put that much effort in. that shit's for when you don't mind dropping cash on a sixty-dollar-a-head dinner but your house, wife and two-point-five kids is way more comfortable than a restaurant so you invite your best mate and HIS family over

>> No.18319658

Idk maybe you're a pretentious dik?

>> No.18319673

Shit man where do you live? I'll pop over and enjoy some nice food and champagne with you. I got some good scotch I can bring.

>> No.18319704

> there is going to a cookout and tons of girls
Stop lying you and your friends are gay

>> No.18319867

If you're near southern Indiana I'll come over and eat your food for you. HMU

>> No.18319880

oversocialized faggot.

>> No.18319882

Just freeze it all in portions and eat like a king for a month, idiot.

>> No.18319888

>dinner party
you're autistic

>> No.18319896

This is a copypasta you guys...that op edited

>> No.18319908
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your friends are dumb fags. I'm assuming these are like leftover college associates or high school friends, not blood brother-tier friends. this is called growing apart. if you want to hang out with them still, take this as a signal that they are thoughtless and unappreciative and expect it. also, to a lesser extent, that you should learn to read the room -- you obviously cared about all this nice food more than they did. there were probably indications you ignored.

I like to cook for people, too, and it usually goes unappreciated. it's just the nature of the thing. cooking for friends and family is satisfying enough if they eat it all and at least one person thinks to tell me they liked it. it's the same with any skill, hobby or profession that most normiefags are ignorant or apathetic about.

>> No.18319916

Way too much green text
You must be gay

>> No.18319922

I can't think what the original theme would be.

>> No.18319924

did you remember to remind your friends about it a few days before, and then once again yesterday?

>> No.18319966
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>Some anons are kind of sort of hiting this idea
>Doesn't say any have actually hit it
Reading comprehension is important goober

>> No.18319978

Fuck Elmo. Big Bird is supposed to be the star of Sesame Street. Did Elmo ever cry for Jim Henson? Fuck Elmo.

>> No.18319985

He's a dastardly one

>> No.18320020
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Look, it’s not my fault you decided to take an exceptionally general statement so personally. Is a lack of attention at the heart of this? Did your old man not play catch enough or show up to your little league games?

>> No.18320591 [DELETED] 
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Lmao you're looking pretty defensive right about now, the whole father thing's kind of weird too, personal issue of yours? Maybe you should look into learning how to speak English properly so you don't back yourself into a corner over semantics.

>> No.18320748 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 878x842, BA3AB064-E5AB-4AEF-866C-D71FB0871210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you’re the one that came out swinging over not getting personally acknowledged. Call it whatever you want, but it’s not my fault you decided it was something to seethe over. Nothing you’ve said or can say will change that and I can’t give you the little gold star sticker you obviously need so desperately.

>> No.18320807 [DELETED] 
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>Wahhh bloo bloo bloo
Ya lost bud, get dunked on :-)

>> No.18320820 [DELETED] 

It’s all yours dude, I know you need it. You just get as many as you want, I know your parents are proud and I’m sure they’ve made proper caretaker arrangements for after they pass for their special little boy.

>> No.18320844 [DELETED] 
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Got anything else for me champ?

>> No.18320858

did you tell them. the fuck. tell them that they wasted your fucking money. remimds me of the stevin urwin quote about friends and crockodiles

>> No.18320863 [DELETED] 

you're both fags
I get the last word

>> No.18320865

>I am not going to soyout and say oh wait my dinner party plz.

>> No.18320874

Yeet them out of your life.

>> No.18320885 [DELETED] 


>> No.18320893

no, STOP

>> No.18320940

How do you go about finding a more mature group of friends, anon? I'm 23, and my core friend group right now are still the same high school friends I've hung out with for years. It's becoming increasingly clear, though, that I'm trying to progress into more adult interests, while they're all content pretending they're still 18 and just laying arou d smoking pot and playing trading card games all day. I'd love to get a group that's more into cooking, hiking, fashion, philosophy, etc, but I really have no idea how to find that.

>> No.18320944

You could try your local gay clubs.

>> No.18320958

Oh hi there mr mature, you should hang out with me an my buddies. We're all well into our 40s and looking for a younger guy to spice up our friday nights.

>> No.18320998

You don't That's not how it works.
You have the school friends and when you lose touch, you simply have no friends anymore.
Welcome to adult life, please enjoy.

>> No.18321028

This sort of attitude is exactly what I'm trying to distance myself from, thanks.

>> No.18321037

Turns out people who don't cook also don't appreciate what it takes to get a meal ready. Who knew?

>> No.18321044

I hope you realize that the way you view them is not the way they view you.
Sometimes your money and efforts are wasted on certain people and sometimes we are too blind to see. For example you don't open an expensive wine when the person you drink with doesn't appreciate the stuff and you certain don't throw a dinner party for a shit ton of people who you probably don't know on a personal level. It's better to have a party with maybe 3 to 4 people than to cook a feast for 10 or more. Everyone goes through this shit and everyone learns. I once invited 7 old friends to my bday so maybe we could catch up. This after they added me to an appgroup and were acting all nice and interested like old times. None of them showed up, all cancelled 1 day to hours before the party started. Left and never looked back.

>> No.18321049

you thought that I was joking
your attitude is massively homo
search through gay circles

>> No.18321081
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>i made a bunch of food
>instead posting a picture of the food here's a wojak
And this is why you don't have any friends.

>> No.18321090

you're alone lad sorry

>> No.18321133

you only true friend left now is a bottle of whiskey
welcome to adulthood

>> No.18321160
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lol i once made fried rice with leftovers and people liked it. another time i made enchilada casserole with leftover cubed beef and people loved it.

>> No.18321163
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Join a local chef course and make friends there.
Spend time at your local state or national park. Talk to the park rangers as if you are interested in the profession. Take interest their passion. Ask about funny or odd stories they have. Make friends with fellow hikers (bring water and snacks to share and do not be discouraged by distrust).
Find local mens clubs and beard ware shops. Chat up the people who go there and work there. Ask for advice and tips.
Join a book club or go to a local comic book shop and ask when they have their D&D or MtG nights. Come on slow and don't try to force overtly intellectual conversation but ask how others feel about certain topics. Feel out the room and go with the natural flow of interest.
Look into local and state sized meet-ups for different hobbies and interests. Be extroverted but not aggressive. Ask questions and be interested in answers. Be ready to provide things beyond just your time. Be friendly but not a pushover.
Oh and don't forget to use deodorant. Please.

>> No.18321164

This but unironically. There are no friends past age 27.

>> No.18321175

Damn bro, those "friends" don't deserve that 3 course meal. Go enjoy yourself & I wish you the best.

>> No.18321193

That sucks man. I've had girlfriends bail on dinner (usually work... usually), but I've only had larger parties fail or bail on me twice:
One was catering a music video - the bar owner decided the night before (after I'd prepped everything) that he didn't want to serve food at his bar, so I froze everything in oven-safe takeout trays, and had a "Shit's in the freezer. I've already cooked it once. Oven's at 350. Help yourself now or take it home and help yourself later" sign on the beer fridge at the afterparty. I still managed to have 20 trays left over, mostly vegan.
One was sort of a welcome home thing for some friends - they'd hit a patch of hard luck so I moved them in with me, told them I was going to prep them up a feast - apparently it was less awkward to bail than to let me feed them - so I packed them each a little snack pack, had a small meal myself, and packed the rest up and took it to their parents'. They came home drunk, and asked where all the leftovers were, and I got them the little snack packs... then the next day one of them got that 9am hangover call from mummy - 'Your friend's so nice; he brought over like 10lbs of food from the restaurant he works at. You should come help us eat it.' ... "Since when do you work at a restaurant, and why did you give all the leftovers to our parents?"... "I dunno man, since when do people not try to swallow their pride for a five course meal of hard-to-pronounce food?" They still pop by for funky ravioli night sometimes.
The moral of the story: shame your friends into eating with you.

>> No.18321195

Invite your immediate family to come dine with you. It’ll be lots of fun.
Still sucks that your friends did you dirty like that.

>> No.18321214

This is way too comical to be real

Are you baiting op?

>> No.18321220

You must be a hollow person, and you must be surrounded by hollow people, if going to clubs and having sex with people you don’t know beats spending quality time with your best friends.

>> No.18321228
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>going to be uncomfortable in a weird stinky townhouse while autist makes retarded french bullshit
>being outside in the sun with other people and eating bacon cheeseburgers
Yeah I know what I would choose.

>> No.18321247

That wasn't even remotely the scenario he was describing anon.
But yeah this weekend, gunna take the skip out. BYOB though, be ready.

>> No.18321250
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Another very fat, very stupid and very rude American. How surprising.

>> No.18321252
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>hating fun
>living in a bughive

>> No.18321274
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Thank you very much for the genuine advice, anon. I find it perplexing that so many others on the food and cooking board are so hostile to the idea that, God forbid, I'd like to be friends with people who are also interested in food and cooking.

>> No.18321286


>> No.18321290

James Connell really thought this had to be watermarked so people didn't steal it.

>> No.18321294

I like the proudboys sign

>> No.18321297

>Small hands
>Can't even open their beers
This is the logical conclusion isn't it? This is where the empire ends.

>> No.18321300

You would

>> No.18321303


Pretending to be or really being vitriolic is as close to guaranteed replies and (You)s and thus validation you can get on those board.

But seriously, join those clubs and/or partake in the hobbies you like with others. When they know you well enough, you can cook for them and I'm sure they'll appreciate what you provide for them.

Also, keep your old friends if you just want to shoot the shit. There's nothing wrong with having multiple friends that you do different activities with. If you're friends with a party animal, it's best to party with them and not be the flatmate of one after all.

>> No.18321315

I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon you should try it too

>> No.18321323

>Also, keep your old friends if you just want to shoot the shit.

Oh for sure, they are dudes I've known for years and years after all, I don't want to just cut them off. But at the same time, it's becoming increasingly apparent that I need some new friends with broader horizons who don't look, talk and act the same way that they have since junior year.

>> No.18321330 [DELETED] 


>> No.18321331

Just an addendum: After you leave, that party animal flatmate will show ever increasing signs of problematic alcoholism, and you will feel that you've become boring. If you can hold a conversation, and make people at least chuckle politely, you're not boring... but liver damage at 35 is never boring for anyone either.

>> No.18321337

makes me want some peanutbutter

>> No.18321341

Why? My friends and I have a dinner party every couple of weeks, especially since covid started. We are all in our early to late 20s and poorfag students. Some cook more often then others but everybody cooks at some point. During cooking we get absolutely shit faced and talk shit about politics, movies, books, family, whatever. It's pretty comfy. You should try it as well. If you are not interested, why the fu/ck/ you are even here?

>> No.18321342
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The end of the empire?

>> No.18321354

Soft men create hard bulges. Hard bulges create good men.

>> No.18321363

city bugmen are at a negative reproduction rate and declining as they abort and faggotize themselves. that's why diversity is our strength and we must import cheap labor

>> No.18321367

Cheap just isn't cheap enough. Hear me out here - what if it were free?

>> No.18321378
File: 488 KB, 1400x966, Indians-Hunting-Buffalo-Wild-Mens-Meat-Buffalo-Hunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear me out, what if we just went back to hunting all day with our boys instead of this gay job and house bullshit?

>> No.18321388

Are you kidding me? Fucking say something it's pussy to stay quiet.

Not like they can't go to the bar after dinner anyways

>> No.18321391

You're sad. My friends cook for each other all the time. Where's the love?

>> No.18321398

But who would tend to the cotton and sugarcane?

>> No.18321451

you need new friends. Other than that good job on your work!

>> No.18321462

kys sex haver get off my board

>> No.18321464

I don't understand why they wouldn't just eat at your place and then go to the party....are they going to the party at 8 PM sharp?

>> No.18321477

Could it be they don't like to spend time with you and nobody of your friends has the guts to tell you that?

>> No.18321554


>> No.18321567

Learn to greentext, newfag.

>> No.18321636
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>My friends play boardgames after dinner and we talk about books philosophy wine and politics.
>Your "friends" are idiots

>> No.18321651

You sound like an insufferable piece of shit, I fucking hate ganja gremlins, but faggots like you deserve to be ghosted by everyone.

>> No.18321655

pics of your food and pics of the girls at the club labor day party pls

>> No.18321660

Should have just bought a bunch of snacks, a crate of beer and asked everyone to buy a six pack for two, only womemen care about how a guy cooks.

>> No.18321690

>we are 22-24
sounds like you just hit a bad day to plan a party nigga

>> No.18321852

>My friends play boardgames after dinner and we talk about books philosophy wine and politics.
Oh shit lads, we've got Albert Camus and the Cafe de Flore crew over here.

>> No.18321906


Try saying that to his face and not online and see what happens lmao

>> No.18321944

where do you live? ill go

>> No.18321975

>Yes, we are 22-24.
Oh, you're all still functionally retarded.

>> No.18321979
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>> No.18321994

What's he going to do? Cook some faggy dinner for me and talk about sòylosophy?

>> No.18322112
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You're just ignorant. I don't mean it as an insult. This board has a large number of people who work in service. Linefags and dishbitches all needing to slit metaphorical throats to help with their stressful job lives. It has less to do with you than it does with them.
As an aside, I have a little more advice. Considering your interest in maturity. I would urge you to think over why this ordeal made you upset. Hopefully at some point you realize expecting others to care about what you care about, friend or not, is selfish. Good intentions or not.

>> No.18322164

There's shibari involved, and a cage for your pepe.

>> No.18322187

Holy shit you're a faggot. Gb2redshit and get faggot boils.

>> No.18322203

i wish i was your friend, anon. you pulled out all the stops and they flaked, you must be crushed

>> No.18322206
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A few things OP. People flake all the time now especially late teens early 20s, it's not unwarranted to have asked them a couple times, "Hey we're still on for XX date? Hey we're still on for next week? Hey we're still doing tomorrow right?" My goal isn't to roast you, but it seems like you set all this up as a massive surprise and they likely didn't know how important this was for you. It really hurts man, I know that too well when you try to set up big plans. The best thing you can do is not let this boil into resentment and chalk it up as a bad day - assuming you want to keep some of these friends and hang out occasionally over the next decade. Burning bridges really compounds over time.

>> No.18322217

You're still here! You're hoping for a glance too, aren't you? Nothing wrong with a little window shopping every now and then.

>> No.18322223

stop larping, you've never been mudding you dumb faggot. youre just mad you can't cook for shit and have to eat microwave goyslop because that's all your parents ever fed you.

>> No.18322234

off by 1 dig. u prob never off road and u either don't have mud tires on one of your rides or drive a pavement princess you faggot

>> No.18322272

Just change your name and transition already you massive faggot

>> No.18322481

Sounds like you made friends with faggots

>> No.18322823

>Hopefully at some point you realize expecting others to care about what you care about, friend or not, is selfish

Thanks for this, anon. It's certainly something I can recognize myself doing. And believe me, I totally can meet my old friends at their level when we hang out, I don't try to force them to enjoy things I know they don't enjoy.

>> No.18323735

You should share it with your job peeps as thanks for the promotion. Or go over to family with it.

>> No.18324059

What's your address? I'll be right over.

>> No.18324104


In due time youll realize your flaky friends arent even friends at all but there for conveniences and will quickly fall off the face of the earth when you hit 25. Dont suck up to mutual associates because youre afraid to be alone and getting desperate.

Save the passive agressive nonsense for something like twitter or reddit. Its really dishonest and beta here.

>> No.18324110

Let that be a lesson for you about 'friends' in life.
If you were so proud about your promotion, you should have done your cooking for close relatives like your parents and brothers/sisters, even your partner, at most.
Never forget about your family anon. I don't know how close you are to them but no person you meet in life will replace them. Remember to call your grandma this weekend.

>> No.18324144

Should have told us where you live. Maybe some /ck/ bros could attend instead

>> No.18324146

Man of the people

>> No.18324161

This guy >>18322112 is giving you a soft-sell version of this >>18318793.
And they're both right. And it's a tendency I've identified in myself as well, and I don't like it. At least you're several years younger than me; it would serve you well to try and root out that aspect of your personality.

>> No.18324166

This, based and blessed post

>> No.18324174

OP didn't even cook anything, it's questionable whether he even has friends

>> No.18324270

In a sense they came for the feast. It is just they found your broken feelings more tasty than your food so they consume those. Can't blame them

>> No.18324293
File: 508 KB, 498x280, enjoythebouquet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn the joys of dining alone
I too love to cook, but absolutely hate to cook for other people

>> No.18324720

(Not OP) There are some things that are just too much effort to cook for myself. Even if it's inviting people over, and possibly eating it alone, there has to be the possibility that I am doing this for someone else's enjoyment - it's too self-indulgent otherwise.
... And I give people a one-compliment maximum. I don't take them well, and the how's and why's of making food were burned into my skin and yelled into my psyche for a few years - it's instinct and memory at this point. I made this to be destroyed, so please enjoy the destruction, don't delay or pretend to lament it - fucking dig in!

>> No.18324730

Nice blog, faggot. how do I unsub?

>> No.18324748
File: 141 KB, 1054x935, the treachery of butts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By continuing to bump the thread

>> No.18324891

ill give u a bump

>> No.18324894

No thanks, I'm wired on life!

>> No.18324973

I dont think op wants a bunch of unwashed porn addicts showing up

>> No.18324986

>I am not going to soyout and say oh wait my dinner party plz.
>thinks folding under pressure isn't the beta move here
and also lol
if you have friends who said they would and you made plans with them keep them to it that's how you be a man
did you talk to them at all about how much you're putting into this dinner? if not why did you just wishy washy ask people to come out then fork over $500 like that?

>> No.18324992

Why is this a common thing now? People always seem to cancel plans last minute

>> No.18325008

Sorry to hear that if true. You could invite your new neighbours and make it your moving in party or sth. Then post it on social media so they feel sorry for rejecting you.
Also you should have said that you prepared expensive dinner just for them, I think they would reconsider.

>> No.18325062

Do people like this actually exist? They throw parties to blow smoke up their own ass. I cant even imagine doing this, the though isnt even possible to cross my mind But then again i dont celebrate anything so maybe i am a special case, i find celebrating incredibly cringe.

>> No.18325063

We live in a perpetual present. Promises don't exist because the future doesn't exist.

>> No.18325095

dont try to have at-home gatherings on long weekends. they're too unpredictable. if you set up this dinner for any other weekend it would have been fine

>> No.18325108 [DELETED] 
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Well if burgers celebrated labor day on the First of May just like any other normal fucking country in the world, this wouldn't have happened to anon this weekend. But I guess "may day is associated with muh gommunism!!" wins over, lmao.

>> No.18325118

what is the job and how did you get the job
did you already live 'in' the city, or is this one of those inner-city city scenarios?

>> No.18325127

They cancelled a day before you stupid fuck, he had to cook that dinner days in advance, he could not prevent it by asking one week in advance you fuckstick

>> No.18325132

What the fuck does that have to do with anything you retard

>> No.18325134

Can you at least post some pics op?

>> No.18325139
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>> No.18325170

Yeah, anon...
>Move to Portland in 2004, know no one
>Wife and I frequent a bar in the neighborhood
>Become friendly with a few people
>Talk food and cooking with them
>Invite them to our place for a feed
>Totally accept and plans are made
>Buy tons of stuff and cook my ass off
>Go to the bar to meet them to head to our place
>Totally ghosted
>Feel like a fucking retard
People suck, anon.

>> No.18325180

your greentext felt like how you became a cuckold, meeting bulls and such

>> No.18325187

Don't try to impress people with elaborate things. Save that for the ones you love and who also love you. For strangers or new acquaintances, make very simple things.

>> No.18325200

i dont recall him giving you the address

>> No.18325201

Nice try, you fucking mixed metaphor moron.

>> No.18325208

This is rough my dudes. I recently made a dinner and had some friends over and it was a great time. Been doing it since I was like 19, so doesn't matter that you're in your early 20s.

Don't listen to these other anons, it's fun and you should keep trying. I've only gotten stood up once and it didn't matter because then I had all this great food to myself. Only suggestion is to do smaller events, that way you aren't wasting a bunch of food and it's lower risk. I know the initial sting might suckass, but now you know who they are. good luck anon, any pics of the food?

>> No.18326257

This desu

>> No.18326283

100% this

>> No.18326289

4chan is antisocial media

>> No.18326294

This guy has lived a real life.

>> No.18326301

the women

>> No.18326405

I like the way you and Maggie Atwood think.

>> No.18326499

Imaginary friends are the best ones.

>> No.18326516

go get that dude that fucked you over, let him know that he best not dare to do that ever again in his fucking life explain the whole situation to him, fuck him

>> No.18326519
File: 381 KB, 1600x1200, sg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, we have ascended anon over here, I salute you anon

>> No.18326576

kiss him on the lips and call him scum

>> No.18326891

What the fuck happened to this board? You spiteful faggots need to fuck off to one of your containment boards.

>> No.18326904

You invited them 2.5 weeks ago, but how often have you reminded them? Was your initial invite the only correspondence about your dinner? If so then you are a fucking retard. 23 year olds are far too busy and active to make plans for a boring night with a pretentious faggot and remember it in 20 days when there is beer pussy and burgers to be easily had instead.

>> No.18328032

I hope you burn even more money and time, you dumb hedonist.

>> No.18328041

Can't you all have an early dinner them hit the local club?

>> No.18328126

A 22 year old boy throwing a dinner party to wine and dine his bros is kind of gay.

This is something couples do, not a bunch of early 20s animals.

>> No.18328131

They ghosted you alone but not you're wife you pathetic cuck

>> No.18328135

just spin it as pre drinks and surprise them with the great food you've put together

>> No.18328137

I wish I could find the red.dit faggot webm of that cuck who let's Steve fuck his wife, you know the "SEGGZ" cuck lmao

>> No.18329578

It's Food & Cooking, not Boohoo & Hurt Feelings.