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18315945 No.18315945 [Reply] [Original]

>turn 27
>eat pizza
>heart pain

>> No.18315948

it only gets worse anon =)

>> No.18315952

>turn 27
>eat more than 500 calories in a single sitting
>stomach pain

>> No.18315960

literally me
>go to doctor with chest pain that's so bad it wakes me up
>get comprehensive panel of blood tests and 2 chest x rays
>everything comes back fine, doctor prescribes me omeprazole (acid reducer)
it's all over

>> No.18315965

I just turned 26 and that's my case too. I had a good life bros (not really)

>> No.18315975

You'll have plenty more pain to worry about after I get ahold of ya.

>> No.18315981

Wait what

I'm 30 and my body is def slowing down but certainly not to this extent

>> No.18315987

>heart pain
It's called heartburn and it's not reall your heart causing the pain.

>> No.18315989

Not everyone breaks down in the same ways at the same rate.
Some elderly people have iron stomachs, but also the general trend is towards your GI tract getting worse at its job the older you get.
Same as with teeth and joints and your brain and most everything else.

>> No.18316009

Happened to me in my 30's. It made me decide to lose weight because it felt like a heart attack. It's likely not your heart, though. It's probably acid reflux. Time to make some changes, friend.

>> No.18316015

>it felt like a heart attack
How would you know what a heart attack you haven't had before would feel like?

>> No.18316025

wait until you're 40
>get out of bed
>things pop and crack
>happy you drop a normal deuce

>> No.18316046

I'm 28 and don't experience any of these things. I've also never experienced heart burn much in my life

>> No.18316058

>having this problem at 27
I’m 30 and can put away half a pizza in one sitting with no problems. Go for a sprint or skate afterwards too

>> No.18316064

I'm 26 and nowadays I start gagging and coughing really hard whenever I eat anything

>> No.18316066

I am 100% certain it’s caused by sedentary lifestyles. When you’re young, your body naturally assumes you’re going to be going at full-throttle at all times and adjusts your metabolism and hunger to match. After 20+ years of being a lazy sack of shit, your metabolism and hunger adjusts to account for that sort of lifestyle. So when you try and eat like how you did when your body was burning through that fuel as fast as you could shovel it down, of course it’s gonna cause problems.
The way to fix this is to retrain your body to expect the sort of lifestyle it naturally assumed you would have when you were a kid/teen.

Go out and work up a sweat and get your heart rate up every now and then

>> No.18316072

I'm pretty sure teeth, eyes, and guts going as you age is pretty standard even if you're a 60 year old who exercises daily and has a great diet.
Granted everyone in this thread is talking about being around 30 instead, but I'm intentionally using a much older age to establish that the trend is real and not just misdirection from an alternative problem like not exercising enough.
I think diet and exercise might help a little at slowing the trend down or reducing some of the symptoms, but I doubt it's the main cause.

>> No.18316101

Post BMI

>> No.18316106

Even doctors can't tell the difference between a heart attack and bad acid issues. They apparently feel like basically the same thing.

>> No.18316112

Why would they be able to tell? Doctors aren't put in some machine for inducing subjective experience simulations as part of medical school. If you haven't had one you don't really know what it feels like.

>> No.18316126

Your teeth rot because of sugar, your guts rot because of diet.
You got me on eyes, though

>> No.18316130

Are you being combative and dense on purpose? It's because the pain symptoms are identical and occur in the exact same area and have roughly the same duration and symptoms so there's no real way to differentiate them. Doctors can usually pin down what illness, condition, or pain is occurring by the area that it occurs in, the type of pain it is, how frequent it is, or any number of other factors that differentiate them.

Heartburn or acid issues, particularly if it's severe, is indistinguishable from a heart attack. So given that the pain is intense, occurs in the area where your heart typically is, has some associated tightness and feels like your heart is locking up and burning, that's how you would know. Given that I've experienced severe acid issues before, I know roughly what a heart attack feels like since they've been confirmed to feel extremely similar according to people who have had both. We have language to share these experiences and broadly know what to expect even if describing pain in perfect detail is difficult to do.

I'm not going to respond after this because I'm getting the vibe you're one of those people just looking to be a nitpicking autist to start an argument.

>> No.18316144

could be cancer

>> No.18316149
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>turn 26
>drink a single lite beer and a slice of pizza
>chest on fire for two days, knees tight and swollen

>> No.18316162
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>turn 25
>drink a single lite beer and a slice of pizza
>face on fire for two days, bussy tight and prostate swollen

>> No.18316164

Turning 32 in 2 days and have been treating my body like absolute shit (including diet) but have no real issues so maybe good genes? Only thing I've noticed is I can't go on crazy drinking benders anymore, feel mentally bizarre the days after but still have energy and no headaches

>> No.18316178

>your guts rot because of diet
Nah, GI transit time in general slows down as you age.
Also you gradually produce less of almost every enzyme involved in saliva production, swallowing, enzymatic digestion, etc. Swallowing no longer triggers peristalsis reliably, pharyngeal transit slows down, upper and lower oesophageal sphincters lose their tension, your stomach walls lose their elasticity, there's a reduction in mucus producing goblet cells, gastric emptying time increases, colonic transit time slows down, the colon walls sag leading to diverticuli and haemorrhoids, cell division rate declines in the digestive epithelium, the pancreas undergoes fibrosis and stops producing the same amount of digestion relevant enzymes, and the liver can no longer filter out toxins, synthesize protein, or produce decent quality bile in the right quantities.
And the increase in dry mouth and shrinkage of the jaw bones all contribute to aging related dental problems.
This article does a good job going in depth on those points:

>> No.18316179

it will hit you at some point
it hits everyone
one night you will be out being a fiend and downing some wings or pizza or slamming beers and then it hits
then you might ignore it and go all out again and that is when it really hurts and you have to slow down

>> No.18316185
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>turn 24
>glance at beer ad
>liver pain
>shit pants
>my dog dies

>> No.18316223

>people don’t take care of themselves
>their body breaks down
That’s all that article says. They NEVER account for lifestyle in those studies.

I’m not saying you can live forever “if you just eat raw eggs and lift, bro”, but you absolutely can stay fit and functional well into old age rather than breaking down into a decrepit sack of rotting flesh if you take care of yourself. Digestion is enzymes and gut flora, which are self-perpetuating.

>> No.18316230

I mean yeah you can elongate it for sure with the digestive tract things but you're still going to get old at some point. If you eat tons of fried foods every day, your shit is going to be wrecked by 25-35 or so. If you take care of yourself, you might only run into the same digestive issues at 45-50, but it's coming. Even Tom Brady can't beat age.

>> No.18316231

Not only physically fit, but mentally as well.
My great grandma lived to 99 and was sharp as a tack. Rode her bike until her mid eighties and the only reason I see is because she stayed engaged with community the whole time.
At that age physically fit might be easierly attained than mentally/socially fit, but if you retire and stop doing shit, you're gonna die fucking young I tell you what. Once you stop moving, you stop moving.

>> No.18316235

Lifestyle problems are more like sugar for teeth which you brought up.
Sugar isn't going to shrink your jaw bones or give you a dry mouth from lack of saliva production.

>> No.18316238
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>turn 23
>think about the existence of beer
>stabbing pain in liver and kidneys
>collapse to the floor throwing up uncontrollably
>dog dies of a broken heart

>> No.18316265
File: 48 KB, 717x640, pepe-the-frog-to-sleep-perchance-to-meme-004-4014ff-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn 22.002
>whiff of hand sanitizers from 15 feet away graces my nose
>black out
>it's 45 years later and I was in a coma the entire time, I was legally dead for 15 years and just came back to life.
>See pizza hut ad on tv
>heart swells to 4x its size
>shit myself with the speed of exit velocity
>head slams into hospital wall
>back into coma
getting old sucks bros

>> No.18316275

Sugar won’t shrink your jaw muscles, but not using them will. Old people, because they oftentimes have lost their teeth, tend to not chew as much (because of softer diets). Which leads to jaw muscle shrinkage

>> No.18316280

This is all true, but the deterioration is accelerated by inactivity leading to poor peripheral circulation, and visceral fat releasing hormones causing low level inflammation throughout the body.

>> No.18316284
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>turn 22.003
>barely catch a whiff of stale pizza
>let out a princely toot that impresses my honored lord father
>his wait for a proper successor has ended
>a blush blooms across my healthy English face

>> No.18316309
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>turn 22.004
>every joint in my body explodes, to shreds
>every drink I had in my life was collecting in my gallbladder and hit me all at once
>turn mentally retarded based on numerous IQ tests because of the alcohol poisoning
>every single pet I grew up with came back to me pet semetary-style
>had to rekill tens of divine light severed pets of my past

>> No.18316310

>eat anything above a snack
>have to lie down from exhaustion

>> No.18316314

>>heart pain
You don't even know what league you're in, son.

>> No.18316336

this is me at 27 I'm going to be a puddle at 40

>> No.18316338

33 here i just ignore chest pain

>> No.18316344

>no difference with anything eating-related
>back hurts a lot more, though

>> No.18316347

please get your pancreas checked, pancreatic cancer is horrible but treatable if you catch it early.

>> No.18316361
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Only happens in the winter for me, cant eat a goddamn thing.
I can eat whatever I want any other time of the year but I get diarrhea no matter what it is instead.

>> No.18316366

If you eat a ton of crap that contains flavonoids and get all the essential stuff (fatty acids, vitamins, minerals) and hop on TRT at around 55 you're gonna be fine even when you're 60.
I'm almost 40 and unironically feel better than in my 20s. I wasn't even sedentary back then, did martial arts. Just improved my diet.

>> No.18316375
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If your body is giving out just eat real foods. I'm not joking; real foods and not many carbs. It's that easy. If you're not cooking up vegetables daily it's no wonder you feel like shit.

>> No.18316377
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>Water skiing at buddies lakehouse bachelor party
>Shoulders feel like they've been ripped out of socket for 2 days
Every older person who's fit always says it's not the action but the recovery that gets harder is right

>> No.18316405

try a sauna after exercise, only thing that stopped my forearms feeling like the tendons were going to pop after bjj

>> No.18316456

vaxxie detected

>> No.18316465

*sneezes in your face*

>> No.18316510

>you're now 32
>all pain moves into the background
>days pass one after the other
>celebrating the smaller things in life
>when you just want to turn off your brain

>> No.18316518

>sometimes forget certain people i know exist and have to be reminded
it's over bros

>> No.18317522
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>time flies so fast sometimes I forget how old I am