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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 90 KB, 1200x628, CookingOil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18314352 No.18314352 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck don't Cooking Oils, Stoves, and any major cookware like Pots and Pans not have GIANT RED LABEL DISCLAIMERS notifying the consumer NOT to throw water on a grease or oil fire?

66% or two thirds of home cooking fires are started from cooking oil igniting and a large percentage of the worst home cooking fires are from idiots throwing water on a grease fire. It accounts for the majority of home fire deaths.

It's not like this information is written anywhere and it's always some ignorant retard cooking with oil at home that burns down entire buildings with their idiocy. How has this not been addressed or rectified?

>> No.18314365

How the fuck don't All Food Products have GIANT RED LABEL DISCLAIMERS notifying the consumer NOT to choke on their food?

>> No.18314378

>it's always some ignorant retard
exactly, so why do you think a label would help? they don't read that

>> No.18314385

Not the same thing, idiot. Most people don't actually know that water on a greasefire causes house destroying fireballs. Most don't know when they purchase cooking oil not to put high moisture or frozen foods into hot oil. There's no information on this anywhere. It's not "common sense" like chewing your food and not choking is. Before you make the retarded claim that it is, the majority of fire department calls and emergencies are because someone started a fire while cooking with oil and often made it much worse by throwing water on it. So even if you think it's normal to know better, it isn't.

It kills people and wastes millions of dollars in property damage and there are absolutely no precautions in place for something so dangerous and deadly.

>> No.18314403

The only reason warning labels exist is for liability issues for the company. Are you really so naive that you think that companies put warning labels on products out of the good of their hearts.

>> No.18314407

Because ignorance is remedied with information, and even the dumbest mouthbreather will have their eyes attracted to glaringly huge FUCKING READ THIS letters.

For what reason would these products not inform a consumer or amateur cook:


etc etc etc.

>> No.18314417

Oh fucking brother. Fuck off. Take your sophomoric jaded bullshit somewhere else, faggot. Nobody is impressed by your teenage cynicism.

>> No.18314429

It's called the Bonus Pater Familias principle. That's Latin for behave like a good father of the family aka if you act like a retard you get treated like a retard. It's in Latin because the Romans came up with it some 2500 years ago.

It's a principle, not a law. It's assumed that everybody understands what it's about. That's why in most countries there are no lawsuits for microwaved barbie dolls, kinder eggs or cancerous tanning beds. Except in the USA. There you can throw water at hot oil and keep suing small oil companies like a 1st grader.

>> No.18314435

it is funny to see

>> No.18314445

Do you know where you are right now?

>> No.18314451

Retards like you are the reason why this country washes eggs.

>> No.18314456

>Dude, they should just like...know better
Jesus, you faggots are actual morons. Trying to discuss this here was a mistake.

>> No.18314473

That's the only reason any company would do this. You really seem to misunderstood corporate intrests. Some mom and pop olive oil company putting warnings on there bottles? Sure. Mondelez International putting warning onlabels before a successful lawsuit? No.

>> No.18314487

I'm more interested in why they don't mark all oils with their smoke point. that's the one thing I would like to know when comparing oil

>> No.18314492

Wow thanks Captain Obvious. I totally needed your dime a dozen corporate skeptic view on business in America and their greed based motivations. I never would have thought of that before you came along!

Now, let me enlighten you on something mindblowing: these companies aren't in charge of general public health and safety issues in the US. The government is, and they do have the power to mandate labels on dangerous products.

>> No.18314501

While I would also like that, I'm more interested in why the death liquid that is responsible for the vast majority of fires across the world has no warning label or instructions on it despite it continuing to be the biggest cause of these problems.

>> No.18314510

Really seem like you need pussy man. Also another tip from Captain Obvious: good write to your congressman dickweed instead shitposting abkut something you think the government should deal with

>> No.18314514
File: 498 KB, 601x638, IMG_20220807_223837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck don't seed Oils, soybean oils and any major polyunsaturated oil not have GIANT RED LABEL DISCLAIMERS notifying the consumer NOT to ever ever eat them?

>> No.18314518

>Duh I have no argument, get some pussy bro
You're too dumb to ever add anything useful to any conversation.

>> No.18314533

you say that but you are literally just repeating the same fucking words over and over again as if it's a counter argument to the complaints about how retarded you are. you say you want a discussion but you really just want attention. if you want to change things, this is not the place to do it

>> No.18314536

Because we'd rather those kind of people would choke, same as we want OP to burn.

>> No.18314564

Yes I have no argument because I'm not arguing. I'm telling you to write your congressman if you want the government to do something you fuck.

>> No.18314573

I am open to having a conversation but you retards have nothing to counter or add to it. Just "they should know better, hurr", which is a patently stupid thing to say. So what you're essentially saying is that I'm so correct that you can't think of any real conversation to have about it. Thanks, you dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.18315023

>How the fuck don't Cooking Oils, Stoves, and any major cookware like Pots and Pans not have GIANT RED LABEL DISCLAIMERS notifying the consumer NOT to throw water on a grease or oil fire?

Only an american would be stupid enough to type and post this

>> No.18315039

Yeah what kind of retard realizes there's 120,000 home fires per year started by improper handling of cooking oil and actually thinks something should be done about it? What a dumbass.

>> No.18315053


>> No.18315270

>unironically attempting to debate on an italian underwater basket weaving forum
lmao even

>> No.18315415
File: 358 KB, 733x637, chrome_LEEoHs19pi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread is just unlikeable faggots talking shit, being antagonistic, and sitting on a high horse acting like they are better than everyone else. None of you know how to cook anyway because if you did this board would be the same as it was in 2014

>> No.18315478

oh the ironing...

>> No.18316869

>describes /ck/ perfectly
>fails to understand that they're lampshading
>the lack of self-awareness is captivating

>> No.18316883


>> No.18316897

complaining that the world doesn't baby you so you don't kill yourself for being fucking retarded is not a debate
>y-you don't cook anyway!
hahah fucking SAD

>> No.18317207

Hey dumbass, the entire point was I already knew these things. I literally could not have made the thread otherwise. Many, many other people don't. Enough that it's the most common cause of fires happening. There are no precautions or instructions on cooking oil. You only learn everything dangerous about it secondhand from someone else, which is not a good method of education or prevention.

Sad that most people in this thread are just dumb and won't understand a problem until it hurts them, and I guess that's what it would take for them to realize it doesn't need to be them making the mistake to ruin their life or kill them.

>> No.18317578

>There's no information on this anywhere.
Fire departments regularly do live demonstrations, and I've seen like half a dozen different warnings and demonstrations on TV. You're aware of it somehow, so obviously there isn't a complete lack of information wherever you live.
>even the dumbest mouthbreather will have their eyes attracted to glaringly huge FUCKING READ THIS letters
If you'd ever actually had to design instructions or interact with the public via labelling, you'd know that 95% of people absolutely do not read shit, zero words enter their head. They just push the biggest button they can see. Making warning signs that are effective is really hard.

>> No.18317589

>Fire departments regularly do live demonstrations, and I've seen like half a dozen different warnings and demonstrations on TV. You're aware of it somehow, so obviously there isn't a complete lack of information wherever you live.

most people dont go to fire dept demonstrations and most anons dont watch TV and even if they did they'd have to be tuning in and paying attention when that warning was on TV

stop assuming everyone is the same and sees the same thing

>> No.18317686

I'm just countering your ridiculous statement that
>There's no information on this anywhere.

>> No.18317706

>Fire departments regularly do live demonstrations
Which doesn't reach many people. If they're going to one of those, they're already a high effort person and that's generally not who starts these fires.

>I've seen like half a dozen different warnings and demonstrations on TV
Better, but still not reaching that many people. Fewer people watch TV than ever these days and the newer generation certainly doesn't. The majority of people that start these greasefires are people aged 14-25. The demographic of people that watch the news is older than that generally.

>You're aware of it somehow, so obviously there isn't a complete lack of information wherever you live.
The first time I heard about it was on a random episode of Judge Judy that my mom was watching where some black girl blew up an apartment kitchen because she threw water on a grease fire or something. I've otherwise only really seen it on internet memes, like that black guy in a chef costume throwing frozen fries into hot oil. My having heard of it isn't evidence that there isn't an information problem.

>If you'd ever actually had to design instructions or interact with the public via labelling, you'd know that 95% of people absolutely do not read shit, zero words enter their head.
Even less enters their head when there is no effort to disseminate the information. At the very least, if the warning and instructions are put on the bottle, you can then put the blame on them for not reading it rather than them having no real way of knowing other than randomly getting exposed to that information.

Cooking oil is dangerous and is the cause of most accidental fires in the world. There's no reason it shouldn't have warning labels and safety instructions. Fireworks have warning labels and instructions all over them, as do electronics, and those things do not cause 1/100th of the deaths or property damage that cooking oil fires do.

>> No.18317725
File: 2.10 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant throw frozen things into hot oil

I've been around a bunch and I can tell you that I've never heard of this at all. There's a lot of things that are dangerous that people don't know. I'm sure there's plenty of precautions I could tell you all that you didn't have a clue about so dont be so snooty

>> No.18317726

>Which doesn't reach many people.
They go to schools and town fairs, they reach plenty of people. Look dude, you're probably entirely right that a warning label would make a measurable difference. It is genuinely strange that there isn't some information on cooking oil. That said, you came at this thread with such bizarre aggression for no apparent reason, as if we're the international cooking oil cartel or something, it made me want to disagree with you just on principle. Anyway, as other people have pointed out you'd have to legislate it, food companies obviously really hate having to put anything scary looking on their packaging.

>> No.18317734

>They go to schools and town fairs

no one ever made such a presentation at my high school or middle school. You're full of shit. Again, not everyone is going to get exposed to this information. Also who the fuck goes to town fairs outside of a subset of folks in small towns?

>> No.18317737

He's not me. And you took that statement way too literally. Of course some information exists or nobody would know about it at all. The point is the information doesn't exist anywhere useful because cooking oil fires due to someone being ignorant of the dangers around using it are still extremely common.

>> No.18317741

Not him but i almost set my kitchen on fire when my oil caught fire and i put it out with hot water. worked but my fire alarm did not shut up for over a day

>> No.18317755

You're lucky because generally what happens is it blows up like a giant fireball when you throw water on it and a bunch of other shit catches fire and you're fucked. Depends on the amount of oil involved and how hot it is, though.

>> No.18317776

It was RAGING HOT. I was trying to get it so hot that it would season my wok. It flew into the ceiling but my apartment has cinder ceilings and my ceiling lights were recessed to prevent such things so it was all good

>> No.18317857

>no one ever made such a presentation at my high school or middle school. You're full of shit.
stop assuming everyone is the same and sees the same thing

>> No.18317936

Do you want to jerk me off you stupid retard

>> No.18317943

Maybe. Where do you live.

>> No.18317948
File: 2.88 MB, 402x716, nig nuggets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GIANT RED LABEL DISCLAIMERS notifying the consumer NOT to throw water on a grease or oil fire
If you're dumb enough to do this you deserve to die. If anything should have a label it's stupid people say "Do NOT breed"

>> No.18317955

ill jerk your little clitty where you at

>> No.18317966

It's not a matter of intelligence, but ignorance. Water not dousing a fire is counterintuitive. You wouldn't know not to do it without someone specifically telling you it will make the fire worse.

>> No.18317967

Dumb esl poster

>> No.18317978

He’s right. Only women think there should be warning labels on everything because they think that the entire population except them are children

>> No.18317986

Only women are dumb enough to think warning labels are a bad idea because they're too narrowminded to understand macrosocial issues.

>> No.18317995

this board used to be populated by adults anon, not 18 year old college freshmen

>> No.18317996

I bet you're the type of anime loving insecure incel that professes this caveman retard mentality in an attempt to feign masculinity by claiming that instructions and maps are also for women.

>> No.18317998

Because the companies wouldn't be held liable. If they could be you bet your ass there would be disclaimers.

>> No.18317999

Skill issue

>> No.18318005

Intelligent people don't need to be told, they understand the fundamental reason why. Ignorant people who have to be told are dependant on the intelligent, Unfortunately society has been engineered so the reproduction rate for the stupid is completely out of control while for the intelligent is below replacement. This of course is completely unsustainable and our legacy will be the dead machines of a senseless world.

>> No.18318028

i bet you dont even know how to detect live wires or wash your hands after handling raw meat

>> No.18318051

>detect live wires
I'm an Electronics Engineer, a prodigy one at that, made my first semiconductor circuit at 8, programming computers since 10, designed and built an audio amplifier from scratch at 12,
For every person like myself, there are 50,000,000 people wanting people like me to help them setup their WiFi. At least when I was a child it was only grandma asking me to help her program her VCR.
>or wash your hands after handling raw meat
Duh, if you don't understand the reasons behind that you deserve the shits.