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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18310409 No.18310409 [Reply] [Original]

what are your favourite meals to prepare when you're trying to lose weight?

>> No.18310488


>> No.18310489

cauliflower chowder
peanut butter and pumpernickel

>> No.18310492

Konjac noodles in place of whatever noodle/pasta you were going to use

>> No.18310494

Smoothies, soups and stirfries. You want to lose weight? Cut processed food and sugar completely, you're welcome.

>> No.18310509

>Cut processed food and sugar completely
as i would've said when i was perhaps 11 or 12, no duh

>> No.18310515

I'm not the one who asked for basic instructions on not being a disgusting fat slob

>> No.18310530
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>eating to lose weight
Do fat people really?

>> No.18310531

i wasn't necessarily asking for instructions, just inviting people to share

>> No.18310535

we don't all have the luxury of a meth habit

>> No.18310542

>all skinny people are mean drug addicts
this is why you're fat bro

>> No.18310545

monster zero, cigarette, adderall

>> No.18310548

two grilled chicken sandwiches and nothing else
>~1000 calories
>100+ grams of protein
>can of tuna or deenz for dinner if you absolutely must eat before bed
if you can't get by on this you're NGMI at all

>> No.18310549

Literally just take more naps instead of eating.
I have a hard time getting out of bed to eat meals because it's so comfy. Not sure how fat people always have the motivation to go make or retrieve food when sleeping is better than any other bodily process in existence including sex.

>> No.18310564

i'm not fat i just bulked a bit too hard over the past year, used to be skinny as a rail before that, shut up

>> No.18310582

>before bed
Are you going to bed at 4 PM?

>> No.18310586

are YOU eating dinner at 4 PM?
that's a late lunch at best

>> No.18310587
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>bulked too hard
No such thing. Don't squander your gains with weight loss.

>> No.18310588

What the fuck? Lunch is between 10 AM and 12 PM.

>> No.18310602

people who eat dinner before 8pm should be killed painfully, maybe 7pm if you have kids

>> No.18310606

>eating at 1 PM is dinner
autism or retardation?

>> No.18310613

Why does it matter? Sometimes I eat a meal after lunch around 4 or 5 PM, sometimes I don't eat anything after lunch, and sometimes I'll have a post-lunch meal later in the evening.
It's all pretty arbitrary to me. Depends on how busy I am or how filling my lunch was.

>> No.18310618

Oats with cinnamon and apples (30% of edulcorant)
There's a fruit for every person but 1 mango can fill me for hours

>> No.18310621

fried eggplant

>> No.18310623

because dinner is supposed to be digested while you're sleeping so you don't get up in the middle of the night to snack on garbage

>> No.18310626
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>i'm not fat i just bulked a bit too hard

>> No.18310636

dyel nigger detected

>> No.18310637

I sleep at all times of the day and night just fine whether I eat before or not.
Probably because my parents dragged me on road trips all the time when I was growing up and the boredom taught me to sleep on command in all sorts of less than comfortable conditions like in the backseat of a car or in a rundown motel or in a sleeping bag in a tent.

>> No.18310653

didn't ask for your life story jesus

>> No.18310657

Well don't make bizarre claims about what time dinner should be then.

>> No.18310667

>dinner is supposed to be digested while you're sleeping so you don't get up in the middle of the night to snack
Just don't get up to snack you tard. I eat dinner at 4 and don't get up in the middle of the night for even more eating. That's stupid and a waste of sleep time.

>> No.18310671

i made a perfectly substantiated claim and clearly explained my reasoning you silly goose

>> No.18310674

The faulty reasoning was why someone felt the need to correct you in the first place, yes.

>> No.18310678
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do one you virgin freak

>> No.18310687

That's not what I said. Eating at 1 PM could either be a late lunch or an early dinner, but who eats at 1 PM?

>> No.18310690

Your parents actually cared about you, took you outside to experience new things and see new places instead of sticking you in front of the Tv. How fucking awful for you. Please neck yourself

>> No.18310699

light breakfast like eggs fried in cooking spray and toast, 1 cup of cereal with low-fat milk, or a 300-calorie protein bar with water + black coffee and vitamins. i always try to stay around 300 calories. other meals might be 400-600 calories. snacks never exceed 300 calories. i spend considerable time exercising, standing or doing chores. i am not currently overweight.

>> No.18310706

you said lunch is explicitly between 10 AM to 12 PM, you said nothing of late lunches except that 4 PM is too late, which means you are backtracking and moving goalposts
>but who eats at 1 PM?
people who are busy between the hours of 10 AM to 12 PM?
not everyone is an autistic NEET who adheres to a strict daily regiment, autism-kun

>> No.18310707

>but who eats at 1 PM
A lot of people. 11 AM, 12 PM, and 1 PM are the most typical lunch hours in existence. 12 PM is right on the dot official lunch time, 11 AM is for people wanting to get something to eat early and 1 PM is for busy people who take care of lunch a little later.
2 PM forward is much more when it would begin to get weird to call that "lunch."

>> No.18310828

I eat what I want but I eat only once a day. Lost 25 pounds in 2 months

>> No.18310833

Just don't eat

>> No.18311087

>Zero protein
lmao at anyone eating less than 100g per day. Even on a cut that shit isn't not excusable.

>t. just ate 150g in one meal

>> No.18311097

Salad with grilled chicken. Love me some radishes, love me some carrots, love me some cucumber, love me some bell pepper, love me some jalapeño, love me some corn, love me some romaine, love me some green leaf lettuce, love me some spinach, love me some blueberries, love me some blackberries, love me some strawberries, love me some cheddar cheese, love me some feta cheese, love me some mixed nuts, love me some honey mustard dressing, love me some viniagrette, love me some italian dressing. Mix and match making sure not to put too many extra things in (like the nuts & cheese, or dressing) and you got a 500 or 600 cal lunch easy peasy, and it's delicious.

>> No.18311123

>t. just ate 150g in one meal
I need half of that on workout days
Imagine the smell

>> No.18311147

what's your height, weight and BF %?

>> No.18311163

The key is to just plain eat way more fruits and vegetables. When you eat, load up with way more veggies than the "good" part of what you're having. For example when I was losing weight I would make pasta like spaghetti, but half or more of the noodles would be thin sliced cabbage. I could still get that feeling of eating a big satisfying bowl of pasta but way well carbs in the end.

They'll tell you things like avoid apples cause it's the same as a chocolate bar. Bullshit. If they're raw you can pretty much eat most fruits and just about all vegetables raw till you're blue in the face.

I was very overweight from 11 or so until my late 20's when I finally decided to do something about it. 44 now and in better shape than ever overall and would never ever let myself get fat again, it fucking sucks. These days most often outside of snacking on fruits or things like green beans, etc I eat one meal a day usually in the evening. I almost never feel hungry and work a very physical job.

Also, take Sly Stalone's advice. "Eat great and exercise 5 days a week, when it comes to the weekend you can do what you want. Pizza... ice cream... hamburgers... doesn't matter. You been eating great, goin back to eatin great."

>> No.18311167

Didn't give yours? Won't give mine.

>> No.18311533

You need to change your relationship to hunger. Most people these days feel that twinge of hunger and think they need to eat a full meal asap or else.

Think of hunger like the battery on your phone. Those first hunger tweaks are like your body saying it's battery is at 80% or so. It doesn't mean you have to instantly run and charge it, that's actually bad. It's just letting you be aware.

>> No.18312137

general rule: if you aren't hungry enough to eat a meal of pure protein (meat/fish/eggs) without sides/palate cleansers/extra ingredients to flavor it up (which add calories), you aren't hungry enough to eat

>> No.18312239

mine is vegetable soup, very basic stuff

>> No.18312325

To much cooking and thinking.
To little cooking and thinking. 2 meals = best.

>> No.18312795

Pizza, Chinese buffet, McDonalds, hot dogs and hamburgers. That’s what I’ve been eating to try to lose weight but for some reason I haven’t been losing any so far not sure what I’m doing wrong.

>> No.18312920

damn this thread just got trolled epic style

>> No.18312933


>> No.18313026
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FPBP (checked)

>> No.18313034

Bacon and eggs.

>> No.18313368

Skinny faggots are the worst, If you're not going to contruibute get the fuck outta here

>> No.18313399


>> No.18313419

Cauliflower soup is a classic. Cauliflower has next to no calories, and if you put the cauliflower in a blender, you can make it creamy without cream. I still suggest adding a tiny dash of cream anyway, or maybe some whole milk just to round it out, but you need very little. Serve it with some lean meat, like chicken breast.
Fish cakes are also good, considering fish has very few calories and lots of protein. You also have shirataki noodles, which have literally zero calories. Just fry up some lean meat, some vegetables and whatever Asian sauce you prefer, and serve it with the shirataki noodles.

>> No.18313423

Porkchop fried in coconut oil with Haribo frogs

>> No.18313429

cottage cheese + hot sauce
coke zero sugar
corn/rice cakes + pickles
chicken breast + broccoli
kimchi taco
protein shake (water)
baked fish + sauerkraut

>> No.18313471

A nice tall glass of 50/50 (Guinness extra stout and whole milk)

>> No.18313504

wait really?

>> No.18313514


>> No.18313645
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Oreo and peanut butter pie

>> No.18313937
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>> No.18313959

Ah. We have that in Norway too. It's a northern thing and is called "karsk", which in old Norse translates to something like "healthy" or "spry".
Admittedly, the cigarette is not included.

>> No.18315301

Lean penis pot pie.

>> No.18315323

Jjigae. Make a bunch of cabbage kimchi. Then make jjigae every night without rice on the side.
I did this for a 6 months or so. Lost 60 pounds. It's pretty good, though it's hard.

>> No.18315325
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Anything that allows me to cut down on carbs and sugar (the bulk of my excess calories), and replace them with something lower calorie like vegetables or protein. Soups, stirfrys, salads of all varieties, and low calorie keto stuff.
Personally I'm prone to binge eating. So, I try to work around it with OMAD; usually one big lunch to keep me satisfied for the day. I have trouble with impulse control so I try to shift things to healthier alternatives while I work on undoing years of childhood abuse.
Today I had some 'greek' salad and some chicken. Yesterday it was a big plate of steamed broccoli with a little bit of cheese sauce. Tomorrow is Soup Sunday :) WAGMI

>> No.18315382

You would have made a great sloth.

>> No.18315490

Rolled oats mixed with peanut butter

>> No.18315616

>years of childhood abuse

Do you ever finally forgive your parents or am i doomed to stay bitter and estranged from them, and emotionally constipated for the rest of my life?

>> No.18315687

Drink diet coke all day. Like 12 cans a day.

This will fill you up and as a bonus, give you diarrhea.

Eat small meals other than this. Like chicken breast, with a cup of broccoli and a cup of butternut squash on the side.