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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18298792 No.18298792 [Reply] [Original]

/tea/ - /tsg/
This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous thread: >>18281410

>> No.18298805

Holy fuck bros this gyokuro is literally cumming in my mouth it's so unctious and creamy and umami and salty oh god OH FUCKKK IM GONNA GYOOOOOOOK

>> No.18298883

this based bro :)

>> No.18298900

I've been running into a bit of a predicament. I really like to take my time for brewing tea and experiencing it in a set aside amount of time but that free time doesn't usually come until later in the afternoon. I'm trying to get based gains and sleep is really important for that so the high amounts of caffeine late in the afternoon/evening isn't great for me. what are the drawbacks of brewing tea at night and setting it aside to drink in the morning?

>> No.18298905

This sounds way better than "tea drunk"

>> No.18298926

it's tea drunk mixed with finding really tasty tea

>> No.18298996

does the caffiene really keep you awake? i realized when i got into the habit of drinking tea before sleeping a while ago, it made me sleepy instead of awake because my body was expecting sleep soon. ive started drinking tea earlier now though

>> No.18299073

How am I supposed to go back to "cheap" gyokuro now that I know what I'm missing out on...

>> No.18299113

even after I get into a habit of drinking it and it gets to a point where it doesn't keep me awake it still impress the actual quality of the sleep. caffeine before the afternoon impedes your rem sleep. also it's come down to a convenience thing. I could use the caffeine more I'm the morning anyway.

>> No.18299351

Drink sencha instead when you want to have more affordable tea

>> No.18299356

This general has finally come full circle. Started on /jp/ for japanese teas, became a /ck/ thread where puerh redditors took it over for years. Now after years of puerh domination, this insanely good japanese tea season had brought back the jap tea.

>> No.18299358

I missed the Japanese tea posters

>> No.18299373

I regret not ordering more sencha this year. Is it too late? Is shipping still overpriced?

>> No.18299385

The sencha I like is almost the same price as the cheap gyokuro I've been drinking, reasonable every day teas. I've just recently been curious about what premium gyokuros taste like and I've basically played myself.

I took the first sip of the first infusion and I was actually confused. It took me an actual length of time to process wtf I'm tasting. It's so so much richer than what I'm used to; the first infusion was incredible. It was like I've been stranded in a desert of tea and this bright green Japanese goddess appeared and bestowed upon my tongue her golden showers. The third and fourth infusions weren't as transcendent but fuck those first two were tasty.

>> No.18299394

Why would it be too late? Japanese tea mongers keep their tea in pretty good storage. If you're worried about shipping, you could do Ippodo, their selection is pretty small though.

>> No.18299397

The 4th one is always watery for me. Maybe it's just relative though.

>> No.18299403

The good gyok is taken out for occasions. You don't drink your $150 bottle of wine daily, same with gyokuro.

>> No.18299408
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Who has the best take on milk tea? Hong Kong, Japan, India, etc.? How do you personally like to prepare it?

>> No.18299417

The fourth is never quite as good but it's usually not significantly worse than the 3rd. What temp do you do the fourth at? For gyokummy yummy I do

60° 2 min
65° 20 sec
70° 1 min
90° 1 min

You're right, I will save the good shit for when I've been a good boy but now I don't think I can help myself from ordering a small amount of the good good here and there.

>> No.18299461

Thailand has some baller milk tea

>> No.18299495
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Need to find something affordable. I'm tempted to try this. Has anyone here had it?

>> No.18299646
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For me its old medium-low grade liuan

>> No.18299695

Haven't tried it. I have mostly seen positive comments about their teas. Hopefully another poster that is more familiar with their selection can answer.
If you get into Japanese green teas you should consider ordering from japan next spring. Shipping is still kind of pricey but you will still come out ahead if you order 300g or so.

>> No.18299727

>Who has the best take on milk tea?
Thailand/vietnam make a pretty good one. But they use a powdered tea mix with a bunch of yellow dye in it and its good because of all the sweetened condensed milk.
Haven't tried the hk or Japanese milk teas.
I want to try this Japanese milk tea recipe but haven't gotten around to it.
The same guy also has a post about imitating some of the other popular brands of Japanese milk tea

>> No.18299747

Finally got the balls to try the extra bergamont earl grey from upton
It is indeed extra

>> No.18299912

for me it's medium-low grade black yunnan

>> No.18299970

Is it still good or is it just ridiculous?

>> No.18300009

I read originally english breakfast was made of chinese teas instead of assam ceylon and kenyan.
One of them was Keemun.
Does anyone now the original recipe/blend?
I want to make it, can't find it online.

>> No.18300041

wikipedia claims the first known recipe for a tea referred to as "English Breakfast" was basically Keemun, some "pekoe" (I guess tips added seperately) and, interestingly enough, Baozhong oolong
idk what kind of blends the English did before that. I do know they generally liked Keemun the most out of all chinese black teas

>> No.18300068
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Here ia some yank propaganda on the subject

>> No.18300094

it makes sense that something called "English Breakfast" wouldn't be created in England. then it would just be called "Breakfast"

>> No.18300205

I heard once that the name english was attached to the blend when it was marketed to usa, but I don't know if the blend was actually created for usa's marke
I see. Not sure what was I expecting

>> No.18300293
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Does anyone have a small shiboridashi for solo gyokuro sessions? It'd be nice to do small doses more frequently with good tea

>> No.18300307

I have one and I hate it. It clogs easily while losing leaf at the same time.

>> No.18300310

honestly it's so much it doesn't even taste like earl grey or tea, it just tastes like those vitamin c tablets you dissolve in water when you have a cold, but hotter.
It's ok.

>> No.18300311

Ah, then tiny kyusu it is

>> No.18300319

i'm a jeet so the right way is boil black tea leaves in milk, with cardamom, cinnamon, and clove. Add sugar to taste.
The quick and dirty way is to just use a bag of orange pekoe in water, then add a bit of milk

>> No.18300583
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Could I brew tea well in a hario switch? If so, what tea's would best suit the brewing style of the switch?

>> No.18300592

literally anything, what would make this different from any other way to brew tea? that it doesn't have a lid?
a downside is that you would have to use a filter i guess, which is annoying, so i don't really see why you would use this unless you don't have any other option

>> No.18300609

Yeah i heard it was pretty extreme, that's why i try to give anons a heads up about it. I think most people would be annoyed if that's the first looseleaf earl grey they ordered

>> No.18300615

Sure you could use it for gongfu or western style brewing. There are these litte push button brewers for tea that work basically the same way but they have a mesh screen instead. Kamjove makes some.
I would probably use it for some kind of black tea like assam

>> No.18300616

The filter works good for removing teabag dust so you could brew it loose

>> No.18300759

commodity tea is bad because of the plastics used in the tea bags
no cancer for me thanks

>> No.18300810

That's the reason why I originally switched to loose leaf back in the day.
But it seems a lot of people don't care about plastic the way I do. They pour hot tea/coffee in thermos with plastic cups, they use electric kettle with plastic that has contact with the boiling water, etc.

>> No.18300822

plastics bad, agrochemicals no problem


>> No.18300872
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Hario sells a metal cone for let more oils through like a french press screen, but also for teas. Called the eco filter dunk.

>> No.18300896

My ex's dad gave me a shitload of duck shit oolong and now I'm sadly sipping it because I'm not gonna fucking waste it but man it's reminding me of her every time I lift the cup to my lips.

How long does yunnansourcing take to deliver to the UK btw?

>> No.18300897
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Hmm I might actually try this in my switch, never even seen this before. Could be interesting not having to to worry about stalling my filters lol.

They also have this tea-specific switch but I would need to buy the base as well, killing my interest in it.

>> No.18300918

You can just jam various drippers in your base if you can find a globe.

>> No.18300922

What tea is highest in lead? I want something sweet and hate added sugar.

>> No.18300927

According to research: chinese oolongs

>> No.18300931

also black tea

>In terms of lead, the tea’s country of origin appears to be the most important factor. Black tea from China has the highest levels of lead. If you are brewing the tea and throwing the leaves away, drinking three cups a day of black tea from China would exceed the daily safety limit of lead consumption.

>> No.18300997
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India chads keep winning

>> No.18301014
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>> No.18301042

>Does anyone now the original recipe/blend?
>I want to make it, can't find it online.
it is probably not possible to make it exactly the same though you could still try to make a modern approximation of it. a lot of old export grades of tea are not made the exact same or are hard to find now and even the western names for a lot of the teas back them are somewhat incomprehensible and hard to tell what they actually refer to. if you are interested there are multiple antique books on tea blending available for free on archive.org.


>> No.18301055

tfw no bt tea gf
ngmi anon

>> No.18301309
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Fuck me I had a mug of black tea up to my lips as I was reading that. India though, phew. I guess the "no India" really lost this round.
Fuck that's a lot of lead though. Explains why Golden Monkey tastes sweeter than some green tea.

>> No.18301313

*the "no India" anon really lost

>> No.18301344

>If you are brewing the tea and throwing the leaves away
What did they mean by this? Perma-steeping? Eating the leaves?

>> No.18301368

So how does the lead get into the chinaman tea then?

>> No.18301456

Older trees have deeper roots which take in a more diverse variety of substances, heavy metals included
The older nature of the industry also means that old woks and other equipment is used, which could contain lead

>> No.18301482

Where do I find the absolute highest quality matcha regardless of price? Life as a lawyer sucks and I want to at least get some use out of all the money.

>> No.18301503

The highest end of Chinese and Japanese tea isn't available to the public outside of emergency fundraisers, it's mostly restricted to diplomats, high ranking politicians, CEOs of important companies, etc.
My recommendation would be to find a relatively nearby company that offers freshly milled matcha. That will probably make the biggest improvement. For the US east coast, Kettl offers some.

>> No.18301513

I will never buy indian tea

>> No.18301523
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>lead poisoning forces him to repeat himself

>> No.18301578

I don't drink chinese black teas either

>> No.18301585
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more royal albert finds
the design didn't suit me though so left it, researched back home and this was a 1969's to 80's cup meant for coffee, how they decided that is anyone's guess

>> No.18301593

How did you miss that rare yixing in the back

>> No.18301623

I focus a bit more on western style tea and don't know much about chinese, or even what a xixing is

>> No.18301640
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I wish I could teleport you into that shop with me anon, you'd probably have a great time, so many teapots from around the world just stuffed in, cheap too even though someone is trying to flip them because nobody fucking wants them

>> No.18302244

what do you drink?

>> No.18302799

Lots of veses eh?
None of them immediately jump out at me as something valuable but i would have a blast poking around in there

>> No.18302974

Was this enameled on the inside? If it was unenameled, it might have been worth buying. Tetsubins are interesting.

>> No.18302975

thank you for the books

>> No.18302980

Why not?

>> No.18303194

What do we think of mugicha, lads? And what are good places to get it?

>> No.18303205

Boricha* and we love it. Any asian grocery store should have it or you can just make your own by roasting pearl barley.

>> No.18303292

Just buy medium roasted barley by the kilo from brewery supply stores, just make sure its light to medium roast and not the burnt over roasted "chocolate malt" stuff

>> No.18303327

anyone else feel like good black tea is way cheaper than good green or oolong?

>> No.18303332

It is, but you can buy expensive ass black tea if you really want to.

>> No.18303353

yeah I know, but seems like you run into diminishing returns way more quickly than with green tea, the more expensive black tea I've tried wasn't really good enough to justify the pricetag to me when I'd be almost as happy with like a basic decent quality yunnan or keemun or something

>> No.18303398

I bought a pack of at least 10 different teas to help me with OMAD and not binge on coffee. I have some more neutral effect teas like ginger and lime and apple and cinnamon and more common teas like peppermint, black and green, but I'm afraid that some like fennel, boldo, gorse and even chamomile would be striking my health if I had too much of those. The first day I quite literally had one of each of the assortment of teas I bought, something along 12 mugs with some repeating herbs. And I had a mug with chamomille and fennel (in a different day of the 12 mugs where I had only 3 mugs in the morning and no tea or coffee for at least 6 hours before bedtime) to sleep and spent 3 hours rolling in my bed, even if I was going to bed in regular hours.

What would be a nicely moderate protocol for "functional" tea consumption where I can have digestion relief, energy boost and am able to relax, with off-the-shelf herbs? Thanks

>> No.18303439

>digestion relief
shu pu-erh after eating. supposedly also helps with losing weight
>energy boost
yerba mate if you want a boost as strong as coffee. black, green or oolong tea if you want a weaker boost
chamomile, possibly hojicha or genmaicha too since they have less caffeine than most teas

>> No.18303447

>shu pu-erh
Can you suggest something available in south america? I'm from Brazil, I didn't even ever heard of these and the chinese people around most certainly aren't sharing theirs being too busy selling shoes

>black, green or oolong tea
That's very adequate. I don't want to be jittery anymore. Thanks

For some reason I had chamommille and it utterly fail me in helping me relax, since I had it and spent at least 3 hours rolling on bed

>> No.18303459

Yep i agree, in terms of quality per $ black tea is the best value.
I think black tea processing is just much more forgiving where it's harder to make bad black tea where as if you process green tea badly its can be pretty rough. Plus there is just way more black tea made than anything else on the market and that puts downward pressure on prices.

>> No.18303467

Buy some sliced American ginseng root and brew that in a cup.

>> No.18303468


>I'm from Brazil

Lies. Você não fala português, nem levente

>> No.18303471
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Do you guys eat your tea leaves?

>> No.18303472

Meua migo, não só eu falo português mas eu falo português tem mais de 30 anos e eu assisti xou da xuxa, he-man e ayrton senna são meus heróis de infância e lembro com clareza do meu pai reclamando de inflação galopante acelerando pra gastar todo o dinheiro que ele ganhou com compra pra não desvalorizar ainda mais. E você? Eu aposto que você assistia poquemom e digimon e bambuluá com angélica

>> No.18303478


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.18303489

I'm literally about to go make rice so I can have my gyok with it.

>> No.18303503

>Can you suggest something available in south america
I don't know, just search "brazil online tea store" or something and see what they have. I'm sure you'll find some sort of pu-erh tea. The stuff that comes pressed into a cake is usually better quality than the loose leaf stuff, so just pick one of those. Avoid prepackaged supermarket pu-erh, those are usually nasty.

>> No.18303527


Will do, thanks. Considering the volume of tea I bought recently I can wait for some more rare, specific teas to come by mail.

>> No.18303554

>neutral effect teas like ginger and lime and apple and cinnamon and more common teas like peppermint
none of those are teas

>> No.18303675

Tea? More like pee.
Puer? More like poo air.

>> No.18303756

>poo air.
A prerequisite for good wet storage.

>> No.18303814

Peppermint is a herb, though. I'm aware that ginger is a root and lime and apple are fruits and cinnamon is bark. But are we being that anal-retentive to the point of gatekeeping what tea is? I mean, there's a very rational case to make about coffee being tea too, are we going there?

>> No.18303846

Those are all tissanes

>> No.18303874

>there's a very rational case to make about coffee being tea too
you don't know what tea is lol

>> No.18303931

I've made this argument before. They just shut down and don't want to hear it.

>> No.18303952

tea is anything made from the tea plant, which originated in china. that's where the word "tea" came from. everything else is a tissane
it's important that people know that tea and stuff like rooibos are completely different products to avoid confusion

>> No.18303971

So Lapsang Souchong is not tea, its flavored tea. Just like Blueberry Slim Life Green Tea from Yogi.

>> No.18303975

>it's important that people know that tea and stuff like rooibos are completely different products to avoid confusion
elaborating on this, many people are under the impression that stuff like rooibos or hibiscus or yerba mate is "just another kind of tea", along with black tea, green tea etc.
it's just better to make the language more precise, that's all

>> No.18303983

> But are we being that anal-retentive to the point of gatekeeping what tea is?
There's a specific plant called the tea plant that tea leaves come from that are used to make tea
> there's a very rational case to make about coffee being tea too,
Why is coffee tea rather than tea being a coffee?

>> No.18304002

lapsang souchong is a flavored tea and the other thing seems to be a flavored blend of tea and herbs
it's really a pretty easy distinction, anything made from the camellia sinensis plant is tea. if you aromatise it somehow with, say, jasmine or bergamot, it's flavored tea. if it's not made from the plant at all - it isn't tea, it's a tissane / herbal infusion / coffee / soup / whatever other hot liquid

>> No.18304009

If anything made with tea is tea(see Nuo Mi Xiang Cha), then I should be able to brew tea with black coffee and still call it tea right? Or would it be a tisane containing tea?

>> No.18304012

>anything made from the camellia sinensis plant is tea
So anything made with Camellia taliensis isn't tea?

>> No.18304013

I'd call it either "tea with coffee in it" or "coffee with tea in it" depending on what's more appropriate

>> No.18304014

Coffee-infused tea

>> No.18304020

Retards be like "coffee is tea" and all the tealet normie retards crawl out the woodwork trying to justify it.

This isn't /ctg/ guys, lets do better here.

>> No.18304026

How much tea is required before it turns into tea infused coffee?

>> No.18304031


>> No.18304037

The answer to this question doesn't change the fact that a tissane brewed with just ginger and water will never be tea.

>> No.18304043

Is hot dog water a tisane?

>> No.18304048

Coffee is tea, there is a very rational argument to be made there.

>> No.18304054

But does a cup of tea cease to be a cup of tea if I get a few particles of coffee? Like, puer stuffed into mandarins is still tea. Are there two different drinks there, one with mandarin rind and one without?

>> No.18304059

Flavored tea is still tea retard. If you're this desperate in searching for exceptions, at the very least make it make sense please.

>> No.18304066

This is why people don't want to engage you about this, you seem to just want to obnoxiously argue edge cases all day

>> No.18304073

How much urine do I have to excrete into the toilet bowl for my diarrhea to no longer be diarrhea? I am of sound mind and this is a useful conversation I swear!

>> No.18304075
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is there a tea equivalent of this chart?

>> No.18304077


>> No.18304078

Its like walking in the forest after the first rain.

>> No.18304080

I'd love for it to make sense. Last time I brought up pine needle smoke being an herbal component used for flavor one of you bozos had an aneurysm trying to defend it.
Its not an edge case at all. You've drawn an absolute. Whats the difference between a flavored tea and an herbal infusion containing tea?

>> No.18304085

It's way better than it has any businesses to be, its sweet, has those lomy soil woody flavors and also tastes red, for lack of a better way to describe it

>> No.18304098

>Whats the difference between a flavored tea and an herbal infusion containing tea?
If you're genuinely asking and not going to pester me with endless other fringe cases, I would put forth the idea that it's the ratio of tea to other material. If the majority of material is tea, I would say its flavored tea. I don't think this is a controversial opinion to have.

>> No.18304105

The only categories would be "Right" and "Wrong"

>> No.18304113

So we're in agreement that Lapsang Souchong is a flavored tea right? The majority of it is tea, flavored with taiwanese red pine smoke(or artificial flavor). So any charcoal roasted tea would have to be considered a flavored tea too?
> I would put forth the idea that it's the ratio of tea to other material. If the majority of material is tea, I would say its flavored tea. I don't think this is a controversial opinion to have.
That's what I'm getting at. Make it make sense. 9g of grated ginger will still overpower 10g of tea.

>> No.18304129

>9g of grated ginger will still overpower 10g of tea.
KEK I literally knew it would come to this but I wanted to be charitable anyways. And then you can go to the farthest extreme of 'well it's ackshully subjective because my cousin is super sensitive to oranges so in terms of flavor, for my cousin mandarin puerh is more like a tissane'.

>> No.18304145

Is earl grey really a bergamot tincture with added tea? In this essay I will

>> No.18304147
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>hahaha you fell into my /tea/ trap card
Nah you're a chomo pal. Is citrus rind tea? I don't think Citrus sinensis is that close to Camellia sinensis. What do you think about this? Black tea is almost assuredly outweighed by everything else despite being the single largest component of the bag. Flavored tea or herbal tisane containing tea?

>> No.18304150

>Noooooooooooo its still tea it doesn't matter how little tea they use or what synthetic fragrance they add

>> No.18304154

Man this thread was nice until you started autistically screeching

>> No.18304156

Flavored tea. I'm sorry your father overpowered you in conversations but these cute little exchanges aren't a replacement for therapy.

>> No.18304163

Some people take their tea with lemon and sugar. At what point does it cease to be a cup of tea with lemon and sugar and become an Arnold Palmer? This leaf has deliberately cultivated for a few thousand years and you morons still can't make up your minds on what it actually is. Make a cup and think on it.

>> No.18304165

Thanks for the education, I didn't know there was a difference. That said, it sounds very circle-jerky

No, apparently I didn't

Yes, I'm from Brazil, tea is called "chá", that is, whatever herbal thing you boil for flavor and metabolic effects that isn't coffee

Exacly my point, the whole thing looks like just a huge circlejerk that people with nothing better to do engages to feel relevant

>> No.18304167

I kneel. You're truly the Marcel Duchamp of tea/flavored tea/tissanes/mixed drinks.

>> No.18304176

>Exacly my point
He was disagreeing with you, Joao

>> No.18304181

How does it feel to have your worldview shattered? You can have all the autist gongfu rituals you want, but you'll always wonder if you're living a lie. Stare into the eyes of your tea pets and make amends.

>> No.18304190

Anon I was practicing irony. Your delivery yields but no results, changing not a mind. If annoying people to the point where they want to stop engaging with you is a win and you can cope by slotting it neatly in your worldview, so be it, but there has to be a better way.

>> No.18304197

I guarantee this guy was one of the toothbrush autists.

>> No.18304208

Yeah I've heard alot of the tists have to practice social interactions like that. Glad to help. Have you bought any neat tea pets lately?
You still think of me every time you put it in your mouth huh?

>> No.18304209

im gay

>> No.18304210

>it was actually him

>> No.18304213

>He actually believes it

>> No.18304220

>Yes, I'm from Brazil, tea is called "chá"
Weird, I'd always thought you called it cha if your ancestors met the stuff by land and tea if you met it by sea, and there's no way Portuguese first encountered tea by land. What am I missing here?

>> No.18304228

They met it by river so a cha-tea, or a tea infused cha, if you will.

>> No.18304240

Iberic nations are famous for picking names that have good enough or absolutely nothing to do with whatever the natives are calling their stuff (like calling Zhōngguó China and Beijing Pequim or the Cameroun Republic Camarões (shrimp))

>> No.18304245
File: 319 KB, 500x500, s-l500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were actually brought over by the chinese teafish who swam up river. Its why ripes in brazil all taste like favelas. They wrote a whole song about it.
>Delícia, delicia
>Assim você me mata
>Ai, se eu te pego
>Ai, ai, se eu te pego

>> No.18304279

What the fuck happened while I was out. /tea/ is usually so comfy. This thread has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.

>> No.18304293

Just your usual larpers who don't know what the fuck tea is and spend more time watching meileaf than brewing. If you need me I'll be refreshing farmer-leaf until I can rec something I don't plan on ever buying.

>> No.18304308

Does tokoname shine with use?

>> No.18304320

If you regularly buff it with a towel it will. If you just dab it dry when needed it wont

>> No.18304351

>White tea taste reminds me of calendula
What is wrong here? Would using too much do it? I didn't use boiling water.
Granted it is cheap white tea and I've been having some really good black tea lately so maybe I threw my palette off.

>> No.18304362
File: 199 KB, 607x1000, TeaPlantation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to help. Tell us how your tea blending experiments go if you decide to do any. I am planing to do some tea blending experiments myself but it may be awhile before they come to fruition.

>> No.18304367
File: 19 KB, 180x318, teablendingasafi50207gut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino cover.

>> No.18304373


>> No.18304384

I'd brew with ice but my cubes taste like silicone and if I wanted flavored tea I'd just buy Bigelow bags.

>> No.18304395

>Camellia taliensis
I personally include the closely related Camellia species in with tea.

>> No.18304434

It's incredibly weak. It only went overnight, not 24 hours, but I'm considering just boiling the water.

>> No.18304447

So then tea can be anything in the Camellia genus? Starting to make more sense now. They make tea out of japonica, sasanqua and other hybrid shit like pubicosta. So now, is Camellia Chrysantha an herbal tisane or a true tea?

>> No.18304586

How does kabusecha differ in flavor from gyokuro?

>> No.18304607


>> No.18304615


>> No.18304628

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.18304762


>> No.18304794

>If you need me I'll be refreshing farmer-leaf until I can rec something I don't plan on ever buying.
I exclusively give glowing recommendations of teas that I've never tried so that other tea anons will buy them and I can find out if they're any good.

>> No.18304835

>glowing recommendations
>anon glows

>> No.18304840

cringe reddit copypasta

>> No.18304855

If there are CCP shills in the thread, can you at least recommend some tea? What do they drink at the Chinese KGB?

>> No.18304858

But the point I was trying to make is that's just a huge ciclejerk. I concluded he agreed with me because his answer was very circle-jerky and now I'll use the argument "tea is a coffee" everytime some tea snob talks to me

>> No.18304859

should i steep yamamotoyama sencha for 1 or 2 minutes?

>> No.18304869

>"tea is a coffee" is code for "I have autism"
Thank you anon, we will take it as a warning in the future.

>> No.18304882

Why is this particular /tea/ thread especially shitty?

>> No.18304889

Its from /int/ newfriend.

>> No.18304918

I didn't say I'd use it seriously. Also, duly noted

>> No.18304963

Ma huang.

>> No.18305041

>What do they drink at the Chinese KGB?
Chinese govt officials ans business leaders traditionally give and receive gifts of expensive rare and valuable teas. So i higher ranking government official would probably have high grade wuyi oolongs, authentic west lake dragonswell green tea (which a few western vendors have started selling in very limited quantities) yellow tea, i don't really know what the high end chinese black teas are.
Anyway if you want some west lake dragonswell mud and leaves might still have some in stock, otherwise you need to pre order it in the spring from bitterleaf teas, mud and leaves and i think white 2 tea hade a week or two preorder period for expensive green teas. The cheapest west lake goes for about $50 an ounce iirc.

>> No.18305062

Wuyi black tea can also get pricey. Old Ways Tea has some if you are interested.

>> No.18305079

we accidentally set off the retard

>> No.18305121

The anonymous tea scene just isn't what it used to be. Anyone have any good conversations with their tea pets lately?

>> No.18305126

The peepee boy has stopped speaking to me after I gave him osmanthus black tea. Luckily, the fat pig still likes me.

>> No.18305145
File: 69 KB, 673x450, HTB1Q4vNaQ9WBuNjSspeq6yz5VXaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tittygirl won't even look me in the eye anymore. She says I don't even know what tea is.

>> No.18305189
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1661997924603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't gotten a teapet, i am working on acquiring some teacups with traditional lewd Chinese scribbles on them.

>> No.18305201

Holy shit I want traditional porcelain with digital censorship painted into it now.

>> No.18305202

Except i realized sice they are fake antiques they might be made with cadmium or lead or something so i might have to use it for display only
So using a lead test stick isint enough? Even if i scratch the glaze with a diamond dremel bit or something and really get it in there?

>> No.18305293

>Wuyi black tea can also get pricey.
Yeah that's the most expensive chinese black tea i can think of

>> No.18305428

I don't know what you mean. I'm not being an asshole, I'm just saying what tea is. The reason we even have the word tea is because there's a plant called tea that tea comes from. When you brew it, you have a cup of tea. If you steeped chamomile, you have a cup of chamomile. If you steep hibiscus, you have a cup of hibiscus. If you have to call it "chamomile tea" then what is tea? Tea tea?

>> No.18305479

yerba mate
without sugar like a real chad

or black tea breakfast

>> No.18305654

>what is tea? Tea tea?
I mean, kind of? Camellia sinensis sinensis is probably what you're talking about. Not to be confused with Camellia sinensis assamica. Or Camellia ptilophylla.

>> No.18305912
File: 13 KB, 370x817, 2022-09-01 09_07_57-pg50207.epub - [Tea-Blending as a Fine Art] - SumatraPDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized what a treasure you gave me.
I wish I had these books when I was experimenting with Russian Caravan blends a few months ago.

>> No.18306013

>Camellia ptilophylla
This one sounds neat. It apparently has theobromine instead of caffeine. I wonder what it's like.

>> No.18306194
File: 399 KB, 1908x1146, 40965004-0-image-a-10_1616744678975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As this thread is shit i want to talk about the apocalypse. Any western teabros (preppers or otherwise) figured out what they are going to do when supply lines are fucked? I considered going full mormon and buying at least 1 years worth of tea, but i'm only 31 which means i need 30+ years of tea which is not really feasible. I think this anxiety is part of the boom of puer.
This is a genuine anxiety btw, i dont want to have to drink peppermint tea and pisswarm beer for the rest of my life.

>> No.18306225

Maybe my language background is affecting me. It even might be wrong. I didn't knew and I'm now educated in the topic, thanks.

>> No.18306307

I try and keep an extra year or twos worth of puer on hand.
Really you shoul dbe planting your own tea bushes if you live it the righr climate, they are easy to grow and a few bushes are enough for a years supply of tea for one person.

>> No.18306310

Fuck typing on phones

>> No.18306328

speaking of post-apocalyptic shit, any of you anons tried tea from Georgia?
looks like they've started making black tea using the overgrown, semi-wild abandoned Soviet tea plantations. no need for pesticides since it's all basically just wild-growing tea at this point and there's more of it than anyone can harvest since the Soviets operated at a huge scale compared to current Georgian tea production capabilities
sound pretty cool from a historical perspective, I wonder if it's any good

>> No.18306361

I was looking at it. Moychay has both that and the real oldschool bricks of ground up stems and leaves that makes fu bricks look premium.
Is there some way to by Georgian tea more directly? it seems like it should be cheap and the vendors selling it are making a pretty generous markup on it.

>> No.18306445

thinking about turk teafarm anon...

>> No.18306555

>peppermint tea
not tea

>> No.18306598

lapsang souchong tastes and smells like pipe tobacco to me.

>> No.18306693

I hear the high-end stuff is very different to the super smoky low grade lapsang most people know

>> No.18306697

appending 'tea' to something (a plant or herb) that is not a product of the tea plant is simply a convenient shorthand used to refer to the process of making the beverage. 'tisane' might be a more specific term, but since its not widely used or even known, calling these "non-tea" teas 'tea' is a simpler and easier way of communicating.
It's also not really an issue, since when discussing 'tea' the kind of herb used is generally indicated by adding its name in front of 'tea', i.e. "peppermint tea". Thus making it clear that its not actually 'tea' tea that is the topic of the discussion, rather a tisane made from the actual ingredient.
The only time this minor lack of clarity becomes an issue is when """people""" with malicious intentions deliberately try to stir the (tea)pot.

>> No.18306746

>don't use precise language in our autist chamber because normies simply don't know better

>> No.18306761

"peppermint tea" is quite clear enough since its synonymous with tisane based on peppermint.
'tea' is just a convenient shorthand for the tisane made with products of the teaplant.

>> No.18306765

It tastes much closer to sencha than to gyok (and should be brewed like sencha), but with slightly more body. I reach for it over sencha more often than not.

their Wild Style Black is the best hong I've ever tasted, it's amazing how fruity a black tea can get

>without sugar like a real chad
For the most part mate isn't even all that bitter. If you can handle black coffee you'll have no problem with it.

I'm just trying to ignore it, I can't even get a job much less move out of this shithole city any time soon. The looming doom only makes each cup of sheng, oolong and matcha all the sweeter.

I tried one of the Georgian blacks what-cha offered circa 2016. It was quite nice but unremarkable, idk how representative that is of Georgian teas.

I don't like the smoky stuff but unsmoked lapsang can be pretty good, though like the Georgian black it doesn't really stand out.

>> No.18306929

If you're an Ameriburger you could get into yaupon holly, it's like the domestic version of yerba mate.

>> No.18306959

Any resources about how to store tea for long periods of time? The world will probably collapse soon and I need my tea, everything is also becoming too expensive, if I'm going homeless then I want at least to have my tea with me

>> No.18307009

I'm out of tea. I've been thinking about trying the Fist Steps sampler from Yunnan sourcing, has anyone tried it? Thoughts on Pu-erh tea?

>> No.18307045

Where did you people crawl out of? Go back there.

>> No.18307063

just grow ur own

>> No.18307106

>Thoughts on Pu-erh tea?
I drink mostly puer tea. Its an incredibly wide range of teas. I don't buy a ton of YS puer. Puer is great but you have to be willing to buy cakes and it can be a bit annoying to figure out what you are into.
The first steps sampler looks fine.
You can grab one of these too if you want to try more ripe. Menghai / dayi tae tea is the benchmark of ripe puer
If you want to get an idea for what aged puer with moderately humid storage tastes like you could consider a sample of one of these.
Or if you have money to spend grab one of these tuos
Im now obligated to tell you to order puer at your own risk, many posters enjoy it and drink it regularly, others dont care for it, a few have order puer and totally hated it, so if you want to be conservative don't spend too much on puer and make sure you are getting a couple 100g portions of looseleaf blacks oolongs whatever you like to drink.

>> No.18307113

>Thus making it clear that its not actually 'tea' tea that is the topic of the discussion
Oh so like when we call "indian tea" tea. Gotcha. As long as everyone is on the same page.

>> No.18307117

>Any resources about how to store tea for long periods of time?
Buy tea in bulk, buy oxygen absorbers and mylar bags, package tea with a vacuum heat searler thing and an oxygen absorber thrown in but don't pull a full vacuum or you will crush the leaves. Best is probably to package 100g portions or so the the opened bags will still be nice and fresh by the time you finish them off.

>> No.18307144

You are insufferable

>> No.18307166

You are ignorant. Its very hard to assert only Camellia Sinensis is tea when its been co-mingling its genetics with hundreds of other Camellias to produce the varietals you so enjoy.

>> No.18307183

>so autistic he doesn't even realize that he is the problem
Sounds about right, other people are always the issue never capt tism.

>> No.18307196

Why is pu-erh in a cake anyway? Is it brewed like black tea or is it unique?

>> No.18307215

Researchers at the Kunming Institute of Botany say
>This study demonstrated that C. taliensis was genetically involved in the domestication of C. sinensis var. assamica.
4chan lesbians say
>Reeeeeeeeeee mom he's POSTING again!
You're trying to tell a half black kid he's all white, despite clear evidence of his lineage.

>> No.18307222

>Why is pu-erh in a cake anyway?
Its a historical tradition because pressing teas into tight cakes was the easiest was to load as much tea as possible onto a horse. Then it continued to be a convent way to move and store large quantities of tea so the stuck with it. For a very long time almost all puer was shipped to hong kong where it was stored in wet warehouses for several years before it was sold on to malaysia or other south asian countries, the Chinese didn't even really drink puer at all outside of the region it was grown untill the 90s.

>> No.18307224

Historically, its easier to transport compressed material long distances. Consistent density probably helps with microbial development as well.

>> No.18307226

Very cool

>> No.18307246

I'm a Bengali
Most of the time it all depends on how long you brew the leaves
The longer you brew the leaves the better
Then you either add some condensed milk or powdered milk to the brew
Adjust with the amount of sweetness you need and that's about it

>> No.18307344

>In addition, historical evidence suggests that the “Singpho” tribe of Margherita, India used indigenous tea from wild plants before tea plants were introduced to Assam. The “Assam race” was known among the hill tribes in Arunachal Pradesh, India, who used the tender leaves to prepare a traditional drink. This was well before the initiation of tea cultivation by the British. Together, the evidence supports a likely independent domestication of Assam type tea in Assam, India, and should be regarded as a distinct genetic lineage from ‘Assam’ tea in China.
>Our results are not consistent with the traditional classification of Camellia sinensis but indicate that Chinese Assam tea is a distinct genetic linage compared to Assam tea from Assam, India. We further conclude that China type tea, Chinese Assam type tea and Indian Assam type tea were likely domesticated independently in Southern China, Southwest Yunnan Province of China, and the Assam of India, respectively. The newly identified and genetically distinct Chinese Assam tea will be a valuable germplasm resource for future tea breeding, and the ancient tea plants of Chinese Assam tea should be a high conservation priority.

Oh so there's actually at least 3 genetically distinct lineages for this drink. Strange. I thought it was all Camellia sinensis. Good thing we typically refer to it as Indian tea.

>> No.18307399

This is indian anti colonist cope.

>> No.18307421

if i boil water and then pour it into a cup how long would it take to cool down to 80 degrees?

>> No.18307442

depends on the amount of water and size of cup. but like 5 minutes I guess?

>> No.18307463

Why did so many antiquated tea things survive in Japan but die in China? Ground tea was a traditional way of drinking it, but China dropped it while Japan kept it around as matcha. Cast iron boilers were traditional but fell out of favor while Japanese cast iron forges kept making them.

>> No.18307553

8 ounces. i used to keep it in the kettle with the lid off for 6 minutes but today i realized that i could warm the cup by pouring it into the cup to cool but i feel like pouring it into the cup reduces the temperature.

>> No.18307570

From prominent pajeet scientists such as
>Miao-Miao Li
>Yong-Shuai Sun
>Jian-Chu Xu
>Jun-Bo Yang
>Jie Liu
>Ben-Ying Liu
>De-Zhu Li
>Lian-Ming Ga
More likely that its chinese heritage preservation trying to distance themselves from landrace indian shitleaves.

>> No.18307596

maybe because Japan was more isolated from other cultures and had, at times, a very hardline traditionalist attitude that abhorred foreign influences?
under those circumstances, it's understandable that it retained some archaic traits that died out in China long ago

>> No.18307636

Never heard of using powdered milk, sounds interesting though. Any benefit of using it over regular or condensed milk? Also, what would you say is the maximum brew time when making milk tea? Because I saw videos of people making Hong Kong style milk tea where they straight up had their leaves on a rolling boil for 15-30 minutes.

>> No.18307641

by this logic saying chinese tea isnt 'tea' tea either cuz you are specifying it. but good job thoroughly confusing the point, ur doing great.

>> No.18307654

The good news is that if society collapses like that, you'll probably die before you run out of tea.

>> No.18307666

yeah, most preppers are kind of retarded with their priorities. they should learn about organic farming and general DIY if they want to be self-suficient in the future, not just stockpile shit they'll eventually run out of anyway, unless they actually decide to waste enoough money to stockpile a ludicrous amount of stuff in their delusion

>> No.18307679

>buy oxygen absorbers
What kind of effect would that have on the tea? Surely removing oxygen would impact freshness in some way. It doesn't lead to a permanently fresh tea or everyone would be doing it.
Japanese culture values traditions, to the point where if they take up a tradition from another culture they maintain it better than the original culture. That used to be mostly ancient Chinese culture, but these days Americana is preserved in Japan as well.

>> No.18307714

If we're understand two variants of chinese camellia sinensis to be the progenitor of modern "tea", then it makes sense to differentiate anything else by both species and origin. When someone says they use cannabis, you can only assume they're not talking about ruderalis.

>> No.18307823

I just don't "get" oolong. How is it supposed to taste? What emotion is it supposed to evoke? I know the vivid satisfaction of green tea, and the savory embrace of black tea, but oolong just leaves me lacking.

>> No.18307827

Depends on the oolong. It's probably the most diverse tea, being everything between like 20 and 80% oxidation. Some are very flowery, some are fruity and smokey, some are even milky/buttery.

>> No.18307846

What about ruby oolong? A quick google says it's supposed to taste like fruit and chocolate, but mine was very astringent. Maybe I got fucked over by hot water again but I didn't like any of the oolongs I sampled at the tea shop recently either.

>> No.18307864

Oolong, especially ball rolled oolong, is usually pretty hardy against hot water. Oolongs do tend to have a certain astringency to them, but if it's too much it may be the preparation of that individual tea you bought. Especially with roasted oolongs like the ruby oolong, if they fuck the roasting process up, it's going to pick up bad flavor. Try some good tieguanyin.

>> No.18307876

I’ve been drinking long leaf Chinese tea it is amazing!

>> No.18307878

>Iron Goddess of Mercy
Such a cool name. I'll keep an eye out.

>> No.18307880

>some are even milky/buttery.
man I gotta re-up on jin xuan/GABA, it's some good shit. If you ever needed proof oolongs can be straightforward and cozy instead of homework, there it is.

Oolongs can be a lot of things, and "very astringent" is definitely one. It's not something I can see a ton of people reaching for regularly but can be nice in a rou gui or similar.
If you enjoy tea I encourage you to keep trying oolongs, they don't have to be your go-to but when you meet the right one it's something special- there are plenty of drinkers who pretty much go for oolong exclusively. If you don't mind spending nearly fifty cents per gram I highly recommend this one:

>> No.18307895

anyone else pilled on laos border puerh?
>no pesticides
>grown on same mountainrange as Yiwu, mostly forest trees
>laos gushu is at the price of Yiwu small trees
Im not sure if their processing is still a bit behind but it seems like really solid price for the quality.
I havent tried any yet but does anyone have any experiences with it?

>> No.18307921

oolong is probably the most diverse tea category. try some of the lighter oxidized stuff - tie guan yin or the deliciously milky jin xuan

>> No.18308014

>What kind of effect would that have on the tea? Surely removing oxygen would impact freshness in some way. It doesn't lead to a permanently fresh tea or everyone would be doing it
When i get packaged oolongs in the little 8g bags they have those moisture absorbers half the time

>> No.18308022

>Im not sure if their processing is still a bit behind
This was the problem with border teas for a long time. But recently the quality of processing has improved, i have had some really good Burmese border teas. That said as the quality increases their proce is also going up and much of the best border tea is now just smuggled into china and sold as puerh. Still some great teas out there and definitely worth trying if you see them

>> No.18308041

So that's what oxygen absorbers are, I misunderstood.

>> No.18308055
File: 72 KB, 602x884, oxygen destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18308087

Yeah i probably should have said moisture absorbers or silica gel but i think i was technically correct

>> No.18308088

I don't think I have tried such tea, though I have a small amount of (extremely dense) 2006 Myanmar sheng. Interesting qualities; kind of minty, some pleasant low huigan, prickly texture, and maybe a subtle herbal leaf quality. It's also a bit intense somehow; not exactly in concentration of flavor, but in energy. These are just the cliff notes off my memory and quickly glancing at my journal, but it is a memorable one. I don't know whether he liked it or not, but I think another anon got this one too. It's this from Chawangshop:

>> No.18308278

Oxygen absorbers=/=dessicants

>> No.18308524

My bad, thanks for correcting me

>> No.18308531

>I don't know whether he liked it or not, but I think another anon got this one too
i have a "tong" of it. its pretty good for the price. i will try to post some notes on it somtime.

>> No.18308533

At least you don't hate it, i was worried when i didn't see you post much about it after it came in since i said it was good.

>> No.18308540

Nice. Didn't you get something else alongside that like some liu bao? I don't remember, though it's been the wrong weather for me to drink that sheng for a month or two. Feels more like green and white weather lately.

>> No.18308546

if i were going to vacuum seal or nitrogen purge tea for long term storage i would use both oxygen absorbers desiccants.

>> No.18308604

here are some more useful books on tea (not related to blending)
archive.org has a bunch of other older books on tea as well.

libgen has a pretty good selection of the more modern books on tea but you will have to do with odd file formats sometimes.

>> No.18308609

You can't use both. Dessicants absorb moisture. Oxygen absorbers are iron and salt, and need moisture to oxidize (rust) and use up the oxygen.

You can get most of the way there with vacuum sealing anyway. I do so in mason jars. Oxygen absorbers just grab the rest of what's left for really long term storage.

>> No.18308619

>i was worried when i didn't see you post much
just been pretty busy as of late, haven't even had time to drink tea every day.

>Nice. Didn't you get something else alongside that
some white tea and this (which i have not tried yet):

>> No.18308627

Should I try Indian tea? Am I going to contract hepatitis or something?

>> No.18308712

Its very different from Chinese tea, i think its good. Its btter quality than African tea which is what they are filling twabags with these days. Try secind flush Darjeeling, maybe assam. I don't know if the expensive indian moonlight whites and oolongs are worth it but i wouldn't start out with them

>> No.18308713
File: 75 KB, 826x1238, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly recommend this book. I want to read George van Driem's book but the djvu file is all fucked up when I open it in Calibre. I'd buy it but $99...

>> No.18308748

>George van Driem's book but the djvu file is all fucked up when I open it in Calibre
i know my copy from libgen works, try a different program perhaps?

>I'd buy it but $99...
on that note i want to find a free copy of this

>> No.18308752

>on that note i want to find a free copy of this
Ooo that looks interesting

>> No.18308758

please try some sir. It is very low in lead! India's teais the finest quality product in the World with affordable prices. Summer flush Assam for your milk drinks and 2nd flush Darjeeling if you prefer to drink it plain.

>> No.18308797

> very different from Chinese tea
Huh. Wonder why?

>> No.18308805

Grown in a totally different location in a totally different process from (mostly) totally different varietals and processed in a totally different way.

>> No.18308826

Not him but I also just grabbed a copy from libgen, opened it, and found another copy someone uploaded a few months ago lol. hot_tea_sip_now

>> No.18308830

The Seo Pen from farmerleaf is truly an incredible tea, one of the best I have ever had. On the first brewing, the aroma transported me back to every single memory I have, I lived through my entire life over and over again as the tea moved through my nostrils. The second brewing tickled my mouth and throat as if I had drank a mouthfull of unbelievably talented reki practitioners who dedicated their life to stimulating my senses. The third brewing turned the fat on my body like a bolt of lightning into muscle, turning me instantly into an adonis. My mind became perfectly clear, the world is now free of distractions. My glasses were spontaneously ripped from my face and exploded, I now have 20/10 vision. My cock instantly became erect, at twice its (already impressive) usual length. My girlfriend was in the other room, but the sheer aura of my newfound virility impregnated her instantly. This was a few weeks ago, we are now expecting quadruplets. The fourth brewing aligned the Qi of my body with the Qi of the world, and I began to float spontaneously, as space and time warped around me, and everything that was broken became whole, and everything that was old became new, and I began to see and understand everything.

In essence, it is imperative that you instantly order either a 20g sample for $16 or a 357g cake for $160, and accurately describe your brewing experience here so we can compare out shared feelings of enlightenment.

>> No.18308839

Can confirm its not dolphin porn

>> No.18308913

Sounds decent but I'll have what she's having >>18298805

>> No.18309004

Was that your christmas present to the thread? 12/21

>> No.18309019

Should I spend 200 dollars on Chinaman tea or try other things like from India or Taiwan?

>> No.18309151

I get it now. I understand.
If you spend big bux on top shelf clonal EX lot 1st flush Darjeeling, 1st > 2nd

>> No.18309174

Try high grown Ceylon tea, it'll put hair on your chest

>> No.18309420

I've ordered from tezen.eu a few times and their teas are quite good. Maybe an idea to add it to the EU section in the pastebin.
I've mostly tried the organic teas. The yellow tea so far is my favourite.

>> No.18309646
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The other 2 oolongs I tried were astringent and unpleasant for me but this one is great. Tastes like mangos. Maybe soon I will find a puerh I actually like as well.

>> No.18309776

yeah, dancongs, tie guan yin, the lighter oxidized taiwanese stuff... oolongs can be pretty amazing

>> No.18309969

Should I brew woojeon like a sencha?

>> No.18310109

Thanks anon i will check them out

>> No.18310113

That's what I drink

>> No.18310135

Added thanks anon, i meant to add them a few years ago but forgot the website

>> No.18310246

my ktm order might come next week :-DD

>> No.18310268
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>> No.18310331

I'm running out of tea, what the fuck do I buy.

>> No.18310552


>> No.18310567

Several samples from a wide genus of flowering plants known for their traditional herbal infusions.

>> No.18310661

Where should i make my next order?
White 2 tea or farmer leaf?

>> No.18310673

Depends, are you a tranny or a redditor?

>> No.18310734

I don't really like w2t gimmics but their tea that ive tried has been good. Haven't had farmer leaf, i know anons say he is good but im too poor to buy a bunch of his teas.
Looking to spend $125 or so + shipping

>> No.18310743

Just buy the $300 "Pepe the Epistemologically Ambigious Frog' cake, goy. Region? Lol you don't need to care about that, it's good dude trust me look at all these reddit reviews.

>> No.18310752

I agree with all the genral criticisms of w2t, ive been making them here for years, but if the tea is decent quality for the money im still going to buy it.

>> No.18310756

I'm going to recommend random shit off mud and leaves that I have no intention of buying.

>> No.18310777
File: 1.95 MB, 2025x3353, 20220902_120953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started some sun tea with old south meeting house blend from upton, will try to report with results

>> No.18310786

is that plastic?

>> No.18310788

Lid is unfortunately, but the jug is glass

>> No.18310791

ah okay, carry on lad

>> No.18310850

I’m looking to buy a quality Japanese tea set. Any good online stores?

>> No.18310854

Like for matcha or like a kyusu?
Don't see many sets for sencha

>> No.18310862

Just for like Bancha and hojicha

>> No.18310867

artistic nippon or that one tokoname seller on ebay

>> No.18310919

Thank you for your kindness.

>> No.18310951

I would get a kyusu you like and get some seperate guinomi/yunomis to go with them. Actual nice sets are much harder to find than nice kyusu's and nice teacups.

>> No.18310957

Can someone who drinks Japanese tea write a short guide for what to look for when buying a kyusu?
Just a few bullet points like a good size for one person, the kinds of filters to look for and anything to avoid.
I want to throw something up in the pastebin but i don't know shit about Japanese tea

>> No.18310962
File: 229 KB, 1024x683, bancha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trimming the tea hege

>> No.18310964
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Smoke some tea

>> No.18310967
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tea bucket

>> No.18310971
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>> No.18310975
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>> No.18310976


>> No.18310984
