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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18306141 No.18306141 [Reply] [Original]

"Fancy cup for a fancy coffee" edition

How's your local coffee-house?

>> No.18306167
File: 207 KB, 1000x1228, bria (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like dessert with mah cawfee

>> No.18306229


>> No.18306281

I get points on every sheetz coffee I purchase. If I go 6 times a day I can get 2000 points a month, which is around $60 in free food, meaning I get paid $45 ontop of the $400 in coffee I paid $15 for.

>> No.18306324

Looks like pretty standard latte art to me.

There are are now 5 coffee shops in the block next to the the laneway that I live in (6 if you count the shitty tourist trap on the corner with the main street):
>closest one: has ok espresso coffee, average batch brew, the most popular probably because it has the best food options
>my favourite place: is actually run by a specialty coffee roaster, solid coffee
>place that has been there for decades: probably has good espresso coffee, never been there
>new place owned by the same group of businesses that has three different bars in my laneway: haven't tried it
>place that no one seems to go to, I haven't either

>> No.18306327

do you just bring this up because Altoona is the meme of the month here?

>> No.18306339

Haven't seen altoona mentioned at all. I don't live there anyway so IDC.

I also noticed that the fryz are cheaper/month, and you can get 15 points per/2h, meaning if you get fries and coffee, you can get $132 in free food a month from points, for a cost basis of $25.

>> No.18307149
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New to coffee or just looking for recs?

>> No.18307218

how do i into coffee?

>> No.18307691

Buy a pour-over dripper cone (for example Hario v60), a beaker (eg Chemex), a pack of filters, and a hot water kettle.

Then go find whatever roasters are in your area and start trying their coffee.
You want to start with pourover because that's how those people taste and drink the coffee that they decide to sell. Modern style third wave coffee is all about roasting as light as possible and making pourover.

>> No.18307722

>Buy a pour-over dripper cone (for example Hario v60), a beaker (eg Chemex)
Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.18307893

if he is wrong then could you tell me how to into coffee?

>> No.18307916

Can you not be an autistic nigger again and just include the improved pastebin so we don't need to bitch about it every thread

>> No.18307933
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I was assuming with a name like Chemex they must make a million kinds of glassware including standalone beakers and carafes and shit too, I was wrong. Sorry.

Let's try this again with help from Stagg.

>> No.18307936

My local coffee house is dunks. When I was in california there were very few dunks. That’s not nice.

>> No.18307965

Honestly, join the "aeropress gang". You can start with store bought per-ground coffee. Follow online recipes, at least try adlers method (the inventor, you need a baseline to compare against). With store bought coffee, you will want to use a lower temperature water, as that coffee is stale. If you have a thermometer, boil some water and let it sit until it is cool enough, or you could microwave the water until it hits the right temps, remembering the volume and time.

This is all before you go and get a temperature control kettle, a good burr grinder (the mr coffee "grinder" will not cut it), and subsequently fresh whole bean coffee and other brewing equipment. A scale is often recommended as a first purchase, if you don't already have one. Depending on what you like will determine how far down this rabbit hole you go. You could enjoy french press, or pour overs. Maybe espresso. Experiment and decide for yourself.

>> No.18307974

What's the cum sac for?

>> No.18307978

Why recommend the xf if the x can take wave 185 filters, instead of proprietary? Anyway, you can get that directly from fellow products for less with a bag light roast coffee. The stagg ekg kettle is often touted as the best temp control kettle there is, and the stagg x pour overs are newbie friendly.

>> No.18308028

Hario is literally a japanese lab glass manufacturer. They make more far more glassware(including coffee carafes) than they do actual coffee shit.
Yeah follow that pastebin anon worked so hard on. Come back with a few questions afterward and we can point you in the right direction.
>Why recommend the xf if the x can take wave 185 filters, instead of proprietary?
Because he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

>> No.18308066

Oh it was just the first result on Amazon. The point was just to draw a shitty diagram showing the two pieces are separate and one needs to fit on top of the other for convenience.
I'll atone for my mistakes by drawing something nicer later.

Related though, anyone have the Stagg X and like it? Compared to Kalita?

>> No.18308184

orange juice in coffee is pretty good
I tried it because chocolate oranges are good

>> No.18308187

I am that anon, and I do have both. Compared to the kalita wave, the stagg x shows the biggest difference when it comes to recipes that have longer draw down times, as the walls are insulated and keeps a more consistent temp. Other than that, I personally cannot tell a difference between the two using quicker recipes. Using wave 185 filters of course.

>> No.18308235
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>wife runs a fancy coffee shop
>at least once a week I drop in and loudly declare that I would like ONE WEINER MELANGE PLEASE
>she gets embarrassed every time

It's the little things. (Also it's fucking good. It's basically a cappuccino made with strong drip)

>> No.18308261

Post a picture of your stuck-up wife's tits

>> No.18308269

ok but only if you post a picture of your dick first, cutie. ;)

>> No.18308274

>cappuccino made with strong drip
So a flat white. Don't get me wrong, i respect the Vienna classics, it's just one of those things that overlap with worldwide known menu staples

>> No.18308287

I only order it because it has a funny name and it makes people giggle when I say it. It is good though. She also sometimes makes me two shots of espresso with whipped cream on top, whatever that's called. It's really good too. We mostly make incredibly autistic pour over coffee at home so I don't know the names of the less common drinks.

>> No.18308428
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hello. one coffee please.

>> No.18308433

I make iced coffee at home

>> No.18308563

>forgetting the pastebin

>> No.18308594 [DELETED] 
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I work at a place that serves coffee. I've been making coffee for over three years. I don't know the difference between a flat white or cappuccino. I just make them the same way and no one has ever complained. Latte is more froth? I hate coffee. Our main customer is taxi drivers. They couldn't tell the difference between a mocha and an orange juice. I hate working there.

>> No.18308626
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One turbo ethiopian for catposter

>> No.18308856
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At the start of the day I just grab like 20 beans and have them as a snack like popcorn before work. It's the coffee of patricians.

>> No.18308861

I drank coffee like a pleb for many years until I tried chocolate covered coffee beans for the first time. Inspired, I cut out the sweet middle-man and have been left with pure energy the way god intended.

>> No.18308871

That's cool. Hope you finger her asshole a whole bunch

>> No.18308881

What a fucking bad aiming.. they missed the plate!

>> No.18308886

I dont get it
You spend extra 400$ worth of food so you can get 60$?

>> No.18308921


>> No.18308927

>They couldn't tell the difference between a mocha and an orange juice

>> No.18309410
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>turbo shots

>> No.18309430

I think the soi-poster above me is a generic retard but anon this is objectively gay

>> No.18309444

t. well versed in gay culture

>> No.18309677

>wife runs a fancy coffee shop
if she doesnt use specialty beans that cost at least $100kg and was roasted at most a week before brewing then she doesnt have a fancy coffee shop, she just runs an overpriced coffee shop.

>> No.18309681

ok i just posted it on /v/. look for a thread called " 'ick on 'eck ".

>> No.18309692
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>jx-pro 170€
>j-max 200€
>m47 phoenix 220€
aaaaa i still can't decide... the j-max does seem the nicest looking at quality of life things, but are they really worth the 30€ more? also the better looking dark grey j-max is 10€ more expensive what a scam

>> No.18309706

I'll say this much, if you're gonna primarily be grinding in the aeropress and espresso range get the m47. If you mostly do stuff with coarser grind settings like pourovers and french press then get one of the other two

>> No.18309730

>roasted at most a week before brewing
t. 14% extraction yield enjoyer

>> No.18309748

primarily espresso but i'd like it to do everything if needed.
what exactly makes the kinu better? from the stats alone there shouldnt be a big difference between the j-max and the kinu, is it just that it tastes better from the kinu? i'd love to compare both but don't want to be that nigger who returns a bunch of used grinders

>> No.18310001

just bought
natural process burundi
honey typica fsl colombia
sebastian gómez - natural geisha

what will i think of it?
(i also got some tea for my mum, Pai Mu Tan Peony White Tea, Golden Monkey Black Tea Yunnan)

>> No.18310347

just get the kingrinder k6 for 150e, it still cucks the j-series

>> No.18310423

My pourover grind is 36 but my Aeropress grind is 8? I don't get it.

>> No.18310453

You will think they all have the same generic boozy fruit flavors

>> No.18310483

it's not available currently. elaborate how it's better than the j-max

>> No.18310498

What don't you get?

>> No.18310506

I don't get this vast expanse between cowboy coffee and espresso grind that is just called "medium-fine"

>> No.18310524

You want roughly ground for pourover so the flow is fast enough, if it was too fine it'd clog.
But if you can go finer you should because that increases extraction.
Aeropress and espresso use pressure to force water through coffee even at finer grinds, so it makes no sense to go coarser.
A pourover can't go finer because then the flow would be fucked.
So yeah there's just an empty void in between. Come up with your own brewing method to fill it if you want.

>> No.18310537

>what exactly makes the kinu better?
Alignment, adjustment, and the quality of the burr. Instead of cloning another burr, they buy them from italmill, then remachine them to tighter alignment and better tolerances.
>All three products are single-dose grinders with steel conical burrs sourced from Italmill, the same company that makes burrs for a variety of commercial and consumer grinder manufacturers. The burrs are then modified in-house for application into a unique Kinu alignment system.
1zpresso saw kinus success at the ~$199 pricepoint(and perpetually out of stock) and released the JE and JS, both using the same italmill burrs as the kinu. To lower their costs 1zpresso does not import italian burrs anymore, instead just copying other designs and having them made in china. Q2 burrs are comandante's design, K burrs are a 48mm version of the comandante, J burrs are italmill clones, j-max are a tweaked version of that italmill designed for more fines/texture in your espresso.

>> No.18310568

just say you dont know what you are talking about and fuck off.

>> No.18310584

you first spam commenter

>> No.18310593

just say you dont know what you are talking about and fuck off.

>> No.18310601

not even one thread later and the retard is intentionally leaving out the pastebin lel

>> No.18310610

OP might just forget

>> No.18310681

no he did it last time when we had the worse paste and no matter how many times he was told to include it (since for whatever reason he HAS to be the one who makes the new OP) he never did and nearly caused our pastebin anon to have a breakdown till some guy bullied him into making a better one. I really don't understand why making sure the OP has a photo of some shitty latte art is so important to him but so it goes

>> No.18310700

I’m an elite coffee buyer, roaster and brewer. My grinder is always dialed in, my beans are always perfectly rested. I don’t need a faggy pastebin. That’s for effeminate sub bottom bitches who normally drink tea.

>> No.18310728

>till some guy bullied him into making a better one
Hey I've tried to repent for that by putting together the hand grinder table.

>> No.18310835
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>I've tried to repent for that by putting together the hand grinder table.
i forgive you anon (im also the guy that bullied you in multiple threads :))

>> No.18310880
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Is espresso a meme?

>> No.18310914

depends on who makes it and how its made.

>> No.18310950

I don't know how much they cost but I know they only import single source and roast and blend them in the store. Her friend who runs the "business" side handles the roasting since it has to happen after hours and she handles the actual daily operations of the store.
She brings home new blends and stuff all the time and we test them as pour overs

>> No.18310955

No because you can make americanos with them, the superior form of unfiltered coffee.

>> No.18311006
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I recently purchased some Monin caramel syrup to add to my coffee as well as making them with milk instead of water, I never even considered using milk for some reason before even though I know it makes sense.

>> No.18311046

Espresso at home is

>> No.18311106

Only if you get a fl*ir

>> No.18311180

Look at him melt.

>> No.18311253

>1zpresso removed their entire product range except one grinder from german amazon
what the fuck it was still available in the afternoon

>> No.18311307

Comandante legal strikes again.

>> No.18311310

maybe take this opportunity to stop using hand grinders like a tard

>> No.18311365

want to send me 400 bucks or whatever a decent electric grinder costs? cheers cunt

>> No.18311436

what a load of malarkey

same beans as cold brew, 90c, 20 clicks on the chestnut and it tastes the same as cold brew but hot.

>> No.18311505

Post beans.

>> No.18311621

>order from local roaster last friday
>they still haven't shown any signs of life
do they only roast every 2 weeks? come on you lazy hipsters

>> No.18311828
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the roaster chad roasts only when the roaster chad wants, and will not move for anybody. simply accept that you are powerless before them and kneel like a good caffeine addict.

>> No.18311872

>caffeine addict
Don't hurt me by telling me the truth

>> No.18311927
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Local roaster roasts Mon-Fri. Their roaster caught on fire a few months ago, but they got it replaced quick. They roast stuff for local grocery stores, for coffee shops, and for themselves. They're primarily a roasting operation, but they offer drinks at the front of their warehouse with single group machine.

>> No.18311933

Espresso at the roasters is a meme.

>> No.18311945

Stuffs good and since it's in a warehousing area I don't have to deal with college kids and hipsters crowding up the tables with their laptops for hours.

>> No.18312273

Shit, from france too.

>> No.18312316

Did you guys think I was joking about the comandante shit? Their legal team is on the warpath right now.

>> No.18312381

>How's your local coffee-house?
I don't go anywhere that expects tips.

>> No.18312398

what about the tip of my dick in your mouth

>> No.18312454

Wasn't on the thread when you said it, just read about it now but it's not exactly clear what's happening. Are they just mad they're making as good grinder for half the price or do they have a reason?

I bought a jx pro (actually bought a jx, dude gave me a jx-pro instead) last month so I'm fine but I was considering a q2 for my cousine's christmas. Let's hope they fuck off before that.

>> No.18312515

>Only if you get a fl*ir
I've got a fla*r

>> No.18312557
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They're mad 1z(and others) keeps ripping off their burr design and handle. I'm sure you can still order off aliexpress and shit, but I'd guess its just easier for a german company to c&d vendors within europe. Prolly why they've released a 40mm q2 hept this year and the new xpro uses the same burr. Cdante on the right. Fwiw option o is also using something reaaaaaaaaal similar in their lagom mini.

>> No.18312676

I see. Fuck Germans anyway

>> No.18312680

The commandante is a good grinder but there's no reason to get it when the kinu exists and is cheaper

>> No.18312689

Quite happy with my jxpro personally. 350 euro is just too much

>> No.18312706

any country that expects tips or has a tipping culture is a 3rd world country and should not be visited or lived in for any reason.

>> No.18312714

I mean, product development isn't cheap and they're basically all hand made in germany. I can see why comandante would not innovate and keep selling the same product for years until the market caught up. I can also see why comandante would be pissed that all it took to fuck them was a 3d scanner and an aluminum tube. Once the chinese counterfeit market is rolling you're not going to stop it. These idiots had "COMANDANTE BURRS" on their site for a while, then changed it to "C-STYLE BURR" then removed it.
>when the kinu exists
I really think Kinu caused all of this desu. Their factory burned down in 2018 and to recover they made the $199 phoenix. Buttfucked the market by essentially undercutting themselves(and cdante) by $150 to raise capital quick. 1z saw this new price point was accepted and put in an order for italmill burrs to jam into whatever body they could find and the rest is history. Once they had one body to shove burrs into, they set out on other burrsets.

>> No.18312763

I can do without restaurants. Lately quality has taken a huge dive anyway. Workers are lazy and inept.

>> No.18312765

The 1zpresso website talks about new Burrs for the q2 and j serie, I guess this is their counter move. Do we know if people tested the burrs?

Honestly not sure commandante will get out of this winning. Looks like some big negative pr and also people now figured out that grinder don't need to be that expensive

>> No.18312791

JE and JS were the only ones that used the 47mm kinu italmills afaik. JX and JXP were already using the clones, and the Jmax is using another revision of that. Dunno if they're swapping jx and jxp to the new burrs, but if they do I'd expect a noncoated version of the kin k3 soon after lol.
>The Titanium-coated burr design of J-Max and the Stainless-steel burr design of JX-Pro grinders are different.
>J-Max grinder produces more fine particles compared to JX-Pro grinder.
X-pro just started shipping outside of china so english reviews will start trickling in more and more.

>> No.18312808

OK it does seem like they're going to change most of their range to avoid the lawsuit. I guess it'll be worth waiting a few months before buying again from them.

Thanks for the info

>> No.18312820

How do I clean my shitty amazon burr grinder? I can't take it apart, should I just run water through it for a while?

>> No.18312837

>1Zpresso are also stopping manufacturing the K-Pro and the K-Plus and will only be making the K-Max available as their premium Pour over grinder. I think that they might also be going to do the same with the JX and the JX-Pro and maybe have the X-Pro and the Q2 (Heptagonal) instead, this is just a theory but they are streamlining their products, so i will be keeping an eye on this.
From that guys video. So they'll have a 40mm heptagonal internal adjustment grinder with 24 micron steps(q2), a 40mm heptagonal external adjustment with 12.5 micron steps(xpro), and a 48mm heptagonal flagship with 22 micron steps(K-max) on the pourover side, then J-max(+something cheaper and worse) on the espresso side? Odd.

>> No.18312850

I spray mine down with lysol

>> No.18312851

>should I just run water through it for a while?
Don't do this it creates mustard gas

>> No.18312858

You're not really supposed to clean grinders with water from what I gather. You sure you can't take it apart? Post which grinder it is

>> No.18312903

>Lately quality has taken a huge dive anyway. Workers are lazy and inept.
been going to this same restaurant for years and they have had multiple staff and management and chef changes but the quality has always been literally perfect.
but since they reopened after covid restrictions eased up and they got another new manager and new kitchen staff the quality dropped through the floor. from $25+ for the most amazing burgers you will ever have in your life with amazing sides to literally frozen and microwaved food, and they didnt change the prices or update the menus. they even fucked up the drinks...
the last time i went i got my "burger" and i just refused to pay and left.

>> No.18313567

>i just refused to pay and left.
So you stole from them because the food was bad?

>> No.18313587

>change the food you serve but dont tell the customer
>customer orders food based off wrong information
>customer gets new food that isnt what they ordered
>customer leaves because they didnt get what they ordered
it wasnt just bad, it wasnt what i ordered. like i said i have been to this place many times, the burger is fucking amazing, the menu describes exactly what the burger is and how it is made to an extent. what i got was literally not what was on the menu, so no im not going to pay for it and no im not a thief.
if they made a new menu and said "this is literally just a frozen burger patty with store bought buns and plastic cheese for $30" and i ordered it and thats what i got then yeh i cant be mad, but thats not what happened.

>> No.18314221
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Flat white? More like flat shite

>> No.18314247

for me its flat black

>> No.18314249

How important is the pH of the water?
The water at my house is acidic and at work it's alkaline.

>> No.18314272


>> No.18314273

very important.

>> No.18314287


>> No.18314298
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>> No.18314684

Should I get a Timemore C2 for $54 or a Heihox for $60? Using it with an Aeropress.

>> No.18314752

Neither. Order a q2 hept while you can.

>> No.18314930
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I like this seasonal Starbucks coffee.

>> No.18314943

>your local shop will make better espresso than you ever could
Not true. They have 20k in equipment but the baristas don’t do any puck prep? Dumbasses just tamp the grounds immediately

There’s more to espresso than just throwing money in a fire. You need to have at least some minimum amount of skill to make good espresso

>> No.18314969

Also turns out shit beans through a good grinder are still shit.

>> No.18315532

a redditor with a silvia and a niche could make better espresso than most cafes

>> No.18315665

A chinaman with a kingrinder and an aeropresso can make better espresso than a redditor.

>> No.18316408

I was in the beggining of the post and came back to see if tgeres anything interesting, or a reply..
All of you fags talking about coffee machines and gribders like fags,
"Ay it need to have this specific grinder if not you die"
"My boyfriend precum wasnt hot enough for the super duper caffeine cum shot flavoured latte"
"My domesticated turkey doesnt shit enought to make an espresso in my grinder2000"

Bunch of faggots

>rant over

>> No.18316421

i can do better with a breville alone

>> No.18316462

true. i have been to most of the cafes in my town and i always ask to see the bag of beans they are about to use and every time it has no roast date and is something you could just pick up off any grocery store shelf. and usually all dark to super dark roast.

>> No.18316467

welcome to every general on this site faggot.
i think instagram is more your speed.

>> No.18316477

But is the preteen dolphin cum sun-dried mixed with grinded 2 times turkey coffee good?

>> No.18316521

Why i didnt see "(you)" in your id response

>> No.18316556
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OK. New place.
Trying out some coffee beans from ALDI; got a cheap Hario grinder from craiglist. Let's see what I can do with this.

>> No.18316603

I decided to get my first coffee maker, bought some beans and grinded them at the market. They smell so good. I keep getting the faintest smell of them when I'm just doing something else hours later, I think I'm already hooked. What are some other good blends?

>> No.18316693

no, mature dolphin cum tastes better

>> No.18316704
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>> No.18316783
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I just realized i can microwave milk so my coffee doesn't become instantly lukewarm

i've been drinking coffee for 5 years

>> No.18316792

You're adding way too much milk if it's making it lukewarm.

>> No.18316800

Just realised?
You fucking donkey

>> No.18316888

get a milk frother instead

>> No.18316891
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>Bunch of faggots

>> No.18316900

Thats gay anon
Another thing to clean, I just want to have a coffee and run tf out, unless is a weekend o spevcial moment coffee

Also rotten milk fucking stinks if yoy dont clean the thing right away

>> No.18317407

Central America makes the best coffees. African coffee is far too acidic, while South American coffees have no flavour. South East Asian coffee is the worst in the world, napalm that shit.

>> No.18317666

Columbia makes good coffee

>> No.18317671
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>> No.18317689

Ethiopia or bust. I've seen a rise of postfermented microlots from SA tho. Some are nice and interesting, especially in v60/chemex and coldbrew.

>> No.18317693

do you really?

>> No.18317727

on second thought i just enjoy heat of the cup and liquid

>> No.18317744

its ok anon this is a safe space, you are an addict, thats the only reason you keep consuming black bitter boiling hot liquid.
you only started because everyone else was doing it.
you just want to fit in.

>> No.18318058

For me its not knowing what I'm talking about and not moving on.

>> No.18318068


>> No.18318077

the caffeine is now taking effect

>> No.18318078

Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, etc all produce great flavorful coffee.

>> No.18318120

The Costa Rican nat I'm sipping on is S tier.

>> No.18318221

Central American coffee is very good, I was just pointing out that South American coffee can be great as well and that he is flat out wrong.

>> No.18318388

I'm going to have to taste them side by side but that costa rican might be as good if not better than my favorite columbian red bourbon black honey.

>> No.18318415

that's not because costa rican is good, it's because colombian is shit

>> No.18318502

There's a whole other world besides Kirkland Columbian Supremo pal.

>> No.18318725

but its supremo

>> No.18318838

>colombian is shit
I've tried a lot of coffee this year and some of the best have been Colombian

>> No.18319053

Bali Kintamani is good

>> No.18320024

I'm a fan of Peruvian. Sumatra was the worst I've ever had.

>> No.18320144

Sumatra? More like Poomatra.

>> No.18320217

Should I get a medium or a large coffee this morning?

>> No.18320246


>> No.18320493

Speaking of 1zpresso, they still sell grinders on french amazon, but only j-max and k-max

>> No.18320961

interesting, did they have the black color too? i'm only seeing the metal colored one. i could toggle between them on the german amazon

>> No.18321006
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just these two

>> No.18321461

>local cafe has a LaMarzocco and an Lagom, makes some pretty good espresso
>figure out what beans they use
>use said beans on my “””poorfag””” mid-range setup
>tastes way better than the cafe’s coffee
Damn, it really is how you use it. How the fuck am I able to make better espresso than people who do it for a living???

>> No.18321481

>How the fuck am I able to make better espresso than people who do it for a living???
Because they focus on maximizing speed and efficiency for high output while the home coffee maker focuses on perfecting technique in order to produce the best possible flavor just for himself

>> No.18321653

They don’t prioritize clarity

>> No.18321714

You're dialing in per shot, they're dialing in per shift if you're lucky.

>> No.18322031

>than people who do it for a living???
because they are taught how to operate the machines, they are taught to memorize the recipes for each coffee. it is just a job for them. they dont have passion they dont have love or enjoyment, they think they make good coffee because they do what they were taught, they think they make good coffee because the coffee they make is the same as the coffee that other baristas make because they were taught the same things.

>> No.18322858
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>> No.18322977

stupid cat
fuck you

>> No.18322998

My coffee scale finally dried out so I can use it again
You'd think waterproofing would be a priority for something used for measuring specifically liquid

>> No.18323053

I got a pound of "Costa Rica" from the bulk hopper at Fresh Thyme for $7.99. What should I expect?

>> No.18323083


>> No.18323120

Which numbers should I use to make a cappuccino with my Aeropress?

>> No.18323131

>You'd think waterproofing would be a priority for something used for measuring specifically liquid
no i wouldn't actually.
why the fuck are you spilling liquid on your scale? and why would you just assume something is water proof/resistant without it saying so?

>> No.18323241

bought some new coffee
assumed they roasted in house considering the price, turns out they just buy from other roasters and re sell.
well, not shopping there again. lets hope the coffee is good when it gets to me and then try and buy the coffee direct and not through some bloody middle man.

>> No.18323245

literally just got out of the bubble bath with my phone
I would have replied while in the bubble bath but why would I be browsing 4chan while soaking

>> No.18323252

>why would I be browsing 4chan while soaking
why WOULDN'T you?

>> No.18323286
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tfw he can't wash his scale in the sink

>> No.18323331
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coffee bros, what am i in for?

>> No.18323342

hope you plan on making milk drinks.

>> No.18323349

only the best drinks are made with milk

>> No.18323354

what kind of milk are you using :)

>> No.18323356

which milk frother does flair + jmax gang use

>> No.18323365
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mothers milk

this one

>> No.18323373

>feel hungry
>brew a cup of coffee
>let it cool in front of my keyboard
>nose absorbs trace coffee particles
>no longer feel hungry
based coffee

>> No.18323377
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Is this shit a meme or do you really need to spend $200+ to get a 'decent' coffee grinder?

>> No.18323391

chestnut and kingrinder would be considered decent

>> No.18323398

Sometimes instead of eating all day I'll just brew a cup whenever I feel hungry. I'm confident I could eat or drink nothing but coffee for at least 3 days if I wanted to, not that that would be a good idea.

>> No.18323406

if you're that poor just get a pestle and mortar and grind it how they did before the internet

>> No.18323439

I wrote it. Cheapest I'd go is kingrinder k3. Same exact espresso focused burrs as the jx and jx pro, worse adjustment, but lighter/worse build quality. JX and JX pro are just chinese knockoff Kinus. The only reason to save $20 and get the q2 is if you absolutely need to fit a grinder in an aeropress for some reason.

>> No.18323499
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C2 and k0 use a shitty burr. You can swap it out with another 38mm burr style for ~$20 on aliexpress and 3d print a finer stepped adjustment plate, but why go through all that trouble when a couple bucks dodges the problems entirely. You're probably going to use it daily, so don't be too much of a cheap fuck. K1 uses the 38mm imill style burr fwiw.

>> No.18323619

calling them trash or shitty is hyperbolic. they provide a decent grind that produces good coffee. are there better grinders? absolutely, but both are recommended in the wider community because they're good enough.

>> No.18323633

the wider community also tells you not to get a hand grinder like a tard

>> No.18323740
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Or I'm telling you not to buy them because they use a very similar burr to the $100 oxo that you absolutely shouldn't buy.

>> No.18323776

why? what makes them so awful?

>> No.18323784

Best thing about french press is that you can avoid the grinder autiam and just use a k1

>> No.18323801

you could also use an encore like someone who has literally anything better to do

>> No.18323940
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I'm not going to take the time to explain how extraction works when others have done a better job. Its a real dense topic. Particle distribution matters. Different burrs produce different particle distributions. Smaller burrs have significantly less cutting area than larger burrs, leading to more cuts being made to break down a bean. Porous coffee walls do not cut or break clean, so fines are created on each cut. Generally this is why larger burrs are "better".
Each of those upgrade burrs is the same 38mm as the stock burr, but you can see there are both more prebreaking blades(cores), and way more surface area on the finishing blades. They're just a more efficient design. You can look at the stock burr and imagine how beans will bounce around and shard randomly like a blade grinder. Only the edges of those burrs cut. The flat shiny chutes just drag beans around and make fines.

>> No.18324010

so more expensive grinders are better? yeah that was covered.

no one who is looking for a grinder at this price point will care about particle distribution at this ridiculous level. they want something thats better than their kcups, instant coffee or whatever quick and convenient solution they're working with. the chestnut or kingrinder gets them there.

>> No.18324033

Enough people bitched at baratza for upgraded burrs and finer steps they're putting out an m2 encore for espresso. They've fucking officially recommend you mod your encore with the better burr for better coffee.

>> No.18324043
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>Toffee coffee

>> No.18324089
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>> No.18324148

>he doesnt know
pretty cringe anon.

>> No.18324235

Which Appalachian dump do you live in? In my nowhere Florida town all of the shops roast their own beans.

>> No.18324251

for me it's the breville/sage frother. it can heat as well as froth, and has a non-frother whisk so you can just heat milk, or mix things cold without frothing.

>> No.18324261

how the FUCK can a coffee bean end up tasting like cocoa, toffee and LEMON

>> No.18324264

any recs for a basic v60 metal filter, want to filter out me cold brew without bother with paper filters.

>> No.18324312

>all of the shops roast their own beans
prove it.

>> No.18324321

the packaging is retarded.
basically what it means is the beans will smell like toffee, the coffee will taste bitter and rich like cocoa and have an astringent effect on the mouth.
i have had a few costa ricans like this.

>> No.18324380

huh. interesting. thank you for the reply.

>> No.18324465

Why is the cofe in the vending machines at work so shit? It's made from freshly ground beans, surely it can't just be shitty bean quality?

>> No.18324483

>vending machines
>freshly ground beans
you can freshly cut a rotting steak. doesnt mean its going to taste good.
you need both recently roasted and ground for the best results. i mean obviously recently ground is still better than pre ground but you get my point.
also you would get better coffee if you just bought canned coffee or canned cold brew and brought it to work, or make your own cold brew.

>> No.18324490

Stale beans of unknown quality stored inside the machine with god knows what humidity, temp or air tightness control. Probably a oily dark roast that had its oils gone rancid

>> No.18324514

Think about how often the pipes and tubes in it are cleaned.

>> No.18324623

Should i just bring my french press to work?

>> No.18324631

what is your work.
also no, just do what we said.
large cold brew at home and then put it in a bottle and just sip it throughout the day. simple.
no need to make it complicated and try and brew at work.

>> No.18324632

lol yes

>> No.18324649

Dunno, my locker is right next to the kitchen which has boiling water, so i could just scoop some grounds into it, fill it with water and drink

>> No.18324663


>> No.18324711

An easy way would be make a cold brew batch at home (I use the hario jug that's on amazon for not a lot of money) and bring it in a good thermal bottle like a Klean Kanteen (I have one of these and it's crazy how good it is at keeping liquid cold, you can have ice water and leave it overnight and the ice will still be there the next morning).
You can reheat cold brew in a microwave safe mug in 30 seconds, or just drink it cold.

>> No.18324755

That or a thermos will both taste better, anon.

>> No.18324843


>> No.18324858

He didn't even mention the Switch once, what a fraud.

>> No.18324865

fuck off nintentoddler.

>> No.18324872

Bet goysissy keep drinking titty juice out of your
"""Clever""" dripper

>> No.18324877

sir this is a lily drip general.

>> No.18324880

>this is a titty drip general

>> No.18324888
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For me? It's the Breville smart grinder Pro

>> No.18324892

>The water?
It's hard (like my cock)
>The grinder?
It's Smart. (like my cock)
>The brewer?
It's Clever. (like my boyfriend)
>The coffee?
It's specialty robusta chicory blend (like my cock)


>> No.18324899

Worth into getting into those harios/v60s if I can already make decent espresso and have french press, cezve, and mokapots?

>> No.18324903

Pour over is a whole other animal and nothing you listed besides maybe espresso has the same ceiling.

>> No.18324907

It's that good, really?

>> No.18324909

>It's that good, really?
In general, no lol because most people suck at making pourover. But if you really take the time to dial in your technique pourover can be incredible.

If you're not into lighter roasts there's almost no point though lol

>> No.18324914

My espresso is pretty drinkable, but I already want to try something new for the lulz. I found the sticky in the thread and the link to the hoffman method video. Gonna see how it is.
I've never had light roast though. Wouldn't know where to go to try one even. My local roaster doesn't sell light roasts, I think, only mediums

>> No.18324928

The pastebin has a few good roasters on there too but mediums shine with pourover too, just making sure you're not drinking charcoal.

The hoffmann V60 method is kind of a meme IMO. He tried too hard to make it approachable for people without a gooseneck and unfortunately you need a gooseneck to make good pourover unless you have an immersion dripper or something. The April method is easily provides the best results (to my taste) and is the easiest to dial in for me.


>> No.18324962

Immersion drippers, huh. I was already fixated on the Hario Switch even before asking.
I gotta do more googling. I wish it was easy to find a specialty coffee cafe. I'd mostly like to try it. Maybe my roaster actually has something if I asked

>> No.18324980

Yeah the Hario Switch is basically the last dripper you'll ever need but like I've said before it's pourover on ez-mode and you'll appreciate it a lot more if you learn on a regular v60 first

>> No.18325064

at that point just use a french press like everyone else

>> No.18325103

a french press filter will just pass through sediment I'm trying to filter out of the cold brew.

>> No.18325112

coffee sock

>> No.18325117


>> No.18325129

tried frothing milk using a mini saucepan and a straw
didn't work of course
but neither does the cappuccino machine at mcdonald's

>> No.18325133

just buy the breville/sage milk frother. it gets the job done no fuss.

>> No.18325137

i will look into those

>> No.18325149

On second thought the hario double mesh one may take too long to pour through

>> No.18325157

looking at what others have said online it seems like it has issues getting clogged up with fine particles... which are the things I'm trying to filter out since they're the only things left from the cold brew immersion.
Maybe next time I'll try removing the extracted coffee slag, washing the insert and pouring it through the insert again instead of the paper filter.
I'll have to check if the particulates are still in this batch I made when I finish it, since the batch I did tonight I used a regular paper filter. I don't really need to filter it anyway I just would prefer to if I can do it without wasting paper filters.

>> No.18325160

Based. The final blackpill is to just drink hot water

>> No.18325162

Your dad's semen

>> No.18325168

there is also a hario all in one v60 that has what seems to be the same mesh filter as the actual cold brew pot has. maybe that will keep out the particulates.

>> No.18325171
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Buy my book you apes

>> No.18325213

As a non-Canadian, I've only ever been to two Tim Hortons in my life. One was in the Finger Lakes region of New York state... and the other was on a US Army base nowhere near Canada.
Just felt like sharing that...

>> No.18325221

Is "Tim Horton" slang for gigolo or something?

>> No.18325264

I watched one of this video on grinders and first wanted to punch his pretentious face, and then I wanted to kill myself because of how much he drones on about inconsequential details.

>> No.18325575
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Lol. I ordered 3 more while I was on aliexpress getting the c2 burr pics.

>> No.18325607

I Aeropressed that Fresh Thyme hopper Costa Rica at a 4:1 inverted competition method thinking it would give me a better picture of this coffee's flavor profile.
Do people actually drink it like this? How can you taste any of the subtler notes over the POW! BOOM! FLAVOR! Are coffee competition judges just carpetbagging tastelets who couldn't into wine?

>> No.18325715

I brewed it again Hoffman
yeah I do taste the toffee and chocolate and lemon
but mostly it's bland and lifeless
I may have to grind even finer or just put this in the Mr. Coffee and call it a day
also I feel like I'm going to explode

>> No.18325775

Now is when you start playing with water recipes.

>> No.18325809

>using water instead of little girl pee straight from the "tap"

>> No.18325817

take the cold brew pill

>> No.18325918

Hoffman's v60 recipe is trash

>> No.18325920


>> No.18325950

Coffee is an expensive hobby, especially espresso.
Espresso requires a 400 dollar grinder minimum
For coffee, it’s not as big of a deal, but you’re gonna want a decent grinder if you have a good palate and are doing pourovers

>> No.18325982
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Chinese knockoff mill goes burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Looks like this one is just to use flat bottom filters in a cone.

>> No.18325988

>I only order it because it has a funny name and it makes people giggle when I say it

you know other people don't engage with your fantasies, right?

>> No.18325995

>Looks like this one is just to use flat bottom filters in a cone.
No it's a lily drip knock off... the lilycels aren't gonna like this one...

>> No.18326026
File: 871 KB, 970x547, lotos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats me bozo. All the other lilydrips you shape a cone filter and the lily points up. The lotos I ordered is just a rest for using flat bottoms in a cone. Konacone seems to do the same thing, looks like the other lilydrips, but it points down and gives a flat shelf with channels to help the flowrate.

>> No.18326110

>Espresso requires a 400 dollar grinder minimum

Don't be a retard, yes the best grinders for espresso are expensive but there are plenty of relatively (read that last word again autismo, because I know you're going to ignore it) cheap grinders that will work just fine for espresso, especially if you're willing to look at secondhand units or hand grinders.

>> No.18326228

i smelled the lemon as i was preparing it for cold brew. that was neat.

>> No.18326867
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I'm loving it desu
Covfefe snobs get absolutely fucked

>> No.18327323
File: 1.94 MB, 1200x1200, hero-image.fill.size_1200x1200.v1614270496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw burundi natural process in 1 hour...

>> No.18327478

Burundi gang

>> No.18327517

Yeah just use some rocks they work fine for espresso lol

>> No.18327556

Lightly used coffee rocks for sale. No lowballs, I know what I have.

>> No.18327605

Rocks are for cramming you gigantic faggot, everybody knows that

>> No.18327610

Yeah then you cram the beans and clench real hard to get a good enough grind

>> No.18327638

Has anyone else noticed that if you turn the crank handle of handgriders very slowly you get better tasting coffee? My guess is you get less popping in there, thus less fines. It takes more strength to grind slowly though. My theory is that only strong people can make good coffee. Weak, noodly-armed people have to use inertia by cranking fast and they have shitty coffee. Also noticed that most electric grinders grind too fast and produce shitty coffee.

>> No.18327641

ppl kind of say that about low RPM grinders too

>> No.18327648

It's like a butt plug for your coffee dripper.

>> No.18327653
File: 52 KB, 1000x666, f8e55efe8799abc662f81deafb370b3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its good

>> No.18327656

I bet it takes a stronger motor for low rpm's. So it's not just the burr quality and burr set diameter, but how slowly the motor can spin and still have high torque.

>> No.18327701

Hey guys, I just found out there's this instant coffee that's in a tea bag and you submerge it in hot water just like tea, so there's no need to mix it with a spoon.
I bought a few packets for the novelty of it.
Gonna try it later.

>> No.18327703

Actually maybe it's not instant coffee powder/mix in the bag but ground beans or something

>> No.18327712

RPM definitely affects distribution and rpm consistency is 100% a big deal. Most electric grinders aren't sensing their rpm and run at a "fixed" rate. That rate is only fixed when your motor isn't stalling on high density beans.
>My guess is you get less popping in there
I've recent switched from "cold starting" my grinder with the dose loaded, to "hot starting" and pouring my beans directly into running burrs. Grinds faster at the same rpm, less mess from beans popping out of the burrs, and it seems like my coffee is better.

>> No.18327717
File: 113 KB, 1024x683, Untitled_design_11_f984f850-179e-4ae4-bd4b-5abf5f3c6c96_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about brew bags? Little tea bag that folds open and rests on your cup like a filter?

>> No.18327724

nope, I know about those too
the illustration in the back of these sachets/packets show a tea bag-looking bag with a string and the cardboard thing at the end

>> No.18327771

Ok I checked again, and apparently I remembered wrong and it's a picture in front of the sachet/packet showing a bag filled with something and there's no string. I guess you have to still fish it out with a spoon and the instructions recommend pressing the bag with a spoon for "better aroma" but doesn't say how soon after putting it in the water or how many times one should do it. It also doesn't say how long I show keep the bag steeping in the cup/mug or if I should even remove it. Going by what's done with tea bags, maybe I should remove it, but maybe I should keep it in while drinking? I guess I'll have to do it by feel.

>> No.18327792

How much coffee per coffee does it make?

>> No.18327808

150ml of boiling water's worth of coffee

>> No.18327817

What is this? A coffee for ants? I don't wanna hear your excuses! The coffee has to be at least… three times bigger than this!

>> No.18327832

I mean, if you want more, you can probably just use 3 bags in 450ml of boiling water

>> No.18327835

How is it superior than regular v60?

>> No.18327839

You have more control over your brew time since there's a valve stopping the flow?

>> No.18327917

I'll pirate it for the cold brew section, he's basically done nothing about it before.

>> No.18327919

Because he's an icefag

>> No.18327927

I hate coffee. How do I learn to not to?

>> No.18327941

find a brewing method you love, start brewing.
you dont want to just waste the product of the brew right? especially since thats one of the only ways you can tell how well you are doing, so you have to drink or at least try every brew, the more you brew the more you drink, the more you drink the better your brew(should) become, the better the brew the better the coffee.

the first real step is to stop drinking coffee made for profit.
only drink coffee made by those who love making coffee(you)

>> No.18327943

or just watch this and copy what they do.

>> No.18327949

Why are you suggesting so many hoops for a beginner? Oh just get super in-depth into brewing, it's sooooooo worth it. Nah thanks.

>> No.18327986

>so many hoops
just say you are retarded and fuck off back to tea general.

>> No.18327989

Drink an entire pot and associate the caffeine high with the taste of bean juice

>> No.18328121

Drink coffee that you've mixed enough sugar to, to make it sweet according to your taste.
Do this enough times over a period of time (might take weeks, months, years), and you will start to crave coffee with less and less sugar until you will eventually want coffee without any sugar at all.
Mixing milk into your coffee to make it creamier, also helps.

>> No.18328610


>> No.18328727


>> No.18328747

Cream me senpai uwu

>> No.18329794

I creamed your mom

>> No.18329943

Nearly 12 hours later and its still up.

>> No.18330002
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is coffee good for you?

>> No.18330004

only if she farts on it first.

>> No.18330047

You're supposed to see a doctor after four

>> No.18330083

Japanese iced coffe > Cold aeropress coffee >>>>>>>>>>>> Chilled dick and ball sweat > POWER GAP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cold brew

>> No.18330266
File: 236 KB, 800x1494, 800px-Suntory_Boss_Cafe_au_Lait_canned_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its

>> No.18330269

>If you don't like me posting the thread early do it your fucking self

>> No.18330907

Oh look, he's melting again