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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 1000x800, Paper-Straw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18298375 No.18298375 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck paper straws
FUCK paper straws

And fuck all restaurants that swapped to them, unless they're forced to by government bullshit, in which case fuck that instead

>> No.18298392

Cry more faggot.

>> No.18298402

Starving sea turtle flippers typed this post.

>> No.18298428

I used to care about recycling, and would wash my plastics and cans and make sure everything went in the right bin, thought it was the right thing to do.

Then my city council fucked up and it turned out that for like a year, all the "recycling" bins just went straight to the dump. And then with the pandemic there was some big 'exposes' where it was shown that even the recycling is actually just bailed up, put it in a container and shipped to china where fuck knows what happens to it. Some of it went to indonesia where shady people would just dump it near rainforests.

And then I got a new job, where we throw out multiple skips worth every day or recyclable material, just because it's easier and they have to pay a little more to get them picked up.

Now I just don't give a single fuck. I chuck everything in my trash bin, don't recycle a single thing, don't care. Not my problem and one persons effort don't make a difference.

All this paper straw shit is just a joke. These companies like mcdonalds sell takeaways that make huge amount of trash straight to the landfill but somehow it's being "green" to switch one tiny part of that trash from plastic to paper?

>> No.18298446

My community had a rumor going around that we picked up recycling bi-weekly to make it seem like it was being processed and not just dumped. After the pandemic thing and the continuing labor shortage that has become a loud concern, and despite the fact they claim to sort recyclables and also need employees people seem to think recycling is a lost cause.
I would believe it too if someone asked enough, but I still sort my stuff into the appropriate container and put them out when I don't need them.

>> No.18298451

You know straws used to made of paper in the 40s

>> No.18298460

Solid argument.

>> No.18298464


>Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more flexible and harder to break. In several studies over the last two decades, they have been shown to disrupt the operation of male hormones like testosterone and have been linked to genital birth defects in male infants.
When the great philosopher Alexander Jones said "they're putting chemicals in the water to turn the freakin' frogs gay", he was talking about you, the straw suckers.

>> No.18298487

Reducing & Reusing>recycling

>> No.18298490

Let me guess, they swapped to plastic in an effort to save the trees

>> No.18298495

Yes, it was retarded. God forbid we use hemp instead of trees.

>> No.18298584

I like the paper straws. They feel nicer to chew on and they don't contain estrogen like plastic.

>> No.18298591

No he was talking about female birth prevention pills which goes straight back into the drinking water supply. Here in Sweden they've made certain species of fish go almost extinct. It's common knowledge and even mass media talks about it but no one cares.

>> No.18298620

Unironically based. If you're drinking from a fucking plastic cup why the hell would a paper straw matter? Did the creator of paper straws not realise they'd be put in liquid?

>> No.18298638

are you poverty stricken? why are you drinking out of a plastic cup?

>> No.18298640

do you people have cleft lips or something that you need straws all the time?

>> No.18298642

fuck you it's an oral fixation.

>> No.18298649
File: 76 KB, 800x600, r0_0_800_600_w800_h600_fmax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certain things are just straight up nicer through straws, and what they're made out of can even affect the taste

Also good luck with something like frozen drinks without a straw, damn its egregious to make us consume THESE with the exact same shitty paper ones meant for the regular drinks. The wider plastic sucking-tubes with the scoop at the end really matters there.

>> No.18298656

>good luck drinking your childrens drinks without a sippy cup

>> No.18298673


wah I need my sugar out of a straw


>> No.18298785
File: 16 KB, 250x250, Thats_nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ban plastic straws
>Stores finally sell metal and glass straws outside of niche specialty shops
>Glass straws turns out to be really nice.

>> No.18298795

>Not my problem and one persons effort don't make a difference.
>said 300 million people
Fuck off you demoralizing psyop cunt. I hope you choke on a fucking mcnugget.

>> No.18298811


>> No.18298852
File: 37 KB, 600x800, 0ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off you demoralizing psyop cunt. I hope you choke on a fucking mcnugget

>> No.18298929

This, buy your personal metal straw if you're going to "restaurant" more often

oooh, they're using the same bot here as other imageboards!

>> No.18299163

What's the issue against paper straws? Do they not suck as well as plastic?

>> No.18299175

BUT DA HECKIN TURTLERINOS!! *dumps 9999999999999999 oil barrels in your ecosystem* oopsies!

>> No.18299218

drink from the cup, or are you afraid of smearing your lipstick on your gay date?

>> No.18299220

>i used to care about wiping my ass
>then one day i farded but actually shidded
>now i dont even bother with wiping my ass
>wiping asses is a SCAM

>> No.18299516
File: 244 KB, 704x940, QRQZCho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The last time i used a straw i was 8 year

grow up man-child

>> No.18299552

The old paper straws were waxed, so they were at least waterproof. The paper straws I've seen now aren't.

>> No.18299566

while absorbing all your spit, then dissolving in the drink

it's blatantly the political class picking on people with less money and power for fun

>> No.18299583

>Takes 45minutes to drink

>> No.18299584

same, i even throw batteries in the trash

>> No.18299602

Why not just give us lids with a recloseable tab?

>> No.18299615

I have no respect for anyone who uses straws regularly, so I don't care, OP. Try eating less garbage.

>> No.18300495

when I was a kid paper straws were the norm. the waitress would give you 2 to 4 per person because kids would chew them shut or the would fall apart.

tell me how that is better than plastic.

actually don't because I don't care.

>> No.18300498

in my city shit is taken to recycling center where every year or so the mysteriously burn down and cause huge fires.

>> No.18300507

no they were cheaper and lasted longer.

not really they barely lasted through the meal I know because they were still using them up till the 70's.

>> No.18300511

They gave you two to four because you were a dumb little shit. I only ever got one.

>> No.18300512

who the fuck uses straws? did none of you ever learn how to drink from a glass?

>> No.18300520

nope this was back in the early 70's they collapsed or fell apart. you must have eaten at a poors restaurant.

>> No.18300526

More likely that you were. Sounds like they only had factory seconds.

>> No.18300553

>When the great philosopher Alexander Jones said


>> No.18300576

no shit stain every restaurant had them and they all did the same thing.

but live in your fantasy world if you like.

>> No.18300621

It's also possible they weren't the same all over the world. Maybe Australian straw manufacturers were superior.

>> No.18300626

>Fuck paper straws
you have no idea how much I agree with you, makes me wanna murder them fags, unacceptable

>> No.18300629
File: 193 KB, 1500x1334, 8173FRiNGbL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use silicone straws at my house. They are actually reusable unlike paper shit.

>> No.18301286

if abos made them. fucking white ausies are dipshits.

>> No.18301302

Children's pyjamas used to be lined with asbestos and bread used to be colored with plaster of paris. There's a reason why things improve. Appealing to historical usage doesn't work when the old product was crap.

>> No.18301347

As I understand it (might have been rused), the only thing that actually gets recycled is aluminum and maybe paper. Everything else is taken to a dump, same as the regular trash.

>> No.18301356
File: 51 KB, 900x750, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bread used to be colored with plaster of paris
That sounds bad but is it actually bad for you?
>t. chad non-assumer

>> No.18301376

The history of single-use plastic is going to have future people shaking their head exactly like you do about asbestos.

>> No.18301381

Well yeah they don't care. There's no real solution. Hormonal birth control is an important tool in family planning. You're going to be hard pressed to find an affordable, feasible solution.

>> No.18301385

Over time, if you ate a lot of it, it could cause kidney stones. It was used in 19th/early 20th century when white bread was seen as highly desirable, but flour refining was expensive. Other alternatives including chalk and alum.
It's still used today as a coagulant in tofu products in some places.

>> No.18301389

It's not my fault that corrupt non-profits touting themselves as "recyclers" are just dumping the stuff in the ocean or burning it. Enjoy your magical idealistic future where we've returned to shittier products because businesses weren't held accountable.

>> No.18301405

>It's still used today as a coagulant in tofu products in some places.
>"some places"
Well don't keep us on the edge of our seats anon, who dunnit? Norway? Japan? Switzerland? Monaco? Those fucking Monacans, they always did seem shifty...

>> No.18301411

You can't recycle plastic infinitely, burning it causes its own problem, and it does not go away for a thousands of years. The only solution has always been to use it sparingly, and you using it is very much your fault.

>> No.18301427

I once went to a place with bamboo disposable straws. Those didn't taste like shit like paper, but were eco enough to satisfy the hippies. Bamboo straws are the future

>> No.18301487

It's not exclusive to any particular nation, if that's what you're getting at. It's one of the three most common tofu coagulators, alongside epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) and nigari (magnesium chloride). Each produces a slightly different texture, and tofu manufacturers try to follow market trends to find out which one sells the best in which market. I'm no expert of tofu regions, so just check the packages of whatever is being sold near you.

>> No.18301498

>It's not my fault
>weren't held accountable
Not with that attitude. Surely enough popular support could get something done about this. "Make recyclers recycle again" doesn't even seem like a partisan issue, although I'm sure it can be made into one by cynical idiots.
>shittier products
I actually struggle to think of a case where single use plastics aren't the shittiest product for a task.

>> No.18301499
File: 1.45 MB, 288x198, rc_an (21).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surely enough popular support could get something done about this

>> No.18301691

Stop using straws or bring your own if you have no teeth. It's that easy.

>> No.18301719
File: 35 KB, 800x600, nx6281_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So buy a bunch of plastic straws, buy a small case for them and put them in your bag.

I have one of these.. somewhere.

>> No.18301723

why dont they just dip them in food grade paraffin wax? its bio degradable and would keep the straw waterproof.
maybe the cost I guess?

>> No.18301906

Just buy a reusable straw then.

>> No.18301910

Mukbang ASMR eating all of the asscream and slurping the booty like pickles

>> No.18301963

All these retards seething think plastic straws are destroying the world lmao. You know we got a big problem with too much sand in the ocean too

>> No.18301976

how hard is it to just drink straight out of the cup?

>> No.18301983

Is there sand in your drinking water?

>> No.18301988

I just chuck mine in the ocean

>> No.18301994

i don't like this sentiment. the real question is why does everyone get their big sloppy lips all over their straw to the point where it starts disintegrating? why do people feel the need to chew their straws? the straw doesn't dissolve in the drink itself in any reasonable amount of time, so why is the mouth end falling apart for everyone?

>> No.18302017

Im less concerned about microplastics in my drinking water than other shit that goes down the drain like peoples pills or drain cleaner.
>the hecking microplastics in the waterrr!!!!
>single use plastics so hecking bad!!
>were literally destroying the earth omg

>> No.18302074

You literally have those plastics in your body right now and we don't know what the long term effects of that will be. If you were ever at any point concerned about the long term effects of mRNA vaccines, you should be definitely worried about this too.

>> No.18302137

But asbestos is better for its purpose than anything that replaced it. We only stopped using it because of its side effects. So maybe you should go back to wearing asbestos lined pyjamas.

>> No.18302152

>You're going to be hard pressed to find an affordable, feasible solution.
How about closing your legs for once? Fucking slut.

>> No.18302156

Why don't you just stop having erections?

>> No.18302166

Good. I don't want to lick wax chemicals from my straw. The paper straws as they are right now are perfect.

Literal animal detected.

>> No.18302168

Yeah because that's an equivalent thing right? Dumb fucking slut.

>> No.18302176

Maybe put all that sexual frustration into setting up a home filtration system, incel.

>> No.18302178

Ok, but don't stick it in then.

>> No.18302182

Getting toasty.

>> No.18302183

>business uses single use plastic because cheap
>people refuse to buy thing with single use plastic
>business loses money using single use plastic in product
>business switches from single use plastic
it isn't a hard concept. there is a difference between suburban white girls with dreadlocks holding up signs at a crosswalk and making decisions based on economics.

>> No.18302187
File: 390 KB, 1024x512, C7Go_KoXgAE3xTv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting the onus on the individual is a big business scam. Pic related.

>> No.18302219

Did he say that before or after he shut down newspapers for speaking critically of the war

>> No.18302229

You're living in some idealistic dream world where people give a shit
protip: they don't

>> No.18302239

>speaking critically
You mean forging documents as an act of information war by traitors of the American people?

>> No.18302255

>>people refuse to buy thing with single use plastic
Things that never happened.

>> No.18302258

Lincoln didn't welcome back the Confederate soldiers as war heroes just so you could concoct whiny divisive revenge fantasies over a hundred years later in an attempt to tear the country apart again.

>> No.18302273

And the sun shines radiation on my skin every day too maybe i should be afraid to step outside. Use some common sense man

>> No.18302274

Because when dumbass kids leave their paper straws in the streets they're gone after the next rain while plastic trash shits the place up forever.

Paper straws are based just from a reducing the amount of ugly crap lying around standpoint.

>> No.18302282

This is a cooking board, not a fishing board. Take your bait to >>>/out/

>> No.18302478

that ship has sailed, anthropocene is the plastic era, everything has plastic in it, from wild animals that never see a human in their life to single cell organisms. Reduce and Reuse is sensible, recycling is basically never rational unless its scrap metal, glass, or paper.

>> No.18302497
File: 216 KB, 912x1216, 1471294914627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhh yesss, the taste of paris

>> No.18302908

Hahaha micro dicked chink detected go eat leather shoe icecream you babypissdrinker nigcel

>> No.18302930

Plastic has the best mouthfeel, but is less compact. You're best off putting your reusable straw in a plastic bag after you used it to keep it from leaking stuff in your bag.

>> No.18303015

I just keep a metal straw in my man purse

>> No.18303020

If I already have the microplastics in me then it's too late to matter so why should I care?

>> No.18303031
File: 61 KB, 1000x489, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cup your bevvy in your hands you overcivilized animals

>> No.18303515

Reduce and reuse come before recycle. People always seem to forget those.

>> No.18303523

Fuck straws in general. Completely unnecessary for drinking anything, and in practice only weenies like >>18298649 this anon "need" them. I drink out of the cup like any functioning human is capable of doing.

>> No.18303534

That turtle looks hungry. What's he gonna snack on?

>> No.18303575

>you don’t NEED straws just use the cup
>you don’t NEED cars just ride the bus
>you don’t NEED single homes just live in the pod
>you don’t NEED red meat just eat the bugs
>you don’t NEED hot running water just use the rain puddles
>you don’t NEED gas power just use the government rationed energy
>you don’t NEED to reproduce just adopt a heckin furbaby
>you don’t NEED to be alive just do your part to stop overpopulation

>> No.18304900

>waaaaah my poor teef can't handwe ice cwbes wawawa
Dumb weenie snowflake.

>> No.18304904

I worked in garbage for a little bit. Everything goes to the same place. Watched city recycling trucks dump right into the same pit I was dumping in at transfer stations. Transfer stations will have signs posted that they can’t accept mattresses, electronics, paint, whatever. But they all do. It’s just pencil pushers making regulations so that people feel better about landfills. End of the day the stuff ends up there no matter what, just nowadays they make you jump through hoops to get there. Waste management companies aren’t going to complain because now they can charge you extra to dispose of certain things, while making absolutely no change to their operation.

The only stuff that genuinely gets recycled is metals. And that’s only because waste management companies and transfer stations can make a profit off of it.

>> No.18305303

the dumbest thing about it is.... they cups are still made out of plastic! Straws were like maybe 5% of the plastic used in a plastic cup and straw combo.
That video of the straw stuck in the turtles nose really was horrible PR for plastic straws, but it is such a stupidly rare thing to occur(way less than the general plastic pollution, like micro plastics working their way into the food chain) and got such a massive sweeping reaction.

I have a stash of unopened ones in my cutlery drawer, along with a bunch of metal and glass ones. I do like the metal ones better.

>> No.18305358
File: 15 KB, 398x482, 31roXNSmWhL._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen these plant material straws being sold now that are biodegradable so you can trash em yet they also feel like the plastic ones and don't get soggy like the paper ones. Also they're bendy.

>> No.18305433

>I've seen these plant material straws
Sooo...paper straws. Also gotta love the packaging that appeals to dumb people that think trees wont grow if theres straws on the ground

>> No.18305798

I have never had a problem with a paper straw disintegrating. Do you guys just chew on the straws or something, or do you just drink way too much in one sitting?
The one nice thing about private recycling places is that you know they're actually doing recycling. The local one I use actually does stuff with the material they collect.

>> No.18305802

>one persons effort don't make a difference.
sounds like you're just too dumb to visualize how much trash you generate over time

>> No.18305821

>dumb people
>think trees wont grow if theres straws on the ground
He said unironically with a body full of plastic.

>> No.18305825

>if i've already inhaled smoke then it's too late, so why shouldn't i smoke 2 packs a day?

>> No.18305876

I have, on more than one occasion, been given a paper straw in a plastic cup at restaurants and coffee shops. I find that quite silly.
I used to care about my environmental habits until I got a real job. I'm a chemist, and in chemical manufacturing there is NO sense of environmental care.

>> No.18306991

Do you walk outside on sunny days with an umbrella? Why are microplastics your demon when it could be anything?

>> No.18307199
File: 1.54 MB, 1783x1116, Screenshot 2022-08-24 at 13-35-25 Sea Turtle with Straw up its Nostril - NO TO PLASTIC STRAWS - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have, on more than one occasion, been given a paper straw in a plastic cup at restaurants and coffee shops. I find that quite silly.
Liberals/authoritarians believe that one video of a turtle with a Chinese straw up its nose is sufficient motivation for plastic straws in every Western nation (but not China) to be banned, by force of law.

I have never seen any other proof that this is a systematic problem causing a mass die-off of turtles. Just the one video on youtube of a single turtle that has 109 million views.

>> No.18307287

>you don't NEED to shitpost but you do it anyway
Tell me how not using a straw like a toothless baby equates to not liking red meat. Oh wait, you can't and you're just buttblasted.