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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 272 KB, 1012x1500, 91ZaE3vXBXL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18290930 No.18290930 [Reply] [Original]

Post god tier sodas. Bonus points if their craft sodas.

>> No.18290933 [DELETED] 
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>god tier sodas

>> No.18290939
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i find this stuff really overrated and honestly medicinal tasting. i wish i could still find franklin & sons, i legitimately liked that the most of all the colas i've tried.

>> No.18290950 [DELETED] 


>> No.18291294
File: 140 KB, 512x512, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Red Bull Cola. It was the only reason I went to Big Lots.

>> No.18291296

when will they put the good drugs back into sodas? I want some real coca and shit in there.

>> No.18291620 [DELETED] 

yes yes we get you're a chud.

>> No.18291634

>behold, overpriced cola

>> No.18291638

would soda taste good if it had 4g sugar per serving?

>> No.18291690

S Fentimans Curio, Cherry Colas and Rose lemonade
A+ Fritz Cola Kaffein Karamel, Wostok Almond Apricot, Club-Mate Kola, Basic taste Cumbucha
A Wostok Estragon, Club Mate, Rest of Fritz tastes
B Rest of Wostok, Dr.Pepper, basic Pepsi, Rest of Cumbucha tastes

>> No.18291861

Still worth it

>> No.18291865
File: 26 KB, 425x425, 81yGoTmEGYL._SX425_PIbundle-12,TopRight,0,0_AA425SH20_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real sugar pepsi is miles better

>> No.18291913 [DELETED] 
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>You just heckin' can't like refreshing drinks OKAY?
>lol, you actually like sweetness like everyone historically
>I burnt off my sweet taste buds so I can enjoy my black coffee in the morning in my studio apartment.

>> No.18292507
File: 207 KB, 300x702, pabst-brewing-company-not-your-fathers-ginger-ale_1467060051[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You will not be disappointed.

>> No.18292531
File: 27 KB, 300x400, coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coca-Cola's the best soda of all time but it was so successful that now everyone takes it for granted and can't recognize its exceptional quality anymore.
Was a victim of its own success.

>> No.18292582

i am not even interested in any "craft" sodas, I just miss being able to buy Ski at the store. where I live now I have to pay a shitload more to get it shipped

>> No.18292618
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>> No.18292651


>> No.18292668

Root beer is better.

>> No.18292675

This nigga gets it

>> No.18292692

You fell for the illusion created by Coke's impossible to even fully comprehend success. It's to be expected. The average fish will live and die without ever knowing what water is, and you'll live and die without ever realizing you were blessed enough to have your birth fall inside a span of space and time where the best of all possible sodas not only exists but is also absurdly abundant, distributed in even the least developed regions of Sub-Sahara Africa, as well as in the most wealthy and upper class properties on Earth, and everywhere in between.

>> No.18293152
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>> No.18293160

I liked getting my parents to buy me Virgil's Root Beer before I was provably mentally ill, downwardly mobile, and in the restaurant industry

>> No.18293312

literally just anything with cane sugar and no dyes and you're good. Mexican coka cola is good. I need to try to Jarritos tamarind soda

>> No.18293370
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For me it is Bundaberg, everything they make is amazing.

>> No.18293376

Shit was so based. Literally the best cola.

>> No.18293382
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>> No.18293423

Imagine drinking calories that do not include alcohol. NGMI.

>> No.18293431

I like the fentmans rose soda with vodka, very nice.

>> No.18293437

sasuga sodabrain

>> No.18293443
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>> No.18293446

Gin, soda water, elderflower liqueur.

>> No.18293470

Any pops with like 1-10g sugar? I can't handle the 20+ bombs anymore

>> No.18293521

Yeah, water. Bitch.

>> No.18293524
File: 113 KB, 768x1024, 1656363684479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of the standard Whole Foods Italian Soda lineup. There's a few newer ones that are basically flavored water which are garbage

>> No.18293529
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Jarritos are pretty good too.

>> No.18293539
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Tarhun. Terragon based soft drink, invented by Georgian pharmacist in Russian empire in 19th century.

>> No.18293550
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picrel was such a great mixer and pretty good straight, really cheap for a "craft" cola too. Mexican Coke with a few dashes of Angostura is a reasonably close substitute, at least.
I had the root beer at a party once and it was one of the worst things I've ever tasted, like cheap store brand with a shot of rubbing alcohol

>> No.18293554
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>> No.18293569
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>> No.18293661

I've had the orange cream, cherries and cream sounds fucking amazing.

>> No.18293749
File: 2.14 MB, 3024x4032, Red_Bull_Cola_250ml_Dose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German here, we never lost it.

>> No.18294721
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>> No.18294724
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>> No.18294741
File: 305 KB, 1500x1500, 91TLEpRHWjL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% apple juice but with added carbonation
A God tier drink
Only common in Canary Islands and in South Africa

>> No.18294768

I have bought that a few times from a corner shop in north england.

>> No.18294771

I always wanted to try this but completely forgot about it, thanks for the reminder
Tamarind is the 'coolest' flavor but its kinda hard to beat mexican cola or the mandarin one
This is also common in 'northeast usa where people own soda streams'

>> No.18295022
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hot take

>> No.18295033

this, fentimans is shit. I've only had it in museums or places that think they are too classy to have coca cola, and it's just quadruple the price for slightly less satisfying sugar water.

>> No.18295054
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>> No.18295066

So basically Apfelschorle but not diluted. I like some dilution to counter the sweetness of the apple juice

>> No.18295080

wish I could get chinotto literally anywhere

>> No.18295143


lmao my mother in law has been chugging these lately bc she thinks they are "refreshing". they have like 45g sugar per can

>> No.18295712

this tastes like how antifreeze smells, but have you tried Baikal from this same maker, bonus points for glass bottle

>> No.18295727
File: 67 KB, 600x599, 1650270823813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a picture of you anon

>> No.18295861

where did you get this picture of me

>> No.18295906

never had this, looks pretty gud

>> No.18295914

I just shit my pants

>> No.18295925

goes good with 2 lines of toseina or 4 blues crushed up

>> No.18296143

Get out of here, Joe

>> No.18297107

What does this mean

>> No.18297118

Stay mad. It tastes like an elixr more than a cola. You can taste the ginger and shit. It's top tier

>> No.18297141
File: 41 KB, 692x676, youknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that he's a nigger because niggers like pepsi

>> No.18297202
File: 81 KB, 900x770, ApuPensive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit strange you thought people would get you were thinking of Pepsi's history of making Black American targeted adverts from a picture of Daffy Duck doing a Danny Kaye impression taken from a 1940s Looney Tunes episode about books coming to life.

>> No.18298105 [DELETED] 

Shut up and get a job nigger

>> No.18298147

Unless it’s dosed with cocaine, this is false advertising.

>> No.18298158
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>> No.18298297
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>> No.18298804
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I feel like they changed the formula tho, last bottle was kind of weak.
Maybe it just had been sitting a while.
I like this but I only buy it for $1 a 4 pack at the surplus grocer, so I assume no one else does

>> No.18298813

>bottles but not resealable

>> No.18298819

So, like a crown cap?

>> No.18298829

Yes, that's bad too.
Need to reseal.

>> No.18299390

what are you on about lol

theyre like 25-32 depending on the kind, which is still less than coke at 40. unless theyre different where youre from

>> No.18299411

I like the meme that drinking LaCroix tastes like drinking seltzer while someone shouts the names of fruits from the other room

>> No.18299415
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I'm an engineer.

>> No.18299443
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>> No.18299466
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Agreed anon. Probably the best implementation of artificial sweetener in a drink. Its tastes better than the full sugar stuff too. Rarely would I say that for an artificially sweetened soda

>> No.18299550
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1973645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Jarritos. Holy fuck their sodas are good.

>> No.18301049

>goofy steampunk soda!!!
Kill yourself

>> No.18301071


>> No.18301100

Pepsi never had cocaine, only Coke did. Pepsi is named for pepsin, an enzyme that aides digestion. Pepsi was originally meant to be an antacid.

>> No.18301138
File: 98 KB, 810x1080, Tock Soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this one. It's really good.

>> No.18301424

>1-10g sugar

Water hasn't sugar, retard.

>> No.18301444

I really want to know what Coke would taste like without any sugar or sweeteners. I bet it's amazing

>> No.18301450

why tf is it .5% alcohol when it's obv not brewed

>> No.18301468
File: 129 KB, 500x630, CNBGingerBeer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink much soda anymore but I do slurp down a cock every now and then as a treat.

>> No.18301471

Success is a bittersweet victory

>> No.18301479

I love cock & balls

>> No.18301497

not sure if it's ALC .5% or ALC. 5%

>> No.18301772

there has got to be some catch with this shit, tastes like just a slightly off normal soda without any chemical artificial sweeteners, too good to be true

>> No.18301803 [DELETED] 

It's only goyslurp if it has corn syrup or aspartame in it

>> No.18301819 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 600x900, 1661741456438269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill all niggers.

>> No.18302096

Reminds me of Trader Joe’s Blood Orange Italian soda

>> No.18302142

It's a soju drink, and it's 5% ABV. Basically fruit soda mixed with grain alcohol.

>> No.18302192
File: 85 KB, 479x480, nutondeez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always wanted to try Dr. Nut after reading A Confederacy of Dunces. IBC root beer is my personal favorite. Maybe a little pleb tier, but oh well.

Rock and rye Faygo is very similar to cherries and cream, imo.

>> No.18302379

>No key lime
It's literally the best one

>> No.18302387

Stop lyin OP, it literally tastes rancid. Fuck off with your groomer drinks

>> No.18302391

This shit gets me more jolted than any energy drink I've ever tried

>> No.18302393

I looked for that where I live after seeing it here, I've literally only ever seen the diet rootbeer

>> No.18302398

It would be bitter as fuck

>> No.18302418

Fentiman's ginger beer really is some of the best on the planet.

>> No.18302428


>> No.18302450

i like jones soda. fufu berry, blue bubblegum, strawberry lime. i never see them around anymore though

>> No.18302967
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>> No.18303063


>> No.18303256
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I'd love a cola with little sugar and acid, but a lot of nice bitterness and spice.
Come to think of it, I'm inventing chinotto.
Based italians.
Still want to get a sodastream so I can make cola to my autistic specifications.
Wonder how expensive kola nut is

>> No.18303275
File: 39 KB, 600x800, IMG_0705-600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to try it as well. It's a small tragedy that New Orleans let it die.
IBC is a fine rootbeer, I liked it as a kid but try Henry Weinhard's if you can. Imo it's the finest in fancy, glass bottle root beer.
Miss his cheap lager though, god rest

>> No.18303307

>god tier
>inb4 dae water
The correct beverage is coffee, black

>> No.18303501

my bad anon key lime is great, just grabbed whatever image had a bunch of em

will do better next time

>> No.18303948

Like $30/lb for nuts. If you're just making soda get extract instead.

>> No.18304783
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What an absolute atrocity. I wanted to try chewing some like the Africans do.
At least phosphoric acid is cheap and a great cleaning agent lmao

>> No.18304861

One glimpse of this and I can already imagine the guys that make this have long unkempt beards and ponytails, wearing a tight pink shirt, blue Jean shorts, and glasses. They probably advertised it as "a truly unique soda experience" or some gay shit like that. I'll bet it's way overpriced too. Probably only sold from some brew shack in California.

>> No.18305261

I don’t think it tastes good desu

>> No.18305370

it says established in 1905 on the bottle, so your description probably doesnt work for the people that make it. the places that sell it though, thats another story

>> No.18305373
File: 206 KB, 528x550, barqs-root-beer-diet-12oz-desktop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oliet Bang's

>> No.18305374
File: 355 KB, 579x700, 1636803097055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are my jones chads

>> No.18305377

The mild flavors of la croix are fine. Some seltzer brands really overload their drinks with flavor that tastes disgusting like a sugarless jolly rancher.

>> No.18305759

Fuck year mang I get my bro in austria to send it to me whenever he can.

>> No.18305767
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>> No.18305779

Looks like something a pedophile would drink.

>> No.18305894

Sprecher's Orange Dream is really good. They also have some of the best root beer in the US.

>> No.18305973

their blueberry or blue flavor soda is real good

>> No.18305984
File: 204 KB, 2400x2400, 71D9rW5vNUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this stuff is the good stuff.

>> No.18306010
File: 46 KB, 490x490, blenheim-medium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likely less than a half a percent of people here know of this. Blenheim Red Cap or Gold Cap, either one, the perfect ginger ale, and I've tried them all.

>> No.18306049

you can buy it everywhere in England, my school used to sell it

>> No.18306061

But it still counts as a soda

>> No.18306827
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>> No.18308015
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Cant be beat. All these flavors are top notch.

>> No.18308018

Unless it tastes like biting into a ginger root with a bit of sugar on it it's not perfect.

>> No.18308023
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>> No.18308834
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My friend...
you have just perfectly described the taste!!!
If it doesn't wake your sinuses, it's garbage.

>> No.18308891

my n word

>> No.18308906
File: 101 KB, 1200x768, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coke but not good
I liked it better when soda companies called these drinks "diet" and they were kept in the back of soda aisles so you wouldn't have to see them.
Nowadays they're even slipping artificial sweeterners into what should be regular non-diet drinks. Shit gets me heated.

>> No.18309100

Pepsi deserves a beating for sneaking it into the regular, tastes completely off.

>> No.18309221


>> No.18309235
File: 34 KB, 800x800, solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is so good.

>> No.18309264
File: 37 KB, 700x700, 24-cheerwine-glass-bottles-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red cap is exactly that. Just trying to smell it burns your sinuses in a good way. I've never had a better ginger ale or soda. Cheerwine is a close second.

>> No.18309268
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I'm not going to apologize.

>> No.18309327

Can confirm it’s tasty

>> No.18311019

memes aside it really is one of my favorites

>> No.18311274
File: 511 KB, 540x540, cidona2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one and only

>> No.18311350
File: 2.07 MB, 1500x2448, image_2022-09-02_144922846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its got teh gayest name ever but when you read the ingredients it doesn't say "spices" it actually lists the spices like black pepper, star anise, nutmeg, etc and you can actually taste it and it tastes awesome.

>> No.18312980

fpbp. OP btfo!

>> No.18312984

You need to go back.

>> No.18313000
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>> No.18313138
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>> No.18313154

Soimaxxed zoomer cringe, sorry.

>> No.18313186
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>Wow, I'd sure like some sparkly yogurt right now

>> No.18313193
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>> No.18313199

Coca cola is still made with coca leaves. Seriously. They have a special license for importing them it's simply a strain that has next to zero active cocaine in it.

>> No.18313469
File: 84 KB, 900x962, L&P Lemon & Paeroa Cans 440ml (1 Unit).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bundaberg ginger beer as a close runner up tho

>> No.18314335
File: 475 KB, 955x955, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who makes the best pineapple flavored soda?

>> No.18314343

The Guava one is delicious.

>> No.18314636

>I had the root beer at a party once and it was one of the worst things I've ever tasted, like cheap store brand with a shot of rubbing alcohol
This. It tastes like root beer for the first sip, then it's like cheap ass vodka

>> No.18314962
File: 6 KB, 145x348, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best ginger beer I've found by far. Tried Bundaberg, Q, Boylan Heights, Reed's, Betty Buzz, Maine Root Handcrafted Beverages, maybe a couple others. Fever Tree is the best

>> No.18315295
File: 285 KB, 500x500, s757520340205510923_p660_i2_w500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck finding this outside a very limited area but it's the best I've had. Shit burns like it's supposed to.

>> No.18315421

>5 cents has been deposited in your account, thank you for supporting Fentimans!

>> No.18315475

>knockoff Pepsi

>> No.18315498
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>> No.18315500

That's a cool name though.

>> No.18315564

all this time
i thought it was barqs
will i ever escape this cave?

>> No.18315569
File: 47 KB, 800x800, diet-rite-cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who remember dis?

>> No.18315578

Psh... zoomers

>> No.18315582
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Avoid this shit at all cost!
Taste like toxic waste.
I paid the price so you don't have to.

>> No.18315586
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>> No.18315592

The pink grapefruit is my favorite.

>> No.18315613
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Why does one cola piss off so many anons?

>> No.18315624
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Overpriced and overrated.

>> No.18315627
File: 122 KB, 600x481, Vannucci guaraná.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best there is.

>> No.18315628

I've got a photo of me with the big L&P bottle in Paeroa.

>> No.18315629
File: 16 KB, 289x254, Chuck_Norris-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're among friends!

>> No.18315719

oh my GOD, the lemon lime and bitters. Absolutely perfect

>> No.18315743
File: 68 KB, 1000x1000, 2256236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap and tastes nice

>> No.18315806

Where in Germany?
Görlitz/Saxony doesn't have Red Bull cola, but we di have Dr Pepper Energy, which Amerifats miss out on.

>> No.18315813

A bit strange you don't realize that only nigs and wigs prefer Pepsi.
It's because it leaves a thick layer of precipitate on their lips to lick off later.

>> No.18315842
File: 56 KB, 376x718, 7A99300B-CD82-4DD7-B883-EFB1EE4A8958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live in Worcester so polar is everywhere. Cranberry dry is the best flavor they make. For me it’s pic related. True nectar

>> No.18316145

Thanks for the tip fellow ginger appreciator. Blenheim has a store locator and there's a specialty soda shop 30 mins from me. Gonna make a big soda haul and get some

>> No.18316151

Tried it. It's nice!

So true!

>t. Bundaberg tastelet

>> No.18316156

>Introduce best flavor
>Keep it on the shelves for like 3 months
>Never bring it back
It hurts, I wish I never tried it desu because I still want more

>> No.18316242
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>> No.18316773

That was amazingly good but they did change the recipe: it doesn’t have mustard seed in it like the original batches.

>> No.18316782

Least nationalistic Turkish media outlet

>> No.18318208



>> No.18318235

>only nigs and wigs prefer Pepsi.
Because of the well documented, extensive ad campaigns targeting blacks.
It's exactly the same as with Newports.
You only knew half the story (that blacks are disproportionately Pepsi fans) but now I've given you the origin for that.

>> No.18318245

>roaches live forever

>> No.18318282
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I remember this stuff got recalled because they used dealkalized coca leaves in it and one batch was a little too hot for the FDA.
Stuff makes me think of ads for Halo 3 and visiting the general store for some fried gizzards. Good times

>> No.18318552
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>> No.18318570
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>> No.18318580
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(you) on the right

>> No.18318603
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>blocks your path
Thank you T*rks, I make my own now with GREEK yoghurt.

>> No.18319245

Fever tree's yuzu slaps

>> No.18319897
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not buying it. i drank some dr pepper and mountain dew though, in the time between your post and now. also beer and minute maid.
here's a beverage hack courtesy of /ck/ tapped knowledge. 5 calories and cheap if flavor is your favor.

>> No.18320104

>5 calories
Pretty weak. I can get a full 240 calories from a Coke.

>> No.18320134
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For me, it's

>> No.18320154

Honestly surprised it took this long to get posted

>> No.18320310
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>> No.18320750
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>All these plebs postng drinks with sugar and shitty sweeteners

>> No.18320797

Who still wants to get calories from sugar?

>> No.18320821

This stuff tastes like vomit. Took two swigs of one bottle and tossed the rest in the trash. Not evening memeing. It's swill. Do not buy this.

>> No.18321200

I hate artificial sweetener and can barely break 130 lb at 6' (and not because of age; in my mid-30s). Sugar free drinks would rob me of precious calories and the non-nutritive sweeteners fuck with my stomach to boot.

>> No.18321204

Their ginger beer is better IMO.

>> No.18321390

Liked in but prefer dandelion and burdock. Honestly though, I can't drink any fizzy drinks anymore they all taste too sweet.

>> No.18321404
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>american middle class plebbit fedora hipsters have ruined fentimans
Why do a*ericans ruin everything...

>> No.18321757

a bit too acidic and sickly-sticky sweet for my taste
i prefer something a bit more herbal like:
shit was great

>> No.18321848

Easily the best and I hope they bring it back

>> No.18321908

Stevia makes you go infertile

>> No.18322143

also gay

>> No.18322852
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simple as

>> No.18322876
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move out the way for a fucking real drink lads

>> No.18322889

what does it taste like?

>> No.18322986
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>cant finish 6oz of soda in a sitting
How much of a twink are you?

>> No.18323013

The soda shop is only open on weekdays. I need to take time off work to get some fuckin bubbly drinks bros


>> No.18323015

Hipsters don't exist anymore

>> No.18323507

Very common in Australia, my family calls it crapple for some reason.
It's alright, but our local cider brewery does sparkling apple juice and it shits all over crapple

>> No.18323898

and a retard

>> No.18324289

>Looks like something a pedophile would drink
nah untrue, this stuff sucks. Tastes like generic store brand soda but in a slightly fancier bottle.
I miss ginger pepsi...

>> No.18324298
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only milk based drink to have ever outsold coke

>> No.18325492
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super refreshing on a hot day

>> No.18326176
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>> No.18326188
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, Uludag_Gazoz_Sugar_Free_250ml_Glass_6_Pcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want some sugar free uludag gazoz but I can't fucking buy it anywhere in Germany despite al these fucking turkroach stores everywhere. At least they supply me with cheap mastic chewing gum

>> No.18326202

i miss cclemon so fucking much i want to cry

>> No.18326472

In the US they sell this sparkling apple cider for people who don't want booze for eg. New year's eve

>> No.18326710
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>> No.18327125

Except... it really tastes like nothing.

>> No.18327128

God tier stuff from Toronto

>> No.18327137


>> No.18327146

>3700kcal daily

>> No.18327591

I have a taste preference for diet soda.

I was raised by a single mother which probably explains it.

>> No.18327594

yes 100%

isn't it owned by CC now though? feel like i noticed that on the bottle last time i had one

>> No.18327600

That shit is god awful.

>> No.18327604

I'm too White to drink Coke products.