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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18277615 No.18277615 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.


Previous thread:>>18262733

>> No.18277618

honey >>>> sugar when you want to sweeten coffee

>> No.18277636

i never want to sweeten coffee

>> No.18277639

Late night espresso is the best espresso.

>> No.18277655

grind setting >>>> honey >>>> surgar when you want to sweeten coffee

>> No.18277658

I don't get it... how the fuck do those brewers make the coffee match the color of the hario?

>> No.18277705

Nip magicks.

>> No.18277737
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>> No.18277834

Pigments in the ceramic that leeches into the coffee

>> No.18277875

Do you folks like coffee?

>> No.18277901

I think we can all agree, milk/cream improves coffee.

>> No.18277942

No, I fucking hate it every day when I drink it.

>> No.18277945
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>> No.18277952

A bump for my phin filter bros. A big up for the Viet and Indian robusta enjoyers.

>> No.18277954

what makes a phin special?

>> No.18277969

Why do you choose the path of suffering?

>> No.18278000

What do you do if you prepare too much milk, do you just discard it? Frothed milk is kinda gross to drink on its own

>> No.18278033


>> No.18278037

Use it as lube

>> No.18278039


>> No.18278043

i prefer brewing coffee
i drink it to find out how well i brewed it.

>> No.18278049

just keep making coffee until you run out of milk.

>> No.18278075

For me it's the ability of using different grind size in the same filter without worrying about drip time comparing to my v60 because i can tamper it to offset the size of grounds. With longer extraction i get richer tasting coffee than from v60 as well. On a different note, it's easy to carry around without worrying it might break or chip, and i don't need an additional filter or even a thin-nosed kettle for the pourover. Just threw it into a backpack several times this year when i had to move around the city and outside its limits, only dented it once and easily fixed it with a pair of pliers. I'm still enjoying an occasional french press, moka, cezve and v60 at home but since i got a phin, i'm using it way more often than all the others combined. My only regret is i didn't want to wait for a large one to arrive so i bought the basic 1 cup size.

>> No.18278077

Make a cocoa base and add frothed milk

>> No.18278211

My dad spent all his money on weed again so I have to cancel my good coffee order and pay the bills instead. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.18278233

Steal his weed, sell it and buy coffee

>> No.18278237

> any sort of sweetener in coffee
leave this general

>> No.18278241

you have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.18278247

Smart plan
Im 24, did you miss the part where I have to pay the bills now? I still live at home because hes in a wheelchair, mom died, and my little sister is still in highschool so I can't leave.

>> No.18278371
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>> No.18278381

I'm not addicted to coffee at all. I can quit whenever I want to.

>> No.18278488

im allergic to honey but i have had alot of honey before i found out i was allergic to it and the flavor is way to strong for coffee unless you drink shit coffee want want to cover up the flavor.
high quality brown sugar wins every time, the flavor profile matches perfectly with coffee and if you just use a bit you get that sweetness without changing the actual flavor of the coffee.

>> No.18278515

just put another batch of cold brew in the fridge. feels good.

>> No.18278516

not your blog faggot
also your dad is a loser fuck for smoking weed.
>and my little sister is still in highschool so I can't leave.
you choose to stay, dont do shit like i CANT because xyz just say you choose to stay because you want to help your family, passing the blame on why you CANT leave is cringe as fuck.

>> No.18278564

>you feel a sense of responsibility to your family
>super cringe bro
Whatever faggot, go jump off a bridge

>> No.18278591

never said that you stupid cunt.
the reason for being there is fine the way you are talking about it is cringe.

>> No.18278597

I'm not passing the blame asshole. When I said I can't leave them I meant that I have the desire to help them, I want to be here for them. The thought of leaving them to fend for themselves never crossed my mind. That's what I meant by can't.

>> No.18278716
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>> No.18278719

Was she expecting a different kind of wiener service?

>> No.18278808
File: 16 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone tried bones coffee? if so whats the best flavour? i recently go the starter pack and have been enjoying the holy canoli flavour. i thought it would be a little stronger but im happy with it despite it being a little more pricey, great for once in a blue moon treat.

>> No.18278884

what are some good oceania roasters/vendors, ill add them.

>> No.18278897

really looking forward to hearing more about some retard's problems with his drug addict father haha

>> No.18278902

I accidently ordered artificially flavored coffee once thinking the hazelnut was a flavor note and not only did it taste disgusting but it fucking stank up my garbage in the one day I left it in there lol

>> No.18278907

>skeleton coffee
Oh hell ye-
>$36 shipping to me

>> No.18278915

new pastebin is better. Maybe add section in bottom for water filter and gh/kh memes since it's an easy change for some noticeable gains

>> No.18278922

this, adding proper filtered water to my method has made my coffee better.

>> No.18278951

added bros, if you have more resources link them pls

>> No.18278959

For what purpose are they making coffee on top of a food scale?

PS: I'm a rugged man, I just pour hot water on coffee grounds, I don't understand that.

>> No.18278964

Real coffee?

>> No.18278981

being able to measure pours gives you repeatability which lets you dial in recipes and ratios. there's a section in the pastebin about scales at different budgets, check it out if you want

>> No.18279042

i bumped it up because water is important

>> No.18279133

I'm glad my criticism has lead to change.

>> No.18279227

I want ultra dark roasted beans. Does anyone know of some kino vietnamese coffee?

>> No.18279235

Dark roast arabica/robusta blend then? Try Saka.

>> No.18279240

I want ultra dark roasted ass. Does anyone know of some kino vietnamese brothels?

>> No.18279248

>ultra dark roasted ass
Go to Kenya, great coffee great whores

>> No.18279324

Interesting... makes sense. thanks.

>> No.18279337

Hey pasteanon, might as well add these too. If you want a little written intro like you had, just use it to answer the most important question someone reading the pastebin for the first time could have.
>How do I make better coffee?
>There's really only two ways to go about it. You can work at more consistent control of your variables(brew time, temperature, starting and ending weights, and grind size). Or you buy better coffee. This pastebin will show you how to do both. Yada yada.


>> No.18279342

Case in point

>> No.18279371

the superior cold brew method is not in the pastebin please fix this

>> No.18279380

Looking to upgrade from the Krups "espresso" machine that I have, and found a lightly used Breville Barista Express for $500. Would this be a good entry level machine for getting into real espresso, or do I need to spend $5k minimum just on a grinder?

>> No.18279385

grab the ROK grinder and espresso combo. you'll never need anything else ever again

>> No.18279409

It will be an okay 54mm machine with plastic internals for $500, but it runs at 15 bar. You can just pull shots in pi mode if you don't feel like fucking with the opv. You want a better grinder and tamper asap.

>> No.18279412

brown sugar>>>>>honey
but if you're NEEDING to sweeten your coffee you're either brewing it wrong or addicted to sugar

>> No.18279437

i got you bro

we will leave that one in the past but i was actually looking for cold brew recipes to add. the problem i ran into is they all differ so much and there isn't really a defacto one everyone refers to but i think it'd be helpful to add

can any cold brew chads leave their favorite recipes?

>> No.18279482

The problem with coldbrew is anyone making a recipe to post on their blog has a dogshit tier grinder, so they go high ratio + super coarse to avoid generating too many fines then dilute it back down. I need to go buy some clingfilm and try this.

>> No.18279499
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finally reached endgame, feels good

>> No.18279506

Here's my iced coffee recipe, I hope you guys make it and then tell me what you think:
>Ground cafe du monde (or preferred coffee. Cheaper coffees require no cold brew hot bloom and can be directly cold brewed).
>Star anise (~2 pods/1 teaspoon),
>Vanilla extract,
>Cloves (2-4 cloves to taste; you can always add more at the end but you can't take away!),
>Cinnamon (about 1/2 to 1 stick, or, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground),
>Ginger (4 teaspoons),
>Nutmeg (1 teaspoon. Remember that nutmeg is sweet and you're adding sweetened milk, this recipe makes 4 servings!) to taste,
>1/4 cup coconut cream (NOT CREAM OF COCONUT, that is sweetened), 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (total, so 1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon per drink, of each),

Cold brew, hot bloom your coffee: pour about 1.5 cups of hot water over the grounds, shove your spices and vanilla in while it's still hot, allow to bloom for 30 seconds, then pour over the rest of your water. Let steep in the fridge or at room temp--covered, obviously--overnight. Let those flavors get to know eachother and mingle. You can add your 1/2 cup coconut cream and 1/2 cup S.C. milk now, or 1/16 cup each, per drink, when you are serving it. I prefer now.

Take that bitch out, filter it through a fine meshed sieve. Drink it.

>> No.18279513

That knockbox would look way better if it said Breville on it. Also hope you've got a niche on that bar.

>> No.18279519

or you could just pour over ice...

>> No.18279530

my recipe using 1l container:

1:8 ratio coarse w/room temp water
12-24hrs in fridge
dilute to taste

aeropress recipe by alan adler

15g of very fine coffee
60-70ml of room temp water
stir for 60 seconds
slow press
dilute to taste with ice water or ice cubes

the hoff's iced filter recipe
32.5g coffee/500ml
200g ice
300g hot water
Step 1: 97g bloom (45sec) stir bloom
Step 2: pour remain water in 2:30 to 3 minutes
Step 3: stir once circular motion once in opposite motion
Step 4: after drawdown, swirl canister to melt ice
Step 5: serve on fresh ice

>> No.18279551

Japanese iced coffee mogs the everloving fuck out of cold brew

>> No.18279566

I run out of ice too quick. 30oz yetis of flash brew go down real quick. Prechilling a large batch brew overnight could be sick. I've got a few 2L growlers I could use.

>> No.18279584

Migrate the pastebin pasta to rentry

>> No.18279743

Pastebin bro, just a note you've got the eureka crono and filtro in the <$500 section but they ought to be in the <$250 section, might also be worth noting that they're functionally identical besides the switch which is easily replaced.

Also for your cheapo scale rec here's an Amazon link for it if you want a real link to avoid AliExpress link problems, I got this exact one a while ago and can vouch for it


>> No.18279858

thank you for writing it out, recipes are such a pain in the ass to format simply

wait why

fixed and added, thank you

>> No.18279861

by oceania i pretty just meant australia and i have only used padre coffee but i have really really loved the coffee and other products also the packaging is great and they have a blog with one of the staff brewing new varieties that they get and they share the recipe and all that.
i have been meaning to order from other roasters in sydney but (padre is in melbourne) but padre has just as so much to offer that i havent really had a reason. but if i do order from other roasters within australia i will make sure to talk about the experience here.
australia is huge so i cant imagine ordering from padre would be worth it if you didnt live "close" by, like i live 3+ hours from sydney and if i order express on sunday i will get it by thursday afternoon meaning i get it 4 days after roasting which i think is pretty good(they roast and pack monday wednesday friday) but if you lived in qld or nt or wa im sure there are roasters just as good more local to those regions.


(btw dont buy the Ethiopia, Yirgacheffe Chelchele, i dont think its very good.)

>> No.18279882

Less likely to get taken down (it's not a lewd pastebin but I remember even some regular ones getting axed during the great purge due to false positives), but that's a minor reason. Bigger one is just that rentry lets you use latex to make it a bit prettier easily. You can make titles, embed images, shit like that. It's not essential or anything but it's just kinda simple to do and makes it prettier.

>> No.18279901

i mean i guess you could have both, right?
like have a title of coffee guide or whatever and then list both, if 1 goes down well you got the other. like no reason you need to have 1 not the other, you can have both.

>> No.18279935

i added some australia links so you guys don't feel left out
sounds good, there were actually some images for roast level / grind size i was wanting to add so that can be a good option

>> No.18279958

thanks and great job on the pastebin overall, its what it should have been from the start.

>> No.18279981

>Ethiopia, Yirgacheffe Chelchele, i dont think its very good
I've roasted maybe 7lbs of last years chelchele nat and think its fantastic. Maybe padre just doesn't know what they're doing(or this years crop is just worse)?

>> No.18280024

Might get mildly annoying for anon to edit each change into both

>> No.18280028

Really want to thank the anon that recommended S&W coffee roasters' Colombia Excelso Sugarcane Decaf, it's amazing and I don't think I'll buy coffee from the grocery store ever again.

>> No.18280035

could be, they list lavender as a flavor note for this roast and the 2 cups i have made taste like i just licked lavender.
i have had good ethiopia/ethiopia yirgacheffe from padre before and i saw the chelchele was new so i tried it and didnt like it at all. i would be interested to see if anyone else here lives close enough to buy it and try it out to see if im crazy or not.
also i use a moka so maybe it tastes different for espresso or whatever idk.

>> No.18280042

i mean sure focus on the pastebin rn and once that is "finished" port it over to this other thing, like i think the pastebin will reach a point where it will be pretty much complete, i cant imagine the guy having to go in and change shit every day or even every week.

>> No.18280046

I ordered from them several times. I like them as a blue moon treat like you said. I've had terrible luck with their unflavored small batch / single origin roasts. I like their cookies and cream.

>> No.18280073
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Like another anon, I too had the idea to order some goat milk to try in a latte since it's available for some reason.
And like the other anon, I can safely say it's bad.
Very harsh, aggressive taste while hot. After it cools: barnyardy.
I did it to 151 C like cow milk. Maybe a lower temperature would be better. But it's not really worth messing with.

>> No.18280442
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how do they make it so good bros?

>> No.18280454
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Yeah its very herby. I guess my crop would have been fall 2020 since I ordered jan 2021. I get more honeysuckle than lavender. That's the problem with some of the wilder ethiopians. If you don't like the flavor, its not going to get better the more that note gets roasted. Cooked flowers are just going to blow out your palate.
Just busted down 20ish lbs of the washed guat. Real pain in the ass but its way more convenient later.

>> No.18280564

>its not going to get better the more that note gets roasted. Cooked flowers are just going to blow out your palate.
yeh they beans did look darker than what i expected.
your setup looks very nice
is that the weber key grinder on the left there? is that also the weber looking glass or just a generic portafilter mirror?

>> No.18280574

Wug 2, aliexpress cha he, flair 58, dunno bout the mirror but probably generic.

>> No.18280601


>> No.18280659

wug2 with lab sweet burrs. Just got the mirror a couple days ago. Called an Ullman S-2X. Way better than the flair piece of shit. Only problem is theres nothing magnetic on the flair so I've just got it stuck to a bottle opener right now.
>We are the world's leading manufacturer of inspection mirrors and magnetic pick-up tools.

>> No.18280714

bros i added descriptions to the how to section. tried to be as objective as possible.

yay or nay

>> No.18280736

Looking better and better. I'd mention the shitty quality of most french presses leading to grit in the cup and something about various pourover filters, paper styles, metal cones, cloth filters all giving very different cups.

>> No.18280830

I brewed my first specialty coffee today. It was a Brazilian medium natural process roasted locally in Knoxville. Its the best coffee I've ever had. For the first time in my coffee drinking life I can actually taste the flavor notes, this shit is strawberries and chocolate and its amazing.

>> No.18280980

Chase the high. See how far you can take it.

>> No.18281041

i tried very hard not to be negative about all the methods i dont like so i may have overcorrected but good shout on the filter section
you should cup it next to the coffee you're used to drinking. this is a pretty good video on cupping https://youtu.be/cSEgP4VNynQ

>> No.18281118

Use goat milk for dulce de leche and nothing else imvho

>> No.18281125

Might want to go into mylar and oxygen absorbers bro

>> No.18281144
File: 1.04 MB, 3013x2852, 8DB7EEFE-2BB7-4E23-8DF9-2928D492006B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tiger striping a meme?

>> No.18281213

It's more a choice of using a single or double filter. I like the extra particulates so I use one. Just let anyone know the glass ones will break either from user error or acts of god lol

>> No.18281216
File: 3.53 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20220826_020628729[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to get fever tree cheap? Down to my last 3 cans.
Can't freeze oxygen absorbers. Knock on wood, but I've had zero issues with mold this way. Just looked at the last of my 2019 koke honey and it seems fine. I think if I was a bit further up in the supply chain I might have to worry about moisture content in the bean before vaccing.

>> No.18281219

i've literally only had fever tree in bottles, where do you even find cans?

>> No.18281308

$12.24 for an 8 pack on amazon. 50ml less than the bottles but that happens to fit the glass I use better. Way easier to stash back desu and you don't have to deal with glass bottles piling up.

>> No.18281337

A viet coworker told me to put chicory coffee in the phin for some real good coffee. I’ll try it and report back

>> No.18281346

have you ever tried sodastreaming tonic syrups?

>> No.18281374

Its on the list. I really prefer my water in glass so thats a huge hurdle. I've actually been wanting to make my own sparkling water tap like a kegerator for a few years. If you can get your hands on Pinckney bend tonic syrup give it a try. I've done that into store bought sparkling water. Fever tree is just so good its hard to get motivated.

>> No.18281388
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>I really prefer my water in glass
me too, i'm very iffy on plastics so i got this soda stream that takes these glass bottles but i haven't gotten around to making tonic. will check out pickney bend and report back

>> No.18281412

Yeah last I looked into it the newest soda stream used glass bottles but the adapters to use the bigger paintball tanks didn't exist yet or something? I just want a fucking tap that spews out carbonated water into guyer freres bottles, but I don't know how much I'm willing to spend chasing a cheaper $1.25 can.

>> No.18281417

I cupped the old coffee next to the new and had someone do blind taste test for me. I don't think I can go back to the old supermarket coffee.

>> No.18281440

im gonna soy out on tonic syrup hard as fuck thanks for the rec
>I don't think I can go back to the old supermarket coffee.
once you're redpilled about coffee it's impossible to go back. this will bring you both joy and misery

>> No.18281536

>impossible to go back
Reminds me of this classic scene. Yet another anon has removed the "they live" glasses of coffee.

>> No.18281703

Goodbye forever, coffeebros. I'm ending it all tonight.

I'm tired of stained teeth. I'm gonna quit drinking coffee now. But I don't know how I will ever fill the void left behind

>> No.18281777

have you tried brushing your teeth?

>> No.18281930

/tea/ would exile you for suggesting that shit

>> No.18281931

From the hills of Columbia

>> No.18282003

This isn't bad if you make coffee with milk. Kinda good really. Only bad thing is that you're cucking the beneficial properties of honey by introducing the heat from the coffee

>> No.18282028

I like tigers and also you've got dubs twice :^]

>> No.18282060

I do, but the coffee is impeding my quest to pure whiteness

>> No.18282085

Just do this, it's advice from the sickest cunt around
Though he'd probably call you a cookiecutter for drinking coffee

>> No.18282107

>if you make coffee with milk
that's pretty much how I do it

>> No.18282115
File: 245 KB, 2000x2000, Rosso Cafe Intelligente Pods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I'm doing it because I was given a couple boxes of these and I think it tastes kinda bad even if I put a layer of milk into the mug first and no matter if I use the lungo or espresso setting/button like the box recommends for this particular flavor of coffee

>> No.18282118

and just to add I don't taste anything woodsy about it either, it just tastes kind of watered down and not even particularly strong
I even tried with just milk and no sweetener

>> No.18282123

oh fuck my bad, the boxes I have only have 10 pods in each one, not that giant 80 pod thing
I can't imagine anyone would even buy 80 pods of something this bad
Instant fucking coffee definitely tastes better than this

>> No.18282452

Can coffee make you sick?

>> No.18282460

Is that a reference to the nichijou coffee scene? Or the other way around? Or is it just coincidentally such a similar setting/pose?

>> No.18282477

probably wasn't expecting it to be inside the coffee

>> No.18282485


>> No.18283142
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>> No.18283208

This shit is nuts.

>> No.18283212

did you already buy it? single origin in huge letters would put me off

>> No.18283217

no just looking through stuff at the moment

>> No.18283245

the pastebin has some great roasters if you're looking to try something new

>> No.18283437

received the chestnut and this thing feels quality as fuck

>> No.18283970

Noooooooooo you should have bought a rok

>> No.18284135

Yeah nah finca El Paraiso is on top

>> No.18284177

i've literally only ever had amazing coffee from them

>> No.18284301

Anyone know if silicon based lube can damage wood? I had it lying around and used it on the knob of my normcore, fixed the squeaking and the knob spins much more freely, but I didn't really consider if it can damage the material. I doubt it but still.

>> No.18284598

Recently my aeropress has been getting more grinds into my cup than it used to. Any ideas why, am I pressing too hard?

>> No.18284615

Probably, pressing hard can displace the filter. Even if an edge gets a bit wrinkled it's enough. Try pressing gently next time

>> No.18284634

Cool, thanks

>> No.18285037

Ah the aeropress. For the times when you want a worse pourover, with a little bit of grit.

>> No.18285062

Actually, it's seeds

>> No.18285206

I'm gonna buy a v60 or a chemex when I get paid

>> No.18285272

Get a plastic v60 and learn how to brew with it until you want to get serious and then get a Hario Switch

>> No.18285304

Get an origami air. I use my v60 as a funnel for mason jars now lol.

>> No.18285923

Or consider a glass Kalita 185

>> No.18285962

Why shouldn't I put a drill on my hand grinder?

>> No.18285978

Nice, I'm torn between that or a Mara but one way or another it's happening this year.

>> No.18285982

you should

>> No.18285996

This. I buy directly from a roaster and some of their beans already have a natural sweetness in their taste (slight!)

>> No.18286037
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>Woody and complex

>> No.18286153

to be fair, I've had other pods/capsules that there's no better way to describe them but that they taste actually woody or woodsy.

>> No.18286172

Maan... Workflow is huge
I want coffee, but I don't want the 5-10 minute work for a cup

>> No.18286185

>but I don't want the 5-10 minute work for a cup
my process takes twice that long
im pretty autistic about prep and timing tho.

>> No.18286206

Leverfag also, or are you just a perfectionist?
I'm all done for my first cup. Man, that anon got me hooked on cappucino with honey, this shit is delicious

>> No.18286253

Stop making espresso if you want a quick cup

>> No.18286283

Kinda ironic, expresso is supposed to be express

>> No.18286329

nope mokachad
i just make sure my whole kitchen is set up for every stage of the process so once i start i can finish without thinking "where did i put x?" also i use a manual grinder, and i make sure everything is washed before i leave the kitchen and actually drink my coffee, so from start to finish its about 20 minutes, and i dont do any measuring or note taking (if i did it would take much longer) but i have an autistic thing where ever item needed must be in an exact position like oh i need these 3 exact spoons and they need to be in these exact position before starting.

but its such a good feeling that once im set up i can just go.

>> No.18286342

the color of the brewer roasts the coffee

>> No.18286345

Cleaning everything before drinking the coffee, now that's will power. I respect that

>> No.18286444

i prefer my coffee to not be hot anyway.
like warm is perfect, by my final sip it should just start to get cold. i love washing up and cleaning anyway so its not much of a chore.

>> No.18286848

man, the difference between a hario and chestnut grind is so noticeable. the flavors were muted with the hario but the chestnut is like POW right in your butt

>> No.18286943
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You can't make me drink the coffee

>> No.18287162


>> No.18287280

Picked up a washed Honduran. What am I in for?

>> No.18287501

Depends, how big is he?

>> No.18287520
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You will fall asleep eventually anon and when you do, our time comes.
Whenever you wake up and have a slightly dry or sore throat, know that it's from the feeding tube we jammed down there while you were unconcious.

>> No.18287584

Sweetener is the 1st sign of your coffee being no good.
Good cup of coffee usually not very bitter, fragant and bright... enough, adding sweetener will mask all of these flavours

>> No.18287669

I'm so fucking tired.... what the fuuuuck

>> No.18287763

Winey and sweet. 7/10.

>> No.18287796

Ty based amazon. Its always a good day when fever tree hits your doorstep.

>> No.18287864

Fuck adlers' pressed pourover, treat it as a filtered french press. Invert it or create a vacuum. Let it immerse. Then press.

>> No.18287949

While the rest of the industry is progressing with better and better filters, that jackass is rinsing his off in the sink 20 times. I love it.

>> No.18287981

Even at 2¢ a filter, he's gotta make it stretch...
I rinse mine once if I'm low

>> No.18287990

I wonder if the water cost of rinsing one comes out to more than 2 cents

>> No.18288010

Over the duration of 20 rinses, I'm sure it might. There probably is a happy spot, if we're talking min-maxing. All I'm going to say is if you NEED to save money buy washing a 2¢ filter, you can't possibly be buying specialty grade coffee.

>> No.18288020

i only like the smell. it tastes fucking awful, stains your teeth, and caffeine is literally poison to the body.
but that smell is to die for.

>> No.18288051

I've heard about people cutting bottom filters out of sibarist papers and rinsing them a few times. Makes significantly more sense lol.

>> No.18288059

Sounds interesting, but it might be some other type of chicory because everything i have here is a fully dissolving powder, instant coffee basically.

>> No.18288076

I've heard of people using chemex filters too. There is a product for punching out areopress sized microfilters...

>> No.18288141

come home brown teeth man...
also just get teeth whitening if you care so much unless you are a poorfag and in that case get the fuck out of this general.

>> No.18288148

Yeah thats what I do. I'm just saying it makes way more sense to try to reuse a 45c sibarist filter compared to a 2c ap filter.

>> No.18288631
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At this point I think I should just flog Ultron and get a grinder that doesn't suck
I have to use the hopper because or the retention which means I have to grind my decaf with my Hario which means that the inaugural cup of my Aeropress just tasted of Hario

>> No.18288898

Saw a video on YouTube where a guy did 400 dollars worth of mods (PID, changed pressure OPV, flow control, etc.) of a Gaggia Classic Pro and said it was then comparable to a 3000 dollar machine.
Is this dude right or delusional?

>> No.18288960
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Its hyperbole but yea. You can go even further with the gaggia now. Espresso is just hot water and pressure. Doesn't really matter how you achieve that as long as its stable and repeatable.

Stole someones table and updated it a bit and changed out the inflated aud prices to the usd prices I found today. For all the hard work pastebinanon put in.

>> No.18288977

Damn this seems kinda fun and techy. How would this compare to a 2000 dollar machine like a Silvia Pro?

>> No.18288986

I have the one with the built in grinder. works great.

>> No.18289003

The first video you watched is turning a gaggia into a silvia pro. You're still going to have a lower powered, smaller capacity boiler, but the machine is making sure it stays at the temp you set(PID). The gagguino upgrade is taking that and giving full variable digital control over temp and pressure, like on the Decent espresso machines. You could absolutely take a silvia pro and wire up the same gagguino electronics now that someone else has done the coding and made it public.

>> No.18289007

I got laid off from Panera Bread a couple weeks ago and I'm hurting for it, their espresso was the goddamn best with half and half and I used to drink it for free on the job

>> No.18289034

Just made some coffee. What did I uh... think of it?

>> No.18289045

>I got laid off from Panera Bread

>> No.18289073

>I got laid off
Wait, I thought the benevolent leaders were pushing the agenda that nobody wants to work and that every store is understaffed and that was why every single service industry has been reducing hours, closing additional days each week, constantly running out of everything, and generally providing significantly worse service? How could you possibly get laid off during such a crisis?

>> No.18289105

not gonna lie anon i have low hopes from that box
sugar it up lol

>> No.18289131

I made a 30/100 Aeropress ground with my Hario and it is abharioant

>> No.18289192
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the Hario Switch is the only good Hario product

>> No.18289203

>politicizing someone's hard times

this is a coffee thread on an anonymous message board, you fucking dweeb

>> No.18289235
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Give it to me straight. Is it possible to make a decent french press coffee without a grinder?

>> No.18289240

>decent french press coffee

>> No.18289251

>stop asking questions just accept that things will never be the same because reasons
Good goy.

>> No.18289256

You're lying, it must be possible otherwise why would french press be so popular for so long

>> No.18289279

I don't think you know how to greentext. go back to le reddit, newfag

>> No.18289281

Sure if you have a mortar and pestle and are willing to spend about an hour pestling the crap out of it

>> No.18289302

>it must be possible otherwise why would french press be so popular for so long
Starbucks is still popular despite being horrible as well. Popular =/= good

>> No.18289303

Lead must be good for you because they used it for plumbing for so long

>> No.18289304

>I got laid off from Panera Bread a couple weeks ago
what for

>> No.18289311

Starbucks is good
Taste in coffee is not the same as lead poisoning

>> No.18289317

Couldn't you just go back in and buy an espresso off them as a private citizen? Maybe not, I haven't set foot in my former place of employment either, even though I worked there specifically because I preferred their products and services to the competition.

>> No.18289354

>French press
>cold brew
>moka pot
Rank them

>> No.18289358

>french press
>moka pot
>cold brew

Objectively correct

>> No.18289362

cold brew > *

dont 'you' me

>> No.18289363

Legitimate brewing device tier:
Shit tier:
>moka pot
>French press
>cold "brew"
Meme tier:

>> No.18289370

i dun get it

>> No.18289381

You'll get it once you start developing breasts

>> No.18289637

why do all of my shots have more channeling from VST baskets

>> No.18289653

vst baskets offer a lot less resistance meaning higher flow rate meaning better puck prep is required to accommodate the change. what's your puck prep looking like right now?

>> No.18289669

WDT, leveling tamper, pull. i have a wedge distributor too but i didnt really notice a difference so i stopped using it

>> No.18289699

If in the morning I make the 'Press put its money where its mouth is with its claims of an "espresso-style drink" by grinding actually espresso-fine and using espresso ratios to make an espresso drink, am I going to end up popping it, or just making a horrendous drink?

>> No.18289741

You're only getting about .7bar in the aeropress.

>> No.18289747

im getting my first pumpkin spice latte of the year tomorrow morning guys
hey hey hey
hey hey hey

>> No.18289803

gr8 b8 m8 8/8

>> No.18289806

>Rank them
by what metrics?

>> No.18290229

If you're not an employee they spit in your coffee

>> No.18290231

Is the switch even a percolation brewer, or is it just an immersion brewer?

>> No.18290236

Well done pourover
Cold brew
French Press
Poorly done pourover
Drinking diarrhea directly out of a homeless man's ass
Moka pot

>> No.18290240

The location had to close because we weren't making enough profit for the district manager to renew the lease. None of the employees, including managers, kept their jobs or got transferred.
the problem is that I got to make it the way I like it for free and in infinite amount so it won't be the same
the non espresso coffee is self serve and we watch you like hawks

>> No.18290386

The Flair is too difficult to press :(
I have to lean with all my upper body to keep it at consistent 9 bars I want, but past a certain angle it's uncomfy no matter what I do. Why am I such a weak limpwristed fat bitch

>> No.18290402

Hit the gym to make coffee

>> No.18290439

Is it only Americans that put sugar in their coffee or are there any other retarded countries on this planet?

I have always wondered this

>> No.18290441

I struggle to get to 9 bars however I believe it's because I just struggle to grind properly.

>> No.18290447

Yeah you need to grind it finer for sure.
You can make tasty coffee without 9 bars, but it's just for my current bag 9 bars all the way after a short preinfusion works perfect

>> No.18290458

Anyone own a ratio six?

>> No.18290470

I preinfuse for a good 20seconds as I use light roasts. From the 1-2 bars I steadly increase to 6-8 but it tends to be near impossible to get over that without ruining the puck

>> No.18290493

i always clean before i sit down and drink or eat but it's just a v60 decanter so it takes 15 seconds to throw the filter and rinse. i find it easier to relax when i know i have less shit to do

>> No.18290572

Yeah I wouldn't know about light roasts. My current one is medium-dark and chocolatey. I've been enjoying seeing how much crema I could get

>> No.18290578


>> No.18290593

Can you even run a Moka pot with Folger's? Maybe you can. Maybe it tastes alright. But understand that the standard setup of coffee from a plastic tub into a Mr. Coffee tastes like absolutely nothing. You have to take cream and sugar with it to make it into an actual drink. Unless you're one of those weirdos who eats plain burgers.

>> No.18290646
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, FC08A69B-3C65-4417-8775-F9E26F6C4E45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh Seybros???

>> No.18290653


>> No.18290659

a good sweet snack with your coffee >>>>> any sweetener in your coffee
same goes for tea by the way.

>> No.18290669

The contrast of eating something sweet and then switching to coffee is going to make it taste more bitter. It's like how if you eat/drink something very sour and then drink a glass of regular water it tastes sweet

>> No.18290678

that's what makes it so good. the bitterness cuts through the overwhelming sweetness of the pastry or whatever you're having, and both the sweets and the coffee last longer than they would individually. to me a good cup of coffee is to a big part about the aroma, and drinking it too quickly kinda ruins that.

>> No.18291028
File: 87 KB, 999x769, 1651388282207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the switch even a percolation brewer, or is it just an immersion brewer?
It is both.

>> No.18291617
File: 174 KB, 445x456, F4kusQM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pineapple and lime tasting notes
that sounds fucking revolting

>> No.18291635

So it's a slow aeropress?

>> No.18291716

i have learnt to enjoy eating cold food because i clean up after cooking before eating too.
because i know there is no chance im getting up and cleaning a kitchen after a good meal, im just going to go do something else and come back to a fucking gross and much harder to clean kitchen like 5 hours later.

>> No.18291720

just say you dont like coffee

>> No.18291727

just say you dont know what you are talking about and fuck off

>> No.18291734

It's objectively true

>> No.18291745

>a good sweet snack with your coffee
Great way to fucking ruin the coffee

>> No.18291753

what makes cold brew so much better than other methods?

>> No.18291830


>> No.18291914

Spam comment

>> No.18291945

i invented the phrase and popularised it in this general and across /v/ /tv/ /ck/.

>> No.18291949

So your biggest contribution is dumb spam? Grats pal.

>> No.18291952

Cheap. No need to buy freshly roasted specialty single origin when supermarket brand will taste the same. No need for specialty burr grinder

>> No.18291955

thanks I also specialize in mayoposting

>> No.18291962

Just got an immersion blender. How can I incorporate this into my coffee ritual?

>> No.18291971

Immersion blend your coffee. Fun fact: this can also be done to enhance your mayonnaise.

>> No.18291979

I got it exclusively to make mayonnaise and hummus. What advantage would blending the coffee provide me with?

>> No.18291981

this isn't me.
anyway im also
rok anon
moka anon
burundi natural process anon

>> No.18291999

Oh retardposter who lives to grip thick shaft. How could I not recognize you?

>> No.18292005

If you're Burundi natural process anon, explain how my direct relationship Kalico beans taste fine aeropressed but taste like a hearty beef gravy from my V60. Is it because they're washed?

>> No.18292028

Washed coffee is shit take the naturalpill or honeypill. But don't fall for the quirky ferment meme those are the absolute worst coffee you can buy.

>> No.18292036

Ultra dark roast coffee from Aldi is great. Generic brand, but it's the best generic I've had.

>> No.18292046

It's called Beaumont dark roast.

>> No.18292056


>> No.18292075

>How could I not recognize you?
i have just re oiled my rok so you couldn't hear that telltale squeak every half turn.
also i have just done my bi weekly deep clean of my moka.
thought maybe i was wrong about washed coffee and bought some to try and nope, i was right washed coffee doesnt hold a candle to natural process.

(the HG-1 PRIME 2022 does look pretty good tho...)

>> No.18292104

I strongly considered hg-1 prime but went wug instead. Its only $300 for the carrier and 83mm cones if I want it later though. My two latest roasts are a papua new guinea washed thats straight figs and a ridic complex, almost winey costa rican nat. PNG isn't my fav but throw an oz of milk in there and you're set. Costa rican might be my fav coffee of 2022, maybe ever. I'll have to pull out an lb of Loma La Gloria Red Bourbon black honey to compare.

>> No.18292206

i just prefer manual grinding also i only bought the rok this year and the price of the hg-1 is pretty high so i cant imagine getting one for at least a couple years.
also i haven't tried either of those regions on their own yet (i have had them in blends i enjoyed but that doesnt mean much)

this general is split between v60 or espresso so getting recommendations for moka is pretty hard because something that tastes great for espresso or v60 can be a different taste for moka.
but i will keep an eye out for costa rican and png coffee.
>almost winey costa rican nat
this is almost how i would describe my burundi nat sometimes its like passing a bottle of red under your nose and sometimes it has a rum raisin smell/taste to it.
it is by far the most complex coffee i have had recently(besides panama geisha 90+ earlier this year)

i hope my roaster sells more varieties of natural process but if not i may need to look elsewhere.

>> No.18292218

I once got a "natural citrus ferment" (i.e. they threw a bunch of rotting lemons and limes on top of the coffee bed) and it tasted like nothing but rotting limes. Never again with the meme ferments.

>> No.18292244

there is a difference between natural or honey process tasting or smelling slightly fermented or even alcoholic in a way and whatever it is you are talking about.

>> No.18292362

Is it common for people who order cappuccinos/lattes to not know what’s in them?

I work in a restaurant, and I get a lot of people (usually middle aged women) who order cappuccinos. We don’t have a milk frother, so we can’t make cappuccinos. But, on my boss’s instruction, I usually tell them that we do have espresso, and we do have milk in the fridge, so if they want I can get them espresso and cold milk. Nobody takes me up on the offer and I don’t blame them- I do understand that that’s not really the same drink.

But what I don’t get is why nine out of ten times, I get this response:
>ESPRESSO?? Oh no, I can’t have any espresso! Espresso is much too strong for me. No thankyou, I’m fine/I’ll have a regular coffee instead.

Why do they sound like they don’t realize that, if I could steam and froth milk and they ordered cappuccino, I would be bringing them a drink made of espresso and milk? Do they really not know that every time they’ve had a cappuccino before, that they were drinking watered down espresso?

>> No.18292363

>because something that tastes great for espresso or v60 can be a different taste for moka
Fine grind + minimal control + inherently unstable temp just leads to shitty brews man. Hard way around that. I think you'd be alot happier with that rok and a $130 picopresso.
>i just prefer manual grinding
I love the coffee and espresso coming off the kinu burrset. Still haven't gotten around to selling it. Going from the skinny tall flair signature basket to a pullman 876 is just a very different grinding experience. Couple that with me pushing lighter and lighter roasts and the kinu went from a mild effort to a moderate one and I started looking for a clear upgrade. Signed up for hg1 restock, then hg2 and key came out. Ordered and cancelled key after months of delays. I think this guys review of the lab sweet burrs is what finally sold me on wanting them and the wug guy was like yo I got an extra set.

>> No.18292457

No because you can choose when it's percolation and when it's immersion, offering the best of both worlds.

>> No.18292568

>Fine grind
>minimal control
>inherently unstable temp
just say you have no idea how to use a moka.
its fine moka is actually really hard to understand and to use and yeh those who are untrained will make dog shit coffee 99% of the time. but so do those who make espresso that dont have proper training, or even someone who is a barista knows how to operate the machine and to make a number of drinks but 99% of cafes make shit coffee.
i have been working on honing my skills with a moka every day for 8 months, and i think im in a decent place now.
but i think the fundamental difference between me and my workflow and the tools i use and other people in this general is i only care about brewing with a moka, and grinding with a manual grinder in the style of the rok(hg1 prime, hg2) for me the hobby is perfecting my brew with a moka. thats it thats the only reason i started doing it and the reason why i will continue to do it. sure i enjoy drinking the coffee that i brew but the process of the brew is the most important thing, i am extremely autistic(actually get disability payments from the government) when i see other brewing methods i feel nothing, they are empty, hollow, vapid. when i see a moka its like i am seeing color for the first time, i am inspired by it.

i appreciate your engagement with my comment tho :)

>> No.18292599

not him and I hate moka pots but I am inspired by your passion for it, keep rocking mokabro

>> No.18292609

thanks :)

>> No.18292614

i'm drinking coffee :)

>> No.18292619

what kind

>> No.18292633

what does that mean

>> No.18292635

>inherently unstable temp

>declining temp profile
>declining temp profile
>declining temp profile
>ascending temp profile

One of these is not like the others.

>> No.18292659

Today I had a "strawberry process" coffee where they fermented the coffee with strawberries. It tasted like strawberries.
Everything besides washed coffee is a joke desu.

>> No.18292683

That; pronoun
The person, thing, or idea indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situation

>> No.18292697

Maple syrup

>> No.18292702

is 4:6 a meme? i consistently get decent cups with it but doing 5 pours is boring, sometimes doing 3 pours and seeing the v60 fill up with coffee is more satisfying.

>> No.18292704

Pourover is a meme.

>> No.18292709

you're not wrong desu when i'm really lazy i just chuck them all in a french press with hot water for 10 minutes, i guess that's one of the benefits of 4:6 is i don't have to change my grind size between v60 and fp

>> No.18292713

200gs of grounds for 300g of water? no way you're extracting all that, you're just wasting coffee at that point

>> No.18292715
File: 1.31 MB, 892x1000, Coffee Grinderjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18292719

no that's not the ratio, it's the name of some pourover method the ratio is 1:15 and it's all some pseudosciencey meme buzzword shit but it somehow works

>> No.18292720

Stop typing in lowercase you fucking ape

>> No.18292726

stop being a phoneposteR

>> No.18292728

I use allulose and maple syrup for my flat whites

>> No.18292739

4:6 is a low extraction method that works for dark roasts only. Jap filter roasts are on the darker side so he's intentionally grinding coarse and extracting less to dodge any bitterness from the roast. He also uses distilled water to keep extractions down.

>> No.18292786

It's a 6:1 bloom? All the rest just sounds like knowing how to not pour like a spaz

>> No.18292794

I don't mean to use that word. Low extraction method OPTIMIZED for darker roasts that may present some bitterness sounds better.

>> No.18292808

>According to Tetsu, the first two pours(40%) adjust the balance of sweetness and acidity. If you want a sweeter cup, pour less at the start and more on the second pour. Tetsu recommends 50ml and 70ml here.
>If you want a brighter cup, pour more for the first pour and less at the second. Tetsu recommends the reverse by first starting with 70ml then 50ml.
>60% of the brew controls the strength of the coffee
>From the third pour onwards, you’ll notice your coffee will start to take longer and longer to drain. That’s not mere coincidence. That’s because the most soluble compounds of the coffee were already extracted in the first two pours. Since the remaining bits are not as easy to extract, your water will need a bit more time to go through the coffee.

>> No.18292828

If you're lazy the new Tetsu works nice too but wastes more coffee
>1:12 ratio
>fine grind
>1 pour in 15 seconds
>finish by 1:30
>coffee bed isn't flat by the end
The abominable amount of grinds stuck to the side of the filter is supposed to be a feature

>> No.18292857

Why use meme methods? Why not just to the tried and trued ways?

>> No.18292899

My switch recipe comes out excellent and is peak lazy.

13g in
40g 1m30 bloom
180g fast center pour
stir the top
jiggle jiggle
flip switch at 2:15
Total brew time under 3:00 and perfectly extracted cups with amazing clarity every time.

>> No.18292938

>No need to buy freshly roasted specialty single origin when supermarket brand will taste the same

Supermarket brands are burnt to shit and that certainly comes through. Same with using a consistent grinder.

>> No.18292950

Because at most you're out a couple minutes and a couple grams of coffee? I'm working my way through meme espresso profiles right now and I'm drinking ridiculously tasty coffee.

>> No.18292963

April > 4:6

>> No.18292979

Bros after learning about the Gaggiuino I really want to buy a GCP and mod the hell out of it
Talk me out of it

>> No.18292985

Do it, but if you're immediately going to void the warranty why not bide your time and grab one used for cheap? I've got an arduino coffee roaster.

>> No.18292992

Get a used one and go nuts; there are way less satisfying hobbies

>> No.18293036

Also its actually an Gaggustm32blackpill now. Way smoother on the pump control.

>> No.18293997 [DELETED] 

I got gifted a jug of maple syrup here but I feel like it would be a waste to use it just to sweeten coffee given how expensive it is

>> No.18294000

I got gifted a jug of maple syrup here but I feel like it would be a waste to use it just to sweeten coffee given how expensive it is, so I haven't opened it.

>> No.18294005

using honey instead of sugar also doesn't leave that feeling of having sugary grime or residue stuck around and on the sides of your lower teeth and gums after drinking a cup. Your mouth just feels clean.

>> No.18294034

I use Splenda so I've never had this problem

>> No.18294036

the problem with artificial sweeteners is that they'll just give you cancer if you keep using them

>> No.18294094

>sugary grime or residue stuck around and on the sides of your lower teeth and gums after drinking a cup
what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18294103

is the description not clear?

>> No.18294406

i almost always drink coffee with some amount of raw sugar and i have never experienced what you are talking about ever. fuck i used to drink a ton of soda and never felt that, i will go even further i have never in my life felt what you are talking about in my life.

>> No.18295102

I'm doing maple syrup cortados with a dash of lime oil. Shits cash.

>> No.18295103

so i decided to try my cold brew "black" and it has a completely different taste. with creamer it tastes as described (fruity, chocolate, honey) but none of that comes through blacked and instead gives a floral/herbal taste? it's not bad but wasn't expected