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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 1024x767, 70a6719983be66db3a47ce055ab66de3_-united-states-virginia-richmond-south-richmond-hull-street-road-4110-mcdonalds-804-233-8449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18286916 No.18286916 [Reply] [Original]

Why is fast food so slow and expensive now? There aren't even any legit good deals anymore. For a few dollars more I can just go to an actual restaurant and it might even be around the same speed

>> No.18286921

yeah it's fucked, A&W is legitimately more expensive than Red Robin which has table service and unlimited fries/soda

>> No.18286971

Theres literally no reason to eat fast food anymore unless you're traveling, they jacked up the prices, reduced the amount of food you get and have horrible, horrible service. AVOID

>> No.18286975

Man I never noticed since I never ate the goyslop to begin with lol but good thing we have another thread on the topic

>> No.18287025
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not that i blame the workers, but they just dont care anymore. we didnt know how good we had it

>> No.18287030
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Yeah, tell me about it. The only time I get anything at Taco Bell is when they're promoting some new item and I can get it cheap. Otherwise forget it.

>> No.18287031

I absolutely do blame the workers. You're hired to do a job, you fucking do it the best that you can. You don't take it out on innocent people who had nothing to do with how you ended up there. Be a man, not some petulant child. You agreed to devote your time for the hourly payment the company is giving you - that's on you, 100000%. Be a fucking grown up, wrench a smile on that face, make my order correctly, and don't drag your feet. And don't smoke pot on the job, you fucking child.

>> No.18287034

How is that fucking possible? A $3 soft taco? The world is falling apart. You might as well hit up an actual Mexican joint for the price and quality you get from TB.

>> No.18287035

nah, I don't care. enjoy your spitburger, boomer

>> No.18287078

I'd wait for your shift to end, beat the living fuck out of you in the parking lot and strangle your pimply pencil neck before bashing out your windshield, punk ass.

>> No.18287082

and *I'm* the immature child? lmao get a grip and also therapy

>> No.18287083

Used to order food for two and wouldnt go over 10 dollars. Now if I'm just ordering for myself its hard to not go over 20. Its just not turning out to be worth eating it like I used to.

>> No.18287090

Why do we constantly need new threads about how 4chan users are poor, fat, and addicted to salt?
Can't you retards just make one big thread for your shit?
Unlimited threads about how to cook for zoomers are more pleasant than a never ending stream of fast food anything.

>> No.18287094

>thread about food
>on a food and cooking board
Perhaps you should leave.

>> No.18287097

>whine whine whine
Do you think anyone will listen to you? In the moments it took for you to type that, you could have been doing something better with your life.

>> No.18287098

I used to go to the mcdicks by my work for breakfast because they had a young staff that was quick and efficient.

Then covid hit, and one by one they were all slowly replaced with old washed up hags and quality went down the drain, speed went to shit.
I just think the typical fast food employee nowadays is bad at their job.
They used to hire young people who just went to work, followed the brainless instructions, and by nature of being young somehow whipped out food efficiently. Only fast food I get now is pizza and I go to a burrito place. I've given up on most of it.

>> No.18287109

>fast food

Uhhh... wtf are you eating? Lobster Rolls? Even that has gotten cheaper the last two years.

>> No.18287112


>> No.18287127

You're a grown man who lives with his parents. You're even more useless.

>> No.18287135
File: 46 KB, 480x488, 1659455822329066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fast food is food too
Spoken like a true fatty whom hates itself.
I'm sitting here drinking nice tea laughing at deluded poor fat fucks such as yourself, I would say it's a good use of a Saturday morning.

>> No.18287138

I own a house and pay all my own bills, lol. Projecting your own insecurities is pretty pathetic, stop it, get some help.

>> No.18287143

Food has been too cheap for too long. I honestly believe a fast food meal should be around 15/20 USD at this point.

Remember, higher price is a good thing because it keeps the poors out. They are often minorities as well so it's a good thing.

>> No.18287155

Ohhh shit. This nigga >>18287082 got you bad. That's an e-KO if I ever saw one.

>> No.18287159

I don't eat fast food and I don't see the problem with these threads. If anything, it gives me an opportunity to feel better about myself since I know everyone who eats at these places is stupid and fat and has no idea how to handle money.

>> No.18287170

Speak like an adult.

>> No.18287178

Unless you're using deals or specific items to pay as little as possible, the average cost of fast food meals have all gone up tremendously in the past 20 years. In 2002, the average price of a McDonald's Quarter Pounder Meal was $5.50. This included large fries and a large drink. In 2012, that same meal was $7.00. In 2022, it's $10.50 and now only includes a medium fries and medium drink. It hasn't been a stable progression, it has spiked dramatically since COVID.

>> No.18287182

Ohhh shit. This nigga >>18287082 got you bad. That's an e-KO if I ever saw one.

>> No.18287183

>I'm sitting here drinking nice tea laughing at deluded poor fat fucks such as yourself
Sounds pretty sad and empty if your way to have a good time is by tearing down others. I hope things get better for you

>> No.18287188

All the beaners got deported or went onto start their own businesses during the pandemic. Now you have socially awkward zoomers working at these places constantly fucking up service. Please bring us back the Marias

>> No.18287206

>Sounds pretty sad and empty if your way to have a good time is by tearing down others.
Not him but like half the point of coming to 4chan is putting down and laughing at stupid people. It makes up the majority of posts on this website. Might as well get people to stop saying faggot, retard, or nigger on here.

>> No.18287208

I passed by a Burger King yesterday and thought "sure, what the hell, it's been years"
> walk in
> look at menu
> basic meals of a burger, fries, and watery fountain soda are $14+
> walk out

>> No.18287211
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It's because most of the franchises have no standards set by their company. Chick-Fil-A is constantly staffed well and clean, but Taco Bell pays shit and 80% of them have closed dining rooms. Not only that, but Drive thru service is shit too. Every Taco Bell is at 20 minutes to serve a person. I literally watched an episode of a TV show and finished it waiting for food once.

Yeah, except my Red Robin is run by SJW faggots who let homeless people eat burgers and fries for free. I've called corporate and the health department and they still do it despite the videos and photos of them screaming, pissing in booths, and slathering themselves with Ranch.


Same. Honestly i have zero fucking patience anymore for the dregs that run most of these places. Like, it's fucking Taco Bell, and they can't be arsed to clean the dining room so they just fucking close it.

>> No.18287213

Damn that's a lot for Burger King. Mine here is about $11 on the east coast. Where are you, generally speaking? City of some kind?

>> No.18287216

the world economy was for all intents and purposes shut down for two years.
this is the fallout

>> No.18287219

Fair point.

>> No.18287221

>Yeah, except my Red Robin is run by SJW faggots who let homeless people eat burgers and fries for free.
That...doesn't sound like faggot behavior. Have you never helped a homeless person out with food?

>> No.18287222

McDonald's is cheap as fuck yo. For 10 dollars I can get avwhole meal.

It's like three times as much at an outback.

>> No.18287228

Homeless should be buried outside city limits. They are subhuman scum.

>> No.18287236

>Have you never helped a homeless person out with food?
I've been known to treat a runaway to a protein rich meal

>> No.18287239

*also fuck them if super young

>> No.18287243

>he thinks homelessness is some kind of characteristic and not circumstance
Peak brainlet
You sound like a twat, I'd probably ignore all of your whining and complaints too and kick your ass out of my store.

>> No.18287245

It's pretty hard to tear a fatty down unless they over balance from their excessive weight.
Have you thought about losing some weight?

>> No.18287248

Definitely a characteristic. Fault of the subhuman.

>> No.18287253
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I have never helped a single homeless person since I was in my highschool's Volunteer Corps. We went down to the homeless shelter in the city and gave out free meals to the "homeless" who openly talked about how they were going to scam people, get their fix, cash SS/disability checks, and then grift another free meal. That was 15 years ago when I was a senior. I have only seen more evidence to confirm the fact that most of those people are lazy, parasitic entitled con artists and scammers.

If you legitimately believe the narrative that "homeless" people are actually down on their lock folks who just need a helping hand, you are part of the problem with homeless enablement in this country.

It's the Give a Mouse A Cookie Problem. We have it in my city. SJWs, liberals, and even guilt ridden Christian women will give these people money and clothes and other shit, and all it does is make other parasite drug/alch addicted fuckers show up looking for their free sandwich. They exist in our cities because we allow it and tolerate their shit under a false narrative of compassion, when in reality what you really do is prolong their anguish and suffering while making hardworking people (e.g. taxpayers who work and own property) pay for their free ride.

>> No.18287257

I'm not reading all that shit. Get a life, fatty.

>> No.18287258

>down on their lock
Opinion discarded.

>> No.18287268
File: 39 KB, 117x220, Vortex_queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For a few dollars more I can just go to an actual restaurant
Pretty sure actual restaurants went up in price just as much as fast food did.
Maybe where you live. I even add extra time overhead by using delivery apps and it still shows up at my door in 15 minutes with a high degree of consistency.

>> No.18287274
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1638833061185s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you that Liberal autistic faggot who kicked out the guy wearing a trump shirt for no discernable reason other than you were offended gravely.

And yet here you were, on a text board, reading text. Go back to TikTok or Snapchat or whatever Zoomer shit you consume tranny yaas qween bullshit until you can overcome your inability to read a few hundred words.

A spelling error doesn't detract from an opinion on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, you faggot.

>> No.18287286

Based. Homeless people should be given two chances to either get their shit together or serve in a labor camp until they get their shit together. Those who fail are exterminated.

>> No.18287287

Opinion discarded.

>> No.18287301

>Pretty sure actual restaurants went up in price just as much as fast food did.
Nah. They went up less. Just checked. I can either get a McDonald's quarter pounder meal for $11 with a medium fries and coke. Or I can upgrade to a large fries and coke for $13.50. For $14 at my local pizza place, I can get a large cheese pizza. Or $16 for a large pepperoni pizza or any other single topping I want.

Fast food is just expensive as hell now. You might as well get way better meals at a restaurant for a few dollars more if you're going to pick it up yourself anyways. Just place an order. You'll even save time not waiting in line.

>> No.18287305

>he made another wall of text
I'm not interested in reading some fat spoiled cunt rant about homeless people.

>> No.18287346

In Paris McDonalds costs the same as getting a steak frites at a bistrot. I don’t understand why all these zoomer faggots go there for overpriced industrial slop made by joggers

>> No.18287572

How much would it cost to recreate these fast foods at home? I'm very wary of frying and while the air fry chicken wings are saving me much, it isn't the same. Same with fries. I can never get them crispy and I fear deep frying. I can only get nuggets right and that's due to chicken thighs suspiciously not changing in price all these years while breasts and beef have spiked in cost.

>> No.18287773

Spotted the boomer. They pay unlivable wages and usually don't get enough hours. No benefits. But yeah you better work hard and smile. If you're an adult you're not innocent, stop thinking like a baby. It's a job for high school and college students. That's the service you get with them

>> No.18287837

Thought they could take a bite out of the fast casual pie that the likes of Chipotle and Firehouse pioneered.

>> No.18287840

>I am entitled to a comfortable living
No you ain’t

>> No.18287847

>if you're going to pick it up yourself
I never do that in the post-memeflu era. Too convenient and relaxing to jab my finger on a phone screen and have food left at my door with zero contact 15 minutes later.

>> No.18287849

have fun when SS runs out and you don't get a dime

>> No.18288221
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You fucking know everything I said is true. Do you feed the homeless like they are pigeons or some shit? I bet you'd happily walk down skid row or invite those degenerates into your home without any consideration for your neighbors.

Jesus Christ, fucking insane. I can spend 25 bucks and get Applebees, and a lot of it. I remember thinking I was a cool cat for buying 7 bucks worth of McChicken's. Does anybody remember when sausage burritos were 1 dollar each?

Not Much. My friend managed to recreate Volcano Tacos using the stuff listed here:


Again, explain to me why the fuck I should care about the incompetent business practices of some dumb as shit franchise manager who can't be arsed to hire enough staff to keep their fucking doors open for Dine-In? It's why Taco Bell is dead to me, along with a bunch of these other shit tier fast food joints. In-N-Out is open, Chick-Fil-A is open, Qderpa and Chipotle are open, but these corpos can't figure it out.

This entitlement honestly makes me seethe. I'd love to abolish the minimum wage for ten years as an experiment just to see the chaos it would create in the labor market and the economy. People legitimately think they are entitled to a living wage for flipping burgers or being a waiter, which is ridiculous, becuase I could train an 13 year old child to do those things.

>> No.18288280

Blah blah blah blah blah

>> No.18289378

British Columbia, otherwise known as B.C. for "Bring Cash"

>> No.18289394

Ah, Vortex Queen, we meet again. Suck on this dolphin cock you pod-kidnapping slag

>> No.18289398

Between the Supersize Me slander and the competition from fast casual chains that offer better food for only slightly less convenience, the old way of doing things was quickly being outmoded. I'm not complaining though. I love my local McDonald's that has a fully featured espresso bar and plays jazz music all day. If I wanted to get a not plain burger even though I went to the counter and said plain, I could always go to Wendy's.

>> No.18289400

Harris Teeter (the grocery store chain) in 2019 had $4.99 foot-long subs with Boar's Head meat and cheese. they were the best sandwiches for the price that you could get anywhere, even publix subs aren't as good
last week they cost 6.99
today they cost 8.49 and are literally 3/5 the size they were in july, they don't even half-fill up the sandwich bag anymore when it used to be 90% full and you could only carry it by twisting the top
now i can fold half the fucking bag over
this is a fucking travesty and whatever executive decided that the Loss Leader product should now be a premium deli offer needs to be fucking shot

>> No.18289404


You speak like a person who has never faced hardship in his life

>> No.18289410

>Why is fast food so slow and expensive now?
I waited like 4 minutes for 100 nuggets at ~25$. Doesn't seem too bad. But yeah everything is like 25% more expensive than 10 years ago.

>> No.18289413
File: 121 KB, 1200x573, whole-sub-sunday--e1599830416735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i even saw someone the other day mention that they remember 2.99 subs around 2008
even if the prices go back down, the fucking size of the sandwiches never will, just like everything else that has been shrunk
we will never enjoy abundance or 'cheap' food again, we will be constantly compromising and compromising and compromising until the end of time

>> No.18289442

Hardship is for losers.

>> No.18290720

Faggot is ordering from a delivery service

>> No.18290761

(You) don't have to deep fry, my guy. Just get a pan and put in enough oil to fry one half, then flip it over when that side's cooked. Shallow frying wastes less oil too

>> No.18290779

we asked you to join the sub club. you said no. now everyone is suffering. decisions have consequences.

>> No.18290785

Get over it, whippersnapper. This is the price that has to be paid for the baby boomer's overindulgence.

>> No.18290802


>> No.18290867

Former fast food cuck here, all the good employees realized you can get a better paying and easier job fairly easily right now and bounced. I went from 3rd shift manager to a 1st shift dairy stocker at a supermarket and am making 4 dollars more an hour. It's less responsibility, less stress, and way better benefits.

>> No.18290967

for me, it's all the employees looking like low iq filthy illegals and meth addicts full of tattoos and gross finger nails. they cough, they scratch their hair, they don't follow any of the safe practice policies right in front of your face. how in the world anyone can trust those retards to make your food safely in the back boggles my mind. i am skittish just getting a black coffee from these low caste bottom dwellers

>> No.18290975

legit saw retards at Tim Hortons pouring extra batches of the mornings rush's drip coffee into nasty ass industrial buckets. so if you wonder how the coffee you got is not as hot as it should, probably because they scooped your cup o joe out of a fucking bucket. i noped the fuck out of there and never returned.

>> No.18290995

Does anyone actually crave anything at any fast food places? I used to crave chipotle but it got so gross and unreliable near me, I now just pay about the same to get mexican grub from a trendy hipster taco restaurant. the only fast food place i go to maybe once a month is shake shack. just two burgers, no fries or shakes. but shake shack is basically the very top end of fast food. everything else -- including panera -- is dogshit quality, obscenely overpriced, and the employees look super sketchy and dirty. i am also lucky enough to live within walking distance of an award winning local bakery, which has amazing breakfast and lunch, too. they get the bulk of my dining out money

>> No.18291023

I crave a double beef and bacon. Maccas doesn't have them on the menu anymore, but the burger-slaves still know what to make if I ask for one. With the rise of touchscreen menus I'm more worried that someday I won't know how to ask for it.

>> No.18291388

Fast food has always been goyslop trash, it just took a pandemic to wake some of you idiot up. When I went to college at 18 all of my new friends were rich from rich enclaves and none of them ate fast food. It was low class goyslop to them. But when you're raised in a low to mid class bubble like I was, you can't imagine not eating fast food at least a few times a week. While these rich attractive smart kids literally never touched the stuff. Really eye opening.

>> No.18292988

It's the art of chopping something into smaller pieces and insisting to you that you're still getting full value for your money. I used to run day camps for young kids and it's a very effective strategy when distributing snacks, so long as they're getting *something*, they'll none-the-wiser think they hit the jackpot. That's how Food Inc. views other human beings.

Notice the nice visual trick of how the subs in pic related are gargantuan compared to the glass of Coca-Cola?

>> No.18292993

that's the taco bell app, midwit

>> No.18294626

Do Americans really think 3 dollars for a whole taco is too much? You guys really do live life on easy on mode.

>> No.18294633

>Go to mcdonald's
>Order a burger meal
>Over 12 dollars for just the meal, pretax
Fuck that I'll go to a real restaurant, you'd think megachains would be able to use their economies of scale to drive the prices down but I'm genuinely getting larger quantities of better food from just about anywhere else these days. Sure, if I'm on the road I could just order an individual burger and a medium fry for 5-6 bucks, but it's amazing how expensive fucking everything is getting these days.

>> No.18294655
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I don't know about US prices, but McDonald's in Australia is still generally half the price of getting a burger somewhere else. Even the most expensive meal on this list is only $9 USD

>> No.18294656

rent free.
Also these tacos are small as fuck and aren't even made with 100% beef

>> No.18294692

It is not possible to make a LASTING compromise between technology and freedom, because technology is by far the more powerful social force and continually encroaches on freedom through REPEATED compromises. Imagine the case of two neighbors, each of whom at the outset owns the same amount of land, but one of whom is more powerful than the other. The powerful one demands a piece of the other’s land. The weak one refuses. The powerful one says, “OK, let’s compromise. Give me half of what I asked.” The weak one has little choice but to give in. Some time later the powerful neighbor demands another piece of land, again there is a compromise, and so forth. By forcing a long series of compromises on the weaker man, the powerful one eventually gets all of his land. So it goes in the conflict between technology and freedom.
But suppose now that the strong neighbor gets sick, so that he is unable to defend himself. The weak neighbor can force the strong one to give him his land back, or he can kill him. If he lets the strong man survive and only forces him to give the land back, he is a fool, because when the strong man gets well he will again take all the land for himself. The only sensible alternative for the weaker man is to kill the strong one while he has the chance. In the same way, while the industrial system is sick we must destroy it. If we compromise with it and let it recover from its sickness, it will eventually wipe out all of our freedom.

>> No.18294709

There needs to be a /GSG/ Goyslop General to centralize and contain all the garbage on this board.

>> No.18294723

Create a new board /ff/ - Fast Food

>> No.18294762

Costs are up,
Help still sucks,
The speed came largely from discipline and fast food lost it decades ago.