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18279680 No.18279680 [Reply] [Original]

Why is orange/apple juice marketed and considered a healthy breakfast staple when it's a recipe for diabetes and obesity that also tears apart the enamel of your teeth? WHY?!

>> No.18280033

Buy good orange juice and drink 100m-150ml. Consider it a tasty supplement drink. Its good for C, B1 and I think copper.

>> No.18280038

Is grape juice OK?

>> No.18280050

grape juice is healthiest

>> No.18280059

because back in the day it used to be cheap and good.

Instead of $10 a gallon it was 99 cents a frozen container and you just thawed it out in the pitcher and added water.

It's another thing that got crazy expensive in the last few years. Even as late as a few years ago you could find the FCOJ tube for 99cents. Then it was no more FCOJ but a cheap but good FCOJ in liquid form that was 1.99. Now you have to spend a fiver for a half gallon of decent juice.

>considered a healthy breakfast staple

it is a healthy breakfast staple. Calories are good, it provides lots of vitamin C and is tasty.

It's only fatbois on the internet who have decided that juice and fruit is bad for you.

>> No.18280104

you are being fed messages that OJ is bad because the orange growers can use the fruit for other purposes such as flavorings and additives. Now that your average boomer is on High Blood Pressure pills you can't take that with OJ or any acidic juices. So as a result the ZOG machine stopped marketing OJ to people and actively told them it was bad for them. Same with grapefruit.

>> No.18281782

It's bad because unlike in fruit where the sugar is stuck in the fibre, in the juice it is all loose and free to fuck up the body

>> No.18281800
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you can't fight Big Juice™ anon

>> No.18281803 [DELETED] 

Corr looks lush mate, would scran

>> No.18281825

Glass of it is fine and good for vitamin C. And by glass I mean the 8oz serving it suggests. Don’t drink a gallon of it like an autistic fatass and you’re good.

>> No.18281831

Okay but you could eat rutabaga instead and not drink poison

>> No.18281845

Because juice controls the media

>> No.18281846

yeah, I literally just said don’t be autistic. You’re missing that step.

>> No.18281864


There's the problem, I think a lot of people have 16oz glasses like the one in OP's image

>> No.18281882

Fiber is one factor but orange juice and apple cider (not juice) still contain flavanoids that help the body deal with the incoming sugar

>> No.18281893
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It is so easy to get nutrients from real fruits or vegetables instead though. Why should I pour sugar into my body whilst, again, fucking up the teeth?

>> No.18281903

Then shut the fuck up and don’t. It exists for someone to profit off of is the long story short of it. Someone saw value in it made a product and the masses saw value in it and bought the product. It sells so it exists and always will because it’s tasty and easy and people associate it with breakfast at this point like they do eggs or coffee it’s part of a lot peoples routines and morning ritual now.

>> No.18281909

>drink orange juice
>rinse with water after

>> No.18281910

I think juice is attractive as an alternative because people see water as nutritionless (or because certain countries like unitedstan pour fluoride into it) But orange juice is so acidic that if you don't drink water immediately afterwards to neutralize the pH value in your mouth it will erode your teeth like crazy, almost asbad as cola.

Obesity is the worst endemic in the world, way worse than covid, so it warrants attention

>> No.18281916

It s still bad though, whean eating an apple or orange your mouth produces loads of saliva to deal with the acid, but with juice it doesn't, and drinking little by little for ten minutes when eating is obviously terrible. Realise it, you've been scammed

>> No.18281921


You’re a retard and no one gives a fuck about obesity. They want us sick fat scared helpless and fully reliant on the government and medical/pharma industry. Where’s the money in healthy people eating well and taking care of themselves? There isn’t any. Where’s the money in fattys addicted to sugar? Fucking everywhere. on the front end when they waddle their fatasses to the slop troughs and the back end when they’re unhealthy sacks of shit needing medical care and drugs to eek a few more years out of their futile lives.

>> No.18281922

10 minutes of acid exposure is not going to have any effect on your teeth. If your teeth were that weak, you'd need to brush them every half hour to avoid cavities.

>> No.18281928

What makes you think that? If it rains heavily for ten minutes, that will still erode a rock a tiny bit

>> No.18281940
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>If it rains heavily for ten minutes, that will still erode a rock a tiny bit
For one, a rock will erade for millions of years before you notice that it has eroded. More importantly, a rock doesn't regenerate. Your enamel does.

>> No.18281952

because there's a difference between actual orange juice and orange-flavoured sugar water product that retards like you keep buying

>> No.18281956

marketing doublespeak to make bachelor chow seem healthy as "part of this balanced breakfast"

>> No.18281963

No, it doesn't
>It cannot regenerate itself, because it is formed by a layer of cells that are lost after the tooth eruption. Conventional treatment relies on synthetic materials to restore lost enamel that cannot mimic natural enamel.
Everytime it is damaged, it is PERMANENTLY damaged.

>> No.18281975

so if i piss on the same rock everyday for the rest of my life will it erode?

>> No.18281978

>Conventional treatment relies on synthetic materials to restore lost enamel that cannot mimic natural enamel.
What is the practical difference here?

>> No.18281986

Not nearly as tough, elastic or hard. Enjoy wasting thousands on shitty teeth because you needed the orange juice with your coffee to start the heckin day

>> No.18281991

Based on what? It may even be harder

>> No.18282009

Name one thing in the human body scientists have created a perfect substitute for. There is NONE, because the body tissues are so complex

>> No.18282024

I don't know if you understand what toothpaste is, but fluoride is a naturally occurring element. If you call the remineralization of your teeth "artificial" then you need some damned good supporting data to explain why it's actually bad to brush your teeth.

>> No.18282042

What happens is that when you drink acid, it demineralises it, and when you brush it, it remineralises, but when you drink too much acid it will result in a net loss and will lead to damage

>> No.18282047

Juice glasses are often even less than 8oz, it's not uncommon to find 4-6oz juice glasses. I don't think there's really a problem with that amount of juice. It also depends on your overall diet, having juice with pancakes drowning in syrup might be worse than juice with eggs.

>> No.18282050

>but when you drink too much acid it will result in a net loss
How can you say that without factoring in both processes and determining what the balance comes to?

>> No.18282053

>little by little over 10 minutes
you're meant to chug, not suck on it like a nigger dick over the span of half an hour, you la la gay man

>> No.18283084

Take the diet cranberry juice pill.

>> No.18283198

the story of florida citrus growers and florida's colonization in general (and its connection with the eastern banking establishment and, further back, spanish aristocracy) is interesting. Shadow Country by Peter Mathiessen is a great epic novel on the topic.

If I had to guess, the orange juice/breakfast connection is the result of some very high-level advertising and PR by the people with high-level connections whose families and holding corporations have owned the vast citrus groves since the swamps were drained

>> No.18283210

Because otherwise murrikans would drink coke for a breakfast drink.

>> No.18283564

It's slightly less shit that soda, just have normal portions of it. And dont buy the reconstituted crap, that is just cordial

>> No.18283592

Anytime you do anything at all, you're permanently changed at the molecular level. Do you live in a constant state of existential horror? Use nanohydroxyapatite toothpaste, it's literally the stuff your teeth are made of. You're welcome.

>> No.18283656

>Do you live in a constant state of existential horror?