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18273965 No.18273965 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start with the most obvious one.
This together with veggies sweated in bacon grease has pushed my bolognese game to a whole new fucking level.

>> No.18273993

It really is amazing for that, I made spag bol last night, one teaspoon over the mince while frying it, and one teaspoon in the pot before simmering.

Do you buy your bacon grease or save it? I usually save it if I can but I like my bacon quite well done so I often have too much burned stuff left over and don't want to contaminate my veggies. I have been thinking about trying to find some tallow for frying with but it's proving tricky.

>> No.18274038

In this case we added the bacon to it post-assembly after chopping it as fine as we could so it'd properly rehydrate and turn indistinguishable from the meat & veg but man.
I'm really considering it.
There's such a wide range of dishes where having bacon fat (is there a difference between "bacon grease" and "pork fat"?) at your disposal would be incredibly useful.
> tallow
It's great to have but I always feel a bit weird about outright recommending it to people. It's good but not *quite* good enough to insist on keeping around. Same with duck fat.

> one teaspoon over the mince while frying it, and one teaspoon in the pot before simmering.
Do you use mince fatty enough you can fry it in a dry pan?
If you dump all of your msg in at once. It's gonna melt into the mince and improve the chewing sensation.

>> No.18274070

eh, using soy sauce achieves the same plus it gives food a nicer color

>> No.18274078

Soy sauce is great because it's very complex, which makes it a very high commitment.
>nicer color
In tomato sauce? No.

>> No.18274346

I'd imagine the sodium and any flavorings on the bacon would lend something to the grease rather than just straight lard but who knows

>> No.18274360

It gives me stomach and head aches

>> No.18274479

>Do you use mince fatty enough you can fry it in a dry pan?
Yeah I always go for 20% fat mince, I can't say as I've noticed a texture change since I started using MSG but then I leave it simmering for several hours anyway

>> No.18274486

It's psychosomatic. If it wasn't you'd have the same problems whenever you ate tomatoes, parmesan, or soy sauce.

>> No.18274498

>using soy sauce achieves the same
Soy sauce and msg are not interchangeable.
A much closer equivalent to MSG would be fish sauce.

>> No.18274517

>is there a difference between "bacon grease" and "pork fat"?
Salt, plus any other non-pork flavors that the bacon you used has.
So like with American bacon, the grease will usually have a definite smoke flavor.

>> No.18274555


Makes sense.
It's not about texture it's about bonding the MSG to every single piece of muscle fiber so it's absorbed and bleeds into the sauce rather than the other way round.
Means your chewing experience is more complete. and satisfying because MSG-laden juice gets squeezed against your tongue as you chew.

>> No.18274650
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>gf isn't very bright and is unironically scared of msg
>always put a good amount of it while cooking for her
>she loves what i make every time

>> No.18274677

The concept of fermented fish and oyster sauces in stir fries. Even though they just taste deliciously savory and salty.

>> No.18275233

please don't
I learned to cook Western-style just to get away from this shit
>t. chinese

it's not
it comes from cooks over-MSG-ing the food
cuz you can't stop with umami, you're just going to want more and more as your tastebuds desensitise

most decent chinese stir-frys add a bit of oyster sauce
>may or may not apply to your local slop

>> No.18275280

will msg ever lose the bad rep

>> No.18275292
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I pretty much exclusively use lard as my cooking fat of choice.

>> No.18275449

Why are you dating a retard

>> No.18275576

She's pretty, kind, listens to my autistic monologues and likes to cuddle.

>> No.18275727
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>> No.18275899

Basically all women are retarded. Get used to it

>> No.18277560


>> No.18277569

This, my gf isn't the sharpest but she is very sweet and has a really nice butt

>> No.18279222

Fish sauce unironically spoils before you run out because a family dinner's worth of stir fry needs so fucking little.
It yields so much I'd argue you should treat it more like an appliance than a condiment.

>> No.18279310

dating a girl as smart or smarter than you is retarded unless you're a himbo who has no other choice

>> No.18279362

Right? My gf is very much against hard drugs, but one time I gave her heroin instead of a tick vaccination haha. She was feeling REAL good too!
Haha, woman are so stupid.

>> No.18279435

You're one mentally ill fucker.

>> No.18279801
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amerishartogoyem moment

>> No.18280329
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>barley fiber (based)
>ULTRA-TEX 1311 (filler)
>paraffin wax (filler)
>titanium and aluminum oxide (spice filler)
>potassium nitrate (based preservative)
thats all ill allow.

>> No.18280498

The poster you are replying to was using hyperbole to demonstrate the principle behind it not being ok to feed somebody something they haven’t consented to eating. MSG being relatively safe to consume has nothing to do with it. The betrayal of trust is the issue. Humans have the right to omit any ingredient or group of food from their diet, as long as they are willing to accept the nutritional consequences. Therefore, I vill not eat ze bugs.

>> No.18280638

>It's psychosomatic.
take your meds

>> No.18281193

There is no evidence linking msg to headaches, and all the retards that claim it gives them headaches only link it with chinese food but not italian food which often contains significantly more MSG. You are mentally ill and should take your meds.

>> No.18281209

Does anyone else dislike msg for the flavor? I get some food have it naturally yada yada but whenever ive added it to food it makes it taste worse to me. I mean, I LIKE the food still overall, but i prefer the un msged food. It makes it taste like the taste in cheap ramen packets.

>> No.18281226
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You're some few chemicals short of a BATFE raid lol.

>> No.18281329

How much MSG do you add to a dish? A teaspoon? Less?

>> No.18281443

Maybe the people who get headaches aren't drinking enough water. Minor dehydration has headaches as a symptom. MSG makes me pretty damned thirsty

>> No.18281528

About a teaspoon per serving at most but usually closer to half a teaspoon. MSG is really weird in that it doesn't have much of a flavour on its own, it tastes vaguely salty with a bit of a sweet aftertaste but that's not the flavour it adds to food, it just somehow makes the existing flavours in the dish more pronounced. If you're trying it in something new make sure to taste the dish without it first, start with half a teaspoon, then make sure it's thoroughly mixed in and given time to work before tasting it again.

>> No.18282432

Because people use way too much and use it as a way to shortchange you on actual spices.

>> No.18282445

Same. My gf isnt adventurous and requires emotional reassurance more than I expected, but she is better to me than I deserve. I'm happy to cook for her... most of the time.

>> No.18283779

>How much MSG do you add to a dish? A teaspoon? Less?
Homeopathic amounts. We made like a huge stockpot worth of pasta sauce (if it can be frozen and takes a long time he'll insist on making as much as possible) and the entire pot got three or four teaspoons.
You really don't use a lot.
The cheap ramen packet or takeout flavor associated with it is as the other guy said the result of using too much and not using enough to real spices. MSG is a logistics not infantry.