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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 594 KB, 2160x2880, 8nnxacpasoc31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18278455 No.18278455 [Reply] [Original]

I have lost my sense of smell.
With it, my sense of taste.
With it, my will to live.

Coffee, once roasted and chocolatey, is but still and bitter water.
Pineapple, once bright and tropical, is but vague and dull sugar.
Bread, once life-giving and familiar, is but a meaningless stuff.

Gone is my glory,
Gone is my purpose.
A plate of sand,
A glass of water.

Farewell my brothers, for this is a climb too steep.

>> No.18278461

It could come back though.

I partially lost both when I had COVID, but they gradually came back. You have to be patient, which was hard for me.

Stay hopeful.

>> No.18278476

>deenz once deeny, are no longer

>> No.18278537
File: 59 KB, 800x600, 1647761176639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not despair just yet fren, I got covid like 4-5 weeks ago and lost them as well
But in the last few days it's been coming back strong

First week, there was zero change, second week I could only detect certain things, generally with very strong and/or distinct smell / taste, and only very faintly
Third week I started to notice some more things but again, only very faintly
As if any food I ate was diluted in a bucket full of water, and any smell I noticed was as if it came from far away even if the source was right in front of me
And anything subtle would not register at all

But this week, it's coming back strong, overall I'd say I'm at 70% while this weekend I was probably at like, 20%
Though potency varies between foods, spices, and so forth

>> No.18278572

How do you know you're not just adjusting to your new sense of smell and getting more comfortable with it leading you to believe that you have your sense of smell back?

>> No.18278576

>itt newfag zoomers

>> No.18278614

Love smoked oysters. Add a little tobasco, some crackers, a cold beer. Good snack.

>> No.18278617

Coffee's always been just a bitter water

>> No.18278626
File: 167 KB, 659x525, GeniusApu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qualia aren't real. It's all just behavior.
Behave as though you can taste things and you'll taste things.

>> No.18278627

See a psychiatrist, Covid isn't even real. I'm real tired of these hysterics.

>> No.18278712

Covid is real, it's the female orgasm that's a myth.

>> No.18278726

I lost my sense of taste and smell for two years. You'll get over it.

What I found to help me recover was huffing essential oils. So order yourself a box of those from Amazon.

>> No.18278733

>Gone is my glory
you never had that.
none of us do.

>> No.18278737

I lost mine too and some anon told me to supplement magnesium and zinc and it came back after doing that daily for a week or two. Worth a shot

>> No.18278749

>Coffee, once roasted and chocolatey, is but still and bitter water
Soo normal coffee then?

>> No.18278855

How long did it take?

>> No.18278862

i would end it without my precious deenz

>> No.18278874

1-2 months for me

>> No.18278967

it's very real you virgin

>> No.18278971

My sense of taste/smell is still fucked by covid 10 months later.

>> No.18278994
File: 217 KB, 484x880, ALA-600mg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard ALA helps with taste recovery. I was willing to give it a shot when I thought I had Covid last week, but my sense of taste has come back so probably was just flu

>> No.18279192

too bad they only ever come packaged in sneed oil.

>> No.18279692

>eat shitty pineapple from grocery store
>>it tastes like sugar water!
>eat shitty bread from grocery store
>>it tastes like nothing!
>drink shitty coffee from grocery store
>>it tastes like poison!
make something yourself, goddamn it

>> No.18279821
File: 90 KB, 427x427, 1647359756696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two months without tasting food is torture to me. You guys don't understand. This is all I have.

>> No.18279832

Kill yourself, Esau.

>> No.18279859

based 'ter poster

>> No.18279892

>1 month of no taste completely breaks the goy cattle
>NOOO my goyslop has no taste!!......

>> No.18280877

It's been over a year for me

>> No.18281033

>qualia aren't real
they are the only thing that's real. "behavior" can't be meaningfully observed, talked about, or engaged in without an implicit appeal to or assumption of the subjective conscious instance.

>> No.18281965

all i dooo is consooom

>> No.18281967

ah fuck I was gonna buy some smoked oysters at the store because of this post but I forgot because I didn't put it on my list FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCk.

>> No.18281981

That sucks but I love canned oysters on a cracker with some cheese

>> No.18281984

actually just realised the home brand was probably out of stock anyway and I don't like them enough to pay $3.50 aud per can.

>> No.18281985

I can taste it now

>> No.18281992

(((Pfizer))) shill thread, do not reply.

>> No.18281994
File: 150 KB, 1500x652, Kippered snacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone like these?

>> No.18282002 [DELETED] 

Corr looks lush mate, would scran

>> No.18282006

Not to be a dick but if you can't taste anything ever thought about eating foods you hated before?
For me it would be liver and onions.

>> No.18282023 [DELETED] 

Corr looks lush mate, would scran

>> No.18282146

Now you can lose weight and hit on girls, fatty.

>> No.18283385

White trash as fuck

>> No.18283461

might be trash but yeah, pure white, something you mutt american will never be.

>> No.18283547

Imagine gloating over your supposed racial purity overtop a can of smoked oysters.

>> No.18283548

kys faggot

>> No.18283561

look at how the mutt recoils in shock, before he strikes back after being exposed

>> No.18283792

Without any exaggeration, it took me 7 months to taste anything at all and 1.5 years to taste things normally again.
There was a study I recall reading the abstract of that found COVID-19 caused inflammation around the Olfactory nerve which is what causes loss of taste and smell. It's not neurological and it's not permanent, swelling eventually subsides.

>> No.18283814

No one here was going to take that garbage, we were all intelligent enough to know about the history of mRNA therapies, understand that by the very nature of how the vax was designed to operate it wouldn't confer actual immunity(creating an immune response to merely a physical characteristic of the virus), and that coronaviruses mutate rapidly and would easily defeat any treatment.
Anyone who took it is an easily socially-pressured NPC.

>> No.18284487

t. philosophy 101 dropout

>> No.18284523

>Knew a guy from lgs, nice enough, good player
>Only ever saw him snack on Cheez-Its
>One day ask him about it
>Turns out fifteen years ago, he was shot in the head from friendly fire on base
>No scars or anything, no tardation
>Just left him blind in one eye, deaf in one ear, with no sense of smell or taste
>I learned all that after my confused look to his Cheez-It answer, "Cause I like the texture."

>> No.18284550

take 1000mg magnesium glycinate 3x daily for a week


you can buy it in olive or high-oleic sunflower

>> No.18284560

Super duper gay. Hope you Jill yourself in shame of this incredibly gay post. I’m guessing you swallowed too much cum and got aids or something.
Hope you suffer. Peace, loser.

>> No.18285010

How dare speak to Daniel Dennett that way.

>> No.18285034

those are the gesha oysters. I fucking love those things. They are smokey and flavorful and full of protein. Great hiking food. Honestly prefer them to deenz.

>> No.18285035

Haha faggot! I've never been vaccinated, and I still haven't caught Covid. Fuck yourself.

>> No.18286292

Enjoy food with nice texture over taste and wait for your sense of smell to come back.

>> No.18286298

You might have and not known and spread it around. I wonder how many dead people can trace their infection back to you.

>> No.18286487

It's due to your magnesium and zinc getting depleted, leading to deficiency which can have all kinds of symptoms such as taste loss. It can happen during bad colds too if your body doesn't already have a lot to take from. Eat food which contains it or take supplements.

Zinc too.

>> No.18286493

>too bad they only ever come packaged in sneed oil.
>you can buy it in sunflower
Umm anon I don't know how to tell you this but...

>> No.18286501

That's bullshit. It's just your body losing important minerals while fighting off a disease. It's not unique to le current thing and it's not new, it has happened to me in the past many times. Just eat normal food and your taste will come back once your body recovers it's depleted essential nutrients.

>> No.18287071

Try foods you do not know or cannot imagine the taste of.

>> No.18287088

When you lose your sense of taste you really only eat the texture of a food. Which, to my dismay, is still pleasurable enough for me to act like a fuckin fat fuck.

>> No.18287091
File: 73 KB, 604x453, ANGRY KOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no sense of taste or smell for two weeks after being sick about 2 years ago
Now I taste/smell maybe 40%. Two years and I'm not even at half flavor.
Fucking absolutely miserable bullshit. I had ice cream with chocolate syrup yesterday, and all I could taste was cold.


>> No.18287092

Offer your sufferings to God, for sanctification of your soul and of others.

>> No.18287095

That's a pretty motherfuckin slim list my man. Not much in the world that I haven't already been exposed to, living in Toronto for thirty years.

>> No.18287158

Lost my sense of smell/taste for about 1 month. I huffed peppermint oil as soon as I realized it and ate dark chocolate for my zinc daily. Not sure whether it helped or not but it was a good way to figure out if my senses were recovering.

>> No.18287209


and for anyone who's had long term loss of taste/smell from covid

Look into Photobiomodulation Therapy. It also goes by "cold laser" or "low level laser" but the official term is PBMT. I'm just a tech at a small town doctors office but the doctor is really into the really fringe medical stuff, especially if it involves Alzheimer's.

Its a long story, but basically we ended up getting a PBMT unit for other reasons, but we had a couple of patients who had long term loss of taste/smell (1+ year) from covid so we decided to do a little informal experiment with them.

Over the course of 6 months, 2 saw improvement within 2 months. 2 improved after 4 months. 1 felt like he was getting worse and stopped. 1 had no change.

Not super scientific but the principal of the technology is there. If you're desperate, look into it. Its much more available in Europe, but even in America its what they use to treat mouth ulcers caused from cancer treatment.

>> No.18287373

Cod liver oil daily
ALA daily
Psilocybin won't hurt either.
Your neurons are degenerated. If you don't fix it, it will become permanent.

>> No.18287375

you lose it during a bad cold because your nose is sinuses and nose are all stuffed up and smells can't even reach your olfactory receptors.

>> No.18287383

this is the truest tragedy

>> No.18287384

Man shill or retard.
People notice when their olfactary neurons are destroyed vs a plugged nose which never impeded my sense of smell or taste.
I hope you're vaxxed. It's safe and effective and it's your duty as a civilization dweller.

>> No.18287385

i've never experienced it so I can only assume it doesn't exist and is just a big hoax.

>> No.18287396

I don't know what youre talking about, I'm not anti vaxx and a plugged nose 100% impedes your sense of smell and taste, how can you seriously argue against that.

>> No.18287406

That's only a small part of the problem.

>> No.18287417

>reddit spacing
>le sceince
Just fucking eat normal food and you'll get your taste and smell back. Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you zoomers? You never lost your taste and smell from a cold before in your lives? It happens and it sucks but that's just life. It comes back eventually if your diet is good.

>> No.18288453

No, people generally don't lost their sense of taste for fucking months from a brief cold.

>> No.18288475
File: 165 KB, 546x527, 1629838768484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just the flu bro, take this sheep dewormer

>> No.18288486

People who're hysterical like this generally don't eat normal diets rich in zinc and magnesium.

>> No.18288492

I hope you realize how fucking dumb you look by posting this. It's a fucking name. The pills under that name are super common in places such as India, for humans.

>> No.18289152

get some mustard and start eating quick to eat food like carrots and shit, just add mustard on it for the spicy kick

>> No.18289376
File: 271 KB, 1280x1600, __the_interior___by_calebworcester_dei3yjs-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After losing my sense of taste and smell, I spent literally hundreds of dollars trying every supplement. Then I found one that worked.


Also, for what it's worth, I discovered NMN and started taking it regularly, even once my sense of smell came back. Basically, NMN is a longevity supplement that is especially popularized by David Sinclair, a professor of longevity and genetics at Harvard. Every cell in your body produces NAD, and as you get older the NAD level decreases significantly. It is theorized that NAD is responsible for aging and lots of other things. Most people take NMN because they think it makes them age slower (or even reverses aging a bit). David Sinlair is in his 50s, but says his biological age is only 31.
Anyway, I thought, well why not try it and see if, for whatever reason, it works.
And it did.
NMN restored my sense of taste and smell back to normal.

>> No.18289464

You retards will do anything but follow a proven safe vaccine because your cult tells you it's bad.

>> No.18289501

Sorry anon, but it's over. I lost taste and smell for 4 months after contracting COVID in August of 2021, and I haven't recovered. Since I could start tasting again, peanut butter tastes like metal, coffee like tar, beer like soap, and all kinds of other weird things. I genuinely hate eating now.

I feel for you anon, for life is very dull and miserable now.

>> No.18289800
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>got covid
>only symptom was what felt like a hair in my throat
>only got a runny nose after testing negative
>never lost taste or smell
Blessed luck as a sedentary, obese, chain-smoking, alcoholic, who waits 15 minutes for a bus instead of walking 10.

>> No.18290195

I wouldn't take it even if it was 100% proven safe (it isn't)

It doesn't protect you from covid and it doesn't stop you from spreading it.

>> No.18290232

No smell? Yeah alright.
No TASTE? Really? You could take a fistful of salt in your mouth RIGHT NOW and be like "eh" it's kinda dry I guess?

>> No.18290238

So instead of looking at the two reasons that don't help, you completely ignore the one thing that actually matters? Lower RISK of getting seriously ill or dying.
>Yeah I don't get a IMPENERABLE BIOSHIELD nor 100% GUARANTEED IMMUNTIY it's just shit

>> No.18290243

Already had covid. Was fine. Natural antibodies (+not being fat) are better than the vaccine.

>> No.18290247


>> No.18290249

I heard ingesting semen fresh from the source brings your senses back.
You didn't hear it from me.

>> No.18290250
File: 26 KB, 375x275, 5033d4aaff7c4a8311993325a4437928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catch the coof
>three days of sickness, a night of fever and a night of shivers
>nothing else
>not vaxxed

You know I liked the mask mandates and the restrictions. I don't like going out at the best of times and the mask covered people's stupid fucking faces.

>> No.18290253

Vaccines stimulate natural antibodies. You don't get antibodies injected into you. You create a condition in which your immune system creates the antibodies in advance of infection.

>> No.18290257

Yeah, the condition I created is not being a whiny white faggot whose mother sprays me down with antiseptic because I played outside, and then pretends I lived through the black death because my life is boring and it's either pretend I'm a survivor of the plague or pretend I'm a woman so I can feel like a survivor.

Covid, more like Coping.

>> No.18290261

>just roll the dice, don't try to improve the odds
You also of the vision that virtually no one young and healthy ever got seriously ill from covid or all those somehow weak so we're getting into "no true scotsman" territory? I recognize loads of people got ill from the shot but when stacked against the totality of covid
related serious illnesses and deaths it's a fucking sneeze in comparison even if we adjust for age and healthy BMI.

>> No.18290263

Your own dumbass fault for not getting vaccinated. That's what happens when you let 4chan meme you into medical decisions.

>> No.18290264

No. Nova means you couldn't have previously been exposed to anything like it.

>> No.18290269

biden propaganda, ahoo shoo shill
its just a flu and it does literally nothing

>> No.18290273
File: 56 KB, 612x612, 1410950769977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of vaccinated people with taste/smell loss. White people will go extinct blaming each other, and I couldn't be more indifferent to it.

>> No.18290277

If you're actually pro-vaccine then this is a retarded take. People get sick all the time and losing your sense of smell and taste isn't a serious illness as far as your general health goes. My whole extended family have been vaccinated and boosted but a majority have still gotten covid more than twice which have impacted their sense of smell temporarily. Not as severe as months but still, there's a potential to lose it for a long time even when vaccinated.

>> No.18290305

a friend of mine suffered from ligma and he went on a very different culinary journey where he examined foods for their texture, because his regular taste was gone.
he said that was very interesting.

>> No.18290330

what's ligma

>> No.18290335

I don't know. I didn't ask him because I didn't want to sound stupid.

>> No.18290508

Ligma deez nuts :)

>> No.18291007

At least some one got it a few days later.

>> No.18291655

I don't get it.

>> No.18291757

There's quite a variation in recovery rates for post-covid hypogeusia. No clear treatment regimen has been found. Some evidence of early anti-inflammatory medication being effective. You're going to lose your sense of taste from normal aging regardless so keep that in mind.

I worked in a smell and taste research foundation that mostly handles these cases. There are many people who have recovered slowly more than a year later.

>> No.18291771


Living without taste is awesome. I lost 100lbs because i dont care about eating anymore

>> No.18291850

Stop being a pussy. I've had covid three times and lost my sense of smell and taste all three times and it came back fully each time. Stop listening to pfizer kikes. You'll be fine. Now is the perfect time to lose some weight. You can easily eat plain chicken and broccoli with no problem or food fatigue