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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18262733 No.18262733 [Reply] [Original]

Brew your own coffee edition

>> No.18262781

"coffee for ants" edition

>> No.18263255

second for 3rd degree burns while preheating my flair

>> No.18263288
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blends are objectively superior to single origins

>> No.18263299
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Hoffee Time General

>> No.18263667

5th for filter a best

>> No.18263672

maybe you should buy better coffee

>> No.18263687

I only buy coffee that has been picked at the peak of ripeness, determined by tender child fingers testing them each day and selecting the best. Children are so much less damaging to the beans than adults are. When they process them by hand, the quality is so much higher.

>> No.18263717

I'll stick to my own way of making coffee. I don't need some smug FTM talking to me other than to ask if I want fries.

>> No.18263734


>> No.18263775

That's just an Anglo, but I see how you can get it confused with a tranny.

>> No.18263815

is there any coffee that actually tastes as good as the grounds smell

>> No.18263823

starbucks, unironically.

>> No.18263841

Yeah a lot of medium-light / light roast filter coffees

>> No.18263855

the fuck? No.

>> No.18263945


>> No.18263968

>Brew your own coffee edition
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? How else are you supposed to get coffee aside from brewing it?

>> No.18263986

>he doesn't know about coffee piracy

>> No.18263995
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>have to hold the button for release
For me it's the Clever.

>> No.18264136

Change roaster if thats the case

>> No.18264309

if you mean filter through a portaFILTER at high pressures then yes, you are correct

>> No.18264318

anyone got a good recipe for coldbrew?

>> No.18264328

>he doesn't have his own personal barista
stop posting, retard

>> No.18264427
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How feasible would it be to grind coffee beans with a pepper grinder/other non coffee burr grinder? I know coffee grinders will have a better handle since you're going to be turning them a lot more at a time, but is there anything else to consider?

>> No.18264444

It would take forever, but it would be feasible. Worst case scenario you pull the top nut off and attach it to a drill using the chuck.

>> No.18264709


>> No.18264711
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Lipton is good

>> No.18264811

Nice digits

>> No.18264821

I figure a better handle could always be attached.

>> No.18264951


>> No.18264959

really? interesting... never had a normal coffee from starbucks.

any specific suggestions?

oh yeah turkish coffee is based

>> No.18264991

hey guys i use an aeropress and i like the coffee it makes. and i like being able to make a single cup of coffee for myself. i don't like brewing in plastic though. any other brewing method I should look into?

>> No.18264996

French Press/Pourover

>> No.18265012


>> No.18265022


>> No.18265036

I want to start brewing decent coffee. I have no equipment--I don't even have one of those drip shits everyone has.
>What's the best equipment I can get under $100?

>> No.18265040

ceramic or glass v60
great for a single cup and no plastic

>> No.18265048

thanks. will look into. single cup is what i prefer

>> No.18265050

Moka pot is like 30bux. Then all you need is a decent grinder.

>> No.18265053

Aren't decent grinders like $100? I don't even have an electric kettle

>> No.18265059

The moka pot is the kettle. It's surprisingly simple.

>> No.18265065

Why would you recommend anon use a mokapot over a v60 or an aeropress?

>> No.18265066

Moka pot coffee is yucky though

>> No.18265068

a hario mini is like $40, good enough

>> No.18265114

refurb flair neo with android connected pressure gauge

>> No.18265771

>blend faggot thinks about kids hands

>> No.18265797

natural process burundi

>> No.18265809

You drink cawwwfee?

>> No.18265897
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dae discord?

>> No.18265902

No one here gives real advice, they just shill meme shit like manual levers and moka pots that they themselves fell for just so others can share in their suffering.

>> No.18265933
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>> No.18266202

What would you suggest to >>18265036 then? If you're complaining about everyone making poor suggestions.

>> No.18266251

An aeropress or a moka pot like the other anon suggested is like 30 bucks, I think hario have v60s that are about that price as well. For a grinder, if you're a burger look into a heihox. Supposedly pretty good quality and only like 60 bucks, but not all amazons have it and foreign amazons might refuse to ship it.
Or you can spend 100 bucks on a normcore

>> No.18266253
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>bold roast

>> No.18266306

Thanks for the answer anon! What would you suggest, a v60 or an aeropress? I really don't want a moka pot.

>> No.18266311

Aeropress is simpler to use

>> No.18266318
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Fuck hoffmeme, get brew.
70 pages of, short concise information that allows you to transition from beginner to intermediate. No hoffmeme ballocks either.

>> No.18266325
File: 9 KB, 166x304, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit tastes better than 95% of the local roastery hipster shit I've tried. I have been memed by acidic, fruity coffee, but no longer.

>> No.18266520

No idea about that brand, but isn't supremo still generally fruity and acidic?

>> No.18266887

Wish there was a pdf

>> No.18266896

I'll take some pictures later and throw them into a zip file

>> No.18267048
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Bros is the baratza encore a good grinder for a chemex? Will it produce coarse enough grounds?

>> No.18267174

Manual levers are fine, they allow you to get good espresso for 1/3 the price of a mid-level machine.
The con is that they require more skill to use and have a worse workflow

>> No.18267237

>good espresso for 1/3 the price of a mid-level machine
holy cope

>> No.18267238

Anon gave up on writing a pastebin for the sticky huh. Well at least I'm getting use out of it with the hoffmeme book, thanks for that.

>> No.18267251

A Flair 58 (600) and a Rancilio Silvia Pro X (1800) make comparable espresso
Explain your stance

>> No.18267255

>A Flair 58 (600) and a Rancilio Silvia Pro X (1800) make comparable espresso
So do a Flair 58 (600) and a GCP (450)

>> No.18267264

So you think that a Gaggia makes the same caliber as a mid-level machine?
Sorry anon but you should stop shitposting

>> No.18267268

>mid-level machine

>> No.18267275

flair poorfags be like dudeeee my flair is a mid level espresso machinee fucking lmao

>> No.18267278

A GCP with mods and a PID is still under 600 and absolutely btfos your shitty Flair. You lever fags are hilariously delusional.

>> No.18267286

>Anon gave up on writing a pastebin for the sticky huh
dude did it for 1 day and never updated it again.

>> No.18267289

I have a La Marzocco

>> No.18267292
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affogato? more like awful gato am i right

>> No.18267303

there's no point of finishing it if you faggots would never link it and keep shitting on it relentlessly

>> No.18267315
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I don't like being called a faggot, anon. That's very poor manners.

>> No.18267325

and I don't like being called a $40grinderanon but yet here we are

>> No.18267653

>anons with mid-low end machines attempting to shit on manual chads to forget they spent 1k+ for mediocre espresso

>> No.18267656

Flairfags we we lost this battle but the war isn’t over yet… back to discord to regroup and gather our pressure graphs

>> No.18267664

what kind of water do you use to make your coffee? I'm installing a reverse osmosis filter soon, so that should be good, but my friend brew beer and gets distilled water that he creates his own water profile for by adding certain minerals and shit. has anyone tried that for brewing coffee/espresso?

>> No.18267689
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Why are there so many people shitting on levers right now? I use my Flair for my evening and afternoon coffee, and a Hario Switch for the morning.

>> No.18267709

It’s people with mid range machines attempting to be elitist while giving out shitty takes

>> No.18267721

Why not 58? You can afford it and have the counter space for it

>> No.18267722

Leverbros.... it's fucking over........

>> No.18267727

i think levers look fun

>> No.18267729

most toys do

>> No.18267748

LOL. Sry pal. I knew I shouldn't have been memeing about akirakokis.
Its people without machines larping. Same as always.

>> No.18267753

>Lever fag calling anyone else poor

>> No.18267760

>You WILL buy the Melodrip
>You WILL buy the Lilydrip
>You WILL buy the $600 meme lever
>You WILL buy the overpriced stale hipster meme coffee

>> No.18267791

My burrs cost more than a gcp.

>> No.18267814
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Unfortunately the best looking ones are expensive and kinda hard to use

>> No.18267819

La Pavonis look nice and you can get them used for 500 or less.
They’re inflated in price rn because Hoffman reviewed them and gave them high marks, wait another year and they will be cheap again

>> No.18267821

Looks like shit compared to a streitman desu.

>> No.18267823
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I hope you're not talking about this soulless piece of landfill

>> No.18267826

Yeah but I want a nice one with a birdie on top

>> No.18267834
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I'm mulling over the 58 or waiting for the Argos. I've been using my current Flair for about 3 years.

>> No.18267870

The finest piece of dutch espresso engineering to date.

>> No.18267921

Going from a Flair Pro to a Flair 58 doesn’t seem like big enough of an improvement to justify the price imo

>> No.18267946
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Yeah, I really want a leap in improvement in workflow, so the Argos is looking good. Also, I like making milk based drinks during the cooler months, so if they hit their late summer eta, I'll have a lot of time to mess with the steam wand. I've been using the bellman. That thing looks like a hazard.

>> No.18267986

Go back

>> No.18268037

>having a good grinder/machine is Reddit
>having a poorfag grinder/machine is Reddit
What is wrong with you people

>> No.18268040

58mm is a world of difference compared to the old 40mm baskets. Never tried the 45mm pro 2.
Ross just completely redesigned the steam wand internals so hopefully you get a new toy this year. Have you read anything about the portafilter? I swear I saw something about the locking tabs being weird so you had to stick with the stock one but I can't find it now.

>> No.18268051
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You're starting to catch on.

>> No.18268060

What's wrong with the grinder? It's been great for me.

>> No.18268092
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pour water over grounds in a mug, wait a couple of minutes, stir, then drink

>> No.18268096

Good grinder, great workflow, okay burrs. Plance Plebbit and Gorilla Gear are working on a higher clarity/lower fines conical. Madlad sworkdesign made a carrier for 54mm ditting flats.

>> No.18268133
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For my coffee, I'll heat up milk and froth it with a whisk, it's kind of ghetto mode but it works ... sometimes. Other times, it just gets bubbly like I'd just blown bubbles in it with a straw, and I can't figure out why it works sometimes but not others. idk if it's the temperature, how intensely I whisk it, or what. Any idea how I can consistently make it froth up right? Should I just buy an electric frother?

>> No.18268161

You kidding? Pure sawdust and road sand

>> No.18268170

Is there a pic?

>> No.18268191
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Not yet. I assumed it was one of you people.

>> No.18268424

I just wish there was more decal designs for coffee utencils like for those anime cars.

>> No.18268487

He's retarded, that's why. Moka pots are shit, you're better off getting a v60 Mugen since it's just one pour.

>> No.18268525

How can I alleviate the anxiety I get with drinking a cup of coffee? Can I just not drink it anymore? :(

>> No.18268602

ppl say theanine helps

>> No.18268607

dont conical burrs make sense for a single dosing home grinder

>> No.18268621


What is the title of that book?

>> No.18268632

Just grab some supplements and take with my coffee?

>> No.18268635

Conical fags be like I value clarity in my brew

>> No.18268636

Artisan grade coffee that ranges from the 13-20 per lb range will give you your best bang for your buck. It's way better than generic, roasted to hell blends, and has way more interesting and complex flavors.

That said, if you're the type of person who can only drink a coffee with milk, this would be a waste of money and just get whatever dark roast you like.

>> No.18268643

Buy an electric frother. Milk frothing is a skill that's difficult to do perfectly even with the correct instruments. Stuff like polishing the foam and getting a correct bubble density takes practice. Manually frothing is basically impossible to do consistently.

>t. former barista

>> No.18268678
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Could someone recommend some decaf whole bean dark roast for making espresso? I've tried pic related and Lavazza Dek, but I'd like to try some more good brands.

>> No.18268694

You should give s&w a try. He calls it a city roast but all of his shit is a pretty well developed medium imo. Should blow that shit away.

>> No.18268711


Thanks, I'll definitely give it a try!

>> No.18268731

why didn't anyone tell me the hario mini mill slim was a piece of shit? after 80g the pos burr is stuck on the shaft somehow and wont adjust

>> No.18268741

We all told you that and you didn't listen

>> No.18268746

Blame $40grinderanon. Piece of shit won't even put up the pastebin telling you not to buy it.

>> No.18268759

so the chestnut? im on phone with bezos and im getting my monies.

>> No.18268819

Kinu phoenix.

>> No.18269235

Kek we got another one boys

>> No.18269261

>there's no point of finishing it if you faggots would never link it
why would anyone link a poorly written unfinished pastebin?
>shitting on it relentlessly
no one would shit on it if it was finished and good.
it would take like 1 weekend at absolute most to finish it and make it good if you actually cared even a little bit.
all the info that should be in it is a google search or 2 away and then just copy paste the info.
also the info and the layout is pretty shit right now, its meant to be a guide for new people but its just filled with trash like listing 90% of coffee brewing under "percolation" while technically correct it is functionally worthless to literally everyone who cares about coffee.

>> No.18269319

Nice essay bro

>> No.18269321

what's the official /ctg/ setup?

>> No.18269344

garish as fuck

>> No.18269345

Rancilio silvia and a niche.

>> No.18269348

ok retard.

>> No.18269389

Niche and a Flair (I really value clarity)

>> No.18269583
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I have a chestnut for pepper and it works great. I use the 1zpresso-jx pro for coffee.

>> No.18269684

How do I get more coffee per coffee?

>> No.18269712
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i did it

>> No.18269734
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You'll love it. Mine goes through pepper like no one's business.

>> No.18269792

Kingrinder and aeropress

>> No.18269817


>> No.18269823

she flaired on my kinu now I'm getting hoffman

>> No.18270061

Has anyone tried comparing a heihox to one of these yet? I know people have done comparisons with a normcore but those are more expensive, a heihox is in about the same price range.

>> No.18270520

Why does coffee with milk taste powdery/chalky when the espresso base is good

>> No.18270533

Milk is actually just chalk mixed with water but don't tell anyone this, you'll get in trouble

>> No.18270553

What the fuck man...
Should I try using goat milk then? I've read you can get whole goat milk legally unlike cow stuff

>> No.18270617

french press

>> No.18270657

Mix it with chicory

>> No.18270695

Cold brew tastes like more coffee

>> No.18270725

Why not get an aeropress

>> No.18270922

Ever drink a 'cino in the evening, despite the caffeine, just because you like the flavor?

>> No.18270930
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>drink double shot of espresso
>shit out 2 lbs of food 30 minutes later
Thank you espresso, very cool! This happens like clockwork and I'm wondering whether I should be weighing myself post-coffee-shit instead of first thing in the morning for better accuracy

>> No.18270985

do it and post results every morning, anon

>> No.18270992

I usually have two cups a day one with a cinnamon/cayenne mix and one without but after buying some nice ceylon cinnamon I think I'm just going to have it with all my coffee from now on. Also OP 100% bullied that pastebin anon by never linking his guide and that is NOT okay

>> No.18271116



I've had this one and it was pretty good decaf, but its medium

>> No.18271134

I keep reading that quitting coffee can make you less anxious, but I'm not sure if it's because of caffeine or because those retards quit drinking sugary water.

Anyone here had experience quitting coffee?

>> No.18271186
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I'm pretty hardened as far as Espresso goes, but picrelated does that for me every time.

>> No.18271207

God I want to hurt you so badly haha

>> No.18271231

I often want to, but I dont. I guess I should buy some decaf. around 3 or 4 PM, if i have a cap, I'm up a few hours later than I want to be

>> No.18271235

I try not to drink espresso past 10pm.

>> No.18271241

Just get a Sage/Breville frother. Depending on where you are they have two main types, one called the "choc & cino" and a larger one called the Milk Cafe or BMF600/SMF600. They come with a mixer bit, and a froth bit, and do cold mixing as well.

>> No.18271245

Hario cold brew jug + whatever pre-ground is on special at the store.

>> No.18271391
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He can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.18271547

tried store-bought goat milk in a flat white today. I dont recommend it. I like the gamey taste of goat milk, but it tasted like the gaminess was more concentrated after being steamed, and overpowered a lot of taste of the espresso

I think I remember farm fresh goat milk having less or none of that gamey taste, so that might still be good

>> No.18271580

Alder made sure that the v2 aeropress uses non-leaching plastics. The plastics chosen also have great heat retention. Believe it or not a lot of thought was put into its construction. Now, his brewing method on the other hand...

>> No.18271601

Literally every iteration of the ap has been made of plastics known to leach estrogen. The original bpa version, the tritan revisions, and the newest polypropylene version are all horrible for you. Just replace them yearly.

>> No.18271729

I usually have an espresso tonic at 10pm. It's my lunch break at my job.

>> No.18271797

I could never drink coffee in the evening. I hate not getting enough sleep.

>> No.18271970

Fuck I'm going to have to make one now.

>> No.18271992

what. are you like australian or something

>> No.18272055

why is cold brew superior bros

>> No.18272080

What's the best way to make espresso under $200?

>> No.18272082

You’re a tastelet. Cold brew is trash mud water

>> No.18272087

>he can't stand the delicate flavors of cold brew
This board is for 18+ only anon

>> No.18272151

Going to a cafe and ordering one.
I dunno, for under 200 bucks I don't think you could even get an espresso-tier grinder

>> No.18272187


>> No.18272189

$200 is hard unless you're going pressurized baskets. $300 you might be able to picopresso and hand grinder.

>> No.18272199
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Been making them with this stuff.

It's a "lunch break" in that it's a half-hour break halfway through an 8 hour shift.

>> No.18272230
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im new to home brewing still, should I brush out my burrs after each grind, or just leave those grounds in there? I usually make a single cup every other day

>> No.18272270
File: 1.22 MB, 3024x4032, 1661296029371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finishing up a roast of this. Should be fucking gr8 in a espresso tonic. I'll probably have some washed worka sakaro tonight.

>> No.18272284

>brush out my burrs after each grind
no, it's fine lol

>> No.18272382

Can't remember where exactly i read it, was some barista forum post from 10 yrs ago. We've discussed goat milk for coffee at work, and started looking up the info. Found several similar ideas about diluting goat milk with either cow, soy or water a bit, using undiluted goat milk for more thick coffee drinks like pumkin, halva late, or the ice cream thing.

>> No.18272389

More taste, richer profile. Ez choice all year round

>> No.18272855

>no, it's fine lol
but I want coarse

>> No.18272872

Should have bought a $40 Akirakoki's(the one with the cast iron burrs)

>> No.18272873

is coffee late in the evening really bad for you? why do so many euros have an espresso with dessert/after dinner?

>> No.18272875

you don't have the palate to distinguish between fresh and 1 day old grounds, if you're not just trolling don't bother

>> No.18272909

I know nothing about coffee but I'm flirting with a coffee nerd. What should I say to impress her?

>> No.18272925

tell her you once killed a man when you were part of the aeropress gang

>> No.18272942

tell her you really value clarity

>> No.18272996

Based conical chad

>> No.18273138

Tell her you want to grind on her

>> No.18273180

Discuss piss profiled wheatgrass shots.

>> No.18273426

do the opposite. piss her off by saying you don't like real coffee and just like those instant coffee packets.

>> No.18273443

Would go for a cheeky roofie-rape combo

>> No.18273457

tell her cold brew is superior

>> No.18273472

Someone's salty

>> No.18273553

Tell her that you're a huge coffee fanatic and tell her about your Breville SGP and Moka pot and how many tablespoons of grounds you use per cup

>> No.18273556

i use a nespresso :)

>> No.18273682

For me its the cheapest preground at the grocery store in a dirty mason jar.

>> No.18273701

Oh that's a good one. A high risk maneuver, but might make her obsess with getting you to like coffee. Downside is she might just be upset and leave it at that and if she does try to convince you to like coffee she might rape you with a coffee enema in the morning

>> No.18273738

nice drug dealer scales, you measuring your coffee down to 0.1 gram or what

>> No.18273747

>you measuring your coffee down to 0.1 gram or what
Do you...not?

>> No.18273825
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20220824_103250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered a normcore grinder 4 days ago from their website for 100 dollars (well 100 euros in practice), didn't select the faster shipping from germany for 30 bucks because I thought I'd rather wait a few weeks or a month or whatever for this thing to ship from china than to pay that much extra.
Today while I was having my morning coffee shit I get a call from a postal worker saying he's got a package for me, and it's the grinder. I can only assume they did actually send it from germany anyway even though I didn't pay for that. Came wrapped in amazon packing paper too, even though I didn't order it via amazon.
In the package was a very nice carrying case with the grinder, a brush and a bellows thing, guessing it's for blowing bits of coffee out. The grinder feels nice and is all metal, except the knob on the handle which is wooden (and squeaks a bit, hope that fixes itself with use) and the I think silicon band on the body. The adjustment feels very nice and clicky and solid, but the knob you have to turn to do it does dig into your fingers quite a bit.
I haven't actually tried grinding any coffee with it yet because I just had my first cup and I'd rather wait a bit, I'll report back in a few hours with the actual grinding experience.
As a final note, the handle doesn't seem to attach to the body very well, it's completely loose and when I tried turning it at speed it fell off, guessing the same is going to happen during actual grinding. It's supposed to have a magnet keeping it on, but it's apparently a common defect for the magnet to be installed upside down. I've heard that it's possible to fix it, but I haven't been able to find any guides for it so I contacted customer support instead. Hope they have a solution because this is the biggest downside of the thing so far.
Oh yeah and all the promotional pics and even the pics in the instructions use the wrong burrs. I just found that funny.

>> No.18273842
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Oh yeah I'll also add that on the site they say that this thing can fit inside an aeropress. This is a lie. I've seen some pics of it and I can only assume that they used a hammer to get it in there because this thing definitely cannot fit, it's close but not close enough.
And they gave me this card.

>> No.18273856

Needed to cheap out somewhere. I'll get some pretty scales later on.

>measuring your coffee down to 0.1 gram or what
For espresso, why not?

>> No.18273960

just brewed ethiopia, yirgacheffe chelchele (6 cup moka, competition filter, filtered water)
what will i think of it?

>> No.18273971

its ok...
tastes like lavender
its washed. well only 220g to go.
(i should have got more burundi natural process)
i got some new kenyan as well so i will try that soon. but i think its time to clean my moka. i will re do this brew after i clean it to make sure its not a dirty pot making it taste mid.
i should have checked the flavor notes, it literally says lavender on the package...

>> No.18273976

Thumbnail looks like a barking dog

>> No.18273983

>For espresso, why not?
I absolutely do - I was questioning the other anon who seemed to think that's unnecessary

>> No.18273985

I can see it

>> No.18274009

Anyone go through stages where you get really caffeine sensitive? I've had to cut back from 2 cups to 1 cup a day because my chest was hurting and it was causing me to be anxious, on top of not being able to sleep.

>> No.18274217
File: 120 KB, 346x449, Ahhhhhhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to stop aeropress from dripping
>try to correct it
>just makes it worse
>only like a fourth of the liquid is even in after 30 seconds
>get angry
>smash the piston down with full weight
>jackson pollock my entire kitchen and surrounding area
>have to spend half an hour cleaning it all up and I still haven't been able to get all the stains out of the walls
Don't make coffee while angry

>> No.18274222

Aeropress, not even once.

>> No.18274415

Didn’t read, should’ve bought a kingrinder

>> No.18274430

With shipping it'd be like twice as expensive, not thanks

>> No.18274442

Nice image faggot.

>> No.18274451


>> No.18274527

I was too. I really try to max out the capacity of the Flair, so the 0.1 gram is useful.

>> No.18274539

Stop grinding your coffee. You are losing essential nutrients when you do that. Coffee beans are meant to be eaten by the handful.

>> No.18274607

What burrs did you get? If you got the star burrs you're a moron.

>> No.18274611

I can't see it

>> No.18274617
File: 676 KB, 1800x1800, normcore-wares--normcore-manual-coffee-grinder-v2-38mm-contemporary-burr-29160086143172_1800x1800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Contemporary" burrs, aka pic related. There's not burr selection option. Guessing it's the "star" burrs you're referring to, what's wrong with them?

>> No.18274628

I’m really digging Cortados. Why are these not a thing at more places? It’s like a latte but actually good

>> No.18274630

>what's wrong with them?
nothing, so long as you value clarity.

>> No.18274674

i make them every day.
feels good man.

>> No.18274685

You might be retarded, Anon.

>> No.18274690

Plz no bully

>> No.18274721

No I'm talking about the cheaper 5 point star burrs. Very different particle distribution to those newer remi knockoff burrs. Maybe wrap a layer of tape around the lid to snug it up?

>> No.18274739
File: 136 KB, 1355x1392, 61CzombiLwS._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure the normcore doesn't have the 5 point burrs, maybe the V1 but even that I'm not sure of. I know the much cheaper heihox (pic related) has them, although with shipping it'd have cost me as much as the normcore did.
As for the lid, I'm not sure where I'd even apply tape to make it snug without fucking with the grinding.
I've used it once now and it didn't actually fall off like I expected, although it does still feel flimsy. Grinding was nice aside from that, but my point of comparison is a hario slim so I don't have very "refined" taste in grinders. It definitely kicked that thing's ass, much faster, finer and more consistent. And quieter.

>> No.18274747

Sometime they call the Gibraltars, because of the glasses they use.

>> No.18274754

Most cafes lean more toward drinks heavier on milk and meme flavors because it covers up if they're incompetent at pulling a shot and/or their target customers don't actually like coffee and just want a socially acceptable morning milkshake.

For me, if a cortado is on the menu it's usually a good indicator that the cafe is run by people who just might know what the fuck they're doing, only had a couple incidents where I ordered one and was disappointed by it.

>> No.18274772
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 1661357138432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh looks like you're right. The original had the 5 point but looks like they phased it out for the 44mm kinu clone. Smart decision, I just figured they still had stock to offload.

>> No.18274858

iced cortados from superior cold brew is the best

>> No.18274934

Gr8 b8

>> No.18275075

Probably last update on the normcore, the support team replied and told me how to fix the magnet, you need to use a hex key (6mm) to loosen the plate on the handle itself and then you can take out the magnet inside and flip it, might need to remove the spongy padding it has glued to it. However, when I took my magnet out I realized that it was actually turned the right way round. So it was just weaker than I expected, not flipped the wrong way round. Guess my expectations were just too high. Maybe I'll slot in a stronger one some time later.
But while I was grinding I didn't actually accidentally remove the handle, so even though it feels kinda flimsy I guess it works well enough.

>> No.18275386

I hope you feel superior to $40grinderanon. I'd say you're now twice as qualified as him to write the pastebin.

>> No.18275393

Until this morning I had a $30 grinder. Only person I feel superior too is myself from yesterday.

>> No.18275498

the guy who wrote the pastebin hates anything manual retard

>> No.18275524
File: 168 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who wrote the pastebin may or may not have been memed into buying this after I told him the round burr geometry looked perfect for coarse french press.

>> No.18275528

i'm the guy who started writing it retard, i will never buy a manual grinder and i hate french press.

>> No.18275543
File: 89 KB, 662x1000, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At that point why not just buy a traditional box grinder

>> No.18275551


>> No.18275554

Missed one

>> No.18275572

Oh so theres no excuse for how shit it was. Try harder next time. I might even give you the ebooks to link.
Who knows. I just thought it would be funny to get someone to waste their money. Akirakoki also makes the m520a, a little $200 ek43 clone that uses 60mm flats.

>> No.18275593

>how shit it was
literally what was wrong with it? aside from the autistic immersion/percolation complaint, all I did was try to give a quick overview of the points i covered.

>> No.18275692

So theres no useful info in it at all then. You're not writing a fucking novel, cut this shit out.
>You should know before you dive in that coffee is easily the sneakiest hedonic treadmill you might one day find yourself on. It presents itself so humbly. Think of the average joe's average cup of joe.

99% of people you refer to the pastebin don't give a fuck about processing methods or listening to you prattle on.

>What is coffee?
>How is coffee processed?
>Where do I buy coffee?
Only one of those three headers is useful to someone who's going to read an intro pastebin. Just shill some roasters you've tried and liked. Its a link dump of easily available suggestions. /tsg/ doesn't tell you to search out a random local vendor, they tell you where the fuck to buy good tea from. Then they tell you how to make it and what you need to make it with. Simple, concise, usable. You're trying to get people to drink coffee, not explain the intricacies of the bean or pad out your fucking coffee 101 essay.

>> No.18275774

idk what shitty generals you've been posting in but the point of pastebin is to aggregate relevant information like a wiki for newfags to refer to. your criticism is that my pastebin was too thorough? that a brief intro is so wordy? lmao

i just wanted to equip newfags with a base level of knowledge so when we have faggots like you saying pineapple honey process is a valid category of coffee processing, they understand what the fuck they're reading.

>> No.18275812

That one wasn't based at all, fucker is dumb

>> No.18275814
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Yeah why wouldn't you?

>> No.18275845
File: 1.15 MB, 400x300, c6690ef8-aec0-49d0-b90b-e7904a82a80b_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too thorough
zero recommendations on where to buy coffee, zero info on origin characteristics or roast levels, but I'm sure you felt proud about the quippy intro. 9/10 bozos reading are going to buy a medium roast blend. If they're interested in processing methods, you guide them towards further reading. Don't try to explain what you barely understand.
>they understand what the fuck they're reading.
Do you think people are going to use it as a fucking glossary. This level of buffoonery was cute when I thought it was $40grindernon.

>> No.18275904

I forgot I made a cup of coffee and now it's cold.

>> No.18275914

Just put it on the stove and reheat it

>> No.18276015

Anyone know of any good specialty roasters local to Knoxville?

>> No.18276030

or the surrounding areas

>> No.18276076
File: 813 KB, 1060x712, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stumble onto this tomboy coffee youtuber
>Normally women doing anything on YT annoys the shit out of me
>Her voice doesn't bother me either
>Actually seems to know what she's talking about
What's /ck/'s opinion?

>> No.18276094

Would froth her milk desu

>> No.18276211

>for me its a PINK rancilio silvia
She just won the US barista championship because her coach Lance Hedrick knows what he's talking about.

>> No.18276226

so do you hate her or like her

>> No.18276229

>zero recommendations on where to buy coffee, zero info on origin characteristics or roast levels
you think a brief explanation of dry/wet/honey is too much and in the same breath say you want me to list origin characteristics fucking kek

>> No.18276236

>Cold brew is superior
I knew it!

>> No.18276295

>Brazilian and other south american beans are widely used for their chocolately, nutty characteristics in blends. Ethiopians range from complex fruit acidity and winey notes to lighter herbs like jasmine and lemongrass. See if you can find out what makes up a blend before you order!
Real simple.
>It presents itself so humbly. Think of the average joe's average cup of joe.

>> No.18276302

What temp and grind size do you prefer for pour over? Does that change for serving size ie a single cup to three cups?

I've been trying to dial mine in, only five cups so far, and my best cup has been 185F with a medium coarse grind. It took nearly 3:30 after blooming for 20s to finish, which surprises me after coming from Aeropess where I would get my best cup with a 1:30-1:45 total process.

>> No.18276331

>other south american beans are widely used for their chocolately, nutty characteristics
holy coffeelet

>> No.18276350

>Only person I feel superior too is myself from yesterday.
If you can feel that way every day you're on track in life.

>> No.18276382

You're not thinking of the average joe's cup of joe.

>> No.18276394

no I'm thinking about South America, a monolith of coffee production

>> No.18276454

Just the areas roughly around the same altitude.

>> No.18276574
File: 233 KB, 1515x1058, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this is good

>> No.18276864

no creamer?

>> No.18276898


>> No.18276985
File: 14 KB, 380x407, 1661314986898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new pastebin: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

tried to keep it concise as per >>18276454 thanks for the critique

all i wanted to do with the pastebin in the first place is to try and help newfags, hopefully you guys find this one useful and link it.

suggestions and criticism are all welcome

>> No.18277010

Has some painfully zoomer/consoomer opinions from time to time and definitely less knowledgeable than your bog standard coffee autists like Hoffmeme, but I want to dump gallons of semen into her asshole while she reviews shitty tiktoks

>> No.18277024

>No good grinders under $50
Not even hand grinders?

>> No.18277032

Especially not hand grinders, the only good hand grinders cost at least $500

>> No.18277035

Oh, you're retarded

>> No.18277053

most of the grinders i listed under 250 are hand grinders

>> No.18277074

>most of the grinders i listed under 250 are hand grinders
>Especially not hand grinders, the only good hand grinders cost at least $500
By your definition your sticky is still fucking dogshit bro

>> No.18277084

why are you attributing some random retards quote to me ?

>> No.18277085

>Anonymous forum
how do I know that's not you

>> No.18277091

actually that wasn't me this is me

>> No.18277097

Actually that wasn't me, this is me

>> No.18277115


>> No.18277124

I think this is a much much better "template" to steadily develop off. Way more digestible to your noncoffee bozo looking to buy some coffee. Thats how /tea/ gets people. You ask for a black tea rec and someone is there within the hour with multiple suggestions from a vetted vendor. Use that flowery prose to elaborate on the what the different recipes are actually trying to achieve. If you order something from one of those roasters you like, just tack it on right on that line. You could even eventually split that out into two docs as more data is crowdsourced. /ctg/ guide and /ctg/ roaster recs.
>Intelligencia (Black Cat is one of the gold standard "second wave" espresso blends,also available as decaf)

>> No.18277148

You also need to provide options under $50. If smart phone general on /v/ can get a phone under $100 you can get a fucking grinder under $50.
>Also, show us some of those aliexpress options

>> No.18277187

Don't reply to me motherfucker. If you want poortier grinders, go find some and test them.

>> No.18277224

I'd throw the eureka mignon filtro/crono on the grinder recs, surprisingly good value for the price especially if you're willing to do some extremely minimal modding on the filtro to swap the annoying push button with a switch or timer

>> No.18277229

Why the fuck are you listening to /v/'s opinions on phones shitass?

>> No.18277232

why are you so discontent bro
yeah I agree, it's a nice base to build off of. if you have any suggestions for further categories please share.

as for the budget grinders, the only """"decent"""" grinders i can think of under $50 are those hario ones and they're horrible. i think the phone comparison doesn't work because the demand for cheap cellphones is absolutely massive relative to burr grinders but if you can think of any decent cheap grinders i'll put them
i got the facile and specialita on there but yeah i'll put those too

>> No.18277238

You should probably do a bit of research on said grinders, not just randomly list everything at the price point.

>> No.18277242

The filtro is a nice rec cause it gives you another option in that sub-$250 price range that I think a lot of newbies are most comfortable in. Overall looks like a good doc, nice job.

>> No.18277252

if you can't see how curated the recs are, YOU might need to do more research
>filtro is a nice rec cause it gives you another option in that sub-$250 price range
agreed, thanks man

>> No.18277262

I own grinders in the <$250 rec and the <$5000 rec. You spelled phoenix wrong.

>> No.18277268

based kingrinder + wug2 chad, and thank you

>> No.18277277


It stays down as soon as you push it.

>> No.18277280

is that the poorfag switch?

>> No.18277283

Meant /g/, lmao mb
If hoffmeme, a former world champion soyboy, can find a grinder under $50 that he likes, so can you bitch. Jesus.
>We need more people
>Also we need to gatekeep easy access to this hobby
You can't have both.
>Wanting newbies to spend >$200 on a grinder
You guys are kidding yourselves.
Yeah the hario mini is the only one that came to mind. It's not GREAT but it's better than most things at that price point. Fair enough on the phones v grinders comparison though.

>> No.18277291

turns out the C2 is cheaper than I remember ($46 on aliexpress right now) so i bumped it down

if you can think of any roasters and other categories to add let me know pls

>> No.18277311

>under $50
The grinder that won his cheap showdown is $63 right now. It gets btfo by everything else he tested and the hand grinder market is fucking saturated in the 3 years since he's done the videos.

>> No.18277324

Add slowpoursupply to the us vendors. They stock some shit noone else does.

>> No.18277347

>They stock some shit noone else does.
like what? their ceramic selection is pretty nice for a coffee e-tailer

>> No.18277378

>ceramic selection
They get small custom color runs of shit from origami from time to time. I think they've got a deal with tmore like that too. Orea does limited drops through them.

>> No.18277397

>box grinder
because they are dogshit

>> No.18277411

good to know, thanks bro

>> No.18277431

cohee dayo?

>> No.18277500

Should I get a Flair or a Robot?

>> No.18277522

do any of you have the Hario Cold Brew bottle?

>> No.18277528

When's the best time to have a cup or two?

>> No.18277533

what time do you usually wake up?

>> No.18277606

Just ordered my first specialty coffee. Im pretty excited.

>> No.18277613

Robot+pressure gauge+their tamper is $530 shipped. Might as well just get a flair58.

>> No.18277616


>> No.18277701
File: 67 KB, 680x680, 1661409194014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the opposite most days

>> No.18277735

cast iron skillet and a garage

>> No.18277850

>too thorough
nigga it wasn't even half finished?

>> No.18277853

Watch the summary you disingenuous fuck. He liked the hario under $30 but the $63 POS beat it out in build quality, and he even makes a point to basically say "On paper the porlex win, but the Hario is perfectly fine and the porlex only edges it out"
Anything you know of on aliexpress, add it. It's something I'd like to consider but IDK what's even on there.

>> No.18277854

oh anon...

>> No.18277855

That is a woman... right?

>> No.18277856


>> No.18277859


>> No.18277861

>no oceania list

>> No.18277869

wow much much better. but i think you should add the rok grinder to the $250 bit.

>> No.18279204

>Don't buy coffee from Amazon. Coffee from these places are most likely stale
That's usually from places who don't include much or any info on their beans. As with most things, do research. The roasters to look for will at least include the roast date, profile and process.