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18266475 No.18266475 [Reply] [Original]

Chicken thigh skin: need it or keep it?

>> No.18266477

Bake it

>> No.18266485

The skin is the best part of the chicken.

>> No.18266491


>> No.18266499

cooked well, it's kino
but cooking it well is kinda hard

>> No.18266557

sneed it

>> No.18266560

Depends on what you're cooking.
Keep it.
Fried? Depends. Are you putting batter on i? Or cooking with some herbs.
You fags are too affraid to try shit and screw it up.

>> No.18266566

weet ik

>> No.18266593

>need it or keep it
If you needed it you would keep it. The fuck does that sentence even mean?

>> No.18266594

dry brine. use baking powder. bake first then take out and brush with olive oil and add your herbs or w/e then broil to really crisp the skin up. If you want to be fancy get an oven probe and end the broil when near bone temp is 195f which is when the collagen and other stuff starts to melt leading to super juicy meat and very crisp skin

>> No.18266606

Just season it and bake it you fucking autist.

>> No.18266637

Trim a bit. Sometimes there is a giant extra flap that is not needed.

In a curry, remove
In a stew, remove
If braising, leave on
Frying, leave on

I once made a chicken pie with thighs and left the skin on. The entire contents tasted of skin. But not in a nice way. It was horrible, and oily.

>> No.18266646
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Render it.

>> No.18266652

i think it's keep as in 'you can keep it'

>> No.18266662

Crack a bunch of salt n pepper on it, decent amount of oil in a saute pan, fry skin down until it unsticks, flip and cook on the other side till done

>> No.18266664

So I'm keeping it but not using it? Why wouldn't I just throw it out?

>> No.18266681

Because you need it.

>> No.18266682

no it's like when someone offers you something and you say they can keep it. obtuse i know

>> No.18267058

Depends on how you're cooking it. If you're baking, frying, grilling, or otherwise using a dry cooking method, keep the skin. If you're stewing, braising, or using some other wet cooking method, remove the skin.

>> No.18267068

need it if 400+lbs. throw it in the trash if you want to live past age 40

>> No.18267086
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>should I throw away this animal flesh that has bioavailable nutrients
What the fuck

>> No.18267090

keep if it's being baked or in a convection oven

>> No.18267113

Is that my boy SneedemFeedem

>> No.18267115

It's the most important part

>> No.18267119
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Gotta have some textural contrast.

>> No.18267123

Keep it obviously, chicken skin is delicious

>> No.18267125

Nah senpai, braised with skin on is goat, see >>18267119

Just gotta make sure you properly pre-sear the skin, and then make sure it's raised above the liquid level for the final cooking portion, and finally take off the dutch oven lid and turn your temp up for a final scorch on top to make sure the skin is crispy.

>> No.18267153
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sieg it or krieg it?

>> No.18267168

gib recipe

>> No.18267183

chicken fais better thanany cooking oil i ever had

>> No.18267206

debone it and leave the skin on and pan fry it.

>> No.18267436
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There isn't really one, I just do it by eye.

Fresh herbs from my garden, pre-sear the thighs skin, shallots, half a bottle of white wine reduced by half, and a few cups of chicken stock. Cook for like 90 minutes, then add potatoes and carrots and cook for another hour or so, then uncover and turn your oven up to crisp up the skin for 10-20 minutes to finish it.

>> No.18267460

I never had chicken skin

Is it as good as you all say? I was always told it was fattening and will give you diabetus.

>> No.18267468

Keep it.
easy chicken sloppa
pack of boneless thighs]
1 can of condensed Mushroom soup
1 small container sour cream
1 package of stove top stuffing
Mix stuffing with water cold
mix can of soup and sour cream
Layer chicken in baking dish
coat evenly with soup sour cream mixture
Layer with stuffing

>> No.18267530

sounds like a greasy, disgusting mess

>> No.18267547

Nah chicken isn't greasy
not like you

>> No.18267620
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It's fucking great, but you gotta properly crisp it up. A pretty foolproof method is ripping it off thighs and roasting it.

>> No.18267812
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You wouldn't understand.