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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18261569 No.18261569 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18261573

A proper dessert pizza is neapolitan-style DOP pizza dough with ample amounts of nutella, baitfag.

>> No.18261581


Also disgusting

>> No.18261586
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>neapolitan-style DOP pizza dough with ample amounts of nutella

>> No.18262542

It's a thing that should not be.

>> No.18262867 [DELETED] 

Haven't eaten it in forever, but I used to like that apple cinnamon pizza thing that Mr Gatti's has. Coastal niggers need not apply

>> No.18262875

I generally dislike sweets. I'd prefer another slice of pizza.

>> No.18262882

Concept could be great but chocolate sprinkles arent it

>> No.18262891

>an open faced nutella sandwich by any other name

>> No.18263746


>> No.18264960

it's fucking lame. give me a real dessert and not some stupid meme. wow it is in the shape of a pizza, it MUST be good!

>> No.18264974

sprinkles are fucking disgusting.
i've never had dessert pizza but i think it could be good. is it just like... pizza dough, baked like pizza, but with sweet shit on it?

>> No.18264983

I don't eat at restaurants or order whimsical food as take out because I'm always alone, so things like this are irrelevant to me

>> No.18265039

If you need to eat a triangle of dessert so bad, why not just enjoy a slice of pie

>> No.18266022

I don't.

>> No.18266472

>is it just like... pizza dough, baked like pizza, but with sweet shit on it?
Mostly, yeah.

>> No.18266478

Maybe with apple+cinammon topping

>> No.18266624

At this point just get a real dessert like a tarte tatin or something

>> No.18266782

I DO NOT care for them

>> No.18266915

Novelty item for manchildren and cat women.

>> No.18266965

Imo it should still try to mimic pizza or it is pointless. Maybe use a ton of ricotta with the chocolate sprinkles there?

>> No.18266990

Like most desserts it is to be shared.
I don't mind them, they're a novelty dessert which sometimes people want to buy.

Tastes alright too

>> No.18267314

Ziet eruit als een vlaai

>> No.18267330

good idea

>> No.18267386

That's just called a pie