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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18258383 No.18258383 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make your pizza dough?

I make mine pretty simple, just activate the yeast in some warm water for 10 mins, then combine with flour, salt, some olive oil and work out the dough and then let it sit and raise for about 16 hours.
Then cut it up into balls and then make a pizza out of a ball, add the toppings, pop onto a stone in my preheated oven for 10 minutes and boom delicious pizza is done.

But when i watch videos from professionals they always add so many extra, in my opinion pointless steps.
Like for example this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-jPoROGHGE
First he makes "poolish" this is basically same as regular dough except you don't add all the flour at the start, after that he adds the rest of flour, makes the dough, lets it sit, shapes it, lets it sit etc etc, then make the pizza, put into oven without any toppings, bake it half way then add toppings cook the rest of it.. it's just so many extra steps.
We go from basically just 2 simple steps
make dough > let raise > make the pizzas
to this whole time consuming process where you have a ton of little steps with time delays between them and it just makes the whole process tedious and I very strongly doubt the resulting taste is noticeably different compared to using the simpler process.

>> No.18258392
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I just use the chef boyardee boxed kits

>> No.18258395

pizza dough and toppings are so easy to make that there is no excuse to not make them fresh at home from raw ingredients

>> No.18258410

Your mom didn't want to wait for the dough to rise.

>> No.18258538

Same OP. No need to get all fancy with pizza. The main thing is to let the dough ferment, the longer it ferments the more flavour it will have. I've gone 3-4 days before and ended up with a deliciously yeasty and sour tasting dough. I'd also suggest that maybe your oven could be hotter if pizza is taking 10 minutes. If you have a decent home oven and preheat it at max for 30 minuets, your pizza should be done in 4-5. Works for me and I don't even have a pizza stone I just use a cast iron skillet.

>> No.18258547


>> No.18258570

My favourite recipe is this biga dough
For the biga:
1kg 00 flour
440ml water
1 gram of dry yeast
Stays 2 days in the freezer ,can go longer for sure but I like to do 1 or 2 days.

Then for the dough I just slowly add COLD water, slowly up to your desired hydration % (I usually go for 70% (but you can go higher as biga handles high hydration the best) and add 25 grams of salt and a bit of olive oil, like 10 ml I'd say but I do it by eye.
Then let proof until it's ready, this really depends on room temp. I'd say if it's 20 Celsius it's probably gonna take 2 hours or more, experience will tell you when it's ready.

>> No.18258591

Those "extra steps" is the proper way to do it, if you're not doing that you're cutting corners.
-Pre ferments help with flavour and making your dough way more digestible.
-Baking first with sauce only is a must if your oven doesn't reach high temps and you want a properly cooked dough. Of course if your oven reaches at least +300 celsius or above you will have good results without double bake, but most home ovens go to 200 or 250 celsius max.
-Making poolish takes literally 2 minutes, add flour yeast and water and mix and let sit in the freezer. And it will save you time afterwards when proofing plus making the dough will take the same time. The only more tedious pre-ferment is biga or levain.

You can make direct dough and get good results, but I wouldn't touch a pizza that hasn't been proofed for at least 4 or 5 hours. Not having a bad digestion just because I'm lazy and sloppy.

>> No.18258611

>Not having a bad digestion just because I'm lazy and sloppy.
complete nonsense.
raising dough for 16 hours has no difference in digestibility compared to raising poolish for 16 hours and adding more flour into it to make dough
the only way have bad digestibility is not leaving the pizza in the oven long enough for the dough to cook
>Baking first with sauce only is a must if your oven doesn't reach high temps and you want a properly cooked dough.
from my own experience this is also not true. i have 250C oven with pizza stone and the dough comes out perfectly cooked and i add toppings on it right at the start, takes about 10 mins but it cooks perfectly and the toppings don't burn or overbake either
And this comes from comparing my home pizza to professional ones from italian pizzerias
Those extra steps are just placebo, or maybe 5% flavor increase, not making it worth the effort

>> No.18258632

Well yeah of course, I'm talking about poolish vs direct dough raised at room temp. I'd rather have direct dough raised for 16 hours than poolish raised 16 hours and make into dough since the flour mature better the longer it fermentates, that's why I prefer biga over poolish.
And the oven thing, it really depends on the oven but if your oven doesn't cook properly the crust when you put toppings first, double bake is a must. In my case and many other people you have to do it. I've seen countless pizzas in /ck/ that have shitty underbaked crusts and you can see toppings cooked all the way, if those people knew about double bake their pizzas would be way better.

>> No.18258660

>Well yeah of course, I'm talking about poolish vs direct dough raised at room temp
then what do you mean? you can either add dough into poolish or you can raise flour directly instead. There is no other way to do it. The only other way would be to make the dough and use it right away without any raising done at all but that would taste terrible as no fermented taste had time to develop

>> No.18258667

>either add dough into poolish
*flour into poolish

i always let my pizza dough raise for at least 12 to 24 hours at room temperature, it will not raise at all in the freezer and only very slowly in the fridge. the whole point of the cooling it is to slow down the fementation which is the opposite of what you want

>> No.18258690

I mean poolish is a good alternative for your average person who does direct dough and puts whatever amount of yeast the recipe says and hopes for the best letting it proof at room temp. If you want to make direct dough and let it raise at room temp and not over-proof it you need good knowledge about how much yeast you should use and when is your dough ready to use, which most people don't.
Therefore, if you use poolish you're working at with a pre-fermet that will make sure you already have a percentage of the flour already matured and a small amount of yeast already active for several hours. This is till inferior (in my opinion) to a direct dough raised for many hours.

The purpose of the fridge is to slow down the fermentation, and it's not "the opposite of what you want". I live in Spain, there's no way I can make a long fermentation direct dough and let it rise at room temp for 12 hours with 35 celsius temps. The fridge helps you slow rise the dough at a consistent temp, you can just do the dough the day before and you're ready to go.

>> No.18259131

>pointless steps
autolyses, poolishes, bigas, starters are not pointless. They make a higher rising and more flavorful dough. That's why serious breadmakers do them. At least 6 hours on the counter or 24 in the refrigerator is what you want, and you have to change the yeast accordingly. It totally changes the end-product for the better. Autolyse is very easy and it makes a difference. The more the flour hydrates with no yeast action the better it will be, and that takes maybe 30 minutes.

>> No.18259153

Its just a hobby, nigger.
Some people just want to enjoy a simple pleasure for the sake of something different, without any unnecessary hassles.
Stop hating on things that invite the younger generation to take a step towards home made cooking. Maybe your mom taught you all that, but its the exception nowadays, not the rule. Its not a product for you, but many other people find it valuable.

>> No.18259179


poolish is legit. its like a poor man's sourdough. you can make it the night before and it's no struggle. if you're fermenting a dough for a long time its easier to make a poolish to achieve the same fermented flavours.

OP you are the one wasting time by 'activating' your yeast. just mix all that shit together nigga it works the same unless you're using the chunky fresh yeast (which there is no good reason to do either)

>> No.18259187

you ferment biga in the freezer?

>> No.18259282

>OP you are the one wasting time by 'activating' your yeast. just mix all that shit together nigga it works the same unless you're using the chunky fresh yeast (which there is no good reason to do either)
your inexperience is showing son.
you NEVER mix yeast directly into dough without activating it, because salt is added to the dough which hinders yeast from activating properly, also water makes a big difference, some countries add too much chlorine which kills the year causing weak fermentation, other countries like clappistan add too much flourine which makes the crust stronger which isn't bad for the crust but it's bad for you. Ideally you want to use bottled water for dough if you live in high chlorine coutnry.
Always activate your yeast you fucking amateur.

>> No.18259290

>Stays 2 days in the freezer ,can go longer for sure but I like to do 1 or 2 days.
what the fuck?? this is second time someone said this complete bullshit
dough will NOT ferment in the freezer, it completely hibernates the yeast
dough will NOT last 1 or 2 days in the freezer, it will stay good up to 3 MONTHS

>> No.18259317

NTA but it tastes better after it's been in the freezer. Don't know why, but it just does.

>> No.18259725

Yeah because I usually go for 2 days but if I do it for just 1 day I go for room temp

>> No.18259740

The water thing is true, the salt thing while it's true to some degree, yeast will still ferment. Activating the yeast is pointless unless you want to make a dough in under 2 hours.

>> No.18259762

OH shit I said freezer, I meant fridge. Sorry for bad english I'm from england.

>> No.18261304
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bread dough
70% hydration
2% salt
1% yeast
however much olive oil I feel like putting in it.

24 to 36 hour cold ferment. shaping the dough whenever I am in the kitchen.

take the dough out 4 to 6 hours before making the pizza, shaping the dough every hour.

>> No.18261312

>to this whole time consuming process where you have a ton of little steps with time delays between them and it just makes the whole process tedious and I very strongly doubt the resulting taste is noticeably different compared to using the simpler process.
I thought so too until I followed "the rules" and the results were totally better then my lazy way.

>> No.18261315

I keep a poolish like a sourdough starter.

>> No.18261374

I don't I live in the Pizza belt haven. I literally pick up my phone and order the best pizza in the universe, then I sit back and await for it to arrive.
No it is not chain pizza, it is original Mom and Pop brick oven pizza

>> No.18261382

Sounds like alot of work for a shit pizza

>> No.18261387

Dough looks tough

>> No.18261389

it's not

>> No.18261395

Captain jealous shithead is here.

>> No.18261399


>> No.18261406
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hacked your webcam

>> No.18261426

How fuking autistic are you?
70% gay
2% faggot
1% queer

>> No.18261446

only on a cooking board would I be harassed for using baker percentage for making bread.

it's like walking past the retard school and they make fun of you for reading a book.

>> No.18261457
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>> No.18261490

Why is my pizza dough so chewy? How do I make it softer like franchise pizza chains?

>> No.18261496

Well of course I'm cutting corners.
The pizza is supposed to be round, isn't it?

>> No.18261506

Stop saying "poolish"
You're making me itch all over

>> No.18261509

higher hydration

>> No.18261629

Have you had Andrea's Pizza from Philippines, there's like one video

How the hell do they make that soft crust? Grandma doesn't like crispy crust anymore and I want to make her this pizza in us

>> No.18262419

you got placeboed
i make pizza dough the simple way for years, but once i tried to do it the hard way just out of curiosity if i was missing out, and i also tried to do direct comparison between italian run pizzeria pizza and mine and the difference was so minimal i simply cannot justify putting all that extra work into the dough

>> No.18262445

If youre making pizza, you ABSOLUTELY need soi, like 3 different kinds

>> No.18262452

Oh great, an alumin eating dementiated soiboi is here to tell us the best way to make pizza
Served on aluminum foin no less, I bet you handled the dough with Sneed oil too

>> No.18262624

And your facebook "science" is showing. Salt doesn't harm yeast in any way. The other guy is right, activating is a complete waste of time and unnecessary. The only reason it became a thing is because normalsharts never cook and they flew into a blind rage when their yeast didn't work since it had been sitting out for over a decade without being used. So recipe makers started including that step for dumbasses to make sure their ingredients weren't fucked before going through the entire recipe just to throw it out.

>> No.18262634

Lurk moar you fucking newfag.

>> No.18262703

No you fucking oinionis fag
Eat now aluminum, you still non noncompliant

>> No.18262801

Allium? I prefer garlic

>> No.18262810

Five grams of yeast or one gram?

>> No.18262812

No they put aluminum in goyslop to fuck up their brain and cause dementia

>> No.18262981

Better use 30 grams we don't have all fucking day

>> No.18263016

How the fuck are you doing 2% salt and long fermentation and still getting that shit crumb structure?

>> No.18263020

1 to 2 grams of yeast is enough if you want to make a decent pizza that won't bloat you

>> No.18263038

the baking will kill the yeast

>> No.18263356

Yeah but how the fuck do you achieve flour maturation with 30 grams of yeast? You don't. Long fermentation is the best for flavour and digestion, don't be a peasant.

>> No.18263358

i don't use 30 grams. I use one full bag of dry yeast which is 5g here for one full bag of flour which is 1kg and that way have no annoying leftovers and wrappers to store

>> No.18263403

I think what you mean is what we call 1 envelope of yeast.
I buy mine in jars and there's quite a bit in there.
I'm using yeast that's been in the fridge for like 3 years, it works just fine the needing less than a week old yeast is a meme

>> No.18263430

use all purpose flour, more oil, less kneading
>higher hydration
lots of oil maybe.... theres no microblistering so it wasn't fermented long
during covid you could only find yeast on ebay in huge packages. mines been in the cabinet since then and is still fine

>> No.18263471
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My wife makes the dough, I make the sauce and prepare the toppings

>> No.18263522

>during covid
Did you make bread before COVID?

>> No.18263526

What do you do that gets the crust like that?

>> No.18263712

Yeah. I've been making srs home pizza for about a decade now probably.

>> No.18263724

>>higher hydration
on second thought..depends I guess. That could be right if it's low to begin with, like in the 50%s.

>> No.18263743

probably stone oven

>> No.18263798

Probably not.

>> No.18264015

Then what

>> No.18264610

My rule is that if it's okay for me, it's okay. There are a million ways to make good pizza crusts, and if yours works for you, that's what matters.

There is only one pivotal step to good pizza crust, and you have it well covered: you use a pizza stone. You could also use a steel surface, a dedicated pizza oven, or just make sure your crust is down near your regular oven's heating element when you start.

The key is that when you start the bake, you hit the bottom of the crust with as much heat as you possibly can. Do this right, and you'll get just the right oven-spring as well as a proper amount of crispiness. Granted, some arrangements (like the regular oven) will force you put the top of the pizza under a heating element as well, but that's just a detail.

>> No.18265478

Maybe baked the crust before putting the toppings and baking again, if you have a weak oven

>> No.18265484

I call up the local pizza place, then wait till they deliver the best pizza, simple as,

>> No.18265494
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>> No.18266116

fat lazy blobs with no skills do that. while rest of us not only eat delicious food but increase our skillsets by preparing it as well
do you have any idea how wet tinder girls get when they taste my cooking? it's a guaranteed lay

>> No.18266452

Simple as what?
You didn't finish your sentence

>> No.18266808

nigger, i am a professional baker. I have made more bread this month than you will probably in your entire life. go make a dough with salt in the yeast and see what happens (it will be the exact same as if you didn't)

>> No.18266822

professional simply means you get paid to do it, it does NOT mean you are any good at it, which i now highly doubt you are when you don't know that salt kills micro organisms like yeast

>> No.18266927

pizza frens every time i make pizza it sticks to the table, if i make it directly on the peel it sticks to the peel
i have to bake the pizza on a baking paper as it's the only way to get it into the oven and the paper is rated for 220C only while i bake at 270C
wat do?

>> No.18266955

Dust some flour around so dough doesn't stick, slide if off the paper

>> No.18266973

im sorry you are retarded. if 1-2% salt killed yeast then no salted bread dough would ever rise. you're mixing the whole thing together anyway, what good do you think keeping it apart for 10 seconds does? its an old wives tale, i never have issues with rising.

>> No.18267092

Who knew a little ‘za ‘ough was srs bsns?

>> No.18267120
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I like to ordering them in fun shapes.

>> No.18267138

use more flour when stretching the dough. get it properly coverered all over with flour. don't be stingy with the semolina used on the peel either. if it's still sticking, your dough isn't kneaded enough or you're using 120% hydration.

>> No.18267148

a what?
i tried using a lot of flour under the pizza but it stick stuck and on top of that i now had a bunch of raw flour under the pizza when i pulled it from the oven

>> No.18267152

semolina is coarse ground wheat, it stops the dough from sticking. you can buy it from the store, cornmeal works just as well. tell me how you are making this dough anon.

>> No.18267157

1kg spelt flour fine
5g yeast
600ml water
kneed for 10mins
let sit in fridge 18 hours
quick rekneed so it's ball shaped
cut into pizza sized chunks
fingerbang a chunk into circle shape
place on peel
don't put into oven because it's now stuck to the peel

wont semolina or corn meal burn though?

>> No.18267161

don't question me, just do it. this is what real pizza places do, and their ovens are much hotter than yours. also if you're using a metal peel your shit is going to stick, those things are for taking pizza out the oven not putting it in.

>> No.18267172

Cold fermenting makes it stable and easy to handle, it is great. Basically easy mode.

>> No.18267173

it's stainless steel peel
but then how do you put the pizza in?

>> No.18267196

launch with wood; turn and remove with metal
salt inhibits yeast grown because is hydroscopic. If you use a small enough amount of yeast and regular amounts of salt it effectively will not rise. it's typical in pizza making to let the yeast get going in the dough before adding the salt, and the oil goes in last. Hydrate the flour; add yeast; short mix; salt; short mix; oil.

>> No.18267374

5 grams of dry yeast = 15 grams of fresh yeast. Yeah, that's a fuck ton of yeast.

>> No.18267379

Semolina won't burn, common flour will burn and taste bitter. You can use rice flour for stretching too.

>> No.18267409

Salt does slow down yeast, we all know that. What matters most is the not WHEN you add the salt, it's HOW MUCH salt you put in your dough. And nobody that is any decent making pizza activates yeast, so putting salt into activated yeast makes no sense since you should never activate your yeast in the first place. Therefore there's no wrong order of when you put in salt.

>> No.18267420

>getting a restaurant to put a symbol of jews in the oven and.bake it
top kek

>> No.18267560

>First he makes "poolish" this is basically same as regular dough except you don't add all the flour at the start
Except it does make a difference and you are fucking retarded.

>> No.18267572

lol, nice.

>> No.18267580

Stop lying

>> No.18267585
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Did I make a shit pizza?

>> No.18267596

Yeah you got a brick oven with 50 yrs+ of pizza baking family tradition?
Connected dough?
Sauce that's been a family tradition forever?
stfu with your homemade slop

>> No.18267730

whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night fatty

>> No.18267769

no. that looks like a solid 6/10 (would be 7/10 with different toppings) - your cheese and crust look great

>> No.18267781

>that is why I salt my bread and not my dough

>> No.18267933
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Get a pizza screen. Best purchase of my life. Physically impossible to make a large thin crust pizza without one. After mostly baking it you can take the pizza off the screen to finish it directly on a stone.

>> No.18268680

The cheese is cooked long enough to extrude oils but I haven't seen a video on square pizza that didn't have burnt cheese

>> No.18268890

cornmeal you fucking retards

cornmeal you fucking retards

>> No.18268922

Always corn with you Americans

>> No.18270026

what antonio does with his pizza dough is all well n good, but i've literally got 3 balls of pizza dough risen to the top of their containers in my kitchen and i mixed the salt and yeast together directly in the water before adding the flour, i used 1 gram of dried yeast for 500g of flour, i used 15g of salt.

you can make as many claims as to why salt kills yeast as you like, but if you can't prove that it actually DOES, it's all a load of nonsense

>> No.18270040

I think if salt and yeast come in direct contact it dies but even in water it is only slowed

>> No.18270041

You thought wrong.

>> No.18270046

I still think that

>> No.18270057
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made a za

>> No.18270064

This guy is using metal just fine

>> No.18270069

Well yeah, you're stupid. Of course you do.

>> No.18270181

i make pizza at home in my 250c oven on a pizza stone
every time i make the pizza it's too juicy, i bake for about 10 - 15mins and the crust is brown, the cheese starts to brown and yet it's always watery under the cheese

>> No.18270234

>Always activate your yeast
Blooming your yeast is like floating your eggs, why do it but of course you do it. Stores can be retarded

>> No.18270238

Where's da cut

>> No.18270241

Too much sauce?

>> No.18270401

A few possibilities. Firstly it could be too much sauce as the anon above said. Could also be the cheese. If you're using fresh mozzarella, you need to squeeze the shit out of it to remove as much water as possible. If it isn't fresh, you need to get the lowest moisture varient you can find. It could also be fat. You may need to decrease the total amount of cheese, especially if you have other fatty ingredients like sausage or salami. Also, I would suggest you are cooking it too long and not hot enough. Fifteen minutes is way too long for a fresh pizza even in a home oven. A quicker, hotter bake will allow less time for moisture and fat to render. You need to preheat your oven and stone to its absolute maximum potential, and this takes a lot longer than you might think, 30-60 minutes at max oven temp. Your pizza in that case shouldn't take longer than 5-6 minutes. You could try swapping the stone for a cast iron pan which will heat up more quickly. Hot oven means the cheese/toppings will brown and the bread will rise very quickly, by which point the pizza is finished, before the pizza has a chance to become soggy.

>> No.18270409

Forgot to add, ifnyou have any additional heat settings on your oven, use them too. For instance if you have a fan assist setting, or a broiler element that can be used at the same time as the oven element.

>> No.18270439

i have a fan, but won't that make the pizza just dry out on top?

>> No.18270459

I'm sure they use a toaster oven but I don't know the specifics, I could franchise but I don't know a good location. Need to talk with the wife

Gonna make this un

>> No.18270850

that guy isn't retarded though. if you are retarded, use a wood peel.

>> No.18270961


No way that's 70% that's super dry for being basically water with a little bit of dough.

>> No.18270968

>No it is not chain pizza, it is original Mom and Pop brick oven pizza

I too live in upstate New York. I still prefer making my own if I have the time. Readily available whole milk mozz and any other preshredded cheese I can want makes it simple and cheaper. Their crust is slightly better but not for $10 more than what I make.

>> No.18270983


Dust with flour liberally before stretching. Dust peel with a cornmeal and flour mixture (don't put too much down just a light dusting.) Once you put the dough down to assemble the pizza do a shake with the peel to make sure it didn't stick. Then you have to assemble the pizza fast, do another quick shake and throw it in the oven. It's tricky when you start but the more you make the easier it will become.

>> No.18271021

there are several reasons not to go through the entire pizza making process and take shortcuts instead. don't be a faggy snob to the point of ignorance