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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18260260 No.18260260 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a Ja/ck/ thread going? Jannies, plz dont ban. It's Saturday, let's have some fun. I need some laughs, my cat just passed away

>> No.18260286
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i enjoy making fun of ja/ck/ as much as the next guy, but he has gotten stale for the most part, maybe soon he'll lose his feet or something idk

>> No.18260306
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i agree. all of his stuff is keto bs now.

>> No.18260321

>ja/ck/ footless arc
unfiltered kino

i've never been able to understand what accident of medullar neuron division led to a man who has to 110% evert his tongue in order to take a bite of food

>> No.18260323
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he's been "leaning keto" for what, a year or two now? no weight loss. i want him to go on some fa diet where he balloons even more but is in denial until he can be on my 600 lb life

>> No.18260343

maybe he's doing the same keto my friend's fat wife was doing

they came to visit, we went out to eat and she was proudly talking about keto all day...at dinner she got the famous dr. pepper burnt ends at the BBQ restaurant. so they literally have a carmelized glaze on them

i point this out and shes like "its keto but im just not strictly tracking carbs"

>> No.18260345

He's not really doing keto though. It's more like a lazy attempt at Atkins.

>> No.18260353
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sounds like ja/ck/ alright

>> No.18260395

can this be converted as an NFT

>> No.18260407

I always find it amazing that people will try all sorts of meme diets that don't work rather than just fucking eat less

Then again Jack's a complete fucking idiot anyway so maybe he needs to lose yet another limb to start taking it seriously

>> No.18260412

Sorry to hear about your cat anon. Enjoy your jack webms

>> No.18260415

this fucking one kills me every time. how the fuck did he char something so hard that light cannot escape its surface

>> No.18260431
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the jannies fear ja/ck/, they know he is our rightful king.

>> No.18260432

All weight reduction diet plans involve eating less. But the promises of keto are more than weight loss, anyway. In this case Jack wants to cure his brain damage.

>> No.18260438

>depriving my body of a needed macronutrient makes me healthier
ketotards truly believe this, no wonder ja/ck/ is among you

>> No.18260620

I guess, but a lot of people, Jack presumably included, just seem to think Keto means you can eat as much as you want as long as you avoid carbs.

Also I think it's a bit late to try and fix your brain after repeated strokes. I doubt lack of carbs will somehow cure him

>> No.18260708

Post body.

>> No.18260720

keto was literally designed to help with seizures its not a big leap to think applying it to strokes might help.

>> No.18261985
