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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18260227 No.18260227 [Reply] [Original]

Just found out about halal meat, I thought it was just killed a certain way and that was it, but no, they aren't allowed to feed it steroids, hormones, any of that kind of shit. And it has to be treated kindly while alive and all kinds of other things.

Yeah, I think I'm going halal only. The problem is going to be finding it at places I like to eat, I only learned about it because I tried a halal pizza at a pizza place yesterday.

>> No.18260235

>And it has to be treated kindly while alive

>> No.18260243
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>it has to be treated kindly
um, anon...

>> No.18260250

why can't they just lop the head off in one go, like a guillotine

>> No.18260251

>And it has to be treated kindly while alive and all kinds of other things
It is often very cheap because it is produced in nomans land with 0 regulations. It is bled to death, how is that better than instant

>> No.18260253

I would give anything to have that job. There's a slaughterhouse by me but apparently you aren't allowed to apply for kill floor positions. You gave to be asked as a current employee.

>> No.18260258

Why the fuck? I don't even care if the col is suffering here or not, this just seems like an incredible waste of efficiency and time doing it like this instead of just shooting it in the head for example. Is it because it's cheaper? Even so that machine doesn't seem cheap.

>> No.18260262

That's very obviously haram. Halal has to be done with a knife by hand.

>> No.18260263

What the fuck..

>And it has to be treated kindly while alive

Who told you that? Some enlightened islamic feminist? Pretty sure you just have to yell out a prayer in Allah's name as you kill it.

>> No.18260264

Savage mooncult that tells them to emulate a rapist warlord who used to pee sitting down. Nothing they do makes sense.

>> No.18260266

Because you need to drain the bloood.

>> No.18260268

It has to bleed out all the blood while it's still alive (well, as long as possible). Same goes for kosher meat iirc.

>> No.18260270

>Who told you that? Some enlightened islamic feminist?

I saw it here, is it not true?

>> No.18260276

In order to be halal you have to cut its throat while its alive then let it bleed to death. Non-halal cows are just shot in the head with a bolt gun.

>> No.18260283

My local Arab/halal store is fucking awesome. Best place to go for goat.
Their butcher counter is nuts. What’s crazy is that they sell lungs.
Lungs can’t be sold in the US for human consumption. It’s why we can’t have “real” haggis here.
But those crafty Arabs label the package as “fresh dog food (not for humans)”. So it’s all good.
And it’s hilarious because dogs are haram.

>> No.18260298

you'll find the most hilariously mentally ill people working these places

>> No.18260311

Lad, that website's own source doesn't mention treating an animal humanely during its life. I don't see how slicing a cow's throat is more humane than a quick bolt to the head.


>Water should be offered to the animal before slaughter, and it should not be slaughtered when hungry.

Animals are almost always hungry kek

>> No.18260316

>To the best of your knowledge‚ the animal was treated kindly and given clean and appropriate living conditions.

>> No.18260326

Do you have poor reading comprehension?

>> No.18260340

>here's your last meal, cow-kun, near-rotten pasture and untreated water
what a way to go

>> No.18260341

What a deal!

>> No.18260342

>I don't see how slicing a cow's throat is more humane than a quick bolt to the head.
Bolt guns didn’t exist when the rules were written, dumbass. If you want the Koran rewritten, go to Mecca and ask.

>> No.18260347

what the fuck man

i thought halal was respectful of animals (other than killing them but we'll all die too and everything dies)

>> No.18260349

There's disagreement over whether stunning is allowed for halal slaughter. I believe it's cruel to cut the animal's throat without stunning it first. You could buy grass-fed beef, pastured pork and chicken, etc. from local farms if you want something better. Halal isn't a guarantee of quality as some operate like any other slaughterhouse except they play a recording of a prayer the whole time.

>> No.18260360

No one even says it personally? Damn...

>Halal isn't a guarantee of quality as some operate like any other slaughterhouse except they play a recording of a prayer the whole time.

The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.18260366

Yes, but they exist now you goat-licking retard. You're having a fit over magic words being spoken while an animal gets flipped upside down by a large contraption and gets its neck slit. Whether you believe in humane killing or not doesn't matter, but don't try to pretend that halal isn't anything more than complete horse shit. What a joke.

>> No.18260375

Praise be to allah

>> No.18260382

Lmao at your retarded ass for even implying I’m Muslim.
Maybe we should just push cows off a cliff. Nice and instant.
Holy fuck you retarded ass zoomers have zero understanding of historical context. The point is to drain the blood. Because that makes the meat more resistant to rotting.
And the point is it can be done by a goat farmer in the middle of nowhere.
And bleeding out clearly isn’t a horrific way to die, otherwise pussy teenagers like you wouldn’t slit their wrists.

>> No.18260388

Ironically, in Western countries it is, since it is mainly produced by small local farms.
In Islamic countries, it is industrialized.
Some Muslims even avoid eating any meat in their countries unless they bought the sheep/chicken/etc and know the butcher.

>> No.18260389


>Some Muslims even avoid eating any meat in their countries unless they bought the sheep/chicken/etc and know the butcher.

>> No.18260391

No, I just implied you're a goat licker. I don't care if you're a Muslim or not. Ironically, you think I'm a zoomer for calling out Islam and its bullshit.

>historical context
I don't give a fuck. I truly do not care about the historical significance. And according to what I'm seeing, the Muslims do not care either.

>> No.18260393

go find the nearest cattle farm to where you live, then go there and buy a cow, ask the farmer about butchers in the area and have them butcher it for you
buy a chest freezer for ~200 dollars and put your ~500lbs of beef in there and you will eat like a king for fucking 10c a pound

it seriously isn't that hard and you can pick out the exact cow you like
smaller farms don't bother with hormones or bullshit and running a chest freezer costs something like 20 bucks a year
I seriously don't understand why people don't do this more

>> No.18260397

Halal slaughter was definitely more humane than other methods at the time. You could still club an animal but it's not guaranteed to knock them out. But sometimes people would start butchering an animal while it was alive, trying to stab it through the chest, that's obviously worse than just cutting the throat. But I don't think there's a good reason to refuse the use of a bolt gun before cutting now. It's just holding onto a tradition that doesn't really have any benefits and it's detrimental to the animal as it's much more likely to experience discomfort. And even if you don't really care about the animal, stress has a negative effect on meat quality.

>> No.18260400

Blood is seen as unclean, so they need to get rid of most of it.
Having the heart pump it all out makes it way easier to get rid of it.

>> No.18260403

Saying that bolt-guns shouldn't be used in slaughter because that's not how they were traditionally slaughtered is goddamned retarded. If that's the case, I expect those retards to do it in a facility not supplied with running water or elecrity either.
>600 AD Saudi Arabia
Enjoy it being done with iron or bronze tools most of the time and not steel, let alone stainless steel.

>> No.18260406

No I think you’re a zoomer because you literally didn’t put anything meaningful in your reply and are pissing yourself because you want to feel better about how other people kill things.
Maybe you should start donating your happy-guns to farmers with no electricity.

>> No.18260414

There's a place on /ck/ for a meat thawing thread. Unless you know how to do it properly, you'll suffer trying to finish the 500ibs of meat you've bought...

>> No.18260416

>I expect those retards to do it in a facility not supplied with running water or elecrity either.
You just described a great deal of the middle-east, retard.

>> No.18260422

These religion niggers need to fuck off

cows are frens

>> No.18260424

But muh historical significance

There's nothing meaningful to say. Islam is a stupid religion and I don't care about historical significance concerning how to kill an animal.

Then why don't they do it? It's historically significant.

>> No.18260427

But cows and baby cows are too tasty to not eat

>> No.18260435

Fucking lol at your illiteracy stupid fucking zoomtard
>why don’t they do it?
They do. It’s exactly as you described.
>t-then why don’t they do it?!?

>> No.18260437

You're protecting a religion that wants you dead and buried for being a proud gay man.

>> No.18260442

You knew exactly what I meant. >>18260243

How do you think this is operated? Keep squirming.

>> No.18260444



>> No.18260450

Lmao shut the fuck up, Brayden. If you think that’s indicative of the Middle East as a whole, then you need to spend a bit more time in social studies instead of pronoun studies.

>> No.18260459

I'm sorry but they are tasty and you need to kill to live on this bitch of an earth. At the very least I hope they stun them with electricity before it so it doesn't make frens suffer so much

>> No.18260462

I assume that plant is in the West, actually. It's how they do it in Canadian halal and kosher plants.

It's hilarious how you think I'm some lefty faggot zoomer when those people are the most likely to support Islam in the West.

>> No.18260473

You know what, man?
I’m sorry for the zoomer comments. It was assholish of me, and nobody deserves to be called that.

>> No.18260480

I'm more offended that you called me Brayden.

>> No.18260487

Nah, that’s just my umbrella-name for zoomers.
It’s like zoomers, especially if raised by a single mom, have -yden names.
Ayden, Brayden, Cayden, Hayden, Jayden, etc.

>> No.18260507

I'm sorry for calling you a goat licker and a few other things.

>> No.18260519
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based and cowpilled. cows are too based to eat.

>> No.18260529
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All code for animal abuse

>> No.18260532
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>1k for 10 of these babies

I'm starting a slaughterhouse!

>> No.18260542
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>just zhong bang hao tong my shit bro

>> No.18260543

Holy fuck
>line up all 10
>cows go flippy
>take deep breath, Naruto-run down the row of cows with outstretched blade
>”nothing personnel, cows.”
>sheath blade
>count money

>> No.18260547

I haven't ate beef or pork in 2 years.
I haven't had fish or chicken in a month.
why didn't anyone tell me vegetarianism was so easy? Literally just don't do thing. But no, just whinging and whining from lardasses.

>> No.18260570


>> No.18260602

that's fucked up

>> No.18260905

>go to halal place near me
>see guy in a robe spiking his wife head in an aisle
>see live lamb bleating and struggling as employees saw throat
>3 guys using a hookah the size of a public water fountain
lamb was $2 a pound thought

>> No.18260918

>see guy in a robe spiking his wife head in an aisle
>see live lamb bleating and struggling as employees saw throat

>> No.18260919

>see guy in a robe spiking his wife head in an aisle
>see live lamb bleating and struggling as employees saw throat
>3 guys using a hookah the size of a public water fountain
>lamb was $2 a pound

>> No.18260933

All you faggots need to be killed
It doesn't matter how they kill the beast, you are still killing it

>> No.18260939

do you get mad over japs saying itadakimas or whatever the fuck they say

>> No.18260946

I'm pretty sure if the animal had the ability to choose they'd pick the faster and less painful method.

>> No.18260956

Everything you just described makes the world a better place.

>> No.18260971

The heart will pump it out even if you shoot it in the head first. That's just a dumb excuse they use

>> No.18261027


>> No.18261045

Damn he just cuts it like it's nothing


>> No.18261059

You have to slowly bleed it to death for it to be halal
Pretty fucked up

>> No.18261063

I didn't know it was really long

>> No.18261076

Based Anglo is so gentle the sheep doesn't panic until the last moment. Pops it's spine and neck nearly instantly so it doesn't suffer.
And you faggots talking about trusting scummy sandpeople instead

>> No.18261085

poor sheep :c

op here, I thought I had found a good source of food, treated well, not given hormones or steroids, killed humanely

but i guess i was wrong...

>> No.18261087

Why? What do you find appealing about killing livestock?

>> No.18261089

Not only that he seems to be arguing in the comments about how gun is preferable to "islamic" sharp knife method. Top bloke.

>> No.18261112

Tbh it's probably coming from the same farms as the other stuff, just slaughtered by someone accredited. Look into regulation in your country on hormones etc, they aren't used everywhere. In places they are, it's basically a patch behind the ear giving i.e a steer the same level of hormones as a bull. And they may have to identify that on a label. Farmers are going to treat their stock as well as they can, it's literally their livelihood.

Imo halal slaughter is not the gold standard because they refuse to kill instantly.. for purely reasons they have found in the Koran

>> No.18261117

>Farmers are going to treat their stock as well as they can, it's literally their livelihood.

What's the difference between a farmer like you describe and a farmer that puts cows in a few foot cage for months or chickens in a 1x1 are those not farmers and corporations instead?

>> No.18261132

And this is how white man does it:

>> No.18261133

Halal actually has nothing to do with steroids and hormones (unless you count what deviants add to their sects). That said, they're both illegal in the USA anyway.

>> No.18261137

>That said, they're both illegal in the USA anyway.

Yeah and so is murder and stealing and a certain group of respectable dark people do that in the hundreds every day and never get caught

There is no fucking way that no animals in the country are given steroids and/or hormones to grow more meat

>> No.18261149

But you have no proof there is.

>> No.18261154

My proof is indirect and not real proof

The FDA has been proven corrupt countless times and so is the american congressional system who keeps that corruption going

Why do so many companies put "no steroids!!!" if it was never a thing to begin with? Where's the scare and need for those labels coming from?

>> No.18261175

>Lungs can’t be sold in the US for human consumption
Seriously? God damn i hate this nanny state sometimes.
Mustard oil cant be sold as an ingredient either.

>> No.18261197
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this entire thread has made me depressed

>can't eat halal because it creates immense suffering
>can't eat normal because corporations fill everything with steroids and make the animal suffer it's entire life

can't a motherfucker just eat something that lived happily and was killed humanely in the US

i actually understand vegetarians a little more now, i used to think it was retarded cult shit but there's literally no option for a happy humane life of an animal and killed humanely in the US unless you're a millionaire

>> No.18261215

We should eat like hyenas. It'll filter the faggots.

>> No.18261241

>there's literally no option for a happy humane life of an animal and killed humanely in the US unless you're a millionaire
Just get a farm and don't live in a liberal state and it won't cost you much at all. Chickens are like 10 dollars a piece.

>> No.18261244

>county doesn't allow it
>red state
just get a coop, bro!

>> No.18261253

.... so? I don't even know why I said you need to have a farm, I literally live in the middle of California in a big city and I have a chicken coop with like 10 chickens in it. I'm sure it's against some law, but I don't really give a fuck. What are they going to do, take my 10 dollar chickens away? I'll just buy 2 and breed 10 more.

>> No.18261256

neighbors will report

>just move bro!

this entire world is sick and i hate it

>> No.18261264

Not mine because I bribe them with the eggs they make. Just don't have neighbors that hate you.

>> No.18261268

It's sacrificed to a being though. I can't eat halal or kosher because I can't eat anything that's been sacrificed to other beings.

>> No.18261269

oh good idea

>just don't have crazy neighbors
a lot easier said than done, you can be extremely kind and still be hated

>> No.18261275

>>can't eat halal because it creates immense suffering
Most halal slaughtering done in factories uses stunning nowadays just because it's faster and easier. It's virtually indistinguishable from normal slaughtering except for the guy saying prayers. There's no religious law against stunning animals before slaughter

>> No.18261279

did not know that

guess i don't want halal anymore...

damned if i want to eat normal food damned if i want to eat halal

>> No.18261283

I'm not going to convince you to ever even try, even though it's a small small investment of maybe around 600 dollars for building a good coop and a bunch of chickens and feed (will pay itself off pretty quickly) so just keep making retarded excuses as to why you can't even attempt it at all. I'll be here enjoying my fresh eggs and delightful little chickens :)

>> No.18261285


>> No.18261288

If you don't hold their faith, why do you put any stock in someone saying a "meaningless" prayer?

>> No.18261290
File: 80 KB, 500x358, Jhatka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside for the superior KUTHA meats:
>MUST kill animal in ONE BLOW
In Sikhism, there are three objections to non-jhatka or kutha products: the first being the belief that sacrificing an animal in the name of God is ritualism and something to be avoided; the second being the belief that killing an animal with a slow bleeding method is inhumane; and the third being historic opposition of the right of ruling Muslims to impose its practices on non-Muslims.[16] However, kutha meat doesn't include just Halal or Kosher meat but any meat produced by slow bleeding or the perceived religious sacrifice of animals, including meat from animals slaughtered ritualistically in Hinduism, for instance.[17]

>> No.18261296


>> No.18261319
File: 265 KB, 1024x984, UTZ-Gal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See that SHARPENING STEEL stuck in the ground next to him?(White handle)
There's your clue.

>> No.18261330

I see.


What did you mean by this?

>> No.18261339

>remove meat from freezer
>place on counter
>it thaws in a few hours
Wow, so hard. I'm suffering just thinking about it.

>> No.18261350

Why would I want to eat something that's been sacrificed to another being though?

>> No.18261359 [DELETED] 

I have that exact same problem OP


>> No.18261381

>What's the difference between a farmer like you describe and a farmer that puts cows in a few foot cage for months

Say you want to raise some beef cattle. You go out and get 500 yearling ones. Now you've invested or hell even borrowed, half a million dollars. So tell me, why the fuck you going to put them in a few foot cage, when you literally make your living by the fact they they are out there munching away happily and growing bigger? Are you talking about feedlots?

It is done in US, also in Australia, as much as 40% of stock there

I'm in nz and never seen it done. The internet tells me it's not permitted with sheep and done to less than 1% of cattle, fuck knows where they're doing that, maybe at the feedlot down in Canterbury? Only one we got here, mostly everything is grass finished. I'm going to hazard a guess it's more common practice as you go to lesser quality of land.. some of those aussie cattle get let loose in the outback and not seen again until they get the helicopter out

>> No.18261384

why did this anon say its illegal and never done then >>18261137
i knew he was fucking lying, typical nb

>> No.18261390

I guess it has it's roots in respect for the life taken.. sacrificing the animal to God

>> No.18261404

Maybe he was thinking of chickens. Chickens aren't allowed any hormones, but cows are.

>> No.18261412

Total bullshit
>t. I live in muzzieland

>> No.18261419


>> No.18261443

>There's no religious law against stunning animals before slaughter

They have to prove that the animal can be brought back from the stun. Can't be a bolt gun. Fucking wild that some dudes make a career out of interpreting an ancient book and what you can and can't do based on what is in it.Even funnier when they find a loophole. Like, I'm going to eat a whole load of beavers tails during this period where I can't eat meat, because someone studied the book and reckon I can eat fish still, and a beaver is kind of like a fish. Tricked ya, God!

>> No.18261454

This is why I only eat chicken and fish.

>> No.18261473
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I'm on my3nd beer...

>> No.18261477

You should eat lamb too. Good stuff

>> No.18261522

Maybe God is a lawyer and likes seeing us find loopholes in his contract because it amuses him.

>> No.18261531

you got a NOSE on ya, dontcha?
See ya in synagogue!

>> No.18261532


>> No.18261592

>you take kids to amusement park
>little Billy gets on ride
>ride operator goes to strap in Billy in, but he's scared. He thrashes around but the clamp is already locked, you take the knife and cut his throat.
>you wake up, it was he fairground dream again. You take horse tranquilizers and don't dream again.

>> No.18261730

I think if you weren't a bit of a psycho, it might fuck you up working there killing things all day. I mean people can get used to a lot. But you'd see a bit of carnage.

I know a guy worked on the chain cutting stuff up, not doing the killing, and he actually made damn good money for it, but would go home with aching claws for hands after working with a knife all day under pressure

>> No.18261756

Grass finishing is a low quality land technique. It's so you can keep the herd on barren ground eating shit most of its life then use the rare grassland to fatten it up in the month before going to slaughter.

>> No.18261801

Nice, simple, quick, clean. This is how it should be done.

>> No.18261810

It's just identifying that it wasn't finished in a feedlot as is normal for so much beef in much of the world, more than it is any specific technique for any particular class of land. But I was more referring to the hormone use that probably helps them along when they are eating shit

>> No.18261834

Read Cows by Matthew Stokoe. Right up your alley.

>> No.18262045

But bacteria, how do you avoid it??

>> No.18262055

ISO certified tho

>> No.18262072

You butcher the thing and freeze it in reasonable size cuts, then you defrost it like any other thing you bought from the supermarket and froze. Don't stick a whole damn half a beast in your freezer lmao. Maybe stick whole legs in there if it's for dogs and you can just chop the shit up with an axe after it's been out all day

>> No.18262108

>I assume that plant is in the West, actually

Looks to be South East Asia, and the cattle look to be Australian. Sent there on a ship because they'd rather subject them to the journey and do this slaughter themselves, rather than accept some meat that might have been killed wrong. Religion folks

>> No.18262278

reminder that halal and kosher certifications have to be paid for by whoever is selling the stuff who passes the cost on to the consumer. basically it is a tax that is mainly paid by goyim that goes to fund international terrorism.

>> No.18262292

Sikhs are the only good type of muzzie

>> No.18262294

op here

this is kinda what i thought halal was, Sikhs are based

>> No.18262311

Allah: *Gives explicit instructions so that the animal suffers as little as possible and the person doing the killing is forced to understand the importance of taking a life*

Modern muslims: *Literally inventing a machine from a fucking SAW movie to make the cow's death as traumatic as possible*

>> No.18262313

The Shia (iran) are far more considerate, "sedate" and intelligent than the sunni (the rest of mudslimes).
The sunni can be called "drunken tourists".
The difference is that the sunni believe the best follower gets to be "like" muhammad, while the shia believe that position belongs to his family members. Something similar.
Therefore the shia aren't urged to be like muhammad at every possible moment.

>> No.18262318

>we'll all die too and everything dies
Immortality is already known

>> No.18262321

>No one even says it personally? Damn...
Depends on slaughterhouse obv.

>> No.18262326

>as it's much more likely to experience discomfort.
What strange words. Would you experience discomfort if you were bled out?
>And even if you don't really care about the animal, stress has a negative effect on meat quality.
Asians believe it grants meat a tender quality, and therefore good.

>> No.18262334

>you need to kill to live

>> No.18262336

Sikhs would slit your throat for that
They are a Hindu sect established specifically to oppose Muslim invaders

>> No.18262339

Eh whatever. Brownies are brownies

>> No.18262343

All the blood.

>> No.18262354

There it is. I was wondering how he didn't get any angry replies. Sikhs are based because they're anti Islam.

>> No.18262355

>this entire world is sick and i hate it
Become a hermit

>> No.18262361

Only humans could devise such nonsense.

>> No.18262362

i dont understand why you have to go digging so hard to find a religion that will actually respect the animal. i dont have to be some treehugging PETA obnoxious vegan guy to not what these ridiciulous torture machines and worse than silent hill tier shit.
christians are the most fast and loose religious people ive ever seen. its like the bible doesnt even really matter even for catholics.
but even religions that had strict rules have totally compromised so they can get that $$$.

it seems like some hyper specific indigeneous religions and sikhs are the only option but good fucking luck engaging with that easily.
i guess the only option is to just know your local community. dont fall for the city meme. be friends with a butcher, friends with a livestock farmer. and pay them for their work. but im not even really sure where to find that lifestyle anymore either

>> No.18262366 [DELETED] 

Meat is meant to be a relative rarity that you gorge on when its available. it was never meant to be this common and abundant

>> No.18262370

>not directly apologizing to the animal instead
Hahaha humans are so dumb.

>> No.18262428

I often put my semen in a syringe and spread it all over the halal meat aisle in my supermarket.

>> No.18262660

Anyone who thinks there are sects in this stuff didn't listen very well

>> No.18262672

>And it has to be treated kindly while alive and all kinds of other things.
Officially yes, and QA managers will hold you to it, bit the moment their backs are turned abbatoir workers will above a cattle prod up their anus.
T. Former killfloor workers

>> No.18262673


>> No.18262687 [DELETED] 

The fuck is the point of that. You turn your back for one minute and some old fuck of a truck driver or shearer just out of prison is kicking your animals up the ass and stomping on their neck. I don't even want to know the kind of shit that goes down where you worked

>> No.18262708

Should go out to the farms and do it in front of them maybe you'll get a shotgun up the anus

>> No.18262750
File: 57 KB, 474x316, th-25499442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cows are frens
oh very much yes good sir, boy gosh do I have the religion for your very good self.

>> No.18262758

That's mad, the goat still looks like he's just chilling but the sword is fully through his neck. Sikhs, based yet again.

>> No.18262759

>Where's the scare and need for those labels coming from?
So faggot schizos like you will buy their stuff, retard. The rest of us just laugh at it.

>> No.18262766

>im 15 years old: the post

>> No.18262782


>> No.18262789

Went to an Iranian store. They sold all sort of organ meat including chicken heart, chicken liver, lamb brain, lamb eye, lamb heart, lamb tongue, lamb kidney beef liver etc. normal supermarkets. I would never eat organ meat but I appreciate the wide variety. The only thing they don’t have is pork (obviously)

>> No.18262799

If there's any bacteria on the meat the majority of it will die after enough time in the freezer, the rest of it will die when you cook the meat. Leaving it on the counter to thaw won't hurt you.

>> No.18262802

Are you saying humans are smarter and more imaginative than God?

>> No.18262806

muslims are gross tho no cap

>> No.18262914

>out all day
well that's what I'm talking about. food in room temp developing bacteria
Bacteria as it defrosts. Small cuts from the store you can defrost in a fridge, but how would you work with a whole butchered cow.
It's probably going to be super expensive if you ask them to portion it into boxes of 500gram...

>> No.18262924

>Why do so many companies put "no steroids!!!" if it was never a thing to begin with?
This is a common marketing tactic. For instance, chicken is a type of meat that's forbidden by law from using hormones and antibiotics, but for a long time it wasn't a selling point because consumers didn't care so no one talked about it. Recently people have been very concerned about hormones and antibiotics in meat, so the smart companies started advertising "hormone-free" and "no antibiotics" on packages of chicken which captures the people who are looking for that sort of thing. If one package of chicken says "hormone-free" and another doesn't, the hormone-concerned consumer will buy the one that calls itself "hormone-free" even though all chicken is required to be hormone-free. It plants the seed in their mind and they think, "Well if the other chicken was hormone-free, wouldn't they advertise it? I better buy the one with the hormone-free label!" These days I don't think you can find a single package of chicken that doesn't advertise being hormone-free and antibiotics-free because all the companies have gotten wise to using that same marketing tactic, but again, it has ALWAYS BEEN A LEGAL REQUIREMENT for chickens to be hormone-free and antibiotics-free, the only change is how it's advertised.

Beef is a whole different beast, though. Cows CAN be legally treated with growth hormones and antibiotics, so finding smaller farms that don't use such things is actually important.

>> No.18262932

>well that's what I'm talking about. food in room temp developing bacteria
Most bacteria dies when it's frozen for a long enough time, but as long as the meat is processed in a clean facility it won't have pathogenic bacteria on it in the first place, then if your kitchen is free of pathogenic bacteria the meat can't get any from there either. Do you think pathogenic bacteria just spontaneously appears on room temperature meat by magic the way medieval people believed flies spontaneously appeared in filth by magic?

>> No.18262942

>how would you work with a whole butchered cow
When you get a cow butchered they cut it down into workable amounts. Steaks, ribs, roasts, etc. You just thaw what you want to eat, if it's a large portion you can cut it down and leave what you don't cook in the fridge to eat another day. Clean meat from a healthy cow processed in a clean facility and prepared in a clean kitchen and then cooked won't harm you.

>> No.18262948

I see none of the retards in the thread have actually answered this. Basically you can't behead the animal before all the blood has drained or else it isn't halal. To make an animal halal, you say a little prayer to Allah as you slice the jugular and trachea, making sure NOT to go too far and start hacking at the spine, then you let the animal bleed out. The head can be removed once it isn't moving.

>> No.18262978

Holy fack, dude's so efficient. I have seen some pro butchers cut sheep and cows but this guy just ninja slices them.

Also lmao at the Muslims buttmad in the comments.

>> No.18262995

Nobody cares about the difference between mohammad al-abn abdul malik farouq al-mohammad al-abib and raj rajeesh rajesh rhudra dhruv patel pateesh rajash smith

>> No.18263000

Go back.

>> No.18263009

It was blessed to the name of Allah Akbar, at the time someone is slitting it's throatm then it slowly bleeds out. So, yea, it was killed inhumanely, in a method not suitable for other livestock, which were stunned first.

>> No.18263012
File: 40 KB, 512x512, C002CD79-3BBD-4C57-B73E-EFADFF1E375D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish that was me

>> No.18263019

Some substances are considered not to be halal by different schools of thought. What the exact standard is falls on the particular certifying body in question though. Muslims claiming all halal meat has this or doesn't have that should be treated with skepticism though because it really does vary and in my experience the standards tend to be lower in countries with large muslim populations that need halal meat at a huge scale. Like do you really think halal mcdonald's is buying anything that does more than the letter of the law in a given muslim country?

>> No.18263107

no u

>> No.18263134

But what abut stuff like botulism and how it develops inside supposedly clean closed packaging?
I mean that's fair. I'm not saying that ordering an entire specific cow for butchery isn't the chadly way to go. Just wondering about thawing. I should make a thawing thread someday. Small cuts defrosting slowly in fridge is safe and ideal, but I'm curious about bigger chunks of frozen meat

>> No.18263136

It's upsetting that there's no video explaining how he got his knives so sharp

>> No.18263164

That's The Fairsley Difference!

>> No.18263192

>But what abut stuff like botulism and how it develops inside supposedly clean closed packaging?
It doesn't. If the bacteria isn't present then it can't develop, it's not magic. Modern food safety standards and all the scary shit you hear from government agencies is based on an assumption that any food you eat COULD be contaminated, so they present guidelines for how to handle all food under the assumption of possible contamination for the most guaranteed universal safety standards. And to be fair, that's the safest assumption to make when you don't know where your meat is coming from, but things are different when you know your farmer and butcher and have seen their facilities and know you can trust them to be sanitary.

>> No.18263201

>If the bacteria isn't present then it can't develop, it's not magic.
unless you live in a wuhan bioweapons laboratory cleanroom then pathogenic organisms are literally all around us all the time

>> No.18263219

You're not wrong, but does the presence of those pathogens all around you all the time make you sick 24/7? Of course not, your body is so used to fighting them off you never even notice. If your meat is going from frozen to thawed to cooked it won't have time to build up so much bacteria that it makes you sick because both the freezing and cooking process kill bacteria. Thawing meat on your counter in its packaging for a few hours won't do shit, this level of paranoia where people think all food is ruined if it sits out for a couple hours is ridiculous.

>> No.18263248

that's not what you said though. i never argued against any of the other bullshit you said, which i agree with. unless you know what happened from start to finish you can't make any assumptions and some dipshit faggot local farmer and butcher can definitely fuck things up no matter how much you romanticize your neighbor he's probably a fucking retard who voted for biden

>> No.18263267

So then it's a good thing you froze the meat (antibacterial) and then cooked the meat (antibacterial). Maybe it would be different if you planned to eat the meat raw, but the few hours of thawing will not do anything bad to you if you're cooking it after. You could also thaw it in the fridge if you wanted to be EXTRA safe, as you suggested before, it just takes a lot longer and requires more planning.

>> No.18263277

im not that poster i eat sushi left on the counter from yesterday without any issues

>> No.18263371

I am that posters are you're very disgusting if that is true. What is wrong with you??

>> No.18263376

Sorry, I was too disgusted to check for typos. like what the fuck man

>> No.18263380

>What is wrong with you??
i already said "without any issues" so nothing

>> No.18263568
File: 66 KB, 1920x1080, charlie-and-the-chocolate-factory-disneyscreencaps.com-7560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't how you make whipped cream.

>> No.18263696

But why leave sushi on the counter?

>> No.18263715

obviously because cold sushi sucks

>> No.18263723

You've never had leftovers before?

>> No.18263730

Ah yes muslims, the most peaceful and loving of all humans are known to treat animals with dignity and respect GIGAKEK

>> No.18263961
File: 120 KB, 1432x785, please make it stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like some representative from a specific organization that's dedicated to cataloging as many of these kinds of videos as possible suddenly became a janitor. i've seen ALL of them already because these weirdos used to have these creepy x-quality blogs with nothing but videos like this, but with more captions.

>> No.18263977

halal food is just a political practice