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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 691 KB, 1140x741, Fruit Tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18233107 No.18233107 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on my fruit ranking?

>> No.18233123

move cantaloupes down, move mangos up, move peaches up, move nectarines up
mulberry's are good. at least B tier.
create an F tier and put durians there
otherwise I basically agree
how have you never had avocados

>> No.18233129

Blueberries aren't a standalone fruit

>> No.18233130
File: 738 KB, 1171x732, Screenshot 2022-08-14 151550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you just need to try more things

>> No.18233145

Cantaloupes are probably the best tasting fruit in the world. Also very nutritious.

>> No.18233160

What does dragon fruit taste like anon? I wish to try it but there are no means of buying it here

>> No.18233174
File: 33 KB, 600x600, image-of-dragon-fruit-yellow-fruit-28656609099820_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The normal pink ones have a mild taste like a sweet cucumber but its purely textural, buy the yellow variant they are smaller and more expensive but taste better

>> No.18233187

>I've never had this
they're very nutritious but taste like blande paste. don't really get the hype

>> No.18233191

even though you'd think dragon fruit have a off the wall flavor, they have the texture of a kiwi and a very mild fruit punch flavor

>> No.18233212

Similar to kiwi. I like them, but they aren’t worth the cost

>> No.18233230
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God's fruit.

>> No.18233351

cantaloupes are trash and I don't eat fruit for the nutrients

>> No.18234416

>Don't like litchi

>> No.18234436

all the berries go bad too fast to ever be above B tier
most of these are just pure sugar with little to no health benefit like bananas and most of the berries

anything that requires inordinate time to peel and eat should be in F tier no matter how good it tastes

>> No.18234441

its just marketing to sell a product + goyboys that watch too much TV and slurp up advertising

>> No.18234470

pineapple is so god tier bros i went through 2 of them this week mmmmmmm yummy in my tummy wa laQ1`1~!@@

>> No.18234725


>> No.18234772

They taste like nothing. At best you get a vague pear-kiwi sensation.

>> No.18234783

>he thinks berries are relatively sweet for fruit and have no health benefits

>> No.18234802


>> No.18234830
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im not an enthusist, but i decided to do one quickly anyways
also im only counting as a fruit, and no juices or food using them (like cranberrys are really awesome for juice, though the only time ive had the fruit itself was some canadian crap and not the WI ones they use for juice, and limes are amazing on alot of things, and ive had stuff like pomegranate juice and remember liking it so it wouldn't be an ive never had it)

>> No.18234879

And give you diarrea

>> No.18234928
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>> No.18234943

>never had rambutan/lychee, guava, dragonfruit, fig, passionfruit, blood orange, pomegranate, cranberry, date, or fucking avocado
I get that some people live in isolated countries and don't have access to everything, but holy shit, most of this is so common I don't understand why you would even bother to make a chart like this, let alone post a thread about it. It's like if someone who grew up vegan decided to make a list of their favorite cuts of beef.

>> No.18235439

I've also never seen (nor eaten) a vagina.

>> No.18235442

>cantaloupe above mango
drink bleach

>> No.18235510

avacados are shit on their own but, come on, guacamole is great.

>> No.18235513

>nectarines and mangos in S

>> No.18235560

Honeydew, watermelon, tangerine, and pear do not belong anywhere above C tier.

>> No.18235591

I like the yellow ones theyre sweety as fuck but as anon stated >>18233174 youre gonna blow ur anus out.

t. ate them for years they always give u the runs

>> No.18235822

How is cantaloupe S but honeydew D? They taste so similar

>> No.18235825

Strawberries are top tier, and you really should try starfruit. It's delicious.

>> No.18235834
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Okay taste but smells like faint vomit to me.

>> No.18235846
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>casually BTFO every other fruit
How does he do it?

>> No.18235921
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No mamey
Fix yourself

>> No.18235951
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guess ethnicity

>> No.18235964
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Fruitlets need not reply

>> No.18235996
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unsure about placements of some of these but it's pretty close.

>> No.18236073
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>mango and strawberry in anything but S
>grapefruit and raisins in D
>tangerine below orange
>red and white grapes on the same level and right next to each other as if they're the same thing
>never tried dates, figs, litchi, or pomegranate
Start running.
>mango in C
You too.

>> No.18236076

Is this based on taste or just overall? I think you can definitely move pomegranate up to A tier on taste alone.
Green apple needs to be at least B tier as well.

>> No.18236108
File: 681 KB, 1140x741, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking manchildren
wish I could find mangosteen in bongland, heard they're good shit

>> No.18236112

Jesus fuck OP. Come over and we'll shop for fruits together. I'm sorry you missed out on so many kino fruits.

>> No.18236183
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Where can I find these strange fruits east of the mississippi?

>> No.18236218
File: 70 KB, 850x478, 20200810161148-01c8e2ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red dragon fruit can turn your urine red

>> No.18236224

the way the chart works is that it should be middle weighted. if everything is S tier, nothing is S tier. the bulk of your items should be C

>> No.18236250

Retard alert

>> No.18236257

Don't tell me how to rank my tastes, faggot. I'll make you the fruit on the bottom

>> No.18236356
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ok i guess
i like pineapple but i hate bromelain

>> No.18236455

>never had a date

>> No.18236481


>> No.18236496

>red apple
there's aj extraordinary amount of genetic variation between different types of apples, and a Granny Smith is no further from a Fuji than a Red Delicious is just because the color is different, so using "red apple" as a category is hardly anything a fruit enthusiasts should be doing
>I've never had fig
get a grip anon, turn off your computer and go to the farmer's market

>> No.18236511

>Red apple can go into S tier depending on the variety
>Cranberry, lemon and lime are ranked based on utility and use in other things, not necessarily how they are on their own

>> No.18236525

>peach in B

>> No.18236542
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forgot pic

>> No.18236591


yeah, like nutty mashed potato
without salt they are D-tier

>> No.18236627

The "master's degree can't change a tire" female demographic thinks they are the second coming of Jesus because "vegan healthy fat good for me"

That and because TikTok has brainwashed them with every celebrity's version of avocado toast

>> No.18236639

Very mild and subtle, not very sweet. Worth trying, but they're not that great desu.

>> No.18236644

Fruits are desert and she been eaten once a week at most. Same as HFCS.

>> No.18236693
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>> No.18236743

Why does lime is not S tier ?

>> No.18236926

you're a stupid faggot

>> No.18236975

Move everything up to S tier except durian and ripe papaya. Goddamn, do I fucking hate ripe papaya.
Also, add muscadines. Easily the best grape variety.

>> No.18236977

Try dehydrating dem bitches. In the winter months, I make cantaloupe and pumpkin seed oatmeal with it and it's fucking delicious.

>> No.18236982

>she been eaten once a week at most.
jesus christ, she's gonna die doing that.

>> No.18237013

SEA monkey?

>> No.18237019

Oddly enough, I live in SEA as a kid, but no. My dad is half Asian, tho, just not SEAsian.

>> No.18237077
File: 683 KB, 1140x741, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I question the method behind all your ratings. How can the majority of things be S/A? You're using IGN rankings, where virtually nothing is below a 6/10.
My S and A tiers are either the best of their type, or the best of fruit collectively. Think about the versatility of a lemon and tell me it's not S-tier. Bananas are delicious and are miraculously shaped by God to fit perfectly in the human hand, with a self-growing wrapper to keep it clean. That's incredible.

>> No.18237078

Anon eats litchi with peal and always chokes on the seed

>> No.18237096

>Bananas are miraculously shaped by God to fit perfectly in the human hand, with a self-growing wrapper to keep it clean
the fact that these retards don't think of the obvious follow-up question is unreal.

>> No.18237147
File: 74 KB, 732x549, mangosteen-732x549-thumbnail-732x549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost no one has had this
You anons are missing out. This thing is sweet and slightly acidic but soft and feels smooth in your mouth. Could eat these all day.

>> No.18237157

they were illegal til 2007 in burgerland so they aren't going to be that common.

>> No.18237161

Damn, poor burgers.

>> No.18237172

You've never had an orange?

>> No.18237181

I really like fruit.

>> No.18237217

I worked with a lot of filipinos and malaysians in the merchant navy and they tossed all the papayas over the sides when they went slightly ripe, the ship steward used to get so pissed about it

>> No.18237235

its totally legal now, its just not popular.

>> No.18237326

Makes sense. Ripe papaya is just fucking vile, but young/green/unripe is so good as a salad vegetable or in soup.

>> No.18237854
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C isn't even bad for me, it's just the fruit I'd eat if their wasn't any of the above fruit.

>> No.18238172

You're not suppoosed it eat it on it's own like many other fruits in the list, at least add salt to it

>> No.18238468
File: 685 KB, 1140x741, fruit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put avocado s tier because evn that is now considered normie shit in my homeland is basically bread and butter and one of the places where avocado sandwich born (latam). taste also gud seasoned with sugar and not with salt so it can go in diverse recipes. another s tier fruits that should belong in the chart but not counted are the lucuma, aguaje and guanabana.
lower tier are there because their flavour is very redundant (like berries as they depend on straberries. most of them) or taste not good as it should or if you want to combo to other ingredient so you have to build a recipe around them to make them or they are expensive for the flavour they offer like pitahaya/dragon fruit that in comparison with other sweet fruit it taste like sugary water and its flavour can only go raw to perserve its flavour. Starfruit is good even when its usage is niche as you can make strafruit juice and its fucking delicious. So /ck/ thought?

>> No.18238486

forgor to mention 1 friut to the list on s tier : carob.

>> No.18238542
File: 70 KB, 900x779, 1659827868147918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oranges are garbage fruit and belong in the trash. That is all.

>> No.18239236

>all these people who have never had guava, and the few who have rank it mostly C tier
Yup, confirming you all have shit taste.

>> No.18239275

>watermelon and grapefruit should not be in the same tier.
>guava is delicious
>litchi is pretty good
>starfruit and dragonfruit are bland
>figs are gross because they have wasp larva in them
>persimmons are like apples
>blood orange is better than regular orange
>pomegranate are delicious but are kind of like eating corn kernels
>black currant is delicious
>avocado is good for certain recipes

>> No.18239300

>he's never had dates, avocado, currants, papaya, figs, passionfruit or litchis
wtf anon get on this, there's a whole world of flavour you're missing out on here. Dates + blue cheese or figs + prosciutto and vinaigrette are absolutely heavenly.

>> No.18239316

Javanese living in Canada

>> No.18239373

>never had grapes
>never had oranges
>never had watermelon
>never had lemons or limes
>never had peaches
Where do you live and why do they refuse to stock these?

>> No.18239405

>first letter

>> No.18239489

you never tried mango+plum grafting mango. it deserves a s tier

>> No.18239909

lol gotem

>> No.18240020
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>> No.18240027

I really like them but like 50% of them fucking suck and I have no idea how to pick good ones

>> No.18240062


I appreciate you

>> No.18240073

I HATE fruit it’s just wet boring candy

>> No.18240101
File: 165 KB, 960x640, fresh-mangosteen-fruit-indonesia-supplier[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mangosteen is a solid S.
Quite expensive but it's worth the price.
Imagine a Litchi but sweeter, refreshing with a more tropical sweet and sour taste and more juicy.

>> No.18240135

I fucking hate Strawberries.

>> No.18240197
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Strawberry are not fruit. They are a flower. They should have added plantain, African horned mellon, feijoa, and quince.

>> No.18240220
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Imagine not eating fucktons of blueberries to naturally boost your IQ
>t. eats lots of fruit

>> No.18240258
File: 603 KB, 1140x570, 68B75BDD-8D3F-4BB2-825E-281A0E5E3A7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grapefruit is always top tier

>> No.18240274
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>> No.18240284

Look at this insane bastard putting Watermelon in D tier

>> No.18240288
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>bananas are S but pears are in C and below asian pears


>> No.18240426

mango is a stand alone S+ tier, anyone who disagrees is a gay.

>> No.18240435

>never had this:
OP do you live in a mudhut or something? Even 40 IQ inbred flyovers have access to these fruits

>> No.18240445

I almost agree but I feel like kiwi should be up there along with grapefruit.

>> No.18240463

>>never had this:
Imagine never have had Dulce de Papaya! I would kill myself if I never had the privilege of having such a godly dessert.

>> No.18240540

Replace red apple with Granny Smith. Send pineapple down to D and put white peach in its place. Bring Mangosteen up to A or S.

>> No.18240564
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Raspberry tastes awful
Low T berry for women

>> No.18240696

Are raisins the same thing as sultanas?

>> No.18240700

not making a whole list but
blood orange, figs, raspberries all S tier

>> No.18240703

gib link to the site

>> No.18240704

what I find more disturbing is op never having had black or red currants as they grow absolutely everywhere

>> No.18240868

OP may be North American. Fresh, dried and frozen currants are illegal in NA. Canned and jarred (as jam or in syrup) are fine, though.

Moreorless. In NA English, sultana is sometimes used to refer to "white raisins," though.

>> No.18240873

Pineapple belongs in S with almost every other fruit except papaya (fuck papaya) and passionfruit (fuck passionfruit).
White peach is very nice, though, I'll give you that.

Maybe OP meant fresh cranberries?

>> No.18240878

Papaya is only good when perfectly fresh. I've had fresh papaya in Burma, but the imported shit in the supermarkets over here is not worth it.

>> No.18240920
File: 658 KB, 1140x908, fruit tier list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright then here's my tier list, please bully and tell me what I might like based on this

>> No.18240930

Papaya is only good unripe.

>> No.18240938

Christ, that's depressing

>> No.18240952

man pick a fruit at random next time you're grocery shopping

>> No.18240965

Not gonna bully you, friend, but since you've had so few fruits, I can't really rec anything based on your experiences, sorry.
However, we're approaching persimmon season in the northern hemisphere so look for those. The two main types have entirely different shapes, tastes and texture, one being elongated, soft and ridiculously sweet and the other being shorter, firmer, crisp/crunchy and less sweet but still very pleasant to eat (I actually prefer the firmer ones).
We're in muscadine/scuppernong season right now so if you live in a country which grow them, keep an eye out for those, too, so long as you don't mind seeds. Many scuppernongs have seeds and it would be a PITA to try to spit them out individually, so if you have textural issues with food and/or don't like swallowing seeds, they might not be your thing.
Speaking of seeds, I had some fantastic tunas/prickly pears yesterday. Holy shit, were they good. They're basically nothing but seeds, but I don't mind it as they're one of my favourite fruits.
We're just out of loquat season, so there may still be some about. They're nice, too.
Figs are in season as are just about all stone fruits (except loquat) and berries, so those are what you should really go for right now. White peaches and kiwifruits are especially good mid-August.

Also, this.

>> No.18240982
File: 692 KB, 1140x834, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My list is the only correct list

>> No.18240983

>Fresh, dried and frozen currants are illegal in NA.
as in haha burgers amirite, or genuinely?

>> No.18240986

fuck dreid fruit in general

>> No.18240988

big timber in the US decided that americans weren't allowed to have blackcurrant so they literally banned it

>> No.18240989

You're a retard and that's fucking wrong. There are currant farmers in certain states and you can easily order currant-based products on certain websites.

Hard agree, never cared for dried fruit at all. Give me the fresh stuff.

>> No.18240991

why am I the retard? how am I supposed to know?

>> No.18240995

don't make excuses you fucking retard
you have access to the internet, there's no reason to not know this stuff

>> No.18241002

>not a single anon arguing for cherries
They're easily S tier if you eat the right variety fresh picked from the tree

>> No.18241007

Incorporate these fruits into your food. Fresh grilled chicken breast with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice is always tasty. Go to a local taco truck and squeeze the lime on your tacos.

Very hit and miss. I personally hate eating it on it's own (FUCK avocado toast). I tolerate it in my burritos and sushi rolls.

>blood oranges
Autumn season is coming up, which means blood oranges and cara cara oranges will soon be in season. Please pick up a bag of both of these orange varieties and give them a try. You will NOT be disappointed. Hell, try regular oranges for fucks sake.

How in the hell have you not had these?

How???? How did you go this far?

Seriously dude, the big three to try are strawberries, oranges (no matter the varieties), and grapes (green or purple). These are foods and tastes that people are introduced at in their earliest childhood years, it's seriously weird and worrying that you as a human being have not had these.

>> No.18241012

It's not that I don't like cherries or think they're S tier, I just have to be in the mood for them. That and they're expensive for me, even when in season.

Fuckin' love me some cherries though, very underrated fruit honestly.

>> No.18241070

I feel like lots of fruits depend a lot from where you get them and the season. For example, I hate the greenhouse-grown cherries in Germany and bordering countries, but get me some of those sun bathed Portuguese cherries in the right season, and suddenly you have an S tier fruit.

Also all these graphs are missing white melons (not cantaloupes). These things are huge and insanely sweet in the summer. Absolute S tier, especially if chilled before eating.

Also, lemons/limes should always be in S tier for the versatility as ingredients.

>> No.18241077
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>> No.18241125

$1.99-$2.99/lb is expensive?

Genuinely. Leafs, too, IINM, not just burgers.

Are there? Praytell, where? You're not confusing zante currants IE literally grapes for currants, are you?

Oh, I hope you're talking about zante currants instead of the real thing so I can enjoy this potential irony.

>> No.18241132

No, that's the thing: you THINK it's only good unripe because you've never actually had fresh, locally produced papaya.

>> No.18241140

Bro... I grew up in Malaysia where there are literal orchards of the stuff. I. Don't. Like. Papaya. Does it offend you that someone doesn't like something that you like?

>> No.18241252
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*sucks through teeth*

>> No.18241320
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mutt moment

>> No.18241324


You've never even had other fruits in cakes/pastries/desserts/juice/whatever ?

>> No.18241376

Does grape drink count?

>> No.18241390

>By 2003 restrictions on Ribes cultivation had been lifted across most of the states, though some bans remain, particularly on the blackcurrant. >State laws are enforced with varying degrees of efficiency and enthusiasm; in some states, officials effectively ignore the ban.
so who knows what exactly the local status is

>> No.18241420
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if we're talking grape soda or koolaid, no as there is no grape in them

>> No.18241465

I've probably had half of those fruits in drinks, i'm a lot more adventurous when it comes to liquids
hate banana cake

>> No.18241466
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Official fruit tier list from fruit.gov

>> No.18241741
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>i'm a lot more adventurous when it comes to liquids
no kidding

>> No.18241784


>> No.18241860

I'm pissed that in my part of the US the prices for cherries have never gotten reasonable this season; don't think I've seen anything under $5.99/lb

>> No.18242804
File: 854 KB, 926x568, strawberries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pop quiz! identify the "fruit" and the "flowers" in this picture (99% can't do it!)

>> No.18242816

>haha those flyover states are so stupid. they don't legalize theft and disarm innocent citizens.

>> No.18242859
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>> No.18243131

Fruit has seeds on the inside. It's not fruit, retard.

>> No.18244315

custard apple is s tier. there no deny on that. in my tier i forgot to put it on the top

>> No.18244324

I don't understand how so many people underrate honeydew. Ripe honeydew is fucking delicious and superior to cantelope but it's treated like filler in fruit cocktails.

>> No.18244345

papaya is filler for fruit salad but its better than melos as it can go with milk for the underrated papaya milkshake

>> No.18244458
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>> No.18244473

all rules have exceptions, midwit. strawberries clearly function as a fruit to everyone without crippling autism.

>> No.18244494

I never had a fresh fig till last week when someone told me my church had a fig tree behind it. It's fucking delicious. I can't stop eating them when I go there now.

>> No.18244501

Salted honeydew mogs papaya every day of the week.

>> No.18244503

1/10. How do you put lemon in S tier? You ever see anyone eat a lemon? its a shit fruit only used for juice.

>> No.18244506

lemon is good on its own

>> No.18244507

>What does dragon fruit taste like anon

wet starch.

>> No.18244526

>I'll make you the fruit on the bottom

based top fruit

>> No.18244527
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Definitive list.
Mangosteen must always be top of S tier of your opinion is fundamentally flawed

>> No.18244590
File: 691 KB, 1140x835, fruit tier list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this list is missing loquats, which would go in A tier

>> No.18244599

What elevates a nectarine over a peach?
>sour cherry > red cherry
I would fight you if I met you irl

>> No.18244621

They are good in wraps on sandwiches or especially to finish bowls of chili. Youre buying the texture and the low-calorie-density monounsaturated fat source.

>> No.18244656

>What elevates a nectarine over a peach?
store bought peaches just aren't very good. the peaches I ate growing up from the trees in our backyard were amazing, but that's not something I have access to now.

>> No.18245117

blood oranges are S tier you're a faggot

>> No.18245119

Hard agree, I've had better nectarines (yellow and white varieties) compared to the peaches. Sometimes I can get a good white peach once in a while but they have to be in season.

>> No.18245287
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D: will never eat
C: will only eat if I am starving
B: will eat if offered but will never buy myself
A: will buy sometimes
S: will always buy

>> No.18245702

uncle ran dragon fruit farm in my home country, they taste similar to a kiwi, bit milder not much tartness

>> No.18245930
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fucking love pomelos
I love picking them apart and I love how they don't spill juice fucking everywhere

>> No.18246038
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rest of them I haven't had or haven't had enough to say

>> No.18246043

Are you a slug or other slime dwelling creature?

>> No.18246056

>red apple over golden apple
Why? The golden are far superior. Also, nectarine are delicious, no way that low, same as apricots. Tomatoes are technically a fruit and they are nowhere here too.

>> No.18246067

> I don’t like grapefruit because I am seven years old and I shouldn’t be posting on this forum.

>> No.18246073
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My list is best always

>> No.18246892

I like all of the fruits (that i've tried) but since you MADE me rank them... *rolls eyes*

>> No.18246896
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fuck fuck fuck i forgot to post the image

>> No.18246903

>hasnt tried jackfruit, persimmon, mulberry, gooseberry or ground cherry
your list is shit
I guess you get props for s tier fig tho, that's true

>> No.18247441
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I've only found them at Trader Joes but they are amazing

>> No.18247962

watermelon is my favorite fruit

>> No.18247987
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you never had avocado ?

>> No.18247998

no one hates dragonfruit. stop trolling

>> No.18248005


>> No.18248705

I’ve had a lot of fruit. durian and mangosteen are amazing. The king and queen of fruit.

>> No.18248739

huh, those are a noxius weed here, we used to pelt eachother with them as kids becuase we thought they tasted revolting. I never even thought that you'd be able to get them in supermarkets

>> No.18249044
File: 655 KB, 1140x741, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watermelon: obviously s tier, if you rank this below s tier you've obviously never had a good watermelon
red apple: So many varities and tastes, impossible to rank this below S tier unless all you've had are gala apples, especially unripe ones.
tangerines: since they can sometimes be chewy, they are not S tier. However they generally can taste as good as oranges.
cantaloupe: When fully ripe, it's A tier. However they tend to be picked underripe, so B tier.
kiwi: A tier taste, but a mess to cut up and kind of stings the skin, so B tier.
Papaya: A tier taste, however the digestive enzymes can be alittle much and give me diarrea, so B tier
strawberrys: A tier taste, however the seeds provide alittle too much fiber and I get diarrea if I eat too much, so B tier.
Green apple: edible, and good for pies, that's about it
coconut: can be good in juices and pastries, but on it's own is meh
pear: apple's retarded cousin
pomegranate: A tier taste, but a fucking mess to deal with and the little seeds you have to spit out constantly make this C tier.
honeydew: taste is potentially B tier when fully ripe, but otherwise kind of meh.
Raisins: too tart
Jackfruit: interesting taste, but kind of weird.

All D tier are shit tier fruits when eaten by themselves. Some can be useful when combined with other fruits, or cooked, like dates, cherrys, grapefruit, but otherwise meh or bad on their own. Dragonfruit is the most underwhelming fruit of all time, besides maybe red delicious apples (the complete opposite of delicious). Dragonfruits look so exotic but they taste like nothing. starfruit similarly has an exotic look but tastes like nothing.

>> No.18249415

the only good part of a watermelon is the heart. you're ranking it S tier for a two inch diameter section in the center of the fruit. nonsense.

>> No.18249500
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>> No.18249581
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I've had all these fruits and more (I stay at a lot of luxury resorts in south east asia on holiday and always eat a lot of delicious fruit).


>> No.18249653

>that D tier
Anon's an absolute tastelet.

>> No.18249667
File: 732 KB, 1140x649, fruit tier list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are tangerines worse than oranges? They're so much more flavorful than oranges.

>> No.18249683

In my opinion Lemons, Mangoes, and Strawberries are S tier. Lychees are easily an A tier fruit they taste like a coconut and a berry mixed together. Figs are A tier as well, Avocados by themselves are D tier they taste like fuckin pasty playdoh(but in dishes they're great). Rest of the list I agree with

>> No.18249716

What are custard apples like? Also, I tried starfruit for the first time and it tasted a bit like green bell peppers to me. Are they supposed to taste like that or did I get an underripe one?

>> No.18249720

hating dragonfruit, or any fruit for that matter makes you a lowly pickyfag

>> No.18249733
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where are the tomatoes in this ranking?

>> No.18250157
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You stupid piece of shit, you forgot the SS:
The Persimmon and all it's varieties.


>> No.18250173
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>> No.18250852

while the heart is the sweetest, the rest is still good and refreshing, especially if you pick one that is actually ripe. Especially on a hot summer day, it can't be beat by any other fruit for refreshment appeal.

>> No.18251201

The variety they grow in SEA, when ripe you can basically pick apart the scales and bite into it. The texture is pleasantly mealy. It's a delicious fruit that's also easy to eat.
Starfruit are like that, they're mostly prepared into cooked dishes rather than eaten raw.
>tfw you will never eat a delicious Xinjiang watermelon

>> No.18252198
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>> No.18252234

>any temperate fruits above C tier
Trash tier list. All tropical fruits are objectively superior to the bland sour trash like apples.

>> No.18252273
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Overall best is mangosteen. Such a delicious, strong, sweet and tangy flavour

>> No.18252287
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I don't hate pineapple because of the taste, I just can't stand the sound it makes when other people eat it, its the loudest fucking chewing sound, it makes me sick

>> No.18252289

>Xinjiang watermelon
>Not Xinjiang grapes

>> No.18252305


>> No.18252365

Mulberry is THE KING of berries, even better than black. Shame it's so perishable.

>> No.18252377

compared to these fruits, vagina is c tier at best
it feels the best to put your penis into, but it's an acquired taste and the process of getting it is time-consuming and annoying

>> No.18252408

That means you're probably an autist. You should probably get checked before you breed.

>> No.18252516
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