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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18242708 No.18242708 [Reply] [Original]

Americans, what are babies supposed to eat then?

>> No.18242711


>> No.18242713

You can make it at home?

>> No.18242715

just make your own puree and feed them soft meats i don't understand the baby food industry

>> No.18242721

I never understand why we have such low standards for baby food. If anything, shouldn't we hold these types a food to a higher standard since we are feeding it to people who are in the most crucial times of development?

>> No.18242724

>Healthy Babies Bright Futures
Yeah, their partnership base isn't a total clusterfuck of money-laundering non-profits at all. No sir. With a name like "healthy babies", how could they possibly just be a tax scam. They even have media coverage!

>> No.18242728

never underestimate a woman's ability to be a lazy bitch

>> No.18242731

>muh jews
Go outside loser

>> No.18242739

Most people who have kids really don't actually care about them.
At first they're a fun object like a new car
or a dog.
Then they talk about how much they love them because it makes them look like better person.
Then you get housewives that start to hate their kids because they "wrecked their lives" when they had them.

Government paychecks for said kid is what really matters to most people.

Maybe 3 out of 70 people should actually have kids.

>> No.18242748

>first thought is that he was talking about jews
get a load of this anti-semite

>> No.18242754
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>> No.18242755

It's like asking why public schools serve prison-tier food to kids and anything edible costs extra.

In America, money is our god and we will sacrifice anything for it.

>> No.18242758

It is sad tbqh. A parent should be making sacrifices for their kid if they need be. I would rather deal with eating lower quality food myself if it meant my kids could enjoy higher quality and reap the benefits as their mind and bodies develop. Obv. ideal would be we all eat well but, you get my point. I have seen many parents as well who seem to behave the opposite of thhat.

>> No.18242759
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Don't be lazy and buy a fucking food processor. it's not hard. Baby eats what we eat.

>> No.18242762

Yeah you really should have to get a test illegally be allowed to keep children you produce.

>> No.18242778
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All large countries have poisonous food China being the worst. You want pure and raw ingredients? Go to countries like Finland, Sweden, Norway.

>> No.18242779

the government wants dysfunctional kids to turn into dysfunctional adults. adults too preoccupied to be a threat to the ruling class.

>> No.18242795

This shit ain't Amersisharts only for they're also selling that shit to our babies and lazy europoor mothers aswell

>> No.18242847


>> No.18242855

Who gives a shit? Babies suck. I hate breeders so much it's unreal.

>> No.18242875

>dogwhistling on a predominantly right wing forum
Go outside loser

>> No.18242884

yeah everything's a conspiracy, nothing wrong with a little toxic metal in your baby food
you're a fucking retard too lmao guarantee you spend 8+ hours a day sitting on 4chan doing nothing and think the stupid bullshit you see here has any bearing on reality. like how fucking dense do you have to be to say most parents don't care about their kids lmfao sounds like you're just projecting a bit buddy

>> No.18242888

Nobody brought up Jews until you did. Talking about the omnipresent financial corruption in the non-profit sector isn't a "dog whistle", it's a fact of modern society.

>> No.18242892

we hate you too faggot. you unironically suck dicks, nobody cares about your opinion

>> No.18242897
File: 408 KB, 1203x906, Screenshot from 2022-08-16 14-59-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are babies supposed to eat
It's almost like the organization in your picture provided a handy graphic that answered your question for you or something.

>> No.18242899

Sad but probably true.

>> No.18242900

>>predominantly right wing forum
>half the users here are literal faggots and trannies

>> No.18242909

>I never understand why we have such low standards for baby food.

Because in the end it's really the position of the US that mothers are best breast feeding their Children. The big formula makers are all Euro companies. Nestle has lobbied a lot to keep our regulations down.

But I believe the official position of the US government as it relates to young mothers is pro-breast feeding, anti-formula.

>> No.18242910

They care about them like people care about a dog

>> No.18242912

>Yeah, their partnership base isn't a total clusterfuck of money-laundering non-profits at all
It's probably just a pro-breastfeeding group. Calm down autismo.

This was the hip thing to do among Yuppie moms in the 80s and 90s. Don't know about today. Evidently my favorite was Bananas and Liver

>> No.18242914

breast milk, mashed carrots, pea, apples, squash, fish patte/salad?

>> No.18242915

Breast feeding instead of formula feeding is especially important for premature infants as breast feeding can prevent necrotizing enterocolitis.

>> No.18242918

>omnipresent financial corruption in the non-profit sector
Nazi myth. Go get a job and maybe you'll stop worrying about the Jews taking over the world. Fucking kids these days man, always whining about things that don't exist

>> No.18242921

You at least need the colostrum

>> No.18242925

>Calm down autismo.
It takes two seconds to find their list of partners and its full of known scam charities and "new age" health product hawkers.

>> No.18242937

Strange that it was a trend and not just the logical thing for everyone to do, if you refuse to use the stinky jar shit.
& ew no we don't mix it lol. At most, maybe just a mix of veggies or just a mix of fruits, but I wouldn't ever feed my baby something I wouldn't eat myself. I always taste it too.
We're also at the age where we're introducing lots of new foods, so keeping them separate helps us keep track of what she does and does not eat, and also anything that doesn't agree with her digesting.

>> No.18242939



>> No.18242976

suckin on mama titties like nature intended

>> No.18242997

this reeks of scaremongering, imma need to see some sauce

>> No.18243001

>this reeks of scaremongering
Welcome to the news post September 2001

>> No.18243003


>> No.18243069


stopped reading there

>> No.18243165

Because you're a Nazi, right?

>> No.18243177

That doesn't work on the internet. Hell, you guys have played that card so many times it doesn't even work in real life.
>*have mildly anti-establishment opinion*
Get new material.

>> No.18243396

Full report: https://www.healthybabyfood.org/sites/healthybabyfoods.org/files/2022-08/StoreVsHomemade_2022.pdf

>> No.18243413

>Strange that it was a trend and not just the logical thing for everyone to do, if you refuse to use the stinky jar shit.

yeah it is kinda odd. probably a natural mom pushback from the women of the 70s having kids in the 80s and not wanting to feed their kids Gerber. Also the food processor got popular in the 80s not that you couldnt make homemade baby food in a blender.

oh and the yuppie breastfeeding moms were La Leche League who >>18242925
seems to think is some sort of jewish conspiracy to get us to not buy Nestle formula or something?

>> No.18243799

>Get new material.
Get a job, contribute to society, do something. Complaining about society and supposed "corruption" doesn't do anyone any favors. You might as well kill yourself rather than bitch about something that doesn't exist. Ducking manchildren, I swear to God. If you don't like being called Nazis, stop making bogus Jewish conspiracy theories and meet actual women you fucking loser. Almost as insufferable as the leftists you claim to hate.

>> No.18243809


>> No.18243822

this is not a normal reaction to someone who doesn't want babies to be fed garbage and poison, you insane brain damaged boomer

>> No.18243843

Why are you so concerned about what babies are being fed if you aren't even producing any children yourself? Get off the internet, take a shower, impregnate the woman next door, and then you can talk to me about "but my babies will be fed poison ;_;" but until then put a sock in it and I don't want to here it from you delusional virgins.

>> No.18243845


>> No.18243847

>jews jews jews
>youre an anti semite
holy fuck glowie why are you on /ck/ go back to ur /pol/ raid

>> No.18243854

>and the next step in Mussolini's Facsist Spaghetti is to burn the pork in a single oven for 2 minutes (an impossible amount of time for the # of ovens)

>> No.18243862

"Tax scam" and "money laundering" are antisemitic dogwhistles now? At this point just admit that they do it disproportionately and move on.

>> No.18243866

why are you on 4chan go find a job

>> No.18243874
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Let's not get into WW2 Era myths....

>> No.18243879

>"Tax scam" and "money laundering"
These things don't happen. They're just bogeyman created by right/left wing morons who haven't figured out the system and are too upset about how they're making $13/hr cleaning toilets.

>> No.18243885

Even if you're a non-Jew that's some mighty fine pilpul.

>> No.18243886

Hey smartass if you're so knowledgeable, where's your college degree?

>> No.18243890

Lmao even
Don't you have a housing market to be actively ruining, boomer?

>> No.18243897

So you are anti-Semitic? Wow, I was right. Everyone here just can't get laid, almost like they're the exactly the same as blue haired faggot SJWs.

>> No.18243904

>boomer tier opinions on "free market"
>assumes everyone he talks to online is less educated and unemployed
>defends ZOG like his life depends on it
Don't you have a schizophrenic faceberg page to be running?

>> No.18243906

Don't you have a burger to grill? Hurry up, I don't want my food to be burnt

>> No.18243920

I don't know, you tell me. This site is basically a schizoid haven, you would know about that.

>> No.18244026

What the fuck happened here

>> No.18244049

Some boomer jew thought money laundering was specifically jewish culture and white women doing it was cultural appropriation

>> No.18244076

Oh ok then. I blame the heavy metal baby food.

>> No.18244087

how the fuck can people feed their literal flesh and blood jarred manufactured garbage like a dog, or worse not even breastfeed them?

is it really that hard to boil some carrots or something thank god human beings are so adaptable but it's no wonder americans are all sick and mentally ill

>> No.18244115


>> No.18244129

Angloids pretend criticism of corruption is criticism of Jews because they know if people start pointing out the snaggletooths behind the curtain they’re fucked. Jews can play sympathy, Angloids have six hundred years of people waiting to kill them.

>> No.18244151

>Jew Jew Jew
But then you complain about not getting a girlfriend. Get a grip, grow up. At least try to sound like a functioning adult for one post.

>> No.18244163

I did not blame the Jews you blotchy cunt. I called you out for using Jews as a smokescreen so your history of ruining Europe and the world beyond won’t finally be used to drag you before a multicultural firing squad

>> No.18244164

being antisemitic is a pro for any quality woman

>> No.18244181

>multicultural firing squad
Just can't get past the racism! "But I didn't blame the Jews", you just did implicitly. Tell me how many friends do you have? Real life friends I mean.
How many women have you been with?

>> No.18244271
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toxic heavy metal is good for babies

>> No.18244521

No I mean there is not a single culture in the world you chimpan-saxons haven’t slighted, inconvenienced, or outright ruined.

>> No.18244867

Actual dad here, baby food is easy as shit
>Gather various veggies
>Steam until soft
That's it. She also gets things like sauerkraut, small bits of meat and lamb chop bones

>> No.18244881

>giving bones to a baby
fucking dumbass it's not a dog

>> No.18245003

What is teething. They love to get the little leftover bits too

>> No.18245036
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>> No.18245085

Based on the article (I haven’t read the study itself yet) it’s largely due to the type of food used:
> 94% of all food samples we tested contained detectable amounts of toxic heavy metals: 94% of store-bought baby food AND 94% of homemade purees and family brand foods.
(Emphasis added)

>using Jews as a smokescreen
Anon, I’m with you but that word choice lol.

Also uh oh rice bros…
> Rice cakes and crisped rice cereal are heavily contaminated with arsenic.