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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 700x462, italian-flag-icon-italy-country-flag-vector-illustration-700-183140357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18235073 No.18235073 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude, just eat pasta made in thousand of different ways
Italian cuisine is the most overrated one in the world.

How did it get so popular is beyond me. Even their Pizza is pretty weak compared to American one.

>> No.18235080

>Even their Pizza is pretty weak compared to American one.
Not enough sugar?

>> No.18235088

Italian pizza is fucking divine

>> No.18235096

Italians wat mostly fish and salad and normal food why do my fellow burgers still think its all spaghetti

>> No.18235098
File: 416 KB, 2000x1333, pizza_napolitana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18235111

yeah can I get some pizza but with half the normal cheese and a leaf

>> No.18235116
File: 471 KB, 1226x654, snownigger (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get shot in the head

>> No.18235127

Italian pizza is derived from American pizza, not the other way around

>> No.18235132

I'm from Southern Europe, you projecting monkey.

>> No.18235140

retarded take. But even if it were, american pizza sucks anyways so I don't know what's worse

>> No.18235142

As an Italian-American who has spent a lot of time in both Italy and the East Coast, I have to admit that American pizza is superior to Napoli style. At least a good slice of East Coast pie from a reputable pizzeria.

Can’t vouch for anything south or east of Newark, though.

>> No.18235149

jersey and si pizza btfo the rest of the east

>> No.18235169
File: 341 KB, 500x295, neapolitan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fighting, they both sucks
Neapolitan pizza (especially the contemporary style) shits on american pizza's chest

>> No.18235217

>Dude, just eat pasta made in thousand of different ways
Italian meal is divided into 2 portions, one is generally pasta and the other is something else.
Even a retard like you can understand that italians food cannot be constituded just by pasta dishes
> How did it get so popular is beyond me
It also amaze me how the shit you eat becomes popular, but it's not clearly an italian cuisine's fault since it's not restricted to it.
It tells a lot more about your country's taste actually

>> No.18235229

>a bunch of american style toppings

>> No.18235239

>a bunch of american style toppings
What the fuck is an american style topping lol?
Did americans inveted milk or mozzarella?

>> No.18235240


>> No.18235277


>> No.18235364

sure kike

>> No.18235428

gimme that shit right now

>> No.18236259
File: 173 KB, 1024x906, 1608921040996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"NO NO do not put a meatballs in the a pasta, that is not a authentic italian dish!"
>"ok then what is authentic italian dish?"
>pasta with olive oil
>pasta with black pepper
>"ohoho now for the piece de resistance"
>pasta with chilli flakes and tomato sauce

America is the best thing to have happened to that poorfag country. Don't get me wrong, I also eat garlic bread with butter which is pretty much the same thing, but I don't go around calling it nana's cuisine.

>> No.18236318

This thread again fml

>> No.18236321

Pure sex

>> No.18236717


> Go to Eyetalian restaurant with the missus on our anniversary

> It's Michelin star

> The entire menu is shit I could easily cook at home for less than 20 euro

> End up paying nearly 100 euro for fucking pasta, meatballs, bruschetta and a handful of baby potatoes

Never again, /ck/bros, will I pay some greasy wop to boil some pasta for a couple of minutes even if it's handmade that day

>> No.18236728

deninos gang

>> No.18236971

This is the perfect ratio of ingredients you mongoloid fuck. Not everything has to be smeared with shit to the point that it’s hanging off a tray

>> No.18237218

This looks good. Were you expecting a gotcha or something?
>Doesn't know what basil is
Go eat your goyslop

>> No.18237226

Guarantee you can't cook at a Michelin star level.

>> No.18237333

Lmao americarbs btfo
>Dude, just eat chicken made in thousand of different ways

>> No.18237349

Imagine making pizza worse than grilled cheese and declaring it a masterpiece.

>> No.18237354


That's it, and even americans make better pizzas, french better pasta (carbonara with creme fraiche).

>> No.18237357

>Go eat your goyslop
make me

>> No.18237368
File: 64 KB, 220x214, 446546514654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goyslop? Ova heahhhh

>> No.18237409

America is the worse thing that happened to the world. Columbus should have killed all the monkeys living there and just make a huge parking spot and declare American inhabitable.
The world is still paying for this

>> No.18237416

It's time to stop making stuff up and grow up.

>> No.18237469

I live in the US for some time and honest to God your food sucks so bad on average I got why people goes to fast food so much
Pizza in particular were horrible, I can't understand how can you eat that shit
In two occasions I had to threw the slice in the trashcan. Bread tasted sweet and cheese was like plastic and tasteless

>> No.18237695

we have people everywhere

>> No.18237708
File: 595 KB, 1280x720, 65322178.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Southern European women

>> No.18237835
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>> No.18238000

Pastas (with their differents sauces)
Pizza (without all the diversity of American style pizza).
Some charcuterie.
Some desserts.
Some cheeses.
That's it.

If you want real diversified food, come on in France, forget Shitaly.

>> No.18238077
File: 1.96 MB, 147x147, 1660180051278341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a mutt with no culture. Stick to eating the fecal matter at McDonald's swine.

>> No.18238171

>Even their Pizza is pretty weak compared to American one.
mmmmmmm. .. . . . I dunno. Italian style made in America is better, but American style itself is inferior.

>> No.18238229
File: 2.57 MB, 1134x1512, w33d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18238253

is the implication that this looks bad? anyone who's ever had good pizza before knows the moment you put that in your mouth it's going to be delicious, kind of like how ur mom felt last night

>> No.18238553

> If you want real diversified food, come on in France,
I like pork and I don't care it's haram, so thank you François but I don't think your stinky buttery muslim shithole it's for me