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18232094 No.18232094 [Reply] [Original]

/tea/ - /tsg/
This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous thread: >>18197458

>> No.18232107

Anyone grow their own tea plant indoors? I've been thinking about trying it, I have 5 coffee trees already and they're about 6 years old now, but I've kept them in small pots and their growth has been really slow, but I kinda like that they're mini trees.

>> No.18232123

does all of the equipment really matter that much when brewing? I've always just used one of those metal net things
a I missing out on much by not having a gaiwan / kyusu / whatever?

>> No.18232144

I haven't tried it but it should be pretty easy.
The site i always shill that sells live tea bushes even has a small variety they reccomend for it.
They have a note saying this seasons seedlings will be added to stock around September so keep an eye on the site.
They also have some other cool variegated and otherwise interesting looking varietals that still can be used for tea if you want to grow something more ornimental.

>> No.18232147

>does all of the equipment really matter that much when brewing?
Depends on the tea and what you're looking for. I'd really recommend a gaiwan, because of how cheap they are (under ten USD) and they're much better for short fast brews than anything else.

If you're into sencha I'd probably pick up a kyusu, but you'll know if you need one. I brew most of my tea grandpa style now.

>> No.18232156

Its all totally unnecessary to enjoy good tea. If you want to get into gongfu brewing i di reccomend a cheap 100-120ml gaiwan off of aliexpress but you don't need one.
It can be fun to get the gear and have a little tea table so you can make a little ritual out of brewing and if you want to get into collecting teaware that can be fun too. But all you need is tea and hot water.

>> No.18232163

I used to be a tea autist but nowadays I just get bagged and it's basically the same just without all the hassle.

I grew nana mint for a few years, a 20cm pot seems to be the minimum where they start thriving. They're great fresh, and color the water in a nice vibrant green unlike the dried leaves. I mostly left them unharvested because they smell really nice. When they flower they attract all kinds of pollinators which is also cool to watch. I once got aphids though, they really fuck the plants up.

>> No.18232190
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Freshly cleaned gaiwan, skanky HK basement ripe

>> No.18232344

Awesome and perfect timing! I'll be watching for when they become available.

>> No.18232427
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drinking Fede Rico today. cheapest organic mate out there as far as I can tell. the taste is classic paraguayan - deep, smoky and strong, more woody than bright green. lasts for a great many steepings, later on gets milder of course but with a surprising creamy sweetness
very strong stuff caffeine-wise as well, even though it's not a despalada. would recommend for someone who cares about organic certifications, because even if it wasn't organic it'd still be good value at this price

>> No.18232475

where are you guys getting your matcha from?

I have a local store in town that sells it but it is bloody expensive.

>> No.18232510

Sure anon i hope it works out for you. I bought a tea bush from them a few years ago and it arrived well packed and healthy. I would suggest ordering one of the larger sizes that they ship just because it will save you a year or two of the initial growth period.
You can also contact them and ask for advice on what size container to use and what kind of soil mix to use, they should be very helpful

>> No.18232517

>the taste is classic paraguayan - deep, smoky and strong, more woody than bright green
Mmm thats the stuff
I love matte but i can't drink it because its too damn strong for me. I guess i should order one of rhe mild types they sell but i wasn't sure if they were mild in taste or mild in intensity. I would prefer a nice smokey one that just had a bit less caffeine

>> No.18232537

It is bloody expensive.
Order it from japan, one of the vendors in the pastebin, and just get whatever the cheapest type they sell that isn't cooking matcha.
This one is $10 for 30 grams
If you want even cheaper they sell podered sencha will will still be better than grocery store or amazon "matcha" by quite a bit and is much cheaper.
$8.50 for 100 grams

>> No.18232546

>I would suggest ordering one of the larger sizes that they ship just because it will save you a year or two of the initial growth period.
Yeah, it's not too much more expensive and seems well worth it to me.

I'll definitely contact them about container size and soil, because as much as I like my essentially bonsai coffee trees, I kinda will want the tea to be harvest-able at some point lol

Is yours still growing well?

>> No.18232551

I know there is some mate substitute from a similar-tasting plant but with no caffeine. you might want to look into that

>> No.18232571

thank you anon, going to order some today

>> No.18232579

>Is yours still growing well?
I got one of the plants they sell that are from the Russian tea research institute and i have it in the ground a zone colder then they say it should be. It had a rough first winter but its growing nicely again this summer. Still not totally sure it will survive a a real hard winter but i knew i was taking a chance with it.
I will probably plant a second one next spring.

>> No.18232586

Report back when you have tried it!

>> No.18232592

Thanks anon i will look into that.
I think its called Guayusa.

>> No.18232651

Trying to wrap my head around tea pricing on Yunnan Sourcing and similar sites. You guys are spending 7 or 8 dollars per session of tea?

>> No.18232676

>You guys are spending 7 or 8 dollars per session of tea?
They charge higher prices for 7-8g samples, also some tea is just expensive. You will especially see for more expensive puer 7-8 gram samples that cost $10 or more but not for regular teas.
But if you look at the prices for larger quantities they are much better than the sample prices.
This is their best selling black tea and its $11 for 100 grams that is guite a few mugs of tea at 3-4 grams per brew

>> No.18232687

But no generally none of us buy tea costs $7 per session. A few of the more hardcore puer collectors maybe but most anons buy tea that is priced between 8¢ and 20¢ per gram.

>> No.18232729

For gongfu brewing you have to use a lot of material though right? Is 1g/15ml accurate? Meaning in a 90ml gaiwan you're putting 6g in?

At that dose, most of the best selling stuff on the website is at the very least a couple dollars a session when you buy 100g at a time.

I guess I'm just used to coffee pricing, where all your equipment is very expensive upfront but then you can get excellent quality specialty coffee for under a dollar a cup.

>> No.18232749

>Meaning in a 90ml gaiwan you're putting 6g in?
Yeah that's about right
But 100g / $11 gives you 11¢ per gram so about 70¢ for a 100ml gaiwan. You dont want to buy a bigger gaiwan then that and that session will brew you about 1.5 litres of tea.
Maybe you misunderstood that you brew the same leaves in a gaiwan 6-12 times before discarding them and using new leaves.

>> No.18232795

> then you can get excellent quality specialty coffee for under a dollar a cup.
I think tea just comes in a much broader range. You can absolutely get great tea at </20¢/g but there are also teas at $1-$3+/g.
Dont think that <20¢/g tea is inferior or lesser, most of the more expensive tea is either prestige tea (tea with history/reputation/shortage and the Chinese market goes nuts) or certain teas which are stored for years where its exclusivity due to wastage and age is what largely what determines the price. There are exceptions though im too poor to know what they are

>> No.18232838

Yeah a lot of the really expensive teas get into Chinese gifting culture where the price is just as important as the quality. So they want the price high because it shows they can afford it and also makes it a more prestigious gift.

>> No.18232865

I just don't want to be drinking that much tea at a time which is why I've been calculating it "per session" not for volume of tea. Looking around now I'm seeing more cheap options though.
>I think tea just comes in a much broader range
Yeah that's for sure lol.

Is there a defacto best value tea e-shop?

>> No.18232872

pros and cons of a wide flat kyusu vs a bulbous one?

>> No.18232906

>I just don't want to be drinking that much tea at a time
Just brew western style and skip the gaiwan.
Get a finum brand brew basket for $10 or a similar stainless steel brew basket and brew in mugs. You only make one mug at a time and use 3-4 grams of tea.
Best cheap tea shop depends on what type of tea you want. For chinese yunnan sourcing is the safest cheapish shop, just get their cheaper teas. For indian teas and english breakfast style type stuff vahdam is the cheapest. If you just want regular black tea i would start with an assam or breakfast blend from them.
For Japanese green tea the daily sencha from o-cha is pretty damn cheap (and also good)
There are some cheaper sites like fullchea/health tea house for Chinese tea but they sell teas that suck so you have to have a feel for what is and isint safe to buy or get advice.
If you just want a bix box of nice regular Chinese black tea, less malty than western tea, you can get a box of this.

>> No.18232924

Wide an flat is needed for some of the weird pressed leaves teas the Japanese make sometimes because they are so long they wont fit in a regular round one. But its not a tea you will ever see unless you are digging for weird Japanese teas. It wont make any difference with regular sencha genmatcha bancha etc. I can't even find a picture on image search of the tea im thinking of.
Short and wide is easier to fill and empty. But the bulbous ones arent hard so its not a huge difference.
The wider ones spread out the heat more and cool off faster/cool the water in the pot faster than the bulbous ones.
I would say differences exist but they are mostly very minor and its mostly a personal preference thing.

>> No.18233017

Do you anons ever yearn for a fairly dank taste in your tea (beyond "HK storage")? I'm not sure why, but I had only two infusions of some shou overnight, and just left it in the open to drink the next morning. Was already a bit humidity-affected, now more dank due to being infused prior and left for half a day. I wouldn't even say it is great, but I kind of want this mildly fucked flavor today for some reason.

>> No.18233090

Yeah i like skanky shu sometimes. I usually go for something pre 2017 or so from xiagaun, the skank hits just right.

>> No.18233313

>You guys are spending 7 or 8 dollars per session of tea?
no most of my tea sessions are only 80¢ to $1.20 and i use a lot of tea.

>But no generally none of us buy tea costs $7 per session.
i have never even had tea that expensive yet.

>most anons buy tea that is priced between 8¢ and 20¢ per gram.
this is correct. 10¢/g is my personal baseline price for most teas i buy.

>Is there a defacto best value tea e-shop?
not really, tea is so broad no one shop carries everything. most of us shop around and use different shops for different teas.

>> No.18233396

Not at all. I think the most expensive tea (by $/g) I ever bought was a high quality liu bao sampler, and even that was not costly.
I don't recall if it was $9 or less, but at the current price of $9, that is still only $0.18/g. Shipping not included, but the weight of 50g would only slightly affect the total price. Round it up to $0.20, and say I use 6g/session, that is only $1.20 for a high quality liu bao I could infuse many times. Most of my stuff is probably half that or less, and I maximize use by coldbrewing all my spent leaves. Fullchea has some discount gems if you shop carefully, and Chawangshop has some solid offerings too (best if just under 2kg due to costly shipping, but still good). I think hype needlessly increases costs in western markets, so I'd argue ordering from vendors with less 'flashy' or vague marketing is an easy way to get decent leaf without paying too much of a premium.

On that topic, if you want some good products without paying too much, there are some good medium cost white cakes on Fullchea that are absolutely lovely. Also highly recommend the reds or anything from Bada region from Chawangshop, as well as their handmade teaware.

>> No.18233434

>i have it in the ground a zone colder then they say it should be.
What zone are you in? I want to grow tea but I live in the north.

>> No.18233460

is it worth it buying from a foreign site if I'm in the EU? the shipping costs + paying VAT and customs sounds like not the greatest deal. probably better to just find a decent local online store, right?

>> No.18233532

Is the "King of Duck Shit Aroma" oolong a meme or is it actually good?

>> No.18233543

Probably depends on your local tax rates or if they can be skirted or not, but if VAT/customs are harsh, maybe Moychay NL would be a good choice. Very cheap minimums for free shipping in NL, and decent free shipping minimums in EU countries. 50 euros NL, 75 euros EU. Selections seem decent, plus you can get teaware if you want as well.

>> No.18233561

>What zone are you in?
Im in a 6b zone but im 200 feet from the ocean which means temperature is a bit more moderate than it is further inland
Unless they have updated the map again since them

>> No.18233581

It depends. Eu retailers are easily the most expensive and for some teas there markup is so high its still better to import. A few stores sell though aliexpress and then ali automatically does the VAT form and calculates and charges it when you order so you know exactly how much it will cost and won't get a letter from customs saying they need import duties before you can get your package.
Unfortunately the EU section of vendors in the pastebin is the least filled out right now. Hotsoup.nl seems popular.
For finding vendors look for ones that give the year of harvest for each tea they sell. Generally ones that don't tell you when a tea was harvested will be selling older tea.

>> No.18233586

Dancong oolong is good. I don't think i would specifically go after king of duxk shit instead of one of the other dan cong varietals.
Dan cong is very aromatic and floral

>> No.18233927

redpill me on Dong Ding oolong - based or cringe?

>> No.18233957

Sadly, I am more of a zone 5 kind of guy. When I have more time I may see if i can find another more cold tolerant camellia species that is still edible to try and make "tea" from.

>> No.18234120
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found a nice sutherland 1950s at car boot sale today, worth getting up at 7am for & cost 50p!!

>> No.18234143

Lovely inner details and unique petal shaping of the cup itself. Quite the neat little find, anon. Anything else catch your eye when going about these sales, or usually just hunting for teaware? We haven't any such community markets nearby, so it has been many years since I've been to anything like that.

>> No.18234147

Nice m8. The guilding is still in good nick.

>> No.18234148
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Also this thing, I don't know much about teapots but it's deffo bone china

>> No.18234149
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hallmarks of both

>> No.18234157

Holy shit brewing tea well is so much easier than brewing coffee

>> No.18234163
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>Anon just casually saves a unique mini Japanese teapot for after.
You lucky bastard you. Nice finds, no wonder you hit those weekend sales.
Cheaper, easier, and more comfy. Welcome to the club.

>> No.18234202

i'm glad you like it, its also funny seeing the reactions of old ladies at these events as i'm asking them about their china, its not something they expect out of a mid 20's incel scrote and they probably think i'm insane

not sure how I'm going to remake the handle on this, seems like a lot of handles are rattan so maybe i can buy cheap ones and boil them into a curve, thread whip on circles for the inlay, we'll see

>> No.18234230

Sounds like a fun DIY mini project. Could work out and be theme-appropriate. Could also try something like a thin leather strap and braiding it. Maybe even dying either the rattan or leather to add your own spin on it. Whatever you do, consider posting your results so we can admire the finished piece together.

>> No.18234248

Yup just had my first gong-fu sesion. Playing with extraction was very intuitive to me and I was able to find the sweet spot quickly. I can definitely see myself diving deep into tea but I don't think it can replace coffee. I do think they can compliment each other nicely and coexist on my bar though.

If I were you, I would keep an open mind to coffee too. Admittedly the learning curve is steep but it's also incredibly rewarding. The absolute state of elation you feel when you finally get an amazing brew out of a difficult roast you've been struggling with is an incredible feeling. If you ever want to switch it up, definitely go for it.

>> No.18234331

Not that anon but i have my wife making pourover in the morning with fresh roasted beans.
I ended up switching over to tea entirely a few years ago, coffee makes me jittery. I can chug tea all day without getting too twitchy.
I sure do miss working at a coffe shop and getting to pull shots all day for myself.
I think lots of /tea/ posters either are actively into coffee or at least appreciate a good cup.

>> No.18234360

Excellent to see it went well. I think I saw you post about it not too long ago. What did you drink anyway, and what tea do you want to try next?
>If I were you, I would keep an open mind to coffee too. Admittedly the learning curve is steep but it's also incredibly rewarding.
Memes aside, I did consider diving into coffee, but it was a bit overwhelming to consider costs to entry, vendors, seed freshness, and so on. I missed a notable sale for some gear, and so I just put it off. At least there are some considerate anons who could help me out if I decide to dive into it in the future. I do have a cool idea for making my own pourover dripper that I may try for fun if I can find my tools, wherever they are. Maybe if I like it enough, I will commit to the full thing, but at least we can all enjoy some good tea and teaware together.

>> No.18234427

I don't fully understand the /tea/ demographic yet but I agree, I think a lot of tea enthusiasts would also really enjoy a light roast Kenyan/Ethiopian pourover
I brewed some baihao yinzhen, it was very floral and sweet but admittedly lacking in body so I'll try to up the dose tomorrow. The funny part is though that your meme is actually pretty accurate. Coffeefags actually say shit like that but these days thanks to some disruptive chinese brands, a respectable setup with a handgrinder can be had for around $250. I would say ask /ctg/ any questions you might have but these days it's literally just shitflinging and retarded esoteric memeing.

>> No.18234435

How cheap is too cheap for gyokuro lol

>> No.18234473

It was only a few short years ago when the only decent handgrinders were the ones those guys made in their garage that cost $400 or whatever. Its awesome that you can finally get some affordable equipment even if it is basically knockoffs of other designs.

>> No.18234575

I don't know. Its really depends on who is selling it

>> No.18234600

have any of you ever ordered from camellia-sinsensis?

>> No.18234630
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Can anyone identify what kind of tea this is? I think it's a low grade longjing but I can't tell.

>> No.18234645

So I set up a little tea stall at a local farmers market. I sold re-packaged bulk tea to old women. Sold around $300 worth in 2days, kinda shit. Many people asked me for scented tea so I'm going to bring that next time, probably next week

>> No.18234938

>I think it's a low grade longjing
Me too

>> No.18235590

Is 'tea drunk' a real thing?

>> No.18235874

I'd say yes and no. That is, you can be deeply relaxed and in a sort of meditative state when drinking good tea mindfully. Maybe a chipper mood. However, 'drunk' as in inebriated or high? Not unless it's laced.

>> No.18235956
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Worth 20 bugs incl shipping? It says Zavarka handpainted Russia, 400ml

>> No.18235999
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pretty cool, has a nice folk character to it. when it comes to russian ceramics, I also like all the blinged-out porcelain from Petersburg, could make you feel like an oligarch

>> No.18236021

That looks nice too. A bit too blinged out for my taste though. I like the more simple folk styled ceramics better.

>> No.18236036

Russian wiki say it's psychoactive, but English one don't.

>> No.18236088 [DELETED] 

It is true that there are psychoactive compounds in tea. Notably, caffeine and L-theanine; a stimulant and an anxiolytic respectively. You'll have rises in dopamine and adrenaline, while receiving anxiolytic calming/focus benefits. So, it does have some effects, but the amount is not significant enough to cause such rumored 'drunkenness' alone like plain drugs, even if you may have an improved mood or sense of relaxation. That is, you can be supremely relaxed and lax, but it is your frame of mind and attention during consumption that works in tandem to lead you to that state. You acquire more of that by taking my time to smell and fully inhale, to feel the texture, to sense the tastes and so on mindfully; meditation in a way, just like monks have done historically.

>> No.18236091

It is true that there are psychoactive compounds in tea. Notably, caffeine and L-theanine; a stimulant and an anxiolytic respectively. You'll have rises in dopamine and adrenaline, while receiving anxiolytic calming/focus benefits. So, it does have some effects, but the amount is not significant enough to cause such rumored 'drunkenness' alone like plain drugs, even if you may have an improved mood or sense of relaxation. That is, you can be supremely relaxed and lax, but it is your frame of mind and attention during consumption that works in tandem to lead you to that state. You acquire more of that by taking the time to smell and fully inhale, to feel the texture, to sense the tastes and so on mindfully. It is meditation in a way, just like monks have done historically.

>> No.18236140

anecdotally, i can feel a slight change in perception when i take theanine. i dunno the levels present in a cup of tea, but i might take 200 mg of theanine in one go, and there is a really mild calming effect. practically nothing, maybe like half of what a beer would.

>> No.18236161

Tea outright doesn't have much. Doesn't mean it does nothing, but isolated L-theanine is quite superior due to being able to take substantially more than you would feasibly have in a typical tea session.

>> No.18236181
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for me, it's the basic bitch choice from Rosenthal

>> No.18236339

what are your thoughts on ice brew tea AKA Kōridashi?

>> No.18236372
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Does yerba mate cause cancer?

>> No.18236380

Hot mate. Well, like any other hot beverage.

>> No.18236415

if you smoke while drinking it, yeah - just like any other hot drink
other than that, yerba mate has some carcinnogens from the smoking process, but not more than stuff like coffee or bacon really, so it's very unlikely to do anything
and there are also unsmoked varieties out there (Kraus is the most popular brand I think), if you're concerned about that (though then you should also be concerned about coffee and many other things)

>> No.18236445
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>> No.18236576

I’ve only ever tried one, but I really enjoyed it. I think it was a competition grade dong ding from Taiwan sourcing. It was really good though, it had a lovely toasty flavor, sort of like houjicha but much better and more complex.

>> No.18237380

We had a poster do it a few weeks ago.
It looked really cool, the tea was super thick. He said it was good but is it worth the extra effort? Fun to try but probably something you wouldn't do very often

>> No.18237661
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Well my tea samples arrived, haven't tried them all yet, figured I would work my way through the blends the onto the pure teas.

>> No.18237709
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This is the breakfast blend, tastes alright, not bad in the morning but seems a little to heavy handed flavor wise for anything other than waking up.

>> No.18237723

Mind selling me on the leaf water? I don't get it.

It smells alright sometimes I guess but it's just bitter water to me. If anything, it dries out my mouth more than it ever refreshes me.

>> No.18237745

have you tried drinking good tea for once and not some cheap teabagged stale shit?
tea can be very flavorful and not bitter at all

>> No.18237777

I'm willing to give it a chance, but I seek guidance. What is it I need to buy?

>> No.18237826

Nice cup anon

>> No.18237839
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You in the us?
Cheapest way to get started is a finum brew basket, a mug, hot water and tea leaves.
Buy 100g of this tea
Scoop a spoonful into the brew basket, add boiled water, wait 4 minutes and enjoy sweet flavorfull tea without excessive tannins and bitterness like english breakfast or teabags.
If you live somewhere else i can suggest som different shops but you should be able to find those finum brew baskets all over usa and europe on Amazon/ebay/shops like that.
Don't use those little tea balls they don't have enough room for the leaves to expand and they will make a weak cup of tea.

>> No.18238082
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I really like it myself, it does cool down rather quickly though.

>> No.18238332

>seems a little to heavy handed flavor wise
Breakfast blend is meant to be had with food, no? I thought this was kind of the point.

>> No.18238343

And its supposed to stand up to having milk and sugar added to it and still taste like mote than sweet milk

>> No.18238427
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Yea that's very true but I'm used to sencha and matcha so it's a little much for my tastes.
That being said I'm glad I got sample packs to try stuff I normally don't drink.

>> No.18238589

Anyone know where to get decent masala chai in the UK?

>> No.18238618

See if https://what-cha.com sells any

>> No.18238619

Or see if vahdam sells locally or ships to the UK

>> No.18238881
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Trying genmaica, It smells something fierce just brewing. Ok ya. It smells like some weird rubber shit. I heard sencha's processing is quite, unique.

>> No.18238898

is green tea good

>> No.18238900
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it smells like popcorn to me (:

>> No.18238916

I don't know man. I have topinch my nose to drink this. The actual flavor is ok, but the smell is so strong. It's like grass + burning rubber. It's so surreal, I get imagines of bicycling and elementary school yards.

>> No.18238933

The other anon back then made me curious so i tried it too, with gyokuro. We had a heat wave over here at the time so it was very welcome.
It creates a super thick, viscous, syrupy brew, which was quite interesting to go with such a seaweedy flavour. I'm personally used to this amount of viscosity only in stuff like in puerh tangerines, and even then I'd argue that this ice brew was even thicker. If you're looking to get a cold drink quickly, I wouldn't recommend it. It takes 2-3 hours to fully melt. However, I enjoyed putting the pot I was melting my brew in in the middle of a table while doing other things and checking back occasionally. The gyokuro leaves eventually started filling with the molten ice, some of them standing up to make a beautiful little forest at the bottom of the pot. It's fun to appreciate how the 'ecosystem' of this pot of ice and tea changes a bit every time you look at it, and eventually, you'll have your super thick cold brew. I also tried it with bancha, which gave a less seaweedy and more grassy flavor.
I can definitely recommend at least giving it a try.

>> No.18238937

it's the kind of thing I wouldn't mind drinking if it was offered to me, but would never buy for myself.

>> No.18238964

Asians sure know how to relax don't they. I wish i could learn a thing or two from them

>> No.18238974
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The Tao does not discriminate.

>> No.18239554

Where do I get those cool puer stands and teaware shelves tea stores have? I'm in the mood to consoom.

>> No.18239721

Soulful furniture

>> No.18239766

It isn't a bad main living room, I like it but I'm always worried I'll damage the wood with a wet cup and I'm reticent to put them on the thing the hummingbird is on because my grandma made it shortly before she died.

>> No.18239789

Considered getting a tray? Small and thin plastic one, or a gong fu spill tray, whatever fits your fancy. Then you won't have any stress about such things while drinking tea.

>> No.18239808

I hadnt thought about that desu, maybe I should though.

>> No.18240067

I can't stop putting milk and sugar in my tea

>> No.18240113

And put a towel underneath so the wood won't get damaged.

>> No.18240533

So every morning I put 3 cups of hot water and 2 teaspoons of green tea in a teapot and occasionally pour myself cups throughout the day. Can this fuck up my health in any way? I read that chinese teas have a lot of heavy metals and it's not recommended to steep them too long.

>> No.18240538

How can you be that old and still have acne? Is it the gutter oil?

>> No.18240625

>Where do I get those cool puer stands and teaware shelves tea stores have? I'm in the mood to consoom.
This thrid listing is the most common design i see
Not sure what shelfs you are talking about, can you post a picture?

>> No.18240644

>So every morning I put 3 cups of hot water and 2 teaspoons of green tea in a teapot and occasionally pour myself cups throughout the day. Can this fuck up my health in any way?
Nah its fine
The people that have gotten sick from tea brew an entire 100 box of the cheapest black teabags in a pitcher and drink the whole thing everyday, and it stll took them over a decade to have serious health issues.
If you are concerned about the health of chimese tea buy boxes of tea from the large factories Chinese tea factories since they will have some standards of health and safety enforced.

>> No.18241199
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first time order from YS, been missing some good green oolongs and younger raws. Thoughts? why do they have som many random bogo offers and that

>> No.18241215

That tgy might be the best oolong they carry. Explosion of fruit, especially green apple. Can't speak for the pu'er but you'll have at least 50g of excellent cha.

>> No.18241385
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New box to drink with mint from the garden :)

>> No.18241445

Like the one in the OP.

>> No.18241492

I only like black tea. Am I in the wrong?

>> No.18241522

maybe you just haven't had a good green / oolong / pu-erh? I think in the west decent black tea is easy to find, but with other types of tea it's much harder

>> No.18241962

Okay i looked at the puer cakes, they fine, worst case you might have yo keep that purple cake around for a year to mellow out some if it shows up way too bitter for you.
The jinggu cake sounds nice, should be fine as a young tea.
Any questions/ concerns about puer? Teas youve had before? Flavor profiles or regions you like?

>> No.18241968

>Like the one in the OP.
Oh good question, does pier 1 imports still exist?

>> No.18242604


>> No.18242664

But they do
No idea if these prices are any good, i haven't bought any decorative shelves lately

>> No.18242709

That's strange, after the declared bankruptcy last time all their stores in my state closed.

Honestly I would probably just buy from AliExpress or something like that for something like that.

>> No.18242735

his arms get smaller everytime i see this lmao

>> No.18242787

should I buy some basic cheap Keemun, or is it worth paying way more for the more expensive stuff?

>> No.18242831

>Honestly I would probably just buy from AliExpress or something like that for something like that.
Yeah i probably would too

>> No.18242837

Cheap stuff should be fine. Where are you looking m how much more is the fancy stuff?

>> No.18242874
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Rohini estate first flush Darjeeling
Tastes very floral with stonefruit on the back, very pleasant imo.

>> No.18242907

First flush darj is interesting. Last batch i bought i thought they accidentally sold me green tea. But im not sure of that's representative or if it was just a weird batch

>> No.18242967

>Where are you looking
local online store cause shipping to the EU can be a bitch with the customs and all that
>how much more is the fancy stuff
several times the price, actually. the cheapest one is still from Anhui and orange pekoe though, so sounds good enough to me tbqh

>> No.18242991

nah it's pretty typical, fist flush darjeeling is much more delicate than most black teas, doesn't really taste like a typical black tea at all

>> No.18242995
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Update: decaffeinated tea is flavorless and a total scam. Clearly the liquid CO2 extracts too much from them or the caffeine is the key to flavortown. I'll try like 30 minute steep I guess, but I have zero hope.

>> No.18243038
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i have a cake of the older 400g pressing of "spring morning" that i quite like. though i have not had any of the other teas on your list. would love to hear your notes on them especially the purple sheng.

>should I buy some basic cheap Keemun, or is it worth paying way more for the more expensive stuff?
i want to try some of the fancy higher Keemun intended more for the domestic market and not imitations of old export teas. i was planing on buying this but they owners retired.

>> No.18243044
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Do those late night tea things actually work? Im a really stressed out person and I get super hyper when I get off work as I work closing shift.

>> No.18243064

>the cheapest one is still from Anhui and orange pekoe though, so sounds good enough to me tbqh
Yeah, i wouldn't spend extra in that case

>> No.18243071

Well it was worth a shot.
Funny story the liquid c02 extraction technique they use to decaffeinate tea is the exact same processe used to make modern hash oil from marijuana

>> No.18243100

Yeah its too bad tea trekker closed. I went to their physical store about a decade ago when i was visiting friends and at the time i had no idea how good that place was. I wish i had known as much about tea as i do know

>> No.18243125

>Late night tea things
Would you clarify what you're referring to and what you wish to achieve with them?

>> No.18243138

Chamomile, sleepy time teas that sort of thing, they help.
This brand yogi makes a kava stress relief tea which really works

>> No.18243143

Or buy some powdered instant kava tea

>> No.18243269

20 minute steep made it acceptable. 2/5 I guess. If you want a late night tea it works.

>> No.18243280

No, but I want to. I want to try their New Vithanakande. What are you looking at?

>> No.18243306

My teacup is from the cobalt net line. It's so thin and light, it really enhances the experience. I can't go back to using heavy mugs. Only flaw is you're not supposed to microwave it.

>> No.18243364
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Is that hand-painted too? Just the empty cup looks like a wiffle ball cut in half. But the way it illuminates the tea while still having a solid porcelain background makes me want one.

>> No.18243388

It basically isn't black tea but they call it that anyways because it's processed by the same machines. Oolong would imply it's wok-fired or rolled into balls, which it isn't. Semantics aside, the important thing is it's only half oxidized.

>> No.18243604

Yea it is otherwise they figured out a way to replicate the lack of perfection by hand painting.

>> No.18244423

Do Chinese people make herbal teas gongfu style?

>> No.18244447

Im this anon>>18243044
I tried it but I rarely make tea and I had the tea bag in for 5 minutes and all I got was nothing with flavor.

>> No.18244534

Are 999 silver teapots a meme?

>> No.18245407

obviously. what do you think brewing in silver is gonna achieve, aside from maybe giving you that silver overdose disease that makes you turn blue?

>> No.18245756

It adds light to your brew dude

>> No.18245831
File: 28 KB, 495x900, 1651725325993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOOOO you can't just brew tea however you like You have to have 8 different teapots for every kind of tea !!!!

>> No.18245977

Who even acts like this?
People recommend gaiwans because they're cheap and versatile.
Discord shills will act like min-maxing puar is the point of tea but don't listen to them

>> No.18245990

is there a point to ripe puer or is it just stinky nasty

>> No.18246119

I don't think anyone here believes this.

>> No.18246144

not him but guys have said multiple times not to brew different teas in a yixing/tokoname teapot

>> No.18246155

that's just because it's made from porous clay, so the flavor from the previous tea might stay in the teapot and interfere with whatever tea you brew in there later
if your teapot isn't porous you can brew anything in it

>> No.18246181

People using specific teapots for specific types of tea is entirely unrelated to thinking that you're required to use specific teapots for specific tea. Sometimes I weigh tea and check water temperature, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I just brew grandpa style. I've never heard anyone in this thread say that you need multiple teapots, or even a single teapot, to enjoy tea.

>> No.18246256 [DELETED] 
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>flavor from the previous tea might stay in the teapot and interfere with whatever tea you brew in there later

>> No.18246269

pretty much but instead of might I would say will

>> No.18246312 [DELETED] 
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>pretty much but instead of might I would say will

>> No.18246329


>> No.18246516


>> No.18246557

most shu pu erhs are just stinky earthy tea, yeah. the better ones have some nice sweetness to them though

>> No.18246591

is there just no way to know what you're getting aside from ordering samples?

>> No.18246617

What's the most lubricating kind of tea?

>> No.18246626

How do you stop over-extracting after 4-5ish gong fu flushes? Is lowering water temp all I can do when a 1 second brew is astringent?

>> No.18246800

They are cool if you are into that kind of thing. Make sure you get one with an insulated knob and handle. If it's all siver it will get hot and be annoying to pour

>> No.18246810

>I tried it but I rarely make tea and I had the tea bag in for 5 minutes and all I got was nothing with flavor.
The kava tea or the sleepy time tea?
With kava try brewing 10 minutes with cold water and squeeze the teabag out two or 3 times after brewing. For sleepytime tea using boiling water.
Its not going to work miracles but it should help some. Best combined with holistic changes like reducing stress, practicing good sleep hygene. Avoiding reading politics shit that makes you angry etc

>> No.18246821

>but guys have said multiple times not to brew different teas in a yixing/tokoname teapot
I have specifically said you can brew most things in the sane pot except you don't want to brew ripe puer and green tea or something like thwt in the same pot. Basically skanky teapot and a clean tea teapot. Very different from needing 5 different pots one for each tea

>> No.18246837

>is there just no way to know what you're getting aside from ordering samples?
Newer ripe is usually pretty clean, if you buy from w2t or other shops like that its going to be clean and have flavors of chocolate, baked goods woodyness that sort of thing. Older ripes from the big factories are usually more funky. Hong Kong or other wet storage has really earthy flavors.
But its always going to be an acquired taste and if you don't like it then don't waste tike trying to make yourself like it. There is plenty of good tea out there that doesn't taste like dirt.

>> No.18246844

>Is lowering water temp all I can do when a 1 second brew is astringent?
Yes, or use less tea. I have sever teas where i have to use 2-3 grams less than the usual suggested amounts to keep it from getting too strong. So i would try less tea first, then if that doesn't work go down to 90°c or so for temps

>> No.18246911

I thought it was the opposite, that the wet pile flavor goes away with age and is most strong when the tea is new?

>> No.18247011

Wet pile flavor does tend to diminish over time, especially in the fermented tea is storee loose leaf. But it also has to do with the quality of the fermentation, a well fermented batch of tea will have significantly less wet pile taste to start with. Also once the tea is pressed it really needs wet storage for the wet pile taste to seriously diminish.
For example i bought a few tuos of xiaguan ripes about 4 years ago. They were pressed in 2010 and had been stored in Guangzhou since then, they were incredibly fishy. Ive had much younger ripe from some of the boutique guys that had way less funk overall.
I guess the factory that is usually safe to buy is dayi taetea, they are the masters of fermentation and their tea is usually very clean tasting.
Whhen say old factory tea is more funky i was trying to say that fermentation these days is much cleaner tasting than it used to be a decade ago. Because they have improved the process and execute it more consistently.

>> No.18247161

Related, is there a practical way to reduce the flavor contamination from ice? For some reason it never bothered me with iced coffee but with iced tea it does.
I'm guessing purified water frozen in a sealed container would be the best.

>> No.18247168

Yeah freeze filtered water. If you have an ice dispenser on your fridge you might be able to just replace the water filter in it

>> No.18247180

Dem digits.
I remember getting scared from a story about somebody getting cobalt poisoning from tea but then they described the brewing ("brewing") method and it was basically that, hundreds of tea bags used for God knows how long in a pitcher like some sort of reverse Brita filter. The flavor and the mold would probably kill me before the heavy metals.

>> No.18247188

>The virgin decaffeinated tea vs. the chad Hōjicha

>> No.18247281

Yeah exactly. As long as you are dumping an box of 200 teabags in a pitcher and "brewing" it daily. Or buying tea made specifically for tibetan peasants by the kilo and boiling it for hours you aren't going to have any issues

>> No.18247392

That doesn't mean you need multiple pots, it means if you want to hyper-specialize get a special pot.
You can do most kitchen work with a chefs knife, if you want to cut bread nicer you might want a bread knife, but I wouldn't use a bread knife to fillet a fish.
You can brew most tea with a gaiwan, if you want to brew sencha you might want a tokoname, but I wouldn't use a tokoname to brew pu'erh.
Same thing.

>> No.18247431

Hi that was me, don't have the pictures on hand but it's practically syrup when you do it.
I don't think it's worth doing in the slightest, but it's probably something you should do once just to experience it since it's so unique.
Do it with a sencha you really like because it is going to stain your tokoname a decent bit more than just hot brewing. otherwise do it in a glazed.

>> No.18247482

wide and flat = more surface area on leafs on contact with water, faster cooling, better for more sensitive sencha
bulbous = more heat retention, cheaper per volume
Honestly I find flats always more desirable but they get insanely expensive past 150 ml

>> No.18247509

Espressofag here, do I really need to buy all this equipment for good Japanese green tea?

>> No.18247542

nope. only thing you really need is a standard-issue milk handheld frothing apparatus. if you don't have that, you might as well buy a chasen I guess
the bowl can be replaced by any other container and the spoon is just a fucking spoon

the whole matcha ceremony is an interesting ritual / performance art, but you definitely don't need all the equipment to brew matcha at home

>> No.18247565

Any recs on where to buy the leaves from/what to look for?

>> No.18247718

Just bought my first tokoname kyusu, what am I in for?

>> No.18247739

Also what's an aesthetic way to store tea? I'm kind of over the random bags everywhere look

>> No.18247744

>Any recs on where to buy the leaves from/what to look for?
For macha any of the Japanese vendors in the pastebin or there are at least a few Japanese specialty tea shops in each region, there is one in Germany or Switzerland in the pastebin IIRC.
For other teas you don't have to be so anon about it but the matcha in the supermarket or on amazon or whatever e commerce platform is gross
Just use whatever bowl/ cup you want, and you can buy one of those cheap wizzy milk frothers that use a AA battery for a few dollars or even just a little stainless whisk, it doesn't really matter at all.

>> No.18247751
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Random bags in a cardboard box is what i do.
You can buy double lided tea storage tins that are good but you have to make sure they are actually airtight, some of the cheaper ones aren't.

>> No.18247772

You could look for a chazatsu if you're willing to spend more for something traditional. They're generally copper or wood on the outside.

>> No.18247781
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Got this as a BOGO deal from YS. The silicone seal smells perfumey and gross and ruins tea flavor and aroma. I'm disappointed. Is there anything to deodorize this shit? Was about to buy some denture cleaner.

>> No.18247800

That sucks, im assuming you have soaked it in soapy water?
Based on this I would try rubbing alcohol or citric acid aka coffe pot cleaner

>> No.18247823

Is there any real difference between a brew made in a 100ml gaiwan and a 100ml teapot?

>> No.18247826

Easier time with sencha, decent amplification of the seaweed taste, aesthetics.
Don't leave it dirty for over an hour it'll screw it up

>> No.18247834

Not really, assuming you brew for the same amount of time in both

>> No.18247846

den's tea hojigenmaicha is the best hojicha ive ever had, unless you count the hojicha ice cream i had in kyoto

>> No.18247856
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shilling this teapot, has the fattest basket to pot ratio i've encountered. plenty of room for 12g of bold as fuark oolong to expand in 450ml

>> No.18247861

Clay pots, I've thought about buying some. Expensive as fuck though, at least for anything worth owning.

>> No.18247875

cool table. Will try. Thanks.

>> No.18247877

Can I make powdered sencha the same way I make my matcha with a whisk?

>> No.18247895

I just bought https://www.amazon.com/Amoysanli-Porcelain-Removable-Stainless-Strainer/dp/B08RP1LC35/ref=mp_s_a_1_4
Which some anon recommended awhile ago. I went back to my 300ml gaiwan though.

>> No.18247898

I don't use the strainer that comes with it by the way.

>> No.18248003


>> No.18248233

It was chamomile tea bro.

>> No.18248237

Yeah, its not super powerful but it helps. Use more, do 2 tea bags instead of one

>> No.18248553

What's the best non-herbal/fruit tea for night consumption?

>> No.18248658
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Hojicha, the all stems version not the kind with lots of leaf shreds in it

>> No.18248682

How long is vacuum-sealed loose leaf green tea good for?

>> No.18248689

How did euros brew tea before baskets and tea leaf bags? If they just threw leaves in the pot, how did they filter them?

>> No.18248715


>> No.18248714

After a year its a little bland, after two years it just kind of depends on how it tastes when you open it. You might think its fine or you might not like it.
I mean if you buy looseleaf green from a random non specialty store or an asain market it's probably at least a few years old.

>> No.18248723
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They actually had a little mini strainer that they poured through when they were pouring the tea into the cups

>> No.18248753

What are your favorite yunomis?

>> No.18248774
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There are a couple south east asian stores on etsy that have Japanese antiques and you can find lots of cool ones on there.

>> No.18248806

Woah I found a karigane hojicha


>> No.18248812

How much tea do you drink a day brehs? I'm up to 6 cups, starting to think I need to cut back

>> No.18248817

Oh yeah, its kind of a werid thing to exist but it makese sense considering they sift all that out before grinding. It would be interesting to compare it to a much cheaper bancha tier hojica

>> No.18248828

I was at 2-3 litres but lately im at around 6-7 grams of leaf or about 1 liter or so.
You can go pretty hard with tea once you develop a tolerance. I mostly cut back to save money

>> No.18248834
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Here is a weird one for you /tea/
Korean pumkin tea, made with roasted pumpkin and nothing else.

>> No.18248853

It says it's called hobak cha in case you wanted to look deeper into it

>> No.18248923
File: 156 KB, 794x596, 1660796380155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people posting in this thread right nww who don't collect porcelain erotica

>> No.18248957

That's great, where do you find old teaware like this

>> No.18249779

I have a Bizen one that I like a lot. lots of great Hagi yunomis out there too

>> No.18249949

/tea/ experts strike again. some larper yt video and a photo of a WHISKY QUAICH with holes through it. btw DO NOT take any advice from this general as a consensus, cross examine with google searches, there's no really knowledgeable people here, me included.

now then, euros drank and still drink tea this way:
-put a small amount of ctc granulate/broken leaf in the glass. and I mean tall glass with a separate holder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podstakannik as to not burn the fingers
-pour boiled water over it
-add any of those: sugar, slice of lemon (with or without the rind), honey, fruit jelly (jam without the fruit pieces), fruit syrup
-no milk please, that's English way and they're not really Euros. their Te is not really Cha.
-stir (with the TEASPOON), wait for the dregs to fall to the bottom, drink
-no resteeps, you put the amount of material for one steep.
same with the teapot, you pour out into small ceramic cups until you hit the leaf layer at the bottom. teapot is for guests or when auntie comes to visit. you serve dry sugary cookies with it. it's after a meal sit and chat type of thing.
hope that clears up some american confusion itt.

>> No.18249967

Could you link that cup store? Really like those, almost look Persian.

>> No.18250246

burgerbros where do you buy your tea

>> No.18250323 [DELETED] 

Ordered a mystery coup of tangpin and they sent me a cup that looks like it has been jizzed on.

>> No.18250332

Ordered a mystery cup from tangpin and they sent me a cup that looks like it has been jizzed on.

>> No.18250378

>Cheaper, easier, and more comfy. Welcome to the club.
tea is low skill immersion so the floor is going to be higher and the ceiling lower than something like espresso that uses pressurized percolation

>> No.18250952

Japanese from Ippodo and O-Cha
Chinese loose leaf from YunnanSourcing
Western from Upton (Or Vahdam, but their shipping is more annoying)
Chai from Vahdam
I'm not going to get into Pu'erh because I know 5 people will reply recommending a different store

>> No.18251168
File: 180 KB, 1280x1643, grandpa style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what teas are best for brewing grandpa style, aside from Long Jing?

>> No.18251198

How do you not end up drinking the leaves

>> No.18251214

if you have big leaves like with long jing, it's easy to just filter them out with your teeth. most of the leaves also tend to go down to the bottom after some time, so it's not a big issue

>> No.18251235

The harvest date was summer 2021...I ordered it and vacuum sealed it myself after portioning them out.

>> No.18251428

>where do you find old teaware like this
Ebay etsy
Just remember Chinese antiques aren't real, the ones you see for sale in the west are all reproductions, some of them might still be worth the price but take that into consideration when shopping.
Chinese antiques have massive domestic demand and are worth $$$ so they are sold to Chinese people on Chinese websites

>> No.18251543
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Here is that chinese erotica lidded bowl if someone wants it

>> No.18251559

Try it, if its good drink it

>> No.18251602

I think it was this shop, i don't see it listed anymore :(

>> No.18251616

Aldis black tea is pretty good

>> No.18251833

Nothing at Aldi is pretty good.

>> No.18251924
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What do you guys eat with tea?

>> No.18252152


>> No.18252247

>How do you not end up drinking the leaves
They sink

>> No.18252255

>what teas are best for brewing grandpa style, aside from Long Jing?
Liubao, ripe puer, other heicha, aged raw puer

>> No.18252284

>what teas are best for brewing grandpa style, aside from Long Jing?
Any medium to high roasted oolong, aged oolong,

>> No.18252544

I agree. It's not going to take /tea/ by storm but I like it more than any other supermarket black tea.
>Luv me Benner's. Simple as.

>> No.18252562

>the floor is going to be higher and the ceiling lower
Just because (American) normies prefer coffee doesn't mean it's actually easier. Even a Keurig isn't easier than putting a bag into boiling water.
>not sure if Keurig counts because it can also make tea anyway
Also the skill ceiling is Japanese tea ceremonies so good luck.

>> No.18252573

Tea ceremonies are pageantry, they have very little bearing on the tea tasting good or not

>> No.18252579
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>> No.18252584

call him frankustein

>> No.18252589

Then I'll move the goalposts and say competition matcha.

>> No.18252799

Anyway i want to eat tea.
What is the best tea to eat and how should i prepare it?

>> No.18252821

Culinary matcha powder.
I've heard eating black tea is bad for you, not sure if it's true though.

>> No.18252835

I want to eat tea leaves not tea powder

>> No.18252875

Longjing is probably what I'd go for, it's good in salads and stuff. Sencha is all fucked up from rolling, heavily processed teas probably wouldn't be that good. I snack on longjing some times as I brew it, they're pretty tasty. You can put them in salads, or stick them in an omellete, or eat them over rice.
There's also this, Yunnan cuisine that incorporates tea leaves

>> No.18252906

Cool video, thanks anon

>> No.18253114

>Long-term intake of boiled vtoryaks and tretyaks, as noted, affects health, especially on the kidneys, I myself have seen quite a few of them. No wonder the Chinese say that tea infused for more than 10 minutes loses its healing power, and more than 30 minutes it turns into poison.
I can imagine ingesting fuckhuge amounts of caffeine would negatively affect the kidneys, but what about the "brewed over 30 minutes" thing? Does that mean boiled for 30 minutes (jfc) or leaving the leaves in for 30 minutes?
As you can see, I am curious about chifir while also concerned.
> The arrival comes very quickly, but it is usually lubricated by poor health and even the fear of death through tachycardia and pulling pains in the heart. Only suicides put sugar in chifir. It is possible to end your life in this way, however, only with a deliberately weak heart

>> No.18253148

It seems like a meme that nobody bothers with except Siberian prisoners trying to catch a buzz.
No idea about brewing tea that long, i can't find that quote mentioned elsewhere with a cursory search.
There are a few teas that are simmered for a while, some Japanese fermented bancha, maybe Tibetan yak butter tea, it's at least simmered for 10 minutes or so.
But i wouldn't worry about it. Brewing or boiling tea longer just gives you a more complete extraction but it's not like brewing for 10 minutes is fine but then if you brew for 20 minutes you get a bunch of lead in your tea. Everything that is water soluble in tea will extract slowly over time

>> No.18253241

Is it a tea if I brew coffee beans in a gaiwan? Can I make gongfu coffee?

>> No.18253242

It's a tisane.

>> No.18253268

>Is it a tea if I brew coffee beans in a gaiwan?
>Can I make gongfu coffee?
This is basically cupping, I've done it, you need to grind coarser if you want to pour it out of the gaiwan and not have loads of grounds in your cup. You also need a good grinder if you don't want loads of fines. It's kinda neat, I'd recommend it if you drink coffee.

>> No.18253300
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What's the most obscure tea thing someone in this general owns?
A few people own tetsubins and there was a guy who commissioned Yixing from a studio. Does anyone own a chagama or piece of rongchang ware?

>> No.18253354
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I have an ugly vintage Taiwanese clay teapot from the 90s, apparently the two tone thing was a trend for a while, also the long lid skirts
Its not particularly exciting or well made

>> No.18253377
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I also have a modern yixing thats simple but nice, and a white "sheeps fat" porcelain pot.
Would recommend sheep fat / mutton fat porcelain if you see it, it has this awesome matte texture

>> No.18253448
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picrel was sold to me as "champagne oolong" but I've never seen oolong like this. Was there a mixup?

>> No.18253489
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How does it taste? It looks like a classic formosa oolong

>> No.18253514

I own a soviet samovar

>> No.18253516
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This is only made at one kiln in grorious Nippon, if that counts.

>> No.18253525 [DELETED] 
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If somone is bored a feels like digging this might be an old state factory chinese yixing, a particularly ugly one but still. You can find the old factory catalogs uploaded somewhere online if you dig through some of the old tea forums.
Don't buy it without finding some other info, it might just be junk. But the sculpting has a certain amount of quality to it and i know they did painted pots like this.

>> No.18253536
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Anybody have recommendations for herbal tea flavor combos, and where to source loose herbal teas? I'm thinking of making my own mixes but I'm not sure where to start, I just like experimenting.

>> No.18253546
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I make around a quart of oolong tea at a go and toss it in the fridge. Probably costs less than 50 cents a glass. Yes, I am from "the south."

>> No.18253592

not exactly sure how to describe the taste of tea without being circular

>> No.18253626

Longjing is pretty tasty, as that anon said. I think most Chinese greens are because of the nutty taste.
It is common for Japanese people to make rice with spent green tea leaves, mostly gyokuro. A salad also works. Some people make furikake with green tea bits in it.
Burmese people make a dish caled lahpet with pickled tea leaves. I don't know if you can use processed leaves or not.

The texture is cool. It's like an inverse arare pattern.

>> No.18253633

I've heard of people aging oolong in port barrels, but never this.

>> No.18253867

Why is it so hard to find nice glazed teapots? Every nice teapot I find is unglazed inside

>> No.18253906

Should I sample some menghai shou from the 1970s?

>> No.18254039

My favorite instant tea shop for Cardamom Chai (Swami chai) has been closed for months now. I've been trying to get by on Chaayos, but every sip makes me regret buying the box. Please recommend a good alternative for daily use.

>> No.18254040
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I own this Bizen ware yunomi
I also have a set of yerba mate accessories - a bombilla straw, a cup made of palo santo wood and a can for storing mate

>> No.18254050

You sound like an autist

>> No.18254060

this seller has some nice glazed teapots:
I think Artistic Nippon also has some in the Hagi category

>> No.18254069

I mean, not gonna say no, but the question was about autistic obscure accessories, so that is to be expected

>> No.18254283

found that the culprit behind the sourness of my green oolong was actually the vessel i was pouring it in. it was a fake yixing with a crack in it and particles were mixing in with the tea. i switched to a different set, also fake, but at least the strangeness was gone. i'll purchase a genuine one someday.

also tried jasmine tea because i like its scent but it ends up tasting like medicine instead. and i'm still holding back the urge to drop in some sugar like i've done with teabags in the past. still got a long way to go before i can fully appreciate asian tea, i guess

>> No.18254325

Thanks, ill keep it bookmarked and check it occasionally

>> No.18254356
File: 122 KB, 1512x1512, TURQUOISE-TEACUP-SAUCER-SET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros i want it. Shah Abbas tea set.

>> No.18254400

He looks like a catboy~

>> No.18254989

>bought shincha early this summer
>still haven't finished it
I don't know why I don't like. I enjoy sencha and gyokuro.

>> No.18255005

could just be a cultivar you don't like.

>> No.18255034

The end stage for very tea drinker is grandpa style.

>> No.18255044

I've reached the point of advanced laziness where I make a koridashi that melts while I sleep.

>> No.18255048
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Why is sencha so fucking expensive? $30 for something I'm going to blow through in less than 2 weeks?

>> No.18255051

Superior nihongo leaves folded 10,000 times.

>> No.18255061

oaxalates in black tea can give you kidney stones

>> No.18255259

Most hagi is unglazed inside

>> No.18255303

I found a cum yunomi.

>> No.18255325

yeah, but you can find some glazed ones too
post it

>> No.18255335
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>> No.18255384
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This is the one i >>18250332 got. Looks a lot more jizz-like irl

>> No.18255410

What are you looking for exactly? I might be able to help find something

>> No.18255421

Instant tea?
Try this
Or if you just wanted regular chai teabags

>> No.18255429

Cool cup, those drips have some three dimensional shape to them huh.
I had seen those mystery cup listings before i was wondering what kind of stuff they would send

>> No.18255438

For me it's buying a full set of cum yunomis and innocently serving it to guests, pretending nothings amiss.

>> No.18255574

Why do you feel the need to lie about having guests?
We all know the truth.

>> No.18255608 [DELETED] 

textbook projection

>> No.18255624
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Seasoning from the semen adds sweetness and minerality

>> No.18255641

Tea is a gigantic fucking pain in the ass to make and Japanese labor is expensive. When I buy sheng puerh, I'm paying random Chinese peasants like $0.50 an hour. Japanese workers make ~$15 an hour. There's also very little domestic market for it, so especially the stuff you're going to reasonably see exported is a niche luxury product. Nips aren't dropping dosh on shincha, they're buying bottled tea from vending machines.

>> No.18255778

drinking some Jin Xuan oolong right now. still kind of a newbie, but holy shit, it's so good. the floral aroma, the sweetness, the buttery and milky taste, slight roasted notes... I've got to try more floral oolongs, man

>> No.18255799

Yeah the floral oolongs are crazy, some of them really fill the room with the aroma while brewing. I think Dan Cong oolongs are usually pretty good when it comes to floral character.

>> No.18255895

Anon pls I love your cup so much I doxed it, but all I can find are expensive, bad bootlegs for sale. Where'd you cop yours, which I can tell is legit? I'd kill for anything from the set but as a burger I'm finding it hard to order from their website and most things are out of stock.

>> No.18255963

I got mine here, shipping to burgertown was 36 shekels and took like 4 days.

>> No.18255965

not him, but they're available at:

>> No.18255985

Thank you for the fast reply, this was actually the seller I was planning to use if you didn't get back to me. They're the only people I've seen selling legitimate wares. The set is gorgeous.

>> No.18256008

>The set is gorgeous.
It is, I'm really glad I got it.

>> No.18256101

Thank you, this really made my week and I can't wait to hear back from them. And I'm not a regular in /tea/ so I promise it'll remain obscure. I'm going to stop spamming your lovely general now and go back to lurking, just want you guys to know I really appreciate the help.

>> No.18256132

The owner is very efficient, I first emailed him about it on Saturday night for me in a flyovers state and it was on my front porch by Wednesday afternoon.

>> No.18256253
File: 61 KB, 430x430, TANGPIN-coffee-tea-sets-ice-crack-ceramic-teapot-gaiwan-tea-cup-chinese-kung-fu-tea-sets.jpg_Q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had seen those mystery cup listings before i was wondering what kind of stuff they would send
Yeah its not actually a terrible cup after my initial reaction. It could just be a coincidence but i think they tried matching the colour with the gaiwan i ordered (which looks nice but is crap).
Cant complain for £10 and 3 week delivery.

>> No.18256336

>gaiwan i ordered (which looks nice but is crap)
why is it crap?

>> No.18256447
