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18230121 No.18230121 [Reply] [Original]

>stops meat eating chudcels from murdering another animal
Chudcels btfo

>> No.18230126
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I dont get the point of teaching farm animals to read and write before killing them. Capitalism has become really wasteful.

>> No.18230132

Hmm collectable farm animal trading cards..... not a bad idea, I think it might get kids more interested in eating meat.

>> No.18230135

Hearty kek.

>> No.18230136

I would eat Chloe, Zoe or Joey and not give even a half of a fuck.

Giggle giggle squeak.

>> No.18230142

This would unironically inspire me to eat even more meat than I do, and I'm on a strict carnivore diet already.

>> No.18230146


>> No.18230151

Why would this deter people from buying meat? If anything it would boost sales, because people don't like to see anything "human" die for nothing.

>> No.18230153

>letting someone else affect your behavior that easily

>> No.18230170

What can I say? Exercising man's God-given dominion over animals gives me a raging hard-on. I just can't help it.

>> No.18230181

>My name was Chloe
nah senpai

>> No.18230201
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Here's a rebuttal for you OP.
A) Humanity has eaten meat from various animals for millenniums. We require the protein, zinc, selenium, and several B vitamins that it contains to develop our bodies. While vegan alternatives exist, they are not suitable for children or you would need to consume additional supplements to hit the same amounts.
B) Any vegetarian who pushes an anti-meat diet is nothing more than a fascist that deserves a bullet to the skull. Same with carnivores that want to push their meat-only mindset onto vegans.
C) You're a trolling faggot and this thread should be purged.

>> No.18230249

How did they know its name was Chloe?

>> No.18230260

People have been murdering each other for crucial resources needed by society. Is murder okay?

>> No.18230267

>equating murder victims with cattle
You're the psychopath here, don't talk about morality.

>> No.18230273

Murder is defined as the illegal, premeditated killing of a human being. Were those killings illegal under the laws of the societies the killers were citizens of? If not, it isn't murder, and I highly doubt a society would illegalize the killing of enemies to preserve or take crucial resources.

>> No.18230281

They don't. I knew her. Her name was Moolissla McCattle and she would want you to eat of her body.

>> No.18230300

Do they not know that the cow is already dead?
Is this the power of vegan malnutrition?

>> No.18230303

Based Moolissla sacrificing her flesh for a greater good.

>> No.18230311

I misspelled her name somehow. Moolissa. Not Moolissla. I do hope she forgives this trangression.
Moolissa be with you.

>> No.18230314

You do know that shit like this only makes people want to buy and eat meat more right?
Are you retarded nigger?

>> No.18230316

>he doesn't go to a butcher that slaughters every cow when you make an order and discards all cuts of meat you don't buy
Don't tell me you're some kind of poorfag who buys the discarded scraps at the grocery store.

>> No.18230321

Moolissa be with us all, friend.

>> No.18230322

Same difference. Just growing cattle effectively requires massive genocide of local flora for generic flatland for grazing plains. It's a wasteful toxic industry honestly. Still eating beef by the way.

>> No.18230331

>don't buy meat
>cow magically resurrects itself

>> No.18230332
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>> No.18230335
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>> No.18230353

>I'm a special human, mommy said so

>> No.18230356

I literally cut the heads off chickens that have such a zest for life they tuck their heads into their bodies to avoid the killing machine. I hear the cries of the chickens, and I choose to ignore them.

>> No.18230359


>> No.18230360

>Ackshually it's not technically murder.
Is killing to gain resources moral? simple enough for you?

>> No.18230377

Higher brainpower means more electrical signals sent to the muscles, resulting in more tender meat at the time of slaughter

>> No.18230379

>humans aren't special, because... because they just aren't okay?

>> No.18230380

Yes and yes. My family/tribe is more important than your family/tribe. If you don't cooperate to help us survive it is morally correct to kill you in order to preserve the well-being/survival of those close to me.

>> No.18230388

Giving animals names is just as exploitative and human-centric as looking them for meat. More so, actually, since other animals will kill and eat each other but only humans name

>> No.18230391

Give a single reason why they are

>> No.18230392

>My family/tribe is more important than your family/tribe only according to you, and you don't actually matter more or less than anyone else

>> No.18230394

the only people that would be affected by that tactic are the week minded people that came up with it.

>> No.18230396

The mere existence of humanity is choking the planet; no other creature yields such power. Now prove why we aren't special.

>> No.18230415

>you don't actually matter more or less than anyone else
Not from my perspective. I matter more than everyone else, and by extension my family matters more than every other family. All other perspectives are irrelevant.

>> No.18230452

I can call you a retard no matter where you are in the World. Name another animal that can do that

>> No.18230462

Opposable thumbs. The ability to throw objects. The ability to make and use tools. The written word. Art. Civilisation… just small things like that. Apart from those very minor differences then yeah we’re basically monkeys.

>> No.18230465

fucking tiresome lololol

>> No.18230471

Meat eating is fine but dont forget you must tip your waitress at least and this is the minimum here, at least 20%
If you cant afford this, do not eat out

>> No.18230473

unfortunately back in the day it was their family or yours. humans need animal fats and proteins so its again, them or me

>> No.18230475

>week minded
I'm only Monday-through-Friday minded so I guess I'm safe here.

>> No.18230480

i only tip guys and if they cute

>> No.18230500
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>> No.18230530
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>> No.18230534

false equivalence
animals are different from people

>> No.18230538
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Cows don't name themselves, let alone possess concepts of ethics or morality. People anthropomorphize animals because they're too distanced with nature to understand how any of this works past what they were taught as toddlers.

>> No.18230544

I'm a bit on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm a meat minimalist. I eat, maybe, ⅔ of a pound of meat per week. Even so, that sign would not deter me at all from buying beef if I want some fucking beef.

Does anyone remember when PETA went about traumatising children, telling them that if their parents were meat eaters, their parents would eventually eat them?

>> No.18230559


>> No.18230585

>humans are actually capable of great projects and advancements in science such as building aqueducts and fucking rockets
>no bro we're not any more special than monkeys flinging shit in the jungle

I seriously hate being a green minded person sometimes because I'm associated with retards like you.

>> No.18230638

I think the bigger issue is factory farming, which is pretty inhumane, is an ecological nightmare, and the overuse of antibiotics is a ticking timebomb which will probably wipe us out if cl*mate ch*nge doesn't do it first

>> No.18230654

They're human and not animals

>> No.18230657

You can eat meat and still be against slaughtering animals without stunning them first.

>> No.18230781

>putting a sticker on food hoping to make an animal die in vain
vegans are legit retarded.
the very definition of the word retarded.

>> No.18230785

isn't it ironic that the only kids that are into collectible trading cards are only children?

>> No.18230799

your perspective is irrelevant to reality because time makes fools of us all.

>> No.18230804

I'd try to find one with my name like those coke bottles

>> No.18230819

You realize grasslands occur naturally right?