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File: 337 KB, 862x1452, whip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18228417 No.18228417 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18228421


>> No.18228422

they shoot them into a balloon and then inhale the nitrous gas to get high

>> No.18228424

Because they're too young to just go to the porn store, but not old enough to only be somewhat retarded.
Get medical grade and save yourself the aluminum coating for your respiratory system.

>> No.18228425

>oi, you got a loicense for that whip cream?

lamo, the bong nanny state strikes again

>> No.18228429


>> No.18228437

let me guess, it's some red state where some kid died and the mom had a shitfit, and the state passed this to make it look like they're tough on crime or some sheeit

>> No.18228445

>he's never experienced the blissful feeling of hippie crack

>> No.18228451

>State license

>> No.18228452

You've never done whippets? I bought a whipped cream maker just for it.

>> No.18228455

Doesn't actually make holes in your brain matter?

>> No.18228460

Nowadays what doesn't? MIght as well enjoy the ride.

>> No.18228463

gottem baby! it's that easy folx

>> No.18228470

>everything is bad for you lmao who cares what you do lmao just live it up bro we're all gonna die anyway lmao god doesn't exist so who cares lmao
take your nihilist shit and go back

>> No.18228477


>> No.18228482

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.18228486

Tiktok meme where they were cramming it up their ass then letting the cream loose. Whipped enemas they call it. They then squirt it out sometimes into someone's mouth

>> No.18228493

Porn has warped your brain

>> No.18228501

Intelligence is the number one cause of depression.

>> No.18228502 [DELETED] 

teenage mayo monkeys too stupid to use real drugs.

>> No.18228508

They had to do this in London because of braindead kids doing whippits. Technically the 2016 Psychoactive Substance Act made it illegal, but there was a loophole that let people buy it anyways. They're looking at a complete ban of nitrous oxide now.

>> No.18228510

>NOOOOO you can't make deranged jokes on my christian right-wing hugbox!
This isn't your containment board.

>> No.18228520

eat my asshole reddit faggot atheist

>> No.18228524

Jokes are usually funny.

>> No.18228540

Even deranged ones?

>> No.18228545

I bet you laugh at soyjaks.

>> No.18228551

it depletes your b12

>> No.18228552


>> No.18228554

>red state
New York lol

>> No.18228574

What's medical grade whipped cream?

>> No.18228577

I think he's referring to nitrous cartridges.

>> No.18228584

>ready whip

>> No.18228585

What blue shithole is this?

>> No.18228588

In HS, we used to buy 30 or 40 dollars worth then go to my friend's basement and huff them while listening to Megadeath.

>> No.18228655

>Since November of 2021, anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited from buying whipped cream cans.

Fucking kek I live in this shithole of a state and that went right by me

>> No.18228660

Probably the south like every other shit hole in America

>> No.18228666

If you look at the picture it's Hannaford which is a store in the northeast.
is correct.

>> No.18228735

>inhale the nitrous gas to get high
It's a wonderful high, you fall madly in love with the entire world, but it only lasts 20-30 seconds.

>>red state
>New York lol
Why you assume that? I see "Philadelphia Cheesecake", so I'd assume Pennsylvania.

>> No.18228749
File: 144 KB, 1195x692, l1Vef3L[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18228756

Still better then any southern city prove me wrong. Show me one nice southern red city. I'll wait

>> No.18228763

>Why you assume that? I see “Philadelphia Cheesecake", so I'd assume Pennsylvania.

My nigga had one too many whippets

>> No.18228764

>it's Hannaford which is a store in the northeast.
Where is this in the pic?

>is correct.
Unless it's a Hannaford in Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont or New Hampshire.

>> No.18228772

I did them like one time when I was drunk, this is bullshit

You just feel like you're about to pass out for 20 seconds it's fucking awful

>> No.18228775

>Intelligence is the number one cause of depression.
Not true. Intelligent people make depression their bitch. Slacker loser faggots that think they're smart act mopey when they're just stupid lazy self pitying fags.

>> No.18228788

>it's fucking awful
Yeah, dumbass, that's why people do it, they love that feeling.
The horrible buzz is also probably why it's called "laughing gas".

fucking retard

>> No.18228796

Laughing gas, hee hee, ha ha.
But this is no laughing matter.
Camera's ready, prepare the flash.

Green Velvet - 1995.

>> No.18228949

>theres an afterlife because...there just is ok?!?!

>> No.18228955

t. afraid to die

>> No.18228958

>you fall madly in love with the entire world, but it only lasts 20-30 seconds
damn that sucks, weed gives me that for 2-3 hours

>> No.18228962

That’s hedonism THOUGH

>> No.18228967

>get medical grade
Yes, just ask for it
>aluminum in your lungs
Ah yes, gaseous aluminum. You need to lay off the drugs, fag.

>> No.18228968

That's a national brand, I've seen it on the shelves in the middle of the fucking desert in Nevada.

>> No.18228973

Just go on amazon and order a box of whippets

>> No.18228976

Can you really just name your cheesecake after a major city in burgerland?

>> No.18228981

me and all my friends used to buy the actual cartridges and dispensers and do like 50 of them in a row
the first time is amazing and the best feeling you will ever feel in your life followed by
>I need another
>I need another!

luckily I moved away from those people and became a good old fashioned alcoholic

>> No.18229025

Yes; amusingly the brand isn't even from Philadelphia, but instead New York. Apparently back in the 1880s when the company was founded, the dairies around Philly had a good reputation, so the founder decided to slap the Philadelphia name on his cream cheese in a case of classic marketing deception.

>> No.18229124


>> No.18229169
File: 140 KB, 900x900, 72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that ecstacy that does that? Whippets can lead to psychosis, however. Just ask anyone from Yorkshire. Bunch of loopy cunts.

>> No.18229185

>medical grade whipped cream
Do amerifats really??

>> No.18229191

The Cranberry product near the bottom has a Hannaford brand icon, plus the sign is in a font frequently used by Hannaford. And they only just began to card customers for whipped cream last week.

>> No.18229192

Just say n2o

>> No.18229280

>I see "Philadelphia Cheesecake", so I'd assume Pennsylvania.
Dumbest post I've seen today

>> No.18229281

Philadelphia "cheese" is a brand and I'm pretty sure it's from New Yrok any way

>> No.18229423

This has to be some shitty religious red state that regulates everything. Nowhere else are you going to find kids buying fucking whipped cream cans for $5 a pop just to do like half a whippit.

>> No.18229459

I hadn't done whippets in years so I brought 60 of them thinking I'd just have a supply for ages, did one and just basically IMMEDIATELY went on a binge. It's like my body remembered exactly what to do and I was almost just watching my hands expertly crack the next one into the balloon so it's set up to exhale - few breaths of oxygen - inhale nitrous, and as I'm doing this I'm setting up the next one.

It was so degenerate I literally just sat in my car looking over my city and did 60 of them non stop.

>> No.18229503

>surely small solids cannot travel with gasses

>> No.18229559

It's called 'Hood' Whipped Cream for a reason

>> No.18229560

I'm so fat I'd buy a few cans of whipped cream just to have a snack after.

>> No.18229659

It’s just nitrous oxide. The same gas that the dentist uses when you get your wisdom teeth removed. Sure, other inhalants may do that, but whippets are for the most part safe. The only thing that might cause any bit of damage is the bit where you’re holding it in and depleting yourself of oxygen.

>> No.18229671

read the thread; it's New York.
Sorry reality doesn't conform to your biases.

>> No.18229685


>> No.18229701

NY is red as fuck outside of one little pocket.

>> No.18229733

yeah, the one little pocket that decides policy for the whole state. California is also red as fuck outside it's major urban centers.

>> No.18229818

No, Albany right up into Glens Falls is full of leftist scum these days to the point where I can't even find a doctor who isn't cucked. Clifton Park is particularly full of Dems.

>> No.18230106
File: 630 KB, 1888x1852, airhorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18230116
File: 24 KB, 600x602, 0c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what makes ambulance rides and healthcare in general so expensive

>> No.18230128

Yes...that's what makes it so expensive. Anyway, catch you later yank *calls ambulance and receives medical treatment for free under superior healthcare system*

>> No.18230148

>hippie crack
now that takes me back.

>> No.18230160

this but unironically

>> No.18230166

Who's poopin right now?

>> No.18230168

Yeah, but that one little pocket has 2/3 the senators and 2/3 the house. Don't even get me started on how they pass laws for the state that are clearly made for the city with only the city in mind.

>> No.18230172

But no top shelf whipped cream for the trip? Pathetic.

>> No.18230176

Demoralised goycattle everyone.....

>> No.18232161

>I see "Philadelphia Cheesecake", so I'd assume Pennsylvania.
bro you can buy that in fucking Leafland lol

>> No.18232189

>medical grade whipped cream

>> No.18232196

Hey mom, these whipped cream cannisters must be defective, I'll have to go get some more.
t. New York w/suspicious mom

>> No.18232215

The terrorists hate these cannisters,
I'll be out a bit mom, no worries.
t. friends making noise for each other so we can get out of being around family, ny

>> No.18232303

>"Philadelphia Cheesecake", so I'd assume Pennsylvania.
fucking kek

>> No.18232313

I assumed that would be obvious. I was clearly mistaken.
>Yes, just ask around for it.
ftfy. The difference between food grade (I'm gonna put this in my stomach) and medical grade (I'm gonna put this in my lungs) is that food grade does not have to be free of the kind of impurities that might cause you health complications should you inhale it. Anyway, the takeaway is if you want to live longer, then do medical grade drugs if you're going to be using drugs. Not huffing half a can of shoplifted Reddi Whip like some urban youth with no ability to comprehend his future self.

>> No.18232327

>medical grade
anon look up how they fuckin manufacture nitrous oxide. it's a fuckin gas. they denature automotive nitrous because it doesn't come "dirty".


>> No.18232804

>Because they're too young to just go to the porn store
Why would they go to the porn store?

>> No.18232993

yet the same store will keep dxm and vanilla extract over the counter without needing id lol

>> No.18233004

Based wheelchair anon

>> No.18233007

the kind of person who is inhaling gas from a whipper cream canister to get high is not the kind of person who cares about long-term health, anon

>> No.18233706
File: 116 KB, 960x720, 1457114968080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know a shitpost even if it bites me on the ass.

>> No.18234299

Can you really just RENT FREE?

>> No.18234493

>you fall madly in love with the entire world, but it only lasts 20-30 seconds
What the fuck are you talking about, whipits are literally nothing like what you just described retard. It’s more just your mind feels like one of those springy door stoppers going boi-oi-oi-oi-oi-oing for under a minute.

>> No.18234502

Being a literal retard isn’t automatically a shitpost, nice save though. Sorta. Not really.

>> No.18235479


>> No.18235960

Too based for this world