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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18221926 No.18221926 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18221939

It definitely was higher quality, you're more able to live off the land for fresh meat and produce.

>> No.18221945

No. Of course not.

>> No.18221951

Yea, b' nae, b' yea... B' nae...

>> No.18221970

Yes, especially in the 20th century before companies started cutting corners. Now all food sux balls because must profit, any meat you can find is injected with some dumb shit to make it look bigger. It was harder to find though, but that wasn't your question so >>18221945 is extremely retarded

>> No.18221986

More or less but it was all incredibly seasonal. Most people at a lot of fish and did a lot of fasting. Most of it is cooked to death because nobody wanted the shits more than they already had.

>> No.18221995

never been to one because i wasn't an only child.

>> No.18221997
File: 165 KB, 1200x1200, venison-racks-with-blueberry-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily eggs from naturally raised chickens, freshwater salmon, venison, pork, beef, lamb, home grown vegetables, wild berries, etc.

No pesticides, no hormones, no artificial chemicals, etc.

>> No.18222002

Not sure if serious or you are really this dumb. You know most people had access to only a tiny number of ingredients back then so ate pretty much the same few things their entire lives, and didn't even have basic shit like salt and pepper, right? Unless you lived in a fucking castle (you wouldn't have) finding good meat wasn't any easy than it is today, except it would have been cooked well done and barely seasoned.

>> No.18222003

Sorry but this just isn't true. Free range animals eat, sometimes literally, whatever shit they find on the ground. They have much higher parasite loads and diseases than animals raised in controlled environments with monitored diets.

>> No.18222017

I'd always wonder what would happen if you gave a medieval kid some spicy Doritos and a can of mountain dew

>> No.18222018

Depending on the region and period, they had a pretty large herb and spice inventory and some kind of source for salt. Half the weeds in your back yard made up a third of their diet, the other half are poisonous.

>> No.18222020
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>20th century
>medieval times

>> No.18222029
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>>>18221945 is extremely retarded
No, he's not. Lack of refrigeration, high cost of spices, and far more limited ingredients probably made medieval food bland, repetitious and boring.
Potatoes, corn, peppers and tomatoes were unavailable in Europe until the16th century.
Broccoli, carrots, bananas, watermelon and tons of other food plants were gradually made better by selective breeding over hundreds of years.
But hey, they had turnips and semi-spoiled meat, so they had that going for them.

>> No.18222034

All that stuff still exists, though, and is easier for 99% of people to acquire than it would have been back in the day.

>> No.18222041

I bet a time traveler did that with Leonardo Di Vinci, and that's when he invited the helicopter.

>> No.18222043
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All available in the modern day, if you run a B&B in the Poconos.
You get pretty close buying the organic stuff, but I honestly don't think it's much (if any) better.
What you're talking about is probably about 50% health related, and 50% hippie smugness.

>> No.18222047

One of the reasons so many religions stopped eating certain animals was because there was no real way to make the meat safe other than blasting it with fire until unpalatable

spices were rare, local produce was just about rotten unless you grew it yourself (though chances are you did), bread was rock hard, and you had to drink wine or beer constantly because drinking the water was like licking a raw asshole

>> No.18222059

>didn't even have basic shit like salt
Are you not aware of the ocean?

Salt was their main way of preserving food.

>> No.18222091

>Are you not aware of the ocean?
Not him, but...

You don't just go down to the ocean and come back with a sack of salt.
Salt was available, but expensive.

>Prior to industrialization, it was extremely expensive and labor-intensive to
>harvest the mass quantities of salt necessary for food preservation and
>seasoning. This made salt an extremely valuable commodity. Entire
>economies were based on salt production and trade.

>> No.18222103

It was also extremely expensive and labor intensive to make large structures out of stone. If you can mine stone, you can mine salt.

>> No.18222110

Earth was never great

>> No.18222113

Most people lived in makeshift huts, not stone buildings.

>> No.18222114

Less pesticides, more dirt and disease

>> No.18222118
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>You don't just go down to the ocean and come back with a sack of salt.
You kinda do.

>> No.18222123

Yeah, I sure can get unfucked with meats and produce from my local walmart.
Sure is free and easy to go out into the woods and bag myself some meat, the feds looooove when I do that.
It's not like I have to go to the next town over to get to the nearest butcher shop that totally gets unfucked with carcasses.
I can definitely drive for hours to buy a pig from a farm, the feds love when farmers sell animals to random people.

>> No.18222125

Anon, back then rivers were filled with fish, there was plenty of game to hunt, you were forced to grow your own produce so it means it was fresh, so what I say is true you dumb fuck.

>> No.18222126

So, the first salt mine existed 7000 years ago.

>> No.18222131
File: 159 KB, 620x827, rmyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walmart has really gone downhill in the past 700 years

>> No.18222133

>the first salt mine existed 7000 years ago.
Hooterfucker...the Himalayan salt mines are 800 million years old.

>> No.18222141

I don't think you understand what the word "mine" means.

>> No.18222143

This old hag thinks so, I trust her word more than any of you.
The guy in the video was knighted IRL, so I dunno if you can call it LARP for him.

>> No.18222149

That's just bullshit though. Sulfur and literal piss and vinegar were used as pesticides for a really long time. And while salmon was popular you were more likely to get perch or pike. Meat was mostly reserved for holiday and feast days
There was certainly more food diversity than a lot of people realize (not too many people eating purselane and oxalis today). The bulk of your food would have been from grains.
And I'll take pesticide and chemicals over everything literally being covered in shit and parasites

>> No.18222151

>calls someone else retarded
>also thinks medieval times include the 20th century

>> No.18222163

I just looked up what is the oldest mine. It's called Ngwenya mine in Swaziland. 40 thousand years ago, they wanted to do some painting so bad, that they created a mine to get some red ochre.

>> No.18222165

>You kinda do.
The average peasant could (with enough money), go buy some salt, most of which they'd use to preserve food, not season it.

>> No.18222168

The oldest discovered SALT mine is only 7000 years old. Of course there are older ochre mines, it kind of ruled the paleolithic world and the remaining hominid species

>> No.18222176

Anon thinks poor peasants ate like kings.. lol.

>> No.18222183

And then you used the preserved food as seasoning.

>> No.18222196

I was reading a little bit about it, cause I know it only from painting, apparently it was used to also protect their skin from the sun, and mosquitoes.

>> No.18222199

You used the preserved food to survive and hopefully not shit your guts out

>> No.18222201

>Not wanting to feast on parasite sloppa

>> No.18222206

Yes, you eat food to survive. Other than bad harvests every now and then, people ate pretty well on the whole.

>> No.18222207
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>go out into the woods and bag myself some meat, the feds looooove when I do that.
Are you hunting in a National Park?
Why would the feds care about hunting?
Just get a license from the state, or better yet, go get far better meat from a grocery store.
If you're looking for animals raised without antibiotics or growth hormones, buy organic.
Lots better and safer than eating wild game.

>> No.18222219
File: 13 KB, 365x175, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The oldest discovered SALT mine is only 7000 years old.
Recorded history barely goes back that far. Chances are that they existed before that.

But the Middle Ages was 1500 - 500 years ago, so it lines up.

>> No.18222220
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So if you can't afford stone masonry, mined salt is probably a bit pricey for you.

>> No.18222229

I hate to break it to you pal, every civilization has had access to salt.

>> No.18222250

>That's just bullshit though. Sulfur and literal piss and vinegar were used as pesticides for a really long time.
is this shill seriously trying to compare some piss and vinegar to the cancer causing shit they use these days? I am disgusted by how stupid you THINK we are.

>> No.18222256

OK pal, go read my posts again.
I never said anybody lacked access to salt, just that it was more expensive back then, and common people were almost certainly stingier with it than today.
Just Google it,pal.

>> No.18222263

>cancer causing shit they use these days
[citation needed]
Hackeysack and blunts don't make you a medical expert, my hippie friend.

>> No.18222301

>cancer causing shit they use these days
>Do pesticides on food cause cancer?
>No. There can be small amounts of pesticides or herbicides on the surface of what we eat.
>But levels are low and do not increase the risk of cancer in people.
>Can weed killers (such as glyphosate) cause cancer?
>Glyphosate is a herbicide (weed killer). It’s often used in farming as well as home gardening.
>Using glyphosate at low levels does not increase the risk of cancer. This includes using it as
>a weed killer in the garden.

>> No.18222310

He's Romanian

>> No.18222316

>just get a license
>just hunt only when they allow you
>only kill what they allow you to

>> No.18222318

Not the OP, but there is a thing called radiocarbon dating, it allows you to tell how old shit is with out a recorded history. Which Hallstatt mine has radiocarbon dating showing it was 7,000 years ago.

>> No.18222325

Still not hearing about the feds.
And lots of people hunt and fish for food, despite your whiny bullshit, princess.

>> No.18222332

Motherfucker, what do you want me to do, quote every federal wildlife crime? Go be a retard somewhere else.

>> No.18222337

95% of mediaeval peasants subsisted on gruel and boiled root vegetables for the vast majority of their meals. Meat was a rarity, reserved for holidays like christmas and easter.

>> No.18222342

>every federal wildlife crime?
I'd like to hear that they have any hunting regulations, that's usually a state thing.
I'd also like to hear you address my points about good farm food being better and safer than wild game.

>> No.18222351

Look buddy, people didn't waste anything back then, cause things required work. Understood, guy.

>> No.18222358

OK, guy/buddy/friend/pal, you've come to see what I've been saying all along?

>> No.18222377

Thanks for telling us you have zero knowledge on the subject

>> No.18222388

I've read a few times that most peasants would only be eating bread/porridge and vegetables. They weren't allowed to hunt because the landowners claimed all animals on the land. Can you give a source showing that peasants ate better than that?

>> No.18222393

>hunt game
>executed for poaching on the local lord's land

>> No.18222398

Did the have double decker tacos?

>> No.18222399

Yeah, you're very wrong. Not gonna spoon feed your ass when you can't even read through the thread or Google it, this faggot >>18222143 post it already that tells you to fuck off

>> No.18222402

like someone else already pointed out you wouldn't be eating anything like that because peasants weren't allowed to hunt

>> No.18222403

Yeah, you should look more into that. That was not considered poaching back then.

>> No.18222413

That some one else being you.

>> No.18222420

yt bois btfo

>> No.18222431

I'm not sure if someone saying it in a YouTube video is a great reliable source with proof.

>> No.18222437

No. You said that they didn't use salt, cause it was too difficult and they were too poor and went without a vital mineral for our survival.

>> No.18222442

>That was not considered poaching back then.
>I've never read Robin Hood.
Yes, I know it was fiction, but it started off as contemporaneity fiction.

>> No.18222452

Lol , lmao even

Bayer is being sued for lying about round up being a cancer causing agent. Doctors also said smoking was healthy and the Covid shot doesn’t kill you.

>> No.18222455
File: 34 KB, 517x640, 4D35Ne8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You said that they didn't use salt,
No, I did fucking not.
>mined salt is probably a bit pricey for you.
>Salt was available, but expensive.
The post you're probably thinking of:
>didn't even have basic shit like salt and pepper,
...was written by some other faggot, not me.

>> No.18222464
File: 170 KB, 1080x1263, chains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol , lmao even
>Oh noes, anything le Evil Corporation says must be wrong,
>never mind I can't prove it, or even provide a citation.

>> No.18222471

Google it you lazy retard. Your mother should have aborted.

>> No.18222491

>Fish was up to 16 times as costly, and was expensive even for coastal populations.
That's from the Wikipedia article on Medieval cuisine. Most of the other pages I looked at said peasants mostly ate bread or peas with smaller amounts of cured meat or fish. I don't think peasants were eating big salmon steaks with their daily meals. It did say that milk or fresh cheese were more commonly consumed by peasants though, so they might not have been completely lacking in animal protein.

>> No.18222506
File: 210 KB, 1989x1836, Vx5Yw5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google it you lazy retard.
I did. Where do you think I got the citation (>>18222301) I used to refute your new-age hippie nonsense?
Also not hearing anything about how many people medieval hygiene killed, compared to ALL modern cancer sources.
The middle ages were 500AD thru about 1400 or 1500AD.
The average life expectancy 1n 1200-1300ad was 43 (https://learn.age-up.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-human-longevity/).).
Europe today? 80.4 years (and it's only that low because of Covid: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Mortality_and_life_expectancy_statistics).).

>> No.18222515
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Oops, wrong pic!

>> No.18222528
File: 71 KB, 500x667, KksiDPv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAIT! This is the right one:

>> No.18222541

kill yourself

>> No.18222583
File: 90 KB, 1080x1079, 3oo6XEp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill yourself
If you ain't a Jeebus freak, you deserve DEATH!!!!!

>> No.18222601

this, but variety was way worse.
you could usually only eat food that was in season and generally grown/produced within a few miles of where you lived. the lack of refrigeration was a big factor too, everything would go bad in a day or two unless you pickled it, salted the fuck out of it, made jams/preserves out of it or dried it out.

its why so many remote cold countries have such boring traditional cuisine; you didnt have many options when 90% of the year all you could eat was salted fish and moldy 6-month-old potatoes

>> No.18222686

i'm saying whiole medieval was probably good, food peaked in the 20th century ESLcuck

>> No.18222703

OP please next time specify if you mean regular peasant food or rich food ffs now we have a bunch of faggots arguing specifically over this oversight

>> No.18222714

its shittily worded but can you not put 2 and 2 together?

>> No.18223182

opinion discarded

>> No.18223195
File: 47 KB, 500x672, celery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about celery?

>> No.18223217

You have no right to speak

>> No.18223219

Medeival potatoes? ... Get a refund on that education.

>> No.18223225

Don't act like everything you said wasn't implying that they didn't use salt. You know exactly what you fucking did. You've been of 4chins so long, that you talk in a particular way to get attention. Fix yourself. This is your last warning.

>> No.18223236

The average peasant survived in beer, bacon, bread and what vegetables they could grow. They didn’t eat game due to the manorial system, even rabbits were a closed food source. Apparently they ate salmon and seafood as well.

>> No.18223243

They didn't have tomatoes. Do I need to say anything more?
Really, though, medieval cuisine for rich people was absolutely delicious, just as good as high class food nowadays. Cuisine for middle class people was good too. Cuisine for normal people was definitely worse with a lot more focus on carbs and vegetables and a lot less protein of any sort. Cuisine for poor people was abhorrent.

>> No.18223246

>Don't act like everything you said wasn't implying that they didn't use salt.
You inferred something I never said OR implied, that's on you.
>This is your last warning.
Oh noes! Are you the interwebs police?

>> No.18223250

Getting mad about CE is peak virtue signalling.

>> No.18223259

Less white sugar, that's for sure. Besides that, I really can't say.
It was edible for sure, people back then, believe it or not, preferred food that tasted good over food that tasted bad.

>> No.18223260

Did you get 5 hours of sleep? Or are you a bot?

>> No.18223263

Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.18223265

Medieval peasants had a bland diet but it was a lot healthier than the nobilities.

>> No.18223266

Try not living in the United States and you will find food is still actual, edible food throughout the rest of the developed world.

>> No.18223270



if you were a king or royalty or rich, you'd be eating game meats, rich foods and the highest quality fruits and produce with some freshly baked bread or cake alongside the nicer wines and beers

if you were a commoner, you'd occasionally have meat but subsist on bread and vegetables, typically having lower quality cuts much more often.

people dont realise how shit the bread was back then either, it wasn't uncommon to have chunks of stone or sand in your bread given the hygiene at the time, would be a nice surprise biting into that shit.

if you were a sailor, you'd be enjoying some nice meals and fresh water/grog a few months at sea, however it'd quickly devolve into subsisting off dried meats like stockfish and stale hardtack crackers

>> No.18223273

Sounds good to me.
Also I learned during medieval banquets food wasn’t served in courses which seems strange today.

>> No.18223279

>Your food to eat on any given day: 1kg of bread with some salted meat and preserved veggies, and if it isn't winter, some milk
Also everything gets boiled into a rubbery mess because oil is expensive and you're too worried about disease to cook anything short of well done. The artists on /ck/ who screech at meal prepping would literally lose their minds because eating preserves from a giant pre-prepared box of bullshit was virtually all cuisine before modern refrigeration, transportation, and industrialized agricultural techniques. Also because of how expensive meat was, your diet is mostly vegetarian with a side of fish (preserved). Even with this, expect to spend above 50% of your income on food, and spend massive amounts of your daily schedule homemaking everything from scratch.
>inb4 sounds good
You faggots freak the fuck out over not getting 7 different beef dinners in 7 days, ordered via Doordash. You are too weak and soft to exist in the preindustrial era.

>> No.18223282

>coarse flour
>many spices we take for granted were either luxury or nonexistent
>food in general limited to what was locally available; no greenhouses or anything
>for that matter, preservation methods were limited, so you ate what was in season and that's that
>limited amount of meat
>weevils, pests and parasites aplenty
I'm sure it had its upsides, but anyone who says "yes" without a lot of qualifications is completely retarded.

>> No.18223283

He was talking about nutrition. Who Cares about Parasites. Its fearmongering anyway.

>> No.18223293

No one that isn't a pretentious fuckhead uses the term CE

>> No.18223301

I can understand quality but what about food poisoning?

>> No.18223313

CE itself is virtue signaling
>Bros let's make a non-religious, secular calendar
>Btw here is the dividing line between the before and current common eras
>"Huh interesting. What exactly happened that year besides the supposed birth of Jesus to make this not a Christian calendar, that warrants being the dividing line of world history?"

>> No.18223339

he didn't say medieval anywhere and youre retarded anyway old worlders had access to tomatos corn and potatos since 1500s ce

>> No.18223341

Unless you were royalty, you’d be eating some regional variant of peasant stew or an equivalent pretty much every day of your life - think Hungarian goulash, forever

Still, arguably much healthier than your average human today

>> No.18223372

One AM to 7 AM is six hours, not 5.
But yeah, thas' how I roll.

>> No.18223421

Europe wasnt monolithic and we're talking about a very long time period. I believe courses were introduced to England from France in the late medieval but weren't formalized until the Tudor period or Baroque and the extravagance of showing off how much fine china you owned was a late 18th century convention.

>> No.18223490
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>No one that isn't a pretentious fuckhead uses the term CE
>Implying christfag evangelicals aren't pretentious fuckheads.

>> No.18223495

We wanted to make year zero 1908 (the year Jimmy Stewart was born), but that involved math, so the average Christian wouldn't be able to make it work.

>> No.18223497

>old worlders had access to tomatos corn and potatos since 1500s
So... AFTER the medieval period?

>> No.18223498

if you think your life is bad now you would be absolutely fucked if you lived 400+ years ago

there are places in africa you can go that are basically at that level of living and having been lived there for a couple yearsI can tell you it's absolutely fucking miserable

>> No.18223502

>Still, arguably much healthier than your average human today
>The average life expectancy 1n 1200-1300ad was 43
>Europe today? 80.4 years (and it's only that low because of
>Covid: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained

Color me skeptical.

>> No.18223517

>euros conquer the world for some salt and spices to make food taste better

>> No.18223530

Here ya go, retards.

>> No.18223531
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>> No.18223543

people killed each other for spices

>> No.18223547

Life expectancy was low because of children and childbirth. If you survived childhood you’d live as long as people do today.

>> No.18223558

Title says "peasants" (poor people), host says "knights (rich people).
*sighs in 4chins*

>> No.18223561

>Look at thumbnail
>Fluffy white bread
>In a video about what peasants ate

>> No.18223581

Partially right. There was also a lot more violence going on (in average) and of course, a lot of things that would be treatable today (like plague or bacterial infections in general) could easily kill you if the medical treatment you got for them didn't. And that's not even getting into diet-related things - even if you didn't suffer from actual starvation you could easily get scurvy or something (depending on your profession and where you lived, of course).

>> No.18223582

All I got was a turkey leg and a virgin strawberry Dothraki. Was okay.

>> No.18223591

According to one /ck/sucker, chickens weren't invented until 18eleventy-three or some shit and all references to chickens from before then are an elaborate ruse by Perdue farms and the National Egg Council to trick us into eating poultry.

>> No.18223604

There’s three videos in that series, dipshit.
>peasant food
>knights food
>nobles food
Work on your comprehension.

>> No.18223607

I hope you enjoy your dysentery

>> No.18223620

That’s a good channel.
He knows his shit even though he’s multimillionaire larper.

>> No.18223668

>There’s three videos in that series, dipshit.
How much time do you think I'll devote to watching your "can't bother to post facts or opinions" video?

>> No.18223695

Damn we’ve hit some idiots posting ITT. That’s what happens when your sole source of education is the Hollywood Jew.

>> No.18223739

Any such cases.
See this seething buffoon >>18223668
Getting BTFO iver salt if all thing.

>> No.18223766
File: 37 KB, 460x460, 1EJUlqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your keyboard broken, or are you _that_ drunk before noon?