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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18212946 No.18212946 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18212951

Did it cross your mind to make it readable?

>> No.18212958

No luck chef

>> No.18212967
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>> No.18212974


>> No.18212989
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I like more vegetables than I thought.

>> No.18213016
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jalapeno and cucumber are only good when pickled.

>> No.18213053

Pickled Vegetables are really good any kind

>> No.18213078
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And there we have it.

>> No.18213087

No shade whatsoever ,can I ask what bugs you about pumpkin?

>> No.18213092

I have not yet seen it in anything I actually liked.

My mother uses pumpkin in the "ketchup" she makes - which is more like tomato-based relish than ketchup - but I can barely taste it. If you have a recommendation of what it could be used for that's cool.

>> No.18213096

I think in soup it's really good
pumpkin,onion,celery,sage,pepper,garlic then work out from there.

I'm learning to like Beans any suggestions?

>> No.18213100

Apple in that soup in good to.
After thought

>> No.18213119

Kinda like this?
Or more like:

I think the crouton is a really good idea.

>> No.18213137

You know what I am more for the first video. than the second vid .
I don't know why but not nutmeg and maple syrup with pumpkin is just too sweet for me most days
But you should try for yourself

>> No.18213150

Cool. Will try it out. Maybe someone else can help you with beans, as it's not my speciality.

>> No.18213169

No worries ha, I seen a recipe from somewhere on pumpkin pasta which I want to try.

I'm growing this Pumpkins this year hoping to get more than six will have to do something with them.

>> No.18213194
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Guess I'm easy to please.

>> No.18213224

I'm seeing that eggplant as a theme here myself included does anyone have a dish that made them love eggplant

>> No.18213236
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Wow, this is actually the best argument for vegetarianism I've seen. never realized how many vegetables I like before. When prepared with enough butter, and served under a steak, pretty much any vegetable can be great.
I do wish there was an S+ tier for tomato though, I feel that I need to move everything else down. I have at least one per day.

>> No.18213244

I know very easy to cook around

>> No.18213249

Very lucky to have that many in s

>> No.18213251

Have you tried pumpkin pie?
I recommend you go buy a can of pureed pumpkin at the store, read the recipe on the back and follow it.

>> No.18213261

Pumpkin pie is sooooooo good!

In there a meat pumpkin pie

>> No.18213279
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make beef curry with pumpkin

>> No.18213378

That sounds really good

>> No.18213402
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I love vegetables.

>> No.18213403
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I don't really have a recipe since I tend to just make shit, but here's a shot of the final product

>> No.18213761
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>> No.18213954
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>> No.18213988


>> No.18213989
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Some "vegetables" were put on the earth by the devil, like tomatoes.

>> No.18214008
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>> No.18215157
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Every other tier list is objectively wrong

>> No.18215440
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Most vegtables are gross

>> No.18215466

>He doesn't like bell peppers
aww da widdle babby can't eat his peppers?

>> No.18215477
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>> No.18215639

Only in paprika form

>> No.18215647

Any vegetable that you like that's not on here but should be and where would it go?

>> No.18215990

parsnip, C

>> No.18216027
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I had too much in S tier so I had to make S+ for the best of the best

>> No.18216029
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>> No.18216065
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>Broccoli being above garbage tier
Your opinion holds no value and you should reconsider checking your tastebuds with a certified doctor or else noose yourself, thanks.

>> No.18216071

your S tier is absolutely dead-on anon, you nailed it

>> No.18216248

That'd be a a for me

>> No.18216522
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I'm not picky desu

>> No.18216535

All veggies are good. Only children and man children don't like them.

>> No.18216670

cheekpeas, lentils, heart of palm, basilic, salsify, C, B, A, S, B

>> No.18216716
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responding with what i think the most egregious thing on each list is
carrots f tier
corn s tier
ginger d tier
lettuce s tier
sweet potato s tier
either pumpkin s tier or eggplant never tried
radish a tier
idk you just like them too much (wish i did)
bell peppers f tier
sweet potato s tier
celery f tier, peas a tier
corn s tier, bell peppers f tier
and damn i thought i didn't like vegetables
mushrooms f tier, green beans s tier
cilantro f tier, soap gene fags cry more
arugula never tried
asparagus and mushrooms d tier

>> No.18216748

Do I have autism if I have the soap gene but I like the soapy taste of cilantro in my dishes?

>> No.18216770
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>Never tried more than 1/3 of common vegetables
What the fuck?
You're in no position to comment on other peoples lists

>> No.18216810

i was bored

>> No.18216991

dude, wtf does coriander with corn, for example? What's common in a fucking herb and some cereal grain?

>> No.18217231
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>> No.18217240

You have basedism

>> No.18217275
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yeah ok

>> No.18217288

It's so good

>> No.18217320
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Poblano is the only s tier pepper.

>> No.18217328
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Fuck i love garlic and onions.

>> No.18217342

Fuck wait I have had bamboo shoots, they're B tier only because they are in Thai food, they suck otherwise.

>> No.18217464
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l m a o at all you non-fibrous chuds

>> No.18217718

Just curious why does the artichoke get f

>> No.18217846
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I already know I am based.

>> No.18217923
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I went by these criteria:
> would I be happy to eat this, by itself, freshly picked from the garden?
> how versatile is it? How many ways can it be cooked or eaten raw?
> how good is the best application?
> how many good applications does it have?
> how useful is the flavor when cooked or mixed with other things?
> how difficult, on average, is it to prepare?

>> No.18217931

Broccoli is only good roasted or steamed with a lot of butter

>> No.18218256
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I have objectively the best chart.

Everything B and up I enjoy and eat regularly.

C tier is meh or used in certain dishes. Ginger can overpower but is alright in modesty. Celery is good in soup but I dislike it raw, Parsley is a garnish or for a herbed sauce and just tastes mediocre when it's the star.

D and F tier are shit foods. Arugula and cucumber taste shitty and ruin whatever dish they're added to, and are only decent when used as filler and cannot be tasted (ej. in a well seasoned salad). Corn is very bland and I don't really like the flavor of regular potaotes, they are just like eating pasta to me.

Eggplant, cilantro and mushrooms are all disgusting and overpower the dish, the only exception being mushrooms that are blended (no texture), or eggplant when it's used as a hamburger filler (for vegetarian burgers).

>> No.18218412
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>Garlic is in S tier on almost every single list posted
I'm proud of this board, I didn't know it was this based.

>> No.18218821

Yeah where are my mfkn avocados
S tier
white radish A tier
like the other anon said poblano S tier
since parsley and coriander are in there i would add basil to S tier
>>18214008 is me

>> No.18218830
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you have not had this sinful succulence

>> No.18218991

your hate for broccoli is a meme. you got forcefully fed some broccoli in your childhood and now you can't stand it. it is the same in japan with bell peppers. literally a psyop

>> No.18219003
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>> No.18219956
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you all put sweet potato so low wtf
roast sweet potato with garlic and rosemary
it's chef's kiss

>> No.18220000
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Pretty good thread OP, nicely done

>> No.18220013
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this was fun. thanks anon

>> No.18220019
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>arugula ahead of tomatoes

>> No.18220030

At least =

>> No.18220033

It's fun to see.
You should try bokchok

>> No.18220538


>> No.18221598
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>> No.18222363
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either you have the same S tier, or your tongue is broke

>> No.18223244
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S Tier

>> No.18224273


>> No.18224277
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>> No.18224348
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>> No.18225565

just take a multivitamin
havent touched a vegetable since high school

>> No.18225595


>> No.18225612

You're missing out, bro.
Volunteer at a nursing home a few hours a week and you can touch all the vegetables you want.

>> No.18225685

300% on the label