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File: 576 KB, 2328x2560, avocado-45bccf2-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18215804 No.18215804 [Reply] [Original]

I wish I liked avocado :(
I try it again almost every year, and it still tastes weird to me. I've tried it as guac, on toast, in salads.. It's both the flavor and the texture that bothers me.
Do you guys have any suggestions on how to trick myself into enjoying it? I think if I can find one way I like it, I might acquire the taste for it altogether.

>> No.18215809

you need to be a millennial to enjoy avocado

>> No.18215813

>Cut into strips
>Squeeze of lime
You literally cannot dislike it this way.
Its godly

>> No.18215817

It’s okay to not like things, anon.
I don’t like lima beans, or eating ass.

>> No.18215829

I am a millennial :(

I've tried it this way, still no dice.

I know, it's just a bummer. Friends will talk about how good a restaurant's guac is, or i'll order tacos & my favorite place puts guac on carne asada tacos as the standard order, and they fuck it up alllll the time when I ask for no guac, so i'll be left with a to-go box full of guac-covered tacos that won't be eaten. I know I could ask them to make it again, but that doesn't make it any less wasteful.

>> No.18215858

Avocado taste weird to me too, but I love guacamole and avocado smoothies.

>> No.18215877

mash it, put sugar and a little lemon juice, then mix it. I also don't understand how avocado became so famous, it's an ok food

>> No.18215878

this. it has a disgusting texture

>> No.18215905

>trick myself into enjoying it?
plain by themselves avocados don't particularly taste good. but when mixed with other things it actually taste pretty good, especially with salt to reduce any bitter qualities.

but also if you don't like something then you don't like it move on.

>> No.18215917

avocado is gross

>> No.18215935
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Pairs excellently with lemon kippers on toasted sourdough. A gentleman of refinement and taste could not ask for a finer breakfast repast

>> No.18215937

I just hate having such a common food on my list of shit I won't eat. I feel like a child.

Never had it with sugar. Worth a shot. I can handle sweeter things with a creamier texture a lot better than savory.

>> No.18215938

Just tell them you are deadly allergic to avocado

>> No.18215951

I've worked in restaurants before, and I hate the fucking asshole who lies about their allergies. I'm not doing that. Big pain in the ass for the kitchen when I'm just being a baby.

>> No.18215953

Just like what you like. Only thing I really don't like is zucchini and I don't try to force myself to like it because I know it isn't happening.

>> No.18215960

I hated avocado for a long time. I just kept eating it raw until I liked it.

>> No.18215972
File: 143 KB, 1024x706, 1024px-Egg_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason they combo really well with fish. If you have access to picrel filling the hole with this and lemon juice and eating it with a spoon is amazing.

>> No.18216018

never heard of anyone doing any of this before, but I'll try anything once. Fish toothpaste sounds weird tho.

>> No.18216022

The packaging might be weird but it's really good. If you have IKEA near you you can find it there.

>> No.18216098

I like it but if I eat 1/2 an avocado it destroys my stomach

>> No.18216258
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Unless you have to eat it there’s no point in trying to like it op. They’re great chopped up in a Greek salad tho, maybe try that

>> No.18216281

Avocado is a fruit with notes of butter, bacon fat, and fresh crisp water. None of that is weird. The texture is as of butter or pate. Nothing weird about that. It's your brain's failure to immediately identify this as desirable that's weird.

>> No.18217717

>I just hate having such a common food on my list of shit I won't eat. I feel like a child.
some people taste things differently like people that say cilantro taste like dish soap.

if you don't like move on.

I've tried fish in many different ways and none of it has ever tasted good, so I stopped trying.

>> No.18217723

>butter, bacon fat, and fresh crisp water
your smoking crack I love bacon fat and there is nothing bacon tasting at all about avacado.

no butter taste whatsoever and "fresh crisp water"? fuck off.

>> No.18217734
File: 59 KB, 612x604, 19CFC821-6603-4FB2-81C4-F23575B93E70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like my water extra crispy

>> No.18217737

You're clueless.

>> No.18217739

When I worked at a restaurant where we stocked them, I would dice them, toss them with vinegar and sesame seeds, then top with a fried egg.

>> No.18217975

Pate is fuckin nasty. So are meat flavored mousses.

>> No.18218168

get guac with hot peppers or spices and other flavors, for me avo is like tofu, shitty by itself and as the main thing, put it with some chicken and fish in a taco idk

>> No.18218539

Blended with vanilla ice cream and chocolate. It's good when it's sweet and disgusting eaten raw. Those californian fuckers ruins it eating it raw.

>> No.18218554

Shit taste and probably gay

>> No.18218679

My God what a faggot.

>> No.18218680

Yeah, everybody knows only gay people like the taste of saturated fats.

>> No.18218707

Avocados are mild tasting as fuck, if you dislike them you have autism my nigga

>> No.18218852

get squishy avocados that aren't hard and easy to cut
slice it onto toast, or mash it up, add lime/salt, make some gordon ramsay scrambled eggs, and put both of those on the toast.
i eat it with almost everything i think. when i order pizza i put it on the pizza. when i turned some of my basil plant into pesto pasta i put it on that. it's not as inviting eating it by itself, but over time i started doing it more if its ripe at least.

alternatively you could try going to a hipster restaurant and getting avocado toast, theyll probably have fancy salmon/tomato/sauce and poppy seeds

>> No.18218897

>Gordon Ramsay scrambled eggs
enjoy your salmonella

>> No.18218945

So, can’t help you OP. I only like it as guacamole, otherwise the texture is just wrong for me

>> No.18218971

i used it in place of butter on sandwiches. avocado + softened garlic + fresh tomato + salt = kimochi

>> No.18218992
File: 49 KB, 960x640, Eat Ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18219079

This board introduced me to it, thanks. Only tea eggs are a superior way of making eggs

>> No.18219112

Its good, but very overrated.

>> No.18219596

if you make hummus, switch 1/3 of the peas for avocado, you can keep the rest of your recipe the same

>> No.18220304

Usted es solo un pinche pendejo y su vida es triste.
Yes ,some people over value those dinosaur ball's but your post is just retarded

>> No.18220309

it’s called ‘guacamole,’ not ‘guac’ you stupid shitbrained manchild

>> No.18220320

Thank god for saving you from spending yourself into ruin on it

>> No.18220333

Based improover. Science says it takes about 15 attempts for it to go from revolting to tolerable. When I read about this, I tried it with seaweed, and it worked.

>> No.18220335

Calm down, it's just an abbreviation. Don't act like you never used utes, ham or straw in place of utensils, hamburgers or strawberries.

>> No.18220337

I love me a steamed ham