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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18210398 No.18210398 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to indian restaurant with hinge date
>fucking rice isn't included with the base menu items
>Waiter gives dogshit service and never refilled my drink
>waiter never brought the bill, had to bullshit for 20 or 30 minutes before we just went up to the counter

How fucking money hungry do you have to be to charge extra for fucking rice, I know those fuckers had pounds of cooked shit in the back. Also is the no refills and check thing typical for Indian places?

>> No.18210406

I like Indian food but I'm extremely allergic to curry, or some other thing that they add to their food. I found that out the hard way.

>> No.18210441

>goes to a dinner as the first date off an app

>> No.18210510

That's all perfectly normal I don't know what you were expecting.

>> No.18210516

>rice isn't included
have not you been to an indian restaurant ever before?
>had to bullshit for 20 or 30 minutes
that must have been an excruciating time for your date

>> No.18210669

Refill fags crack me up. What the fuck is the deal with you retards? Even one drink is too many to have with a meal.

>> No.18210701

you have to be african or asia, this is not the post of an american or european

>> No.18210712

Here's a trick for if the waiter never brings you your bill: leave the restaurant.

>> No.18210716

> those fuckers had pounds of cooked shit in the back
Don't worry, there was fecal matter in the food you actually ate as well

>> No.18211016

i have no idea what this is but the name alone sounds wack.

>> No.18211151

Yeah that's pretty normal dude.

>> No.18211365

This is why you don't have dinner as a first date. Especially with someone off of an app with whom you have no rapport.

>> No.18211372

Never met someone with your mentality in real life so I'll dismiss your post as nothing more but the markings of a raving retard.

>> No.18211394

She lived 30 miles away and I was trying to find something to do in the middle between us

>> No.18211416

OH look, another person pretending to be exasperated by ordinary things.

>> No.18211425

have not you been to an indian restaurant ever before?

Tons have had rice included with the price.

that must have been an excruciating time for your date

It wasn't painful we were just wondering if the people didn't understand American restaurant culture.

>> No.18211428

.t Tyrone

Its like Bumble but without the reply within 24 hours rule. You have more free filters and can message people without them liking you first.

>> No.18211446

Not him, and I don't judge people for getting refills, but I do actually find it annoying when servers just drop off refills without asking. I intentionally make my drink last the whole meal, but once I'm halfway through they just plop another glass on the table which is wasteful and just takes up space on the table. I'd much rather they ask.

>> No.18211450

I've only had it happen if I drink 2 glasses in a short amount of time, which I get saves time for the server. I live in a hot area so I'm chug some big glasses of water if ive been in the hot car

>> No.18211451

did you fuck?

>> No.18211460
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Nope, lol I should have known it was ogre when she went for a handshake at the start and end of the date. She was really adamant about not wanting kids and during the date I implied that it was bad for society as a whole if the smartest people are not having kids due to student loan debt, meanwhile she was an engineer with two masters.

>> No.18211614

What are you studying?

>> No.18211617

History masters to allow to teach at junior college and get a pay bump

>> No.18211630

Yeah, going for career women who bought that hard into the education meme is not a way to start a strong family. Even if she has kids with you, she probably wouldn't want to be a stay at home mom and you'd both work while school, daycare, and babysitters raise your kids.

>> No.18211748

Lol why are you talking about kids or your political beliefs on the first date? At a dinner no less. This is why you don't do dinner first dates. You have no opportunity to leave and have to spend the whole 1-2 hours even if you hate it

>> No.18211761

>why are you talking about kids or your political beliefs on the first date?
To filter out incompatible partners early. It's called dating with intention and it's how you find a quality wife to spend your life with instead of a casual girlfriend to waste your time fucking for a couple weeks/months.

>> No.18211816

you sound like a virgin

>> No.18212147
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This has always confused me. Why do americans seem to have their first date at a restaurant so often? If you don't hit it off and its a bad date you're stuck awkwardly finishing your meal and possibly even getting stuck with the whole bill. Just go for drinks, nothing says you can't continue for second, third or fourth drinks if you're having a great time.

>> No.18212154

Why do people even bother with dating apps that are just "tinder, but (small rule change)"? The user base is smaller and it won't make a difference anyways if the right person just isn't out there.

>> No.18212161

She was really cute, and I got to try a new restaurant its better than just whacking it to incest porn.
Drinks can be expensive as fuck, if you pick a cheap restaurant you know worst case scenario your out 20 bucks

>> No.18212162

>possibly even getting stuck with the whole bill
The man traditionally pays for the meal, that's normal no matter how well thee date goes.

>> No.18212165

you're that same person who got upset that their wasn't a sandwich in their pack of frozen beef sheets aren't you. life must be difficult being as retarded as you are.

>> No.18212167

What's YOUR idea of a typical first date, then?

>> No.18212185

In Europe its common that both parties pay for their own drinks. Also beer, cider, wine etc. isn't that expensive at your average bar.

I wasn't implying it hinged on how the date went, but not everyone likes to split the bill these days so there's a chance you only pay for your own grub.

>> No.18212198

indian food sucks in general

>> No.18212203

t. wrong

>> No.18212207

I'm just saying if a man takes a woman out to dinner he should be expecting to pay for her meal.

>> No.18212215

Hiking or outdoors shit. If she refuses then you saved yourself a ton of time and money.

Blackpill OP:
>most women using "dating apps" just want free food and dick
>if you agree to provide the food, you won't be asked to provide the other service

>> No.18212216

Lol no, she is a professional woman with her own job she can pay her own meal

>> No.18212281

Not really how it works anon. Women that say they don't want kids or marriage or anything can easily change on a dime if they like the man. You're just filtering yourself out. It also kills the mood fast, she'll just deliberately say the "wrong" answers to your interview questions just to make sure you stay away.

>> No.18212287

Drinks+appies at a pub or coffee at a coffee shop. It's casual and both parties can easily make an excuse to leave at any moment.

>> No.18212291


>> No.18212312

>Women that say they don't want kids or marriage or anything can easily change on a dime if they like the man.
Nah, I don't fuck around with games like that. I want to find someone with compatible ideals, none of this saying one thing and hoping they change their mind later bullshit. That's a recipe for disaster, you're just asking to have dashed expectations and feeling like your time was wasted.

>> No.18212319

you should try dating men

>> No.18212320

-curry leaf

>> No.18212324

You're probably young and don't mind taking a long time sorting things out since you have all the time in the world. Things are different when you're closing in on your mid-thirties.

>> No.18212332

Yet you fuck around with "games" like driving 30 miles to meet some woman who is more successful than you, yet didn't even ask her simple questions like about kids before hand?

>> No.18212339 [DELETED] 

absolutely niggerish

>> No.18212341

I'm not OP, just defending the basic idea of bringing up kids and politics on a first date. If something is truly important to you, it's worth bringing up so you both know where you stand with each other.

>> No.18212343

that's very idealistic and honorable of you. intellectually, this is correct and upright. if you can maintain this kind of dedication to forthrightness, it will serve you well in a dedicated relationship.

it isn't how women work though. you don't like those games, but to women they aren't games because they have the minds of children. they're totally unaware that it's what they're doing, or they're "tests", because a woman's role in courting isn't to shoot her shot -- it's to filter out the guys who do. it's not that she's lying, it's just that on a yearly or even hourly basis, their entire outlook will change based on very minute and occult stimuli, including what her romantic partner's ideals are. even (maybe especially) the kind of woman who is an engineer with 2 masters (red flag desu).

anyway, sorry about your indian food experience. I have noticed indian restaurants I enjoy are getting increasingly expensive and scammy. not so far as not including rice, but increased prices for smaller portions, expensive drinks with no refills, less rice, etc.

>> No.18212352

I guess offering hiking as a date at least gets rid of all the fatties. I can't really do that in Britain though, hiking isn't really a "thing" here people my age actually do, it's more of a middle age fitness thing

>> No.18212721

To be fair Anon, even if she wanted to marry me right then and there it probably wouldnt have worked out, she lived in the buttfuck mountains and I dont want to drive so far to see a GF. I just kinda saw it as more practice of talking to girls.

I had a really shitty string of luck where 6 girls ghosted or made plans then cancelled last minute. That really fucked with my mind and made me think I was an ugly troll or something.

>> No.18212733

I don't think I've had indian food even once that didn't feel like a colossal ripoff. Everyone always says what a good deal they are but it must be the indian places near you, I'm not even in a flyover state. Conversely, every single mexican restaurant in a hundred miles will give you enough beans/rice/chips to last you a small winter with every order.

>> No.18212790

>just come with me to the middle of nowhere on our first date bro, i promise im not a rapist haha

>> No.18212944

Not normal anymore. Never had a date where the girl didn't split the bill. I'm 25 and broke. Women aren't going to fuck up a date by making a guy lay for shit if she's interested in him. That "traditional" shit is for Asia and sugar daddies.

>> No.18212956

sounds like some indies that just make a restaurant because that's just some shit to do, not actually something worth being passionate about

>> No.18212960

Not him but coffee, always coffee. Let's you walk around, keeps you both energetic, nobody is expecting food ergo everybody should have eaten before the date.

If you're talking to a new girl here's a list of dates you should never suggest
>Movies: you can't talk
>Restaurant: bad food can ruin the mood, cost is awkward
>Bars: too many people, too many distractions, too noisy

>> No.18212986

maybe it's just me being racist but i hate going to indian restaurants, the waiters always seem dirty

i don't feel like this with any other restaurant with brown skinned people, just indians

>> No.18213011

>To filter out incompatible partners early
And how has that been working for you?
Plenty of goodnight handshakes?
You're supposed to dazzle the broad with your male energy
You can't do that stuck on opposite sides of a table

>> No.18213014

You must come off as an asshole op, me and my roommate eat out all the time at Indian, Asian, and middle eastern restaurants and we get treated like royalty with constant samples and drinks on the house, the service is always excellent

>> No.18213018

Tinder is flooded with bots now. All these app shifts are just trying to stay one step ahead of the bots. It's like how the center of 4chan shifted from /b/ to /v/ to /pol/

>> No.18213030

I think they might have been hit with a rush or something, they were making like 30 to go orders and stacking them all on the counter while we were there.

>> No.18213057

when you get in to you late 20's and early 30's, this is something you talk about, especially kids, since most people want to settle down at that age

they don't want to waste time figuring out what the other person wants

>> No.18213452

This. 90% of the girls aren't active, you're swiping on a dead profile that's just there to prop up the potential matches in your area. Even if you do match you're literally 1 out of 90 guys and from personal experience I learned that nothing I said mattered, it was just the winds of fucking fate whether I was at the top of her messages. Infact I've only ever matched with girls who were new to tinder.

It's a shit system. Don't ever think for a second that it should be your primary method of meeting women. Go out and do stuff in the real world.

>> No.18214016

Tinder has bots because it has the most users and brain dead coomers

>> No.18214029

>during the date I implied that it was bad for society as a whole if the smartest people are not having kids due to student loan debt, meanwhile she was an engineer with two masters
Bro. Tell me you did not bust out the eugenics talk on the first date.

>> No.18214077

other possibilities:
-human shit

>> No.18214103
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>> No.18214322

Ah yes, eating before the date then walk around drinking coffee mm yeah I love to need to shit my pants when I'm on a date. Yeah walking down the street sounding like I've got a suck in my ass, great idea, retard.
Oh maybe you're just a fucking spastic who's never actually been on a date and therefore have no idea what would actually happen. Fucking idiot.

>> No.18214424

>"My idea of bars comes from sitcom characters going to loud nightclubs" - the post

>> No.18214431

>tinder is bad because I'm an incel
Cool, now let the adults talk.

>> No.18214467

Movie followed by dinner works. You can discuss the shit you just saw over appetizers and you can point out the hand of the Jew in the script

>> No.18214503

Fucking hell where do you think you were going?
Why do you think rice comes with the meal? Some people wont it and theres a ton of different types.
Literally a waiter at an Indian will seat you, serve the food then collect the payment.

>> No.18214522

A woman wanting to discuss a movie immediately after viewing is a hard pass. It takes at least four hours of deep contemplation for a worthwhile person to have developed strong enough thoughts to start externalising ideas for examination by another party.

>> No.18214528

>adamant about not wanting kids
kek, she meant not wanting kids with you

>> No.18214669

Indian food on a first date means you’re not getting legendary first date anal

>> No.18214670

generally if you go to an "ethnic" restaurant they will treat you worse if your white

>> No.18214685
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>had Indian food for lunch
>come home my dad asks me what I ate
>told him indian food
>he said what like deer meat?

>> No.18214810

if rice is included with the price the price will increase you dumbass

restaurants always follow a basic formula with regard to margins and indian restaurants in particular will not be overcharging you for rice

>> No.18214846

>30 miles
This is a joke, right? People dont have dates with random people who live so far away, right???

>> No.18214851

>being a biryanibabby
at least you owned up to knowing very little about indian food

>> No.18214856

I agree

>> No.18214864

this nigga down so bad he drove 30 miles to get a whiff of pussy lmao

>> No.18214866
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>first date ever was to a hibachi restaurant with a fujoshi
>good, simple and tasty dinner, as well as a show
>even if we managed to run out of basic conversation topics, the guy on the grill gave us enough entertainment to talk about
>fast forward a couple years and now engaged to this girl and planning our wedding
why didnt you take the hibachidate-pill, anon?

>> No.18214870

She looks like a nice innocent christian lady

>> No.18214886

Does she like to be in the room to watch you get bummed or is the knowledge that it's happening enough for her?

>> No.18214911

she fucks me with a strapon

>> No.18214918

lmao! he doesn't drink 6L of fizzy sugar water with his meal. what a fucking loser

>> No.18214928

Enjoy your poor bowel health and eventual need for colostomy bag, anon.

>> No.18214931

luckily shes into that too, so i will

>> No.18214941

It's getting rough out there

>> No.18214972

Indian places near me have always been overpriced for the quality/quantity of the food you get. I don't get it but I think they're all owned by the same family or something. Though I went to an excellent restaurant in the UK (Bath iirc) so maybe this is just an american problem.

>> No.18215033
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I had just mentioned my aunt who got 150k in debt for a meme psych masters and the topic of grad school debt came up.

>> No.18215041

Naw nigga, her bio said swipe left if you want kids. I swiped right because she was thick.

>> No.18215046

nice. never associate with a woman deep in any kind of debt imo

>> No.18215052

They didn't even collect the bill though. Was I supposed to take an empty glass of water to the front desk and ask for a refill in their culture?

She lives 30 miles up some backwoods mountains that go down to 1 lane highways and have people try and overtake slow trucks and die. If it was 30 miles flat it wouldnt be a big issue.

>> No.18215058

Anon she was a bright woman with a good paying job, If I hit it off i had a sugar momma for life.

>> No.18215062

I mean, maybe give a doctor or a dentist a pass for that but my aunt is middle aged and apparently lost her big job for being a drunk

>> No.18215064

correction 48 miles away

>> No.18215099

Holy shit you sound autistic as fuck bro.

>> No.18215107

So it makes sense to try to find a woman that's autistic to a similar degree and filter out the normies.

>> No.18215117

anon you have to understand, indians and chinks have been so piss poor their entire lives/through the generations that this is normal to them. Let them have their little extra change they charge for rice. At the end of the day it means nothing to someone like me, and everything to them. It's the literal least we can do, and it was my honor and privilege to assist the lesser beings.

>> No.18215152

exactly, she doesn't want kids with the men on her getting dicked down app

>> No.18215156

How do you know? Speaking from experience faggot?

>> No.18215160

This, they can't understand the first world tradition of having all your food at once on one plate
Happy meals for life bro

>> No.18215219
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>your face when you recognize her

>> No.18215320

This nigga shits his pants regularly
This nigga has gotten a lot of STDs before, SAD!
This nigga knows kino

>> No.18215332

>Is an adult
>Still uses tinder

M8 it's for college kids 24 and down. If you haven't settled down already, sad!

>> No.18215358

it seems I struck a nerve

>> No.18215422

>Hiking or outdoors shit
Confirmed never goes on dates lmao. Hiking and outdoors shit is terrible for a first date with someone you've never met, you pathetic LARPing faggot.

>> No.18215464

you seem upset

>> No.18215529

Why, are your plates not big enough for that?

>> No.18215540

>I-I totally have a gf, t-thats why I spend my time whining about dating apps on /ck/

>> No.18215582
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I used the 4chan pass that *MY* gf gave me to shitpost for today, suck it anonymous.

>> No.18215604

>"hey let's meet up in the woods as our first date"

>> No.18215610

>>Bars: too many people, too many distractions, too noisy
Too true. One time I was on a date that was going well at a pub. Then she saw some guy she knew and she basically ended up with him for the rest of the night. I went home and 4h later she texted me to pick her up from his place at 2 AM. I picked her up and all she wanted was a ride home, then texted me she wasn't interested the next morning.

>> No.18215618

Man this hurts. You should have told her to get someone else to drive her.

>> No.18215656
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>> No.18215668


>> No.18215704

this but unironically

>> No.18215709

would love to switch places with you. one of the things i hate about eating at a restaurant is they're too slow at refilling. I wish it was standard to just go fill it up yourself.

>> No.18215717

I only ate once at an Indian restaurant and had a similar experience. They were taking long so I had to tap one of the Indian waiters at one point just to get their attention so my gf wouldn't think I'm a passive pussy. Best to just get takeout for Indian.

>> No.18215799

I used them in the past, I'm not saying they don't work but it can be a drag. I'm not saying it can't work, but for every 1 guy who has a good time there's about 100 more who complain and can't get any success.

I recommend tumblr. 99% femcel women. Any 4cham nerd can find a gf on there, it's easy.

>> No.18215805

You fellas know you can just ask them to leave the pitcher and they'll leave you alone for the rest of the meal. They come by less just to refill the pitcher.
Some servers thanked me for doing it because it's less work for them.

>> No.18215814

the fact that you even recognize this as porn indicates that this is more of a YOU problem, you fucking degenerate. 1000 weeks of nofap will never change what you already know.

>> No.18215834

>all the terrible modern dating advice in this thread
The only place you should be looking for a wife is in a traditional church. You shouldn't be "dating" at all, this is a modernist construct that normalizes the sin of fornication. Look for pious women who come from close-knit, highly religious families. Get to know her father (and male siblings if applicable), make your intentions clear, and get his permission to court his daughter. If Christ isn't the focus of your relationship, it will never work out. Look at the divorce rate among secular people compared to practicing Christians (not milque-toast non-denominational cucks, but die-hard tradcaths, Orthodox, and old-school Southern Baptists). In short, get off the internet, get right with God, and find a pious woman who wants to stay at home and have lots of white babies

>> No.18215839

for water though, or paid drinks? I'll have to try asking them that next time.

>> No.18215975

We don't eat rice with curry you stupid fuck

>> No.18215979

Indian food is just so nasty.

>> No.18216005

Dunno of anyplace that has pitchers of Pepsi but I'll go check

>> No.18216009

Not everyone lives in Alabama sir.

>> No.18216247

I think what he is saying is they should be using more serious apps if they are older

>> No.18216250

Lmao they must let any frumpy bitch be in porn now, that looks like your aunt

>> No.18216255

Anon I'm Catholic too but all the trad waifus get married by 21.

>> No.18216297

A 10 year age gap isn't abnormal.

>> No.18216315


>> No.18216323

Catholic women are whores. They go to church sporting tight pants or skirts and broadcasting miles of cleavage.

>> No.18216363

Based dad.

>> No.18216366

Shit, I should go to Catholic church...

>> No.18216369

>How fucking money hungry do you have to be to charge extra for fucking rice
first time at an indian restaurant

>> No.18216378

Don't let a wedding ring stop you. They know that if they cheat on their husbands they can go to confession and be fully absolved of guilt.

>> No.18217712
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shit tier opinion, it's one of the only good things about them
based teacher chad

>> No.18218335

>eating poo curry for date
Are you dating a brown nigger or are you both retarded

>> No.18219436

>Nooo you have to take her to the ice social I like took Ethel, you can't try ethnic food on a first date

>> No.18219466

lmfao you're so fucked

>> No.18219470

Anon, I have tenure at my job in HS and I can moonlight at jr college for extra cash, my work paid for it. Granted its not something sexy like a masters in nuclear physics but its better than wasting 100k on a gender studies grad degree

>> No.18219599

>reddit spacing
go back

>> No.18219620
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>as really adamant about not wanting kids

>> No.18219973

>poop in crocs mouth
>wipe with snake and throw it at lion to distract him
>jump out of tree, 360, moonwalk away

>> No.18220004

dating is literally a fag invention.

>> No.18220020

Easy, jump in the water and swim away from the shore under water. Crocodiles can't get you that way.

>> No.18220045

CROIKEY, now, wou'cha lookit this FOISTY fellah roight 'ere >>18220020 m8
sneakily troyin' ta pass off 'is dinner plans as loife savin' advoice

>> No.18220940

>grab snek with feet
>throw at lion
>grab hatchet
>bonk lion
>bonk snek
>run from armored death

>> No.18220985

Ice skating or bowling

>> No.18220991

Jump up, swat snake into the water, land on the crocodile heads, launch off them, grab the man in your mouth and land back on the ground to enjoy your tasty meal.

>> No.18221084

Refills are only ordinary in america
Why would you fill your stomach with empty calories besides the food?

>> No.18221088

Rice is a sold item therefore you gotta pay for it
Never seen it happening any different

>> No.18221094

People like you are the reason the earth is dying

>> No.18221098


>> No.18221209

Before the pandemic, most Indian restaurants around me had an all-you-can-eat buffet for a reasonable price.

>> No.18221226

Her and Xev are GOATS

>> No.18221228

That's because Americans are actually social and not fucking retarded when it comes to hanging out with people. My time in the Netherlands showed just how socially retarded Dutch and euros are in general (especially the german dicksuckers I met there).

You guys have no concept of hospitality, no wonder turks are fucking your women at such an unprecedented rate.

>> No.18221229

Rice is just about the cheapest possible thing to make. A large serving is about 10 cents of rice, and you can literally make all the rice you need for a restaurant for the whole day in 10 minutes of labor, including washing the rice maker afterward.

If you want to serve a filling meal at a good value, encourage guests to fill up on rice. Each bite of rice is one less bite of chicken, beef, lamb or fish.

The only reason to charge for rice is because dumb whites don't know any better to be offended by this practice and shun the rice nickel-and-dime-ers.

>> No.18221262
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The real reason is because women are more likely to say yes to a man they otherwise wouldn't:
> public space with lots of witnesses, so if the man is nuts they can figure it out in a less risky environment and do the bathroom-bounce if things get dicey
> they judge the man by their choice of restaurant and food (are they rich or poor, a tendie-munching manchild, how "cultured" are they)
> they judge a man's character by how they act: are they confident entering and ordering, how kindly do they treat the waitstaff, are they generous with their tips
> forced to sit in the same spot for a while, are they able to maintain a nice conversation?
> worst case, free food

>> No.18221287

Knowing these tips, here is the cheat code:
> ask what kind if food she likes and pick whichever ethnic place you like, and they're open to, but also have the strongest menu item preference for
> go there beforehand so you know the layout as they will always ask where the bathroom is
> sit well away from the entrance and bathroom so they don't feel trapped (right by entrance = she can't leave without being noticed)
> order a respectable but not indulgent amount of food (don't want a full stomach if you get lucky anyway), pick the most adventurous item on the menu (make sure you've had it before)
> be respectful but confident with the waitstaff and tip at least 20%
> pay attention to what she says, if she says she wants napkins or whatever then politely but firmly ask the waitstaff when they make their rounds
> don't focus on your food, focus on her

>> No.18221312

Should have just got like 5 portions of bhajjis and went somewhere idyllic

oof, the stiff formality of this rejection somehow seems more painful than an unkind one would be

>> No.18221351

Hard to have children fucking a man in the ass, bro.

>> No.18221368

>This is my design.

>> No.18222023

>Indian food on the first date

What the fuck? I can only imagine how your breath and farts would smell after that, let alone the heavy gut bomb that are Indian curries and biryanis

>> No.18222069

>hinge date
I wish my Hinge dates would go out for Indian food. We normally just do drinks

>> No.18222105

>>Go to indian restaurant with hinge date
Why the FUCK would you take anyone to an Indian restaurant?
That shit's nasty.
Plus it's obvious you were unfamiliar with this place.

fucking loser...

>> No.18222120

Then make your own rice

>> No.18222386

>t. date rapist

>> No.18222608

Lol, the worst pain in daiting is when you leave the date with someone and they unmatch you like five or ten minutes after the date ended, feels like you are just thrown into the trash.

>> No.18223390

>adventurous item on the menu
>restaurant food is exiting and scary

>> No.18223750

I think he means you need to order a dish made from a spelunking chicken or something.

>> No.18223892

I mean if you take her to an Indian restaraunt, don't order butter chicken. If you go to a sushi place, don't order a California roll. If you go to a Chinese place, don't order a hamburger off the back of the menu.

>> No.18223936

Hi mommy. I'm going off to college...........

>> No.18223947

Do modern "men" really do this ? Stop using tinder.

>> No.18223962

I didn't want children, but I met a guy who gave me the same 'intelligent people aren't having enough children' spiel. That wasn't what changed my mind, but he's a really nice guy and he kept pursuing me and I am now prepared to have as many children as he wants. So... I guess sometimes it works.

>> No.18223965

You have to be a bit unhinged.

>> No.18223971

This, just lay your cards on the table instead of wasting everyone's time acting fake for 3 or 4 dates. This is the same reason I show up wearing camo shorts and a death metal t-shirt and most women like my confidence.

>> No.18223977

you will never be a woman

>> No.18224000
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>> No.18224027

My gf of 3 years first met me for coffee on our first date. Once it went well we went to a bar after.
Agree with covfefe idea

>> No.18224093

>basic principles can be overridden by a nice guy persisting
Women are spineless and pathetic.

>> No.18224157

Yet they still won't have sex with you. Curious!

>> No.18224169

I haven't sought a relationship, date, or sex of any kind in over 10 years, so I wouldn't know.

>> No.18224176

all awful advice written by a beta faggot who gets used for meals

>> No.18224208

I love Bettie

>> No.18224214

>> ask what kind if food she likes and pick whichever ethnic place you like, and they're open to, but also have the strongest menu item preference for
This shows you don't have the confidence to pick the restaurant. Girls don't like being asked what they want to eat.
>> go there beforehand so you know the layout as they will always ask where the bathroom is
Creeping the restaurant before a date is a major ick. Girls like adventure
>> sit well away from the entrance and bathroom so they don't feel trapped (right by entrance = she can't leave without being noticed)
Sorry but that's giving off creep vibes. What are you doing on your dates that they feel trapped?
>> order a respectable but not indulgent amount of food (don't want a full stomach if you get lucky anyway), pick the most adventurous item on the menu (make sure you've had it before)
This is good advice but the other steps took all the adventure out of the date already.
>> be respectful but confident with the waitstaff and tip at least 20%
Good advice. It's a huge ick when the guy can't get the server's attention or has to repeat himself.
>> pay attention to what she says, if she says she wants napkins or whatever then politely but firmly ask the waitstaff when they make their rounds
Sorry but this is giving off more creep vibes. Women can ask for their own napkins
>> don't focus on your food, focus on her
Not too much though. It is a turn off when the guy hangs onto your every word instead of enjoying the moment.

>> No.18224221

For me it's Bettie, Xev, Meana, and Cory

>> No.18224234
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>all awful advice written by a beta faggot who gets used for meals

>> No.18224246

>t. beta faggot who gets used for meals
how's that advice working for you? LOL

>> No.18224302

> This shows you don't have the confidence to pick the restaurant.
You don't straight up ask them what they want, you say something like "Indian, Chinese, Mexican, anything you don't like?" Then pick one.

> creeping ick
It's not creeping to eat food somewhere before you invite someone else to go with you.

> Sorry but this is giving off more creep vibes. Women can ask for their own napkins

If it's the sort of woman who gets uncomfortable with her would-be boyfriend asking for napkins, consider yourself lucky for finding out early

>> No.18224312

Imagine being this big of a virgin.
Nigga you don't fucking start Family Planning on the first date. You have a good time. You show her that you're a chad. Then she'll be begging you to creampie her.

>> No.18224377

Some people don't find it useful to date people with conflicting ideals. This "don't care, had sex" mentality is cancer. Why would you even begin a relationship with someone who didn't have compatible life goals?

>> No.18224447

Anon she was the one whose very first message to me was, How serious are you about wanting kids soon, I don't want them.

We went on the date and desu I think I got rejected because I'm overweight and she makes way more money than me as an engie

>> No.18224491

Okay, so you being a fattie is obviously bad.
How old are you, and how old was she?
BTW lose weight fattie. I can feel your gravitational pull across the globe.
Nigga "life goals" are a meme. Women don't have life goals, they have media consumption goals. Asking a woman her "life goals" on a date means making her pussy drier than the sahara
>inb4 waah I wanna have an intelleckchual diskussion
You don't do that with a woman. No matter how smart she is.
This isn't the "Don't care, had sex" mentality. It's the "don't die alone and lonely" mentality. Git gud at humor and indirect jokes or keep jerking it off to your waifu for the next 50 years.

>> No.18224512

It is very, very strange that your Indian food did not come with rice. That makes absolutely zero fucking sense. I've been to maybe a dozen Indian places in NYC, half a dozen in Denver, half a dozen in LA. Never once have I ever asked for rice. It comes with the meal. And if you're some smelly shitskin who's about to be me a >(you) and tell me that isn't how it's done in the shithole country your parents escaped from, I don't fucking care. Indian food goes on rice. What you order from an Indian restaurant goes on rice.
Sounds like you went to a shitty place OP. Sorry to hear your date didn't go well.

>> No.18224529

I'm 30, she's 32

>> No.18224545

LMAO no wonder my dude.
She's hyper-desparate.
Here's a tip for you:
If you're seeing a woman who knows her ovaries are near expiry, NEVER FUCKING EVER mention kids to her. EVER. Just brush the issue away if she brings it up and try to make her feel good. She will NEVER be rational. It's an older 16 yo girl that you went to see, not a 30 year old. It's like talking to her about the assignment she's late on and asking if she'd like you to do it for her. You come across as a fucking chump. Don't. Fucking. Mention. Kids.

Make sure she isn't a single mom though.

>> No.18224551


>> No.18224552

The actual goat vindaloo was pretty tasty, maybe I was probably dumb for not ordering a side of rice. They had signs in english, spanish and hindi or something so I'm assuming the food was authentic.

Also, my date had left like half of her rice uneaten, seemed a little wasteful to throw it away and not offer it to me but I guess we didn't get to the sharing food tier.
She mentioned not wanting kids in the first message to be, she is probably coping hard and fighting baby fever, or just autistic.

>> No.18224569

>It's the "don't die alone and lonely" mentality.
But for someone who wants kids it's not enough to just "not die alone" by settling for a (voluntarily) barren wife.

>> No.18224591

>get a new drop of junior Marines
>one of them was homeschooled in Arkansas and is clearly mentally handicapped
>right before deployment: "Ah met this girl corporal. I love her I'm gunna marry her when we get back."
>cool retard here's the paperwork
>"corporal she's Indian. Like real American Indian. She's like an ancestor of america corporal."
>spend 6 months in Okimawa having to listen to this faggot tell me all the words he's been learning in some random native american language he picked
>kind of endearing, still a piece of shit Marine
>"gunna surprise her when we get back home corporal."
>buses take us from airport onto base after we land back in the states
>"Corporal. I'm gunna propose to my girlfriend. Can you video us?"
>huge party of people waiting for us
>junior Marine and his girl, and her parents, see each other.
>you already know where this is going
>parents wearing 100% Indian Punjab outfits. >wife even has the dot on her fucking head
>video this kid speak a bunch of gibberish before saying "what I'm tryin ta say is... will you marry me?"
>Courthouse the next day. Permanent resident wife shortly after.
That was such a fun saga to watch unfold. One of my favorite stories to tell

>> No.18224595

>She mentioned not wanting kids in the first message to be, she is probably coping hard and fighting baby fever, or just autistic.
Did she look autistic?
And no, her mentioning that "she doesn't want kids" and dating a guy younger than her means that she was DTF. Not even kidding.
She's looking to fast-forward stuff. Just because she said she doesn't want kids doesn't mean she doesn't want them. It means she isn't ready to discuss it with you right now.
For someone who wants kids it's important to get a wife first. And if you're not a total chump you wouldn't be dating a woman older than you. The ideal is half+7. Never ever go for a woman older than you unless you're in high school or something.

>> No.18224607

>not going to an italian place and demanding sweet and sour chicken

>> No.18224804

Not really. Unlimited refills aren't a thing in Western Europe

>> No.18224836

>Just because she said she doesn't want kids doesn't mean she doesn't want them. It means she isn't ready to discuss it with you right now.
Perhaps women should stop being lying retards, then.

>> No.18224880

That would actually be funny enough to work

>> No.18224915

>date at the Olive Garden
>"I will have the savory soufflé topped with Portuguese Encruzado mousse with dehydrated 4 slivers from the rarest truffle that grows at the margins of the Baltic Sea... how about you my dear"

>> No.18224987

>Perhaps women should stop being lying retards, then.
Perhaps you should adapt to reality instead of being a rotund lobotomy experiment.

>> No.18224997

That was actually too much.
You can do it mang just don't be a nigger.

>> No.18225297

>Is she autistic
>engineer with two masters

>> No.18225302
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Based Poojeta enjoyer

>> No.18225322

If you go to Olive Garden on a date the correct answer is to order the grilled chicken margherita or eggplant parmesan (if she is vegetarian)

>> No.18225373
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Endless breadsticks for my lady, she'll be feeding me later tonight

>> No.18225379

>Go to indian restaurant with Bumble date
>it goes well
>we had a ton of laughs
>ate some good curry
>dared each other to get the last thing we ordered fully spicy
>it was hot and we both got flushed
>enjoyable experience at the end
>paying bill (split) we basically agreed we're gonna go have sex now
>stop by a bar for a couple of drinks first
>get pretty buzzed
>come to my place by 1 AM
>20 minutes of makeout and foreplay
>time to fuck
>we both suddenly feel bad in the stomach
>both have to take a shit
>take turns taking diarrhea shits in my toilet for an hour
>assholes burned
>she slept over (no sex) and went home before I woke up
>never heard from her again
I don't recommend it

>> No.18225412

Anon you should have know there was an hourglass ticking and not hit up the bar, live and learn.

>> No.18225427

That's a buffet, not a restaurant. What flyover shithole do you call home?

>> No.18225429

Depending on where the dish is from you'd either expect rice or some sort of bread or whatever as an acompniament to a main so I can kinda see not offering but on the other hand every main would have one or the other so why not fucking include them you money grabbing shit in the streets faggots?

>> No.18225440

A buffet is contained within a restaurant. In some restaurants, the buffet is optional and you can choose instead to order a single meal off a menu.

>> No.18225982

>Go to indian restaurant with hinge date
excellent choice
>fucking rice isn't included with the base menu items
yes that's standard
>Waiter gives dogshit service and never refilled my drink
did you try at all to get his attention and ask?
>waiter never brought the bill, had to bullshit for 20 or 30 minutes before we just went up to the counter
just go up to the counter?

>> No.18226125

I live in a real city so I usually do concerts theatre or art exhibitions. You get to talk and walk and have something engaging. Sports events are good too.

If you're having dinner dates and paying you're a basic bitch and a simp and deserve never to be loved.

>> No.18226226

>concerts theatre or art exhibitions
>sports events
All these things require tickets and all take a long ass time (except the art gallery in some instances). Those are terrible ideas for a first date because you can't casually cut it short at any time,

>> No.18226232

Indian, no less.

>> No.18226245

Yeah, also girls are flaky as fuck in 2022. If she cancels last min your out however much money you spent on the ticket.

.t still made about a tinder whore burning me on $10 for sierra club breakfast reservations when a zoologist came to speak.

>> No.18226987


>> No.18227024

It's Bettie

>> No.18227252

Based, a few women have asked me on hiking dates