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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18212924 No.18212924 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst dish from your state?
Chicken fried steak (TX) is fucking awful. Why would you deepfry a steak.

>> No.18212929

I absolutely love country fried steak, It's like the best part of a hamburger mixed with the best part of fried chicken. Eat it all the time on a bun with some cheese and mayo

>> No.18212932

Cause it's a shitty cube steak.

IL here. Horseshoes take the cake.

>> No.18212968

Skyline Chili. I'm not even from that part of Ohio and people think its our state cuisine

>> No.18212975

because it's not an actual steak, retard. It's cube steak.
This is a cheap family dinner if you make gravy with the drippings, and put it on mashed potatoes. Have you ever even had it? And it's not a special Texas food either. This shit is everywhere.

>> No.18212976

Florida reporting. Probably some Cuban dish. Cuban sandwiches are wonderful of course, but most of their menu seems to be a variation of black beans, rice, and pork. It's not a terrible cuisine but kind of monotonous. Guava pastries are meh. Their Cuban bread and coffee, which they're so proud of, is unimpressive.

Cracker cuisine is mostly typical Southern fare, which is good. Gator tail is way over hyped, although most people only eat that a few times in their lives.

>> No.18212980

you seem like you eat boiled, mashed fish

>> No.18212992

No one is deep drying ribeyes or filet mignons, you dullard.

It’s cube steak, like Salisbury steak

>> No.18213006

Nashville hot chicken isn't for me. Won't say it is objectively bad but man, it is always disappointing. But i've lived in several states and they all have their good and bad food.

>> No.18213075
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is this more up your alley goshoojingsama?

>> No.18213085

>Chicken fried steak (TX) is fucking awful
I don't even know what to say

>> No.18213094

do you weigh 300 kg?

>> No.18213095

I'm from Georgia. Brunswick stew is very hit or miss. Sometimes it tastes like straight ketchup or barbecue sauce. Haven't had it in a while though.

Also I have senpai in St. Louis and St. Louis-style pizza kind of sucks especially because they always get supreme and all the toppings fall off.

>> No.18213172

Was gonna post this- there's decent, even very tasty St. Louis-style pizza, but Imo's is straight up utility-grade and doesn't deserve the love.

>> No.18213186 [DELETED] 

All jew food. The food goes in the oven along with the jews.
T. New york

>> No.18213196

I'm a northerner but have family in NM/TX. Whenever we would visit family they would make chicken fried steak multiple times for us since we liked it so much. I still love it 25 years later but it is hard to find a place that makes it well. I came across such a place a few weeks ago in rural MN, which was great.

>> No.18213209

what kind of soiboy man-child are you that you can't eat country fried steak? It's simple as shit

>> No.18213218

There's a tiny town in OK called Kiowa. There's a restaurant there called "Wheeler's" that makes some bomb ass Chicken Fried Steak.

>> No.18213239

It's a good way to make a cheap bland steak taste really good

>> No.18213271

NY - our pizza is shit. If you want a real pizza, go to New Jersey. Their girls are way hotter too

>> No.18213273

Only true of Jew York City, upstate has some great pizza

>> No.18213274

What is the worst food I need to try?

>> No.18213305

Memexican here
I fucking hate Menudo.
Back when I was 15-18 I worked at a restaurant and they put me in charge of preping all the ingredients including cleaning the meat.
Fucking disgusting, I use to stink like vinegar for days.

>> No.18213321 [DELETED] 

Jc's in Schenectady new york. That shit is killer.

>> No.18213427
File: 120 KB, 600x613, RIClamChowder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rhode Island clam chowder. No one here even eats it and it's not on the menu of most seafood restaurants. We just eat regular New England clam chowder.

>> No.18213858

Idaho finger steaks. Everyone here loves them and compares finger steaks from different diners but they all just taste like deep fried nasty gristly rubbery waste beef chunks.

>> No.18213912

I do not enjoy Vernor’s.

That’s it. I love everything else.

>> No.18213943


Alabamian here. Sweet potato anything, collard greens, and any okra that is not de-gunked and deep fried.

>> No.18213946

This. It's finger steaks in the south and "bite size" in the north, both totally retarded. Idaho food culture is nonexistent, and this is coming from somebody from Utah ffs. In Lewiston they have this "bite size" bullshit that's basically 1-2" cubes of steak (usually sirloin or something lean and bland) that is kind of breaded and fried but not really, never had any that was actually crispy. They serve it with beef jus and creamed horseradish like it's prime rib but it's just stupid, much like the denizens of Lewiston. It's just chunks of steak with a soggy "breading" that you're still paying $20+ for instead of just eating a steak. I don't get the appeal at all. Breaded and fried beef can be delicious if done well but I haven't had it anywhere in this state.

>> No.18213959

Funny, I was just reading about this "clear" RI style the other day when I had a craving for NE clam chowder. Makes Manhattan style seem appealing.

>> No.18213969

"Floribbean cuisine" is worse than any Cuban food because it's fusion beaner food with coconut and sugar shoe-horned into everything.

>> No.18213990
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California nigga here. San Diego Burritos are filled with fries to let the cooks be cheap bastards

>> No.18214027

Not necessarily a dish, but the "dirty soda" thing in Utah is disgusting and perfectly encapsulates the excesses of mormon culture that have been cultivated through their permissiveness towards any vice besides food (sugar) and pharmaceuticals (SSRIs, benzos, and uppers especially). For those that are unaware, there is now a glut of drive through franchises that sell fountain drinks with various added flavored syrups, juices and creamers throughout much of suburban Utah. These establishments also usually sell baked goods, especially cookies. You know, so you can have some sugar with your sugar Xzibit yo dawg style. This is now generally celebrated as a unique cultural quirk of the mormon belt (extending into SE Idaho) which I think tells you how bereft of any meaningful culture the region is. Also we have the pastrami burger which is pretty good but overrated IMO. Although excessive, it pales in comparison to the "dirty soda" phenomenon.

>> No.18214038

Meant to say any vice except food and pharma but you get what I meant

>> No.18214044

Meant to say only food and pharma are permitted lol

>> No.18214105
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>Chicken fried steak (TX) is fucking awful.

>> No.18214165

Skyline is fire. Fuck off

>> No.18214172

It's annoying because every town you go to there's some NPC talking about getting an arrow in their knee.

>> No.18214181
File: 166 KB, 1500x1069, SkylineChili-2-1500x1069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you skyline chili is the best dish in Ohio.

>> No.18214194

>bolognese with beans

>> No.18214198

japs do it and people worship them for it
place i lived in japan literally deep fries a steak, slaps it on a bed of rice and it's praised as a regional delicacy

>> No.18214207

New Mexico reporting in: the worst local food is objectively... actually, now that I think about it, all of our local food is fucking incredible and delicious. All of it.

I will say that the gay little lettuce and tomato garnish every restaurant puts on every New Mexican dish is tiresome.

>> No.18214221
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Worst dish is raisin butter tarts
Best dish is pecan butter tarts

>> No.18214231
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Sponge candy. It looks, feels, and tastes like insulation.

>> No.18214234

Man I fucking hate mayonnaise based salads. Especially the fruit ones, what dumb bitch housewife ever thought that was a good idea, and why did others continue it

>> No.18214236

I love a Cadbury Crunchie

>> No.18214774
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Welcome to Pennsylvania would you like some chicken pot pie?

>> No.18214790

Shit's good comfort food. It's not really even a steak, either. It's basically beef schnitzel with sausage gravy.
>This shit is everywhere.
Not just in the south, either. I live over 1500 miles from anywhere that could be considered "the south", and I had chicken-fried steak at a diner just last week.

>> No.18214799


>> No.18215434

What's the deal with cube steak anyway? Always made me gag when my mom would make it for dinner because all the shit that looks like blood vessels was just nasty and overly chewy.

>> No.18215457

What kind of lard-addicted retarded obese Southern Nigger are you to take cheap meat, make it worse by frying it to the consistency of leather, and then covering it with so much slop you can taste neither the breading nor the meat?

>> No.18215545
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I live in London, everyone here is absolutely obsessed with doner kebabs for reasons I don't really get, but I get food poisoning almost every time I've gotten one.
I also dont like sausage rolls.

>> No.18215558

i was born and raised and still live in illinois and I have never seen a horseshoe before.

It looks fucking revolting

>> No.18215580

Shut the fuck up that crusty bread is delicious

>> No.18215581

must be hard to be the only person in London with taste buds.

>> No.18216376

>I also dont like sausage rolls.
Sausage rolls vary a lot depending on where you get them though, a lot of places treat them like a cheap shitty street food and put poor quality ingredients and bad pastry.
Every now and then I'll find a decent bakery with delicious sausage rolls.

>> No.18216403

chicken fried steak is great you faggot

>> No.18216406

cream chowder is disgusting the clear or the tomato one is way better What sort of subhuman wants to drink milk with fucking clams.

>> No.18216408

fucking lmao

>> No.18216452

youre a sick freak. get some help

>> No.18216457

>cream chowder
>"tomato" chowder is better
Fly over detected. You will never have a Rhode Island clam bake overlooking the ocean, you will never dig your own fresh quahogs and oysters, you will never eat a lobster bought straight off the boat, you will never catch your own sea bass or striper and cook it for dinner that night.

If I wanted an opinion on the best way to eat bull testicles I'd be sure to ask you.


>> No.18216495

I am not a flyover and have caught striper on the eastern seaboard you just have shit taste.

>> No.18216521

Very true. You got to go pass Poughkeepsie to get good pizza in NY

>> No.18216526

Obviously you are an oceanlet who lives in some land locked hell hole. Stick to having sex with your cousin and leave fine dining up to us.

>> No.18216585

You are supposed to use shitty cuts not fancy stake you retard

>> No.18216608

Always thought it was bonkers that people rolled with it

>> No.18216636
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idk if putting a shitload of 'garnishes' in a 40 dollar bloody mary is a thing elsewhere but they do it in Wisconsin as a gimmick sometimes

>> No.18216644

south jersey here. honestly im a big fan of most of our regional foods, love pork roll, scrapple, hoagies, tastykakes, wawa, cheesteaks

>> No.18216649

Pennsylvania here and anything the western half considers "regional".

>> No.18216655

It's the only dish in oh*o and it's flyover slop like all of the m*dwest

>> No.18216695

Gator Tail, you never ate the other parts of a gator anon?

>> No.18216700

Weebs are fucking delusional.

>> No.18216701

Sup wisco bro, that shit fucking sucks. It's gotten to the point where a bunch of places stopped putting the work in to make a good bloody mix, and just throw a bunch of toppings on there. So frustrating.

However I've also had very few good bloodies outside of Wisconsin, so I guess win some/lose some.

>> No.18216707

Gregg Sausage Rolls are the only good ones.

>> No.18216718

I live in Minnesota. People go out of their way to eat Somali/Ethiopian slopshit

>> No.18216720

Our pizza is good because its generally NY style, which is decent, but made with sheer hatred and disdain for everyone south of Putnam County, and that's a hell of a lot of hate to put into one dish.

>> No.18216724

California burritos. Who tf thought fries in a burrito was okay?

>> No.18216798

vernors sucks

>> No.18216812


Imagine thinking this is upstate ny

>> No.18217082

greggs is fucking rank, the only good thing they sell are the sausage bean and cheese pasties and they're two fucking quid a go
absolute laugh

best sausage rolls come from a good butcher, or morrisons. failing those, cooplands sausage rolls are far superior to greggs

they got memed cause they are cheap and alright now they're not cheap and shite

>> No.18217104
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>> No.18217124

It's just bottom round that's been tenderized with either a mallet or mechanically with a cuber. It is more common for it to have more gristle which is why it's used as such.

>> No.18217205

New York chowder has tomatoes, might be something like that

>> No.18217210
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Kentucky here: open mouthed kisses from my uncle for a bowl of ramen noodles

>> No.18217225

If they do something retarded, like Chicken Fried *Sirloin*, I agree with you. (Texas Roadhouse)
But if it's cube steak, like the recipe actually calls for, then it's great.

>> No.18217766

Neck yourself Altoona, your pizza is shit

>> No.18217779

We do not have states.

>> No.18217783

Greggs is awful anon. Its sole saving grace is that it's competing with fucking McDonalds so of course it wins.

>> No.18217794

I'm sure that's a ripoff but that shit is delicious if it didn't rip you off.

>> No.18217819

country fried steak is always made from the shittiest ever cuts, they always have those zits and chewy bits if you haven't already noticed the week old steak taste, nowhere here in texas have I eaten a good fried steak.

>> No.18217844

It’s good on a hotdog and nothing else. Seriously those coneys are pretty good.

>> No.18217850
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Scrapple is way way worse.

>> No.18217879
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I fucking love headcheese but we have a bunch of brands and some of them are local recipes.

>> No.18217884

>Scrapple is way way worse.
Back in the summer of '82, some friends and I were staying at a campground near Ocean City, Maryland.
We ran out of money, and resorted to shoplifting.
We decided to steal some Scrapple, so if we got caught, it would be obvious we were starving.

>> No.18217962

What's the place in MN? I'm in west central and I'd drive an hour or two for a good meal.

>> No.18217977

KC here. Essentially any BBQ that isn't brisket or ribs is memey and overrated.

Since the price of meat went up people fetishize the sandwiches now like the Z-Man or the Pigwich but in the end you're just cheating yourself because you're cheap.

The proper order is always: Plate of brisket, or short end of ribs, fries, slaw, beans. Anything else and its hipster bbq enjoy your 4oz of meat

>> No.18218059

>BBQ that isn't brisket or ribs is memey and overrated.
I think you're forgetting about pulled pork.

>> No.18218255

you're telling me a CHICKEN fried this steak?

>> No.18218287
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>> No.18218409

>boiling milk with chowder is fine dining
All that inbreeding must have disabled youe taste buds.a

>> No.18218419

I’m so confused. Is it chicken or is it beef coated in breadcrumbs?

>> No.18218463

It's like a big beef cutlet battered and deep fried like fried chicken. And theres white gravy on it. It's great, OP is retarded

>> No.18218471

OP clearly stated chicken you retarded illiterate mong

>> No.18218655

>Take the worst bits of steak generally
>Grind it together into something passable
>Fry it and cover it with gravy so they won't notice the imperfections in the chopped steak
Its en economic food, just like a lot of Chinese dishes.

You wouldn't want to eat a cube steak on its own, which is why they had to dress it up with frying and gravy to make it more palpable. They aren't wasting the steak like you think by frying it.

>> No.18218658

Data mining thread

>> No.18218659

You're thinking of chicken fried chicken

(Chicken fried) = how they're going to fry the steak

Steak = the thing being fried

They fry a steak like a chicken

>> No.18218663

In what way?

>> No.18218684
File: 123 KB, 878x577, slow-cooker-boston-baked-beans-recipe-everydaydishes_com-H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never liked the taste or texture of """Boston""" baked beans. Actual fuckin slop

>> No.18218695

From a Carolina place sure, most places have mediocre pulled pork though.

>> No.18218697

Cuban coffee is so tasty.
I miss eating Venezuelan and Colombian food in Miami.

The worst food in Florida is probably key lime pie. Key limes are nice, and mixing them into milk and eggs is just about the worst thing you can do to them.

>> No.18219176

>From a Carolina place sure
That's like saying "I hate crab-cakes", but leaving out "but I always get one when I go to Baltimore".
Also, Hawaiian Imu pulled pork is usually pretty good.

>> No.18219235

Found the Califaggian

>> No.18219252

I'm from NY, we basically bastardized Italian food which was already high carb into being even shittier so...

>> No.18219341


Is everything north of Westchester upstate to you people? Have you ever seen what passes for pizza in Binghamton or Rochester or Geneseo or Buffalo or Schenectedy or any of the smaller towns in what is actually "upstate"? I'm talking slices of american cheese on pizza dough bad in the case of Binghamton.

New Jersey pizza can be good but it's usually pretty similar to the stuff you get in Manhattan. The only benefit is that Manhattan pizza is usually twice the price because of rent.

The Bronx has great pizza, especially in places like Morris Park.

>> No.18219374

The further up the Hudson you are, the more upstatey it gets. It's all relative.

>> No.18219431
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look at that monster

>> No.18219534

Not only do you hate chicken fired steak, but you also mistakenly believe it's from Texas?

>> No.18219536

What kind of NIGGER hates milk?

>> No.18219553

When I told my dad about hamburg steak he thought I was retarded.
>where are the buns?
>hold on sonny, you're burgers are looking a little too thick
>ain't it about time you take it out?
I cooked up some with mushroom gravy and he changed his mind.

>> No.18219554
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Not really a fan of pralines. It sort of feels like I'm eating the crust left over on the side of a pot that someone decided to recycle.

Soul food in general. Don't hate it, but it's all just basic food prepared in the most heavy way possible. It's weird seeing people visiting through talking about going to soul food restaurants. Maybe it's like a French person being told by tourists they love to eat at fancy French restaurants when it's just shit they eat on a Thursday night.

>> No.18219569
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What country do you come from where your parents would be unfamiliar with hamburger/salisbury steak? That's a quintessential boomer dish in the US.
Also, the guy you were replying to was talking about beef katsu, not hamburger steak.

>> No.18219586

I'm from fucking Newport and never knew this was a thing. What type of mongoloid wants clear chowdah?

>> No.18219611

holy kek

>> No.18219614


>> No.18219834


Döners in the UK are an embarassment compared to the ones in Germany though.

>> No.18219864

Horseshoes are amazing, especially the breakfast versions. The two of you are just a couple faggots. You would be better off going to taco bell, it's more your speed.

>> No.18219874

country fried steak is objectively delicious, you can argue it's unhealthy or too heavy but you cannot deny the flavor. I'm gonna say you are probably an Indian or Chinese person

>> No.18219906

these are both great and enjoy both when I visit relatives there

>> No.18219959

>chicken fried steak :^|
>steak KATSU 8^O

>> No.18219976
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Looked it up. It's an open-faced meat sandwich on texas toast with a load of fries dumped on top of it. Then it's all smothered in "cheese sauce". Absolutely wretched. It is a good representation of the "culture" of the Midwest, though.

>> No.18220046

Fuck me that looks vile. Is this the worse Pennsylvanians have to offer

>> No.18220076

>anon has never eaten a Sayers sausage roll

>> No.18220080

>People go out of their way to eat Somali/Ethiopian slopshit
Have you considered that Minnesotan delicacies might actually be disgusting

>> No.18220139

tail is the prime choice for gator and anon is right it's way over hyped, its just chewy land fish

>> No.18220158
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i'm so sick of mangoes

>> No.18220160
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>> No.18220176
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Absolute nuclear bomb tier bant.

>> No.18220180

>The worst food in Florida is probably key lime pie.
i think you're alone in that opinion

>> No.18220184 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 360x394, GetALoadOf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18220191

>Somali/Ethiopian slopshit
>Minnesotan delicacies

Those are Minnesotan delicacies.

>> No.18220192
File: 105 KB, 800x800, 1603517191109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>san diego burritos
Nobody calls it that. That's called a California Burrito. Do you actually live here? It's also fucking delicious.

>filled with fries to let the cooks be cheap bastards
What stupid comment. Next you'll say they only use onions because they're cheap filler. You know it comes with guac, right? You gonna call that cheap filler too? Fucking dumbass.

>implying cooks are allowed to make significant monetary decisions
fucking dumbass

>> No.18220206

>The worst food in Florida is probably key lime pie
shit taste. the last time I spent a week in the keys I probably spent over $100 on key lime pies alone.

>> No.18220230

I should have put the quote marks on them, my apologies

>> No.18220236

Isn’t it a little too cold for those spooks there

>> No.18220259

Uh Minnesota is Somali central

>> No.18221407

wouldn't rice be even cheaper, which i assume is what it replaces?

>> No.18221452

It's Manhattan and it sucks ass

>> No.18221458

That's what happens when you grow up in Tonomy Hill

>> No.18221462
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Uggggghhhhhh people apologizing for what actually is goy slop. The only thing worse in ohio is ohio valley pizza which is actually a west virginia thing.

>> No.18221471

Absolutely retarded post unless a “San Diego” burrito is different than a California burrito. Fries replace rice and beans. What kind of moron misses this?

>> No.18221475

I will never forget the first time I was offered country fried steak. I am from Ohio and was down in rural texas to see a girl I liked to fuck when I was like 20. Was told we were having steak for dinner and got country fried steak. Fucking chewy shit with sausage gravy on it. Never have been so disappointed in my life and pretended to chew that shit and enjoy it. It's all I could think about while I was on top of her and I just was like "ehh, the travel did me in". I went back home and never talked to her ever again.

>> No.18221480

Except for Saratoga, that's full of city cunts who need to lose the attitudes. I work in a nearby town and those customers always bitch that this place isn't just like the city.

>> No.18221516
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>> No.18222232

I've noticed people who say Floridan here always have something stupid to say.

>> No.18222259

I missed living in Texas for that. Lived in Bulverde, there was this little Mexican joint next to the HEB there, might god they hit that ball out of the park.

>> No.18222260

I haven't had good Doner since Germany as well

>> No.18222264


At least it is unique and wonderful. The rest of the state is jealous because they lack a signature dish.

>> No.18222267

Just came back from Utah. Burgers, burgers, mexican, and burgers. The fry sauce everywhere was a nice compliment. I did enjoy getting 4oz cups of it just asking once.

>> No.18222331


Lived in Alabama 20 years. I despise grits. It is an abomination before the Lord.


The British have no good food at all, maybe that's why y'all have such rotten teeth.

-- Only non-Cincinnatians base opinions on the chili based solely on Skyline. There's Gold Star, Empress, Price Hill, Camp Washington, Pleasant Ridge, and for the KY folks, Dixie. They're all good in their own ways.

-- Living in Nebraska now, haven't really found a local dish to hate. Runza is pretty decent, and I live close to Wilbur, the "Czech Capitol of the US" so there are kolaches and other Czech dishes here.

>> No.18222338

>SC bbq
>almost every slaw tastes like fucking miracle whip
I'm going to burn this entire god forsaken bible thumping redneck shit hole down.

>> No.18222352

You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.18222472

the sauce on chicken fried steak is disgusting. it's so flavorless. semen has more flavor than that

>> No.18222610

built for dutch ovens

>> No.18222646

also RI anon and I never paid attention to this, but it looks more appetizing than cream-based chowder.

>> No.18222664

>planked salmon
>using cedar instead of apple
>some sort of shitty honey glaze
>fucking FLIPPING THE SALMON instead of just grilling it skin side down the entire time like a sane human being
>not cooking it WITH the lemon and rosemary instead of just tossing the herb on at the last second with lemon wedges on the side
>any other rice than wild purple blends
>fried asparagus instead of baked
Anyone from the pacific northwest should know how to prepare a nice, traditional salmon dinner, but even a decade ago when I last lived there, faggots would still cock it up to shit and back.

>> No.18222679

What the fuck is that cum sauce on it?

>> No.18223123

it's just a roux with salt and pepper, I use a bit of paprika when I make it as well.

>> No.18223137

>Scrapple is way way worse.
No, done nice and crispy, it's blessed and based and tasty as fuck! Hell, gonna go buy some now.

>> No.18223289
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Seattle here

>hurrdurr let's put cream cheese on a hot dog
>hurrdurr let's only dip our fries in tartar sauce even if there's no fish to go with it
absolutely retarded

>> No.18223419

Looks like that olive garden soup

>> No.18223429

Cali burritos are fucking good.. you're probably some flyover that had one at a shifty Midwest Mexican restaurant

>> No.18223439

>San Diego Burritos

AKA: California burrito, Oregon burrito, Washington burrito, PNW burrito, Portland burrito, Seattle burrito...

I can't count how many times I've seen this same shit named after a different West Coast area. It's what Mexicans sell to white people, and I wonder if anyone ever noticed that it's essentially just a burger and fries in a fucking burrito!

>> No.18223462

Tex-mex in texas is awful. Every texmex place I've ever been to has been identical. Spanish rice with clearly freeze dried vegetables in it because why bother using fresh or even frozen? Soupy overcooked refried beans with no flavor. Then a handful of actual mains. The enchiladas are just soft tacos buried in canned red sauce. Tacos on par with taco bell. Some other mush that was cooked a few days before, often drowning in some bland sauce. I never see actual mexicans eating it, its always white people eating this shit.

And while I'm at it: people going insane over local places like torchys tacos, babes fried chicken, chuys, and similar overpriced bland restaurants. OOOO they made something incredibly easy, put a sauce on it and charged $6 for a taco. Lets have a $14 margarita and post it on instagram!

>> No.18223463

Uhh. Chicken fried chicken is not chicken fried steak ya fucking doofus

>> No.18223522

I'm from Bakersfield anon

>> No.18223553

>I never see actual mexicans eating it, its always white people eating this shit.
The mex food in texas is just as shitty, but in a different way. Tex-mex used to be pretty good compared to how poverty tier the authentic shit was for decades, but the situation has reversed.

>> No.18223555

The Mexicans of Chicagoland would like to have a talk with you.

>> No.18223559

I've never had chicken fried steak before. where is the absolute best place to get one?

>> No.18223560 [DELETED] 

People are going to keep moving here from California and Arizona, and there's nothing you chuds can do about it. Superior Californian Latinx food will displace everything you know and "love".

>> No.18223577

I DGAF about texas or cali, cool it with the faggy trolling. It's all the same shit because it's all the same 3 foot tall norteño day laborers.

>> No.18223588

the day laborers are also cooking all of the food at every restaurant? how do they find the time?

>> No.18223600

If you haven't had it, there isn't one anywhere near you and no one can tell you. It's a very southern thing, just look at that pepper gravy.

>> No.18223622

I think texmex used to be okay because white people were paying a premium for cheap mexican food. Then in order to continue profits, restaurants cut corners and are using boxed rice, canned sauces, making 100 gallons of beans on Monday and serving it through the week. Its no long good because nearly every restaurant cuts corners to cut costs.

>> No.18223669

I've traveled all over the country, I've just never had one. I'd like to before I die, though, just out of curiosity.

>> No.18223679

It's usually a menu item at diners and cafeterias, if you go that route.

>> No.18223693

I know that, I'm asking which specific restaurants have the best chicken fried steaks.

>> No.18223759

I don't eat at chains and usually make it at home. Forks diner was alright but I think they closed down because of the scamdemic or the owners got old. I haven't been to a K&N in a long time. Either of the Country Kitchens (no relation to the chain, or each other) are pretty good. We're talking about food for people too poor to eat out, in areas where chain restaurants don't exist or don't do much business. The local delicacy is fried chicken livers from a gas station deli and a hamburger with an egg and relish on it.

>> No.18223858

Never knew we had anything like this. How embarrassing, NE chowder is the bomb.

>> No.18223958
File: 2.91 MB, 540x360, buttaborger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drive past this place sometimes and think of this webn and get nauseous

>> No.18224009

PA, Philly Cheesesteak is really overrated

>> No.18224029

I went there once when I lived in the area, it was okay nothing special. Kopp's just up the road is way better.

>> No.18224104

Why do you guys project so much? Anytime someone mentions they like a food that isn’t a vegetable there’s retards screeching about you’re obese. I don’t understand that.

>> No.18224152

Cream cheese on a hot dog is pretty good tho

>> No.18224153

Because understanding moderation and normal eating is a foreign concept. If you love steak, you must be eating it 3 times a day in restaurant portions which would get you to 300kg mark.

>> No.18224154
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It's literally just chicken, chicken stock, potatoes, carrots and homemade noodles. It's like the PA Dutch deconstructed a pot pie and turned it into some sort of stew. Also whoever plated that fucked up, you're not supposed to have that much broth when you eat it. Usually served with red beet pickled eggs.

>> No.18224172

The best chicken fried steaks I've had have always been local kind of hole-in-the-wall diners. If you're in Seattle, 5-point cafe makes a pretty good one. Or at least they used to, haven't been there in a year or so.

>> No.18224331

Kofte is the best

>> No.18224362
File: 238 KB, 1169x958, 90146DA4-9924-48D7-8F69-74EF42D678EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Unicorn does a nice take on the Seattle Dog, but with a corn dog. I really recc it.

>> No.18224367

What in the ever loving fvck is a "horse shoe"?

>> No.18224371

Goetta is betta

>> No.18224383

>If you love steak, you must be eating it 3 times a day
oh god I wish

>> No.18224384


>> No.18224399
File: 114 KB, 640x427, donairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halifax Donairs.
Could be awesome but the sauce is WAYYY too sweet.

>> No.18224533

You're out of your god dammned mind. Butter tarts with raisins are incredible. With pecans is also tasty, but those are tiny pecan pies, not butter tarts. Fellow a place to stand and a place to grow anon.

>> No.18225138

I thought Salisbury Steak was from Fallout.

>> No.18225220
File: 160 KB, 1080x1080, Fried-Chicken-Gizzard-Easy-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried chicken gizzards have an odd texture. The livers taste like aquarium fish flakes.

>> No.18225690

Buffalo has the best pizza in the State.

>> No.18225837
File: 172 KB, 1000x1000, Fruit-Pig-Black-Pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood Pudding. I try and try but my taste buds have not adapted to it

>> No.18225897

What fucking fast food has blood pudding?

>> No.18225912

butterburgers, or at least whatever variant is served at culvers, are pretty good.