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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18210782 No.18210782 [Reply] [Original]

They invented everything.

>> No.18210795

>slaves invented cooking over a fire
What would we have done without them

>> No.18210799

retard kys

>> No.18210801

didn't barbecue originally mean cooked to fuck

>> No.18210973

Had a seasonal worker one Christmas who said his grandfather invented hot sauce. What haven't they invented except the when?h80nh

>> No.18210986

>You can thank enslaved Africans for one of America's most iconic drinks: Coca-Cola
Coke was invented by a Confederate general, so no

>> No.18210989

Black people invented
>Rap music
>Jungle drums
>Holding the gun sideways
>Do rags
>Banana beer
I think that's about it

>> No.18211109

I will salute them for #1, #4, and #7. The rest, they can fuck themselves for.

>> No.18211195

I feel bad for blacks because they were taken from Africa (well sold by their own people really) and lost their history and now they have to cope by making up alternative history bullshit because they live in a country where they didn't actually invent much of anything or lay any of the frame work for how it operates.

White liberals who humor them on this shit are cucks though.

>> No.18211224

And if there were no black slaves then we would have no Confederate generals. Checkmate racists.

>> No.18211255

Don't forget about cars, the internet, Nintendo, and fire

>> No.18211266
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But that's true. Enslaved Africans had a huge impact on American cuisine, as you'd expect. I'm not even American and I know this, I just like food history.

>> No.18211277

>time of the atlantic slave trade
>darkies are still grug tier
Based Dora the Negro-Deplorer

>> No.18211297
File: 127 KB, 400x1116, download (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person wrote that article

>> No.18211312

Honestly why are right wingers so fragile

>> No.18211315

posting screencaps should be a bannable offense
if youre gonna farm shitty (you)s off a literal who article, the least you can do is drop an archive link

>> No.18211316

Not really, if there were no Africans in America the food would not be much different

>> No.18211323

Yes really. It'd still recognisably be American cuisine but black Americans did have a big influence on American cuisine.

>> No.18211329
File: 1.99 MB, 232x232, WhentheSomaHits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great slampig to snogg on mate. Body like mushy peas, yummy.

>> No.18211346

you gonna back that up, or just repeat the same thing over and over?

>> No.18211353

also peanut butter and deep fried chicken

>> No.18211366

I dont care about black people stuff.

>> No.18211367

Because the civil war wasn't about states' rights or anything.
Coke was invented by Dom DeLuise. I saw the video at the World of Coke.

>> No.18211368

r u gonna back ur own shit up mang

>> No.18211402

Cajun cuisine and fried chicken are two mind bogglingly obvious examples which came to mind in an instant, which is lucky, because I'm lazy.

>> No.18211420

Cajun cuisine though is french and fried chicken was definitely not invented by the blacks unless Hannah glasse is now black (she isn't).

>> No.18211422

Besides okra being an ingredient in like two or three regional dishes, can you tell me about the huge African influence?

>> No.18211439

Cajun cuisine is a fusion of African, French, and Spanish cuisine. It's certainly not just French. Fried chicken -- as in SOUTHERN fried chicken, obviously -- was a fusion of African and British cuisine.

>> No.18211444

Why are blacks obsessed with alternative history

>> No.18211467

They have horrible self-confidence thanks to a lack of representation and pervasive negative stereotypes in their own culture.

>> No.18211473
File: 34 KB, 460x304, starving_pickaninnies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Africans invented American cuisine
When are they gonna invent African cuisine?

>> No.18211480

>They have horrible self-confidence

Surprising, given that the entire American zeitgeist is geared towards appeasing the black ego.

>> No.18211527

The have some of the highest self-esteem and have lower suicide rates.

>> No.18211533



Anyway, "invented by African-American" always means "he/she was present in the background". Every time.

>> No.18211535

Dey wuz kangz anon

>> No.18211555

>SOUTHERN fried chicken
Oh you're really reaching there.
>if blacks eat it is invented by blacks
Why don't you fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.18211559

Based and realitypilled. Refreshing to see in this place

>> No.18211561

No, southern fried chicken is factually derived from African and British cuisine.