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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 714 KB, 576x578, Screenshots_2022-08-09-08-12-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18211015 No.18211015 [Reply] [Original]

>the taiwanese are challenging the italians with their testicle pizza

>> No.18211421

taiwan is china

>> No.18211486

China is Taiwan ;)

>> No.18211492

Taiwan is the name of the island, not the country.

>> No.18211496

There is only one China.
Taiwan and Mainland = same

>> No.18211518

Guess this goes on the list of chink food that are disgusting.

>> No.18211525
File: 153 KB, 1440x1217, Xigay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan is a country. :)

I never thought saying something so mundane would trigger people. China doesn't get to tell me what to do.

Also, Xi is the first LGBT president. You can't tell me that guy isn't FABULOUS(tm)

>> No.18211542

Honestly I want to see the weirdest Pizza picture everyone has

>> No.18211621

>thinking that you can only be fabulous if you're homosexual

You're not on your street corner, sistah, don't give yourself away so easily.

>> No.18211631

>Taiwan is a country.
Once again: Taiwan is an island, not a country. The island is claimed by two countries, both of which call themselves China. Only one of these countries, the Republic of China, has a presence and government influence on the island. The other country, the People's Republic of China, does not but maintains their claim anyways.

>> No.18211633
File: 444 KB, 1080x1398, 1658113384534817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18211668

That's fucking nuts

>> No.18211681

I live in Taiwan and near a place with the testicle+pigs blood pizzahut

Keep the thread bumped and I'll deliver tommorow because they're closed atm (it's 1am)

>> No.18211686

No, zoomie.

>> No.18211695

Not even close to being true, retard.
After the commies won, the real Chinese left the mainland and founded the Republic of China AKA Taiwan, Mao and his inbred handrubber advisers created the People's Republic of China.
Two completely different nations, but Taiwan is the only REAL China.

>> No.18211696

>has their own government and money
>its not a country bro

>> No.18211706

Reading comprehension, you moron.

>> No.18211707
File: 370 KB, 479x473, XI_Jinpack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan? You mean East China?
Glory to the CCP.
荣耀习近平 向共产党致敬 向民主猪致死 转发此帖可获得额外100社会信用积分

>> No.18211718

Taiwan is an island; the Republic of China is a country.
Great Britain is an island; the United Kingdom is a country.
Hispaniola is an island; Haiti and the Dominican Republic are countries.
Are you starting to understand things a little better? People only refer to the country as "Taiwan" as political kowtowing and pussyfooting because calling it by its real name "Republic of China" is seen as offensive to people from the "People's Republic of China".

>> No.18211724

Would devour

>> No.18211744

Thank you for clearing that up, Chang!
.05 Good Citizen points have been added to your social credit score. Please keep these anti-racist posts up and inform about the Glorious CCP! Our dear leader thanks you

>> No.18211747

Anon, please take more than five fucking seconds to read a post. The PRC doesn't even recognize the ROC.

>> No.18211797
File: 24 KB, 471x415, BUface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ching doesn't recognize Chong
>So that means Taiwan doesn't exist

>> No.18211801
File: 189 KB, 1029x1287, by-source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18211813

Never mind, you're being retarded on purpose. I forgot where I was.
>inb4 one last retarded zinger

>> No.18211826

Taiwan is a country though, so thats wrong. Tell China to get a real government

>> No.18211838

Nah man, it’s literally zoomer education. He’s not pretending.

>> No.18211868

Deliver soon.

>> No.18211871

Looks bad not like the ad

>> No.18211878

Taiwanese independence movement is the future of ROC

>> No.18211882

Lurk more before post, newfag.

>> No.18211894


>> No.18211899

Work on your English literacy, bud.

>> No.18211929

imma be straight up
taiwan was better as a Japanese possession

>> No.18211964

It's a testicle pizza, what did you expect ?

>> No.18211990

I am taiwanese.
I unironically think this.

>> No.18211996


>> No.18212002

I'm from HK, I prefer being rule under the UK

>> No.18213317


>> No.18213764

You mean West Taiwan

>> No.18214025

nice bait, kiddo.

>> No.18215094


>> No.18215102

Taiwan is a country.

>> No.18215105

At least you're no longer being ruled by an administrator appointed by a government thousands of miles away, right?

>> No.18215118

Do they teach you nothing in school these days? Not all countries share their name with the landmass they occupy.

>> No.18215143

what is a country?
can a country exist without any land?

>> No.18215148

why does the distance matter at all?
you think it's better to be under the boot of the CCP simply because their capital is geographically closer than london?

>> No.18215159

Fucking hell... "Taiwan" is the informal name for the country which calls itself the "中華民國" or "Republic of China". Taiwan is not the actual name of the country, but it is the name of the landmass which makes up the country. It's not uncommon for an island nation to have a different name compared to the name of its island.

>> No.18215176

I was more getting at like, what makes a country a country.
can the republican of china exist as a country without the island of taiwan? is it just the idea that constitutes a country, or do you need a body of land to go along with it.

>> No.18215202


>> No.18215224



You're confusing the concepts of "country" and "nation", my dude. Think of Palestine, which is a nation without a country. Also, landmasses having different names than the country that occupies it are not unheard of. Take the island of Madagascar, for instance. The country that occupies the landmass known as Madagascar was until very recently (1975) called "Malagasy Republic".

>> No.18215832
File: 254 KB, 1280x717, 1646255011350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-well, this is me

>> No.18216237

Are you autism?

>> No.18216293

Yikes, nuke Taiwan already

>> No.18216703

Man that pizza looks like a load of balls.

>> No.18217919

You are retarded.

>> No.18218349


>> No.18218762 [DELETED] 

It's incredible to me that NEETs whose sole source for information and "world experience" is 4chan.org would mount this type of criticism - I have a PhD in Philosophy and did study Frankfurt School thinkers, I don't like them that much, but I know them. The mere fact that you think that there exists the "Reddit VS based/pol" epistemic dichotomy should alarm you to the fact that you are a mentally ill retard - you are so fucking ignorant and retarded that you don't even have a concept of what understanding would mean.

Your entire world-view is informed by tweet-sized posts on 4chan and .jpg infographics, that is literally all you know yet everyone who disagrees with you is the "brainwashed ZOGbot". It's incredible, stuff of ancient comedies really.

I will gas you American, don't worry, you and your family will be removed.

>> No.18218778

He was joking that it's the same as with the UK, Hong Kong being ruled by a far away government (Beijing).

Fuck off chinese shills, no human being from western countries entertains your retarded ideologies and it betrays your identity

>> No.18218876

You know I tried a fancy Italian joint in my city a while ago. Wood fired pizzas with fancy Italian names and shit. Definitely the authentic deal, and imagine my surprise when the waiter brought it to my table.
The crust is basically cottony. You chew right through it without experiencing anything solid. Fucking weird. The rest of the pizza is thin as fuck, it keeps drooping when you pick a slice off the plate. No real cheese at all, just white splotchy crap that they pass off as mozzarella. Endless tomato sauce and for some reason there's spinach in it with garlic cloves. The cherry on top of this shit pile was the lack of condiments. No chilli flakes or oregano seasoning, just a whole quarter bottle of olive oil with a decanter on the lid. Holy fucking shit was the experience awful. No wonder Italians are so salty that Americans fixed their shitty cuisine. Domino's is the real deal, it's got substance and cheese to it.

>> No.18218973

Photo of the pizza or name of the place?

>> No.18219221

Alright this thread is cap

I went to pizza hut and asked to see the chicken testicle pizza and the guy just gave me a weird look

>> No.18219297

Yes, I was taught in school that Taiwan is a country. Because it is.

>> No.18219300

You guys are seriously illiterate

>> No.18219312

Dominos shill post. Feel free to ignore.

>> No.18219315

No, I can read you just fine. Taiwan is a country. Now go tell your CCP overlords that you've exhausted your credit points for the day posting on 4channel.

>> No.18219317

Only to uneducated zoomers.

>> No.18219321

ROFL holy fuck you are retarded.
Trying to sound like you’re standing up for “Taiwan” and can’t even call them by their name.
Fucking zoomers I swear.

>> No.18219322

Taiwan, which is not a country, only exist on borrowed time

>> No.18219403


>> No.18219542
File: 34 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those Taiwanese sure have a lot of balls!

>> No.18219556

They teach you to call it that so you don't offend the communists, retard.

>> No.18219708

I would eat this in Taiwan, but not in China because the two countries have vastly different hygiene standards

>> No.18219715

This anon gets it. Americans are completely retarded, like I imagine they shit into their pants daily if something this simple eludes and angers them.

>> No.18219717

what about reading comprehension? what does it have to do with my point?

>> No.18219723

Because you didn't read the post you replied to. The country is called China, whereas you only call it Taiwan because your government, news media and the UN do so - because they're scared of offending the PRC by calling it China.

>> No.18219736

is it that hard to believe someone is from anywhere but the us? for gods sake even north korea and eritrea, one with controlled internet and the other with nonexistent internet cafes respectively, show up to 4chan every now and then

>> No.18219745

yes thats exactly whats going on. you fucking midwit

>> No.18219750

why is everyone so obsessed with zoomers. i see it everywhere and i know it isnt a joke or shitpost trolling going on

>> No.18219755

most countries dont recognize taiwan independent or a sovereign country and neither do i. the us has no obligation to protect it even if it benefits them in anyway

>> No.18219757

Not really an obsession, just the modern mutation of the classic "kids these days".

>> No.18220636

i am from taiwan, you genius little boy

>> No.18221040

Neither China nor Taiwan exist. It's all one big psyop

>> No.18222194

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.18222274

China is testicle.

>> No.18223528
File: 46 KB, 369x656, IMAG0309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate this in Sicily.

>> No.18223544

/ck/ - Geography

>> No.18223548

Yeah, there are some interesting fucking pizzas you can get in Italy. It's a shame the tourism board is obsessed with shilling margherita/neapolitan. For me, it's pizza con polpo e patate.

>> No.18223659

I got one with slices of roast potato on a white base and some other stuff I can't remember near naples
very nice

>> No.18224920
File: 63 KB, 328x353, 1581327359757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew /ck/ was full of jews shilling for fast food but I didn't expect chinkoids to be here too.

>> No.18225147

The joke potential is endless.