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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18206348 No.18206348 [Reply] [Original]

Did I do good?

>> No.18206355

Yeah. You did good.

>> No.18206357

looks good

>> No.18206362

You put a bunch of shit on a cutting board. Well done!

>> No.18206370

>sneezes on the cutting board

Aw man. Looks like I’m the only one that can eat it now

>> No.18206387

yeah can i have some :D

>> No.18206575

I will be totally honest and say this looks absolutely amazing. This is a 10/10 spread and I would be thrilled if I were at an event and this was offered.

>> No.18206577

I don't like those salamies touching all the crackers but there is nothing I see that I don't want to eat

>> No.18206601

Not quite artisanal enough for my tastes.

>> No.18206611

Like I do when the cat touches my food, I throw it out for the dog while I stare at you. You, like the cat, can just fuck yourself.

>> No.18206680

Every party I go to, the host prepares one of these and all the guests are too shy to eat off it. I munch down on some cheese and crackers and always feel like I'm hogging the board. I hate guests that won't eat shit the host provides.

>> No.18206684

My ont and uncle were the extreme version of this and it was fucked in the head. We'd have them over for Thanksgiving or Christmas and they would literally sit at the table at dinner and not eat a single thing. They would usually bring food too, like some fudge or a cheesecake but like 15 people would be eating and sharing merriment and they would just awkwardly sit with their hands on their laps.

Fucking freaks

>> No.18206685

No, Superman does good. You did well.

>> No.18206689


>> No.18206690
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not always true

>> No.18206694

especially if you are really high

>> No.18206734

yes but i fucking love olives and want a whole bowl of those

>> No.18206738


>> No.18206880


>> No.18206904

How much do you weigh? I bet you're that fat fuck that hovers near it and never goes away. Thats the reason no one approaches it. They know better that to get between a wild hog and its food source.

>> No.18207004

I love charcuchi boards.

>> No.18207624
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Very VERY based. This is guaranteed to get you rimmed with cured meat breath, good luck op.

>> No.18207635

imo needs more cheese but otherwise very pretty board

>> No.18207751

Why is there an icepick in the potato mash?

>> No.18207894

Agreed, could use more cheese but it looks fantastic.
That's a knife, and that's a type of soft cheese. Lern2charcuterie, noob

>> No.18208273
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What cheese is this?

>> No.18208304

why put in balsamic but no olive oil

>> No.18208316

Why are you like this? It's not clever and really doesn't add anything to the conversation other than showing that you're an obnoxious asshole.

>> No.18208350

Not enough bread.

>> No.18208764

not really, these things are always too overloaded with shit where its impossible to cut the cheese without a bunch of shit falling off all over the place

>> No.18208768

holy fuck the average iq on this website has to be below 90 these days

>> No.18208774

looks like some kind of boursin or other cream cheese blend

>> No.18208776

>Why are you like this?
Why did you get so upset about it? Must have some truth in it.
>doesn't add anything to the conversation.
This isn't a conversation you fucking retard.

>> No.18208777

OP here thats my dick cheese with some black pepper

>> No.18208882

Very nicely done, op. Would like to see some mustard, and something sweet other than grapes, like berries or honey or jam, but still great job.

>> No.18208931

Good spread. Making me hungry. Well done op

>> No.18208942

This looks perfect, I'd be delighted to eat from this board

>> No.18208974

did he hit too close to home, fatty? stop hogging all the food and work out a little and your weight wont start with a "400" anymore :)

>> No.18209393

Black pepper? Gross.

>> No.18209433

>meat cheeses fruit and bread not separated properly
>pitiful number of olives
>awful choice of nuts
It's a total mess OP. Starvation is the only way I would consider anything there acceptable.

>> No.18209484

crazy spread, just having trouble trying to figure out what all is on it since I don't really know stuff about chatruice boards

>> No.18209610

It'd be kinda sad if someone actually felt like they accomplished something by putting a bunch of processed shit on a table. It'd be like if I went to McDonald's and bought 50 dollars of food and spread it out. Not like I cooked any of it

>> No.18209621

I would gladly knock that over and ruin everybody's time and make some excuse why I did it

>> No.18209625

who qt in skirt

>> No.18209626

My 7 year old niece.

>> No.18209632
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>> No.18209703
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>> No.18209796

They're scrambled eggs m8

>> No.18210567

I get it. You bought upwards of $60 worth of cheese, cured meats, small pickled peppers, olives, French bread, fig spread because you are nothing if not sophisticated, and I get it. You spared no expense for this endeavor. And you’re no debutante. You felt it when the purchase hit your Mastercard. So you took your bounty and your finest cutting board and you arranged it with the poise of a coked up Martha Stewart. I get it. It looks really nice. Pinterest worthy, even. And you’re excited to proclaim, upon the cooing of your guests, that “it was all Trader Joe’s!” They’ll surely reply, mouths agape, “oh David and I just love TJs” or perhaps the uninitiated will say “I’ve heard of them- the one over on 86th street? I’ll have to get over there soon.” They won’t, but they’ll promise to at your next event. I get it. If you must post your ventures in charcuterie, please at least be mindful of pairings. Give us something to work with here. It is the holiday season after all, and this is the third post like yours we’ve seen today.

>> No.18210798

It's spelled chargucci

>> No.18210802

The spread looks nice but I fucking hate paper plates so much.
You can get a dozen proper plates for like a dollar at goodwill, man.
Don't you think your food deserves a real plate?

>> No.18210819

can i fuck your wife?

>> No.18211113
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Very nice arrangement. Id try it

>> No.18211252

>no room on cutting board with meat literally falling off the edge
>random assortment of meats that just seems to be a prepackaged salami tray just redistributed on a board.
>no mustard, preserves, or dried fruits
>basic cheese selection

Idk I'd say 5/10, just a basic charcuterie plate with no personality, but nothing super wrong. Tbf the highest I'd rate something like this is like 7 since you're literally just opening packages and putting them on a plate. You want better charcuterie? Just spend more time/money picking out the meats and cheeses, there's not a really a secret or skill to it.

>> No.18211508

not him but I do the same thing and weigh 148 lbs at 5'11"

>> No.18211815

Somehow there's simultaneously too much and too little on the board.

>> No.18211890

it's a really poor use of space.

>> No.18211951
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>> No.18212019

How do you spend hours on a cheeseboard? Is she retarded or incompetent?

>> No.18212024


>> No.18212156

Oh wow...what do I want first? Maybe some dry nuts or dry bread. Oh look there's some grapes, I'll eat 2 of those. Ah he's and the main course, some meat and cheese. Excellent. Yeah you did good.

>> No.18212166

dont you have more than one type of bread?
americans have no culture, eating crackers instead of bread.

>> No.18212171

lying to make their 'job' seem less pathetic than it is

>> No.18212173

dude, they aren't a cheese board influence.

>> No.18212180

Why did you skip on the TUC cookies? They're supposed to be the focal point of our almost-free ad on 4chan?!

>> No.18212375

The duality of man

>> No.18212400

im pretty sure people just ate some snacks and touched grass weirdo rofl

>> No.18212661

that's whipped camel semen, a delicacy in coastal USA

>> No.18212894

Based beyond belief.

>> No.18214530

>no jams/spreads.

its just okay.

>> No.18215903

Google image search brings up a buncha moon runes. Are you a bot, or a bug anon?

>> No.18215906

>flips table
Let nerd!

>> No.18215956


>> No.18216405

like other ppl have said you need a couple of other things on there, some additional fruits, jams or breads. personally I would skip the crackers but for a friendly neighbourhood cheeseboard you defo did good, sure your guests loved it!

>> No.18216475

Looks good to me beotch

>> No.18216594

Too much crackers not enough spreads but generally speaking?
Yes, to the point you actually made this board better by putting your thread on it.
Good job.

>> No.18217640

was probably really expensive so im going to give it a 4/10. it looks good but thats not enough food for a meal

>> No.18217713
File: 26 KB, 316x317, a bunch of hooplah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18217732


>> No.18219594

I get it. You bought upwards of $60 worth of cheese, cured meats, small pickled peppers, olives, French bread, fig spread because you are nothing if not sophisticated, and I get it. You spared no expense for this endeavor. And you’re no debutante. You felt it when the purchase hit your Mastercard. So you took your bounty and your finest cutting board and you arranged it with the poise of a coked up Martha Stewart. I get it. It looks really nice. Pinterest worthy, even. And you’re excited to proclaim, upon the cooing of your guests, that “it was all Trader Joe’s!” They’ll surely reply, mouths agape, “oh David and I just love TJs” or perhaps the uninitiated will say “I’ve heard of them- the one over on 86th street? I’ll have to get over there soon.” They won’t, but they’ll promise to at your next event. I get it. If you must post your ventures in charcuterie, please at least be mindful of pairings. Give us something to work with here. It is the holiday season after all, and this is the third post like yours we’ve seen today.

>> No.18221247

looks like cottage

>> No.18221254

based tracy

>> No.18221324

Imagine if she got up on the table and stomped on all the food with her muddy bare feet haha

>> No.18221329
File: 32 KB, 678x633, 423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fucks your face*

>> No.18221339

Based- make gats uncomfortable whenever the opportunity arises

>> No.18221340

this. rich people dont serve this shit at parties, they serve hors d'oeuvres

>> No.18221385

OP I beg you.

>> No.18221416

glak glak glak

>> No.18223054
File: 15 KB, 320x320, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paint with all the colors of the cheese/meat/bread/olives

>> No.18223507

pre fabricated shit

>> No.18223666

That’s weird. When I throw parties I usually just mix some skittles and m&ms in a bowl for everyone to enjoy.

>> No.18224022

And my tlayuda?

>> No.18225452

The one that I stick in my socks at night so they smell like your sister's crotch in the morning! All right?

>> No.18225546

The table grapes are probably too sweet to match well with the rest. Wine grapes would be better, but availability would be an issue.

>> No.18225551

can you do one for me but with bbq food and some hot cheetos?

>> No.18225797


>> No.18225930

Bitches love that shit, if you ever want to impress a broad just put cheese and crackers on a board fuck cooking a meal

>> No.18225954

>only one type of nut
>no dried fruit
>no citrus or jams

>> No.18226421

where's the wine

>> No.18226430

In my liver.

>> No.18227214

>Paint with all the colors of the

>> No.18227346

Just fyi chlorine dioxide can clean uneven surfaces like wood and it vanishes

>> No.18228084

No figs? 0/10

>> No.18228088

You didn't cook anything.

>> No.18228213

Cooking is for women and gays

>> No.18228226
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>> No.18228246

i hate women so much its unreal

>> No.18228248

arranging food on a cutting board and taking pictures of it is the most feminine thing you can do.

>> No.18228261

Bread and crackers have no place on a charcuterie board, they should be in a basket on the side.

Also, needs pate de campagne or duck rillette. People rarely put a nice liver mousse on their boards and that what will impress guests.

>> No.18228267

shark coochie*

>> No.18228357

no blue cheese/10

I don't see any sign of a cheese jam / mustard either. only almonds, no other nuts?
try again

>> No.18229108

are you using gloves and keeping social distancing?

>> No.18229788

post cheeseboard

>> No.18230456

Yes 100% percent, you have enough of everything on your charcutterie board to make everybody happy. Though I wish you could have sliced the parmesian cheese in a way so that its easy for people to put a slice of it on a cracker if they so wished too.

>> No.18230485

not enough fruit

>> No.18230489

You're right however the only other fruit that would fit the theme of a charcutterie board would be figs which are sadly missing from that board in OP's pic

>> No.18230574

that's it. I'm doing a charcuterie this week

>> No.18230699

How do you know he didn’t make that cheese himself smart guy? I’m brining my own olives and grinding up pig snout to make sausage as I type this. Tomorrow I’ll harvest the wild fennel root and peppercorns to mix with the pork, and start skimming the goat milk. In about a month the tray will be ready, assuming I find a suitable piece of wood to work into a cutting board.

>> No.18231762

I'm gonna rape your little sister you cucky faggot

>> No.18231765

and you too faggot

>> No.18231872
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