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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18195508 No.18195508 [Reply] [Original]

I got the kidney damage and now I have to cook high-potassium low-protein low-sodium meals. Can't use salt substitutes either.

What sauces could I make that would make baked potatoes taste good? Or veggie recipes that would fit that bill?

>> No.18195539

>follows /ck/'s wacky googled bullshit recipe suggestions
>goes in for next labwork
>"Son, your potassium's too high. You're going to need to cut back on food that's rich in potassium."
As someone who's dealt with kidney disease for around 20 years now, you learn to take the nutritionist's advice with a grain of salt. She's usually just there to pad out the hospital budget.

>> No.18195561

At this point I'm trying to hit the daily potassium requirement because it's too low. I also may have wrecked my kidney in the first place because of a high protein diet. But it's good to know I can play with it a bit.

>> No.18195590

Why do you need more potassium but can't use salt substitute (potassium nitrate)? Someone is telling you sillies.

>> No.18195647

My potassium is low. The few "authoritative" websites I looked at said that nu-salt will kill you and my nephrologist doesn't want to take my calls to clear things up. It doesn't make logical sense to me either but I don't want to fuck up my next GFR reading.

>> No.18195870

Salt substitutes are literally postassium

>> No.18195874

When you go into kidney failure, it reverses -- low potassium and high protein.

>> No.18196035

Wow that is nuts. What ruined your kidneys? Please dont tell me it was sips

>> No.18196061

We don't know yet. I've always had high BP but the kidney levels were fine until I started dieting. Doctor said it's cause I lowered my chronically high BP so my system is adjusting. It could also be because I've had a high protein diet full of diet soda that made me lose 50lbs in 2 months. It's a shock to my system.

Or I'm fucking dying.

>> No.18196071

All of life is just a process of dying.

>> No.18196082

I doubt it was either diet soda or high protein. High BP is more likely. Any family history?
>t.end stage, on dialysis

>> No.18196092

Diabetes on one side and high BP on the other but no outright CKD in the family. They suspect it's aldosterone tumors and we're waiting on the bloodwork. I waited a week between eGFR tests and was more hydrated the second time and the numbers improved to almost but not quite normal.

It could also be the medications I'm on which are known to lower the GFR but are better than over 200 BP.

>> No.18196101

>over 200 BP
have you had a kidney biopsy?

>> No.18196105

They're waiting on the aldosterone. All the numbers except for the gfr look fine, and the gfr is barely in stage 3a but it did have a sharp decline suddenly. I'm preparing myself mentally for the biopsy and them taking out the kidneys.

>> No.18196107
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>Can't use salt substitutes
Yes you can. Salt substitute products are literally just potassium. If you can't use salt substitutes that means you can't eat any food with potassium in it.

>> No.18196111

Yeah I was being kind of tentative. I just got back from walking into my nephrologist's office unannounced to get some answers and they said it's fine just don't overdo it. No diet soda though.

>> No.18196113

Why would they take out the kidneys?

>> No.18196119

The GFR dropped from 79 to 48 in three months (when I started dieting) then upticked to 54 in a week. I'm probably blowing it out of proportion because I'm an insane idiot whose afraid of everything and I overcompensate by preparing for the worst.

>> No.18196132

relax, my GFR is 3

>> No.18196135

They rarely remove kidneys, even on dialysis or post-transplant. My mother is post-transplant and they basically refused to remove her original cystic kidneys until extreme complications began to develop.
If you're actually OP, then you're all over the place. They wouldn't remove your kidneys even if they were useless.

>> No.18196141

Thanks guys. I am all over the place with this. Just nervous.

>> No.18196150
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I can honestly say Doctor Dick was not something I ever expected to see on /ck/.

>> No.18196157

My eGFR bounces up and down like a yoyo. After a night of heavy drinking, it can even break 120 since I'm usually guzzling tonnes of water at the same time, too. Meanwhile if I do my tests after a long day at work in the sun with no water, it can drop into the 60s or even 50s. I honestly feel it's a better metric in a clinic environment compared to randomized testing.

>> No.18196230

roasted squash.

>> No.18196338

Eat bananas. Lots of them.
Keep guzzling them until the banana mush can't fit in your mouth and then post a video here saying "I'm a whore".

>> No.18196505

You test yourself?!

>> No.18196510

>The few "authoritative" websites I looked at said that nu-salt will kill you
wtf? it's just potassium chloride. how will it kill you? if anything, most people are potassium-deficient

>> No.18196519

If your kidneys are compromised, your body can't can't process it. This can lead to cardiac problems.

>> No.18196525

Excess potassium is more dangerous than excess sodium. Here in Australia you can't buy low sodium salt for this reason. It would be better if producers were simply required to warn against excess potassium on the label, but I do see how too many people aren't smart enough to heed such warnings.

>> No.18196526

No, I have a requisition from my nephro to go the lab every month because I have autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease and a family history of early kidney failure. I usually make a personal note of what I was doing the day before and of the test and reference it to the lab results.
My kidney function is more or less fine in the end, it's just that they're over 3 times the size of normal kidneys and look like a bunch of rotting grapes due to the cysts.

Anyway, my point was that eGFR varies widely and outside of a situation where every day for you is the exact same food/drink/activity, it's not an absolute "you gonna die" indicator above failure levels.

>> No.18196535

Dieticians/nutritionists will sometimes advise against it because of this. The current schooling pushes them to advocate for "whole foods containing potassium" instead of accidentally getting people to think "oh, my potassium's low, better chug potassium supplements".
I mentioned earlier, but it's a complete toss-up when it comes to kidney diets. After years of dealing with it, you learn it's largely a balancing act and there's no real uniform diet you can follow unless you literally do the same thing every day like you're in the hospital.

>> No.18196544

My problem is high phosphorus. I take phosphate binders with every meal and snack, don't drink any sodas with phosphoric acid and eat very little processed foods, but we just can't nail down what the problem is.

>> No.18196551

Welcome to medical purgatory, my friend.

>> No.18196555

>I have autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease and a family history of early kidney failure
Yeah, my brother has PKD and has been n dialysis for about 17 years.If he hadn't been diagnosed, I never would have known I had CKD .

>> No.18196558

Are you on dialysis?

>> No.18196587

How high a protein diet you talking about?

>> No.18196594

Not on dialysis. As I said, my kidney function is more or less normal even if they are massive and my cysts are huge.
My mother went into failure in her late 30s or early 40s (can't remember), and eventually got a transplant. She's in her late 50s now and back into failure. She had a tough time dealing with the fact that a transplant is no silver bullet cure, even if you do everything right to live a healthy life.

Getting diagnosed early is a blessing and a pain in the ass. They found out about mine when I was 16 via an unrelated ultrasound; I didn't even know my mother had hereditary kidney disease at the time. After that it's appointments and tests, then appointments and tests, and appointments and tests. Here I am, years later and plenty of appointments and tests under my belt, and I'm more or less the same. I don't really feel jaded or anything, it's just that I've gotten used to the nephro saying "It's nothing serious at this time, but we need to keep an eye on it."

>> No.18196606

I don;t think I'll be getting a transplant. The transplant hospital is here in town, but they require me to have a 24/7 unpaid caregiver for at least a month after the operation, and I just don't know who could commit like that.

>> No.18196615

how fat are you? do you have a big belly? did they mention visceral fat? just having too much fat around your organs can cause tissue death

>> No.18196632

>they require me to have a 24/7 unpaid caregiver
Why are paid caregivers not allowed?

>> No.18196640

Who knows? No one seems to have an answer; I have a transplant team with a social worker, my dialysis center has a social worker, but no one seems to know.

>> No.18196655

sounds like 100% grade A horseshit, you're telling me some rich hermit can't get a transplant because they hired a private nurse?

you really think millionaires with transplants rely on their friends and relatives to take care of them? these people have maids, gardeners, and cooks

yea total horseshit, you're getting played

>> No.18196662

How are they even going to know if you pay your caretaker or not?

>> No.18196690

Long shot but is it possible it’s the water supply? At the very least there’s websites that will show contamination levels for your water provider if you want to rule it out.

>> No.18196691

>you're getting played
By whom? I don't know who makes the rules but it ain't me.
I suppose they wouldn't, but I'd have to start a GoFundMe page to cover it because they're not cheap.

>> No.18196696

I drink Zero Water and bottled spring water if that matters

>> No.18196700

Maybe they meant "it won't be covered by insurance" in that case. As in you could do it but nobody does since you'd pay out of pocket.

>> No.18196711

>By whom?
the medical system, if no one is giving you any real answers it's because they are told not to - it's an industry, they have every single facet of the process labeled, categorized, costs - everything is accounted for down to the napkins on your food tray

not knowing isn't a valid response in this case and it wouldn't be the first time a hospital's management purposely deny service for illegitimate reasons

>> No.18196716

The transplant and all the follow-up treatment would be covered though

>> No.18196719 [DELETED] 

My nig, sounds like you can't even drink your own tears, too salty

>> No.18197858

So its hereditary? The kidney failure?

>> No.18197956

i'm sorry to hear this anon, has your nephro recommended a low tryptophan diet and an aldosterone antagonist? there is a number of other environmental and alimentary changes you can make, daytime bright light (ideally sun) exposure, adding an overnight light source in the room, even increasing salt intake may paradoxically be helpful, progesterone supplementation, don't expect miracles but do a bit of reading and see if you can come up with a support protocol

>> No.18197974

you're not the gravy post anon are you OP?

>> No.18198067

High potassium?? That don’t sound right

>> No.18198269

What are you talking about?

>> No.18198289

It is kinda a banger.

>> No.18198377

I have low potassium, presumably from malfunctioning kidneys that don't process salt correctly. You have to worry about potassium when you're in the lower stages of the disease because then kidneys can't process that either and you store it up in your body.

Nope, but I want to hear that story

Nothing yet he just gave vague instructions until the bloodwork came back. I'm kind of just doing what I can hoping it does something.

I don't think it's hereditary. Mom had childhood diabetes and dad had high BP but it's not necessarily kidney failure yet.

Yeah I'm a fatass. I weight about 314 right now but since I started dieting I was 368. I think visceral fat might be part of it because people tell me I don't look like I weigh nearly that much.

Chicken thighs, lean pork chops, salmon, ground meat, beans, and yogurt. I had the odd vegetable and slice of bread here and there but it was mostly meat.

Thanks, that sounds like it'd be great. Gonna try that tomorrow.

That's comforting to hear, thank you. I'm sorry about your condition though.

>> No.18198388

>Chicken thighs, lean pork chops, salmon, ground meat, beans, and yogurt. I had the odd vegetable and slice of bread here and there but it was mostly meat.
plenty of people live like this, if you aren't eating 36 eggwhites a day you're fine (also drink water)

>> No.18199816

>Nope, but I want to hear that story

>> No.18199902

>Chicken thighs, lean pork chops, salmon
i would be much more concerned about the pufa content of those than anything else, especially in the inflammatory cycle your body is going through, the hormonal effects of this kind of weight loss are often temporarily worse than merely holding the adipose tissue on the body and aggravating it with non-ruminant shitmeats isn't something i'd choose to do. i would stick with beef, lamb, limited salmon and ideally wild if possible

>> No.18199921

>non-ruminant shitmeats
Please elaborate, I'm interested

>> No.18199934

I am pleased to see an E-Rotic reference in the Year of our Lord, 2022.

>> No.18199977

>Can't use salt substitutes either
why cant you use potassium chloride?

>> No.18199989

See if Dr. Dick can help

>> No.18199998

medfag here,

you need a low phosphorus, medium protein, high veg and healthy carb diet. I would eat stuff like brown rice, salmon, veggies, and lots of green tea and water.

In the mean time you need to lose weight FAST. The lower your BMI, the easier it will be for your kidneys to function and the less damage they will sustain. If you have ANY body fat, get rid of it ASAP.

>> No.18200002


I would literally start water fasting today. The sooner you get your BMI down to a safe level, the less permanent damage you will incur on your kidneys. Green tea/hydration/cardio. Save yourself from dialysis nigga

>> No.18200025

ooh, so close to quints
I am on dialysis and can confirm this, except my dietitian has me on a high protein diet -- like about 60mg protein daily.

>> No.18200033

and before you jump on me, my kidney function is negligible; my eGFR is 3.

>> No.18200034

>What sauces could I make that would make baked potatoes taste good?
Buy every flavor of Mrs. Dash, and take turns between them.
Flavor your sour cream or yogurt, or cottage cheese, by pulsing in some green onion or other herbs.
Blening your own mayo carries raw egg risk, but you can control the sodium. Add fresh lemon, lime, and garlic.

>> No.18200038
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>Buy every flavor of Mrs. Dash, and take turns between them.
Mrs Dash must die

>> No.18200062

the lipid profile of fowl and pig meats are directly consequential to their diet, i.e. if you feed them soy the soy isoflavones appear in the food, if you feed pigs trashmash the lard comes out rich in PUFA, so cooking with it or eating it would be like consuming large amounts of rape oil. egg yolk lipid profiles are only very minorly changed and there is no soy isoflavone transfer from feed to yolk, so even battery eggs are safe, but non-heritage pork raised on gigafarms is effectively a junk food. this does not apply to cow, sheep, etc because the polygastric and/or hindgut digestion eliminates or converts the input.

>> No.18200091

>the lipid profile of fowl and pig meats are directly consequential to their diet, i.e. if you feed them soy the soy isoflavones appear in the food
stands to reason
so feeding the factory line cattle garbage doesn't have the same effect?

>> No.18200152

agreed on all fronts.

I'm a dialysis anon about to get a transplant. Current eGFR is 7. It was a combo of me not giving a shit about my T1 diabetes and the constant /sip/ drinking.

If you do go into renal failure prepare for a very high protein, low potassium, and low phosphorus diet. Drink water while you can once you're on dialysis you're restricted to like 4 bottles worth of liquid period. Not just drinking but gravy, broth, juice in fruit, etc.

As other anons have said Mrs Dash is your friend. Use sour cream and chives. Stick to a minimal amount of butter. Chop up some broccoli and throw it in there as well. Or maybe make an elote style topping. Corn, a dash of mayo, a dash of cojita, and chili powder.

gl kidney anon. Can't wait to be off of this shit for hopefully 10+ years after Tx.

>> No.18200157

make gravy from low sodium stock and cornstarch
>inb4 you can't put gravy on a baked potato

>> No.18200167

Hemodialysis or PD?

>> No.18200200

In-center hemo. Thank fuck I'm getting a transplant in a month cause it's so fucking depressing. Literally saw some old fuck die infront of me once.

>> No.18200214

I do PD at home.I had to go to the dialysis center on a port for a month once and I hated it.

>> No.18200435

right, their standard grain feed doesn't make the meat super awesome tasting but it doesn't drastically alter the composition either.

>> No.18200448

guess I'll cut back on supermarket pork
what about shrimp?

>> No.18200510

in high school my family got a standalone convection oven. i'd make 5-6 baked potatoes a day.
wash and scrub them, dry
apply oil either through a can or rubbing with my hands
stab several times with a fork
bake for 45-70 minutes
remove, stab a seam in the top and press the ends together so the top would pop. add cheese and sour cream. or microwave later, then adding the toppings.

>> No.18200524

Forgot to add, this was for the crispy skin. eat all your innards first and savor the crisp, leathery jackets at the end.

>> No.18200533

>savor the crisp, leathery jackets at the end.
you just made me want one

>> No.18200551

>I'm getting a transplant in a month
Enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.18200575
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Yeah I realize it's a limited time. Maybe medical tech will advance in that time but if not I'll need another or maybe I'll just off myself to not burden anyone. I'ma enjoy my 10 years with it and try to keep it healthy tho. Will go as /fit/ as my body allows.

I don't plan on kids so I can enjoy myself when I have free time.

>> No.18200591

It's been over 10 years since I've had one like that, but along with the oil I also used coarse salt on the outside.
recently I've been lazy and don't want to use the oven. Microwave the potato after you've cleaned the outside and poked it, 5-10 minutes depending on the size.
Airfryer it for 10 and see if you can press the largest part of the potato down easily. if it's squishy it's ready

>> No.18200603

That'd be some Nobel Prize tier shit, I reckon. Wouldn't count on it.
Anyway, just yoink another kidney when this one shits the bed. If that Rockefeller kike can run through 15 heart transplants you shouldn't feel bad about wanting to live longer.

>> No.18200640

I guess I can't afford the potassium any more, but I suppose one won't kill me

>> No.18201080

I just learned something new. Thanks anon.

>> No.18201081

>I got the kidney damage
Vaccine survivor?

>> No.18201347
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did it happen after you were vaccinated?

>> No.18201364

oh fuck off already

>> No.18201369

>being a free shill as well as a lab rat for big pharma
how about you fuckoff? You're the fucking problem and it's having real life fucking consequences you piece of shit.

>> No.18201404

are you mad?
I think you're mad

>> No.18201446

you have no idea

>> No.18201464

probably eat once a week for cholesterol content, that or crab if you can afford it. oysters fresh or tinned. it's one of those foods most people can't eat enough of to cause problems.

love you anon

>> No.18201546

Why low protein, too?

>> No.18201563

It's scary shit.

Allow yourself to worry until you get yourself, as long as you don't make yourself a wreck.

Once you get an update, focus on what you can affect and try to accept that which you can't affect.

>> No.18203293

Read the thread. He's spooking himself; his numbers are so high he's not even close to end stage (yet).

>> No.18204323

Just add less salt then?
I tried that for fun some time ago and in a few months I could eat food without salt at all and it's tasty. I can steam potatoes and then eat them like that, without any spice, salt or sauce and they'll taste good, just the flavor of potato itself. Same with meat or anything else really.

>> No.18204353

High amounts of protein are hard on your kidneys, as its digestion produces ammonia which your liver converts into urea which then has to be filtered out of your blood by your kidneys. This can build up to a level your kidneys are unable to process.

>> No.18204358

Penn Jillette ate nothing but plain baked potatoes and water for about two weeks and lost a shit ton of weight

>> No.18204365

OTOH, I'm in kidney failure and they have me on a high protein diet. If you have CKD and are middle stages, yes you want to limit your protein.