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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18188061 No.18188061 [Reply] [Original]

Here's one of mine. Land o Lakes Extra Melt white American melted over Great Value hotdog buns, dotted with Worcestershire. Also known as Welsh rarebit.

>> No.18188075
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1. Place frozen pizza on baking tray
2. Layer with anchovies
3. Heat
wa la

>> No.18188089
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>> No.18188090

>wa la
bone apple tea, you black bastard

>> No.18188099

>not Bone Apple Teeth

>> No.18188113

Where did you find land o lakes extra melt? They've got the deli white American at Walmart, but I thought for the extra melt you had to go to a restaurant supplier

>> No.18188118

I bought this block at GFS in the Midwest. Nothing melts better, though for taste (and my overall favorite American cheese) my number one pick is Cooper sharp white. That I order by the 30 lb case. It's cheaper than the Extra Melt as well.

>> No.18188125
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Mexican sloppa

>> No.18188154
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>Cooper sharp white
the walmart brand sharp white is pretty good

>> No.18188163
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>> No.18188166
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>> No.18188253

Sharts cannot be considered human.

>> No.18188263

>Also known as Welsh rarebit.
Also known as cheese on toast

>> No.18188312

It was indeed. All the Walmarts around here stopped selling it a few years ago.

>> No.18188455

Post country.

>> No.18189004
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Delicious Jack’s pizza with some Kraft Singles

>> No.18189015
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i was going to make chicken parm, but got lazy and just ate the chicken by itself

>> No.18189156

see you got your salad mixxxer. shame you don't have the motorized one, those bad boys are something!


>> No.18189239
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Nathan’s hotdog
Sarah Lee top-cut buns
“5000 Years” kimchi

It’s insane how good kimchi is on a hotdog.

>> No.18189247

Looks overcooked.

>> No.18189257
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Cheerios, sautéed in salted butter

>> No.18189261
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I call this one “The Long Day”

>> No.18189289
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Americanized beans on toast

>> No.18189332

more like to-based-co right lol

>> No.18189351
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>> No.18189367
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>> No.18189390
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when my kid was having a picky eating phase and going through lots of hot dogs, i ate *a lot* of kimchi dogs. they are never bad.

>> No.18189404

Holy fuck I love the outtakes of that commercial.

>> No.18189785

No! Don't insult wales like this! Welsh rarebit needs ale. And hot dog buns? The poor disgust me.

>> No.18189790

Damn, unironically sounds awsome. I bet it smelled great.

>> No.18189816
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It was unironically a thing in the early 80’s (pic related).
I’m guessing it was a marketing attempt to force a Cheerios equivalent of Chex-mix.
Honestly it tastes pretty damn good while it’s warm. Imagine throwing back handfuls of cheerios that taste like butter/salt popcorn
But once it cools off, it just tastes like dry salty cheerios. Which probably explains why the marketing was so short-lived.

>> No.18189901

Isnt the "parm" aspect literally just topping it with sauce & mozzarella? Whats there to be lazy about?

>> No.18189905

What seasonings

>> No.18189919

what brand frozen 'za is this? looks yummy

>> No.18189935

>what's there to be lazy about

boiling pasta, sauteing garlic and onions, opening cans of tomato sauce and tomato paste, simmering the sauce down, grating cheese, preheating an oven, putting it onto a casserole dish and baking it, chopping parsley, then doing a bunch of dishes

>> No.18189969

That looks good

>> No.18189975

That’s delish without the cheese

>> No.18190856
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Screamin' Sicilian
Publix had them BOGO

It would've been great but I WAY overseasoned. I used a seasoning I hadn't used before and it went way overboard.