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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 1024x768, bacon ranch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18186855 No.18186855 [Reply] [Original]

Fried bacon, and a little ranch. Perfect breakfast.

>> No.18186867

I think even a healthy 20 year old would have chest pains after this

>> No.18186879
File: 47 KB, 480x360, MattBigE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ I would try ONE of these and only at a state fair or something.

>> No.18186886

>omg why do people keep making fun of us americans they're so obsessed!
I mean...

>> No.18186892
File: 642 KB, 500x347, ezgif-1-15d5cf7deb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair tthat very much could be canadian

>lol we know it isn't

>> No.18187865

Dude, there's something wrong with your face!

>> No.18187879

Sodolak originally paired it with cream gravy, but those fucking Nacodoches carpetbaggers that run Cotton Patch stole it from Snook and paired it with that abomination of a sauce known as ranch.

>> No.18187904

it was just an awkward photo moment as the souls inside were occasionally trying to escape that day

>> No.18187936

You have to have a strong mental pimp hand. Don't let them gain control.

>> No.18187964

Only people who freak out about shit like excessively caloric\unhealthy food are fatties on diets who are jealous of people of normal weight who can eat this without people judging us or it giving us health problems. German here, not a burger btw looks nice OP would definitely try

>> No.18188120

You mean that... I can simply exercise and that will offset a high calorie food that I consume?
Not possible, I think.

>> No.18188140

Bacon is and always has been a low-tier breakfast meat and a meme. Better breakfast meats than bacon:
>Country ham

>> No.18188142

Get the fuck outta here with that lmao

>> No.18188151

What's your problem with scrapple? You aren't one of those limpwristed ladyboys who think variety/organ meats are "icky," are you?

>> No.18188156

You're trying to compare a cut of meat to blended sausages and spices. It's not even a comparison.

>> No.18188179

The pictured dish is not a breakfast item. It's a shared appetizer that originated at a steak joint in Texas where a 'small' was a sixteen ounce sirloin.

>> No.18188323

That's nice, but it doesn't in any way invalidate or disregard anything I said.

>> No.18189826
