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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18173231 No.18173231 [Reply] [Original]

can you lose weight by eating low-cal food?

>> No.18173238

yes. eat less calories and your body will supplement that by using the energy it has stored as fat.

>> No.18173241

Will you eat so much low-cal food that you will still end up in a caloric surplus? Then no

>> No.18173290


>> No.18173333


>> No.18173341

imagine the bullies bros :(

>> No.18173342

yeah if you eat food with less food in it youll lose weight

>> No.18173353

future fat hikki neet

>> No.18173380

i still would

>> No.18173392

Do japs even make American sized clothes for women?

>> No.18173395

When you get so fat people can't tell if you're a man or a woman, don't worry, you're not going to live long anyways.

No, but seriously, for their own good there should be mandatory psychiatry if your skirt is big enough to serve as a fucking umbrella. You obviously have mental health issues causing you to gorge if your clothing can serve as a tent.

>> No.18173424

There are a million tricks to lose weight like this, some people just have more of an appetite than others and less self control but all of the tips and tricks help as long as you don't cheat them
>Drink a full glass of water while eating your meal, do not do it some significant time before, you must sit down with your meal right there and ready and drink the full glass
>Eat a handful of carrots with every meal, if you can't stand carrots use apples or something similar that is relatively hard to chew. This will use up chew time
>Something something plate size, you eat with your eyes
>Do not eat when you're distracted, if you're eating put 100% of your focus towards it, if you're gayming or reading or something that's where your attention goes. Pay attention to what you're doing and don't do habitual subconscious snacking
>Drink unsweetened teas
Probably a whole bunch more too but you literally can't find a fat person that follows the above tips, they always have to cheat and act like they're eating 1 apple a day and drinking only water, we know what you people do.

>> No.18173432

I want to slam into her so hard bros

>> No.18173448

Whatever you do, don't fall for the keto jew.

Ketolards will tell you it's the only way to lose weight, but I bet your fat ass has a lot of muscle you won't want to lose.
Keto makes you lose more muscle and water weight than fat.
Keep your muscle and just eat less lmao™

>> No.18173474

you literally cant. everybody has a 'set weight', and although you can deviate from that weight a little through legit starving yourself, you are biologically guaranteed to go back to your set weight. its best to live your best life and not worry about societies definition of 'ideal weight'

>> No.18173491

>t. OP pic

>> No.18173504
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imagine the stains left on her underwear when she rips ass

>> No.18173508

Nobody’s set weight is 400 or more pounds

>> No.18173511


>> No.18173523

i lost weight by just starving myself for 20 hours a day and only eating 1500kcal in the other 4 hours

>> No.18173617

Generally speaking you could but can you op?

>> No.18173731

She's not nude there so obviously they do

>> No.18173737

I wonder if she has to pay extra. that must be at least twice the amount of material compared to a regular skinny chink uniform

>> No.18173745
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Imagine her thighs engulfing your entire head. You smell the stink of her unwashed cooter. You force your head deeper into the folds until you find the greasy maw of her front hole and you munch down on it like the desperate, starving dog that you are.

>> No.18173747
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That's impossible.
Let's get some exercise.

>> No.18173846 [DELETED] 

Looking at her facial structure, I bet she'd be insanely hot if she lost weight.

Imagine dating when she's fat af and low self esteem. Make her worship you and then make her lose weight. You now have a 10/10 asian JAV looking gf who is your cumtoilet. I bet you can probably cheat on her and get away with it too

>> No.18173855

She looks like a bully

>> No.18173856

you should force biochemically changes by altering your diet. wheigtloss and behavior change will simply follow

>> No.18173902

no, you lose weight by eating LESS food.

>> No.18173903

It's simple math. If you burn 1500 cal a day, eat 1300 cal worth of food and you are in a caloric deficit. Now your body burns fat to keep things running. You can also eat too much "low cal" food, sit on your ass and still gain weight.

>> No.18173910

Only thing that "sets" that weight is how you live your life. If you are inactive and burn zero calories and eat like a pig, you'll get fat. What you are doing is lying to yourself so you'd feel better about being a fat fuck. However, if you'd let go of the twinkies and walk a mile a day, you'd probably see your "set weight" go down significantly. Fatty.

>> No.18173918

Also you could camp under her belly and make a tent from all the loose skin.

>> No.18173929

you lose weight by NOT eating

>> No.18174009

old diet:
>eat 6 pancakes for breakfast
>have a Starbucks milkshake on the way to work
>eat a 9:30 snack: two hotdogs with extra toppings
>lunch: three hamburgers, two fries, a large coke
>post-lunch snack: an entire bag of potato chips
>dinner: two servings of lasagna and a chocolate cake for dessert
>9:00 snack: 8 cupcakes
Diet time:
>eat a bucket of cheerios in whole milk for breakfast (everyone knows cheerios is healthy)
>have a medium Starbucks milkshake on the way to work
>9:30 snack: five fruit cups with peppermint whipped cream
>lunch: six impossible burgers and 2 extra large diet cokes
>post lunch snack: an entire bag of rice cakes
>dinner: eight subway sandwiches and a small bag of chips (I earned it)
>9:30 snack: an entire apple tree
what the fuck why aren't I losing weight?

>> No.18174060


Here's what I do:
>Coffee for breakfast
>Small gluten free graham cracker snack
>One small chicken cheese quesadilla w/ sour creme

and sometimes if I'm feeling shitty I have a protein shake.

For exercise I lift weights and do pilates/walk.

Coffee keeps me from being hungry all day and I stay thin. Also, my hair is falling out so I'm sort of fucked in the nutrition department but being able to weigh 120lbs at 5ft6" with minimal effort has been great. This is coming from a woman in her 20s, I've been doing this long term, but short term it'd probably be fine.

>> No.18174061

>yes. eat less calories and your body will supplement that by using the energy it has stored as fat
Inhibition of hormone sensitive lipase prevents fat mobilisation. It's possible to literally prevent your body accessing its stores of fat through eating the right combination of shit.

>> No.18174074

disgusting pig. i like her hair though

>> No.18174134

That's dark, Donnie

>> No.18174144

the right combination of shit is cutting fructose and alcohol, the first thing someone cuts out when reducing caloric input

>> No.18174151
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> Not gluten free

Probably it's bloating

>> No.18174234

DAMN that's a BIG GIRL

>> No.18174240

not big enough

>> No.18174251
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>> No.18174311
File: 241 KB, 959x936, 1A8D7159-3FEA-4E19-BA58-6FF57259996C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need shit stained undies of an obese nipponese schoolgirl in my mouth now

>> No.18174318

I think the apple tree is where you fucked up. You are supposed to sit under it and have an 'aha moment', not consume the whole fucking thing, bark and all.

>> No.18174322

Amazing how 'set weight' has increased by 50 pounds since 1980

>> No.18174326

Wait till you look up how us sizing has changed since 1946. Size 16 is now size 0

>> No.18174350

I want her to bully me

>> No.18174353

that and stop snacking. lost 30 something pounds doing that and dropping the beer alone. now I am walking 2 miles a day to further lose more

>> No.18174359

How do you season the bark of an apple tree?

>> No.18174494

Fat fuck reporting in.
Yes. I've been in a rehab facility (for my foot not drugs) since April. I lost 35ish lbs. Just from diet. I am doing what would be called minimal exercise. I actually cant wait to fully heal so I can jog and lose some real poundage.

>> No.18174513

please elaborate

>> No.18174520

What's going on here?

>> No.18174523


Don't jog or you're gonna fuck up your joints. Swim or ride a bicycle.

>> No.18174533

Swim 100%.

Depending on how fat you are, maybe try something like the potato diet. Talk to your doctor before doing it. Oh, and stop drinking if you do. It'll suck for like three weeks but you'll get over it. Seltzer is your friend.

>> No.18174543

Just walk.
Swimming is great but if you dont own a pool it's a bit of a hassle, and in my experience, a barrier to extending good habits.

>> No.18174548

That sounds like some absolute pseudoscience bullshit. Your body is programmed to store fat. Just eat less.

>> No.18174571

jump rope too. 30 minutes of this shit get me exhausted

>> No.18174572

That's one hot take from a retard

>> No.18174629

I always finish my routine with 100 jump ropes, doesn't take more than 2 minutes and always feels good

>> No.18174648

Looks like a pig being stunned with electricity before slaughter.

>> No.18174684
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I like what I see here...

>> No.18174694
File: 2.51 MB, 462x1080, chaehyun KPTTUn2P7C8-[02.35.188-02.42.321].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you eat too much of it, no. if you eat all day you will remain fat it doesn't matter whether it's low calories or not

not eating is the only thing that works(intermittent fasting or prolonged fasting)

>> No.18174693

bitch looks like a pokemon

>> No.18174702

i eat whatever i want and remain thin because i fast for 16-20 hours after i eat

>> No.18174703

>everybody has a 'set weight'
wtf is this fat shit logic? never heard of this bullshit before. you fatties making up new shit again?

>> No.18174709

Your body isn't "programmed" to do things. Rather, it's a bunch of chemicals interacting and acting as automatic feedback mechanisms. You eat food, the food hits your gut, your gut identifies it and releases the correct chemicals to process it as best it can. Eat food your guts don't recognise and suddenly the wrong chemicals get released and things start going wrong.

>We observed in our laboratory that mice gained weight differently in response to different physical forms of the same diet
The same food in powdered form caused the mice eating it to not feel hungry, so they kept going. This makes me wonder if the refined flour used in processed food could be having a similar effect on humans.

Hormone sensitive lipase is the enzyme that allows energy stored as fat to leave fat cells. If you do something that prevents your body from producing hormone sensitive lipase, it stands to reason that you won't be able to access your stores of fat.

Literally just google hormone sensitive lipase and read some shit you nigger. There's so much research being done on just how the human body works but you lazy fucks don't care, you're too busy parroting the same shit that caused the obesity crisis in the first place.

If I could give you one thing to google to set yourself down the rabbit hole, it would be insulin resistance.

>> No.18174710

I'm all for denouncing the established dogma, but you're a retard. Making yourself more or less insulin resistant will change what you believe is your "set weight". Insulin is the key to all of this.

>> No.18174734

Your gut doesn't identify anything. It takes in food and processes it. It releases the same chemicals to break down the food no matter what you have eaten. Highly processed foods vs natural foods is a different thing. That is what happens when it has already entered your bloodstream.
Also I'm not fat and I'm not lazy probably because I eat well and not too much.

>> No.18174741

google liver fat

>> No.18174754
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>It releases the same chemicals to break down the food no matter what you have eaten
Process, post-process, what the fuck ever dude, your body's response to different foods varies wildly. Highly processed foods not triggering a leptin response is in line with the mouse study I linked and goes a long way to explaining why fatties can eat so much junk without feeling full. High insulin response and insulin resistance are in line with what's known about your body's response to eating large quantities of carbohydrates. Trouble being that insulin resistance then has knock-on effects like the inhibition of hormone sensitive lipase which makes it harder to access stored fat in the first place.

Easiest way to be healthy through diet is just eat food with a low glycemic index.

>> No.18174802

Go back to chyna, bitch

>> No.18174900

>Easiest way to be healthy through diet is just eat food with a low glycemic index.
just cut sugar and alcohol by 2/3rds
the glycemic index is shit. Different carbs get processed completely different in the body.
Glucose goes mostly to your muscles and triggers a strong insulin response, Fructose and acohol get entirely converted into liver and subcutaneous fat while not triggering a strong response

>> No.18174911

I lost over 200 pounds twice and 80 pounds once. Biggest weight lost was by heavily restricting calories, the time I lost 80 was by only eating 2 big meals a week

>> No.18174927

Glycemic index is just a good general guide. It's not even blood sugar that I care about, it's insulin. But it just so happens that glycemic index more or less correlates to insulin response.

>> No.18174930
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Here's my bodily weight, first measurement march19th. Achieved by eating 2000 cals/day max and taking walks.

>> No.18174931


>> No.18174935

No. You'll lose weight by eating fewer calories on a day to day basis. You can still gain weight by eating low-calorie foods if you're stuffing your face with them all day.

>> No.18174960

excellent b8

>> No.18174979

Someone so fat so young has mental health problems, likely sexually abuse too.

But, at some point, the endocrinologist will have to guide this person who will be insulin resistant and have a hard time losing any weight whatsoever. There is an injectable hormone that simulates a metabolism of pregnancy letting a person go on an extremely low cal diet, like 500cals/day, without the normal loss of muscle.

>> No.18174982

>Pumping even more chemicals into someone to try and solve their health problems
Now you're thinking like (((western medicine)))!

>> No.18174990

spoken like a person who has their own resistance to mental health meds

>> No.18174991
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>> No.18174998

At some point you stop and realise that you're not actually mentally ill and it's the people around you that are batshit insane. Lobotomising people with pills is not virtuous and does not solve the root problem.

>> No.18175003

Piggy gets a hug before nap nap time

>> No.18175167

If you get this fat, is it a sign of a mental disorder?
I can't even imagine people getting this fat in a society where schoolkids bully you by scratching "go die fat pig" on your desk.

>> No.18175188

this could easily be a fat guy with a wig and girls clothing

>> No.18175222

>. Lobotomising people with pills is not virtuous and does not solve the root problem.
if you say so! You do realize this is the exact phrase non-compliant mental health patients spout, right?

>If you get this fat, is it a sign of a mental disorder?
As a child, maybe not. Could have been a parent's fault entirely.

>> No.18175306

Sometimes it's just treating depression with food. I've always eaten my feelings... and then I'd go and throw heavy things when that didn't work.

>> No.18175426

She could start by replacing rice with soba.

>> No.18175450

>Either take these pills or we're going to declare you insane and force you to take them
Someone in this exchange is batshit insane, but I couldn't tell you which. Reminds me of a story about a bunch of psychology students who got themselves intentionally admitted into a mental institution. Turns out being sane isn't how you get out because acting sane is assumed to be an act put on by an insane person.

>> No.18175463

She deserves to be bullied until she developes anorexia nervosa

>> No.18175490

Very impressive progress and consistency.

>> No.18175509

I remember a scandal a few years back about private psychiatric hospitals committing anyone who showed up for simple assessments and keeping them drugged and involuntarily imprisoned until they drained their insurance.

>> No.18175521

If this shocks you then you simply don't know how the world works. Pretty much the entire medical practice revolves around telling people they have problems they don't have so you can charge them to fix it. What are they gonna do, correct you? Midwits LOVE being told the "truth" by authority figures lmao.

>> No.18175550


>> No.18175558

I live in the UK, if you go to the doctor and tell them you're sad they just tell you to go for a walk.

>> No.18175561

What's the problem?

>> No.18175564

Thanks, I can tell I've lost muscle too but yeah it's good. Gonna keep it up a bit longer.

>> No.18175604

If you're losing muscle, you aren't eating enough protein or exercising enough. Fun fact, the muscle that you're losing contains calories. Calories which your body is burning instead of burning fat. Stop losing weight and start losing fat. Eat food with a lower glycemic index.

>> No.18175614

Bro I've lost SOME muscle, not 25kg of muscle. BTW there's a shitload of protein in my diet.

>> No.18175617

You say you eat a shitload, then the fatties I know are impressed when a meal contains 10g. I'd be having a shit day if I was under 150g.

>> No.18175634

I eat 1kg of lean quark every day, so that's about 100g. Surely there's proteine in the other stuff I eat but I don't specifically count it.

>> No.18175637
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>I eat 1kg of lean quark every day

>> No.18175666

Keto cultists say the darndest things.

>> No.18175671

I've tried showing people recent research pieces but it just doesn't work.

>> No.18175696

Maybe because your understanding of these things sucks and you're saying blatantly stupid shit? Citing a study doesn't make you an authority or validate any stupid opinion you happen to have that you think is reflected in said study.

>> No.18175786

Brother is losing weight at a steady rate of almost 2kg a week, if anything he should be the one handing out advice. I'm sure he can bulk up once he reaches his goal weight.

>> No.18175849

I want to take her on a long walk in the heat then bend her over on a bed and bury my face between her ass cheeks

>> No.18176014

Just exercise. Eat more? Work out more.

>> No.18176444

I thought depression was a lack of apathy and not sadness because at least that means you still care about something.

>> No.18176446

s/lack of//g

>> No.18176471

you know anorexia exists, right op?

>> No.18176706

Would marry to get Japanese citizenship

>> No.18176727

debu waifu and fatty fatty gaijin, weeee!!!!! <3

>> No.18176760


I lost 16 pounds this month bros. Basically just maintained a caloric deficit, ate a lot of plant fiber and meat, avoided all refined carbohydrates and dairy. I exercised quite a bit but it was mostly low intensity stuff.

Looking forward to the next month, will surely slow down with the weight loss but looking forward to keep going.

>> No.18176805

>it's possible to not lose weight while under caloric deficit depending on the food you eat
Nah post proofs or fuck off, tubby.

>> No.18176813

Satan has spoken. Check'd.

>> No.18176814

keep it up man. you got this. 1-2 pounds a week is all you need, don't wanna shock your system doing 4 pounds a week unless ur like massive

>> No.18176829
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Stop listening to the scientists and doctors, they don't know anything, they are stupid
Autists on 4chan are the smartest people on the planet and basically right about everything

>> No.18176841

top, bottom, up, down, strange or charm?

>> No.18177201

Best diet according to scientists and doctors...50 years ago

Dubious advice from fad dieters

>> No.18177264

that's one big bitch!

>> No.18178088

not now, im still imagining the braps.
just imagine bros...

>> No.18178094

im actually impressed that she can even stand.

>> No.18178122

>NaN% muscle
DYELs rekt again.

>> No.18178155

with some peanut butter and raisins

>> No.18178208

best of luck to ya fren.

>> No.18178220
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You spend too much money on cheeses.
Now We Are Homeress And I Are Gassy...

>> No.18178833

If only she knew how many strange overseas men wanted to absolutely rail her.

>> No.18178940

>potato diet
sounds pretty retarded

>> No.18179612

Best diet according to people who knew that the US welfare system needed to produce as much food with a long shelf life as possible, regardless of health outcomes.