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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18161955 No.18161955 [Reply] [Original]

Childhood is ultra white
Adulthood is OG monster

>> No.18161957

adulthood is knowing energy drinks are shit and avoiding them

>> No.18161959 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18161964

forced meme
nos turbo is better

>> No.18161996

Adulthood is having hypertension and energy drinks being basically poison to you.

>> No.18161999
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>> No.18162191

Couldn't afford to sell drinks.

>> No.18162192

This garbage is not food related, fuck off

>> No.18162197

adulthood is knowing the sugar isn't worth it and going for the blue can

>> No.18162201

bro... drinks are the easiest thing in the restaurant business to make a profit on.

>> No.18162204

You dont know him, or his life story. You know nothing about him. Who could he be? What could he have gone through? But you can see the experience carved deeply into his face. The wrinkles in his skin suggest old age and all those experiences to be shared. And (You) know what? He might just do it if you ask him about the wrinkles and wonderful head of hair still intact even after so many years of hardship and possible dance with the evil forces driving this land. Hes going to laugh it off at first, but cherish the moment and possible opportunity to tell you maybe everything. Will you ask him more questions? You should. And he will make sure you have the best time hearing his stories. You may choose to spend a few minutes up to maybe even a good 20 minutes listening and enjoying an honest interaction with someone. Or not. You are free to leave with your freshly squeezed lemon water.

>> No.18162220

Probably doesn't have a fridge to keep drinks cold or burned a bridge with a supplier.

Try harder

>> No.18162457

You stay up all night writin this one champ?

>> No.18162557
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maybe he's just pissed out a lot of rocks

>> No.18162628

>that first kidney stone of the day

>> No.18162632

Seniorhood is returning to tea or coffee. You know it is the way, brothers. Leaves and seeds.

>> No.18162680
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Adulthood is understanding that our brain is made to cycle through emotions and force one will make the comeuppance of the other even stronger. The high is followed with the low, learn to be content in the middle without needing to stim energy into yourself. Find purpose in things other than physical pleasure.

>> No.18162800

god I want to cum in her panties, pull the shorts up, finger her through them, then rub my cum drenched hand all over her chest

uh I mean, I sure could go for a monster right now

>> No.18162899

>desperately wants to drink the goyjuice
Good for you, I guess?

>> No.18162907
File: 1.45 MB, 3024x4032, fully english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the Full English

>> No.18162925

looks good mate

>> No.18163219

This probably causes more kidney stones than energy drinks

>> No.18163261

fpbp and /thread
fuck OP and his ad campaign

>> No.18163356

water is a drink, anon.

>> No.18163366

>menu is miner speak

>> No.18163857

This would get many upvotes on 9gag, but this ain't it, chef.

>> No.18163864

This but inverse

>> No.18163876
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This is what the Gods of Olympus called Ambrosia.Also Hamilton but I can't find that shit anywhere in my country

>> No.18163885

What the fuck is wrong with you??I never want to see another post by you ever again

>> No.18163906

Don’t listen to the haters, this is quite possibly the most based post that has been made on /ck/ for months.

>> No.18163924
File: 42 KB, 326x236, confused snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra Gold is the best Monster and I don't know why people seem to be unaware of this.

>> No.18163925

>sells fried pork slathered with extra grease

>> No.18164432

Bad scran lad...

>> No.18164502

My doctor put me on blood pressure meds lads, so I'm going to put the sips to rest.
I'll miss the taste.

>> No.18164505

God you're such a faggot

>> No.18164521
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 7B8BE (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these, and the lemonade one too. I've also been to rehab in Fort Lauderdale and honestly? I had a great time. Like summer camp for fucked up adults.

>> No.18165034

Please go back

>> No.18165577

Anyone like import? The twist top ones

>> No.18165584


>A faggot with crippling porn addiction try to teach people about adulthood

>> No.18165629

the monster i like is nargacuga

>> No.18165640

fucking hell i was expecting a bulge
i really need to get a hobby

>> No.18165652


>> No.18165910

Right to Left:
>Here you go!
>you can't have any yet.

>> No.18165987

Right to Left:
>I hope you will accept this humble offer
>Regretfully, at this point in time, I'm afraid you'll have to hold your horses, cunt.

>> No.18166100

Goyslop drinkers seething.

>> No.18166159

Right to Left:
>Ayo playa y'all want in on this? Shits bussin.
>Naahhh nahh bozo real Gs only no cap.

>> No.18166421

what food do you eat? since you apparently know a lot about helath. post a pic of yourself too.

>> No.18166446

I know you're seething but at least calm down and proofread your post before posting.
>post yourself on an anime website

>> No.18167240

for me it's realizing that people who call it poison are the same as soccer moms who brands things they don't understand as "toxins" and "chemicals"

>> No.18167900

obese amerifats sperg out when told to drink water