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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18158904 No.18158904 [Reply] [Original]

how do you milk a roach?

>> No.18158907

This is satire.

>> No.18158909

with really small tweezers

>> No.18158922
File: 42 KB, 674x671, 57467365473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO you vill drink ze roach milk....yum yum is good ..yEs!

>> No.18158940 [DELETED] 

>Allow the government and big pharma to blatantly shit on your human rights
>surprised when you wake up in a dystopian hell

Every vaxxie deserves what is coming.

>> No.18158945

And just what have you done for the good and freedom of all mankind?

>> No.18158951

I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?

>> No.18158987

you can milk anything with nipples

>> No.18159105 [DELETED] 

I gave up my career, actively protested and now, since it's become apparent the majority of people are just worthless cowards, I am preparing to be self sufficient and far away from "humanity" when this shit show inevitably goes full 1984.
Enjoy watching your children be deemed property, gutless coward.

>> No.18159122

so instead of keeping up the good fight you run away like a coward yourself
enjoy getting steamrolled by the waves of people trying to do the same thing
>implying anything's ever going to happen

>> No.18159164 [DELETED] 

Fuck up retard. Even now you choose to troll and treat this like a joke.

>> No.18159166

>i posted do something on twitter and no one liked it!

>> No.18159221

I'd love to bash Klaus's face in with a brick.

>> No.18159224 [DELETED] 

goyslop thread

>> No.18159230

ai post

>> No.18159231 [DELETED] 

How about this, if I've given up my life over this shit, then you are a collosal sack of shit and deserve to be a slave?
No need for proofs, we'll just let the universe decide.

>> No.18159244
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>> No.18159276

>how do you milk a roach?
It's like how you milk an almond. Grind it up and separate all the solids.

>> No.18159279

>Insects have mammary glands
They are mammals.

>> No.18159286

>I gave up my career
Why? You were never going to be fired for refusing the vax. It's your fault for not standing up for yourself and threatening to sue the company.

>> No.18159304

>getting this wound up over a parody twitter account
Absolute state of modern 4chan

>> No.18159328

I think they're referring to vegan milk, which means they're grinding up cockroaches into a powder and then soaking that powder in water, then straining any bits out of the cockroach "milk" so it's all liquid.

>> No.18159384 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-it-was-quite-a-challenge-to-make-people-eat-crab-ice-cream-heston-blumenthal-106-1-0107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18159466

Sure, horse semen is better than goat semen but you don't see me drinking whale semen.

>> No.18159499

tastes like shrimp

>> No.18159515
File: 34 KB, 639x470, dunningkruger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science wrong and bad because people find it fascinating!

>> No.18159529

No. You could spend less than 5 minutes looking this up and have your answer, but you would rather come up with dumb conclusions. Female cockroaches produce a protein (it's not actual milk) that they give their young as nutrition. It can be extracted from the females in small bits. It's never going to become big and if anything it's just going to end up being synthesized as the extraction process is going to be far too tedious to produce large quantities.

>> No.18159592 [DELETED] 

Because I believe what is happening is a crime against humanity and should not be condoned in any way, shape or form.

>> No.18159600 [DELETED] 

>a parody
Western governments have begun destroying our food supplies right as we are facing the economic fallout of the greatest wealth transfer in history.
Like I said, when you wake up a slave in a dystopian nightmare, don't blame anyone but yourself.

>> No.18159752

>use cockroach milk on chocolate milk
>none is able to tell teh difference
>you eat ze bugs now

>> No.18159759

You seem to be quite confident that being a dilettante is scientific. Curious.

>> No.18160320

>how do you milk a roach?
You step on one and scoop up all the crap that squirts out

>> No.18160331
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>> No.18160340

>I'm gonna defend my flat with a dome earth from le (((boogeyman))) denying science and being a larper and a keyboard warrior

>> No.18160376 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 850x1034, 3a372122d67f56516b0fda5f07866d21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figure it out faggot

>> No.18160456

Since when do cockroaches produce "milk"? Do they mean the white-ish fluid that squirts out when you step on one?

>> No.18160467

Poured oil down the sink.

>> No.18160479

Insects don't have mammary glands.

>> No.18160512

my dick milk is 3 times more nutritious than bug’s milk

>> No.18160547

Go back to plebbit faggot

>> No.18160555
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>> No.18160602

You forgot the part where everyone clapped for you.
Why don’t you want people to know the best part?
Also, meds.

>> No.18160672

I was. It happens.

>> No.18160678

Just breed them bigger like they did chickens. Easy, problem solved. Send me a check in the mail

>> No.18160684
File: 44 KB, 854x480, 5453665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m'kay Mr. scientist, then drink the milk, come on do it.

>> No.18160717


>> No.18160742

I hate the antichrist

>> No.18160744

There isnt anything anyone can do about it, he found out

>> No.18160758

Yeah, that's why I'm drinking it faggot

>> No.18160883

It is a real thing being talked about:


>> No.18160917

jews are just saying this so you'll cling to the nearest piece of meat, go vegan

>> No.18160919

this shit is a retarded complicated process, just

>> No.18160935

>What does it taste like?

>This is satire.
imagine being this naive, plenty of governments and "foundations" are gonna make you eat bugs and you have no choice

>> No.18160945

You would think there would be a benefit in creating a bean that is similar to the sojbean but doesn't come with the shit attached to it.

>> No.18160948

stfu you dork lmao

>> No.18161004


>> No.18161040

Those are grasshoppers dude, if you don't cook or can even recognize basic ingredients why are you even on this board?

>> No.18161274

Just ferment it. Natto, Miso and Tempeh is mostly free of the Phytohormones

>> No.18161275

Most cockroaches don't produce milk. There are a few species which give birth (instead of laying eggs) and those produce milk to feed their young.

>> No.18161397

>It's just satire you dumb goyim

>> No.18161404

Sounds dumb until you realise that 95%~ of western women are unsuitable for being wives at this point.

>> No.18161688


Why fight it? The majority of them are quite happy with their chains so why disturb them? Let them live their best life while you live yours; that's what I'm doing. Why would I try to convince more people to have a healthy stock in their pantry when it'll only lessen availability for me?

>> No.18161690

Tastes like the smell of male cockroach pheromones.

>> No.18161914

I could dose you with estrogen and you would start lactating

>> No.18161918

>tfw live in a country whose elites are literally built on cattle so i won't have to worry about cockroach milk
feels good to be a thirdie

>> No.18161949

Idk why everyone is being so ragingly retarded in this thread, but mother roaches secret a liquid from their abdominal folds that the baby roaches drink and live off of for the first few days of their lives.

Not inconceivable to imagine that this could be scaled up to billions and billions of roaches, secreting their "milk" all together which could be collected, sterilized, and packaged.

>> No.18162025

>1st worlders want cow milk
>thirdie elites want to get paid in eurodollars, not in pesos
>they sell their milk to 1st worlders
>supply & demand
>cow milk becomes unaffordable for thirdies
it is over nigger chud

>> No.18162078

Bugs are objectively healthier and less disgusting than what Americans eat everyday.

>> No.18162082

Also less disgusting than Americans in general.

>> No.18162097

Literally just harvest soybeans but market them as "strengthbeans" or "alphabeans" and you'd make a fortune from rightoids.

>> No.18162101

I had no idea that they produced milk, I was under the impression they all laid eggs. Intredasting. That being said, I don't think I'd ever try it.

>> No.18162103

That's been tried and it's failed before. See the funny thing is that some consumers actually look into the ingredients of things and then decide they don't want them.

>> No.18162269

Then go eat millipedes, I'll stick with eating fruits, vegetables and meat.

>> No.18162672

Requesting artwork of a cockroach with big milkies

>> No.18162921

Bugs have parasites in them that would make eating worm ridden feral hogs look like a better option.

>> No.18162974

why are jews so evil

>> No.18163410


>> No.18163748

>you have no choice
Yes I do. The individual always has a choice, don't let collectivist fags demoralize you. I hunt all my meat and raise goats for milk, if you try to fuck with my livestock your bullet-riddled corpse is getting fed to my cousin's hogs

>> No.18163752

Revelation 2:9

>> No.18163854

Give me the cock milk please!

>> No.18164181

You are being very generous with the idea that scientific reporting by the media isn't garbage.

>> No.18165732

you know it's been done

>> No.18165742
File: 269 KB, 800x466, 553f4fe60c3187f7eab2231ced8910f6f986caf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you WILL drink the roach milky

>> No.18165775

requesting pictures of big tiddy milfroaches

>> No.18165797

This shit is so obvious I'm starting to get demoralized... "why yes you have to eat roaches and get on the crowded buss packed like sardines, you are saving the environment that way! No you don't have a choce, now excuse me while I got for my other talk in Europe with my private jet while enjoying a delicious 3-course meal centered around veal."

>> No.18165829

Incompatible. Milk is only attainable from mammals.

>> No.18165833
File: 97 KB, 710x480, milking rats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes a little like rat milk.

>> No.18165932
File: 159 KB, 390x379, 1598203719676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I wont eat the bugs, I wont live in the pod, I wont rape children and I wont drink bugmilk

>> No.18165967

>rape children
Well that fucking escalated quickly. When was THAT on the table?!

>> No.18165988
File: 494 KB, 955x1389, desd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

euros apparently now eat shit lmao

>> No.18165992

>You promised me dog or better!

>> No.18166508

wtf you dont know about german delicacies?

>> No.18166514

you'll eat ze zhit

>> No.18166530

there should be a steep confidence dropoff toward the far end of the competence scale. true experts will admit that they don't know anything

>> No.18166535

>can be used in animal feed and perhaps eventually for human feed
we are cattle to them. remember that

>> No.18166547

If it helps with my gainz, Id drink it.

>> No.18166567

The same way you milk your dick, tiny jerking motions while crying for 30 second at a time