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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18148343 No.18148343 [Reply] [Original]

What are you thinking about Poutine?

>> No.18148347

never had it even once, don't live in the shithole that is Canada and don't want anything to do with them or their slop.

>> No.18148351

I don't think about it at all.

>> No.18148374

>t. seething amerimutt

>> No.18148383

You ever had cheese fries you fucking moron? Imagine that but with a bit of culture.

>> No.18148387

mediocre dish, below average even

>> No.18148388

What is the culture part?

>> No.18148397

I heard the fries get soggy?

>> No.18148409
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 5C1DC734-84E2-4E70-9D6D-F96D97231505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rally’s fully loaded fries beats out the entire country of Canada

>> No.18148439
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Now it's chocolate milk with some Oreos combo time!

>> No.18148442

is it true all worthwhile Canadian cuisine is just French cuisine because taking inspiration from English cuisine was just sad?

>> No.18148449

Montrealers tend to have poor hygiene, I would have to guess the culture is from the smegma on their unwashed hands.

>> No.18148879

I think it used to be better 10-20 years ago

> better quality cheese
> better cheese to fries ratio

They cut costs with shit cheese and a lot of fries. Whoever invented the single portion bag of cheese ruined it for all of us. If the guy preparing the poutine is not dunking his hairy hand in a large bag of cheese it's not a good poutine place. He should also press down the fries with the cheese, not sprinkle it on top of the fries. It should also be fries, cheese, sauce, fries, cheese, sauce. Not just 3 steps.

>> No.18148991

>shithole that is Canada

>> No.18149004
File: 47 KB, 525x350, SteaméDOg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QC here, I eat a poutine every week/every 2 weeks. It's just fast food.

IMO steamed hot dogs are a better delicacy in this shit town than poutine.

Please save us from the chinese.

>btw, if you ask, i will go buy a poutine and take pictures for you. I will go as far north as Saint-Jérôme and as far south as Granby.

>> No.18149016
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>only ever want poutine after midnight
>fantastic new poutine shop opened up nearby
>they close at like 9

>> No.18149020


>> No.18149042

proppa sloppa

>> No.18149053
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never had it, but i'm sure i'd like it.

>> No.18149066

I had this in Canada and it gave me uber diarrhea

>> No.18149072

closest I had to poutine is mcdonald fries dipped in kfc gravy

>> No.18149079

the only shithole in canada is quebec.

>> No.18149294

Love it. Can't wait for the weather to cool so I can eat this comfortably. Share your favorite tips and recipe.

>> No.18149308
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>shredded cheese

>> No.18149314

What’s on those dogs? I love poutine, wish more people had it near me

>> No.18149375
File: 280 KB, 447x458, belle pro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

standard is:
>steamed bun
>steamed ball park sausage
>industrial coleslaw
>'murican mustard

>> No.18149387

cole slaw

>> No.18149391
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Why is it so good bros

>> No.18149399

leaf slop

>> No.18149400

I want something to do with their slop :(

>> No.18149458

im thinking if it's got something more than just gravy and cheese. i dont like gravy, brown even less. dont @ me.

>> No.18149475

If there's a thread about carbonara and you don't like egg yolks, why post in the thread?

>> No.18149513
File: 9 KB, 271x186, mjiu8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ham egg and cheese noodles is a meme.

>> No.18149554

>don't live in the shithole that is Canada
Kill yourself, retard

>> No.18149560

clearly inferior to the halal snack pack

>> No.18149563

I think if I wanted to do a great job of it I'd make the fries and gravy for it from scratch, but I'm too lazy. I'd rather use gravy mix and frozen fries that I thaw and then pan-fry.

>> No.18149566


>> No.18149632

I felt that way until I lived out there for a few months and it made me a believer. Poutine is amazing when you're freezing your ass off outside in the middle of the night.

>> No.18149643

maybe once a month I go down to this Quebecois run poutine spot and have a steamie and a poutine
very comfy, still cheap despite the covid and inflation shit
it's not haute cuisine but it's very nice

>> No.18149792


>> No.18149800


>> No.18149828

unironically yes
t. burger that learned

>> No.18149833

>soggy fries with cheese
why would you eat this

>> No.18149845
File: 210 KB, 1500x844, k_Photo_Recipe Ramp Up_2021-09-Chili-Cheese-Fries_chili_cheese_fries_2_of_3__01_WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadians BTFO.

>> No.18150591


>> No.18150698

I’m thinking it’s pretty nice and most especially comforting in winter

>> No.18150714

what's this?

>> No.18150749

Tried that stuff this summer when i went to Sault St Marie. It was pretty good, its just fries, brown gravy and cheese. Nothing special, but it was pretty good

>> No.18150758

never had it. it's just cheese curds, fries and gravy, right? how can it be great?

>> No.18150771


>> No.18151001

I would not trust poutine from the Soo, too anglo

>> No.18151281
File: 491 KB, 1500x1000, Belle Isle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you thinking about Poutine?

I'm thinking why the fuck isn't poutine widely available in metro Detroit? Canada is literally right nextdoor.

>> No.18151303


>> No.18151352

that's a shitty one

>> No.18151378

all the ingredients of poutine sound like they'd work amazing together... fries, gravy, cheese curds etc. and yet... it tastes like shit?

>> No.18151692

Chili cheese fries.

>> No.18151770

Because poutine isn't a broadly Canadian thing. It is a Quebec/French Canadian thing. I would be vary wary of any "poutine" in Windsor

>> No.18151777


>> No.18151789

I don't get why they don't do it with waffle fries instead so it's easier to scoop up the cheese curds

>> No.18151796

I want to hang whoever memed poutine into being a "national dish". It's retarded, now every restaurant and their fucking neighbour from coast to coast does a poutine when 20 years ago it was just that thing your buddy said you had to try when you were driving past Montreal.

>> No.18151855

Don't let them get you down. Canada is Ground Zero for disgusting things.

>> No.18151941

Quebecers have a pastry called, and I shit you not, nuns farts. Be very wary of the food coming out of there

>> No.18152560

US has different laws on cheese production, so you're missing one of the 3 key ingredients

>> No.18152562

you're off your rocker anon

>> No.18152569

>i don't get why they don't make hot dogs with hamburger buns, you get better grip

>> No.18152570

Actually, Canada has pretty equivalent laws. There's an exception in certain parts of Quebec where cheese curds can be sold fresh on the day they're made, but otherwise they're held to the standards of all cheese products and need to be cold aged for at least 30 days to protect against bacteria. Most poutine in Canada is made with aged cheese curds nowadays, which are completely legal to sell in the US.

>> No.18152630

most poutine in canada is garbage as well, you need the fresh stuff

>> No.18152640

Spice up your life Anon, have your girl fart in your face

>> No.18152641

Yeah, I complained about that earlier. Frankly the dish shouldn't be so widespread, just located in proper dairy regions.

>> No.18152674

I'm thinking about Poutine my shoe in your face you little bitch!

>> No.18152723
File: 141 KB, 1200x800, la belle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>La Belle's

>> No.18152860

is p good

>> No.18153024

>Poutine youtube video """recipe""" (as if you needed a recipe to put cheese and gravy on fries)
Every time. Jesus Christ, the fries are supposed to be soggy, it's a plate of greasy sloppa mush that you eat while completely shitfaced. Even without pouring the gravy on, the best kind of fries for poutine (used in most cantines) comes out of the fryer brown and soft.
Get it right, you fucking youtube jews.

>> No.18153834

I'm thinking of thos beans

>> No.18153841

Anglo from Halifax here. Quebec is the only part of Canada with a long, storied history that the majority of inhabitants haven't spit on and burned down yet (but it is coming, sadly, if we don't get faggots like Trudeau out of office.)

>> No.18153843

Even though I'm a leaf I don't think about it that much.

>> No.18153846

gravy I'm guessing

>> No.18153853

break in

>> No.18153905

That doesn't even make sense but here's your reply I guess

>> No.18153920

there used to be a canadian on a small image board i used to post on.
he was from toronto and he used to say that he hated quebecois because, i quote "they think they're better than actual canadians"
later on i found out he was a chink. fucking kek

>> No.18153932 [DELETED] 

Cheese curds? I buy them fresh all the time here in the states. My favorite is cheese curds dusted in cajun seasoning

>> No.18153937

i was wrong, it was vancouver. i remember it was a city on the west coast. idk if this matters for your internal canadian rivalries so that's why i clarified

>> No.18154014
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Oh about nothing really, just some war stuff and gas piping

>> No.18154068

what's it called

>> No.18154094 [DELETED] 

Dont forget punching a bunch of Ukrainian nazis like a true anti fascist

>> No.18154121

Based contrarian.

>> No.18154248

>from Hongcouver
No shit

>> No.18154250

Fun fact: the French spelling of his name is in fact Poutine.


>> No.18154317
File: 69 KB, 480x480, costcopoutin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love it
costco's poutine is in my top 3. i tell every foodie neckbeard this and they lose it, assuming i haven't tried [generic overpriced hipster faggot dive here]'s poutine

>> No.18154320

Must be a lot of calories

>> No.18154505

they're not produced the same way

>> No.18154511

quality varies what province you're in but they ain't bad

>> No.18156033

Gonna make some poutine with the wifey this Saturday
Get high as fuck and devour it afterwards

>> No.18156061

That is the deadest face I have ever seen.

>> No.18156308

just get some frozen fries a deep frier and learn how to make a good gravy
its just about as easy as making a grilled cheese

>> No.18156482

yeah good home alternative, but it doesn't really compare to the real stuff now does it

>> No.18156790

I first had a poutine knockoff at Buffalo wild wings. The key difference was they used breaded deep fried cheese curds. I've tried to seek out poutine again and can't say I've ever enjoyed it as much made the normal Canadian way

>> No.18158228

You are an AI pretending to be a real user.

>> No.18159389
File: 807 KB, 700x928, 1647361566082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Québec and Québec's cuisine ? Thinking of visiting.
t. frog

>> No.18160359

not that different from the rest of Canada or the US desu, except in french. Montreal is diverse in population though so you get good food of all cultures in one place and cheaper than p much anywhere in north america. make sure to not visit in the winter cause its horrid

>> No.18160387

What is a decent alternative to cheese curds? The best I figured was white cheddar.

>> No.18160403

it's whatever you want at that point cause it doesn't matter, it won't be the same

>> No.18160406

It's mild, like mozzarella. I think if you know an italian store, those bocconcini might work. Most poutine in Canada and the US is made with cold-aged curds, anyways, so the difference is negligible.

>> No.18160431

montreal is one of the only canadian cities worth shit culturally and in terms of transit.

>> No.18160436

poutine isn't great outside of QC but it is everywhere. you can get it at almost all fast food places.

>> No.18160439


Don't listen to this guy, most poutines in Canada and the US that use cold-aged curds aren't the real deal

>> No.18160454

straight up costco has good ass poutine

>> No.18160466

That's the point, retard. It's not the real deal, just the garbage being peddled out at a national scale. Most people settle for it on a daily basis, even in Que-fucking-beck. Fresh cheese curds only exist in a few fucking places and the rest is shelf-stable garbage being sold by faggots capitalizing on a trend.

>> No.18160472

whats your point

>> No.18160484



>> No.18160508

Great explanation.

>> No.18160518

>explain things
>people complain
Thank you, and good night.

>> No.18160519

I mean yeah I think everybody agrees on that lol
What lesser shit have you been ingesting

>> No.18160524

what difference does it make if the fucking cheese squeaks? absolute autism.

>> No.18160592

it squeaks when its freshest you troglodyte

the cheese loses flavor and texture when you store it for extended periods to follow most canadian and american regulations vs. getting them fresh on the day

>> No.18161753

ah yes so much flavour derived from squeaky cheese

>> No.18161840
File: 633 KB, 1041x580, karen16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poutine is from the Isle of Man you retard

>> No.18161905

Truly, and I mean fuckin TRULY, one of the very few redeeming factors about living in this motley communist hellscape of authoritarian socialism that brands itself as paradise.

>> No.18161927

So many Leafs don’t realise this.

>> No.18161969

>At a "poutine" cart in Portland.
>Yeah, gimme a Poutine. Made the mistake of using the actual pronunciation. Puts-in.
>Douchebag hipster says---you mean some Pooo-teeen?
>Yeah fucko, that.
>Tastes like fucking shit. Shocker.

>> No.18161973

You're like someone who pronounces it PARMAJYANNA and then looks around the room for approval.

>> No.18161984
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>> No.18162012

My favorite one is Mexican Americans who say "Chi-lays". Nah common man it's always been "Chilis", like the restaurant. Stop trying to change shit.

>> No.18162199

He's a war criminal, who is going to be hanged.

>> No.18162224

dog blowjob amidst the smell of paki scum and the wail of faggots. not culture but multiculture.

>> No.18162276

they hated him because he told the truth lol

>> No.18162296


7 letters, described this kind of food.

>> No.18162340
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The thing about poutine is its not worth the excessive calories, fat and sodium unless it is extremely well made. Poutine is only as good as its weakest ingredient, and people underestimate how difficult it is to make every ingredient in a poutine good enough to justify eating it.

For example, the cheese curds you use need to be freshly made either the same day or the night before. Its really only possible to get curds like that if you live next to a creamery or a factory outlet (for example Fromagerie Le Detour). The fries you use have to be hand cut, frozen, double fried and allowed to crisp+dry in an oven until they are so crispy they crack instead of tear. Finally, the gravy needs to be made of roasted pork, beef and chicken drippings and needs to be very carefully seasoned and browned, typically with something like kitchen bouquet which is not widely available. It also must be salted in proportion to the salinity of your curds as well as your fries, which is mostly up to personal preference. All this, and that is not even mentioning extra toppings like onions, mushrooms, pulled pork, steak, etc which some would argue have absolutely no place on a poutine.

If you're not willing to make poutine perfectly, don't bother because it wont be worth the heart-attack.

source: Canadian that takes poutine seriously because bad poutine is trash but good poutine is one of the best things in the fucking world.

>> No.18163314
File: 146 KB, 332x212, frites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much, but i'd argue about the fries.
Crispy is good sure, but the regular soggier potato shack fries are way more common/authentic.
Brown and bendy, cooked in peanut oil.

Also fresh cheese gets delivered day of to restos and grocery stores, you don't need to be neighbors with a cheese place.

>> No.18163472

I'm a Quebec anon. I have mixed feelings about it. It tastes good, not the greatest, but not bad, but just standard poutine is kind of bland, you really need extra stuff on there like onions, peppers, meat, etc. It's kind of a comfort food, like McDonald's I guess, although the best poutine is the kind with greasy ass fries you get from local places.
I'm conflicted about it's perception in the rest of the world though. On one hand I feel a certain sense of pride that a local export is known abroad, however it is a meme novelty food, and I have a dislike for meme novelty food trends. It also annoys me when ROC anglocucks try to take credit for it.

>> No.18163599
File: 1016 KB, 1456x2592, 1583794824676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same people posting in this thread RIGHT NOW are the same people that laugh at italians getting mad over 'authenticity'

>> No.18163851

OP here,
Montreal et Quebec-ville ont vraiment de belles curiosités culinaires.
Jai voyage en FR au Pérou aux US uniquement pour bouffer.
L’euro t’avantage, c’est généralement moins cher ici.
Autant les Quebs sont des américains qui parlent français, autant on partage beaucoup de notre culture avec les france-pd.
Râler, bouffer, boire, baiser, c’est un mode de vie ici aussi.
MTL a autant de restos par habitants que NYC, loin devant.
Generalement les france-lard viennent avec un PVT. Si tu es admissible, c’est génial. Tu fais un peu d’argent pour payer le loyer et tu fais la fête les WE.

>> No.18163856

Des pets de soeurs négro! Overrated IMO. Just paste, sugar and cinnamon.

>> No.18163865

Its all mafia, CAN/US.
A couple of years ago Canada changed it’s laws about what qualifies as cheese to align with USA. it was a mistake.

If you’re canadian never ever buy or consume Saputo products.

>> No.18163873

OUI, give him the Shitler treatment.

>> No.18163880

100% marketing from mafia cheese.
In QC you’ll find «««poutine cheese»»» everywhere.
People came up with the idea that fresh cheese should squeak. But it is not true.. Fresh cheese tastes like fresh cheese.nFriggin anglos took it out from us.

>> No.18163890

Youzz always welcome anglo bro.

>> No.18164016
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Yes, they are way more common/authentic but if I was cooking for myself or people I love I would make sure the fries stay crispy because we deserve it. Just because its common doesn't mean its better.

>> No.18164031

I love eating poutine during the cold canadian winter season

>> No.18164090

all I was saying was crispier isn't necessarily best. you do you anon!

>> No.18164397


>> No.18164625
File: 658 KB, 737x516, Falling Down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Falling Down Brewery in Warren on 10 Mile between Ryan and Dequindre had a really tasty pulled pork poutine but unfortunately the owner died and they went out of business.

>> No.18164833

>metro Detroit
DWC has a solid poutine. Their wings are really good too but insanely priced right now because of supply chain shit.

>> No.18164836

Are those reuben egg rolls? Holy shit, I need that

>> No.18164860

it tastes significantly better when you eat it near the cold/a skating rink for some reason

not trying to post epic wholesome canada moment trash but it's genuinely true for me, i don't think i've had poutine in over a decade but my experiences ordering it as hot slop from a concession stand have been far more pleasurable than any time i've paid for "good" poutine at a restaurant

>> No.18164976

hot take but i figure poutine is much better as a snack or a side than as a meal

always end up hating it by the end when ordering a plate by itself, much better to have a smaller portion with like steamies

>> No.18165306

>You ever had cheese fries
uhh no. who would make such an atrocity

>> No.18165501

I didn’t even think twice about it, you fucking retard, because that’s what the shit is called. Now go enjoy your karioki, probably with a few sticks of yakatori, numbnuts.

>> No.18166140

>nuclear "queso" on chili-cheese fries
>not the first photo of mustard-infused-liquid-cheese-product in this thread
I'll admit defeat when you stop using jarred cheese sauce. You'll roux the mornay!

>> No.18166156

Their Ontarois is thicker than the gravy soaked Alabama-French of Lac Témiscamingue!

Yeah, as a meal, I find it needs something - a protein and a veg, which is absolute heresy. I'd be willing to be burned at the stake right now for a spicy chicken poutine with some roasted peppers.

>> No.18166387

This is a VERY newfag, reddit type of reply. I think you ought to take a good, strong look in the mirror and consider changing your ways, boy.

>> No.18166396

The only good Quebecer is a dead one. You'll be a VERY good Quebecer soon by eating that carcinogenic waste.

>> No.18166403

I fucking love it, but for some reason brown gravy is not a popular condiment in America outside of delis, and delis here tend not to have the best fried foods. The only places I've seen serve poutine charge a ton and give you a tiny bit

>> No.18166414

>Not buying a massive portion of poutine with a layer of corned beef or brisket hash on top and eating it all day
Do you even diabetes?

>> No.18166416

Va au G Lafrite à Lachine, Alfa à Longueil (proche du Maxi), Grégoire à Mercier et Hurteau à Sorel

>> No.18167037

You're not OP, I am.

>> No.18167041
File: 3.38 MB, 4208x3120, IMG_20220729_194814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually just had one for the first time an hour ago! It was yummy, nice gravy, cheese curds stretch way out because they absorb the heat of the gravy, it's really fun : ) let me give you a big hug *big hug*

>> No.18167075

This always baffled me, gravy is so ubiquitous in Canada. You can even get a side of gravy at McDicks, I don't even think the bongs can do that

>> No.18167086

>looks like some leaf's dog shit on it
>probably has leaf cum on it too, all things considered
no thanks

>> No.18167094

your loss anon

>> No.18167125

It's a beverage in England. They sell it at the corner store in 500mL, 1L, and 2L cans and cartons.

>> No.18167132

You realize our cum is 90% maple syrup right? French toast topping right from the tap - just gotta prime it.

>> No.18167140

>Opaque gravy
Without emotion, my heartstrings played; snapped and severed to this tragic serenade.
It wounds me to look at, but how is it?

>> No.18167156

where from?

>> No.18167292

I'm just gonna pile up on top of everyone.

Poutine is from Québec not Canada.

Fries have to be soggy and thick.

Cheese has to squeak, idgaf if it's cold aged or anything. I want my cheese to not melt immediately, it's fine after I had a few bites of the fresh stuff on top. This means you can't get that shit delivered.

The gravy is the hardest part to nail, I like a lighter colored gravy that has lots of pepper. The gravy is always going to be salty enough that those fries better be fucking plain.

The only topping I'll allow is bits of crispy almost overcooked bacon, not chunks.

A taller serving vessel will beat a wide one. This is so you can layer the cheese and sauce throughout.

Road side shacks in "saint-whateverthefuck" small towns almost always end up making better poutine. I'm gonna assume this is because it's not just added to the menu for no reason. A good cantine will have a small, often handwritten, menu and the poutine section will probably only consist of sizes not types or topping. If the place your going to has 17 million poutine options it's a tourist trap. When you actually live in Québec you'll often have a regular poutine as a side. I'm not saying it's exclusively eaten as a side with no special topping, I'm saying that's the most common way.

>> No.18167305

Do chili cheese fries exist in Canada?

>> No.18167312

i actually took this pic. holy shit

>> No.18167336

Does Wendy's count?

>> No.18167371


>> No.18167377
File: 31 KB, 2006x185, Skærmbillede 2022-07-29 232846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poutine is from Québec not Canada.

>> No.18167397
File: 470 KB, 1426x1490, Using Wikipedia in a 4chan argument..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18167398

your point being

>> No.18167408

Quebec is a part of Canada. if something is from Quebec it is also from Canada.

>> No.18167411

You all hate us and we all hate you. Let's not pretend we are the same only when it's convenient and want to claim the achievements of the other.

>> No.18167428

yeah technically, just like tacos are a north american dish following that logic

what an idiotic thing to say

>> No.18167432

>A dish that originates in North America isn't from north america

>> No.18167446

Being less specific doesn't make it a lie. Quebec's had ample opportunity to leave, but they know that once the US gets a whiff of that fryer oil, it's a short, one-sided invasion from being Louisiana-the-sequel.

>> No.18167452


Didn't say they have to squeak because I'm not autistic.

>> No.18167458

>yeah technically

>> No.18167464
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>> No.18167475

Best President

>> No.18167480

QC holds 3% of the world's fresh water so the invasion is bound to happen one day

>> No.18167528

Just wait til they find Beloeil/Foster... Those little auberges are gonna be swimming with people with non-rhotic accents, taking in gorgeous scenery and fantastic food and drink.

>> No.18167629
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Op here, I ate another Poutine ( Italian) at the Potato King in Shawinigan. The St-Guillaume cheese curds are goods but I'm not fond of the fries taste.

>> No.18167848

They sell gravy in cans and sachets at the cornerstore in Canada, usually a bunch of different kinds like poutine and hot chicken sandwich gravy. Don't think I've ever seen a 500mil though let alone a 1 or 2 litre

>> No.18167852
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Forgot pic rel

>> No.18167877

It's the last vestige of St. Hubert this side of Ottawa... tragic really.

>> No.18167923

faggot who never went out to the bars with his friends before

>> No.18167928

it aint what it used to be over here anyway, regular chain stuff now, really dropped in quality

>> No.18167944

I saw something trying to take over the chicken racket when I was out there this past winter... but I forget what it's called.

>> No.18167958

Of Ottawa or the Ottawa River? I'm an 8min drive to an Express St Hubert near YOW
Something compelled me to get a lobster roll at a St Hubert in Hull several years ago and it was very bland

>> No.18167967

I honestly have no idea where the westernmost St. Hubert is. I assumed if they still exist in Ontario, it would be around Ottawa. They used to be everywhere here, until something horrible happened and Swiss Chalet ate them.

>> No.18168020

says there are 3 in Ottawa on their site

>> No.18168033

there are so many rotisseries in montreal alone, in terms of chains of the same scale as st hubert though its either:

- scores
- au coq
- benny & co
- piri piri

you're better off at single locations that don't franchise though

>> No.18168047

AFAIK Ottawa area is the only region outside of Quebec with St Hubert locations, wouldn't be surprised if there was one in Hawkesbury though
I grew up in northern Ontario and never been to Swiss Chaletnjngy

>> No.18168053

Swiss Chalet*

>> No.18168061

there are 4 in New-Brunswick as well

>> No.18168076

Benny & Co! It seemed like they were in every bullshit little gas-station strip mall on the way through Quebec.

>> No.18168101

Merkins and non-pubic wigs, Poutine is not the reason to visit Quebec. The real reason is the variety of beer. You could stay at an Air Bnb in an apartment building, and the depanneur attached to the lobby will have a fridge full of magical potions that you've never even heard of.

Also, Club Super Sexe and Foufounes Electriques if you're near the University on St. Catherine Ouest.

>> No.18168125

super sexe burned down last year

>> No.18168196

Well that's a smoked testicle sandwich on rye.

>> No.18168199

Fuck Putin

>> No.18168237

Fries, gravy, quark, pickled beets, shredded cabbage, hard boiled egg, and a mayonnaise-based dill dressing

>> No.18168414

Boys, whats the best poutine from a fast food place? I think A&W is pretty decent

>> No.18168434

i'd sooner go to Smoke's or New York Fries desu

>> No.18168448

You can't really get it this far from Canada.

>> No.18168571

Best fast food chain ones are either Belle Province or Lafleur
If you're talking multinationals the bar is low, but yeah I guess A&W and McDicks are okay

Can't stand Smoke's lol

>> No.18168922

I cannot qualify McDicks poutines as actual poutine. Their fries, the sauce are all awful.

>> No.18168983

garbage take

>> No.18169293
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I have the most sensible thoughts about poutine.

Quebec has good cuisine and lots of beautiful history, but the people have the biggest chip on their shoulder and act like they aren't the wealthiest most subsidised and privileged territory in all of Canada. They constantly maintain the idea that they are seperate and that poutine must not be considered a national delicacy otherwise it undermines their precious individuality from the rest of Canada, the country that they live in in which they constantly mock online at every turn. However, there's no fucking border stopping anyone from going in and out of Quebec so poutine has flourished around the country as a warm comfort item when winter settles in. People don't give a fuck that french people added cheese to a Scottish dish, Quebec doesn't own poutine and can't gatekeep it no matter what the autists here try to assert. A Winnipeg man inventing garbage bags certainly doesn't make Winnipeg gatekeep garbage bags from Quebec.

If anyone tries to treat poutine like NYC pizza in that you aren't eating the "real shit" outside Quebec then they're morons. The best poutine I've ever had was from a chip truck in my small town in Renfrew county outside a military base in the parking lot of a car wash. The second best is from an Italian pizza chain called milanos. Buddy's chip shack is also fucking decent and if you're ever in the Toronto airport I suggest you pickup a box.

That's all I hafta say about that.

>> No.18169486

I hear you, bud. I can tell you, however, that the main thing that urges me to cling to my special snowflake status and not identify with the undifferentiated miasma that is Canadian identity is hearing Canadians talk about Canada. I'd rather be part of a conquered, beaten people raging against the dying of the light than the greeter at the biggest walmart for pajeets in the world. There's just more romance to it, you know. The only people who talk about Canada like it might be worth fighting for are the ones who hate Quebecers the most, although I guess that makes sense.

>chip truck in my small town outside a military base in the parking lot of a car wash
funny, that's where you get the best poutines here too

>> No.18169494

What a loser lmao

>> No.18169668

I'm 30 mikes south of Vancouver BC and there's no poutine around here.

>> No.18169697

I live in Vancouver and frankly we shouldn't have poutine here either, but we do. I will never get how or why they memed it into a national dish awhile back and now we all have to suffer. Like, imagine if they tried to make New Jersey disco fries the national dish of the US; that's how retarded it is.

>> No.18169796
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Disco fries are the same thing but significantly easier to assemble.
Just use crinkle cut fries, a beef gravy seasoned with Worcestershire and mozzarella.
Ideally you wanna put the mozz before the gravy and keep the gravy piping hot so it all melts together.
Serve with plastic forks inside a diner basket.
Crack open beer and enjoy.

>> No.18169815

Thanks for reporting.
Fries do look weird.

>> No.18170024

Is it just me, or do the ones with the least personality - who look you like they don't speak your language whether you greet them in English or French - make the best of the best? I think it might just be true for all shacks, carts and trucks.

>> No.18170042

Sorry, I felt that this was worth a separate point: You can maintain your individuality while moving forward with a group, it just involves some code switching in certain situations. I'm Métis first, Québécois second, and Canadian third. Its only when parts of these factions are at war with the others that it ever presents a problem for me, and even then, these days it's usually just a handful of assholes or ass kissers.

>> No.18170043

Un réactionnaire agressif et infantile qui représente les pires impulsions de l'humanité.

>> No.18170078

Ils étaient les meilleurs instincts ; ils étaient les pires instincts...

>> No.18170086

I'm sure your steady diet of wonderbread and mayo is doing wonders for your figure.

>> No.18170090

Is the semen on that complimentary or did you have to pay someone for it

>> No.18170170

That's a thick load

>> No.18170173

You're a big guy.

>> No.18170191

For you (and only you)

>> No.18171266

The belle province at the corner of ste catherine and st laurent is what I think of when I think steamies and poutine

>> No.18171394

Jesus christ, i thought it was a meme but sloppost is going to get archived in the worst boards ever lmao

>> No.18171744

the fuck does that mean lol

>> No.18172036

I don't know what that means either

>> No.18172047

>Disco fries are the same thing
No it’s fucking not you degenerate.

>> No.18173102


>> No.18173138

Our nation's become a shithole and poutine is (intentionally) sloppy. You guys need to take off the rose-coloured glasses. I'd honestly move to the US if I could, maybe start a diner-style "authentic Canadian restaurant", but economic citizenship is fucking expensive and they don't give free rides to white immigrants.

The menu would probably include poutine (made from Idaho potatoes and Wisconsin cheese curds), maple-bacon burgers (with real Vermont maple syrup and Minnesota bacon), etc. For desert, butter tarts (the menu explains these are just mini pecan pies with raisins).
I'd do weekly specials for less popular but actually authentic regional dishes like pate chinois or chips/dressing/gravy.

I call it: "Leafy Treason"

>> No.18173165

They'd make you join an NHL team,
I've never understood Chinese pie. Lamb (or beef), peas and potatoes don't strike me as particularly Chinese ingredients.

>> No.18173213

Fucking Americans have all the good NHL teams now. When was the last time a Canadian team won the cup? Nearly three fucking decades ago in 93.
Yeah, nobody can agree on why the fuck something that's just cheap/quick shepherd's pie is called pate chinois.

>> No.18173225

All winners are major markets, if you didn’t crack the code by now NGMI

>> No.18173230

yeah there are a few theories on the name origin but its contested

also there are three ingredients and you managed to fuck it up, its corn not peas

>> No.18173233

It's peas here. We're not all eating corn on our pizza like you cool kids in Montreal.

>> No.18173240

where are you from, even the wikipedia article has it right lol

>> No.18173259

I've been in Degelis for five years. It is firmly frozen or canned peas here, in Edmundston, and 50/50-ish in Moncton. Before that I'd maybe have pate Chinois once every few years... But yeah, I remember it being either corn or frozen veg medley.

>> No.18173264

Looks like you're not eating Pâté chinois™, just plain old Shepherd's pie my guy

>> No.18173274

It's probably why I've had a hard time differentiating my whole life (I just figured the French were racist about shepherds)... but they're certainly not calling it pâté baiseur des moutons, or calling anything anything at all in English around this neck of the woods if they can help it.

>> No.18173685

>I've never understood Chinese pie. Lamb (or beef), peas and potatoes don't strike me as particularly Chinese ingredients.
It's cheap slop we force-fed to chinese slaves working on railway construction.

>> No.18174315

Pate Chinois is steak haché- blé d'Inde -patate

>> No.18174427

I tipped the black dude working the cashier $5 to put a load on it

>> No.18175263

"Indian wheat" instead of the ubiquitous "Maize"... you guys are alright.

>> No.18175883

Americans can't make poutine for some reason, we always end up being pretentious and putting parmesan on it or not using cheese curds.

>> No.18175972


>> No.18176205

I want one now that i've seen this image. Is that fried chicken? Fuck me where can I get something like this.

>> No.18176274
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Fries don't look that good imo. Best fries for poutine are chip truck fries

>> No.18176294
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I've made it 3 times before and it tasted alright but I'm not a good cook and I go fast and loose with directions.

>> No.18176304

More liquid/less starch in the gravy. Other than that, it doesn't look like you're fucking it up too badly.

>> No.18176308

This looks atrocious. Looks like you used some kind of weird gravy rather than simple liquidy bbq sauce. Or your fries dissolved in it causing it to become even more of a messy slop than poutine usually is.

>> No.18176331

I was aiming for a thicker gravy because the first couple of times it was way too runny/watery.
It was a bit thicker than I wanted though.
Also the curds in it were mozzarella cheese sticks that I hastily tore up then let the gravy melt a little.

>> No.18176347

Are you implying that gravy is Canadian culture? Oh no...

>> No.18176403
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The right consistency should be a syrupy dark brown bbq sauce. Unfortunately i've never made a homemade poutine that comes close to what I get at my usual poutine places so I can't really recommend a recipe. My best advice would be to find a recipe that has gravy that looks like what's covering this poutine, pic related.

>> No.18176483

>bbq sauce
You fool, it's a form of tea!

>> No.18176496

To be fair, it's mostly Ontarians that hate Quebecois. I can understand, as they have no culture of their own. What defines them? Tim Hortons double-doubles, Shania Twain, the Queen, that goofy-looking flag?

Quebec has nothing against Maritime provinces, the plains, and the west coast.

>> No.18176576

>Maritime provinces
Where they speak French?
>The plains
Where they speak French?
>The West Coast
That might as well be on the other side of the world?

I find it hilarious when Ontaroises bitch about Quebec. It's like listening to someone from Alabama bitching about Atlanta.

>> No.18176777

What do the great plains provinces have besides being Midwestern Americans living in Canada? Also the west coast has no character besides being half Chinese and the rest indistinguishable from west coast Americans.

>> No.18176833

As with the rest of this big, empty land, you have to look further than the old guard Scots and Dutch who aren't keeping track of anything but how green the grass is on the other side of the border, or how good things were back in a homeland they've never seen.
The art and music scenes out there are producing killer shit, but they're going through the same problem as the chefs in this country - you have to leave, and bring yourself back as an import in order to be seen as anything by your local peers.

>> No.18176954

fries, brown gravy, cheese curds

>> No.18176972

I don't know man, Alberta has a bone to pick for sure probably more than Ontario

Ontarians are always visiting Montreal lol

>> No.18176975

>>Maritime provinces
>Where they speak French?
>>The plains
>Where they speak French?
>>The West Coast
>That might as well be on the other side of the world?


Alberta hates everyone because they're always footing the bill for everyone.

>> No.18177151

based wot poster

Francophonie carries on right to Newfoundland. Métis and Franco pockets aren't exactly uncommon in Manitoba and Alberta (less so in Spagatchewan). BC-QC interprovincial trade's somewhat limited by terrain and distance, where Ontario, the Maritimes, Maine, NY and Vermont are right there - less business usually leads to less bitching... usually. Alberta hates everyone because they're basically a Dakota with a Texas attitude, and the buying power of a prairie province.

>> No.18177224

The only place near me that does poutine serves it in these huge fuckoff portions for like 3 people.

>> No.18177234

>adding any sort of liquid to fries
>fries are now soggy
gimme ketchup or mayo or any kind of sauce on the side

>> No.18177236

How exactly is proper poutine sauce made because most places just use standard gravy and it's shit.
The authentic stuff has that special taste and I have no clue what the taste is.

>> No.18177265

truthposter, I kneel.

>> No.18177649

I really enjoyed it. I went back yesterday and got a Montreal style one. Which had champignon mushrooms and radish on it. It was yummy. Is the gravy supposed to be more like britbong gravy? Also I like the way you type, it makes me smile : )

It was this place that does chips with different toppings in Germany. Was on holiday.

>> No.18177665

Yes, that Poutine came from a Fusée restaurant:
Fried Chicken, with Fries, BBC sauce and cheese curds.

>> No.18178514

a bit of malt vinegar and some rosemary or poultry seasoning seems to fix it right up. Beef works if you're using beef stock - bouillon seems to need lightened with chicken. I'm not sure if it's right because the French side of my family think I "Belong back on the reserve," and won't tell me, but I've done up some poutines and beaver tails for backyard skating and fires once or twice, and everyone said it was like bringing the Rideau back home to Lac Brome, so I'm going with it.

>> No.18178979

>bringing the Rideau back home to Lac Brome
no clue what that means

>> No.18179033

There is/was a Beaver Tails shack in the middle of the Rideau that you have to skate to. The skating's pretty good on Lac Brome, but you have to supply your own fried dough.

>> No.18179277


>> No.18179522

I was just thinking about poutine before coming here to say I have never had poutine in my entire life.

>> No.18180095


>> No.18180756
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I ate another Poutine again but this is getting a bad habit.

>> No.18181104

This looks great but when does it stop being poutine and simply becomes nachos?

>> No.18181139

That's chili cheese fries. I think tomato, onion, olives and/or lettuce makes it nacho chips.

>> No.18181286

yeah you gotta spread it out over like months, its not the kind of thing you want to be eating very often

>> No.18181294

nachos start with tortilla chips and cheese, so replace the waffle fries and you're there already

>> No.18181295

>Canada and America are the only countries
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.18181328

If all you've got is neutered corn chips and "queso" sauce, you've overpaid at the movies.

>> No.18182626

culture, lmao. stupid faggot cucks stole gravy, chips and cheese from the english and think its theirs

>> No.18182763

We learned from the best

>> No.18183170


>> No.18183173

lol they all come from french cuisine you fucking cretin

>> No.18183364

Gravy predates Escoffier, cheese predates the Franks, and chips might very well be Belgian. It's just as wrong to think their English, but at least the Britons can claim to drown all their food to death in gravy.

>> No.18183440
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>frites sauce + bolognese
>2 toasted hot dogs
paulo et suzanne, montreal

>> No.18183837

First mentions of gravy are found in like medieval french cookbooks, and Belgian historians assert that fries are of French origin lol

I'll give you cheese, thats pretty universal since you can't really date it, even if French Switzerland is probably the uncontested land of cheese

>> No.18183974

The fatasses in Wisconsin would literally eat every man, woman, and child with 100km of the alps if they could find it on a map, and learn enough French, Italian, German or Romansh to understand them saying it.

>> No.18184549

never understood the idea behind Italian poutine

>> No.18184560

I think Putin is a terrific fella

>> No.18184563

OP here, I don’t think there is a will or a thinking process involved. it just the way it went. italians and Greeks were making fast food and came up with receipes. Like Michigan hot dogs, is there an idea behind it or is it just opportunities?

btw i should have just get frites-sauce, the “””italian sauce””” onit was just too much for a Tuesday afternoon.

>> No.18184570

Chili cheese fries are better. Pouring some cheese sauce onto rectangle potatoes is better than lazily plopping curd chunks and letting the heat from the fries make all gross and gooey

>> No.18184573


>> No.18184758
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>pick your poison

>> No.18184779

is that a stack of pancakes on top of the poutine in the middle

>> No.18184812

no it's a angus beef burger with cheese and onion rings.

>> No.18184874

It's Sunday gravy

>> No.18184881

Lots of good beer and cheese

>> No.18184929

When the bakers get a hold of wild game, it's fucking magical.

>> No.18184984

Recipe for American Putin:

1 container of KFC gravy

French fries

Dip the French fries in the KFC gravy and enjoy. No cheese curds those arent generally liked here unless you’re a Wisconsin fag or a Beaner obsessed with goat cheese.

>> No.18185063

where could a man get such a wonderful poutine

>> No.18185082

Unlock your Twitter, Stephen.

>> No.18185902

I'd take the 3 P'tits Cochons among these.

>> No.18185913

That's just fries and gravy. It used to be the more popular dish in Canada before poutine spread over the country like a plague.

>> No.18187224

I mean you can still ask for it wherever you can order poutine, but yeah people don't think to order that very much anymore

>> No.18187371

I made it for the first time today. Gonna give Canadians the benefit of the doubt and say I just didn't make it very good. But it was mid. It's just fucking soggy fries, gravy, with shit cheese. What's the appeal?

>> No.18187381

It's Quebecois drunk food. The gov't awhile back started pushing it because "hurr, Canada needs a national dish" while completely ignoring the fact that Canada is fucking huge and has regional cuisines. It's unironically now a meme pushed by the same people who still pretend Tim Hortons is Canadian and good.

>> No.18187729

Yeah its not the kind of thing you can really recreate at home let's say, gotta have it at a potato shack on the side of the road. It's not a fancy thing and it's easy to get wrong even if there are only 3 ingredients

>> No.18187735

>while completely ignoring the fact that Canada is fucking huge and has regional cuisines
such as........
only quebec has original food and culture, the rest is america 2.0

>> No.18188016

Don't have it.
I know a few places make them around here but never got around to going.

>> No.18188829

it's nice sometimes, but compared to nachos, it has nothing going on. The meat and cheese curds are both mediocre additions piggybacking on the delicious fries and gravy. It's the buffalo chicken pizza of frites. It says a lot about Canada that they have no notable food besides this and tree syrup. Imagine if texas only had frito pies and agave syrup, that's Canada

>> No.18189159

i live in Quebec, and i know not all poutines are made equal, they can be awful or awesome depending on the quality of the ingredients. i eat poutine once or twice a month,always in the same place, sometimes with caramelized onions and bacon or smoked meat.
i dont care what faggots may say, poutine is top tier fast food.

>> No.18189168

its all about the cheese.