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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 191 KB, 387x316, adamraguseahateswhitepeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18144837 No.18144837 [Reply] [Original]

what is his actual fucking problem? Yes, he really did just post this today.


>> No.18144841

don't care. Not giving him views.

>> No.18144861 [DELETED] 

Fuck off shill. Not giving that retard views.

>> No.18144873

Guga is the only food JewTuber that isn't an uppity, self important faggot.

>> No.18144875

If his video is longer than 10 minutes then do t watch it

>> No.18144876

you know that episode of south park where randy cannot stop fucking jacking off to food tv? yeah. that's me with guga videos i kid you not. lets dew dis!

>> No.18144882

>food podcasts
is there a bigger waste of data? i fucking hate the internet.

>> No.18144897 [DELETED] 

kys adam

>> No.18144956

nice shill

>> No.18144979
File: 36 KB, 355x360, 1654792545658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18144982
File: 2.20 MB, 500x230, 36c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling faggot youtubers

>> No.18144987

>the only food JewTuber that isn't an uppity, self important faggot

>> No.18144997
File: 115 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_20220723-125550_Firefox_crop_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like and subscribe and hit the notification bell; I watch every Ragusea video religiously and keep a Tumblr blog of him licking things, closeups of his lips.

The highlight of my evening is sitting down with dinner and watching him in the screen, imagining thrusting my face directly in his sweaty chest and feeling his hair between my teeth while he firmly but hesitantly tells me he is married.

It's really because he looks kinda like Lizzie McGuire's dad and I've wanted fuck Sam for over a decade now right in his swarthy Italian bunghole. I want him to dribble his prechewed olive oil down my crack and give my prepped and seasoned ass a thorough tonguing.

>> No.18145039

The rapist from Revenge of the Nerds?

>> No.18145056
File: 201 KB, 295x630, thisistherealme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18145086

>that profile
fucked genetics bro also

>> No.18145096
File: 35 KB, 458x458, 1649647655814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stereotypical Roman nose. Post hand.

>> No.18145221

Ive seen a couple of this fucks threads get pruned today. Are jannies turning on this sex offender?

>> No.18145284

fuck off adam

>> No.18145359

besides the nose he has big fat tits and they cannot be ignored, desu.

Other than that, a little anterior pelvic tilt, he seems okay. The low belly could be refined but that's more diet than exercise at this point.

For someone who shills gay cereal all the time, I'm surprised he experiences difficulties with weight desu. It's really, really, extremely, not that hard to maintain a decent weight and stack.

He's flabby and maybe it's cause he's old and I'm not, but I cannot understand why. He works out. I don't. wtf.

>> No.18145375
File: 949 KB, 1204x611, chadgusea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18145381
File: 163 KB, 703x444, Screenshot_20220723-132454_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Adam. Goddamn you post here every time you put up a new video.

>> No.18145417

I'm truly beginning to agree with Theodore Kaczynski. He seems more correct by the day.

>> No.18145426

God I want him to top me so fucking bad rn.

>> No.18145435

Chef John doesn't strike me as uppity or self important.

>> No.18145443

Thankfully he is smart enough to keep his retardation to twitter instead of letting the brainrot infect his videos. He is one of the only leftists I can respect.

>> No.18145450

I hope he doesn't have any daughters. This is the type of guy who would be incapable of keeping his hands off a teenage girl in his house.

>> No.18145461

I'm pretty sure he has a couple of kids, I expect they will grow up completely mind fucked and maybe hole fucked. He gives off super creepy pedo vibes.

>> No.18145764

sure thing, adam

>> No.18145773

>what is his actual fucking problem?
People like you post him everywhere and make him more famous than you want
This, plus thread spamming on front page

People post without being aware there's rules on blueboards

>> No.18145832

well if anglo-americans only consider themselves, germans and scandinavians white then its true, their food is garbage

>> No.18145869

it is really telling of someones lack of insight into their own privilege to criticize someone elses food as bland

>> No.18145874

what about spain and italy?

>> No.18145910

in the video he says
hotter climates tend to grow more plants, higher chance to develop more flavors.
regions that have more intercultural trade will encounter more flavours
india has potential to grow many different plants and also would interact with persian and chinese cultures to exchange foods

>> No.18145914

Surprise surprise, people who don't smother their food in spices are able to enjoy the natural taste of the meat itself, and those who are used to eating food that's more spice than anything else find the spiceless foods flavorless

>> No.18145986

is anyone good at making a clip of youtube and putting it in as a webm?
31:40 time
he says "what i know for sure is that i like cock-tails"

>> No.18145999

All of the soy white guy onions cooking youtubers, including him, are tremendous faggots and unbearable to watch when their subscriber count starts ramping up, even if their recipes are decent.

Either way, American food eaten by the white middle-class that make these videos has nothing to do with European cuisine.

>> No.18146001

the video lead question was from some northern european sounding woman

>> No.18146004

Another piece of perfection from Chadam

>> No.18146009

Nobody is going to hear those syllables and think of penis.

>> No.18146067

Stfu we can talk about whoever we want

>> No.18146075

Why soes he have to go on a multiple paragraph long spiel about not offending anyone and not being an expert every time he is about to say something even slightly controversial? Does he read troll comments all day?

>> No.18146126

fpbp. OP is begging AND advertising.

>> No.18146134

Because he's a mealy mouthed hypocrite who wants to look smart without being open to analysia.

>> No.18146290
File: 534 KB, 1486x1620, raguwallotext.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is NEVER wrong about ANYTHING.

>> No.18146328
File: 94 KB, 672x538, 7D1179F9-DB6F-4587-A30F-2B5096D0350D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m Germany people eat raw ground beef with fried eggs on top with pickles, beets, and fish on the side. What’s with you, you crazy whypeepole?

>> No.18146362

Butthurt or struck a nerve

>> No.18146368

i hate adam

>> No.18146371

ok adam

>> No.18146375

this thread is going to get pruned or deleted

>> No.18146412

>He's flabby and maybe it's cause he's old and I'm not, but I cannot understand why. He works out. I don't. wtf.
low T for his age

He gives off low hygeine vibes to me. Hair grown out, nasty facial hair, greasy skin, unfixed teeth, always with glasses that seem feminine on him. I can't stand the annoying cadence of his voice. He's thinking on his toes, and the is the speed of his brain is his speech style, very disjointed.

All this bullshit about your spice preferences ignore the trade of the Silk Road and European trade. All of that medieval cookery in England uses the spices from far away. If you are a bland eater, you probably have health issues and boring families that you descended from. And some countries simply have little immigrat populations (unlike the British Empire). All of his theorizing ignores lactic acid sourness of milk preserved fish, such as they do in scandinavian countries. He's dropping theories left and right when countries with cold climates do grow their own vegetables in greenhouses or bring it across the border.

Living in Florida, I'm always surprised we'd think to transport any food whatsoever from California or Chile or Spain for things like oranges or grapes. We grow it all locally and then ship our crops out of Florida. But surely, there is citrus imported from Southern Europe to Northern Europe.

>> No.18146434

Anyone who thinks you can’t achieve deep flavor in colder climates must be unfamiliar with fermentation

>> No.18146453

>Why is European food bland
It's not
>Are closed mussels actually bad
Yes. They are dead and you don't know long they have been dead so you might get food poisoning from them.
>Career advice
Not from you.

>> No.18146470

wow, what a racist

>> No.18146510

I wish

>> No.18146523

Learn what butthurt means faggot. We dont wanna give this limpdick jew any views because we dont like him. Not cause he triggers us. Also did i mention hes a rat faced jew?

>> No.18146526


>> No.18146616

He's a successful youtuber. And you are...?

>> No.18146625

fuck off adam

>> No.18146646

I'm a mechanical engineer with specialisation in automation.
I'm sad being a talking head on youtube without understanding anything about what you are talking about is seen as a great thing.

>> No.18146663

Is this the trannette no pasto guy

>> No.18146665


>> No.18146905

Post Tumblr or this is larp

>> No.18146964


>> No.18147001


Prison food and free school lunches is not "White people food".

>> No.18147556


>> No.18147573

You say this like it is an achievement and not something incredibly sad

>> No.18147574

You probably think 17.999999999 years of age is unironically pedo territory too dont you?

>> No.18147588
File: 282 KB, 1801x1194, breadguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's always been chauvinistic, but I stopped respecting him since he became a shill for big bread

>> No.18147693

It's the guy who seasons his oven mitt not the baking tray.

>> No.18147923

>work with Adam Ragusea’s brother who is a therapist at a local hospital
>vaccines become available for Covid
>Ragusea’s father calls every minute to get vaccine appointment
>calls so much phone lines go out in the entire town
>calls even more to complain about not being able to get the vaccine right away
>after getting the vaccine, calls again to complain about the system

This family is fucking retarded

>> No.18148117

Adam reminds me of pre election-hell 4chan

>> No.18148126

>I'm a mechanical engineer with specialisation in automation.
>translation: I'm a teenage first year engineering student who hasn't yet dropped out of university

>> No.18148134

That's normal message board behaviour going back to usenet. Only the people who didn't "get" 4chan were behaving like that here.

>> No.18148144

You aren't from here, don't belong here, and never will.

>> No.18148149

>jew clickbaits talking about european food
never going to watch this fucking kike

>> No.18148159

I'm sick of our society's blatant hate for white people

>> No.18148163


>he thinks 4chan is his super secret clubhouse

>> No.18148169

Italian /= PoC No matter WHAT /pol/ tells you.

Him trying to claim that particular cred is almost as insane and hilarious as the idea of him shooting every one of his videos in blackface. Bitch is Caucasian af with all the privilege that comes along with it.

>> No.18148173

it was better when it was

>> No.18148182

it's the natural end result of progressivism, it's becoming more and more dangerous to be white so people will look for areas where they can claim some level of PoC status

next up, it's irish PoC's, then us slavs are natural non-white candidates of course, especially me as I have my glorious 5% gypsy blood in me, I'm practically a nigger already just disregard my pink nipples ok