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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18135694 No.18135694 [Reply] [Original]

Newport edition

Post & discuss:
-Pipe Tobacco

Previous: >>18121543

>> No.18135700

Anyone have any info on EU/UK/JPN shipments into Canada resuming any time soon? Still can't place any orders with the standard retailers up here, really trying to get my hands on some Treasurers again

>> No.18135705
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these were pretty good, 8/10

>> No.18135743

>Food & Cooking
I smoke, but these threads need to go. This has nothing to do with food and or cooking.

>> No.18135792

They aren't even that active anymore, the last one died at 75 posts.

>> No.18135811

OP is a faggot, not cooking or food related
Nice hellscape that you live in. Is this Euroshit or Baltimore? Either way, youre a faggot

>> No.18135812

I agree. I tried to get some info on how I can use my last few smokes to actually cook something before "quitting" for another 6 months. I ended up drenching them in bleach and tossing them.
Posters either got over the fad of smoking being "based and redpilled" or they're dying off from cancer.

>> No.18135838

If you want to quit, good luck anon. I went cold turkey in 2018 and it was a bitch, but Ive kept the path. I even quit cigars. If that fucker Rush Limbaugh can die from smoking with all of his resources, it can happen to me for sure. Yeah we all die of something, but theres no reason to shave 15 or 20 years off of your life over a fucking cigarette.

>> No.18135864

I don't plan to actually quit anymore. I found that reducing my intake to twice a year (birthday/Christmas) is a good medium. Every time I tried to actually quit I failed and went back to my 10-a-day habit for months. At least this way I can only smoke so much plus I limit myself to two packs max. Regardless I am glad you found the strength and dedication to actually quit.

>> No.18135888

Hey man, good luck. I could sit here and tell you to quit and then get hit by a bus tomorrow. Honestly, my main motivation was just getting rid of the fucking smell. Idk what it was, but a switch flipped where the stale smoke smell on my own clothes started repulsing me. If for some reason that ever happens for you, its a lot easier. Just knowing how you smell to non-smokers is wild

>> No.18135972
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Metro Detroit here, and is there a cheeper menthol cigarette available? I’m currently paying $55.49 for a carton of Edgefield menthol lights box (Newports are something like $75 a carton!).

>> No.18135991
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every cigarette shortens your life by 11 minutes

please anons, I wish you wouldn't

>> No.18136012

based living sucks

>> No.18136014

I'm here for a fun time not a long time.

>> No.18136020

Anyone ever smoked vintage cigarettes/mre cigs?

>> No.18136032

based thrifty anon
i don't even know where to buy cartoons. my local convenience store doesn't have them i don't think but i also didn't ask.

>> No.18136292

I absolutely love the smell of cigarettes, they are nostalgic to me. But have only actually smoked a few times in my life (years ago) and would never smoke again. Is this normal? Anyone else can relate?

>> No.18136369

Seriously don't smoke guys. And I hope you can quit soon if you started. I shouldn't encourage it with my previous post about liking the smell.

>> No.18136379

I relate. Always loved the smell of cigarettes since I was a kid, probably the reason I started somking (and still do) in the first place

>> No.18136528

Why do niggers like these so much

>> No.18136684

Something about their brains is wired to crave menthol, beyond that I have no explanation

>> No.18136692
File: 44 KB, 474x474, nightcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my piperbros at?

>> No.18136698

it's their metabolism, menthols potentiates the nicotine. In addition to the naturally occurring MAOIs that make tobacco an irresistible habit.

>> No.18136884
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>every cigarette shortens your life by 11 minutes
Sucks that isn't really true.

>> No.18136892

I used to meme myself into smoking "nightcap" cigarettes before bed in high school and each time I'd just lay there wired as fuck more awake then ever

>> No.18136936
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The Lorillard Tobacco Company actively marketed their menthol cigarette brands Kool and Newport to black people a lot after finding blacks had a slightly greater methol preference than whites (5% vs. 2%) in a random Philip Morris survey conducted in the early 1950s.
It's pretty impressive how aggressive targeted advertizing was able to take 5% and turn it into 70%. I hope whoever worked on those projects got plenty of compensation for it. Nobody pulls off successful marketing to that degree anymore nowadays. It's all lazy "viral" / "influencer" internet bullshit now.

>> No.18136941

>food and cooking

>> No.18136968
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>If I complain about it this time the mods will for sure take my side and delete the thread!
When will nosmokes learn?

>> No.18136971
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These are my cigarettes of choice

>> No.18137272


>> No.18137356

Currently I'm doing unfiltered Lucky Strikes, any other similar ones I should try?

>> No.18137930
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im here to cook, sleep and die anon

>> No.18137934
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got these along with my regular packs recently, everyone told me they just tasted like peppermint lol, all i got was less burning on my throat

>> No.18138241

What's your favorite pipe shape bro?
For me it is the cherrywood: easy to live with flat bottom and the slightly curved stem gives a cool and smooth smoke.

>> No.18138379
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My preferred cigarette is the full-flavor version of this Winston, but in the red container. It is only tobacco with no chemicals.

>> No.18138396

>Food and cooking

>> No.18138552

Greetings to you and a thank you to the mods for their continued support. I will start by saying that tobacco is a plant that is consumed through smoke. That is food. Smoke is food. Food is a substance. The smoke is sourced from a substance. The substance is a plant. The plant is tobacco.

>> No.18138626


I’ve got an Italian made Gepetto brand briar pipe I got my dad for Christmas back in the 1980s (that he only smoked it once) and I've smoked it a few times but find that pipe smoking is too harsh for me.

>> No.18138636

"Consumed" into to the lungs, it's not food. To think it is would be retarded

>> No.18138700

Smoke enters the digestive system, blood, etc, not just the lungs.
>who is the "retarded" now?

>> No.18138727

wish it was 15

>> No.18138738

There's no way this isn't bullshit but I must have taken 200-300 days off my life at this point

>> No.18138740
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>typically costs $45+ for 25g of ryo tobacco or $29 for the cheapest pack of 20 tailor mades
>got 100g of tobacco for $40 today
keep talking shit about chop chop, retards, and keep paying your big taxes to the government for the privilege to eventually have cancer.

Tastes like Port Royal too.

>> No.18138752

Damn, $5.50 a pack? That's what marlboros should cost at a place that's not jewing you. In GA edgefields are one of those cigs you'll rarely ever find but when you do they're like 3 and some change

>> No.18138824
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>> No.18138895
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I'm Hungarian-Australian and I literally only buy menthol filters for my rolls, and if I have to buy pre-mades I go for menthol.

They taste better, and if you're hanging with a girl that occasionally or rarely smokes you can share with her. simple as that.

>> No.18138976

I wish I wouldn't

>> No.18139006
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found a pic of op

>> No.18139065

>Fresh bag of Marlboro Red, 30g, Loose tobacco for rolling purposes
name a better feel

>> No.18139084
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What is the best cigarette (without flavor) for a beginner?

>> No.18139104
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Anything, Marlboro tastes like shit. Overpriced crap.
None, you idiot.

>> No.18139107

what is the general consensus on Chesterfield's?

>> No.18139156

Not food or cooking

>> No.18139268
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It is, sorry.

>> No.18139272

Where the fuck is this thread supposed to go then? fuck off with this gatekeeping shit, even if 'ackshually technically icks off-topic' it fits the boards theme faggot

>> No.18139274

unironically more relevant to the culinary arts than fast food

>> No.18139586


>> No.18139591

Go back from whence you came

>> No.18140271
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>i don't even know where to buy cartoons. my local convenience store doesn't have them i don't think but i also didn't ask.

They have cartons, as that's how cigarets are shipped.

>Damn, $5.50 a pack? That's what marlboros should cost at a place that's not jewing you. In GA edgefields are one of those cigs you'll rarely ever find but when you do they're like 3 and some change

Every state's tax laws are different and I'm not surprised that in Georgia (tobacco country) they're cheeper. An Australian anon mentioned that a _pack_ of smokes Down Under is $30+...

>> No.18140275

>What is the best cigarette (without flavor) for a beginner?


54 year old smoker who started when I was 16 and it's the stupidest thing I've ever done (and I've done some stupid shit in my life).

You want to know what smoking is like? Take a $5 bill and light it on fire, that's what smoking is all about.

>> No.18140324

To be fair you're not factoring in the massive amount of time between 16 and 54 where if you hadn't been smoking you'd be stuck just feeling like shit with nothing to do.
Even just the amount of time like that in a week is disturbing to think about.
And filling it with alcohol or hard drugs would be like smoking except with much more immediate consequences.

>> No.18141292


>> No.18141295

So does oxygen, where's the breathing thread?

>> No.18141575

for me its kools menthol

>> No.18141597

I'm not complaining about this general's existence, but I've always wondered how this is considered food or cooking.

I've been smoking Senecas for a few years now since they're cheap.

>> No.18141979

>but I've always wondered how this is considered food or cooking
I would justify it by saying that smoking is a tasting experience. And flavor is a big part of /ck/. I personally wonder why 'bacco threads' existence seem to trigger some people.

>> No.18141986

If only it was an instakill so I can leave this shitty place already

>> No.18142009

All tobacco taste the same to me. Any recs for a cig or cigar that really particularly highlights what a "good" tobacco is supposed to taste like? Cigs preferred, since thats what I'm used to.
For reference, the "best" pack I've tried so far is American Spirits.

>> No.18142031

Only nonces smoke amber leaf

>> No.18142057

>Food and cooking

>> No.18142283
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pls respond

>> No.18142935

depends if youre in us or eu
for cigarettes, nothing really tastes good for me, but i still buy either lucky strikes or winston blues, for the kick.
Rolling tobacco is where the stuff at. Best cigarettes i had were handrolled nofilter drum original and van nelle zware. amber leaf was also good.
But the best tobacco experience i had was when i bought a non gas station cigar for the first time, it was romeo i julieta. i smoked it for 20 minutes while driving home, listening to my favourite music with a drink besides. it was so satisfying, i smoked it fast so there was plentiful of smoke and heat, huge amounts of satiating nicotine just rushing (that makes you smack your lips) in and buzzing you non stop (but baka not making u sick like cigarettes), heat burning your mouth and lips numb, foot on the gas while bee's 9th blasting on the radio

>> No.18142947

European - lower grade and ugly, but gets the job done in tight situations. construction worker's cig

>> No.18142964

I quit smoking in February. I had no physical cravings to go back.
What I do miss is just… smoking. I loved the taste, I loved being outside reading. I loved it with my coffee.

>> No.18142979

This desu. I've got no problem with just not smoking but the ritual keeps me at it. As retarded as it sounds, it actually helps my autistic ass when meeting with people, because I've got something to do with my hands.
As of now, my last pack is empty, I don't plan on buying a new one. It's expensive too.

>> No.18142985

That’s why I quit, no money right now. But I don’t plan on going back. I like having money in the bank, even if it’s just savings.

>> No.18143010

Yeah its actually more like an hour

>> No.18143058
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I harvest in September. Pipe smoking is kino.

>> No.18143873

lmao cool post anon, I'll give those rollies a try sometime

>> No.18144050

>You want to know what smoking is like? Take a $5 bill and light it on fire, that's what smoking is all about.
this is the most boomer post ive ever read

>> No.18144064

I just started smoking cigars in earnest. It took like twenty of the fucking things over the course of my teenage/young adult years, but I finally get it now. I am curious, for the cigar smokers in the thread; what was your first cigar that became a regular mainstay, and perhaps even kick started the whole enjoyment of them for you? I have tried a few, cheap ones (not cigarillos) ,and while I enjoy them, I am wanting to explore. Bonus if they are readily available

>> No.18144244

the first cigar I dedicated the time to smoke was a vegafina perla tube. And to this day I still enjoy them, they are inexpensive, very aromatic and light, they pair well with a morning coffee.

>> No.18144432
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Current pack

>> No.18144447

Hes not wrong though

>> No.18144559
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>mfw got all my friends into smoking
Am I a bad guy?

>> No.18144671

No, you are just sharing a passion with your mates. As long as you aren't like the bad boy 14 year old kid who smokes, they are all adults and made a choice to indulge in the same sinful pleasure you are.

>> No.18145009
File: 41 KB, 600x554, 076BEF65-5855-4D3E-AD33-E554E63FE675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i just tried some snus for the first time. is it supposed to feel uncomfortable like this? the saliva feels weird and harsh to swallow too when its in. any snus tips appreciated

>> No.18145085
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"I roll my own"-er's WYA?

>> No.18145246

depends on genetics, frog. going by averages is retarded unless you're actually average.

>> No.18145285

I'm an American in Germany for a bit, near Poland.

What's the most exotic cigarette/tobacco I can get here? Galouises? Pueblo?

>> No.18145302

Where did you get seeds?
What is your aging/curing process?

>> No.18145337

When you put it like that it doesn't sound so bad desu.

>> No.18145506

Was thinking about starting to smoke occasionally. Alcohol is more enjoyable as a tasting experience than anything else, and weed doesn't do shit to me

How bad of an idea is this? I need something in my life to feel happy and to calm down the radiant anxiety always in the back of my head

>> No.18145525
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try cigarillos and pipe smoking. or try snus also. please just avoid cigs, i am addicted to them and it sucks. tobacco itself isnt that bad for u, cigs are though due to all the toxic additives and shit.

>> No.18145546

Snus seems interesting when you've got it bagged. I always hated the look of people with dip spitting, having something I could partake in inside too could be nice, since otherwise I'd have to smoke outside, away from my apartment.

I'll definitely keep all three options in mind, thanks. I've also thought about trying to grow my own tobacco just so I know there isn't a million fucking things in it/covering it.

>> No.18145605
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Plenty of people have gotten esophageal or some other form of cancer from what people would consider clean tobacco friend. I smoke on rare occasions, but I won't pretend rolling around burnt plant matter in any part of your body is good for you.

>> No.18146086
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Does the lack of additives in American Spirits have any effect on the "safety" of their consumption?

>> No.18146129

Most of the harm for cigarettes isn't due to something being intentionally added to them.
Tobacco plants are notoriously prone to sucking up whatever is in the soil around them, and polonuium is in the soil around the tobacco that goes into most cigarettes.
Rather than not adding to tobacco someone would need to find a way to actively remove polonium from tobacco, and attempts in the past haven't worked very well.

>> No.18146140

can i have my bike back, tyronne?

>> No.18146316

imo dont smoke cigarettes. get a pipe or buy yourself some cigars. for cigars a cheap entry that will get you one or two a day would be the Arturo Fuente Cubanitos. theyre about $20 for a tin of 10, take about 10-15 minutes to smoke a piece.

>> No.18146334

nah forget snuff, go to parties like a 17th century dandy and do snuff like a king.

>> No.18146341

or you could just consume pure nicotine, and skip the plant altogether.

>> No.18146391

I cheated and bought starts from a local nursery. Tobacco seeds are online but they need heat and humidity to germinate so it is hard to do in a house. They are also really tiny.
I have a barn and I bunch up 5-10 leaves and hang them from the rafters.

>> No.18146502
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Even if you don't want to give it up. Read this.

>> No.18146540

i heard a joke one time that stopping smoking is about as hard as starting flossing.
i didn't smoke so i thought it would be "interesting" to start flossing. i still floss.
but i also started vaping during lockdown, and it's actually fairly difficult to stop without conscious intent to quit.

>> No.18146548

I read it and think the author is a pretentious faggot. Substances being addictive doesn't mean there's nothing enjoyable about them. If you want to get that far into reductionism then literally any form of enjoyment is a trick of brain chemistry.

>> No.18146563

If smoking were nothing more than a nicotine delivery system then everyone would use nicotine gum or patches instead of smoking.
Obviously people like smoking. Same as how most people who drink would prefer actually drinking over taking some concentrated ethanol pill.

>> No.18146567

i disagree. rather than drinking a rum and coke, i'd rather just have a shot of rum and drink a glass of coke.
but, smoking IS cool.

>> No.18146575

Yeah, I can't even accept vaporizers as a good enough replacement for actual smoking. Just doesn't feel strong enough even when you use the suped up custom rig vapes. Fundamentally vapor just isn't the same as smoke.

>> No.18146577

my brother quit with Wellbutrin. Spouse still smoked, but he was done with it once and for all despite her smoking around him.

He always read interesting bestsellers, and tried to get me to also read The Power of Habit, which could have had an influence on the quitting. I remember from that author, that it took like 6hrs per day of practice to master something, aka musicians/olympians.

>> No.18146578

I want to get into smoking, what are some good beginner brands.

>> No.18146583
File: 16 KB, 220x342, images - 2022-07-24T120000.021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Spirit Turquoise, take off the filter.

>> No.18146598

them last 11 mins are going to suck ass anyways

>> No.18146600


>> No.18146604

Main decent common ones at gas stations in the US are marlboro reds, camel filters, newport methols, and then maybe pall malls if you can't get anything else decent (they're kind of like less good marlboros).
American spirit black is a little less common but really good with perique tobacco. Regular american spirit packs are blue or turqouise and they're fine too.
For more high end brands / varieties you can use a duty free website and order international stuff. Japan has some really good cigarettes like seven stars charcoal filter, and you can get some good euro cigs too like dunhill reds, rothmans, or davidoff.

>> No.18146753
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no you don't, you just think it's cool because media and advertising

>> No.18146777

You broke your promise

>> No.18146981

>Fundamentally vapor just isn't the same as smoke.
actual tobacco smoke has a whole host of other chemicals that influence how it feels. one in particular is MAOIs, which are antidepressants.
it's sort of like how there is "pure synthetic THC" in stuff like marinol. they use it for cancer patients and such, but it misses out on all the other active chemicals in marijuana, which is why medical marijuana is a thing. i could imagine that if there isn't one yet, that there will be "tobacco extract", in contrast to just pure nicotine.
it's not so much that it's not as potent, because you can get crazy concentrated liquids where a bottle of the juice is like a whole carton of cigarettes. it's just that the nicotine is only part of what provides the feeling.

>> No.18147644
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Espresso and Sonoma menthol...my go to coffee and smokes. Sonoma's are like 3.50 a pack here and they are basically Winston's. The espresso is el Morro which is dollar store bustelo. Does t get much better for the price.

>> No.18147938

I wish shops near me sold the superior Clipper lighters. It's not fair, bros.

>> No.18148623

>what is the internet

>> No.18149995 [DELETED] 

>only 11

>> No.18150009 [DELETED] 


>> No.18150017 [DELETED] 

I love smoking
I hate smoking

>> No.18150026 [DELETED] 

>try vaping
>it's not the same
What do? I feel like im rotting my body with every cig but can't stop

>> No.18150075 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try snus, its smokeless tobacco. just place one in ur lip and u get high off the nicotine. its tobacco too so it isnt like the buzz u get from vaping. its also ironically a bit healthier than vaping. i really like snus. pic related is a good brand despite it being called "rape" just avoid american snus brands like skoal or camel, they have different type of tobacco and taste like shit.

>> No.18150082 [DELETED] 

>I feel like im rotting my body with every cig
You're just falling for propaganda. It doesn't actually make anyone feel like they're rotting. You're thinking about what you were told with lung cancer or whatever. Even if it did make you sick decades from now you're not going to be able to physically sense that from a single instance of smoking a cigarette.

>> No.18150122 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna try to find some, snus isn't popular in my country sadly
I'm aware of anti cigarette propaganda but it's still something I feel inside, like when you eat something greasy or fuck an ugly whore

>> No.18150155 [DELETED] 

smoked heavily for a decade and then quit cold turkey ~Jan 2019. just a few weeks of physical cravings and then nothing, just a mental game of "wouldn't it be nice to smoke" and just not listening. after like, two months I had literally forgotten about cigarettes and I've been fine without since. if I went back to when I was starting at seventeen, I wouldn't think like "oh cool I can smoke for the next ten years" I just wouldn't fucking bother. don't even care about the health benefits as much as the fact that I was just wasting money like crazy for a stupid fucking habit that doesn't get you high, doesn't actually relax you (the "fuck I really need to smoke" moments when you can't kill any 'relaxation' your 13th cig of the day give you), and makes you stink like shit. In my adult life I just never really realized how gross chainsmokers are to be around until I quit, they really fill a room with their ashtray smell. embarrassing.

>> No.18150161 [DELETED] 

A series of tubes

>> No.18150177 [DELETED] 

Why inhale burnt plant matter if you can vape mystery liquids that actually taste good?

>> No.18150205 [DELETED] 

I own a vape but it's not the same

>> No.18150211 [DELETED] 

>snus isn't popular in my country sadly
just google people with parts of their jaw and face missing from cancer, and that's why.

>> No.18150248 [DELETED] 

What is it about tobacco that causes cancer? I though it was the smoke and shit but snus doesn't produce smoke

>> No.18151329


>> No.18151370
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Which one is the best? Are they any "safer" than a normal cigarette?

>> No.18151463
File: 92 KB, 1024x702, danger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black (perique) is best.
Probably not safer than other brands since the real harm comes from radioactive particles that are all over the planet and difficult to remove from tobacco after it absorbs it.
Perique tobacco can only be grown in a particular spot in Louisiana so if that place where perique tobacco is grown happens to be far enough from radioactive particles then it might be less harmful when you smoke it.
There was a period of time where atmospheric nuclear tests were still being done (those are outlawed by every country on Earth now) and it takes an extremely tiny amount of exposure from the particles dispersed by those tests to give people cancer.
Probably part of why the government went against tobacco so hard is they wanted a scapegoat for an uptick in cancer they were more culpable for than any other party.
Regardless, radioactive particles are definitely in cigarettes even though they aren't included intentionally. And whoever is to blame doesn't change that fact.

>> No.18151491

Has anyone actually ate tobacco? I ate dip once as a teen and I threw up.

>> No.18151942

Why does vaping feel so different? A ciggie is just better

>> No.18152154

Imitations are always inferior.

>> No.18152378

>Pipe Tobacco

Not food or cooking. KYS.

>> No.18152659


>> No.18152938

If you smoke them fast enough while eating bacon, you'll go back in time.

>> No.18153823

i like them both
but i switched to tobacco
with vape i will just puff at it all day, meanwhile with cigarettes i can easily limit them 5 or 7 a day

>> No.18153942
File: 191 KB, 1280x853, 0A52BAB5-1E70-45F6-8362-7AA830F1391D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad bitch boy. gonna pack a bowl of sum ‘baccy right now matter of fact.

>> No.18154048

That's true, I'm a one or two cigarettes a day guy but with vapes I just puff all day long

>> No.18154058

but oxygen isn't a food crop in it's original form, . i sometimes eat tobacco leaves in recipes. let's see oxygen compete with flavor and taste of a ripe tobaco leaf, cooked or inhaled. the taste isn't there.

>> No.18154061

ooh, frittata

>> No.18154202

Swedish snus has a way lower risk of all cancer compared to American chew/dip or cigs

>> No.18154204

Why is the tobacco community so chill? It's like they don't give a fuck anymore

>> No.18154222

I smoke on occassion and smoke american spirits
I swear theyre less addictive with less additives or something

>> No.18154224

lol dont care

>> No.18154228


>> No.18154257


>> No.18154313

Marlboro Reds and Lights are some of the most beloved cigarettes in the world

>> No.18154986
File: 62 KB, 650x896, PA-16752280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I recently decided that I was going to start getting addicted to nicotine again and I didnt want to smell like shit anymore and dipping sucks so guess what I bought a bunch of snuff tobacco and this shit is good! Dont start with mentholed snuff tho that shit always made me dizzy. Also the nicotine hit is instant just like a cigarette

>> No.18155013
File: 3.21 MB, 4000x3000, B91090B1-4920-450D-8CB3-45AE1CE60DB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick your UK health warning. I go for premature baby.

>> No.18155086

for me it's kid with respirator

>> No.18155278

Why not roll your own

>> No.18155291

they put the same pictures on tobacco pouches

>> No.18155456

Lung cancer, makes me think of cell division

>> No.18155464

why do you have to be so negative?

>> No.18155507

go to NC and stock up
then stop letting me stay single
not too bad not my thing
djarum black
weak man cig
nice and i see some tomato is near it...
nice explanation

>> No.18155539

Where is snuff sold in the u.s.?

>> No.18155836

Gas stations that sell cigs might also sell the Camel brand snus, but your best bet is online Swedish shops that ship snus worldwide

>> No.18155863

Oh I just saw that you said snuff, some specialty tobacco shops might have it but your best bet is online

>> No.18156091
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Im canadian and I bought from mrsnuff

Shit is so inexpensive and its so fucking good it doesnt even feel like tobacco i feel like i snorted some awesome drug i got so much fucking energy holy shit

My first was Poschl Alpina didnt realy like it it makes me dizzy for some reason then I got myself non mentholated shit and god damn its so fucking good man i feel high as fuck on drugs and its supposedly just tobacco AWESOME

Get snuff from different countries to try what their stuff is about. Massive difference in aroma between indian snuff and english snuff for instance. Buy the 6 Photo assorted snuff pack it has like 15 containers of 8g my favorite is chocolicious and i also like french riviera and medicated 666 if you like extreme menthol

English snuff so far have vastly different aromas that smell more.. Like nature, whereas indians smell weird as fuck if you dont stick to their novel ones like chocolicious

The nicotine high (yes feels more like a high than a buzz) is very different from cigarettes. Cigarette buzz feels dirty and unhealthy... Made me depressed.. Snuff is clean and fucking energetic if you have the right snuff for you (otherwise its just gonna make you dizzy and you wont have a good time)

Choose snuff my guy!! You can still smoke a cigarette once in a while with your buddies once in a while but you wont be addicted to cigs because snuff is vastly superior in terms of high

My favorite method of using tobacco all things considered. Cant beat the act of smoking but for everything else, smokless tobacco is better. Think of smoking as like a ritual and smokeless tobacco as more like daily usage (you dont smell like shit, lungs are fine, no depression, cheap as fuck, nice high)

I tried cigarettes, pipe tobacco, dip (not a whole lot i hate having burning gums and spitting black shit tho)

Pipe is the most novel way of consuming nicotine if you ask me. The most subtle nicotine buzz and not as clean as snuff

Anyway good luck