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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18133345 No.18133345 [Reply] [Original]

To me nothing makes me lose respect faster and as harshly as when they put Gold on their food to jack up prices. You could be the best chef in the world but if you do this I as a humble home cook cannot tell you enough you're not a fucking a chef you suck ass you dont belong in any kitchen.

>> No.18133361

it looks cool and is literally gold, you pay for the experience and the experience of shitting out gold. it's a rational way to enjoy a meal in a decadent and artistic time and place, here in America.

>> No.18133364

They do it because rich basketballs like to pay extra to literally eat gold. They have to be a good chef before they can even use it as an attraction. Gimmicks exist, get over it.

>> No.18133370


>> No.18133520

its funny how the gold itself is dirt cheap compared to what they charge you

>> No.18133539

>"thanks for coming to my ted talk."

>> No.18133546

It’s a way to be a tasteless fucking Persian, a Nouveau Riche fuckwit who wants to spend a fortune on trying to by the kind of imperiousness a thousand years of history, or a fortune in the billions, can buy.

You’re not decadent if you eat gold slathered steak, you’re decadent if you eat white rhino sashimi off the body of a teenager for whom Ghislaine Maxwell funded a fun island vacation.

>> No.18133576

neither of those are decadent.
soda is decadent.

>> No.18133583


>> No.18133587


>> No.18133588

fuck off?

>> No.18133598


>> No.18133732

>They have to be a good chef before they use the gimmick
Salt bae isn’t a good chef though

>> No.18134049

>Having a sweaty hairty Turk prepare my food.
No thanks.

>> No.18134091

I use a little gold leaf or gold powder when I decorate some of our desserts.
Covering a steak entirely in it is retarded and probably makes the steak less tasty. Not that it matters if that retard cooked it anyway.

IMO gold is fine to use as a decorative element same as flowers and such but overcharging for it because "it's literally gold" is pure grifting. At least it's only retards getting grifted, though.


>> No.18134093 [DELETED] 

Kikes mad x24

>> No.18134099

The funny part is that gold leaf is cheap but retards see the word GOLD and think it's worth the stupidly high price.

>> No.18134207
File: 2.93 MB, 472x600, 1642867210971.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are worse things

>> No.18134695

>It’s a way to be a tasteless fucking Persian,
Nus Rat is Turkish, nothing to do with Persians.

>> No.18134700 [DELETED] 

>not putting gold on your food to take money from rich retards who would actually pay money to eat it.

>> No.18134703 [DELETED] 

lmao. naivety at its height. she owns reddit btw, and her sentence is reduced by 10 years before she even hits the slammer no questions asked.

>> No.18134708

get a dictionary..

>> No.18134713
File: 15 KB, 256x197, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the CEO of old money nobility, I would like to personally extend an invitation to you to join our secret club of 0.01% percenters. You alone know our secret: expressing disgust for "nouveau riche" aka symptoms of class mobility and unwashed poors being allowed to spend money in a way that makes them happy and not us richer.

>> No.18134751

I love your diction and attitude, really decent post

>> No.18134960

>*put $5 worth of gold leafs on a $30 steak*
>that's $1000 for the exclusive experience bro

>> No.18134974

I really appreciate this faggy turk. He is making a fortune ripping off stupid people. He should consider running for office.

>> No.18134977
File: 194 KB, 231x313, 1657588532591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying this hard to sound smart and still using improper grammar and contractions

>> No.18134981

Why not cup hands and drink it? Why not have the waitress chew up Hershey's and spit it in your mouth? Why not wipe your ass with your hand then lick it clean?

>> No.18134986

Uh-oh, looks like your certificate is expired.

>> No.18135165

Aldi sold I think 10 sheets of about a sq inch for 5.99 a few years ago. Got a pack for that special dinner, just as a joke. Still have it heh. So yeh, gold in food is for plebs.

>> No.18135639

I don't have the right excited snoijack for this post but just so you know you are a massive insufferable cunt

>> No.18135664

The price of the gold cooks the steak

>> No.18135698

>American decadence
More disgusting than Albanian pussy.

>> No.18135904
File: 31 KB, 500x333, 1653015619441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many better ways to eat melted chocolate. What's funny is you know they recorded this for press.

>> No.18135966
File: 203 KB, 2048x1365, GoldBurger_Slaters-2048x1365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a place I go to here in Vegas called slaters that do a gold burger with gold covered bacon. I think they're in CA too. Has nothing to do with the flavour it's just a fucking amazing burger that happens to be pretty. It's spectacle, nothin wrong with it and gold passes through your system untouched.

>> No.18136000

for that price I'll crawl on the table and poop a log of shit on top of your steak
tips also accepted on top of the 15% gratuity and 5% covid fee

>> No.18137485

if you don't poop immediately on command and your poop isn't a large picturesque log then don't talk no one's gonna pay for you to grunt for 30 minutes to squeeze out a runny digested mcnugget

>> No.18137515


>> No.18137527
File: 2.73 MB, 538x300, Officer Bae.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How that man ever became that famous is beyond me.

>> No.18138945

I would tell the waiter to get fucked. I'm not doing it. I'd rather pay and have nothing than this pathetic humiliation.

>> No.18139267


>> No.18139297

>drops slide before dropping magazine
i know he only had one round in it but it still bugs my 'tism

>> No.18139347
File: 66 KB, 500x376, 1600440712134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Absolute directed disdain for Persians
>Not Iranians, Persians.
>And their wealth and Decadence
Ask me how I know you're either Israeli or American Jewish from the North Shore of Nassau County, Long Island, New York