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File: 963 KB, 3024x4032, The Good Stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18132764 No.18132764 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's JIF, straight from the spoon.

>> No.18132773

no sugar jif is the best

>> No.18132781

Jif is the correct choice. Spoon is the patrician's choice. I would also have accepted Thai peanut sauce. Also peanut butter toast with chile flake; the kind with peanuts.

>> No.18132790
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In bar form. If that's not available, spoonful of Peter Pan

>> No.18132814

Fir me its Gif peanut butter.

>> No.18132819

It's pronounced gif.

>> No.18132822

always smooth never crunchy
crunchy is disgusting

>> No.18132828

I like JIF and Smuckers Concord grape on burnt whole wheat.

>> No.18132853

I couldn't stand crunchy as a kid but I like it enough now. Still always prefer smooth, though.
Kek, thought that was some European name for Hardee's at first. Never actually tried those.
That sounds dry, and thick, and pretty good anon.
JIF and burnt whole wheat is the patrician's peanut butter on toast combo anon.

>> No.18133000
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Ingredients: peanuts, salt

>> No.18133575

I had a similar type of peanut butter in Austin last month. It was alright, but had this weird bumpy texture like old paint.

>> No.18133599

I used to be a JIF guy but I caught salmonella during their recall back in may/june and now I've switched to Smuckers natural even though it's a bit more expensive.

>> No.18134249
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>> No.18134254

I stay copping that Kroger brand big boy jar ya heard.

>> No.18134258


>> No.18134269
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I also prefer JIF but in Australia my choice is Bega. Regular, no frills, smoove peanut butter.

Big fan of it on the spoon or melted nice and glossy on some toast.

>> No.18134273

Teddies crunchy, it is nothing but big pieces of peanuts and oil and salt, and inexpensive. In a few months apples will be cheap and abundant and I can't wait to dip slices into that pb.

>> No.18134277

Peanut butter ground in-store at Publix or Whole foods is best. Only one ingredient: peanuts.
It can be had plain, but having it on whole grain bread or mixed with maple syrup is good too.

>> No.18134279

smooth always gets glued to my throat

>> No.18134289
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Most popular peanut butters are literally 10% peanut and 90% sneed oils. Nothing beats pic related if you can find it, made with actual fucking peanuts. Delicious.

>> No.18134291

Dogs aren't allowed to post here.

>> No.18134296

I make my own with avocado/olive oil because I realized a fuck load of the brands use some weird seed oil blend

>> No.18134317


>> No.18134320
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85% roastie peanuts isn't THAT bad anon

>> No.18134367
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>Had to get the Sugar Free Peanut Butter this time because it was the only one on sale

>> No.18134379

Peanuts already are made of oil, dummy.

>> No.18134401
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i like it with marmite on toast

>> No.18134406

>straight from the spoon.

disgusting, lrn2bread

>> No.18134408

I still don't know what kind of subhuman chooses smooth over crunchy. It just absolutely boggles my mind.

>> No.18134421


>> No.18134732
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The kind that comes with jelly and spareribs

>> No.18135118

Does one can of tuna break the fast?
It's really not that much of meal...

>> No.18135164
File: 1.04 MB, 4032x3024, 20220710_175914_compress68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crunchy with mayo and pickles and al the fixins

>> No.18135186


These ck self righteous lame asses will not approve... what's the other shit on there ? Pb? Jelly? Wtf?

>> No.18135191

Pb&j, mayo, chocolate, peanuts, spicy pickles, green hot sauce, vegetarian bologna

>> No.18135192

Oh, also feta and sliced smoked gouda

>> No.18135199

Jesus what an abomination what you call it

>> No.18135212

A good salad should have every texture and flavor:
> crunchy - peanuts, chocolate
> soft - jelly, feta
> chewy - tortilla, bologna, gouda
> slippery - pickles
> spicy - zhoug hot sauce, pickles
> sweet - jelly
> sour - mayo, pickles
> savory - bologna, peanut butter, mayo
> bitter - dark chocolate chips
> salty - feta, salted peanuts

This is what peak salad looks like

>> No.18136112

Peanut butter on a spoon, dipped in a jar of jelly and then a bowl of coconut flakes between each lick

>> No.18136114

is peanut butter (without added ingredients other than salt) inflammatory? like pufa in seed oil?

>> No.18136188

trips of truth
anyone who eats the peanut butter with sugar and hydrogenated oils is a degenerate pleb
yes, I'm talking about Jiff and Skippy eaters

>> No.18136204

I'd say less inflammatory than semen, so you're fine

>> No.18136239

christ what the fuck is wrong with you?
that is disgusting just toss in some seeds, maybe some cranberries or strawberries, add some feta / whatever the fuck cheese you’d prefer, and then dressing + tomatos / cucumbers / olives as an option, and a protein of choice. it’s that simple.

>> No.18136260
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smoothfags need to be obliterated

crunchy is supreme.

>> No.18136324

I've been tempted to try it just for the novelty. How is it?

>> No.18136328

Sounds disgusting.
I want to try it.

>> No.18136337

this is one of those things that sticks to parts of your mouth you didn't know existed and drives you fucking crazy

>> No.18136356

In a sandwich but with honey instead of jelly.

>> No.18136481

Try the standard first: PB, mayo and pickles in a sandwich. I like spicy bread and butter pickles.

>> No.18136526
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Great news everyone, they just got JIF back on the shelves at my grocery store.
Learning about a lot of different types of PB here bros.
I'm sorry frend. Can't imagine a weekend without peanut butter.
Do they not have JIF in Australia? That's too bad, good intel on that stuff though since I kind of want to visit there.
Nice my man. You ever throw any bananas in there?
Huh, not sure about mayo and peanut butter.
But what if they
Kek, sorry about that man. We were halfway through a jar when they recalled it so we figured we'd be alright.
But what if you only want a scoop of PB or jam on toast anon?

>> No.18136558
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enjoy your heaps of white sugar and palm oil
JIF is hardly peanut butter, more like a peanut flavored sweetened oil.
pic related with a dash of real maple syrup is for the chad

>> No.18136588

Peanut butter in the US has to be at least 90% peanuts. I'm not really a fan of sugar in peanut butter either but saying it's peanut flavored sweetened oil is a big exaggeration.

>> No.18136590
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>Never oily
>Never dry

How can this be..

>> No.18136597

You quoted the wrong anon

>> No.18136606

>Nice my man. You ever throw any bananas in there?
From time to time, in fact that's the only way I ever finish a banana. Call it weird but I can only eat about one half to three quarters plain before being done with them but with PB or chocolate spread...UMA DELICIOUA

>> No.18136608
File: 178 KB, 1536x864, 316A9142-39E7-4FB9-8DF4-26DC223E6F47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d rather have one of these bad boys.

>> No.18136628

Smuckers creamy and ONLY smuckers creamy

>> No.18137203
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>mmmmmmm, seed oils!!!

>> No.18137307

peanut butter and green olive sandwich on white bread. Works with both crunchy and creamy, as long as it isn't too sweet like honey roasted peanut butter

>> No.18137729
File: 33 KB, 300x300, 439284437298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are unredeemable, cretinous scum if you eat peanut butter with any ingredients other than peanuts and salt. I would urge you to repent for your ungodly and heinous perversions, but I understand the fruitlessness of these efforts. My only recourse then, is to impel you with all of my might to neck yourself, for humanity's sake in the eyes of God.

only reasonable person in this thread

>pic rel, me when I see sugar or sneed oils in my pb (mana)

>> No.18137757


>> No.18137776

you are really retarded if you think people make peanut butter without "real peanuts"

grow up

>> No.18137787

Crunchy unsalted adams. Can't believe anyone likes fake garbage like jif. Just eat marshmallow fluff instead

>> No.18138336


>> No.18138358
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>> No.18138363

no I di'n't. he was saying popular peanut butters are 10% peanuts and I was demonstrating how they are in fact 85% which is not that bahd

>> No.18138367

what do you fry shit with then?

>> No.18138425

That is a nice looking dallop

>> No.18138427

g-go on...

>> No.18138441
File: 221 KB, 1500x1125, 91NV-9aJhUL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down plebs.

>> No.18138795

it was peanut butter that took my appendix in 7th grade.

>> No.18138803

must have been the crunch kind

>> No.18138810

looks like jarred shit

>> No.18138813
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bow down before the one you serve
you're going to get what you deserve

>> No.18138816

i eat creamy jif on toast or in oatmeal probably like 4-5 times a week. is there anything cooler i can cook with peanut butter

>> No.18138818

it was probably that I ate 3 jars in 3 days because I was over at different friends houses for the long weekend.

>> No.18138935
File: 125 KB, 400x400, cashew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the target store brand cashew butter is unbelievable. dunno what black magic they have going on behind the scenes but nothing else is like it.

>> No.18138951

For all natural ( the good af grainy peanut butter ) I prefer teddy, alternatively smuckers

For the inferior stuff, reduced fat skippy or peter pan because the added sugar in place of fat thickens it a bit. Hate overly creamy peanut butter which is why I'll never eat Jif.

>> No.18138956
File: 41 KB, 291x321, NaturalSmooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.18138960

Chunky peanut butter is a scam to sell you unprocessed peanut pieces instead of peanut butter.
The peanut butter factory receives trucks of broken peanuts, grinds them into paste, then adds broken peanuts back into the mix so they can charge you the same price for less product.

>> No.18138969

>Hate overly creamy peanut butter which is why I'll never eat Jif

fkn this. jif is absolutely the worst out there in taste and texture. you can never go back to it having tasted literally any other brand.

>> No.18138971

delete this please

>> No.18139040

that's literally more product

>> No.18139142
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>you can just buy unsweetened peanut butter
What the fuck, I thought the sugar was necessary for texture or something. Why do they even bother with it?

>> No.18139151

> why do they
Because Americans think peanut butter is frosting

>> No.18139155

>oh boy, time to mix my peanut butter!

t. naturalfags

>> No.18139172

The product is peanut butter. The raw material is peanuts. A jar of chunky and a jar of creamy are the same size and weight, the same price, but one contains less peanut butter.
Imagine buying a loaf of bread and finding it's filled with pockets of raw flour. Don't be a chunky cuck.

>> No.18139173

Store the jar upside down, then you'll have low fat high protein peanut butter and at the end you'll have peanut oil for making stirfry.

>> No.18139178
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>> No.18139208
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posting the actual only acceptable form of peanut butter to eat, also you should try keeping peanut butter in the fridge

>> No.18139255
File: 726 KB, 1000x1000, natural-crunchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all are fags

>> No.18139264 [DELETED] 


Peanut butter bros why is it always so fucking dry?

>> No.18139287

The peanuts dry out during cooking. It has a lot of fat but very little water. That's why it can sit on the shelf for a long time even after being opened.

>> No.18139294
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You're welcome

>> No.18139303
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, peanutbutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried all the widely available brands and varieties of peanut butter. Came to the conclusion that the best recipe for a jar of delicious pb is to buy a bulk sized box of big cup Reese's. Get a large empty jar and stuff in as many pb cups as possible. You want to use a long spoon to mash the cups until they are smooth and creamy peanut butter in a jar. Do not buy the jar of Reese's pb you see on the shelves, it's not the same stuff and doesn't have the sugar that makes the cups so delicious. You're welcome.

>> No.18139308
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>> No.18139312

Sounds good

>> No.18139399

Butter? Lard? Fucking christ dude

>> No.18139467

I remember as a small child I'd always beg my mom to buy me this when were at the grocery store. She never would. Then one I had it at a friend's house. It was the most disgusting shit I'd ever eaten.

>> No.18139655
File: 74 KB, 750x750, peanut butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this one but it's pricey

>> No.18139686

So what you're saying is that if someone wants chunky peanut butter they should buy normal peanut butter and add crushed peanuts from a roasted peanuts tin?

>> No.18139723

i mean stuff like tofu idiot, why are seed oils bad anyways?

>> No.18139754

Why worry bro just keep using them haha

>> No.18139761

Tell me faggot

>> No.18139801

He doesn't know, it's just the latest meme

>> No.18139865

I'm saying chunky eaters are degenerates and Big Peanut is exploiting their moral shortcomings.
But yes, those people should have some self-respect and add their own chunks. I care about them and want to help them better themselves.

>> No.18139886

Many commonly used cooking oils, which come from seeds, have various health concerns:
> high pro-inflammatory omega 6:3 ratio
This is the big one. Ideally you want no more than a 3:1 ratio in your whole diet, but sunflower oil is 75% omega 6 and 0% omega 3. Soy is like 50:5. Ideally you want either oils with a low ratio, or oils that are mostly monounsaturated or omega 9 or saturated fat (unless you already have really high LDL cholesterol). That leaves primarily olive oil or avocado oil, or if you're okay with saturated fat, coconut oil and palm oil.
> transfats from refining
The high temperature processing method used for many refined oils creates, among other things, transfats. The best way to avoid this is to use virgin oils like coconut or olive.
> oxidative stability
Repeated heat/cool cycles, time spent in the sun or on the shelf, exposure to air, etc, degrades oil and eventually can produce oxidized lipids and advanced glycolation endproducts which together can harm the body by being mutagenic, cytotoxic, or otherwise contributing to heart disease and arterial stiffness. Ideally you want to use oils with high oxidative stability such as olive oil or coconut oil.

If you look at all these factors together, really the only oils left that aren't worse than lard are olive oil and coconut oil. Olive oil gets a bad rap because "low smoke point" but that's kind if a myth unless you're trying to sear a steak in it or something. Heating olive oil a single time to pan fry some vegetables isn't going to cause you any problems, just don't heat it to 450 10 times in a row.

>> No.18139917

Another good oil besides coconut and olive would be cold-pressed camelina oil. It is very unique in that it has a very good omega 6:3 ratio (1:2 in fact), but also is crammed with so much antioxidants that it ends up being relatively stable at high temperatures and resistant to oxidation. It has a very rich nutty flavor, I like it with fried morels on pasta or a teaspoon mixed into some oatmeal with walnuts and cranberries.

>> No.18139947

Peanuts produce their own oil when ground and blended, retard.

>> No.18140439

They also add hydrogenated oil to many varieties to prevent them from separating

>> No.18140444

Okay, the whole seed oil thing is a hot meme right now and the guy posting about it is a troll and/or idiot.
But what do you think peanuts are? What kind of oil is peanut oil?

>> No.18140446

Technically it's bean oil

>> No.18140451

And what is a bean? You're almost there.

>> No.18140488

A legume

>> No.18140539

Getting colder. Legume can refer to the whole plant; it's an agricultural or culinary term. Beans come from the pod of a legume plant, and are the plant's... It rhymes with Sneed and Feed and you can extract oil from them. You can do this.

>> No.18140573

You're all fucking retards, the point of seed oils being bad is that they contain PUFAs (Polyunsaturated fatty acids) that when overheated become oxidized and thus bad for you, due to how they are made 99% of seed oils including peanut oil are already oxidized right out of production hence they should be avoided in cooking

>> No.18140593

The sun can kill you in a wide variety of ways. It's also necessary for life on Earth. Stop worrying about whatever dumb nitpicky thing is hot on Reddit because someone hyped up a research paper they probably misinterpreted. You're going to starve for a lack of perfectly safe foods. Life is full of risks. Get a brain moran.

>> No.18140609

I haven't eaten anthing peanuts since i found out they're not nuts but peas.

>> No.18140620

>Spoon is the patrician's choice
Well said my anon, just cut out the middle man.
What dat?
We did for most of my life, until we discovered how much nicer a warm peanut butter scoop feels when our fridge broke.
That label reminds me of one of those educational grade school story books.
Well what’s your brand sneed anon?

>> No.18140628

Based lead eating retard

>> No.18140663


There *are* oils that don't have high omega 6 ratios, aren't refined at high heat or using hexane and resulting in AGEs or transfat, and retain high levels of oxidative stability.

They are the following: virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, and virgin camelina oil

Of these, olive oil is the most versatile, but coconut oil is best for browning meat or similar. Lard or suet are basically the same as coconut oil in most respects.

>> No.18140683


>> No.18140684

The honey roasted and made by Big Y

>> No.18140688

Adams, on muh dick DOGGO

>> No.18140772

it just is

>> No.18140796

> What dat?
It’s called mazapan. It is peanut powder mixed with powdered sugar. One of the best mexican treats.

>> No.18141077
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absolutely BTFOs processed sugar-oil garbage. stop eating like children, jiffags

>> No.18141551

real peanut butter is not supposed to be that consistency.

>> No.18141753

>bumpy texture like old paint.
Ah, childhood memories. They're the best.

>> No.18143229

how many seed oils is OK-ish to eat? is just 0-1 tablespoons a day fine?

>> No.18143266

If it's olive oil then the problem is mainly just that it has a load of calories that would probably be better spent on something more nutritious. A tablespoon or two of it in a day isn't going to hurt you.

As for camelina oil, you may even intentionally consume a tablespoon in some oatmeal or something purely to improve your overall omega 3 intake.