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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18121925 No.18121925 [Reply] [Original]

Fast food now
>no longer fast
>no longer cheap
>made by humanoid chimps
>deals continue to get worse and worse
Fuck this gay earth bros

>> No.18121934

>Burger King
Ya fucked up anon

>> No.18121944
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>staff store at 60% of recommended staff levels to save money and pad your own bonuses
>shift workload become intolerable for the scheduled workers because of not enough labor
>people start habitually calling in sick or just not showing up
>can't fire them because any new hires immediately bail when they realize how poorly run the store is and how easy it is to get another mcjob
>customers become more irate from the shit service, shit quality, and general "everyone is an aggro miserable cunt" 2020s thing
>workers bail even faster because of how shitty the customers treat them

it's actually funny to watch as someone who works tangential to the industry but not actually in it, it's so extremely common you would think it would be harped on in management training

>> No.18122039

Why do you make excuses for these people?
>be me
>patient and always polite to fast food workers
>I get it, it's not the best job, so I try to be kind
>some nigger basically throws my food at me
>BBQ sauce when I asked for honey mustard, ranch and buffalo
>zero napkins
>zero caring or human decency
So what did I do wrong here?

>> No.18122561

because you are today's faceless drone #398 awaiting his processed hog anus slivers and the employee hates his fucking job and probably is your typical emotionally underdeveloped retard, it's really not complicated to understand

it's not about making excuses, it's about stopping for a minute and considering that you opted into this experience

>> No.18122696
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>So what did I do wrong here?
ordered fast food.

>> No.18122977

Welcome to the industrial world.

Just learn to cook your food at home and stop looking for attention and indirect affection in public spaces, coming from strangers.

>> No.18122981

Your first mistake was being polite to blacks

>> No.18122984

You live in America.

>> No.18123064

at one point they where healthy using lard no preservatives, fresh veggies.

>> No.18123939
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>a biological white woman wrote this post
holy fuckin' kek

>> No.18123962

In Japan it's still fast and cheap and they never fuck up my order. One time they called my phone to ask if it was okay for them to deliver my order a little bit earlier and apologised.
The only difference is they are super autistic here, you can't add or remove stuff from menu items or ask for things they are not allowed to give you. I remember some white guy asking for mayo and the manager was like, Sorry. No mayo. He started spazzing out and had to settle for ketchup while everyone behind him looked annoyed at him.

>> No.18124149

And you're still spending money on fast food.
Imagine being retarded. The moment you see this shit you stop buying from them.

>> No.18124227

>no longer fast
>no longer cheap
that's the thing. Every now and again I'm tempted to go get a quick bite from a local burger joint, but there's always lines around the building and it's like what's even the point? Why am I going to wait in line for twenty minutes to pay $14 for a shitty burger and limp fries prepared by some high school age darky that doesn't give a shit about their job? Fast food has become a massive waste of time and money.

>> No.18124545

They do add or remove stuff from the menu without any issue, they just don't want to deal with you.

>> No.18124562
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read and learn, inaka scum

>> No.18124572

the black guy at mcdonalds drive thru window gave me a second blue raspberry fanta slushy and when i said i already had mine he casually shook his head and motioned for me to keep it.

>> No.18124802

Translation for those who can't read Japanese:
>ching chong ching ch0ng PING p000ng

>> No.18124885

>steal OP's pic
>post on /pol/
>I deserve $20 an hour

>> No.18124960
File: 340 KB, 480x360, Suck my straw to INFINITY and Beyond!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine thinking ANY FF was good.

>> No.18124991

I've been noticing fast food has been cost creeping upwards making them such a shitty buy when I could upgrade to fast casual for 1.25-1.5x more cost but with a more than 2x food value proposition, however even fast casual is not safe. The fucking zoomers behind this one local hipster sandwich doesn't know what the fuck belongs in a BLTA... the ingredients are in the fucking name. I'm afraid the quality of food will continue to decline despite cost inflation because the humans being employed are becoming worse and worse. Like, how the fuck do you not know what's in a BLTA?

>> No.18125060

I watched this happen to the store I worked at.
>planning on moving to go to college in a year
>get job at fast food bagel place
>start as bagel baker, shifts pretty chill
>regional management starts fucking with store manager, making him fill in at other stores constantly
>get promoted to shift lead as I am one of the only people who doesn't show up to shift high and the other baker is a girl prone to panic attacks
>work like hell for 6 months, doing manager shit for shift lead pay
> too stuck in the wagie mindset, don't ask for a raise when I should have
>coworkers start leaving, put in a one month notice
>girl baker quits to move back in with her parents
>need to train new baker, only person who shows up to training is literal tranny antifa activist
>"""she""" tries to get me fired for misgendering chris chan
>boss is boomer who doesn't understand what any of those words mean
>last day, regional manager shows up to give me a 25 dollar visa gift card
>go to college for year
>come back, store has been sold and is emptied out
>still haven't used the gift card

>> No.18125240

somehow im the only one in my city who noticed that getting a burger at a local diner or bar or something is only marginally more expensive than eating at a fast food place these days, so i just do that instead. fast food seems completely pointless now.

>> No.18126843

Kill yourself, nigger spic.

>> No.18127322

Alarmingly Based

>> No.18127340

Based, that's the way it should be. Order from the menu or cool your own damn food, picky faggot. Your special snowflake orders only fuck shit up anyway.

>> No.18127342

>no longer buy fast food
>more money in my wallet

>> No.18127354

>antifa activist
>caring about chris chan
Thanks for letting us all know you are making this shit up.

>> No.18127356


I couldn't agree more. I've bascially stopped going to fast food restaurants unless someone else is paying, with Chik Fil A being the only exception. Everywhere else is a complete crapshoot whether or not there are employees who are properly trained or care enough to make the food properly. The prices are also reaching absurd levels for the slop they churn out.

>> No.18127364

>>antifa activist
>>caring about chris chan

lol no thats the most real thing in his whole story. I got banned from reddit subs for not using "she" when referring to that faggot. And reddit is antifa central

>> No.18127366

Big mac meal large here is 14 dollars. I'm shocked people even go.

>> No.18127402

>all fast food joints are approaching $10 just for their main courses
>get coupons in the mail for 50% off deals
>virtually all chains immediately put up signs with "no coupons"
>ones that accept are regularly 15 minutes away and are staffed with like 1-2 people
>basically all shops don't operate according to their published hours anymore.
I would honestly not be surprised if a good chunk of drivethru type fastfood chains close in the next year.

>> No.18127424

Expecting basic human decency is now racist, and to even suggest it will bring seething leftists out the woodwork.

>> No.18127433
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yes yes wagie now make my extra cheese extra steak quesadilla.

>> No.18127435

Sounds like you need to stop being a bitch and learn how to make things yourself

>> No.18127436

>No coupons
That irks me to no end. They claim each store is just a franchise. They should force each fucking store to accept the coupons.

>> No.18127445

kek it's so transparent when these wagies come into these threads and suggest asking for extra pickles or no tomatoes is somehow some big egregious violation of decency.

shut the fuck and make my order before I ask to speak to the manager

>> No.18127446

>So what did I do wrong here?
You got emotionally invested in hour a fast food drone acted towards you. If customer service people are polite to me I'm polite to them, and if they aren't I treat them like a human vending machine and don't say a single word I don't have to for the transaction. Simple as

>> No.18128112

I'm used to seeing antifa in videos of protests and riots but to actually work with one was bizarre.
>moved from Tennessee to California to be tranny
>living with tranny girlfriend and another couple in polyamorous degen house
>got baker job because needed money for rent and always complained about land lords
>despite being constantly broke, went to concerts for bands id never heard of every weekend while high on acid
>instead of workshirt wore leather vest with heavy metal logos sewn on back
>when not going to concerts, would spend weekends in Berkeley learning how to make improvised weapons for rioting
>proudly told this all to me while on the clock

>> No.18128125

stop trying to get honest answers from the cattle. these people just need to die

>> No.18128402
File: 99 KB, 750x920, lmfao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't deserve a translation, gaijin

>> No.18128842

if they're black, it's because they're a nigger.
if they're white, it's not you, it's the billion other assholes they had to deal with for peanuts in a furnace-like grease bucket

>> No.18128853

hung chow jie jung jiao

>> No.18128858

Told lies on the internet.

>> No.18128883

The no longer fast part is the funniest to me. I saw somewhere on financial news mcdonalds was trumpeting that they had gotten the average drive thru wait really low, like lowest of all time or something they said. So i got to thinking how that could be, and i think they must of used a number where the timer starts when the kid is done talking to you through the speaker, and the timer ends when the kid at the window tells you to go park in spot 3 to wait an hour for the fat kid to bring it out.

>> No.18128896

You left out
>utilize actual honest to god work release felons to pull a third shift turnaround.

>> No.18128906

I bet another major factor, beyond the labor burnout, is online ordering for pickup/delivery. No time to relax because there will be a dozen orders coming in online.

>> No.18129638
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>expecting basic caring or human decency from a nigger

>> No.18129650
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Just learn to cook. Relying on goyslop for sustenance is a Hell in and of itself. It takes time (attempts) to learn, but the cooking itself is really quick. Sorry if you have an electric oven though.
Not cooking for yourself ended up being a form of slavery to the Bilderberg Group. Cooking is freedom.

>> No.18129670

>Creeping up
What the prices did across the 2010s I'd call creeping up. What they've done for the last 2 years I'd call Weimar Hyperinflate. Every menu item is at least 25% more expensive than it was. A fucking burger, just the burger, at McDicks is $6 now.

>> No.18129756

I was just thinking about this the other day but McDonald's is hella expensive now. Costs like 12 bucks for a chicken nugget meal or something like that. Fuck it I'll just stay home and make food

>> No.18129783

Antifa are the only reason you have a job, otherwise the capitalist would enslave you fucking UNGRATEFUL prick

>> No.18129790

We should just enslave the wagies, im sick if their incompetence and moaning, i WISH we could just beat then when they fuck up

>> No.18129813

Alright Bizonacci

>> No.18129840

>staff store at 60% of recommended staff levels to save money and pad your own bonuses
>shift workload become intolerable for the scheduled workers because of not enough labor
Literally happens everywhere now.

>> No.18129843

Your meme word isn't catching on, retard.

>> No.18129849

>Literally not figuratively every single store and organization says the same thing only at 2/3rds or even half of what their staffing was a few years ago
>McDonald's, the hardware store, hospitals, whatever all of it
Where are all these people? I still don't get that

>> No.18129856

you have to assert dominance

>> No.18129859
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>I'd call Weimar Hyperinflate.
>Every menu item is at least 25% more expensive than it was.
Maybe have the United States give other nations our gold reserves as required payments for debts and you might see the kind of fucking instability needed to recall the Weimar inflation.
I'm not splitting hairs - if you're still using USD to pay for the burger it's not comparable.

>> No.18129896

I call it joyslop to own the chuds and show my support for israel

>> No.18129897

whoa is that real?!

>> No.18129997

They're dead