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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18122828 No.18122828 [Reply] [Original]

I am so sick all the theories about diet.
Something is horribly wrong with the worlds food supply and scientists cant sort it out?
Half the people say dont eat fatty food
The other half says carbs are the problem
For once and for all lets get to the bottom of this because its making me crazy and every year my belly gets bigger
I am sick of it

>> No.18122835

>"It's not my fault!"

>> No.18122838


>> No.18122843


>> No.18122850

Count calories, OP. When your waist gets bigger, cut back on your food, until the waist is back.

>> No.18122857

Too much calories is making you fat, and also everyone else who ever got fat.
The rest is details. Some foods make you eat more, or less, or be more active or less active. That's important if you want to lose weight and lack the willpower to just push through it, but if you do have it it doesn't matter.
>Half the people say dont eat fatty food
>The other half says carbs are the problem
They're both right. If you eat normally, fat is often a large source of calories which can easily be removed. But you can remove other sources of calories as well. On the other hand, carbs (especially quick carbs like sugar) can make you eat more.

Btw. I read an interesting book once, and it basically summed up a bunch of myths that (some) people believe about weight gain and loss.
>People who don't understand calories
>People who don't know how much protein you need
>People who think eating a caloric minus for some time damages their metabolism
The woman who wrote it ate 500 calories and sufficient protein (and a bunch of supplements) for a while and lost her weight perfectly fine, but she clearly had monumental willpower to do that.

>> No.18122869
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Life is too easy and also carbs.

>> No.18122871

>What is making us fat?
lack of exercise.

>> No.18122877


>> No.18122881

>Something is horribly wrong with the worlds food supply and scientists cant sort it out?
You're eating too much

>> No.18122882

Consuming more calories than you're burning. That's literally it.

>> No.18122884

Portion sizes. Cost. Marketing. Normalization of binge culture. Low effort foods are fattening. Healthy food requires effort.

All of these factors to some extent. You'd be surprised just how much of it is purely social with portion sizes and social acceptability of overeating.

>> No.18122885
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>scientists cant sort it out
but they can. its the general tendency for people to do less physical activity combined with sugar rich processed foods and drinks and very calorie dense foods that offer little nutrition. I mean its not rocket science just eat a balanced whole foods diet and do exercise.

>> No.18122892

Highly processed food. Typically designed to be addictive and high calorie but low in nutrition and doesn't keep you feeling full. If you cut out highly processed food from your diet you'll typically lose weight without having to count calories.

>> No.18122893

Most people stress eat and living in America is stressful as fuck

Food is comfort especially for poor folks not already boozing it up or shooting up heroin

Also the need for large amounts of meat and fat in every meal doesn't help. Almost all Americans I know don't know how to cook vegetables for shit and only thing that comes close to it is tinned shit brimming with sodium and mediocre tasting vegetables that it eventually becomes so ingrained to the American psyche that all vegetables=tinned vegetable taste means most Americans avoid vegetables almost all together

Also my term for most Americans refer to lower income class Americans I grew up with eating cold cans of chef Boyardee ravioli as dinner

>> No.18122894

it's because people sit on their ass all day eating. it doesn't really matter what food they eat, eating all day with no exercise will make you fat.

>> No.18122897

Processed foods are toxic+wildly addicting, whole foods are also toxic. The only solution is to grow your own food, but that's probably also toxic by now.

>> No.18122902

I'm not fat so idc,amerijews could never

>> No.18122905

Complex systems fail in complex ways. It's a number of things:
>Easy access to convenient, shit food like poptarts
>food desserts so many people don't have easy access to fresh fruits and vegetables
>car society so people don't walk unlike in places with decent public transit like Europe, Japan, etc.
>muh freedums so you have republicans chimping out over michelle obama trying to make school lunches healthier
>American portion sizes
Also this

>> No.18122923

literally just eat less and you'll lose weight
I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for fatfucks to grasp

>> No.18122951

Seed oils
Corn syrup

Remove both of these and you'll be fine.

>> No.18123000

I did this , I cut out this and nearly all sugar but I added ghee and home rendered lard to replace the seed oil and also added cold boiled potato to stimulate gut health
I have gained about 5 pounds in three months of this

>> No.18123003


>> No.18123010

Apparently sleep deprivation causes people to eat more and choose simple carbs for the quick energy. And most people don't sleep enough or get enough good sleep.

>> No.18123016
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>> No.18123028

>its making me crazy and every year my belly gets bigger
cut out processed shit and reduce carbs until you find balance. It's really fucking simple and the only reason you dont is because you're a weak willed faggot.

>> No.18123076

>cut out a tsp of shit oil with 1/4 cup of lard

>> No.18123128

No I actually did good with that
The lard really does taste better though and I think the problem is I eat the chicharones ever time I render out the lard

>> No.18123146

To be fair Michelle really royally fucked over the school lunch program she attempted to fix.

>> No.18123152

Have you ever considered that you're the problem, you fat fuck?

>> No.18123167

>fresh fruits
these will also cause you to fat
fructose is worst than regular table surgar

>> No.18123171

Fat is just calories in>calories out. Why there is different in base line calorie burn between people its usually within 200 calories of each other of similar lifestyles, gender, etc etc.

You feeling like shit from eating can be a lot of things. Maybe an intolerance to some type of food. Maybe you have IBS and you are just fucked. Maybe you are malnutritioned (If you are in America and eat normally its nearly impossible because its all fortified with major things you need).

If its not food related then just go exercise and you will feel better. Its proven in like every study that working out makes you feel better which in turn fixes a lot of problem for people. Such as IBS being less problematic because you are less stressed.
Go get bloodwork drawn if you are a male to check your T levels and see if test is good idea for you. Drink more water. Less sugar as insulin spikes don't feel good.

>> No.18123172

overeating low-density calories (sugar)
lack of exercise
high prevalence of unnecessary fats in many products

>> No.18123174

>What is making us fat?

>> No.18123203

The fiber in the fruit will also help you keep full. Fruit also contains vitamins and minerals which other thrash food does not.

>> No.18123229

You dont need those vitamins as you will get them m from fresh veg in a good diet and the small amount of fibre does not make up for the fructose

>> No.18123235

Nobody gets fat from fruit. It's more filling so it's harder to actually consume that much of it. It's not like soda which can easily add a few extra hundred calories to a meal.

>> No.18123253

What I meant to say is that it's better than sugary cookies, cake or whatever other overly sweet shit fat people like to eat.

They have no place in a perfect diet, but a perfect diet has no place in this society for most people. Some fruit here and there is good enough.

>> No.18123258
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>> No.18123268

>What is making us fat?
eating too much

>> No.18123281
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>> No.18123353

good post, i would argue there is also a significant psychospiritual malaise upstream causing many of the physical effects. like >>18122893 said stress plays a major role and i would argue this is intentional on the part of very powerful people who make decisions about the architecture of our society
>people who are sick don't organize and pose a threat to profits
>when people are in pain they turn inwards
>sick people are very profitable in a healthcare system designed for profit

>> No.18123383

I was exaggerating but proportion is something to consider. I just ate chicken skin for the same reason.
Try adding more veggies to your diet
you summed that up perfectly for me thx
I would agree with most of this, except I don't think it's people in a room making intentional plots, I think they are in power and simply opportunistic, but the effect is essentially the same.

I am not a communist or a fan of Marx but he made an interesting case that alcoholism was a social disease because people were depressed with their shit lives working for pennies in factories, and I'd argue obesity in America is a social disease as well. Not that people can shirk all personal responsibility, but there are a lot of factors exacerbating the problem.

>> No.18123401
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Any former fat fucks here offer to give an explanation? I'm sick of the eternal twink bullying fatpipo and telling them to "just eat less" when most of them have never been so much as a pound overweight in their life and have never actually had to sacrifice anything for their health.
I need anons who actually have before and after pictures with solid stories of what changed to believe in what they say even if that person's advice really is just eat less. At least then it's a qualified witness.

>> No.18123415 [DELETED] 
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We live in a world where employers can be litigated against for making their employees do any sort of manual labor, including walking up a set of stairs lmao. There was this fat cunt that worked at an office i used to work for. Manager had to install a new piece of asphalt for her to drive up to the office on because she was too fat to walk up 10 steps in the morning. He was scared shirtless about getting sued.

>> No.18123432

Probably the combination of increased innate deliciousness of foods (as in sweet/fatty/salty/umami, not anything you have to learn to enjoy) and increased convenience. Delicious food existed in the past, but it took more work to eat it. Now you can sit at your computer eating junk food.

>> No.18123447

I've been fat
just eat less or kys

>> No.18123468

>lack of exercise
>increasing food portions
>iodine and vitamin D3 deficiencies.
>lack of fiber and protein in food (refined sugar and oil taste good).

That’s what’s making you fat, and what the issue in foods are. Focus on good activity and eating real foods made from whole ingredients, and you’ll be good.

>> No.18123488

It's possible to actively prevent your body from burning calories though, which compounds the problem.

>> No.18123531
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Here is my theory on why I am fat

I am a solid 15 pounds overweight and I have every genetic advantage,
I cook clean healthy food and eat zero processed foods.
Here is the problem: I have gotten really good a cooking food for my exact tastes. What I make at home tastes way better TO ME than anything I can get at a restaurant that I could afford.
When I OMAD or fast or 5:2 I can lose the weight pretty easily but I have done neither of those in a few years.
Skinny people dont love food as much as fatties , simple as that

>> No.18123611

Sugary drinks IMO. People will chug down sweet “teas” by the bottle that each have hundreds of calories in them on top of all that extra sugar/HFCS. If people cut out soda and other liquid garbage intake and just stuck to stuff like water and black tea/coffee I can almost guarantee weight would plummet across the board even if they didn’t change anything else in their diet. Even if they didn’t lift a single damn finger their entire lives at a minimum there would still be significant weight loss if they just cut out all of the garbage drinks like juices and especially sodas.

>> No.18123617

former fat fuck here
literally eat less
also work out, this won't make you lose weight but it will increase your muscular mass which is also good

>> No.18123618

What about Coke zero

>> No.18123620

really bad for your guy biome anon
dont do it

>> No.18123630
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>> No.18123640

(of ultimate destiny)

>> No.18123641
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Gut not guy

>> No.18123690

one of my coworkers back at my first job told me she doesn't drink water at all because it tastes "nasty"
she was also very overweight
go figure

>> No.18123707

Bill Gates drinks that shit by the case and he’s a consecutive winner of the man titties of the year award.
I never understood that, it doesn’t have a fucking taste to begin with. Unless they drink straight from the sewer or gutters or some shit they shouldn’t taste anything. Guess they’re just addicted to the death sauce.

>> No.18123744

Over eating
Sedentary lifestyles
Possibly artificial food additives

>> No.18123749

stop eating chicken nuggets

>> No.18123754

Tap water tastes terrible but filtered water is awesome

>> No.18123764

I started to drink distilled water and my first reaction was that it tasted wrong somehow. But that stopped after a day or so.
I guess my body was so used to the extra things in tap and bottled water that having something without it was a bit of a shock to the system, I guess it the same thing when someone drinks something with sugar a flavouring for the first time

>> No.18123858
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People eat too much.

I live and work on nyc. In my office. There is like one fat person.

>> No.18123867
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Distilled water is actually not good for you. You're better off drinking mediocre tap water.

>> No.18123971

Then again, you live and work in nyc, so you're clearly not making good life decisions in other areas of your life.

>> No.18124034

they dont understand food is a drug. this is the component people talk about when they say carbs causes the fatness, because of a lack of satiaty. Speaking from personal experiance. its easier to gain wait if you eat them, they are more delicious and comforting and most foods assume you'll add them. everything from sandwiches to rice bowls use it. On contrast, just eating nothing but meat is challening if you've grown up eating carbs, even if you have enough to do so. The satiety from a few eggs is incomparable.

>> No.18124066


Mystery 1: The Obesity Epidemic

The first mystery is the obesity epidemic itself. It’s hard for a modern person to appreciate just how thin we all were for most of human history. A century ago, the average man in the US weighed around 155 lbs. Today, he weighs about 195 lbs. About 1% of the population was obese back then. Now it’s about 36%....

>> No.18124103

Sugar, simple as. Sugar is jammed everywhere, so farmers keep getting paid and food corp can laced their food with "cocaine" to keep you buying and eating more

>> No.18124118


mine is just booze though. the liquid jew. I could pontificate further but I'm drunk right now and about to shove a Home Run Inn pizza in my face because my favorite thing to do, apparently, it to get fuakin' luoaded, dyuude, and then shove a buncha evil food in my face. Shit fuakin' roolsz, dyude. Can't stop. I was jacked but stupid heartache that coincided with unsatisfying life conditions (employment) made a perfect storm (the idea that unsatisfying life conditions enabled such heartache) and so I would booze out every night and get McDick's breakfast every morning and feel myself getting fat every moment that I wasn't numbed-out. I'm numbed-out right now, happens about two to two-point-five drinks in, and everything that follows is a haze where you no longer even notice what drink you're on. This is /ck/ so I might get b& for this post but in vino veritas. The fatter I get the more I want to drink to escape retribution for my mistakes (aka the hedonistic slurry of ethanol and grease). I thought pussy would save me, and still believe Good Pussy Every Day For A Week might actually, but I've stumbled into primo trim a handful of times and even still gone back to pickling my brain basically as soon as nobody's watching again.

I'm sorry what was the question?

>> No.18124124

Seed oil

>> No.18124127
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>eat the 400cal poptarts breakfast packed with sugar and glass of orange juice with more sugar
>drink the 500cal starbucks drink packed with sugar
>eat the 1500cal fastfood burg with sugary drink
>snack on the 500cal junkfood
>eat the 1500cal burrito for dinner with sugary drink
>eat another 500cal junkfood desert snack with a couple of beers for another 400cal
>spend all free time looking at tiktok feed and only exercise is walking 10 meters to the car

>repeat every day of your life

>> No.18124133

Here's one possibility. Whats the difference between America and Europe or Japan?
In America, we basically have to drive (or take public transportation) everywhere. Everything is much more spread out. And a lot of towns have massive highways going through the center that make them very unpleasant and difficult to traverse. So we dont get the walking/cycling exercise that Europeans do.

>> No.18124134

It's just calories in calories out, bro.

There is more at play than just calories, example, this anons picture

>> No.18124155

Most oils have nearly identical amounts of calories by volume. Maybe you were already gaining weight and nothing changed on that front. Or maybe your food tastes better so you like to eat more.

>> No.18124157

I can't do a high carb diet. Same calories of high carb diet, I will put fat on. Same calories of high fat, low or no carbs I will lean out. A calorie is a calorie is bullshit. It depends on how your body processes them.

>> No.18124181
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I don't know, who should you trust, the experts in their field who make an actual living off their work or random autists on 4chan, tell me which looks healthier and more varied?

>> No.18124199

>experts in their field who make an actual living off their work
It's not too uncommon to find out that the experts are being paid by companies who sell the products they're saying are good for you. Or that their diet for optimal health takes environmental impact into account.

>> No.18124212
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I have no opinion on your statement, but if I had to choose a pyramid in your picrel, I would ignore the experts.

>> No.18124249

It's unironically because of automobiles.

>> No.18124260

Explain why

>> No.18124309

is distilled water good for plants?

>> No.18124336

>Bill Gates drinks that shit by the case and he’s a consecutive winner of the man titties of the year award
Bill Gates you say?

>> No.18124338


>What is making us fat?
Eating too much and moving too little.

>> No.18124384

People eating more

>> No.18124406
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>>muh freedums so you have republicans chimping out over michelle obama trying to make school lunches healthier
schools shouldn't even be offering lunch. how fucking hard is it for you to make your kid a PBJ and pack it in a brown bag with an apple and a lil' debbie snack cake (or one of those apple/chocolate/berry hand pies)? I ate that almost every day for 18 years because my parents loved me enough to do the bare minimum between their jobs to pack it for me.

>> No.18124530

>never been so much as a pound overweight in their life and have never actually had to sacrifice anything for their health
in general, they are "sacrificing" every day but for many skinny people it's not a sacrifice to eat chicken breast and a salad and water instead of two big macs, a large fry and XL soda, it's just normal.
Of course there are the malnourished skinny people who eat one meal of fast food a day too, but at least they're not gorging themselves.

If you're fat, think of it this way. You didn't become fat overnight, it took overeating/lack of exercise everyday for many months or years. You got extra food, so to get skinny you have to take less.
good simple post

>> No.18124538

I generally ate a packed lunch too, I forgot about those pie things.
I agree but a lot of kids have shit parents or parents who work two jobs, or parents who maybe once or twice a week can't make lunch, or maybe the parent forgot one night etc.

Anyway, in theory youre right but in practice many kids have shit parents or various situations, and kids shouldn't be punished for having shit parents.

>> No.18124541

Some yes, but either way I'm not a plant
Can plants stand up and get their own electrolytes from other sources

>> No.18124553

are you better than a plant at collecting electrolytes?

>> No.18124596
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brawndos got what plants crave

>> No.18126291

The 4chan one honestly looks better

>> No.18126565

Formerly "about to be clinically obese" person. Man, its gonna be tough becoming a normalfag. If you dont have the will, youll never win. I literally had to water fast(yes, only drink water and snake juice) for about 4 weeks before I reached slightly "overweight" status. Then I got a labour intensive job in the meat industry to build back my muscle and maintain a high metabolism. Im know a gym bro0, and calorie count everything and I cycle because being overweight for so long fucked up my knees. And Im loving the attention having an above average body brings. It took me 3 years to get to this stage though, and I still have trouble gaining weight easily but I also easily gain muscle which is a plus I guess.

>> No.18126575

Pretty much /fit/ in a nutshell

>> No.18126578
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>Half the people say dont eat fatty food
>The other half says carbs are the problem
they're both half right

>> No.18126579

Just eat the most unprocessed natural food you can snd don't overeat. Give priority to various animal based products and vegetables. That's it.

>> No.18126610

Eat whatever you want. Don't eat too much. Such a difficult concept for fat retards to understand.

>> No.18126644

Stop looking for a magic bullet. You're just fooling yourself into searching for a secret method to lose weight without effort and using the fact that you haven't found it yet as an excuse to not do the work that's actually needed. It's a super lazy and entitled attitude that's unfortunately way too common and even encouraged by the industry that wants you to eat more and then buy stupid "health" products that don't work.

Simply eat less and excercise more. It's that simple. Do that for long enough without relying on dumb gimmick diets and you'll lose weight and become healthier. It'll take some effort and willpower, especially if you're not used to it, but it's the only thing that actually works without long term negative effects.

>> No.18126821
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It's because the mid-20th century Germans were defeated by a certain tribe in a certain war that causes us to be fat. We're spiritually conquered and defeated. We have no optimistic vision for the future. No common purpose to strive towards. Only paranoid schizophrenic end-of-the-world news cycle propaganda. Atomized communities where no one cares about us. Why not stuff our faces full of food then?

Look at this map. Why are white countries the fattest? We didn't used to be abnormally fat before the 1940s. What specifically happened to us that didn't happen to anyone else after the 1940s? Why is there abruptly a zone of fatties around the Suez canal in the middle east? Which country are they all bordering?

You can't say corn syrup or sneed oil or carbs because those things exist globally. Asians eat sesame oil and rice for every meal and look at them. Our ancestors ate nothing but frumenty and trenchers for centuries and they weren't fat.

>> No.18126856

How is egypt so fat yet the average person there is poor as fuck?

>> No.18126910

the problem is that the average fat fuck leads a completely sedentary life. thats the issue. sedentary lifestyle. its not carbs or sneed oils or whatever its that the average adult has not run a mile since they were in highschool.

the minimum recommendation for weekly exercise is 300 minutes. that is literally only 5hrs per week. if you meet that bare minimum criteria that is like around 3500 calories a week you are burning through activity which means to gain weight you literally have to overeat the equivalent of a pound of fat gain per week.

when was the last time you exercised? if someone had your collection of funko pops held over a blast furnace i doubt you could row even 2000 meters to save them.

>> No.18126927

>Asians eat sesame oil and rice for every meal and look at them
they are also become fat

>> No.18126937

>Our ancestors ate nothing but frumenty and trenchers for centuries and they weren't fat.
They were doing physical labor all day. It's hard to get fat even with fattening food if you're burning thousands of calories every day.

I wonder if this is partially why it seems like so many cultures had fasting requirements during certain times. Lots of people never go more than a few hours without eating so they don't know what it feels like to actually be hungry anymore, and they start eating for other reasons.

>> No.18126990

>be child in the foster system
>get little/no breakfast because "it's not lunch or dinner"
>get no lunch because obstinate retards defunded school lunches
>eat almost-expired microwave slop for dinner because the shelter relies on donations
>get high cholesterol and malnutrition at the same time
>barely establish a foothold in mainstream society
>turn 30

>> No.18127024

Its why I say to fat neets, if you wanaa lose weight and stop feeling like a low test depressive, get an entry level factory job, preferably in a tough masculine industry like meat processing. Through entry labour positions like lifting thousands of 20kg boxes of meat, youll lose tons of weight and gain some muscle. As you climb the labouring hierarchy and get better paying positions like knifeman and boner, youll end looking pretty good, chiselled forearms and an ass of a model and a pay thats akin to a low level accountant. Theres plenty of jobs in the industry and promotions are easy for english speaking Americans. But these cunts are lazy and weak willed, which is why theyre in that position in the first place. Fat entitled whiteboi gamer neets with daddy issues and full of self pity. Ive seen them all come and go through the factory floor when I used to work in the industry. And I know theyll be back playing video games and sucking their mother teet as they grow more resentful, never doing anything to improve their lives

>> No.18127046

>They were doing physical labor all day
Wrong. They ate less and only did labor for 4 hours a day or less.

>> No.18127053

that's still 4 hours more labor than most people do a day.

>> No.18127113

But they have always been eating sesame oil and rice. They are only becoming fatter now that they eat more meat and animal fats.

>> No.18127185

Willpower is a huge meme, it’s harder to gain weight than to lose weight. Eating is a conscious choice, you literally have to get the food and chew and swallow for you to get fat. Gaining weight requires you to eat until you’re stuffed and then eat some more shortly later so you get in 3000 or so calories in for the day. It will always be easier to NOT do something

>> No.18127389

>only did labor for 4 hours a day or less.
Lol no
Life as a farmer is 16 hour days all spring summer and fall

>> No.18127398

Farmers were part of the luxury trap, we did less work before we started farming.

>> No.18127400

most people are retarded and retarded people now have access to essentially unlimited food.

>> No.18127474

If you're obese you can literally lose weight by eating meat or cheese instead of candy.

>> No.18127487

no, not everyone is as bloated as you
just eat less food you fat cow

>> No.18127497

Eat smaller portions and get rid of corn syrup. Switch from a dinner plate to a sandwich plate and fool your eyes into thinking you have more food than what you actually do.

>> No.18127550

The magic of keto... it's all about satiety and hormones all the way down.

>> No.18127606

Cutting out junk food obviously helps the most. But keto isn't magic, I was still consuming over 3k calories per day on keto when my requirement was only about 2400.

>> No.18127649

check out Egyptian Mcdonalds menu.

>> No.18127814

You eat too much fatty.
t. 120lbs twink

>> No.18127828

Its literally excess carbs and refined sugar. Counting calories is the easy way to lose weight, but overall health is just as important as weight.

>> No.18127839

The pyramid has been debunked decades ago you lunatic. Tons of studies were being funded and seeded by subsidized corn, grain, etc companies.

>> No.18127871

The notion that there is some food you can eat in unrestricted amounts to feel full and satisfied while still losing weight with a sedentary lifestyle is fucking retarded.

>> No.18127906

The magic of baldness.

>> No.18127932
File: 24 KB, 480x270, mobility scooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lack of exercise is half the problem. In well designed cities exercise is a natural part of your life. You ride a bike to a local grocery store or walk to a train station. It's basically impossible for your kids to get fat when they're riding a bike to school and back every day.

This is part of why Americans are so fat. In America everyone drives everywhere, and roads are hostile to pedestrian traffic. You only get exercise if you specifically focus on it. This is unpleasant and time consuming so most people don't do it.
Even when opportunities for spontaneous exercise arise they are quickly eliminated. Your food is handed to you through a drive through window. Rather than walk around the grocery store you ride a fucking electric scooter. Or you literally just pay someone to deliver your groceries to your house. And every store has to have a massive adjacent parking lot that sits half empty because Americans can't walk 100 feet without dying of heart attacks.

>> No.18127953

>they are also become

>> No.18127982

Even if you only focused on exercise for kids it would have a huge effect.
If you grow up fat you'll be used to it and find it hard to reform.
But if you grow up thin your fatness will always feel unnatural and you'll strive to fix it.
I grew up thin and when I hit 160 lbs as an adult I started worrying about my health.

>> No.18127993

I knew a bunch of kids who walked to and from school and were still fat.

>> No.18128000

Hell, my brother was one of them. We walked a mile and a half to school and he was obese while I was rail thin.

>> No.18128018
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>> No.18128290

Being a human before farming was a brutal struggle to find 1500 calories every day.
What YouTube idiot have you been watching?

>> No.18128300

Post wrist

>> No.18128303
File: 81 KB, 375x250, Swastika-Buddha-250-x-375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says retarded shit
Ok retard.

>> No.18128326

I've been both obese and underweight at different times and it was mainly because of stress. I'd either binge on junk or not really want to eat at all.

>> No.18128345

Subsidize gyms and high nutrition food while taxing anything that doesn't fit within certain health guidelines. Anything. We're actively encouraged to be overweight with the amount of advertising subliminally pumped into our brains every second, the only real fix is curbing that and not letting your kids go ape shit for McDonalds.

>> No.18128364

Excessive consumption of sugar and carbs

>> No.18128376

Go outside in the wilderness and try and find enough food to sustain yourself indefinitely purely on a hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
Unless you’re somewhere like central Africa where every single plant grows edible fruit and plump edible megafauna falls in your lap, you are ABSOLUTELY going to be fighting starvation almost daily until you get mauled by some predator or die from a sprained ankle.

People really are getting dumber with each generation. Some retard says something unsubstantiated on a Saudi ice skating forum, and a million other retards take it at face value and repeat it as truth with no research of their own

>> No.18128426
File: 19 KB, 400x299, no kirby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that, gyms are stupid. None of their dumbass equipment is necessary unless you're a professional athlete or something.
Imagine driving to a building so you can walk in place. Just walk to the fucking building. Stairmaster? Could you not find a fucking staircase? Standing bike? Get a real one, it's more fun. Weights? They're cheaper than the subscription and will last until the sun explodes.
It's all a scam to get fats to pay subscription money for a facility they won't use.
They should not be subsidized.

>> No.18128533

Cut out most carbs (except fruit and veg). If it has more than 3 ingredients on a food label it's overprocessed trash. Don't eat it. Do not eat seed oils (good quality olive oil and coconut oil are ok). Don't eat corn syrup and avoid artificial sweeteners. If you need to lose weight and stave off muscle loss, a ketogenic diet with exercise is your best bet. Once the fat is off you. Also, fat is much better to eat when losing weight than any other macronutrient, even protein. It seems counterintuitive, but eating foods heavy in fats will keep you satiated for much longer and you will not feel as hungry. I have lost 8 lbs in a week eating a third of a can of Spam (or 3 slices of bacon), a glass of raw milk and as many pickles as I want. This comes to less than 700 kcal a day and I don't feel hungry or weak at all because I'm getting fat and salt, which is what keeps me sated for a full 24 hours.

It is still CICO, but the quality of the calories also matters. Once you're at a healthy weight, you can reincorporate carbs back into your diet that aren't fruits and vegetables, but I strongly caution against most grains as they are poison.

>> No.18128712

that was rough to read man. seems like another case of industrial society fucking a dude over. baby steps bro, we are all in this together. you gotta reverse course. the sooner the better. rip the bandaid off

>> No.18128723

this and seed oils, also people think that legumes, rice and lentils are healthy but they just break down into sugars very fast

might as well be eating candy

>> No.18128901

If they are willing to do this to little kids they are willing to something similar to adults.

>> No.18128923

food is cheap and tastes good
if you made food like 2% of a household budget at any point in human history most people would get fat. You used to have to work like 60% of the hours in a day to get enough calories not to starve, there was absolutely no need to evolve any ironclad satiety systems

>> No.18128937

The stress idea is bull fking shit dude do you really think americans are more stressed than eg venezuelans?

>> No.18128957

A power rack costs like $1500 and then theres the bar plates and bench and you have to figure out where toput it.

>> No.18128963

This........but potatoes + sweet potatoes gets you sort of close.

>> No.18128969

You're basically just a meat robot they don't care if the food you eat is healthy. You're lied to a calorie isn't just a calorie. Calories in calories out is bullshit. Eating a lot less is fine they just want us to eat 3 meals a day to make more money.

>> No.18128970

Get a different kind of weights then. And buy them second hand from craigslist or whatever. The world is full of people trying to get rid of indestructible weight sets they don't use.

>> No.18129005

I dont really buy this because exercise increases my appetite (though during the exercise through about an hour after, i don't feel hungry.) My advice to fatties is get a scale, weigh yourself every morning, get a kitchen scale, track your calories with a app, cut out 500cal/day if you want to change the slope of your weight line by somewhat less than 1lb/week (its less because the metabolism adapts). Alot of ppl know they eat really bad and yea just cutting out garbage would get them results but having to track it doesnt allow for excuses and fatty copes.

>> No.18129020

look at these

>> No.18129034

No thanks. Calories in caloriea out is not bullshit. A few calories are pooped out (fiber) but the body is very efficient at processing most macros. Some foods affect hormones which im sure includes hormones that regulate appetite and activity level but this does not make calories in calories out bullshit.

>> No.18129037

but it literally does if it's changing your hormones? if it's not bullshit go on a coca cola and cake diet

>> No.18129047

No because coca cola and cake are not very satiating per calorie and i would not be able to adhere to such a diet, and also because coca cola and cake dont contain many vitamins and my body would function poorly in ways unrelated to weight loss. And also i guess because cake is high in sat fat and i have a family history of bad cholesterol.

>> No.18129049
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American per capita sugar consumption peaked over 20 years ago, and has been steadily going down. The average American today eats as much sugar as the average one did in the mid-1980s. Yet obesity keeps rising. So something else must be causing the extra calories - looking into the biggest increase over the last few decades has been from added fats & oils.

>> No.18129051

>bUt A cAlOrIe Is JuSt A CaLoRiE

>> No.18129059

You seem....... Special....

>> No.18129062

no you how can you say calories in calories out isn't bullshit when I just told you if it wasn't you could go on a cake and coca cola diet

>> No.18129063

Some guy did a diet where most of his calories came from Twinkies along with a small amount of vegetables and protein shakes. He counted calories, lost weight, and actually got a little healthier.

This doesn't mean CICO is not perfect answer to everything though. The quality of food still matters. Someone only eating healthy food is going to feel better and find it easier to consume the right amount of calories compared to someone eating junk food.

>> No.18129080

Could it be artificial sweeteners? People always made jokes about how someone would buy a ton of junk food with diet soda. So your sugar intake would go down but if you just use that as an excuse to eat more french fries your overall calorie intake hasn't gone down.

I'd be curious to see if there's any comparison showing the amount of homecooked meals eaten between the 1980s and now too.

>> No.18129086

>It’s hard for a modern person to appreciate just how thin we all were for most of human history.

it wasn't even that long ago. I listen to a lot of music, and frequently will watch concert footage of bands from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. What's fascinating is that in those old shows, everyone in the audience looks skinny. Not just healthy or average, but absolutely skinny by modern standards. You don't even start to see fat people in concert footage until the 1990s.

It's crazy, at any big summer concert in the 1980s or before, you'll see most of the men going shirtless to deal with the heat. That never happens today, because most guys are so fat that they're ashamed to let people see their flabby bellies and man boobs.

I have two main theories regarding the obesity epidemic. And what I mean is the fact that most Americans today are fat. People get this crazy notion that you're only "fat" if you look like honey boo boos mom. No, that's morbidly obese. Most people are fat. Google any pic of Seth Rogen, he is fat. But most people consider him average/normal.

One theory that makes sense to me is water. Colorado has the lowest obesity levels, and also has some of the cleanest water due to being in the mountains. The southern states near the mississppi delta have the highest obesity levels, and they are at sea level and most of the water has all sorts of agricultural runoff with chemicals.

I go back and forth on seed oils, but I don't think they're that responsible for the obesity crisis. They are part of it, for sure, but not all. The people in Colorado, with the lowest obesity rates, also eat the same garbage that people in the rest of the country eat. But they aren't as fat. They aren't all mountain hikers and winter sports enthusiasts. Plenty of people in colorado just stay inside smoking weed and playing vidya all day, but they aren't fat like someone who has that same lifestyle in Missouri or Kansas, just a state away

>> No.18129089

>lost weight
>got healthier
which one is it weight loss isn't healthier exactly

but does he know how much visceral fat he gained

>> No.18129117

The walking is a big part of it. If you're an American, walking more than 1/8 of a mile per day is a challenge unless you make a conscious effort to walk that much. Even so, NYC is still 20% obese despite all the walking they do

>> No.18129186
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Unfortunately I can't find anything more recent than 2008, but between the late 1970s and 2008 the % of calories from restaurant meals more than tripled.

>> No.18129188

>Eat whatever you want. Don't eat too much. Such a difficult concept for fat retards to understand.

you've never been fat. I eat maybe 2 meals a day, sometimes just 1. For breakfast I'll have 2 eggs and a piece of toast. For dinner I'll have anywhere between a half pound to 1 pound of meat with some rice or potatoes.

That's literally it, that's all I'll eat in a given day. Sometimes it varies, but on average that's what I'll eat. I don't drink sodas. I will occasionally have coffee or tea.

I weigh 260lbs and I'm 6'2", I am clinically obese. I feel like to lose weight I'd literally have to eat less than a single lunchable per day

>> No.18129205
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Are you actually weighing your food, keeping a proper food journal, etc? Because most people are shit at guessing their calorie intake & expenditure.

>> No.18129209

how do you figure? If you don't eat what you're used to eating, then you literally end up thinking about food and being hungry all day long. If you actually work out or exercise, you end up thinking about food even more because you're even hungrier than if you did nothing

>> No.18129212

there's like a 10 year difference in life expectancy if those homecooked meals are cooked with seed oils somehow it's worse for you than smoking

>> No.18129218

Ive seen this site and i find it unpersuasive because of this paragraph

>It’s true that people eat more calories today than they did in the 1960s and 70s, but the difference is quite small. Sources have a surprisingly hard time agreeing on just how much more we eat than our grandparents did, but all of them agree that it’s not much. Pew says calorie intake in the US increased from 2,025 calories per day in 1970 to about 2,481 calories per day in 2010. The USDA Economic Research Service estimates that calorie intake in the US increased from 2,016 calories per day in 1970 to about 2,390 calories per day in 2014. Neither of these are jaw-dropping increases.

300-400kcal a day is an enormous change. That is almost a 20% change and if it occurred in a single sedentary person it would represent almost a pound of fat gained a week, until the energy cost of maintaining that extra fat started to slow their growth down to a new set point. Again i am sure processed bullshit fucks up your hormones but the direct cause of all weight gain is excess consumption of food energy.

>> No.18129251

>Skinny people dont love food as much as fatties , simple as that
Completely wrong. They have either better self control than your fat ass or they simply get stuffed on much less food. Most people dont keep eating after they feel full

>> No.18129281

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfgM6nfWU-I [Remove]

this video about fasting is incredible. I'm going to try this, but not today

>> No.18129285

I remember reading a lot of stuff about aspartame, an artificial sweetener, during the mid 2000s. Some people claimed that artificial sweeteners caused more obesity than sugar because your body could not break down and metabolize the fake sugar like it could with real sugar. As a result the fake sugar would stay in your fat cells and cause them to expand.

One thing worth nothing about fat people, they don't have more fat cells than anyone else, it's just that their fat cells are larger and more inflated with lipids

>> No.18129300

if you got obese then something in your body went out of wack, nobody knows what but you'll probably be fighting your body for the rest of your life while stressing over diets and eating schedules
it sucks but you'll be amazed how much easier everything unrelated to eating is when you lose the weight

>> No.18129348

>Are you actually weighing your food, keeping a proper food journal, etc? Because most people are shit at guessing their calorie intake & expenditure.

no I don't weigh my food, but for example I'll get a pre-packaged contained from the store with 1lb of chicken breast. I'll cook it in the instant pot, and put a cup or two of rice in the rice cooker.

I would guess my expenditure is pretty low, but I really don't eat that much, and a lot of fat people I know are the same way. Now, the morbidly obese people I've met, the people 300+lbs....they tend to overeat a ton. I worked with a woman like this. She had breakfast before work. Mid morning snack at 10am, then lunch at noon. Then mid-afternoon snack at 230 or 3pm. Then she'd fantasize about where she was going to go eat dinner. She was easily 350lbs if not 400lbs.

I've also dated women that were half my size and I'll cook all the meals and they'll eat as much as I do, yet they never get as big as me, weird.

>> No.18129409

Not his fault youre a fat animal with no self control.
>I can eat 10k calories of cake but only 1k of carrots, therefore 1+1 does not equal 2

>> No.18129516
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>never actually had to sacrifice anything for their health.
>not stuffing yourself with excess food is a sacrifice
you're not just fat
you're fat in your mind
give up

>> No.18129592

>be classic man
>walk 1km and work hard
>return home and help kids
>be modern "man"
>sit in a desk and drive during 8 hours
>turn the soi station and tv

>> No.18130052
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This here; food has gotten cheaper relative to income & more convenient, so unsurprisingly people eat more. Of course when you break down what exactly people are eating more of, it turns out they are eating a lot more added fats/oils, a moderate amount more grains, and about the same amount of everything else. I would wager people eating more fast food that is fried is the issue.

>> No.18130083

soy isn't filtered on /ck/

>> No.18130105
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>Half the people say dont eat fatty food
>The other half says carbs are the problem
What the fuck are you talking about? It's calories you retard. It's always been calories.

>> No.18130130

>lost weight
>got healthier
>which one is it weight loss isn't healthier exactly
For obese people the worst problem they have causing poor health is their weight and the best thing you can do to improve their health is get them to lose weight by reducing their calorie intake.
The only thing even close to as blatant a risk factor for that many serious medical problems is old age, and unlike old age being overweight is a modifiable behavior determined by calorie intake.

>> No.18130132

Carbs are rich in calories you idiot, people over eat wheat and sugar too easily without being satisfied.

>> No.18130226

>Most people dont keep eating after they feel full
because they dont love food

>> No.18130232

that tells a story right there

>> No.18130247

Carbs have 4 calories per gram while fat has 9.

>> No.18130555

Loving food and using food to fill the hole in your heart are two different things

>> No.18130558

Fat is more filling so you don't eat as much.

>> No.18130755

moving goalposts

>> No.18130778

how so?

>> No.18130786

are you retarded?
>"carbs are high in calories!"
>get proven to be objectively incorrect
>"yeah well uh, fat's more filling!"
moving goalposts

>> No.18130800

Yeah thats not exactly how the conversation went are you autistic ?

>> No.18130808

>you're paraphrasing, therefore you're wrong!
now on top of goalpost moving, you're being pedantic too
stop posting any time, retard

>> No.18130811

Mercury poisoning. It goes in and out of your fat and bloodstream, causing a vicious cycle of poisoning and detox until it's removed from the body. Childhood vaccines.

>> No.18130947

Insulin resistance caused by frequent snacking and exacerbated by refined carbs, sugar, and omega-6 found in seed oils.

>> No.18130957


>> No.18131090

Seems like even on a high carb diet you can avoid insulin resistance as long as you don't gain too much weight. Diabetics have reversed their diabetes on high carb diets because they were overweight but got thinner.

>> No.18131210

This is like saying "Stop being poor", nutritional density of food has collapsed along with testosterone levels, its really easy to say "You eat too much" if your T levels are 250% that of someone else before considering their obesity or whatever and no I'm not simping for fatties, just nuance to some of these facts.

>> No.18131317

the ability to make money is limited by external factors
the ability to eat less is not
cope harder, lardass

>> No.18131339

Calorie dense food.

>> No.18131468

Overconsumption of highly processed foods and general lack of movement.

>> No.18131632

It literally is "just eat less". Grow a spine for 2-3 weeks. Replace soda with water (sparkling if you crave the fizz like I do), cut out sugar shit like candy/cakes/etc. and replace a meal (lunch for me) with some fruit/vegetables. 2-3 weeks later the sugar cravings will stop and eating less will become a matter of habit. Also, no random snacking. Don't eat after 8 pm.
Get whatever excersize you can squeeze in (walk to the cornerstore instead of driving, etc.) and that's it.

t. lost ~60 lbs doing that and can now see my dick again without sucking in my gut

>> No.18131811
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"Just eat less" is the goal. To get there, drink salt water when you're hungry. Go as long as you can without eating. Take supplements. When fasting, your body will get a chance to get rid of bad shit. Break your fast with eggs and just only eat eggs, you'll get sick of eating the eggs and naturally eat less. Exercise and get hobbies other than eating. When you're at target weight, then you can live normally and if you regain 10lb of unwanted weight, just repeat the process all over again.

I could link dozens of medical articles, but you're better off just doing it and seeing for yourself.

>> No.18131859
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>Fat is more filling so you don't eat as much.
Wrong again.

>> No.18131879

I dont think that chart is accurate
I can eat mashed potatoes or pasta all day long , like probably 6000 calories in a day
I could never eat 6000 calories worth of fatty meat

>> No.18131884

Never at any point does your doctor measure your cholesterol.

>> No.18131896

Of course testosterone levels have dropped, you need to eat saturated fat and dietary cholesterol to produce it.

>> No.18131935

In the US its part of your standard bloodwork for a yearly physical

>> No.18131936

They're not measuring cholesterol, they're measuring blood lipoprotein content. There is no cholesterol in your bloodstream.

>> No.18131941

Well I am no doctor but surely they are using whatever they are measuring to calculate your cholesterol levels

>> No.18131945

The trick is realising that they're not measuring cholesterol.

>> No.18131953

Modern food is designed to be addictive. Just grow some self control and eat less. Do a 2-3 day fast (Drink water only) to reset.

>> No.18131960
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I find that carbs, specifically refined carbs, are very conducive to overeating. But also it is plenty easy to overso it woth meat and cheese.
>Less meat
>Less cheese
>Virtually no sugar at all unlesd it is from fruit.
>More vegetables
>More whole grains
>More fiber
>If you drink either quit or replace it with a 0 calorie drug
>Above all else, find your TDEE and count calories.

>> No.18131959

I think you getting hung up on something that is not important
Are you also an anti vaxxer?

>> No.18131972

You seemed to imply that high cholesterol is bad when you don't know what you're talking about. Sorry for trying to help you.

>> No.18131975

>calories in
>calories out
I lost weight counting calories. It's only a mystery if you're severely retarded (like downs syndrome level retarded).

>> No.18131991

With 0 accreditation but having listened to plenty of PHD researchers, top professional athletes and more, this is my theory:
> Time window of eating is important for best metabolic effects
> Stress, lack of physical movement, and lack of sleep reduces base rate metabolism
> Specific GMOs have been shown to create inflammation or slow metabolism, specifically GMO wheat products
> Substances that are "Carbohydrates" in nature like Maltodextrin are in literally everything and have a 2x glycemic index of Sugar, yet are not required to be disclosed in quantity per FDA guidelines
> Sun exposure, cold exposure, etc help with metabolism, circadian rhythm, and other natural biological processes that have been screwed by our newfound "comfort" era
> Personal Pet Theory: Ancestral based eating is important. I notice those who thrive most are those who eat what their ancestors ate. Likely evolutionary advantages based on survival, or in higher quality of life cultures, evolutionarily evolved to eat a certain diet. Eating outside of this diet introduces Inflammation, stress on the body, allergies, etc.

>> No.18131995

Also forgot to add
>Soil quality is degrading worldwide. Less nutrient dense foods, etc
> People over-focus on Calories and not Nutritional Quality, aka Nutrients in the food. High Calorie low Nutrient diets are an American staple especially

>> No.18132144
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I have lost over 4 full inches off my waistline all thanks to removing processed (hyper processed) foods from my diet. I can now see my abs every morning from only working out until collapse 1 day then resting 3 days & repeating, this has changed my life fundamentally and I now despise unnatural food stuffs like you would not believe. I have discovered, tested and realized that the neurotoxins in insecticides reduce brain activity and the starch + sugars (even natural sugars) enhance fat production. After almost 3 years of refining my research I find the best foods to eat are listed thusly..
Eggs (farm fresh)
Wild/Organic vegetables.
Steak (2-3 times a week from local butcher)
Fish (1-2 Times a week, chiefly salmon, sole, cod & snapper)
Fruit/Veg with a non absorbic layer/shell (onions, pineapple, coconut, cantaloupe, honeydew, etc)
Unpasteurized/ Non heated honey.

I refuse to eat chicken and pork, they are pumped full of chemicals and cows seem to mitigate it best probably from have 4 stomachs.

Hope this helps as a guideline, i know how hard it can be to quit the modern processed food s can be but if you go slow at your own pace over the span of two years, you can do it if my previously fat ass could.

TLDR: Processed/Unnatural foods are the enemy of biology, Sugar+starch = Fat production.

Genetically speaking I am an ethnic Celtic person, I believe that ethnicity plays a major factor in all of this.

Pro Tip: Learn to cook using natural ingredients only and NEVER eat out unless with company or on special occasion/celebration.
Dont be lazy. Dont Eat food out of a can or a box as a rule.

>> No.18132152

>fast for 5 days
>make beef stew
>think it tastes pretty good
>eat a cheeto
>brain: cheetos are the best thing ever, eat as many of them as you can as quickly as you can
that was really weird, it was almost a bit of an effort to decide to not eat them after that

for some reason i started craving lots of onions with everything after that fast though

>> No.18132163
File: 36 KB, 220x220, 07224b94-e099-4c79-891f-80aaa26faec1.__CR0,0,220,220_PT0_SX220_V1___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe high cholesterol is bad because my doctor told me so

You seem to believe high cholesterol is fine because the test is not measuring it directly

>> No.18132253

Your doctor is just repeating what he was told in medical school, he has no opinion of his own nor does he even realise that what he's testing isn't actually cholesterol in the first place. Here's how the most common heart attacks happen:

1) High blood sugar and unstable fat molecules damage the little "keycard" protein inside a lipoprotein
2) Because its keycard is damaged it can no longer return to the liver
3) After a while of sitting around, your immune system recognises it as a problem, wherein a macrophage eats the entire lipoprotein
4) Any fat and cholesterol that was still in the lipoprotein is now inside the macrophage, turning it into what's known as a foam cell
5) These foam cells then get embedded in the walls of your arteries through the blood vessels on the outside of them
6) After enough foam cells build up in one place, they cause a blockage

And there's your heart attack. The root cause was not the cholesterol or the fat, but the high blood sugar and unstable fat that caused the damage to the keycard that prevented the lipoprotein from doing its job.

Your doctor couldn't care less about your health.

>> No.18132270

Idk I like my gym, working out takes like 1 hour every 2 days and sometimes you see some hot fit girls what is not to like.

>> No.18132300

Yeah, I am going to go with my doctor and the general established industry of blood tests
I am not buying into any conspiracy ideas about western medicine
Its not perfect I am sure , but its more credible than 4chan or youtube

Thanks for sharing though

>> No.18132367

>but it will increase your muscular mass which is also good
which increases your BMR

>> No.18133069

People being lazy cunts who don’t want to exercise and trying to find dietary shortcuts to skip the Calories Out part of Calories In.
Motherfucker, do you know how much people moved in the past? My dad used to have to get the water from the well as a kid because his little Yugoslav village didn’t have plumbing. An 8 year old fetching buckets of water tends to be thinner and fitter than 8 year olds sitting on their arses watching tiktok on mummy’s tablet.

>> No.18133128

GMO wheat is not really a thing yet; exactly one strain (Bioceres HB4) has gotten government approval for commerical use (Argentina approved it in 2020, and Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, & Nigeria have approved it for import), but commerical production of that strain has not actually started yet.

>> No.18133134

>do you know how much people moved in the past?
Physical exertion does not burn nearly as many calories as you think it does
Your Yugo dad ate less as well

>> No.18133198

here's a list
>No refined sugars
>No processed foods
>No sneed oils(
In fact I love low carbs diets more than casual foods
They force you to eat more proteins(meat, eggs, organ) and healthy fats(lard, tallow, cheese, MCT, olive oil).

>> No.18133283

But it does keep your body running smoothly.

>> No.18133301

Eat a pound of bread and a pound of fat and tell me how full you feel after each

>> No.18133307
File: 59 KB, 1200x900, keto-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan looks better, simple, and cheaper

>> No.18133373

you'd be amazed how much weight would literally shave off if you exercized at least 30 minutes a day and cut your meal intake by half

>> No.18133397

This and booze for me

>> No.18133411

I lost 30 pounds literally just by eating less. I would eat around 300 calories for breakfast, skip lunch, and then have 1000-1200 calories for dinner. Once I started slimming down, the midday hunger was getting too unbearable so I reintroduced a small lunch to my diet but I was still eating a bit under 2000 calories per day.

>> No.18133427

>lack of exercise
If the Republicans die or are hung for treason, average citizens’ health will improve 58%

>> No.18133441

could it be a caloric excess?

>> No.18133486

where do you think you are?
people here will stop eating even homemade bread before considering calories

>> No.18133498

Do you exercise at all? Also how many carbs do you eat? I noticed you mentioned eating potatoes before, this could be a problem.

Carbs themselves are fine, but they increase your blood sugar quite a lot. If you don't exercise you should basically eat none at all or the extra energy will be stored in fat cells.

My guess is that you are genetically predisposed to obesity, eat too much and don't exercise.

It is possible you have just become used to eating too much, in that case fast for a couple of days (2-3) very often (once a month or so), this helps your body recalibrate very well. Humans can survive 30 days without food as I'm sure you know.

Some general advice which I assume you have already read based on what you wrote, but just in case here it is again:
>No processed oils (palm oil, olive oil, butter, etc. are fine)
>No sugar
>No carbs (avoid grains and potatoes for example)
>Lots of fat
>Lots of protein
And most importantly:
>EXERCISE. Like a lot. If you exercise enough (5+ days a week) you can literally eat anything without weight issues. Start doing burpees, sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, squats, etc. Whatever you can, just make sure you are as exhausted as humanly possible.

Again, if you don't exercise, don't expect to lose weight at all.

>> No.18133506

you don't need to be exhausted at all, just cut calories and maybe take a 30 minute walk
stop trying to demotivate people by making it sound hard

>> No.18133552

>30 minute walk
If you are fine with skinny-fat bugman physique and don't eat much then sure, that is enough exercise.

>stop trying to demotivate people
Stop deceiving yourself.

>making it sound hard
Exercise doesn't have to be hard, but "hard" exercise gets a lot easier when you have actually done it. And it definitely helps.

A 3.2km run at 13kph is quite exhausting. It will burn about 240 calories. A can of Coke is 250 calories. A 30 minute walk compared to this is a fucking joke and terrible advice for someone trying to lose weight.

>> No.18133566

A genuine fatass isn't going to keep up running every day. A 30 minute walk is sustainable exercise to go along with and motivate the calorie cutting. It's pretty much pure psychological benefit, and heavy exercise ain't shit unless you're already fit and training for something.

>> No.18133658

>'willpower' is a resource with a finite supply, you can't infinitely exercise willpower any more than you can sprint forever. There's genetic variation in this trait and while it can be trained and increased like any other muscle, there are finite limits on this. So basically, if you tempt anyone frequently enough with something they want to have but know they shouldn't have, they will eventually cave and give in to the urge. People's average inbuilt supply of 'will'/resolve/executive function hasn't changed meaningfully in the last few hundred years, but the number/frequency/intensity of hyperpalatable food temptations has exploded. It should be expected that people attempting to not overeat will, on average, be tempted to the point of failure more often in today's environment relative to, say, the 1800s, or even the 1980s. Thus more people overeat and more become fat. The macronutrient content is basically irrelevant, except inasmuch as certain macro ratios contribute to hyperpalatability.

used to be 80lbs overweight for over a decade, am down to 20lbs overweight and still chugging downward. sad to say but what changed was simultaneously hitting my mid 30s and reaching a weight where it seemed like multiple systems were starting to fail simultaneously (joints going to fuck, getting fat folds so persistent they were getting diaper rash, fupa so heavy it was cutting off blood flow to my dick, etc). so what ultimately convinced me to get extra serious and lose weight or die trying was a kind of pathetic combination of terminal disgust mixed with mortal fear for my life.

intermittent fasts/OMAD, black coffee and fast casual food (because I can't cook for shit and need something explosively tasty at day end to motivate/reward myself - pathetic, but it's what was needed) were instrumental in helping me get started, I added semaglutide in month 2 which has helped keep the momentum up.

>> No.18133668

Its a combination of overeating, not moving as much as in ye olden days and the amount of processed foods the average person nowadays eats.

Carbs are literally not the problem, check out pictures of how people in the 1800s etc. lived, check out their pantries.
They are LOADED with carbs (flour mainly) but the difference here is they make their own food and don't just buy it ready in a can which needs a thousand different extra things to make it longer lasting.
Also theres sugar and other flavour enhancers in almost any processed food because they want you to keep buying it.

Eat less, move more, actually make your own food, its not rocket science

>> No.18133678

That's a fair point. If you are starting off it is better to ease into exercise because you will progress pretty much inevitably into what is suitable for you. The psychological effect was pretty significant for myself too.
When I started exercising I only used basic machines for literally 20 minutes for 1 day a week, now I train 4-6 days a week for 2h, plus 1 hour of running on 3 mornings of the week.

That being said, I only started making significant progress when I started training hard. To each his own I guess, but getting started is the most important part.

I used to be extremely skinny, but noticed that I didn't start gaining weight until I started exercising no matter how much I ate. Similar thing for ex-fat people I know. This is why I believe exercise is the most important part of weight management and recommend it so much.

>> No.18133685

>They have either better self control
appetite, love of food, and craving food all run on a spectrum between compulsion/obsession and complete disinterest, and they all have both an inbuilt genetic component and environmental component. There are people who are simply disinterested in food and frequently forget to eat or force themselves to eat because they never want to. They most certainly do not need to exercise the same quantity of willpower that someone who has thoughts of food, eating, gorging, etc constantly running through their mind unbidden has to.

>> No.18133719

She did. I remember when the program was first implemented, kids would just ditch the dogshit dry crap they served and buy whatever junk food they could get their hands on. Not sure if they fixed it since I graduated, but I'd assume it's still the same.

>> No.18133800

Anon! I suggest you go to >>>/fit/67654412 and >>>/fit/67656766
Just lurk and read the sticky, we have anon from all across the board. I suggest you to search more about fasting, keto(low-carb), and work-out for obese people. also those two generals is full of positivity but we do have one or two schizos.
Also watch this short videos

>> No.18133811

I honestly think that every person ever who follows one of these meme diets is a fucking retard and needs to re-think his approach to food.
The minute you stop your diet you WILL fall back into your old food habits and you will gain most - if not all - of your weight back. If you don't want to do some retarded fasting shit for the rest of your life stop being an absolute buffoon and change your eating habits for good, not just as a diet fad to reach a certain weight goal.

I accept the necessity of certain diets for bodybuilders but this isn't what OP is.

>> No.18133826

I do fasting around 22%b body fat while change my diet habits.
Used to do 7days fasting but it's no longer possible my body fat is around 14-16% now and it's hard for me to do it now.
Now omad or twomad are enough for me to keep my weight stable, my diet has completely change

>> No.18133831

The fact that you aren't simply doing a diet but also working on changing your eating habits is proof that you have already put way more thought into your weight loss journey than 99% of people who will just follow a diet to reach their weight goal

I think your approach is a good one and if thats what the /fit/ threads are about I withdraw my earlier comment, I just skimmed them.

>> No.18133842

I wish you luck, hopefully WAGMI

>> No.18133918

>experts in their field
If you had any degree, you would know first-hand that 95% of the "experts" in any field are full of shit. It's actually astounding how many people get to the position of being called an "expert" who have a narrower understand of the facts than the average high-schooler (I know /ck/ is dumber than this, but not by much).
Maybe zoomers are finally getting dumb enough to make what I say wrong, but I doubt it.

>> No.18133929

>live on an island
second hand weights here go for more than new weights overseas. It is suffering.
A lot of the machines offer really good ways to prepare your muscles for lifting though. The average normies should NOT pick up a barbell or dumbells. They do not have the core strength required, because they sit down for 16 hours a day.
They should go to a gym, get a free routine and 1 pt session, learn how to use all the machines, and grind for a few months first.

>> No.18133936

anon, a 200 calories deficit/surplus is basically a kilogram every two months. It takes time to gain weight, just like it takes time to get fat. That's how so many people get fat without knowing it.

>> No.18134144

a sedentary lifestyle coupled with a caloric surplus.
literally stop eating so much and get up and do something active.

>> No.18134383

Because of changing material conditions. Mechanization. We produce and eat more food and do much less physically demanding labor. It's not like pre-modern people had to go through scientifically planned exercise routines. They just labored. It's not as if they had to eat a scientifically planned diet. They just ate what was at hand. Really the change was inevitable. Human endeavor is self destructive, vexation and striving after wind. The only way to not be fat is to, 1) have a great metabolism by nature, 2) exercise exceptional self control. You don't have 1, so you must do 2. That, or you could get a labor intensive job. Build your lifestyle around your physical health. Work so that you might eat.

>> No.18134396

Forgot to add technology changing the nature of recreation. You can now go on grand adventures in the comfort of your own home.

>> No.18134470


>> No.18134480
File: 7 KB, 259x194, forward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you exercise enough (5+ days a week) you can literally eat anything without weight issues.
This is false
I have a buddy that cycles 50 miles at a training pace and is able to place very high in century races , He is getting in 300 miles a week usually
He for sure has to watch his diet and is still overweigh
Literally a fat guy in spandex who is fast as fuck on a bike

>> No.18134491
File: 113 KB, 1280x960, 1634823707977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of information in this thread that covers what I'm going to say but here's a summary of the most important factors I've found are important to nutrition. T. PhD, have lost 30+ lbs in a controlled manner.

1. Portions (Macros): Would you serve the same diet to an athlete and someone stuck in a hospital bed? No, unsurprisingly diets should conform to the energy needs of a persons lifestyle. The "typical" American diet is not made for someone who is sedentary.

2. Exercise: Goes with the first point. Top level athletes expend an enormous amount of energy and must eat to keep up. Food = Energy. Calories are a measure of energy expenditure. You can certainly lose weight without exercise, but it often requires significant dietary tuning.

3. Food composition: Choosing the right foods is also very important. Many important components are often lost in highly processed food. White bread will have far less fiber compared to say brown rice (Meaning it will take more bread to keep you full). Other components such as highly processed sugars (Fructose corn syrup) and trans fats can have significant hormonal effects that further impact diet.

4. Vitamins/supplements: Critical for survival, but in our modern day not as important as advertised. If you eat a varied diet you will generally get most of the vitamins you need. Keep it simple and just take a 1 a day daily multivitamin and most will be covered.

5. Additives / Preservatives: The trend here is that highly processed foods are bad. While many additives and preservatives have no noticable short term effect the accumulation of these components can cause disaster in the long run. Look into Trans-Fats or aspartame for examples.

Conclusion: Nutrition is not a checkbox that you hit once you're full. A diet needs to be tailored to the individual and how much energy they use. Keep it simple, cook vegetables, lean meats and complex carbs and the rest will sort itself out. Hope this helps!

>> No.18134546

The 4chan one genuinely looks healthier. The only reason carbs were pushed so hard is because they're cheap to mass produce for welfare queens.

>> No.18134557

You do not know your caloric outgoings. Just like a car engine, your metabolism can both use fuel extremely efficiently, or extremely inefficiently based on how you're using the engine.

>> No.18134577

Canned beans aren’t good?

>> No.18134596

And that's why you have to adjust your eating depending on your personal calorie usage.
t. different

>> No.18134610

Just eat things that increase basal metabolic rate. You can literally burn more calories without doing anything, like revving your car engine while sat at the lights.

Oh wait last time I linked a bunch of papers demonstrating that macronutrient choice can alter basal metabolic rate I got called a schizo or something to do with keto.

>> No.18134630

>Half the people say dont eat fatty food
nobody with a brain still says this
but it boils down to energy in vs energy out - you could get fat from eating too much of basically anything
you'd have a hard time getting fat off broccoli though
just eat less and move more

>> No.18134649

Just stop eating retards. I'm on day 3 of a 11 day fast and it's as eans8mvsy as ever. Just stop eating.

>> No.18134910

>This is like saying "Stop being poor"
that is also good advice

>> No.18134958

Haha wow you're defending your ADD diabetes of a lunch over healthy school lunches? In a food health thread of all the places? You ameribros are hilarious.

>> No.18136078


Most people who have a healthy BF% in their teens and early twenties that become fat later in life have crashed their hormonal profiles.

A combination of sleep quality, poor stress management, mental health issues, substance abuse, medication, sedentary lifestyle and diet will tank anyone's body. Saying "it's just calories in, calories out" isn't wrong but there's more to it.

The easiest most effective way to fix someone's weight IMO would be to fix their hormones ie. find a way to get more/better sleep, IF, more sunlight, less carbs, low impact cardio.

>> No.18136373

Its as meaningless as saying "it is what is is" or "its only worth what someone is willing to pay "Youve said nothing

>> No.18136390

>grain/wholemeal bread is 50% more filling-feeling than white bread
I see no reason to believe this chart from that alone.

>> No.18136410

You should listen to him. What you're choosing to believe is literally the 3rd or 4th goalpost your doctor has moved too. First your doctor thought fat was bad. Then he thought oh it's not fat that's bad, it's cholesterol. Then he thought oh it's not cholesterol that's bad it's LDL cholesterol that's bad. Now he thinks oh it's not LDL cholesterol that's bad it's the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol that's bad. And all the while he has no understanding of the difference between dietary fat / cholesterol and non-dietary fat / cholesterol / LDL / HDL.

>> No.18137081

>What you're choosing to believe is literally the 3rd or 4th goalpost your doctor has moved too
You are absolutely terrible at navigating the modern world